A few of the fundamentals of Druidic magickal work are detailed here. All lessons here will prove to be quite invaluable. Druids studying magick should be accustomed to, trained and accomplished in all of the following lessons.
This exercise is best done if one possesses full functional knowledge of the heartbeat meditation and is adept in achieving a deep meditative state by means of this method. I will use the example of a tree here, but you can easily adapt this exercise to many other things—animals, plants, the ground, rocks, the wind...whatever works.
Go to a place outside where you can be at ease and will not be disturbed. For this lesson, find a tree you like and sit down alongside it, rather with part of your body touching the tree. Make still your mind and body, relax everything and clear your mind, breathe deeply, and practice your heartbeat meditation for a few minutes. Try to become in tune with the energy flows in your body. TAKE YOUR TIME! This exercise will not come easy at first and should not be forced nor rushed. When the time feels right, increase your awareness to all the specific energy flows within yourself. Feel them all individually and then as a whole, flowing in and out, feel their connection to one another. Contemplate on this as you continue to sense your heartbeat and personal energies.
Next, when you are ready, expand your awareness to the energy flows in the immediate area around your body. Become aware of the tree you sit against. Know that it too has a unique set of energies. While keeping in tune with your own energy, slowly try to sense the tree's numerous energy flows. Do not expect anything. Do not let your mind become clouded with what a tree "should" feel like. Simply relax, open yourself, and be receptive to whatever you might sense from the tree. If you are having difficulties or feel blocked then stop, calm yourself, and try again later. If you push too hard when you are not ready, you could block your sensing abilities until it becomes exceedingly difficult to be successful in this exercise. It will come eventually—some sooner than others.
There are ways in which one can determine whether you are succeeding or not. You may feel a pulse that is not your own heartbeat. This sensation can be very uncomfortable until you allow yourself to adjust to it. Don't panic or try to shut it out, it will make it much more difficult to sense anything the next attempt. You might also become more aware of the parts of a tree on an intuitive level; what roots feel like, how branches feel, the animals that live in the tree, what the wind moving the branches feels like, it could be anything. (I am purposely trying to be general so as not to influence you to expect to feel something that I specifically stated but rather to merely sense what YOU feel.) You may begin to experience "thoughts" or emotions that are not your own, but seem to suggest a tree's perspective on the world, or general tree philosophy or a sense of communing with the tree. You may feel nothing at the time and come away frustrated, only to have a significant dream later in which you receive spiritual union or empathy from the tree. Or afterwards you might be able to sense a tree's energies just by passing near it. Or you could experience various combinations of the feelings or communing detailed above, or something that is not even discussed here.
Of course, the more you practice this, the more you will hone your skills. This is the first step towards attaining a deeper understanding of the world around you, as well as beginning communication with various entities in Nature. As previously stated, this technique can be applied to many different things to sense energy flows and open communication. This exercise can also be used to sense the energy flows of a specific area or element.
A note of caution: as with many Druidic things, this contains an element of danger. Be careful in choosing your first tree (or whatever) to sense. There are plants, animals, and places that for various reasons have become tainted or corrupted, as well as beings and spirits that and been maltreated and do not take kindly to humans. If you make yourself receptive to one of these, you can experience anything from mild discomfort to intense injury. There are also beings and spirits that do not care to be responsive nor are open to any communication—if you have repeated failures attempting to work with a specific subject then it might be wise to try another, which might be more receptive and approachable. Once you begin to experience positive results with this task, any extended exposure to the new found awareness it brings could be euphoric and intoxicating, so please practice caution in your exercises.
Grounding as explained here in it’s most basic and fundamental definition, is the willed safe removal of energy from one object (in this case yourself) into something else. The importance of grounding cannot be overlooked as it is an extremely useful aid to remove negative energy, (thus serving to cleanse the body), or to get rid of excess energy, (thus keeping the body balanced). The best and most common place to ground into is the earth or ground, hence the namesake of the lesson. It is wise when grounding to seek and ask permission of any place or object that you will be grounding into in advance. This is particularly the case when grounding out negative energy. One sound basis to utilize the earth when grounding is because most often the earth will consent and accept your energy, negative or otherwise. The earth is a paramount filter for energy. Here is a case in point of the reasoning behind asking permission first: the particular part of earth you wish to ground into perhaps has already taken in a superfluous amount of negative energy in too short a timeframe for it to easily disperse and diffuse. It cannot take in any additional energy while it is filtering the extra energy it has already accepted. Also, a particular area might consist of very sensitive, delicate energy flows and excessive energy flowing into that particular area spot, whether positive or negative, might disrupt its natural balance. Although these paradigms are used to exemplify why it is a good idea to request approval, in all probability you will not encounter such cases and blessings will more than likely be readily granted.
There are numerous universal techniques for grounding. I shall attempt to illustrate some of the methods here, but if none of these work for you then feel free to come up with your own way to ground. First, I’ll detail the methods for the removal of negative energy, as most of the first few groundings will be used for this purpose. However, be mindful that these exercises can be readily modified to grounding out excess energy simply by means of shifting the focus of concentration (expelling surplus energy instead of negative energy).
The first method utilizes the hands as tools, since beginners tend to feel more comfortable using their hands in magick work and it often enhances visualization if one uses their hands. First, find a location (preferably outside) wherever you are most comfortable and at ease. This is best done with no interruptions, as with all exercises. Sit for a few moments and make yourself at ease, clear your mind, breathing in and out slowly and deeply. If you have been working on the Heartbeat Meditation, now would be a good time to make use of it. When you are ready, place your hands on the ground. See in your mind's eye all the adverse, unfavorable energies in your body. Then in your mind’s eye, gradually drive out the energies out of your body, through your hands, and into the ground. You may feel a sensation of heat or warmth in various parts of your body especially the hands, as the energies leave you and flow through your hands into the ground. You might even feel a colder than average sensation as well depending on the energies. If so, you are succeeding in grounding out this energy. It is likely that the energy will feel ‘heavy’, or otherwise negative. Continue to force the energy out until you feel that you have effectively removed all of the negative energy from your body. When you reach this point, remove your hands from the ground and leave. One may feel a bit lightheaded as this is in fact exuding energy, even though it’s is the rejection or expelling of such energy. Not to worry, this feeling will subside soon enough.
To further explain the above exercise—you must concentrate during the entire exercise on the removal of the negative energy. If your concentration is broken even in the slightest, the flow can slow or stop, and the energy that’s been pushed out may even reverse back into you. This is harder than it may seem. If you are not accustomed to concentrating for extended periods of time, it would be beneficial to allocate as much time as is necessary for your first grounding attempts. Every time you lose focus, you have to start from the beginning again. Another point I stress is leaving the area after you are done. The reason I suggest this is that the energy you left in the grounding area still has traces of you in it, and if given a choice, the energy will travel back to the place that resonates the closest to its pattern—you. Once you have gained experience in grounding, this will be easily controlled. However, for beginners it would be wise not to linger in the area after the grounding and give the earth time to filter your energy properly, while significantly reducing the possibility of the unwanted energy finding its way back into you.
Other methods of grounding are similar to the above lesson. Concentration is still required and the focus is the expulsion of unwanted energies. However, some people don't work well with the hands visualization. Some work better in a "tree of life" format—where you visualize roots extending from the base of your spine into the earth and feel the energy flow through those roots and into the earth. When you are finished, pull your roots back into your body and leave the area. Another option is imagining a simple channel or cord of energy extending from the base of your spine (or some other part of your body) into the earth and pushing the negative energy out along that conduit. When you are finished, you may either bring your channel back into yourself (as with the tree meditation), or you may sever the conduit and drop it into the ground as well (it will be filtered along with the other energies). I employ both of these methods depending on the type of energies I am working with at a given time. A final note on grounding: physical activities can also be used for grounding. Physical sports or activities and even Yoga, which involve exertion, can be used to ground if you focus on driving out the negative energy along with the physical energy you expend. The drawback to this is that the negative energy is expended into the surrounding area and other people around you could be affected by it. This is why unaccompanied activities are often best for grounding purposes.
Energy, in regards to the term discussed in this lesson, is the power source from which magick workings are derived. When working with magick, you use your will/concentration to focus energy and intent toward a specific goal. In Druidism, three basic types of energy are used (at least at the beginning levels). The first type of energy is the energy found within oneself. Up to this point, that is the energy we have been working with in the lessons. Your own energy is the easiest to work with, since it is the energy most familiar to you. The second type of energy is the energy that originates from the things or beings albeit physical or unseen that is around you. The third form of energy is that which emanate from a divine being such as a god or goddess.
In this lesson I will discuss the foundation for working with energy that originates outside of your physical body. You can draw energy from other people, animals, plants, trees, the earth, the air, and the many other things that surround you. Before we begin, a note on magickal ethics; Energy can be taken both with and without permission. You can choose to ask the nearby tree to share some of its energy with you, or you can choose to take it without that permission (if you are able). It is not my place to tell you which to do nor which is best; that is always an individual’s decision. I will say that the path of a Druid quite often requires working closely and harmoniously with your environment and the entities found within it. This is much easier to accomplish if you are on good terms with that environment. Therefore, it is always gracious and respectful to ask permission before the drawing of any energy, and be prepared to accept "no" for an answer. (The example I use here is thus: if your intent is pure, your need is determined to be sufficient and your request is respectful, you will almost never be refused; when you are, there is almost ALWAYS a good reason, such as that tree you wanted energy from is currently in the process of trying to heal an internal problem and needs all its spare energy to deal with the problem.) Often, those who take energies without first seeking consent find themselves at odds with their surroundings, and it will increasingly call for more effort and willpower on their part to stay "dominant" over their environment. Most Druids would see this as a rather impractical and inane waste of energy. One can usually attain a more desirable outcome at a fraction of the effort by merely being polite and considerate in your workings. But again, ultimately that decision is your own; as long as you are willing to accept the consequences of whatever actions you take, no one can deny you your right to choose your path. Be aware that they CAN in fact disagree with you though.
Let us define "drawing energy" as extracting energy from an outside source into yourself for use in a ritual, working, etc. This will inherently have more danger involved then simply using your own energy. You could draw in too quickly, and send your body into a kind of shock. You could tap into negative energy, or energy too powerful to handle at your present capabilities. You can be too inexperienced or not focused enough to work with a particular energy or energy source and lack the concentration to effectively succeed. So why not just use your own energy? Because your personal energy, though it is the easiest and safest to work with, is limited. You only have a certain amount of personal energy to use at any one time; trying to use more exhausts your body and spirit’s resources, which are slow to regain if you overextend your capability. By drawing in energy from sources outside of yourself, you are able to have more energy available to you and more diverse energies at your disposal to do whatever you wish to do. This also allows you to accomplish things you would not be able to if all you had to work with was personal energy. As in past lessons, this lesson builds on previous exercises. If you have not achieved proficiency in grounding, it is NOT recommended for one to attempt this lesson. The ability to ground out excess energy means you can practice drawing in energy, grounding it, drawing again, over and over so that you hone and improve upon your skill. Grounding is also a needed skill if you should happen to draw in energy that you can't handle; you can ground it out before it does lasting damage to you. There are several techniques and visualizations to use when drawing in energy. If you try one and it doesn't work for you, try another, since different things produce various results for different people. As always, if you are having difficulty or have any questions about this or any other lesson, please do hesitate to email me.
1. Everything around you possesses energy and generally has it’s own specific and unique energy patterns and flow; some people are able to draw energy in by simply visualizing energy pouring into them from all around them (or as if they are a vacuum sucking it in, or whatever image suits you best)
2. Many people prefer to use parts of their body as channels or conduits for energy flow; you could envision the ground as energy and draw it in through your feet (if standing) or spine (if sitting)...this technique might be confusing if you also use the earth to ground.
3. Many people like to place their receptive hand on an object and draw energy in through that. Definitions: most people have what can be referred to as a "dominant" hand and a "receptive" hand. The dominant hand is USUALLY better at sending out energy from the body, while the receptive hand is USUALLY better at drawing energy into the body. Also, the dominant hand USUALLY corresponds to the hand you write with (by now you should be getting the impression, correctly, that there are exceptions to all of these.) In addition, some people find that they can do either equally well with both hands. There is no one-way to determine which is your dominant and receptive hand. The easiest way is by practice; working with one hand at a time, sending out energy and drawing it in, and sensing which hand works better with which function.
4. Like the grounding exercise, where you could create a connection/channel/conduit between yourself and the ground, many people prefer to draw energy from a specific object or being, and establish a similar connection between themselves and that object, then draw energy into themselves through that channel.
5. Another visualization similar to a grounding technique is to imagine roots extending from yourself into the earth. However, to draw in energy, visualize your roots as drawing nourishing energy from the earth, much like tree roots draw water or in other instances branches of a tree drawing in light from the sun or air.
6. Physical activity can be used to raise energy. Dancing, chanting, invoking and evoking can be of use or fasting (going without food), or a vigil (going without sleep) can help some people to draw in energy and/or raise their own energy level. (NOTE: some people, for example those with low blood pressure, should NOT fast, and some people also shouldn't go without sleep; if you think you might be one of these people, find another way to draw energy.)
There are many methods; these are just a few for you to try and to help spark your creativity. Feel free to adapt or change these methods to properly suit you, or create a method of your own. If you are succeeding with your attempt to draw in energy, you will definitely know, as there will be a very present and tangible difference. Once again, the sensations are different for different people. People can feel energy as heat, coolness, tingling, pressure, itching, the sensation of pins and needles or numbness you get when your leg "falls asleep", smell, or even pain. As you are drawing in the energy, concentrate on drawing in only available energy, and concentrate on making that energy meld with your own. If energy is too different, and you do not make it resonate with your body's energy, then you won't be able to use the energy you draw. It might be a good idea to attempt to draw in only positive or neutral energy. Some people visualize a "filter" that they draw the energy through before it enters them; this may be too much to try at first, but might be a good exercise to use once you have achieved basic success with drawing energy.
A safety precaution you can take is to have a ground established in advance, before you attempt to draw in energy; thus if negative energy is drawn, or wild energy, or energy otherwise too much to handle, you can disperse and diffuse it through your ground before it damages you. When practicing the drawing of energy, make sure you have something to do with the energy, someplace to send it. Don't try to keep it in your body for too long; if you do, you'll start to notice your high-energy feeling turning into exhaustion. This is due to the fact that the body isn't designed to hold that much energy for lengths of time, and it will overload your body. If this does happen, make sure to eat a good meal and rest soon afterward. (Actually this is a good idea to do whenever you are finished with an exercise, ritual, or working; it helps center your self back in the physical and replenishes your body's resources faster.)
A good exercise to practice both the drawing energy and grounding skills is to draw in energy, ground it, draw more, ground that, and basically make your body a circuit. Do this only for a short time at first, so as not to overextend yourself, then increase the time and/or amount of energy you cycle through yourself. Make sure when you stop that you end with roughly the same amount of energy you had when you started; you will have a little less, because of the effort, but try to make sure you don't accidentally send out your own energy with the other energy. The ideal to achieve in this exercise is to be able to work with outside energy without depleting your internal energy.