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6 September 1997

        *Nicole slowly wakes up, opening her eyes she's momentarily disoriented at the unusual surroundings until she remembers where she is, rolling over she sees Kain still asleep and smiles slightly.  Her stomach grumbles and she turns back to look at the clock beside the bed, it's rather late in the morning, she groans in annoyance.  Kain sleeps on oblivious to Nicole's annoyance.*

Nicole: *Rolling over she prods Kain's shoulder* Da?

        *Kain mumbles something in Vampiric.*

Nicole: Da, wake-up. *She shakes his shoulder slightly*

Kain: *Eyes snap open* Wha-? *Looks a little confused then remembers why Nicole is there* Oh, morning.

Nicole: G'morning Da... late morning rather.

Kain: *Glowers* "Late morning" would be better replaced by "mid-afternoon". See you then *Looks hopeful he may get a lie in and closes his eyes again.*

Nicole: *Makes an annoyed noise* While that may be true, your grandson seems to disagree. *Nicole's stomach growls loudly*

Kain: *Kain looks at her and frowns* That doesn’t sound good.

Nicole: Considering it woke me.

Kain: *Frowns* I know you won’t drink from me again... even though it really wouldn’t cause me any lasting damage just make me tired today... Sethopher is indisposed and Lucius is AWOL...

Nicole: Yes, right on all accounts.

Kain: You need to feed... *Sighs* *Looks like he has an idea*

Nicole: Did you think of something?

Kain: Yes... Something that should last you all day... *Uses the whisper and looks at Nicole* breakfast should be here shortly.

        *Nicole looks at him curiously.*

Kain: *Smiles gently* Did you sleep well?

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, thanks.

        *There’s a knock at the door.*

Kain: *Calls out* Come in.

        *Door opens and Fiammetta places his head round the door.*

Fiammetta: Hello Kain... You said you needed a favour?

        *Nicole looks surprised.*

Kain: *Kain nods* Come in Fiammetta... Nicole here needs a blood meal, she refuses to feed from me today.

Fiammetta: *Nods* My blood is rather stronger than Kain's... should last you until tomorrow.

Kain: Giving me time to heal.

        *Nicole is speechless.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles and walks over to Nicole and sits on the bed beside her.* You look speechless.

        *Kain is smiling, mildly amused and Nicole just nods.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles and lets his wings fall behind him.* Mind me asking why?

Nicole: *Stuttering* You're... but... *She pulls her pillow over her head, pillow muffled muttering can be just barely heard* Brilliant Nicole, I feel like such a prat, world open a hole and swallow me up now please.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles at an amused Kain and mortified Nicole.  He lifts the pillow from her and shakes his head.* I am not something to be in awe over.

Nicole: *Looking embarrassed* I’m sorry, it's... it's just Tyrande told me all these stories and... and while I’ve heard stories about Kain... I knew him before that, so he's... he's just Da... but... *Trails off looking like she's internally berating herself again*

Fiammetta: *Nods* I understand...but to put it into perspective... Kain is more powerful than I am, I just happen to be older.

Kain: *Kain now turns embarrassed.* I am not more powerful than you are.

        *Nicole looks between the two of them curiously.*

Fiammetta: *Shakes his head* You are... you just never show your power... I see you have disguised your wings again.

        *Kain shrugs.*

Fiammetta: Nicole... I am a mere vampire. That is all.

Nicole: *Nods hesitantly* It's just... reconciling that with the way Tyrande talked... no one had seen you in millennia then.

Fiammetta: I know... Tyrande has a great respect for me... She has the same respect for Kain, although he sits there denying it and looking embarrassed by my words.

Kain: *Stands* I think I need a shower... *Walks to the en suite and closes the door as Fiammetta laughs lightly.*

Nicole: *Watches Kain leave and mutters* And he was laughing at me...

Fiammetta: Yes... Well, as you see, I seem to have that effect on people...

Nicole: *Blushes slightly* Yes well... um, so anyways....

Fiammetta: You're hungry, I know. *Pulls his hair away from his neck*

        *Nicole sits up still looking somewhat unsure of herself.*

Fiammetta: Whenever you're ready Nicole.

Nicole: I... *She nods and gets the self scolding look on her face once more, then leans in and bites.*

        *Fiammetta doesn’t move and lets her drink.  When she finishes, Nicole sits back against the headboard with a somewhat stunned/dazed look on her face.*

Fiammetta: *Smiles at her* You alright?

Nicole: Yeah... You weren't kidding when you said your blood was stronger... I feel like I have a buzz.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta grins and looks at her* Yes... My blood was what kept Uhma so strong; it's why she kept me as she did.

        *Nicole nods, the dazed look slowly abating, though not completely.*

Fiammetta: It'll calm down in a few moments...

        *Light knock at the door.*

Nicole: *Looks over towards the door and calls out* Come in.

        *The door opens and Lucius walks in gently and looks at Nicole and Fiammetta.*

Lucius: *Quietly* Hello.

Nicole: Luce. *Pleasantly surprised*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles at Nicole* I better go... *Fiammetta apparates and Lucius looks rather scared and shifty.*

Lucius: Where's Kain?

Nicole: He's in the shower. *Worriedly* Where have you been Luce? Da tried to find you, but he lost track of you at the Leaky Cauldron.

Lucius: *Lucius closes his eyes and shakes his head* I had one too many fire whiskey's... then I went to a pub in Knockturn Alley.

Nicole: That's what I was afraid of... Which one Luce?

Lucius: The Dragon Heart... cheap drink... no questions asked...

        *Nicole nods.  Then the en-suite door opens and Kain walks out and sees Lucius.*

Kain: Lucius...

Lucius: Kain... Stay there... before you say anything and add two and two together, I’m sorry.

        *Nicole looks at Luce confused, then with dawning comprehension.*

Kain: *Kain furrows his eyebrows then looks at him pain in his eyes* *Whispers* Narcissa.

Lucius: *Lucius closes his eyes* She was at the pub...

Nicole: *Eyes widen* Um... perhaps I’d better leave and let you two sort this out. *Looks warily between the two.*

        *Lucius looks genuinely scared of Kain and Kain looks angry and hurt, both don’t answer.  Nicole gets up and moves towards the door.*

Kain: *Kain looks at Lucius* Lucius... I suggest you get out of my sight at the moment before I do something I regret.

        *Nicole pauses near the door watching them, biting her lip worriedly.*

Lucius: Kain... I’m sorry.

Kain: ...Go...

Lucius: Please...

Kain: ...Why? Why Lucius why?

Lucius: I don’t have any excuses...

Kain: Then give me a fucking reason! A genuine reason... - *stops mid rant* - go, I’m going to hit you if you don’t go, now go!

        *Lucius backs off and walks towards the door.  He leaves the room and stands in the hallway.*

Nicole: *Nicole looks back at Kain worriedly* Da?

        *Kain sits on the bed and looks very upset and betrayed.*

Nicole: *Bites her lip* Da, I’ll be right back, I promise, please don't do anything rash. *She steps out into the hallway shutting the door behind her and looks at Lucius incredulously.*

Lucius: I know, don’t say it. I’m a fool... what have I done?

Nicole: *Sighs* Luce, you were angry with him because he refused to open up to you, right?

Lucius: Yes.

Nicole: *Shaking her head* He and I had a long talk yesterday evening, he's been fearfully waiting for you to come back since then so that he could... afraid that now that he was finally ready to talk you wouldn't come back... and now this. Honestly Luce, have you no sense? Your ex-wife of all people, just about anyone probably would have been less hurtful.

Lucius: *choked up* I know... I didn’t plan on sleeping with her... or anyone... She... she was wondering how Draco was getting on. I was quite drunk, she found out I was having trouble with Kain and she invited me back as I didn’t have a bed for the night... it's the clichéd 'one thing led to another'.

Nicole: *Nods* I know, it happens... it's just, Luce, he's a mess, I’m worried about him, very worried. He slashed himself up when he got back from trying to find you... and there's some other stuff... I’m just really worried.

Lucius: *Lucius turns to look at her* He cut himself?

Nicole: Yes, at the least his hand, but I’m pretty sure he did some others as well... and this is by no means the first time.

Lucius: *Lucius closes his eyes* The glass as well... I need to talk to him...

Nicole: He doesn't deal well with negative emotions Luce, he wasn't raised to handle them, so he copes by causing himself physical pain. That's why it took him so long to be ready to open up...

        *Tears are stinging Lucius' eyes.*

Nicole: *Takes a step forward and hugs Lucius* You need to find a way to make up with him somehow, for both your sakes.

Lucius: *Whispers* I need him. I can’t live without him Nicole, I need him.

Nicole: *Whispered softly* He feels the same way, I can tell... That's why you need to find a way to work this out. You've both made mistakes, but it’s easy to see both of you are happiest when you're together.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I think if I go in there he'll kill me.

Nicole: *Bites her lip* I’ll go back in and talk to him first, I’ll leave the door ajar so you can hear, alright?

Lucius: *Nods* Okay...

Nicole: *Squeeses Lucius' hand* We'll work this out somehow Luce.

Lucius: We have to... *Looks towards the door and lets his empathic powers reach out* ... Nicole, I think he's cutting again.

Nicole: *Sighs* I was afraid of that. *She knocks lightly on the door and enters without waiting for a response*

        *Kain is sitting against the bed the knife in his hand, wrist bleeding with three parallel cuts, Kain is shuddering in pain and suppressed sobs.*

Nicole: *Nicole walks quickly over to the bed* *Sadly* Oh Da...

        *Kain doesn’t answer but covers his face with the arm that isn’t bleeding and gathers his knees up to cover himself.  Nicole takes the knife from his hand and uses it to help tear a strip from the edge of the bed sheet and tosses the knife across the room, she takes his wrist and begins wrapping the makeshift bandage around it.  Kain tries to pull his arm away but is in too much distress to put any real power in the movement.  Nicole holds his arm tightly and finishes wrapping the bandage and moves closer, wrapping her arms around him, holding him close.*

Kain: *Quietly* Why did he do it?

Nicole: *Softly* Because he was hurt and drunk off his arse, if it's any consolation at all, he didn't intend for it to happen.

Kain: *Looks up* But Narcissa of all people.

Nicole: I already told him the same thing... He didn't go looking for her, if that's what you're afraid of, she just happened to be at The Dragon Heart, she offered him a place to stay for the night, and one thing lead to the other...

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* Where is he now?

Nicole: Out in the hallway, waiting to find out if he's messed things up irreparably or not... He loves you Da, he screwed up royally, but he does love you.

Kain: I know... and I love him but... the feeling... I feel like he's kicked me in the groin... it hurts so much... betrayal... Uhma all over again, but it feels much worse this time round.

Nicole: *Whispers* Because you trusted him more than you did her. *Nicole smoothes a hand over his hair.* I hate to say it, but you've both screwed up a lot in this relationship, and you've come out stronger each time... I know what he did this time was inexcusable, but maybe you should give him another chance.

Kain: ...I will... I can’t be without him.

Nicole: *Small half smile* He said the same thing about you, you know.

Kain: Can you stay while we talk... at first, to make sure I don’t... get hasty?

Nicole: If that's what you want, of course I will Da.

Kain: Thank you...

Nicole: *looks up towards the door which is opened a crack and speaks in a normal tone* Luce, you can come in now.

Lucius: *Lucius opens the door and closes it behind him. He looks down at Kain and looks pained* *Whispers* Kain, god... I’m so sorry.

Kain: I know... *Looks up at Lucius who walks forward and sits in front of him and Nicole.*

        *Nicole sighs and rubs Kain's shoulder in a comforting manner, still hugging him one-armedly.  Lucius takes Kain's arm with the bandage on it and fingers the bandage as Kain again tries to pull away with more force than he used with Nicole but Lucius holds on.*

Lucius: I did this...

Kain: No, I think you'll find I did this.

Lucius: I’m sorry... I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry... please, believe me.

Kain: *Raises his hand to Lucius' face* I do... Lucius why did you do it? There must have been some reason other than just blind comfort.

Lucius: *Lucius looks at him* It was mainly blind comfort... but I’ve always known where I stood with Narcissa... You... you're my lover, my boss and my sire... you chop and change your relationship to me as it suits you.

Kain: ...*Frowns* Do I?

Lucius: Yes... and you keep information from me... things I need to know; my training for example, what does it involve? I have no idea... You treat me like a child sometimes...

Kain: I don’t mean to... I’m just trying to protect you...

Lucius: I don’t need protection... I need you to tell me... I need you to let me in.

Kain: *Kain nods * You need to stop drinking whiskey...

Lucius: I know...

Kain: ...This will take a while to fix... you've hurt me very badly.

Lucius: *Quietly* I know, I can feel it. *Lucius still has Kain's arm and looks at him* You need to stop cutting... causing yourself pain... it doesn’t help.

        *Nicole looks at Kain pointedly, Kain just looks at him.*

Lucius: ...And... you need to show me something you've never shown anyone.

Kain: *Quietly* What’s that?

Lucius: How powerful you really are...

Kain: Why?!

Lucius: You say I am as powerful as you are... fine... show me, tell me, warn me for fuck's sake... I’m terrified knowing I have all this power.

Kain: ...Why... *Dawning comprehension* because even I’m afraid to use it..?

Nicole: *Softly* If you're afraid to use it and you know how much power you have, think what it must be like for Luce, who doesn't have a clue how much he has.

Kain: *Kain looks at Lucius horrified* If... I didn’t know.

Lucius: I need to see, I need to know what to expect.

        *Kain nods.*

Lucius: I realise... I realise I’ve done wrong, been stupid, hurt you... I’m sorry...

Kain: ...So have I... we really are a pair aren’t we?

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* I believe that's what I’ve been muttering all morning.

Lucius: *Lucius looks at Kain* Can you ever forgive me?

Kain: Yes, of course I can. It'll take time... Can you forgive me for being so ignorant?

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I think I can just about manage... *Kain sighs and is helped up by Lucius who looks at his wrist then looks at him.* You've got a lot more cuts than you're making out haven’t you?

Kain: *Kain leans his head on Lucius' shoulder and looks at Nicole* Thank you Nicole...

Nicole: *Uses the bed to get up* You're welcome Da... I should go and leave you two alone now *Half smile* seeing as I don't think I need to worry about either of you killing the other at this point.

Lucius: *Lucius frowns and looks at Nicole* Nicole... can you get your potions bag? *Kain looks about to protest but for once holds his tongue*

Nicole: Yeah, give me a moment. *Nicole leaves the room, returning a few minutes later bag in hand.*

Lucius: *Lucius helps Kain onto the bed and starts to unbutton his shirt to show some cuts on his stomach.  Lucius kisses Kain gently and lovingly.* Love, what have you done to yourself?

Kain: *Kain sighs* I... I did go a little overboard last night and today didn’t I?

        *Lucius takes Kain’s shirt and places it on the side of the bed.*

Nicole: *Walks over to the bed and sits on the edge by Kain* To say the least.

Kain: ...There's more.

Lucius: *Lucius sighs* Your legs?

        *Kain nods.*

Nicole: *Voice fond, sad and exasperated all mixed together* Oh Da, whatever am I going to do with you? *Starts getting jars and other things from her bag*

Lucius: *Kain frowns and Lucius looks at him* You wearing underwear? *Kain nods and Lucius takes Kain’s trousers off and also discards them.  There are six cuts on each of his thighs they're caked in blood.*

Nicole: *Sharp intake of breath* Gods Da, you are a mess.

Kain: *Kain closes his eyes and Lucius pulls him close and strokes his hair*

Nicole: *Holds out a hand* Accio bowl. *A fair-sized blue bowl comes flying through the doorway after a moment and lands in her hand.* Let me fill this with some water and we'll get those cuts cleaned up. *Stands and walks into the bathroom.*

        *Lucius maneuvers Kain so he's lying against him, Kain's breathing is rather stilted.*

Nicole: *Nicole comes out of the bathroom with the bowl full of lightly steaming water and pours a potion in it* I’ll start with the one's on you're stomach, they're not as bad. *Picks up a couple of rags and sits back down next to Kain.*

        *Kain nods as Lucius smoothes back his hair.*

Nicole: *She folds one of the cloths and dips it in the water then begins lightly washing the cuts.* These ones aren't too bad *Glances briefly towards Kain's legs* but gods Da, you really did a number on your legs.

Kain: *Kain sighs* The years have taught me that no one ever sees the ones on my legs, so... *Looks down and winces slightly at the marks* Well...

Nicole: *Nods in understanding and sets aside the damp cloth for a dry one and dries off Kain's stomach.* The less likely to be seen they worse they are, familiar pattern.

Kain: Yes... It's been a while since the marks have been so bad though...

Nicole: *Sets aside her cloth and picks up a jar of salve and begins applying it to Kain's stomach, trying to be gentle.* These ones on your stomach should be gone by tomorrow, not even a mark left... but the ones on your legs, they might scar, it'll depend how much damage you did, it's hard to tell until I get them cleaned.

Kain: *Kain swallows hard* They're pretty bad... they'll scar, but even those will eventually disappear... if my scars didn’t disappear I’d be marred beyond recognition by wars and my own hand.

Nicole: *Sets the jar of salve aside, the cuts on Kain's stomach already noticeably improved.* Well that's about it for these.

Kain: Feels better...

Nicole: Compared to the other marks you've made those were mere scratches, I’m going to want to take a look at your hand and wrist when I’m done with your legs. *Nicole picks her bowl back up and moves down a little on the bed towards Kain's legs.* You never did give me a chance to check your hand last night... and did you ever get the mirror shards from your arm?

Kain: *Kain doesn’t look at her* No... I didn’t.

Nicole: *Begins delicately washing the marks on one leg.* Then I’ll take care of those as well.

Kain: Okay...

        *Lucius is still running his hands through Kain's hair.*

Lucius: Is Draco alright Nicole?

Nicole: *Still cleaning the marks* I talked with him like I promised Luce, he should be fine, the pregnancy is just hard on him. He's promised to take my orders when it comes to his health, and I have him on partial bed rest. If he can rest and keep his stress levels down it should help some, *Looks up* so while showing him you care is fine, try not to pester him too much, ok?

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I think I have my own things to stress about at the moment... *He looks down at Kain.*

Kain: I’m not something to stress over.

        *Nicole raises an eyebrow at Kain then bends her head back down focusing on the marks that are slowly coming clean of the blood, the water in the bowl turning red.*

Lucius: ...Yes you are.

Kain: No... It's me that should be doing the bloody stressing.

Lucius: *Quietly* You can’t always be the strong one. Not all the time. Even you have your limits.

        *Kain snorts.*

Nicole: *Without looking up Nicole speaks quietly* Da, I think you've already done enough "bloody stressing" for a while.

Lucius: *Kain closes his eyes and Lucius runs a hand down his face in a comforting manner* She has a point.

Kain: What other option is there?

Lucius: I don’t know, good old fashioned talking? I know I’m not exactly one for 'touchy feely'... but I do talk to some people about my problems... Draco, you and Nicole... it helps alleviate the stress and lets me deal with the problem.

Nicole: Like I said last night Da, you don't need to go around with your heart on your sleeve, but you can't keep everything bottled up inside, that's not a solution. *Frowns at the depth of the leg cuts as she's managing to get most of the blood off.*

Kain: ...I don’t like that look Nicole... what's the damage?

Nicole: They're all deep... if you were a muggle they'd have to be stitched, it's no wonder they were so caked with blood... but two of them are worse than the others, you got down to the muscle, they're gonna take longer to heal.

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes... I knew they were deep...

Lucius: Why did you do them so deep?

Kain: ...Because I couldn’t find you.

Lucius: Oh Kain...

Nicole: *Nicole finishes cleaning the wounds and pats them softly with the dry cloth.* The salve isn't going to be enough on these. *Leaving the cloth to cover the clean wounds, she searches in her bag and pulls out a small bottle of potion and some bandaging* You're going to have to leave them bandaged for at least a day or 2, till they're mostly healed... if I could use a spell on them they would heal faster, but they're deep enough that the amount of magic I would probably need to use would be quite painful because you're a vampire.

Kain: ...They're that bad?

Nicole: You actually cut muscle on the two deepest, using wizarding wand magic on anything more than a skin level wound on a vampire would be... less then comfortable... You don't want a repeat of the magical healing the paladin gave you that you told me about, do you?

Kain: *Kain looks terrified* No thank you.

Nicole: *Nods* Then you'll have to deal with bandages for a couple of days, this potion should heal them faster then the salve at least.

Kain: I can deal with bandages... definitely... *Shudders thinking about the situation with the paladin.*

        *Lucius frowns and takes his hand.*

Nicole: *Nicole opens the bottle* It's going to sting a little at first when I pour this in the cuts, but that should go away after a moment and it'll start dulling the pain of the cuts themselves, ok?

Kain: *Nods* Okay.

Nicole: *Begins carefully pouring the potion in the cuts, blotting away the extra* Almost done, just a few more.

        *Kain squeeses Lucius' hand who is looking worried about Kain.*

Nicole: *Finishes with the potion and sets the cloth aside picking up some of the bandaging* Luce can you help me for a minute, I need you to help support Da's legs while I wrap the bandages around them.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* Sure... *Moves from behind Kain and goes to sit beside Nicole* What should I do?

Nicole: *Nicole indicates one of Kain's legs* Put a hand behind his knee and another under his calf and raise his leg up enough so I can get the roll of gauze under his thigh. Try to keep it as straight as possible, bending or using the muscles until I get them bandaged will cause the cuts to start bleeding again.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* Okay... *Lucius moves Kain's leg, closest to Nicole into the position she asked* Like this?

Nicole: *Nicole nods* That's fine. *She firmly wraps the bandage around the cuts, when she’s done she checks to make sure it won't slip* There that's good, now the other leg.

        *Lucius rests Kain’s leg back down then lifts the other leg watching Kain who's expression is rather closed off.*

Nicole: *Nicole repeats the same process with the other leg, setting the remaining bandaging aside when she's done* There, that's everything from the waist down, do you want your trousers back or to get under the blankets Da? It's a bit cool in here to be dressed in so little.

Kain: *Kain sighs* I think it'll hurt less if I just go back under the covers...

        *Lucius moves round and helps Kain to settle himself under the covers and leans against Lucius and frowns.*

Nicole: *Stands and picks up her bowl* I need to get some fresh water before I start on your arms, I’ll just be a sec.

Kain: Okay...

        *Nicole walks back into the bathroom.  Lucius wraps an arm around Kain and keeps him held close.*

Nicole: *Nicole comes back in with clean water and pours some more potion in it before sitting back down.* Where do you want to start? Arm, wrist or hand? I would imagine what you did to you hand last night was the least harmful. *Hopefully*

Kain: *Kain sigh* Nicole... I don’t think there's much you can do for my hand... It just needs to heal...

Nicole: *Narrows her eyes and glances at the bandaged hand* How badly did you mangle it?

Kain: *Kain swallows hard* Nicole... you really can’t do anything...

Lucius: Kain...? What did you do?

Kain: *Sighs* I decided to impale my hand on the desk... *Winces* and I... I didn’t take the knife out of the desk when I extracted my hand from the knife... There's nothing you can do for it. Really.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath* I had been hoping you'd just stuck it there when you were done, not that. *Takes another deep breath and opens her eyes* Did you break anything when you did it? Or did you clear the bones? *Is searching through her bag*

Kain: Bones are fine... was between the bones and ligaments...

Nicole: *Pulls out a small blue bottle and opens it* I wasn't going to bother giving you this, but seeing as there's nothing else I can do for your hand, and it won't hurt any of your other injuries, here, it's a general healing potion, it'll speed the natural healing processes. Not a huge amount, but should cut down the healing time by at least a third.

Kain: *Kain takes it from Nicole and sighs*... *Drinks it* Nicole... what would I do without you?

Nicole: *Puts the empty bottle in her bag* End up either perpetually injured, never having finished healing one thing before you have a new one, or spending a dreadful amount of time with those banshees Sethopher hates to get healed by, I suppose.

Kain: *Kain nods* True...

Nicole: Wrist or arm next?

Kain: I don’t mind... whatever...

Nicole: *Takes Kain's right arm and begins undoing the makeshift bandage from his wrist* Sorry about the bed sheet by the way, it was the easiest thing to make a bandage from.

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* It's alright... I quite understand.

Nicole: *Tosses the ruined piece of sheet aside and cleans his wrist* You nicked some blood vessels that's why it bled so much, but they aren't that bad considering...

Kain: That’s good...

Lucius: *Runs an arm down Kain’s and holds his arm under the cuts on his wrist* *Whispers gently* I’m sorry...

        *Nicole picks the jar of salve back up and applies it to the cuts.*

Kain: *Frowns* So am I...

Nicole: *Softly* Luce can you move your hand a little further up his arm for a minute so I can wrap these up, I’d rather have them covered considering where they are, so they'll stay clean.

        *Lucius nods and moves his hand up Kain's arm gently rubbing soft circles in his arm.  Kain turns to look at him and sees the worry in his eyes.*

Kain: I’m alright Lucius.

        *Nicole silently wraps Kain's wrist, looking like she wants to disagree with Kain's statement but is refraining.*

Kain: *Kain sighs as he senses Nicole's disagreement* Alright... I’m not okay... but I will be.

Nicole: *Nicole gives both Kain and Lucius a considering look as she finishes with Kain's wrist* *softly* ...Yes, I think you will.

        *Lucius and Kain look at Nicole and both smile gently.*

Nicole: Now I think it's time I take a look at that arm, then I can leave you two to talk.

        *Both nod.*

Kain: Yes... we have a lot to discuss.

Lucius: Yes... we do.

Nicole: *Nicole shifts for a better angle and gently picks up Kain's left arm, unwrapping the bandage, careful not to jar his hand* How many pieces were in here, do you remember?

Kain: *Kain nods* Three... you'll see the wounds, one at my elbow and two further down in my forearm.

        *Nicole finishes removing the bandage and frowns at the inflamed skin.*

Kain: *Kain looks at the marks on his arm* They're not as bad as I thought...

Nicole: *Gives Kain a scolding look* It's bad enough you had to do it in the first place, but to leave them in there... *Sighs* The longer they're in there the more damage they can do. *Prods gently at the wounds to determine how far in the shards are*

Kain: *Yelps* Ow!

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* You're the one that put them there, you deal with it... *Moves her hand open palmed over one of the wounds* Now hold still, this is going to hurt, but it's the fastest way to get them out, and I would think you'd prefer that to me prodding around for a long while.

Kain: *Kain nods then mutters* Might have warned me before you prodded.

Nicole: Well I’m warning you this time, now hold still *Eyes focus on the first wound and whispers* Accio shard. *The mirror shard pulls from his arm and smacks into her palm, she sets it aside and repeats the process on the other two shards.*

        *Kain growls low in pain, holding onto Lucius' hand tightly.*

Nicole: *Nicole wipes her hand off on a cloth and picks up the bottle of potion she used on his legs* There, they're out, I’ll just pour some of this in, bandage it, and we'll be done. But you need to take it easy for the next day or so. *Looks more pointedly at Lucius for her next comment* And make sure he doesn't add to all this.

Lucius: I will... don’t worry.

Nicole: Same bit as last time, it'll sting a little, but it shouldn't be as bad since these are smaller than the cuts on your legs

Kain: *Kain nods* Okay... and I promise to take it easy.

Nicole: *Nods* Good. *Pours the potion in and after wiping his arm begins to bandage it.*

Kain: Thank you Nicole...

Nicole: *Finishes with the bandage and packs up all the supplies* You're welcome Da. *Looks sad* I just wish there hadn't been a need for it.

Lucius: *Soft but firm* There won’t be again...

Kain: *Looks at Lucius and sighs* We have a lot to work through... *Closes his eyes and leans into Lucius* But not right now...

        *Lucius seems surprised but merely holds Kain.*

Nicole: *Nicole looks at Lucius* He should probably sleep for a little while, he's lost a fair bit of blood in the last day and a half, and his insistence that I feed from him last night probably didn't help. Sleep will speed the healing.

Lucius: *Lucius nods as Kain starts to drift off.* He can feed a little from me when he wakes... *Looks at Nicole* Thank you.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* It's no problem. *Reaches out and brushes a lock of Kain's hair aside and kisses his cheek* *Quietly* He is my Da after all.

Lucius: *Lucius smiles then looks serious* I need help with my drinking... it's a real problem... I turn to drink to block out pain, he turns to pain... *Sighs*

Nicole: *Nods* He causes himself injury, you drink, neither are healthy coping mechanisms... You really are a pair you know.

Lucius: I know... we belong together though...

Nicole: *Small smile* I can tell... I’ll stop by the kitchen on my way downstairs to get changed and tell Arthas to lock up all the alcohol in the house, the less temptation there is the better. Looks like you get to join me in the world of pure sobriety.

Lucius: *Nods* Thank you Nicole... Where's that knife Kain used?

Nicole: I tossed it somewhere near the door, didn't really pay attention to where, I just wanted it away from him.

Lucius: *Nods* Can you take it with you... *Smoothes a now sound asleep Kain's hair*

Nicole: Yes, I think I’ll ask Arthas to dispose of that as well, I’d rather not have it around.

Lucius: *Lucius nods and looks sadly down at Kain* If only I hadn’t left yesterday...

Nicole: Luce, he's been doing this for a long time, at least since the time he and Uhma were together, it's not your fault, he needs to learn to cope with things differently.

Lucius: *Runs a hand gently down Kain's face* I know... but, I wouldn’t have... *Trails off looking angry with himself.*

Nicole: *Nicole reaches a hand out and sets it on Luce’s shoulder, squeesing lightly.* I know Luce... Now the two of you need to help each other learn to heal, it's not going to be easy, but in time it will come, and you'll both be the stronger for it.

Lucius: *Nods* Yes... I suppose at least this has made us both face our rather self destructive tendencies...

Nicole: *Scoffs slightly, but there's a small smile on her lips* To say the least... I should go now, I have those things to take care of with Arthas, and I need to get changed... By the way, in everything that's been going on I haven't even given it a thought, but do you know if Remus and Alex are still here, or did they leave with all that happened with Cal and Val... Harry's friends are leaving this morning.

Lucius: *Lucius looks at Nicole* Alex and Remus are still here... Remus has been keeping out of the way... He knows that the vampires may direct anger towards him... not on purpose... Alex is in mourning...

Nicole: *Nods* Both appropriate and understandable reactions. *Stands and picks up a cloth, looking for Kain's knife* Oh here it is. *Picks up the bloody knife with the cloth and wraps it up*

        *Lucius maneuvers himself and Kain so that Kain is spooned against him under the covers.*

Lucius: *Looks at Nicole* Are you going to check on Draco?

Nicole: Yeah, I’ll stop by his room after I’ve changed. *She walks back over to the bed and picks up her bag.* Take care of him Luce, I worry about him, *Wry smile* sometimes I think the parental roles get switched with us at times.

Lucius: Yes... *Runs a hand lovingly down Kain's cheek who sighs content in his sleep.* I worry about him too... *Looks back at Nicole* I also need to talk to him about my powers... I have more developing... especially with mind powers... *Sighs* But, that can wait.

Nicole: *Nods* If I don't see either of you again today I’ll stop by tomorrow morning to check, and I left the jar of salve on the side table, it wouldn't hurt for you to put some more on his stomach later, and the other cuts tomorrow.

Lucius: *Nods* I will, I’ll look after him... and he'll look after me, rather than him trying to carry the both of us all the time...

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I know you will Luce, as it should be. Now get some rest, and if you need anything don't hesitate to let me know. *Moves towards the door*

Lucius: *Nods* ...Nicole?

Nicole: *Turns back to look at Lucius* Yes Luce?

Lucius: I know you're not telling me everything about Draco... just, make sure he's alright... he's scared... I can feel it, even from here.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I’ll take care of him Luce, things were never going to be easy with this pregnancy, I won't let anything happen to him.

Lucius: *Closes his eyes again* That’s all I could hope for... thanks.

Nicole: Welcome. *Walks out the door and downstairs to the dinning hall.  Enters the dinning hall and walks directly over to the kitchen door and knocks*

Arthas: *Arthas opens the door* Oh, hello Nicole.

Nicole: Arthas, I have a couple favours to ask of you.

Arthas: *Smiles* Anything you need.

Nicole: *Holds out the small cloth bundle containing the knife.* If you could dispose of this, preferably destroy it, I’d be grateful.

Arthas: *Arthas takes the knife and looks at it sadly* Ah... Yes, I recognise this knife... *Wraps it back in the cloth* Anything else?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, please lock up all the alcohol in the house, and if Lucius asks for any neither you nor any of the other staff is to give it to him, understood?

Arthas: *Arthas nods* Yes... I understand... There's a lot happening today... first Alex wanting special candles made to the sun gods, Fiammetta wanting the training rooms open and prepared for something or other and now this... I shall hide all the alcohol, including Sethopher's stash of Illegal Grade Blood Wine.

Nicole: *Small smile at the blood wine reference* Hmm... Wonder what Fiammetta is up to... oh well, none of my business. Anyway, I appreciate your help... could you answer one last question for me?

Arthas: What’s that?

Nicole: Did Draco come and eat at all yet today?

Arthas: No, he didn’t. Harry was down with Hermione and Ron, they're out now in the grounds.

Nicole: *Nods* I’m going back to my rooms to change, but could you have a tray with some mint tea, toast and fruit prepared and ready for me to pick up in about 10 minutes?

Arthas: *Arthas nods* Sure.

Nicole: Thank you Arthas. *Heads to the door*

        *As she is about to exit she bumps into Fiammetta.*

Fiammetta: Hello Nicole... How is Kain and Lucius?

Nicole: Oh, hello. Kain and Luce are resting. Da took quite a bit of patching up, but he'll be alright in a couple of days... but he and Luce have a lot to work through.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta shakes his head at her words* I shall have to have words with Kain...

Nicole: Perhaps... He spends so much time looking after others sometimes he forgets he needs some looking after as well.

Fiammetta: Yes... He forgets also what his entire repertoire of powers is... he should be able to heal quicker than that. It should be a matter of hours, not days... he needs to learn to trust the power he has. *Sighs*

Arthas: *Arthas walks out and looks at Fiammetta* Here are the keys to the weapon store sir...

Fiammetta: Thank you Arthas...

        *Arthas goes back into the kitchen.*

Nicole: Arthas said you were using the training rooms today, any particular reason?

Fiammetta: They will be in use for some time now. Kain and I have a very powerful vampire to train.

Nicole: *Smiles* Luce will be happy to hear that, he's been trying to get Kain to help him understand his powers better for a while.

Fiammetta: Yes, his training is due to start... Vampires of his power are generally left for a few months to get used to being in their new skin as it were... I also have to train Kain... he has some issues we need to work through.

Nicole: *Nods* Good luck with that, Da is right stubborn at times.

Fiammetta: Yes I know... reminds me of myself. *Smiles gently* But time has tempered that from me.

Nicole: *Nods* Well I’ll leave you to what you need to do, I still have someone else to look after yet today.

Fiammetta: *Nods* Of course. See you later.

Nicole: Bye. *Walks out of the dinning hall and back to her rooms, she returns to the dinning hall a while later showered and in fresh clothes.*

Arthas: *Arthas comes out of the kitchen with a tray with tea, toast and fruit on like she asked.* Here you go Nicole.

Nicole: *Takes the tray* Thank you Arthas.

Arthas: My pleasure...

Nicole: *Nicole leaves the dinning hall and makes her way to Harry and Draco's room, balancing the tray against her hip she knocks lightly.*

        *There’s no answer.*

Nicole: *Nicole looks worried and opens the door, stepping in with the tray in hand.* Draco, babe, are you in here?

        *Draco is asleep in the bed, a book open and on his lap.  Nicole smiles softly and moves over to the bed, setting the tray on the bedside table, and picking up the book.  Draco sleeps on oblivious.*

Nicole: *Nicole sits in the edge of the bed and whispers* I hate to wake you but... *Rests a hand on Draco's shoulder.* Draco, babe, wake up.

Draco: *Draco stirs gently and looks blearily at Nicole.  He blinks to wake up.* Hey Nicole.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Hey babe, how are you feeling?

Draco: Better than when Harry woke me this morning... I was sick again, worse than I have been yet... My stomach is really sore.

Nicole: *Frowns slightly* You've been sick so much it hasn't really had a chance to recover... You could try some general nausea potion, but I doubt it would help much since it's not an illness.

Draco: *Sighs* I’m fed up with this... *Rubs his stomach tiredly*

Nicole: Do you think you might be able to keep something light down now? I brought tea, toast and some fruit.

Draco: *Looks over at the food* Yes... I’m quite hungry.

Nicole: Good, I haven't eaten yet either, so I thought we could have a bite together. *Splits the toast and fruit half and half on each plate and pours two cups of tea* Here you go.

Draco: Thanks... *Takes a sip of tea* I had a really strange dream.

Nicole: What was it about? *Begins eating and drinking*

Draco: Dad... it was really vivid, he was in Knockturn alley and, well, he met my mother there and went back with her to the Manor... *Snorts* As if that would happen. *Takes a bite of toast*

Nicole: *Nearly chokes on her sip of tea and looks at Draco incredulously as she coughs* You... what?!

Draco: *Looks at Nicole* What? *Looks rather confused*

Nicole: *Sets her tea aside* Um... Drake, that wasn't just a dream.

Draco: *Frowns and looks worried* What do you mean?

Nicole: *Looks pained* Your dad and Da had a fight yesterday... Luce ran off... the eventual result was what you dreamt...

Draco: *Gapes then scowls* Let me guess, he got drunk didn’t he?

Nicole: Quite.

Draco: *Sighs* ...Tell me that Kain and dad are still together.

Nicole: *Nods* They're together right now, resting... This morning has been rather trying, but they'll get through it.

Draco: Good... Dad... he needs Kain. I don’t think he's opened up to anyone as much as he has Kain. It'd kill him if they separated.

Nicole: The same goes for Da.

Draco: *Draco sighs* My dad's common sense leaves a lot to be desired.

Nicole: *Nods and makes a sound of agreement* Not that he has anything on Da, Kain may not have drinking problems but he has his own problems.

Draco: *Frowns and looks at Nicole questioningly* That can’t be good... *Sighs and takes a piece of toast.*

Nicole: *Picks at her fruit, not looking up from the plate, voice quiet.* No, it's not particularly

Draco: *Draco sighs* Do I want to know?

Nicole: *Shrugs* Just don't be surprised if you don't see Da around much for the next couple of days.

Draco: *Draco sighs and takes a bite of toast.* How are you feeling? The morning sickness still being held at bay?

Nicole: Yeah, as long as I make sure to feed often enough... Though I don't seem to be coping as well with late feedings... I hope that doesn't mean I’ll have to feed more often as the pregnancy continues.

Draco: *Draco takes a sip of tea* I’d rather that than my icky stomach.

Nicole: True... it's just... a rather awkward thing for me I guess...

Draco: *Draco nods* Harry was really worried about me this morning. I almost had to kick him out to go see Ron and Hermione.

Nicole: He loves you Drake, of course he's worried... I just wish there was something else I could do for you...

Draco: *Draco sighs* I wish there was something too... I’m tired, sore and I’m still quite scared. Not as bad as I was but... still.

Nicole: *Nods* I thought about giving you an energizing potion to help restore your energy levels, but since your powers are part of the problem I think it would sort of cancel itself out in the end.

Draco: Yeah... That dream is bothering me now... how the hell... *Shakes his head*

Nicole: I dunno... maybe something to do with your powers perhaps?

Draco: *Sighs* Probably... *Takes another sip of tea* I wish there was someone that I could talk to.

Nicole: Yeah... You don't think any of the other wardens could be of any help?

Draco: No... I asked... they said that Draconias kept her powers pretty much to herself... only Cenarius helped her or knew about her powers...

Nicole: *Sighs* I remember you mentioning that yesterday... oh well... It's too bad neither of them left a diary or anything like that behind for their heirs, explaining all this... Though with the amount of time that has passed it's hard to say if such a thing would have lasted till now anyway.

Draco: Yeah... I doubt that they thought they would have too... being immortal and all.

Nicole: *Nods* *Nibbles on her food* This is all so rather frustrating.

Draco: *Takes another bite and nods* Yeah.

Nicole: *Sighs* You said that a lot of the trouble is from you powers right?

Draco: Yeah, I mean, I’d still be sick but I wouldn’t be as sick or tired or sore.

Nicole: *Looks considering* If only there was a way to sort of... temporarily bind them or something so their power couldn't effect you as much... *Shakes her head* I have a basic understanding how to do that with wizarding powers, but not any idea with elvin, I don't know if it's possible.

Draco: I don’t know... suppose you could ask one of the Moon Elves...

Nicole: Yeah, I suppose maybe... Well until we have any better solutions I want you to just keep taking it as easy as possible ok?

Draco: *Sighs* Lucky me.

Nicole: I know it's annoying babe, but it's for the best at the moment.

Draco: Yeah... *Finishes the tea in his cup and takes a bite of fruit* I wonder when Harry will get back.

Nicole: Dunno, I was told he was out on the grounds with his friends before they were leaving about a half hour ago, they could still be out there for all I know... I don't know exactly when they're leaving, just that it was sometime this morning.

Draco: *Nods* He's been happy seeing them... *Settles down into his covers* hope he gets back soon, seeing as I can’t go out to find him...

Nicole: I suppose I could go looking for him for you, but I’m still not very familiar with the grounds outside, so I wouldn't know where to start looking.

Draco: Nah... it's alright... I’m sure he'll be back soon... *Frowns* I just realised, why aren’t you with Sethopher?

Nicole: *Her face gains a saddened, rather closed off look, voice flat.* He's not here.

Draco: *Quietly* Oh... sorry.

Nicole: *Shakes it head* It's alright, really... he'll be back in a few days... ... ...

Draco: Where... where is he?

Nicole: The Moonglades and Barrow Down... he follows the gods of the Moon Elves, he needed to go to... deal with things.

Draco: *Nods* Yeah... *Finishes his toast* ...How was he?

Nicole: Subdued... he was better yesterday than the day... it happened, but he wasn't himself, not really anyway.

Draco: *Nods* I hope he finds what he's looking for at Barrow Down...

Nicole: *Sighs* Me too... Syan said he'd be there waiting for Sethopher... I guess he helped him through a lot of it the last time he was like this.

Draco: Yeah... Harry's been rather subdued too... I think he's picking up on everyone's emotions. He was rather fitful in sleeping last night.

Nicole: *Nods* That's understandable, with all the mixed emotions running rampant through the house.

Draco: Yeah...

Nicole: *Looks somewhat subdued* I spent the night in Da's room last night, we were both tired and neither of us was particularly interested in being alone at the time... With your dad back I guess I’ll be back to my rooms again tonight.

Draco: *Draco looks at her* Yeah... I hate trying to sleep without Harry near... it's... not right. Like something's missing.

Nicole: *Nods* Exactly.

Draco: He'll be back before you know it...

Nicole: *Half smile* Yeah...

Draco: And he'll be happier for it...

Nicole: I know, I’m just being hormonal and clingy I suppose.

Draco: *Smiles slightly* Yes... I know the feeling, I know Harry is nearby but I still want him in here with me... *Sighs* I know I’m being pathetic but I can’t help it.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* No more than I am babe, and I think we're allowed to be a bit "pathetic" for a while.

Draco: *Draco finishes the fruit as well and leans into his pillows again* That was nice...

Nicole: *Sets their dishes aside on the tray* If you want to go back to sleep I’ll let you be.

Draco: I’m not, sleepy... I’m tired... you know what I mean?

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah, I understand that.

Draco: *Sighs* I wish Harry was here. Then he could suffer in kind.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Share the pain huh?

Draco: Yeah, that'll learn him, getting me pregnant.

Nicole: *Grins* It's not like he did it on purpose.

Draco: I know. I’m blaming him, I’m hormonal I’m allowed... just think I can use that excuse for a long time now.

Nicole: *Laughs* I already placed my disclaimer on what I say when in labor, Sethopher just laughed because he's been through it before. *Looks sad for a moment*

        *Draco takes Nicole's hand.*

Nicole: *Gives Draco a halfhearted smile* Thanks babe... it's just he's been through so much... life is so frustrating, he's lost so many people that are close to him... Alex is all he has left of his family now...

Draco: *Draco shakes his head* That’s not true, he has you now...

Nicole: Thanks Drake...

Draco: What for?

Nicole: For reminding me... I’m not used to being part of a family, I haven't had one most of my life.

Draco: *Smiles* Yes... well... you are his family now... you and your son... and Alex...

        *Nicole nods contemplatively.*

Harry: *The door opens gently and Harry walks in* Oh... you're awake... and, hey Nicole.

Nicole: *Looks over towards Harry* Hey, you're friends leave?

Harry: *Nods* Yeah, that’s them away... about an hour ago but, I went to see Kael... he's in the guest suite on floor three...

Nicole: *Quietly* How is he?

Harry: *He walks towards the bed and sits beside Draco* Not too great. He's been fasting... elvin custom... he's distraught. I had to go see him, I could feel his pain... *Sighs*

Nicole: *Nods* There is a lot of mourning going on, Arthas said Alex asked him for some candles, and Sethopher went to the moon elves...

Harry: *Harry nods and looks a little uncomfortable* Yeah...

Nicole: *Gives Harry a considering look* Is there something you're not telling us Harry?

Harry: *Harry sighs* No... it's just... I can feel certain things... from all different directions. There's really strong feelings from Kain and Luce... and I just feel pulled in so many different directions.

Nicole: *Nods* Understandable... Draco said you didn't sleep well last night.

Harry: Yeah... was mainly stuff from Kain's direction that was bothering me last night... *Looks at Nicole* I know what he was doing... *Sits back against the pillows and Draco leans head on his shoulder*

Nicole: *Grimaces* Da has been taken care of for the moment, and if Luce and I have anything to say about it there will be no repeats of last night or this morning.

Harry: *Nods* Yeah... he's messed up. He's been alone too long.

Nicole: *Nods* But it's not just that, this goes even back to when he was with Uhma... he just never learned how to deal with emotional pain properly.

Harry: *Nods* I know... Fiammetta is angry at Kain, I don’t know about what but he's angry.

Nicole: A few things actually.

Harry: Oh? *Draco closes his eyes as Harry puts an arm around him*

Nicole: Well there's the stuff from last night, but there's also the fact that Da refuses to trust his powers, constantly trying to hide them, and limiting how much he uses.

Harry: *Harry sighs* Yeah... that’s probably it... *Looks down at Draco* So how's your morning been?

Draco: *Quietly* Alright... I fell asleep again.

Nicole: His stomach has settled down some for the moment, we had a light breakfast and talked for a while.

Harry: *Harry smoothes Draco's hair* Good... I worry about you, you know.

Draco: I’m alright.

Harry: If you say so... *Kisses his forehead* So Nicole, what are you going to do today?

Nicole: Honestly I don't know... there was something I was thinking about looking into, but really I wouldn't know where to start researching it without talking to an elf first... Draco suggested I talk to one of the moon elves, but *Shrugs* Tyrande isn't around at the moment, and I don't know any of the others, so...

Harry: You could speak to Illidin... he's in the suite above this one...

Nicole: Oh? I didn't realise he was still here... This house is so big, it's easy to not notice people are here.

Harry: *Nods* Yeah, it's a huge house...

Nicole: Well, if you two would like some time alone, I’ll take the tray back to Arthas and perhaps go see Illidin.

Harry: *Harry smiles* Yeah... I’ll see you later then Nicole.

Draco: Thanks for breakfast Nicole... see you later.

Nicole: *Smiles and stands picking up the tray* Breakfast was my pleasure Drake, and I’ll see you both around. *Nicole leaves the room and heads back to the dinning hall*

        *Arthas is in the dining hall cleaning the table with another elf with blonde hair*

Nicole: Arthas?

Arthas: *Arthas looks up* Oh, hello Nicole, was breakfast to your liking?

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, it was fine thank you... In fact, could you prepare a tray like this each day around mid-morning until further notice? With similar easy to stomach foods.

Arthas: *Nods* Yes, for you and Draco? How is his pregnancy progressing?

Nicole: *Looks a bit frustrated* Yes for the two of us, and he's as well as can be expected I suppose, though there are complications... I was going to go find Illidin to discuss them.

Arthas: Aah... Illidin should be rather a help... *Walks towards her and takes the tray from her* Thank you for bringing this back down.

Nicole: It's not a problem... Did you take care of the things I asked?

Arthas: *Nods* Yes I did... I didn’t throw away that knife, if I am not mistaken it was Uhma's... he would not be happy if I got rid of it... I have hidden it well though.

Nicole: Fine, that will have to suffice for now. I appreciate your help.

Arthas: It's no problem... I have been in Kain's service at this house for many years, he is a good man, I am glad to help him and service him in any way that I can.

Nicole: Nonetheless, thank you. *Moves towards the door* If anyone asks for me odds are I will be with Illidin for some time.

Arthas: *Nods* I shall tell them if they look for you...

Nicole: Thank you. *Leaves and heads upstairs to the suite Harry indicated and knocks*

Illidin: *Illidin calls out.* Come in.

Nicole: *Opens the door and walks in* Hello Illidin.

Illidin: *Illidin turns his head towards the door, having just placed the band around his eyes and tying it at the back.* Hello Nicole... what can I do for you?

Nicole: I’m worried about Draco, he's having problems with his pregnancy, but there are few things I've been able to think of to help him due to the nature of the problems.

Illidin: *Raises an eyebrow* Indeed... *Motions a hand blindly towards a chair beside himself.* Please sit.

Nicole: *Walks over to the chair and sits* Thank you. *Sighs in thought*

Illidin: *His head turns to face her and he nods.* So, you want to help Draco.

Nicole: *Nods* He thinks the majority of his problems are coming from his new powers, but he has no-one to help train him with them, and running loose as they are is putting undue stress on his already taxed system.

Illidin: *Illidin nods* That I can understand, male pregnancy is difficult enough without Draconias' power trying to find footing in the young man.

Nicole: Yes, and because of the nature of the problems there is very little I can do with my traditional medicines... so I’ve been trying to think of something else to possibly help him.

Illidin: And I assume you have an idea?

Nicole: Well I thought of one possibility, but I haven't any idea if it's feasible in this circumstance, or even possible since this is elvin magic and I’ve only ever dealt with wizarding magic in the past.

Illidin: What is it?

Nicole: *Looks at Illidin* Do you know of any way to temporarily bind magical power in an individual, restricting it or blocking it for a time? Or even a way to channel it in a less destructive manner? The only way I can think to deal with his sickness is to deal with the magic itself.

Illidin: *Illidin nods* There is a way... but it will be a complete block. No wizarding power either, all magic will be blocked... how would Draco feel about being a muggle for the duration of his pregnancy?

Nicole: I’m not entirely certain, but I think he feels bad enough at this point to try just about anything... You said it'll be a complete block, will it have any adverse effects on the pregnancy? It's not a normal one after all.

Illidin: Well... it will have an effect on the labour... will probably have to be a definite cesarean... it would be too dangerous any other way.

Nicole: *Nods* That's something that we can cope with easily enough, anything else?

Illidin: Yes... the only other thing will be that when he actually has the child he'll be in a coma for 24 hours when his powers all start to reassert themselves having been suppressed for so long...

Nicole: *Frowns in thought* I’ll have to discuss this with him, but I honestly don't see any other options... Tthis pregnancy is going to kill him if we don't do something, it's still early and he's already so drained.

Illidin: He's really that bad?

Nicole: He's tired all the time, not exactly sleepy, but weary... He gets so sick each morning that he brings up blood and he's constantly sore, he's not eating right because of it and that will hurt both him and the baby.

Illidin: *Illidin frowns and turns towards the desk that’s to his left and opens the top drawer, he searches through and after a few moments he brings out a small black velvet pouch, he opens it and pulls out a small clear stone and turns towards Nicole.* This will, after a ritual, be able to keep Draco's powers suppressed as long as he keeps it with him... for example on a necklace.

Nicole: How soon could the ritual be performed?

Illidin: As soon as Draco gives the go ahead. I can start the ritual and connect it to a chain... I can finish it when he gives consent.

Nicole: Alright, I’ll go talk to him about it, but I don't see that he has much of a choice at the moment. Shall I come get you once we're finished talking?

Illidin: Yes

Nicole: Fine, I’ll go talk with him now, he should still be in his room. *Nicole stands and moves towards the door.* And Illidin? Thank you.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles* No problem Nicole... *Places a hand into the drawer and pulls out a small chain.* See you soon.

Nicole: See you. *Leaves and walks downstairs to the boys' room, knocking softly*

Harry: *Harry calls out* Just a minute! *Calls again* Come in.

Nicole: *Comes in with a small smile on her face* Am I interrupting something?

        *Both sit innocently on the bed hair rather tussled, clothes askew.*

Draco: What makes you say that?

        *Harry looks a little flushed*.

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* Oh I don't know... *Face becomes more serious* I wouldn't have bothered you both, but there's something I need to discuss with you Draco.

Draco: *Draco looks at her* Oh?

Nicole: *Walks over to the bed* Mind if I sit down?

Draco: *Shakes head* Sure, come over...

Nicole: *Sits down* I just came from talking with Illidin about what we were discussing earlier

Draco: *Draco nods* Yes... and?

Nicole: There's a way... but there are some side effects.

Draco: ...What are they?

Nicole: You would for all intents and purposes be a muggle for the rest of the pregnancy, it'll bind both your elvin and wizard magic.

        *Draco looks a little blank and Harry watches him carefully.*

Nicole: That's not all Drake, you would have to have the baby cesarean, without your magic it'll be too dangerous any other way, and...

Harry: *Draco stays quiet and Harry asks* Drake..?

Draco: Muggle?

Nicole: *Takes one of Draco's hands in hers* That's right Drake, no magic at all until the baby is born.

Draco: I... I dunno...

Nicole: Babe, look at me. *Concern shinning in her eyes*

        *He looks up at her, Draco looks really scared.  Harry puts an arm around him.*

Nicole: Drake you can't keep on the way you've been, if you were nearing the end of your pregnancy and it was like this I wouldn't be as worried, but that's not the case, you're still early in it. You can’t keep on like this.

Draco: But... no magic? At all?

Nicole: Nothing that requires your own innate magic, the ritual will suppress all of it.

Draco: But... I ... *Draco closes his eyes and Harry inhales sharply*

Harry: God Drake... you're terrified.

Nicole: *Nicole squeeses the hand of his that she's holding softly* Babe, what is it?

Harry: *Harry seems to realise what's bothering Draco and sighs.* Draco... it's only temporary...

Draco: I know... but... you know how I feel when it comes to magic... I freak out if I can’t defend myself...

Nicole: Babe, I know it's scary, but we'll be here for you, to protect you... and at risk of sounding melodramatic, I’m not sure that you really have much of a choice.

Draco: *Looks at Nicole sharply* Why? It... it's just sickness...

Nicole: Babe, you're exhausted, you bring up blood when you're ill, and you're not eating remotely enough. Male pregnancy is difficult under the best circumstances, and this is far from it. If things progress as they are either you or the baby, or both of you, could suffer badly from this.

Harry: ...How badly is badly?

Nicole: *Looks grave* I can't be certain, but if things progress as they have been... *Looks Draco deep in the eyes* Babe, unless you do this, without being able to fully control your powers, I don't know if you'll make it through the pregnancy... either you'll loose the baby or... *Trails off too choked up to finish*

Draco: *Draco shakes his head in denial* There... you can’t be serious...

Nicole: *Nicole's eyes are starting to fill with tears.* You know I am, you know things can't continue the way they have been, and it's only been getting worse.

Harry: *Draco doesn’t speak and Harry looks at him* You can't... Draco... I can't loose you.

Draco: *Quietly* I don’t have much choice do I?

Nicole: *Softly* I’m so sorry Babe, but I honestly don't see any other way.

        *Tears sting his eyes and Harry wraps an arm round him and whispers some soothing words to him.*

Nicole: *Hesitantly*... There's something else.

Draco: *Quietly* What’s that?

Nicole: After the baby is delivered and we release your magic, you'll be unconscious for 24 hours while the magic returns to your body.

        *Harry wraps his arms round a now plainly terrified Draco and smoothes back his hair.*

Nicole: *Nicole closes her eyes and sighs* I truly am sorry Drake, if I could think of any other way, I would, *Opens her eyes to look at him sincerely* but considering the current options I honestly think this is the best one.

Draco: *Draco nods* *Tearfully* Alright...

Nicole: *Nicole caresses his face softly, wiping away tears* Illidin said he would be ready to perform the ritual whenever you were, should I go get him now?

        *Draco nods.*

Harry: Sooner the better I think...

Nicole: Alright, I will be back soon... Things will work out Drake, you'll see. *Stands and moves to exit the room.*

        *Nicole walks upstairs to Illidin's room and knocks.  There's no answer but the door is slightly ajar and Illidin can be heard speaking in a tongue unfamiliar to her.  Nicole slips quietly into the room remaining near the door.  Illidin sits with the crystal in his hand still speaking in the language with lights circling his hand.  There's a flash and he sets the crystal down on the desk and draws a symbol on a piece of parchment in front of him and says another few words and the ink disappears into the crystal turning it black.  Illidin turns his head towards the door.*

Illidin: Nicole, is that you?

Nicole: Yes. Draco has agreed, though he's quite scared.

Illidin: *Looks a little relieved* I’m glad it's you... I can’t tell who it is when I’m using my magic to do other things rather than feel out my environment.

Nicole: I would have spoken up sooner, but I didn't want to distract you from what you were doing.

Illidin: *Nods* Quite understandable... I knew you were there, just not who you were, you wouldn’t have startled me... *Smiles slightly* My eyes may not be able to see but I can sense more things than any mortal sight can.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* I thought perhaps you could... Is everything ready? Draco's quite anxious, and I think the sooner this is over the better.

Illidin: Yes... *Picks up the black crystal that is now attached to a chain.*

Nicole: He and Harry are both in their room downstairs waiting.

Illidin: *Stands with the crystal and a blue light encompasses Illidin and then it disappears, Illidin stretches out his wings and then looks towards Nicole* We can go now...

        *Nicole leads the way back to Draco and Harry's room and knocks softly before they enter.*

Harry: *Harry calls out* Come in.

        *Nicole opens the door, holding it aside for Illidin, she looks concernedly towards the bed.  Draco is still in Harry's arms and Illidin walks towards the bed and inclines his head to Harry.*

Illidin: Harry, heir of Cenarius, I offer you and your love my assistance...

Harry: *Harry looks slightly uncomfortable* Thank you Illidin...

        *Nicole walks over to the bedside.*

Illidin: *Illidin's head turns to Draco and he sits down on the bed.* Draco?

Draco: Yes?

Illidin: Are you ready?

Draco: As ready as I’ll ever be...

        *Harry kisses Draco’s forehead.*

Illidin: Give me your hand... *Draco extends his left hand and Illidin takes his hand in his* Harry, you can help if you want.

Harry: How?

Illidin: Put your hand over ours... *Harry puts his hand over theirs and Illidin nods.  He pulls the crystal out and places it around Draco's neck.  Illidin speaks in the unfamiliar language again.*

        *Draco pales and Harry closes his eyes.*

Illidin: That’s it, done...

Draco: Oh god...

Illidin: Are you okay?

Draco: That... this feels weird.

Nicole: *Looks at Draco with concern* A bad weird or just an unfamiliar kind of weird?

Draco: It's a scary sort of weird... an empty weird...

Nicole: You can't feel your magic anymore...

        *Draco shakes his head and is looking rather freaked out.  Harry runs a hand through Draco's hair as Draco looks more and more upset.*

Illidin: *Illidin goes to stand next to Nicole and whispers* He needs his father...

Nicole: *Whispers back* Of course. *Nicole leaves the room and quickly heads upstairs to Luce and Kain's room, knocking softly on their door.*

Lucius: *Lucius calls out* Come in.

Nicole: *Nicole enters the room* Luce?

        *Lucius looks at Nicole, he looks like he's been crying, Kain is in bed asleep and also looks like he has been crying recently.*

Lucius: Hello Nicole...

Nicole: Hi Luce, are you alright?

Lucius: *Nods* Yes...

Nicole: *Walks over to Luce and sits beside him* You sure?

Lucius: *Lucius nods and runs a hand through Kain's hair* We had a rather emotional discussion.

Nicole: *Nods* I can tell... Are you up to dealing with a little more emotion for a while?

Lucius: *Nods* What’s happened?

Nicole: With Illidin's help Draco's magic has been suppressed temporarily, it's the only way to try to stop his illness until the pregnancy is over... Draco's quite a bit scared at the moment, not being able to sense his magic for the first time in his life is unsettling to say the least.

Lucius: *Lucius looks shocked and kisses Kain on the forehead and slides off the bed* Where is he?

Nicole: In his room, Harry and Illidin are with him.

Lucius: *Stretches* My poor son...

Nicole: Draco's a strong boy, he'll make it through this, it'll just take some time to get used to... Do you want me to stay here or come with you?

Lucius: *Looks over at Kain* He's not in a deep sleep... could you stay here?

Nicole: Yes, that's fine.

Lucius: *Gives Nicole a hug* Thank you.

Nicole: *Hugs Lucius back* Welcome, now go take care of your son, I’ll see to Da.

        *Lucius nods and walks from the room and closes the door gently behind him.  Nicole turns to look at Kain and lies down in the spot Lucius vacated.  Kain turns in light sleep to face Nicole and stirs gently.  She smiles softly and reaches out, brushing a strand of hair out of his face.  He opens his eyes that are still a little glazed over from the emotional talk with Lucius.*

Kain: Nicole?

Nicole: *Softly* Hi Da.

Kain: Where's Lucius?

Nicole: He's with Draco, he asked me to stay with you while he was gone.

Kain: *Sighs gently* He's worried I may cut again...

Nicole: Yes well, I took precautions against his bad habit, he's taking them against yours, fair trade I’d say.

Kain: *Nods and sits up in the bed* He's promised he won’t drink again.

Nicole: Well to help him stave off the temptation I’ve had Arthas hide and lock away all the alcohol in the house, including Sethopher's stash of bloodwine, and none of the staff is to give Luce any if he asks for it.

Kain: *Nods* That’s probably the best idea...

Nicole: ...He's also hidden your knife for the time being.

Kain: *Nods and looks away from Nicole* That’s probably a good idea too...

Nicole: We didn't get rid of it because he thought it had belonged to Uhma... but it was deemed best that it was best kept out of sight for now.

Kain: It did...

Nicole: *Nicole sits back up facing him* We'll get thought this Da. *She reaches out a hand tentatively.*

Kain: *He takes her hand in his* Nicole... I’m really scared... I know I have to unleash all my power... to show Lucius...

Nicole: *Nicole squeeses Kain's hand reassuringly* It’ll be alright... and Fiammetta will be here... He's rather annoyed with you at the current moment.

Kain: *Furrows his brow* Why?

Nicole: For not using your powers enough, holding too much back.

Kain: *Kain looks down and sighs* Ah...

Nicole: *Softly* He said you should be able to heal your injuries faster than you normally do.

Kain: I know...

Nicole: *Takes a deep breath* Apparently he's been setting up the training room today, he intends to help you train Luce... though I have a feeling he has plans for you as well.

Kain: *Looks at her* That doesn’t sound good.

Nicole: He seems quite intent on getting you to use your power more and not be afraid of it

Kain: *Snorts* Good luck to him I say...

Nicole: *Wry amusement* You really are a piece of work.

Kain: *Looks at her* Why do you say that?

Nicole: *Smiles fondly* If Harry refused to accept his new power, to learn to control and use it, and instead buried it inside, hidden away, would you let him?

        *Kain opens his mouth to say something but seems stumped.*

Nicole: No, I didn't think so. A 17 year-old boy is trying, and learning to cope with powers that are beyond his imagination and will only grow with time. Don't you think it's about time you did the same?

        *Kain looks down and away from Nicole.*

Nicole: Da, I know your powers scare you, but you have someone here, who's willing to help you work with them, understand them so they will no longer be a thing to fear. Don't you think you should take him up on the offer while it's still here?

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole and then gets up and walks towards the window seat and looks out over the grounds.* I know I should...

Nicole: *Nicole gets up and stands slightly behind him, her voice soft* But?

Kain: I... I have many issues I still haven’t worked through... I don’t just have wings... *Looks at Nicole* I was an elf... blessed by the holy light. Then, all of a sudden I was cursed by reeking darkness.

Nicole: *Nicole steps closer and wraps her arms around Kain in a warm hug, voice soft* Elf or vampire, you're still Kain, the person I love and call father.

Kain: *Kain looks down at her arms circling him* Nicole... if you saw what the demon in me looked like...

Nicole: *Nicole looks up meeting his eyes* You're the one I love Da, I don't care about the demon, or what it looks like. And I know with Fiammetta's help you can learn to use your powers without loosing yourself, I have faith in you.

Kain: *Kain sighs and swallows hard* I have to don’t I? For Lucius' sake.

Nicole: *Looks sincerely into his eyes* For both of you.

Kain: Yes... I suppose that’s true... and who better to help me than the original vampire?

Nicole: *Smiles* I’d say it's not a chance to be passed up.

        *There is a knock at the door.*

Nicole: *Nicole lets go of Kain, walks over to the door and opens it* Yes?

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta looks at Nicole* Is Kain awake?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Yes, we were just talking, come on in. *Stands to the side*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta walks in and looks at Kain.* Your wounds still haven’t healed.

Kain: No they haven’t.

        *Fiammetta shakes his head.  Nicole walks back over to stand beside Kain, and takes one of his hands in hers, giving it a reassuring squeese.*

Fiammetta: Kain... you should be able to heal quicker... Your wounds from the fight with Uhma you healed quickly through instinct, you can tap into that and heal much quicker.

Kain: I... I’m scared.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta walks over to Kain* Of what?

Kain: *Kain turns to look at Fiammetta* Myself.

Nicole: *Softly* He's afraid of the demon inside... he...

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta places a hand on Kain's back* Kain... you are stronger than the demon, it's why you have lived so long and how you have been to hell and back...

Kain: How do you know that?

Fiammetta: *Energy starts to crackle round him and Kain and Kain tries to pull away from Fiammetta but he won’t let him.* Kain, stay...

Kain: *Grabs hold of Fiammetta* Fiammetta please...

        *Nicole takes a step back giving them space, watching intently.*

Fiammetta: Kain, let go, stop fighting me, let the demon through.

        *Kain closes his eyes and growls, wings come out from Kain's back and energy crackles round him.  Kain turns and grabs a hold of Fiammetta as his bones re-align and he leans his head onto Fiammetta's chest and growls harder.  Nicole watches Kain carefully, conflicting emotions on her face.  Kain's face is hidden in Fiammetta's chest as a demon like tail also appears.  Fiammetta keeps holding Kain forcing the change.  Nicole takes another step, giving them more room, there is no fear on her face, just concern and worry.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta looks down at Kain* It is done... The first time the demon has made an appearance in its entirety...

Nicole: *love and concern in her voice* Da? Are you alright?

Kain: *Kain doesn’t move* *Quietly* Yes.

        *Nicole takes a step towards them, concern on her face.  Fiammetta looks towards the door and it opens as if on cue.*

Lucius: *Lucius rushes in* What the hell is happening? My empathic powers are going haywire-... Kain?

Nicole: *Hushed tones* Fiammetta made him change.

        *Kain seems panicky and Fiammetta tries to pull his face away from his chest as Lucius walks towards them.*

Kain: Don’t look at me.

        *Lucius walks towards them and takes Kain's arm.*

Lucius: Kain? Look at me...

        *Kain’s head turns towards Lucius, demon features prominent in the structure of the bones in his skull.  Lucius traces a finger lightly over his face.*

Lucius: Why have I not to look at you?

        *Fiammetta lets Kain go and steps away from him.*

Kain: Look at me.

Lucius: ...I am... *Pulls him closer and kisses him gently.* It makes no difference...

Nicole: *Nicole steps closer, her voice soft.* He's right Da, it doesn't matter.

Kain: *Looks over at Nicole.* But look at me...

Lucius: Kain... *Lucius shakes his head. He places a hand under Kain's chin and turns him to face him.* This is what you are, and I accept and love you for what you are... and what I am... I don’t care.

Nicole: What you look like doesn't matter Da, it's who you are that we love, not a face or shape... Besides, it'd be rather hypocritical on both our parts to reject you for this... I love you Da, this doesn't change that.

        *Tears sting Kain's eyes and he buries his head in Lucius' shoulder.*

Fiammetta: *Walks over to Nicole and says to her quietly* I think we should leave them be for now.

        *Nicole nods, and moves towards the door.  Fiammetta walks out of the room and waits in the hall for Nicole.  Nicole follows and closes the door behind them.*

Fiammetta: *Looks at her* I know that may have seemed rather harsh... but it was the only way.

Nicole: *Nods* I understand, it was for the best.

Fiammetta: *Nods* That was the first and largest hurdle... he has touched the power changing... and it didn’t swamp him like he feared it might.

Nicole: And neither Luce nor I pushed him away like he thought we would.

Fiammetta: That was why I did it when you were there, and I knew Lucius would come once he felt it... *Goes into a pocket and pulls out a small blue bottle* I have some errands to run now... Could you take this potion up to Harry? The power that Kain used there will have given him a headache and all the high running emotions of this house will not be doing him good.

Nicole: *Takes the bottle* No problem... and Fiammetta?

Fiammetta: Yes?

Nicole: Thank you for helping him... even if he isn't sure he wants the help yet.

Fiammetta: ...I have to help him... he carries my blood after all... *Smiles gently* and, I think tomorrow it would be best if you fed from me again... Lucius and Kain will hardly be up to it.

Nicole: *Nods* Fine, I was wondering what I was going to do tomorrow anyway, I was already planning on not asking them.

Fiammetta: *Smiles* I shall come see you tomorrow morning then... for now, I have an old friend to see.

Nicole: *Smiles in return* Then I will leave you to it and see you tomorrow.

Fiammetta: *Nods* See you tomorrow... *Apparates*

        *Nicole walks downstairs to Harry and Draco's room and knocks lightly.*

Harry: *Harry calls out hoarsely* Come in.

Nicole: *Walks in the room* Harry, I have something for you...

        *Harry is lying on his side with Draco running a hand through Harry's hair in a soothing manner as Harry has a hand clamped over his head.*

Nicole: *Nicole moves quickly to the bed and sits beside Harry, opening the small bottle.* Draco help me get him sitting up some, Fiammetta said this medicine will help.

        *Draco puts an arm under Harry and helps him sit.*

Nicole: *Nicole holds the bottle to Harry's lips* Here babe, drink this down.

        *Harry drinks the potion and lies back onto his side and Draco keeps running his hand through his love's hair.*

Harry: What the fuck happened?

Nicole: Fiammetta forced Da to change... completely.

Harry: *Harry opens his eyes* Bloody hell... I can feel the power that took... God, and I’m supposed to be more powerful!? *Shuts his eyes as Draco still runs his hands through Harry's hair*

Nicole: Yes well... it's been a rather eventful day to say the least... Speaking of which, how are you doing Draco?

Draco: *Draco still looks rather scared when thinking about what has happened* ...I... I’m okay... scared but... okay.

Nicole: I want you to still take it easy for a few days, alright? Your body needs time to get used to the change and to recover from all it's gone through.

Draco: *Nods* Yeah...

Harry: He’s still freaked out with not being able to feel the power...

Draco: ...It's horrible.

Nicole: It's only for a few months Draco, you can make it.

Draco: *Draco nods* Yeah... I suppose... How is Kain... that must have been rather... emotional, the change...

Harry: Yeah... I can feel him... and understand the feelings without the blinding headache.

Nicole: I left him alone with Luce, he needs time to cope and assimilate what happened. He was certain that if he ever changed like this he wouldn't be himself anymore and that everyone he cared about would reject him.

Harry: *Harry sighs* Poor Kain... *Smiles slightly* Boy, what have we all done to him eh? I bet before he met us all he was perfectly happy, then we start pulling down emotional walls...

Nicole: *Wry look* Perhaps, but I don't quite think so.

Harry: No... I know... but really... aah, my head feels better.

Draco: Good... *Whispers something in Harry's ear who raises an eyebrow and coughs innocently* So... Nicole... what do you have planned for today?

Nicole: Well the morning seems to have sped by, I don't really have any plans for this afternoon *Raises an eyebrow* but if the two of you want to be left alone I’m sure I can find something to keep myself occupied.

        *Both look at each other.*

Harry: It's just... we were interrupted this morning... *Draco buries his head in the crook of Harry's neck going slightly pink.*

Nicole: *Stands and smiles indulgently* I know, I was the one who did the interrupting after all. *Moves towards the door* I’ll see you two later I suppose.

Both boys: *Both nod* Yeah... *Draco kisses the side of Harry's face*

Harry: See you later Nicole...

Nicole: Bye. *Walks out the door and closes it behind her, she pauses in the hallway as though trying to decide where to go. Nicole walks upstairs to Kael's room and knocks softly on his door.*

Kael: *The door opens slowly and Kael looks out* Nicole... *He steps back and opens the door fully* Come in.

Nicole: *Nicole walks in the room, voice soft* Hey Kael...

Kael: *Closes the door and looks at her* Hello... It's nice to see you.

Nicole: *Nicole gives him a small smile* You as well... Harry mentioned he had been to see you, and I just wanted to see how you were holding up...

Kael: *Motions to a pair of chairs at the window* As well as can be expected... please sit.

        *Nicole moves over to one of the chairs and sits with a tired sigh.*

Kael: You look tired...

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly* It's hard to believe the day's only little more than half over, it's been a very busy morning.

Kael: *Kael nods* Yes... I could feel Kain's magic unleash itself... I assume Fiammetta had a hand in that?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, that was part of what's happened, definitely a major part of it.

Kael: And I could feel Illidin unleash some of his magic... a binding spell?

Nicole: Yes... Draco's been having more and more trouble with his pregnancy... the stress of it combined with his newly emerging powers has been too much for his body to cope with and I was starting to fear for both him and the baby. I went and talked with Illidin, then again with Draco and Harry. The decision was made to suppress Draco's powers for the duration of his pregnancy... as of now until he gives birth, Draco is in essence a squib.

Kael: *Nods* He must be afraid... *Looks at Nicole* I feel you are missing your lover...

Nicole: *Weak half smile* That obvious is it?

Kael: Yes... it is.

Nicole: *Looks at Kael with sincere eyes* Kael I’m so sorry about what happened.

Kael: *Kael looks down* Yes... my dear Val... It was simply not meant to be.

Nicole: She'll be sorely missed by many people... I didn't know her very long, but I’d like to think we considered each other friends after a fashion.

Kael: *Kael swallows hard* She thought very highly of you.

Nicole: *Nicole reaches out a hand, resting it on Kael's* Thank you Kael, it means a lot to me to know that...

Kael: *Kael places a hand over hers, clasping it in his.* I appreciate you coming to see me.

Nicole: You've been very kind to me Kael in the short time I’ve known you, it's the least I could do.

Kael: *Kael looks at her sincerely* I am grateful all the same. I do not like to be alone... *smiles slightly* Harry also came to visit me, he has quite a way with words.

Nicole: He said he'd visited, but nothing else.

Kael: He's a very compassionate young man... Cenarius has chosen his heir well.

Nicole: He's one of the most kind, and true hearted people I know.

Kael: Yes... *sighs* I sent a letter to my father... I may go to see him, I haven’t seen him for a year or so.

Nicole: *nods* spending time with family is probably a good idea

Kael: He met Val, he liked her.

Nicole: *small smile* I remember I was so apprehensive about meeting her at first. Da and Sethopher made her out to sound rather terrifying.

Kael: *Smiles* She did have that effect on people.

Nicole: It wasn't at all like I expected, she and I got along rather well from the start... I really liked her... *Wry look* and in a household where I’m surrounded by men, it was nice to have a friend who was a woman.

Kael: Yes... I miss her terribly.

        *Nicole nods and squeeses his hand, seeming unsure what to say.*

Kael: After just getting her... after all the years of trying... *Sighs and looks out over the scenery* Like I said... probably wasn’t meant to be.

Nicole: *Softly* No one knows what their future will hold, all they can do is make the best of what they have.

Kael: *Kael closes his eyes and nods* I knew.

Nicole: *Opens her eyes a bit wide* What do you mean Kael?

Kael: I’m alone now aren’t I?

Nicole: *Looks slightly puzzled* ...If you mean that you don't have Val anymore... are you saying you expected it? I’m not sure I understand.

Kael: I don’t have her... I didn’t expect it no... I suppose I should have... My dear mother tried to tell me, she told me it would end in tears... I didn’t believe her. She's a seer... but I thought she was being protective... as usual... her son with a vampire, not good enough she thought.

Nicole: *Sadly* Oh Kael...

Kael: I don’t want to see her I don’t think... not now, the temptation to say "I told you so" I fear will be too much for her. She's a stubborn woman.

Nicole: *Nods* Perhaps it would be best to let some time pass, until the wound is not so fresh. It's always difficult to loose a loved one, no need to pour salt in the wound.

Kael: *Nods* Yes... father was fine with her... Kain being his brother and all...

Nicole: That would give him a different perspective on things... Kain has told me some about him, though not a lot.

Kael: It's strange, they are brothers but they aren’t very close... they were once but not anymore.

Nicole: I’m sure they've led very different lives, things like that can draw people apart unconsciously.

Kael: Yes... they still care for each other as brothers but... time can pull things apart.

Nicole: Especially with lives as long as theirs

Kael: Yes. *Looks back at Nicole* So... how has your morning sickness been? Has it stopped since drinking blood?

Nicole: *Leans back in her chair* As long as I feed twice a day, and don't let it go too long I’m alright... but my body is coping with delaying feeding less well than it did at first... I’m not sure if it's just that now that it knows what it needs it doesn't do as well without it, or if it means I will have to drink more as time goes on... I rather hope it's the first option.

Kael: I don’t know, it must be very strange for you.

Nicole: *Nods* I never thought being pregnant would bring about some of the things I thought I’d avoid by not becoming a vampire... I don't like the loss of control when I feed, to willingly loose control goes against my nature.

Kael: *Smiles gently* I didn’t think you would...

Nicole: I’m just grateful I don't have to hunt, I don't think I could ever bring myself to do that, no matter how sick I got if I didn't.

Kael: No, I can’t see you doing that... Lucky you have Kain, Lucius, your lover and even now Fiammetta...

Nicole: *Nods* ...Fiammetta's blood is much stronger than theirs, when I fed from him this morning I felt a bit dazed for a while.

Kael: *Laughs gently* Yes well, Fiammetta is the first proper vampire, descended directly from the ancient species that were once elves and were curse to be partly demonic... his blood is very strong with magic.

Nicole: *Blushes faintly* I know... I was shocked that he was offering to let me feed from him... he and Da got rather a laugh out of it all.

Kael: I bet they did... *Snorts* Kain is one to talk though, he is just as in awe about Fiammetta's power as you and even I are.

Nicole: Da did have his turn at being embarrassed, but he ran off to the shower before it could last long.

Kael: *Laughs gently* Yes... as I thought...

        *Nicole sighs with a slight frown*

Kael: *Looks at her* What’s wrong?

Nicole: Oh I’m sorry, it just got me thinking about the events that followed those... they aren't nearly as pleasing to recall.

Kael: What happened?

Nicole: Luce returned from having stormed off yesterday...

Kael: Oh? What happened?

Nicole: *Grimaces* It wasn't pleasant... Luce got utterly drunk last night... and he ended up sleeping with Narcissa.

Kael: *Gapes* His ex wife?

Nicole: *Sighs* The very one.

Kael: What did Kain do? Lucius is alright isn’t he?

Nicole: Physically? Yeah fine... Da sent him from the room, and I talked with him briefly before returning to talk to Da... *Looks stricken*

Kael: *Looks concerned* What?

Nicole: Do you know how Kain copes with emotional pain?

Kael: *Kael sighs* ...Yes, I know... Uhma's knife.

Nicole: I came back in the room to find him on the floor with his wrist bleeding... I knew he had been doing similar things, we'd talked about it the night before, I didn't... *Looks distant for a moment before shaking out of it.* I took care of his wrist temporarily and talked with him until he was ready to face Luce. After a while he calmed down some and Luce and I got him to let me take care of his wounds... Between what happened with Val, and then his arguments with Luce, he was a mess. *The distant look comes back mixed with deep sadness.*

Kael: *Squeeses her hand reassuringly* What are you thinking? Your eyes are so sad.

Nicole: Seeing him like that brought back a lot of memories I’ve tried to forget... regrets... *Voice drops to a soft whisper* It hurts to see a loved one making the same mistakes I have.

Kael: Nicole... *Moves chair closer to Nicole* There is nothing you can really do... only Lucius can help him... He's never listened to anyone before, I tried and he was rather angry when I tried to intervene.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes* I know... *Takes a deep breath* It's just a bit much, everything that's happened today, Draco... the emotional upheaval surrounding Da and Luce... Da's injuries, then later with Fiammetta forcing him to change... having these memories I thought I’d put behind me running through my head most of the day is a bit much... *Opens her eyes that are glistening slightly and gives him a weak smile.* I suppose I came to visit you so I wouldn't be alone just as much as to keep you company.

Kael: *Kael puts an arm around Nicole.* You're welcome here any time you need to talk... You know that don’t you?

Nicole: *Nicole turns her head burying it against his shoulder for a moment, she seems to calm some and straightens back up, wiping the moisture from her eyes.* Thanks Kael... *Wryly though not completely sincere she continues.* Damn hormones, I get so over-emotional lately.

Kael: *Turns his head to the side* Nicole... you can talk to me...

Nicole: I know... it's just the memories... I’ve only ever really talked about them with one person... and he and I aren't at all close anymore, so I haven't talked about them in a long time... tried to forget them really.

Kael: You can’t ever forget anything like that... you learn to live with it... *Looks curious* Who did you speak to before? If you don’t mind my asking.

Nicole: *Slightly wry and bitter* I’d mentioned before that I was friends with Bill Weasley in school... odd that they didn't think to wonder how such an utter Gryffindor and a Slytherin became friends, especially so close to Voldemort's first downfall, when all the houses despised Slytherin the way Gryffindor does now.

Kael: Aah yes... Do you not see him anymore?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* We were friends towards the end of Hogwarts and together for a time after it... things ended rather... poorly, immediately  after that he left for Egypt. We've only seen each other once or twice since and a rift un-mended grows bigger with time.

Kael: Oh, I’m sorry...

Nicole: I tried not to spend too much time with Ron while he was here *Shakes her head sadly* he looks so much like Bill, *Sad smile* he even has many of the same mannerisms, you can easily tell he's Bill's little brother... He was still quite small the last time I had seen him when I was with Bill... I hadn't expected such a resemblance.

Kael: *Smiles sadly* Have you spoken to Sethopher about any of this?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* He's had enough of his own problems lately... and before *Shrugs* out of sight, out of mind I suppose... it's dealing with all that's happened lately that's brought it all back.

Kael: Yes... *Sighs* he has had a bad while... with getting used to being without his medication and then with Val... I can’t even comprehend how he must feel.

Nicole: *Softly* And loosing two children... *Voice more of a normal tone* He's one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, I don't know how he copes with it all... and besides, he's not here, and even if he was, I doubt I could bring myself to unload this on him just now...

Kael: I know, he's a strong man... and he isn’t afraid to ask for help, it's stood him in good stead.

Nicole: *Looks slightly abashed* I know, that's why he left...

Kael: *Smiles* I know, the Moonglades and Barrow Down, he went there when his wife died. Or rather, Kain sent him there.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, he said Syan helped him a lot, and I know Syan was going to be waiting for him to arrive.

Kael: *Nods* When he comes back he'll be better for it... *Looks at the time* Are you not hungry, it's getting rather late...

Nicole: A bit I suppose, all I had was fruit and toast with Draco earlier.

Kael: *Smiles slightly* I would offer to dine with you but I am in the middle of fasting...

Nicole: That's quite alright... I wonder if anyone will be down there tonight, it's hard to say... suppose I won't know unless I check.

Kael: Yes well...

Nicole: *Stands* Thank you for letting me spend time with you Kael.

Kael: *Smiles* Anytime... I’m glad of the company.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I’ll keep that in mind, take care Kael. *Nicole leaves and walks downstairs to the dinning hall.*

        *Lucius is sitting in the dining hall looking tired and his usually immaculate hair is in disarray.*

Nicole: *Walks in and sits beside Lucius* Luce, are you alright?

Lucius: *Lucius looks at her* Yes... fine.

Nicole: You sure?

Lucius: *Nods* Just tired...

Nicole: *Nicole smoothes his hair some* You look it, you should try and get some rest.

Lucius: *Shakes his head* I’m too hungry to sleep... I was just about to call Arthas...

Nicole: *Nods* I was with Kael, but as he is fasting. I came down to get a bite on my own, I didn't really expect anyone to be here.

Lucius: I would have just left it if Kain was awake, but he's sound asleep.

Nicole: How is he?

Lucius: *Looks thoughtful* He's okay... you should have seen him when you left... trying to get him to look at me was a chore... he just couldn’t bring himself to look at me... I could feel all the fears in him and the pain... and the self loathing.

Nicole: *Nods* He seemed sure if I ever saw him like that I would never want to be near him again.

Lucius: He was so scared. It was sobering to me to feel that from him... I’m used to him being the strong one, trying to get me to face my fear... it was strange.

Nicole: *Nods* It's been an emotional day to say the least.

Lucius: *Nods* Yes... it has... *Runs a hand through his hair and sighs* I should have run a brush through my hair before I came to get something to eat...

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Luce, it's just me here, it's not important.

Lucius: *Smiles* Yes, well, Malfoys must keep some appearances... I can’t go around looking like I’ve just got out of bed with my lover... even though I have, it's entirely beside the point.

Nicole: *Laughs softly* Yes, I suppose so.

Lucius: *Smiles slightly* I think Fiammetta had a gap in my training tomorrow and the day after to let me break down Kain's walls... but I don’t think that will be necessary.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I’m glad to hear it.

Lucius: *Smiles* Me too... *Sighs* He turned back into his regular form before he fell asleep... but I think he understands now, that it doesn’t matter.

Nicole: Good.

        *The dining hall door opens and Harry walks in and smiles as he sees Nicole and Lucius.*

Harry: Hey.

Nicole: Hi Harry, how's Draco doing?

Harry: *Harry smiles* He's fine, he fell asleep right after we had se- cheese... ate cheese... *Pink tinge and sits down as Lucius chuckles gently*

        *Nicole snickers slightly.*

Lucius: Oh yes, I’m sure that’s what you were doing. *Lucius takes in Harry's disheveled appearance*

Harry: *Raises an eyebrow Malfoy-esque* Oh, you're one to talk... *Smirks with an all knowing smirk*

Lucius: *Coughs gently* Yes well...

        *Nicole smiles at them looking slightly wistful.  Harry and Lucius look at each other and then Nicole and both smile gently.*

Lucius: How are you holding up Nicole?

Nicole: Alright I suppose... *Doesn't look like she's entirely telling the truth*

Harry: Nicole... truth please?

Lucius: *Sincerely*... We are family after all.

Nicole: I... it's just some unpleasant memories were dredged up today for me, and Kael mentioned talking to Sethopher about them, but he's not here, and...

        *Harry stands from his seat across from Nicole and goes to sit at her other side so she is sandwiched between Lucius and Harry.  Nicole looks at Harry somewhat warily.*

Harry: *Smiles gently and places a hand over hers* And what Nicole?

Nicole: *Shrugs* He's had so much to worry about lately anyway, I don't think I could bring myself to unburden it all on him just now anyway.

Lucius: *Harry looks over at Lucius with a look and he nods.* I’ll go see if I can find Arthas... *Walks over to the kitchens and closes the door behind him.*

Harry: ...You need to talk to someone...

Nicole: *Sighs* I did once, quite some time ago...

Harry: *Harry nods and says quietly* I know... and I know who as well...

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* You do?

Harry: I do. Ron's brother Bill.

Nicole: *Gets mildly defensive* And how did you find out?

Harry: Nicole, I didn’t mean to I swear... These powers are all asserting themselves, there was a day about a week ago where everyone’s thoughts were invading my mind... once or twice I caught deeper parts... I didn’t mean to... I’m sorry... but, I know about Bill.

Nicole: *Sighs* I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, with Ron here Bill's been on my mind rather a lot lately.

Harry: *Nods* Ron wondered why you were avoiding him and Hermione, I just told him you were busy and not to be so nosey.

Nicole: I wasn't really doing it on purpose, I just....

Harry: It's alright you don’t have to explain yourself to me...

Nicole: Ron's a nice boy... he was a sweet little kid, the last time I saw him he was only about 7 or 8 years old...

Harry: *Harry smiles* Aww... ickle ronniekins... *Looks thoughtful* Blimey, better not let him hear me say that, he'd kill me.

        *Nicole smiles a little.*

Harry: *Looks at her smiling sadly* Sethopher will be back soon Nicole... you'll see...

Nicole: I know Harry... it's just... This isn't something anyone can really do anything about... It's something I went through and now it's over, a part of my past, just like Bill... it just hurts some to remember it .

Harry: *Harry looks sad* I know... *Harry looks down at his own arm and pulls back the sleeve to show the old scar that Nicole healed and has a bitter smile* Boy do I know...

Nicole: *Nicole looks at the scar guardedly* Yeah... *She rubs at her arm absently*

Harry: *Harry fingers the scar and sighs* But... it's in the past... it hurts me too... but Draco knows... and that helps me. To know he knows and understands why sometimes he has to make sure there are no knives within my reach... *Looks at Nicole* I’m past that now, but it helps to know that he knows, he gives me strength to move on.

Nicole: *Nicole swallows and nods, whispering softly.* I know Harry... Bill did that as my friend... *Voice becomes almost inaudible* I was quite a bit worse off than you were when he found me though...

Harry: *Sadly* Oh... Nicole... *Takes her hand and gently squeeses*

        *Nicole pushes up one sleeve and stares at what appears to be unmarked skin.  Harry says nothing, merely watches her.  She runs her fingers over the skin and softly whispers "Finite incantatum."  The air shimmers with a glamour dissolving and an intricate pattern of scars appears covering the skin of her inner arm, a scar larger than any of the others runs nearly the entire length of her arm.*

Harry: *Harry gasps involuntary* ...Nicole... oh god... *Wraps his arms around her*

Nicole: *She whispers emotionlessly.* The other one looks the same.

Harry: *Harry looks at her arm and sighs sadly* You should speak to Sethopher about this... You've never really spoken about your past to him, have you?

Nicole: *Swallows and shakes her head* I’ve only really ever talked to Da... and he didn't know about this till last night... *Softer* I didn't show him though.

Harry: *Harry places his hand over the marks not quite touching the skin* *Quietly* You trust me with this?

Nicole: I... I hide the marks mostly from myself I think... but yes Harry, I trust you.

        *Harry swallows and rests a hand on her wrist, Nicole can feel his magic flowing through her, he looks rather surprised at it, not really knowing what’s going on.  Nicole trustingly watches his hand to see what's happening.*

Harry: *The scars start to grow fainter and Harry stands quickly breaking contact.* Bloody hell... *He leans a hand onto the dining table for support and looks at his own scar which has also started to fade.  He closes his eyes to get his bearings.*

Nicole: *Nicole stares at her arm in surprise for a moment then looks up at Harry, voice soft and quiet* Harry? Are you alright?

Harry: *Harry sits back down and nods and looks at her* Yes... that was just... unexpected and shiny new... it was weird... lots of things happened at once...

Nicole: *Nicole shoves up her other sleeve and removes the glamour, the scars on that arm are fainter as well.* You don't know how you did this?

Harry: *Nods* I know now... *Looks at her hesitantly* I can... get rid of them... if you want...

Nicole: I... *Looks down at her arm again as though she's unsure.*

Harry: I... I really didn’t mean to do that... but... I can get rid of them.

Nicole: I... I don't know... they're a reminder of a bad time... but... they're also a reminder of something I overcame... I...

Harry: *Nods* It's okay... I get it...

Nicole: *Bites her lip* I... Thank you for what you did though, you can hardly see most of them unless you're trying now...

Harry: *Looks at her cautiously* I didn’t mean to... to overstep my mark... I’m sorry... I didn’t mean it...

Nicole: *Smiles slightly at him* It's alright Harry, really.

Harry: Power really can be a scary thing... I’m glad it's coming in stages...

Nicole: You're doing fine Harry, it's a lot to cope with.

Harry: *Nods* Yes... well... *The kitchen door opens slightly and Arthas pops his head round.*

Arthas: Hello, Harry, Nicole... what do you want for dinner? Lucius is raiding my cupboards.

Nicole: *Nicole hurriedly pushes her sleeves back down and turns to look at Arthas.* Um... a chicken sandwich?

Arthas: *Nods* Harry?

Harry: Umm... nothing for me thanks... but could you get me two cups of hot chocolate? *Arthas nods and walks back into the kitchen*

Nicole: Harry, I meant it when I said it was alright, I know you're still learning to control your powers, it's fine.

Harry: *Harry nods* I know... but... I hate leaving Draco alone... some hot chocolate will do us both good... and I’m not really hungry anymore...

Nicole: *Nods* I understand Harry... I’ll come by in the morning to check on Draco, I told Arthas to make up a tray of food similar to the one I brought when I came to see him today, for us for the next few days.

Harry: *Nods* Good idea... *Smirks a little mischievously* Umm... I’ll be back in a second. *Goes through to the kitchen for a moment then comes back through smirking*

        *Nicole gives Harry a questioning look.*

Harry: *Smiles* Oh, there will be a little extra on the tray for Draco... don’t open the tin... *Grins* to cheer him up. I won’t be there tomorrow, I’m going into the forest...

Nicole: Alright... are you going to the forest alone?

Harry: Yes.

Nicole: To practice with your powers?

Harry: *Nods* Something like that...

Nicole: Good luck with that then.

        *Harry smiles and Arthas comes out of the kitchen, followed closely by Lucius who is holding two chicken sandwiches.  Arthas places the hot chocolate in front of Harry and walks back into the kitchen.  Lucius hands a sandwich to Nicole.*

Nicole: Thanks Luce.

        *Lucius smiles and Harry stands.*

Harry: I’ll see you two later... *Picks up the hot chocolate and walks out of the dining hall*

Lucius: *Takes a bite of his sandwich* Harry not hungry then?

Nicole: No, Harry wasn't really hungry and he was eager to get back to Draco... he's a bit drained at the moment.

Lucius: Oh... *Looks like he knows more than he's letting on but doesn’t push it* Oh well then... he's better resting then. *Takes another bite of the sandwich* I think I’m going to head back to Kain when I’m finished here... see how he's holding up... or if he's still asleep.

        *Nicole nods and looks at her sandwich for a moment before taking a bite and chewing rather slowly.*

Lucius: He was... *Looks thoughtful* different today... after... *Reddens slightly* I hope he's still asleep.

Nicole: *Swallows and gives Lucius a small smile* I’m sure he needs the sleep. *Eats some more of her sandwich*

Lucius: *Reddens rather more* He was very quiet. Rather emotional.

Nicole: *Nods* Not surprising really, considering... *Sets down her sandwich and looks at it* ...I'm not really hungry anymore... I probably shouldn't have even bothered getting it.

Lucius: *Smiles slightly* Perhaps you should go to sleep...

Nicole: *Grimaces* Yes perhaps.

Lucius: *Looks at her* What's wrong?

Nicole: *Hint of sadness in her expression* Nothing... I think perhaps I’ll go read a book for a while in my study first...

Lucius: ...You don’t want to be alone...

Nicole: I... *Looks as though she was going to disagree then stops* ...Actually, yes.

Lucius: *Looks at her* If you don’t mind my snoring you can stay in my and Kain's room... I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.

Nicole: ...I wouldn't want to intrude.

Lucius: *Shakes his head* You wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t have offered otherwise.

Nicole: I... thank you.

Lucius: *Smiles* I’m going to head up now actually... *Finishes off his sandwich* Coming?

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah, no reason not to.

Lucius: *Stands and holds a hand out for Nicole* Let's go then.

        *Nicole stands and takes Lucius' hand.*

Lucius: *Lucius leads Nicole up to their room and opens the door and enters to see Kain laying in the bed, wings spread out behind him on the bed asleep. Lucius smiles lovingly and looks at Nicole.* I’ll make a bed up for you on the couch, be back in a second with blankets and stuff...

Nicole: That's fine, thank you Luce.

        *Lucius walks from the room.  Kain stirs slightly in sleep.  Nicole walks over to stand by the bed and looks down at Kain a small smile on her face.  Kain turns his head to face Nicole and opens an eye gently.*

Nicole: *Quietly* Hey Da.

Kain: *Sleepily* Hello Nicole... where's Lucius?

Nicole: Getting some blankets and stuff, he said I could stay on the couch tonight.

Kain: *Smiles* Oh, okay... *Yawns widely showing off his rather impressive fangs* I’m very tired... Lucius is rather energetic... I’m too old for this... *Smirks gently*

        *Nicole laughs quietly.*

Lucius: *Lucius walks back in* What’s so funny? *Starts to fix a bed on the couch for Nicole and looks over enquiringly.*

Nicole: *Smiles* Oh Da was just making a rather amusing statement is all.

Lucius: *Lucius finishes fixing out the bed* Oh, what about?

Kain: You.

        *Lucius raises an eyebrow.*

Kain: Nothing bad, rather inflating to your ego, so you don’t need to hear it.

        *Nicole smiles watching the banter and moves over towards the couch.*

Lucius: *Lucius walks over to the bed and undresses quickly down to his underwear and gets under the covers.* I think I should hear it...

Kain: I was saying how a young man such as yourself can tire out an old man like me.

        *Nicole lies down on the couch under the covers watching them with a smile on her face.*

Lucius: *Lucius smiles and wraps his arms round Kain.* Simply not true.

Kain: You’re right... *Kisses Lucius' forehead* It was because I was rather emotionally wrecked after today... *Whispers* Thank you for what you did for me.

Lucius: *Smoothes back his hair* It’s alright... I love you, I’d do anything for you...

Kain: *Kain takes a moment to bask in his words and then snorts.* We better put a lid on all this sentimental nonsense, or we risk sounding like another couple... one half is in the room... *Shakes head* and that’s too sappy for my liking.

Nicole: *Snorts* Gee thanks Da.

Kain: *Grins* Ah, you know it's true.

Lucius: Like we're ones to talk though Kain.

Kain: Precisely why I was stopping the emotional nonsense... *Smiles gently* you know I’m kidding of course.

        *Nicole laughs softly.  Kain leans his head against Lucius' neck.*

Lucius: Kain... when did you last feed?

Kain: ...About two days ago.

Lucius: *Concerned* That’s not healthy... especially with the amount of blood you've lost...

Kain: ...What are you my mother now?

Nicole: No he just sounds like you nagging me.

Kain: I do not nag.

        *Lucius sniggers.*

Nicole: Uh huh Da, whatever. *Snuggles further into her blankets*

Lucius: Kain, take some blood from me.

Kain: No, just go to sleep.

Lucius: ...Please? It'd make me feel better... please?

Kain: *Sighs exasperatedly* Fine... *Kain bites down on Lucius' chest who yelps* Bastard!

        *Kain chuckles against him as he drinks.  Nicole rolls her eyes and smiles as she closes them.*

Kain: *Kain yawns again* Now can we sleep?

Lucius: *Yawns* Yes... good night Kain... goodnight Nicole.

Kain: *Kain kisses Lucius goodnight* Goodnight Nicole...

        *Nicole's sleepily mumbled answer comes back from the couch.  Kain drifts off first and Lucius strokes his hair and follows not long after.  Nicole drifts slowly off to sleep as well.*



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