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7 September 1997

Lucius: *Nicole wakes to Lucius' voice* Nicole? Nicole hon, wake up...

Nicole: *Nicole sleepily open's one eye* *Voice hushed with sleep* Luce?

Lucius: Morning... *Glances over at Kain who is still snoring his head off and rolls his eyes.*

Nicole: *Nicole rubs at her eyes and props herself up against the back of the couch.* Morning.

Lucius: *Smiles gently* It's nearly afternoon... *Looks at Kain again* though to some people it's the middle of the night.

Nicole: That late already? *Somewhat surprised*

Lucius: *Smiles* Yes... I woke about a half hour ago, I thought you might want to sleep.

Nicole: *Nods* Thanks, if I slept that long, then I probably needed it.

Lucius: *Lucius yawns* This is very strange, I used to be a morning person.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes well vampires are nocturnal by nature as Da and Sethopher both often like to point out.

Lucius: Yes, I used to wake Kain up early, but now I can sympathise with him...

Nicole: I seem to be sleeping in more and more myself lately... though still not usually nearly late enough for either Da or Sethopher's liking.

Lucius: Probably due to your unborn child... causing havoc with your sleeping pattern and eating habits.

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah, it rather has... I’m ecstatic to be having this child, but I must say I’ll be happy when he's finally born and this is done with.

Lucius: *Smiles slightly* I daresay Draco feels the same...

Nicole: *Nods* I suppose I shouldn't complain, at least I still have my magic.

Lucius: *Nods* Yes... my poor son... *Runs a hand over his face* He was terrified, still is... my empathic powers were going into overdrive.

Nicole: I know... but it was really the only way... and once he's recovered from the sickness perhaps he'll be able to cope with it a little better.

Lucius: Yes, I hope so... Harry and I managed to calm him down.

Nicole: I’m glad you were able to.

Lucius: *Nods* Yes... me too... *Looks over at Kain again who is muttering in his sleep* I should probably wake him...

Nicole: Yeah... probably.

Lucius: *Lucius smiles and walks over to the bed and lays a hand gently on Kain's shoulder* Kain, wake up lover... *Kain mutters and doesn’t wake* Kain, wake up, it's getting late.

Kain: *Mutters* For you maybe... *Shoves the pillow over his head*

Lucius: Kain, wake up... *Prods him*

Kain: I'm awake, I’m awake! *Takes his pillow off his head*

        *Nicole tries to muffle a small laugh behind her hand.*

Kain: *Kain looks over at Nicole* Find something funny? *Hits Lucius in the arm who sniggers*

Nicole: Oh nothing.

Kain: *Scowls* I'll bet... *Glowers at Lucius who tries his best to look innocent*

Nicole: *Small smile* It's just I think you go beyond the words "I'm not a morning person".

Kain: *Looks at her* Nicole, for over five thousand years I have been a vampire, I think I have a legitimate reason.

Nicole: I never said you didn't, it's still amusing anyway.

Kain: *Shakes his head and yawns* I hate morning people...

Lucius: Well, you won’t have to put up with this for long... like you notice I am sleeping later and later.

*Nicole nods.*

Kain: I suppose... *Light knock at the door*

Lucius: Come in.

        *Nicole watches the door with interest.*

Sethopher: *The door opens and Sethopher walks in* ...Good morning...

Nicole: *Nicole's face brightens immeasurably, she breaths out with a smile on her face* Sethopher...

Sethopher: *He smiles and walks over to the couch she is on and sits beside her, he kisses her forehead and wraps an arm around her* Miss me?

Nicole: *She wraps her arms around him snuggling against his side, face buried against his shoulder.* You have no idea.

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* I do, I missed you terribly... *Runs a hand through her hair as Kain and Lucius smile watching them.*

Nicole: *Softly* A lot has happened while you were gone.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* I know, I can feel a lot has changed.

Nicole: *Swallows* And there's some things I need to talk to you about, *Small smile* unless I want lectures from Kael and Harry again of course.

Sethopher: *Looks interested and nods* Okay... *Looks over at Kain and Lucius* Something has changed between you too...

        *Kain and Lucius look at each other and then at Sethopher.*

Kain: Yes it has...

Sethopher: *Sethopher doesn’t comment and then looks at Nicole* Are you hungry love?

Nicole: *Looks considering for a moment then starts slowly* Yeah... but not as much as I usually would be, especially having been so long since the last time I fed. *Looks over towards Kain* Fiammetta's blood really is quite strong.

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes I know... I thought it would do you good.

Sethopher: You fed from Fiammetta? *Seems surprised*

Nicole: ...There really wasn't anyone else, and he offered... I was unsure at first, but it's not like I had much choice.

Sethopher: Wow... hang on... wasn’t Lucius here?

        *Lucius looks down and away from Kain and Sethopher.*

Nicole: ...Things have been a little... complicated while you were gone.

Sethopher: *Looks at Lucius* Oh?

Kain: Yes... *Places a hand under Lucius' chin and makes him look up* Lucius and I had an argument... we're alright now though... *Lucius smiles a little and takes Kain's hand in his own.*

Sethopher: Oh.

Nicole: Things have been rather... busy around here, especially yesterday.

Sethopher: *Nods* I’m getting that... There was a lot of activity last night too at the Barrow Down. They seem to think that Cenarius' power is growing stronger in the world... Has Harry shown any increase in power?

Nicole: *Swallows and nods* That has to do with what I need to talk with you about, sort of.

        *Kain also looks a little curious but doesn’t ask.*

Lucius: ...Nicole, I hate to interrupt but did you not have breakfast planned with Draco?

Nicole: Actually yes I did, and Harry arranged for something special to be on the tray for Draco this morning... not that it'll be morning much longer... I should go check on him

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles slightly* I should go unpack and shower anyway... *Kisses her on the forehead* Get you back at our room later?

Nicole: *Nods* I’ll need to change anyway, I’m still in yesterday's clothes.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Well, I’ll see you then... *Stands and looks at Kain who looks at Sethopher and seems to ask a silent question with his eyes.* I’m alright Kain... *Kisses Nicole once on the lips chastely* See you soon. *Walks from the room*

Nicole: *Nicole's eyes follow Sethopher as he leaves, then with a sigh she stands.* Thank you again for letting me sleep here last night.

Lucius: *Lucius smiles* It was no problem.

Nicole: *She smoothes her clothes out some* I’ll see you both later I’m sure.

        *Kain gives Lucius a look and he shivers.*

Lucius: Yes...

Kain: Yes, much, much later.

Nicole: *Smiles* Bye. *Leaves the room and walks downstairs to the dinning hall.*

        *Arthas is sitting talking with a blonde female elf who seems rather interested in him, they're sitting giggling.*

Nicole: *Nicole knocks softly on the doorframe* Arthas? I hope I’m not interrupting anything.

        *Arthas stands up quickly and the blond elf grins.*

Arthas: No-no of course not... I have the tray you asked for... I’ll be right back... *Arthas walks towards the kitchen and enters.*

        *The blonde elf laughs.*

Nicole: *Nicole smiles at the blonde elf* I am sorry for interrupting, I only just woke a short while ago.

Aerien: *She smiles and answers with a heavy accent* It's alright. You are Nicole, am I correct, yes?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes I am, and you would be?

Aerien: I am Aerien.

Nicole: Nice to meet you.

Aerien: You too, Arthas has spoken of you a few times. He... he is *Seems to be thinking hard* rather busy here... I don’t use English a lot as you can probably hear.

Nicole: *Nods* It's quite alright, regrettably it's all I can speak... I can read a few dead languages... I’d like to learn both Vampiric and some dialects of Elvish. *Small smile*

Aerien: *She smiles* Both are apparently difficult to learn, thankfully I need not know Vampiric and High Elvish is native.

        *Arthas walks back out with the tray and an extra small tin in the middle with a note attached.*

Nicole: *Smile* Yes well, I have plenty of time to learn them now. *Looks over to Arthas* Thank you Arthas.

Arthas: *Smiles* No problem... *He looks at Aerien and speaks a few words in elfish and she sighs and stands.* Aerien and I are going out for a few hours, if you need anything ask for Nathan... *Smiles* Enjoy your breakfast Nicole and give Draco my regards.

Nicole: I will, have a good time out.

Aerien: *Aerien grins wickedly* We will. Goodbye.

        *Arthas raises an eyebrow and they both walk out of the room.  Nicole leaves and walks to the boys' room, balancing the tray against her hip she knocks.*

Draco: *Draco calls out* Come in.

Nicole: *Nicole pushes the door open and readjusts the tray* Hungry Drake?

Draco: *Nods* Starving. *He's sitting in bed and places the book he has been reading on the bedside table*

Nicole: *Nicole walks over and sets the tray down* Harry arranged for a surprise to be on here for you.

Draco: *Draco looks at the tin and note and looks confused* Oh... *Picks up the note and reads it and looks even more confused.*

Nicole: What is it?

Draco: It says, "When you open the tin, try not to have too much fun without me"... *He picks up the tin, and looks inside and starts laughing hysterically.*

        *Nicole gives Draco a quizzical look.*

Draco: *Draco tries to keep on top of his amusement and opens the tin to reveal three pineapple rings* Honestly... *Shakes his head*

Nicole: *Nicole laughs* Well, that boy is just full of surprises.  Apparently you're never going to live down that particular food-play incident.

Draco: He's just trying to cheer me up... after the state I worked myself up into yesterday.

Nicole: *Nods and grows more serious* How are you feeling?

Draco: *Looks about to reply straight away then frowns* I won’t lie... I’m better than I was... I’m still pretty scared... but not as much as I was... *Stretches and Nicole can see two chains around his neck, she can see the darkened crystal on one and she can’t see the other one as it's beneath his pj top*

Nicole: What's the second necklace?

Draco: *Looks down and almost yelps and places it properly under his pj's* Nothing...

Nicole: Draco...

Draco: Is my name...

        *Nicole raises an eyebrow and gives him a stern look.*

Draco: ...*Chews on a bottom lip* Promise you won’t get mad, or tell Kain?

Nicole: It's the stone Albus gave Harry, isn't it?

Draco: *Nods* Yes... the nexus stone...

Nicole: *Sighs* I can't say I’m surprised.

Draco: *Looks down* I didn’t ask him for it, he gave me it... I tried to protest but... well Harry can make me seem like a pushover sometimes... stubborn prat.

Nicole: *Laughs softly* Yes he has that sort of... presence about him.

Draco: *Nods* Not that I’m not glad I have it... it's comforting... such a powerful magical object... It's nothing like being able to feel my own magic, but it's something.

Nicole: *Nods* I can understand that... *Looks at Draco* I’m not going to lie about you having it to Da, but I won't say anything about it unless directly asked, is that agreeable enough?

Draco: *Nods* I can live with that I suppose... It's very strange... Harry said that he feels something not quite right too, coz he can’t feel my magic there... obviously our magic had begun to bond...

Nicole: *Nods* That's possible... *Serves out their breakfast* You'll make it through this Drake, it'll only be a few months.

Draco: *Sighs and nods* I know... I will... it's just going to be very hard. *Takes a bite of toast*

Nicole: Yeah...

Draco: *Draco takes a sip of tea and sighs* Although... the sickness wasn’t nearly as bad this morning... I was still a little sick, but only a couple of times rather than the ten minutes solid in the mornings.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m glad to hear that. I want you to keep taking it easy for a few more days at least, so you have a chance to recover some more, if you're more or less fine in a few days I think it should be fine for you to go back to normal activity... that should make you happy, I know you've been a bit stir-crazy.

Draco: Yeah... I hate being in bed all the time... Harry's ordered me to stay in bed too... He was rather freaked out when he came back last night after grabbing something to eat. I wonder what happened.

Nicole: *Nicole's face sobers* *Quietly* His powers did something unexpected.

Draco: *Frowns* Oh?

Nicole: I... *Nicole looks unsure of what to say*

Draco: *Shakes his head* It's okay I won’t pry if he's asked you not to say anything.

Nicole: *Softer* That's not it, it's... I... *Closes her eyes* I was upset because of some of what went on yesterday and some memories it brought back... Harry was talking with me about them when...

Draco: *Sets down his tea and watches her* *Quietly* Nicole... you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to... it's okay.

Nicole: *Sighs and opens her eyes back up and gives Draco a weak smile.* I’m sure I’ll be talking with you, Da and Luce about it eventually, but... I need to talk with Sethopher about it, and I’m not sure if I’m up to talking about it twice in one day just now.

Draco: *Nods* It's okay I understand... I mean, I trust you a lot and I know you trust me, but there are things that I wouldn’t tell you... not at the moment anyway... I do understand. *Takes another sip of tea*

Nicole: *Nods* Thanks for understanding Drake. *Starts eating*

Draco: *Draco eats some toast and then drinks some tea.* So what are you going to do today? Is Sethopher coming back later or what?

Nicole: *Smiles brightly.* He's back, your father just woke me a little while ago, and before I was even up Sethopher was at the door.

Draco: *Draco smiles* Oh, that’s great! You must be happy that he's back.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, very. He went back to our rooms, when I’m done having breakfast with you, I’m going to meet up with him.

Draco: *Smiles* Cool. *Takes another sip of tea and looks at her* You must have missed him terribly... I think I’d go crazy if Harry had to go somewhere.

Nicole: Yeah, I did. *Sheepish smile* I spent both nights in Da's room.

Draco: *Smiles* Don’t blame you. *Draco takes a pineapple ring and shakes his head* Honestly, and Harry says my mind is in the gutter.

Nicole: *Laughs.* Yes well, you both have your moments.

Draco: *Smiles and eats a pineapple ring.* Yeah we do don’t we? *Shakes his head*

Nicole: *Smiles humorously* But we love you both anyway.

Draco: *Draco takes another drink of tea* Yep.

Nicole: *Nicole finishes her breakfast* Do you want me to bring a book or anything by for you later? I know Harry said he was going to be out in the forest all day.

Draco: *Draco shakes his head* No, it's okay, I have some things I can do anyway. *Finishes his toast and drains the remains of his tea.*

Nicole: *Stacks their dishes on the tray.* Well, unless there’s anything else you want to talk about I’ll take these back to the kitchen. *Twitches her nose in distaste as she glances at her clothes* I’m ready to get a shower and change, I’m still wearing yesterday's clothes.

Draco: *Draco smiles* I don’t need anything else no. Thanks anyway Nicole... I take it I will be breakfasting myself tomorrow seeing as Sethopher is back?

Nicole: Well... if you want me to come I will... but seeing as I seem to be getting up later lately anyway why don't you go to the dinning hall with Harry tomorrow if you're feeling up to it?

Draco: Harry's rarely here in the morning... Well, he stayed with me a while this morning till he was sure I was okay but he had to go... usually he goes out in the morning now.

Nicole: I didn't realise that. Well, unless you send Harry to wake me I somehow doubt I’ll be up very early. *Smiles* If Da and Sethopher had their druthers they'd both sleep till mid afternoon at the earliest.

Draco: *Smiles* Yeah, dad told me about that. It's weird he sleeps so late, he used to wake me at 7:30... during the summer.

Nicole: *Laughs* Yeah, he commented on that to me. As far as Da is concerned Luce still gets up at an ungodly hour.

Draco: *Laughs* Weird... Vampires really are strange in their habits.

Nicole: Well they are generally rather nocturnal, best time to hunt and all.

Draco: Yeah... *There is a light knock at the door*

        *Nicole looks at the door.*

Draco: Come in.

Fiammetta: Hello you two.

Nicole: *Smiles* Hello Fiammetta.

Draco: *Draco smiles and looks a little awed* Hello Fiammetta.

Fiammetta: *Looks at Nicole* I think you should feed now... since you have eaten breakfast, means you don’t need to worry about it till tomorrow again.

Nicole: *Smiles* Thank you, it was nice not having to worry about stopping what I was doing and hunting down Da or Luce in the afternoon yesterday.

Fiammetta: *Smiles gently* It's alright. I don't think it would do Kain or Lucius any good to have blood from them today. I have plans for those two today.

Nicole: *Grins* Glad to hear it. *Stands and picks up the tray* I’ll see you around Draco... do you want me to have someone in the kitchen bring you the tray tomorrow if I’m not up in time, or do you think you'll go to the dinning hall?

Draco: I’ll probably just go to the dining hall.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright then, I’ll see you. *Looks towards Fiammetta as she heads towards the door*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta nods farewell to Draco who just gapes slightly. He smiles at Nicole* Shall we depart?

Nicole: *Smiles in amusement at Draco* Yes, let's go.

        *Fiammetta walks from the room and stands in the hall waiting on Nicole.*

Nicole: *Leaves the room and nudges the door shut* Did I look as silly yesterday as he just did? Oh and I need to take this tray back if you don't mind.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta nods* Yes you did look that silly... although you did keep your composure a little more than he did. Only a little mind you.

Nicole: *Laughs slightly and heads towards the dinning hall.* Yes well, we all have our moments.

Fiammetta: Yes we do... I wonder if Sethopher will help in Lucius' training... Lucius' mental powers are increasing rather rapidly.

Nicole: Luce has mentioned that to me, he's been surprised at how fast they've developed. *Pushes open the door to the dinning hall*

Fiammetta: *Follows through* Yes, Kain isn’t... he knew exactly what he was doing when he gave Lucius his curse... I shall also see if Draco wants to help...

Nicole: Oh?

Fiammetta: One of the most basic skills a vampire must have is that of the language of the vampires... especially one that will eventually rule alongside Kain. I have heard that Draco knows the language.

Nicole: *Nods as she sets the tray on the table* I don't know how much, but he does know at least some.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles* Kain seems to think he has a rather comprehensive knowledge of the language. He said his teacher would not have rested until he knew all the language.

Nicole: He would know better than I... perhaps I should think about asking Draco about that as well, I’d like to learn at least a basic understanding of Vampiric and some forms of Elvish, though I’ve been told both are difficult to learn. *Walks over to the door to the kitchen and knocks.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta nods* Yes they are both difficult...

        *The door opens and a black haired elf that Nicole has seen helping from time to time answers*: Yes?

Nicole: Are you Nathan?

Nathan: *Nods* I am, I am indeed.

Nicole: Arthas said to let you know when I’d brought the tray back, and anything else. *Motions towards the tray on the table* I won't be needing a tray prepared in the morning anymore, Draco is going to attempt taking his meals with everyone else again tomorrow.

Nathan: *Nathan smiles and takes the tray.* I’ll tell Arthas when he returns.

Nicole: *Smiles* Thank you.

        *Fiammetta smiles at the elf who goes back into the kitchen.*

Fiammetta: So, where would you like to sit to feed?

Nicole: *Looks considering* I dunno... I generally don't like to in my rooms... *Shakes head* all the furniture is white, pretty, but impractical.

Fiammetta: *Smiles* Yes, the elves are rather fond of pastel shades... Kain has made some changes I note since the last time I saw this house... but not much. We could go to my room if you wish.

Nicole: *Nods* That would be fine.

Fiammetta: *Nods* Let's go then... *Takes her arm in his in a gentlemanly fashion and walks out of the door. He goes up two flights of stairs and into a wing of the house Nicole has never been near and enters the first door to the right.  The room is huge, a fire burning in the grate, large bed, sunk into the floor, a huge sofa over by the window and there is a large balcony that can be seen outside the window.*

Nicole: *Looks around the room* Wow...

Fiammetta: *Smiles slightly* Kain never told you how he acquired this house did he?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* No, he just said he'd had it for some time.

Fiammetta: *Nods* It was his grandfather's. Kain's grandfather was one of the founders of Quel'Thalas. His Grandfather died not long after Kain became a vampire... he had always been a favourite of his grandfather I understand.

Nicole: There is so much to this place, I’m constantly seeing new parts to it, it's surprising I have yet to get lost.

Fiammetta: *Smiles* Yes I suppose it is... *Places a hand on the wall* If these walls could talk... my what a tale they could tell.

        *Nicole gives him a questioning look.*

Fiammetta: *Smiles* This house was built by Kain's grandfather and myself...

Nicole: *Looks surprised* Really...

Fiammetta: Yes... this room is the room I have always used.

Nicole: Well it's a beautiful room.

Fiammetta: *Nods and motions to the couch* Please take a seat.

        *Nicole walks over and sits on the couch.  Fiammetta follows and sits beside her.*

Nicole: Thank you again for doing this for me, I’m not used to depending on others to such a degree.

Fiammetta: It's alright. That child is very special... It is rare that Kali does something like this. Also, my blood runs through him... From Kain, to Sethopher... to him. *Takes her hand* And you are very special too...

Nicole: *Looks extremely touched* I... I don't know what to say.

Fiammetta: *Smiles slightly* You don’t need to say anything.

        *Nicole smiles softly at him, appreciation in her expression.*

Fiammetta: *Takes his hair away from his neck* Time to feed now I think.

Nicole: *Nicole's stomach rumbles quietly and she laughs softly.* I think Nathair agrees with that sentiment.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta grins and leans his head away to let her get to the neck* Well then...

        *Nicole leans in and begins drinking, when she's done she sits back, once again looking a bit dazed, though not as badly as the day before.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta looks at Nicole* You don’t look as dazed as you did yesterday.

Nicole: I... *Pauses for a moment and blinks a bit to clear her eyes* I think either I’m getting used to it, or it's just because it's been so long since I last fed. *Shakes her head a little and most of the daze seems gone.*

        *Fiammetta lets his hand raise to his neck to the wound and he rubs it and it's all but healed.*

Nicole: *Notices the mark is almost gone* Wow... Should Da be able to do that?

Fiammetta: *Looks a little irritable* Yes. *Shakes his head and it disappears* He needs to learn to use his powers, one of the bones I have to pick with him today.

Nicole: *Nods* Good luck, he's quite stubborn when he wants to be... though we talked about it some the day before last, and he might be a bit more willing than he was.

Fiammetta: He will be, trust me. I am going to make him learn...

Nicole: Good.

Fiammetta: Lucius too... He and I will be training today along with Kain... Lucius will be rather shocked I think.

Nicole: About?

Fiammetta: The training...

Nicole: Oh? Why?

Fiammetta: Well, I have seen black arts training of Human standards. The only pain they go through is blood letting... Lucius will get hurt. Kain will attack him once he has got the basics... and he won’t pull any punches.

Nicole: *Nods* Physically causing pain and injury isn't something wizards tend to do, they generally rely on curses and such.

Fiammetta: *Nods* I know... When we teach we teach by example. Many vampires do not make it through their training... I know Lucius will... there is no worry of that but I think he'll be shocked that Kain will actually hurt him... it's for his own good though.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, Da would never harm him otherwise.

Fiammetta: *Nods* We will be able to heal him though, he won’t suffer... much.

        *Nicole smiles slightly.*

Fiammetta: Sethopher can help him with his mind abilities. Myself and Kain will be his weapon instructors... Draco can help him with Vampiric.

Nicole: *Nods* Sounds like you have it all planned out.

Fiammetta: I do... You may feed from me again tomorrow. Give Sethopher time to settle back here and Kain still needs some time to heal physically... Lucius will be in no state to be fed from.

Nicole: *Nods* Thank you, and good luck with Da.

Fiammetta: *Smiles* Thank you, I’ll need it.

Nicole: *Stands* Well, I should be going, there are some things I need to do.

Fiammetta: *Nods* See you later Nicole.

Nicole: *Smiles* G'bye. *Walks back downstairs and to her rooms, enters the bedroom.*

        *Sethopher has unpacked and is sitting on the bed meditating with a small crystal in his hands.  Nicole walks over to the wardrobe and quietly begins getting a change of clothing out*.

Sethopher: *Sethopher opens his eyes and looks at Nicole* *Quietly* Hello love.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Hi, I hope I didn't disturb you.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No... I was waiting for you anyway.

Nicole: *Sets the clothes over the back of a chair.* I would have been back sooner but I was with Fiammetta.

Sethopher: *Stands and walks over to her* Feeding?

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah, and he was telling me a little about the training he's planning for Luce and Da... He's planning to ask you to help with Luce’s training.

Sethopher: *Raises an eyebrow* Oh? His mind powers I take it?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, they’re developing quite quickly apparently.

Sethopher: *Nods* I’m rather flattered that he would consider me... *Stands right in front of Nicole and wraps his arms around her.*

        *Nicole wraps her arms around him and lays her head on his shoulder.*

Sethopher: ~I have missed you so very, very much.~

Nicole: ~I missed you too love, oh how I missed you.~

        *Sethopher smoothes her hair and kisses the top of her head and Nicole tightens her hold on him.  Sethopher leans down and kisses her tenderly.  She kisses him back, fingers gripping the back of his shirt.  Sethopher gently nips her bottom lip and runs his hands over her back.  Nicole moans softly pressing herself against him.*

Sethopher: *Pulls out of the kiss and leans his forehead against hers panting softly* I... I thought you were going to take a shower?

Nicole: *Quietly, slightly out of breath* I was...

Sethopher: *Kisses her cheek* You know... *Kisses her other cheek* I need a shower... *Kisses her lips gently*

Nicole: Mmm... seems a shame for one of us to have to wait. *Kisses him tenderly*

Sethopher: *Runs hands through her hair* I know... I’m sure that shower was big enough for two... *Kisses her again*

Nicole: *Brings one of her hands to the front of Sethopher's shirt, slowly unbuttoning it as she kisses him deeply.* ~Yes... definitely enough room to share.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses back, matching the passion of the kiss. He starts to unbutton her blouse and runs his hand over her stomach.* ~Sounds like a plan...~

Nicole: *Nicole starts backing towards the bathroom, drawing Sethopher with her* ~Mmm, missed this, missed you so much... So much has happened, seems like it's been forever.~ *Kisses him with increased fervor*

Sethopher: *Follows his lover eagerly, kissing nipping flesh, hands roaming.* ~I need you.~

        *Moaning softly at his words, Nicole smoothes her hands across Sethopher's chest and over his shoulders, pushing off his shirt to fall on the bathroom floor.  Sethopher completely opens Nicole’s blouse and kisses down her jaw to the junction between her neck and jaw and nibbles gently, pushing off her blouse and then pulling his hands down to work at the fastenings on her trousers.  Nicole quickly undoes Sethopher's trousers, capturing his lips in a feverish kiss.  She runs her hands down his sides and down his hips pushing his trousers down.  Sethopher toes off his shoes and steps out of the trousers and pushes down Nicole's trousers having undone the fastenings. He moves back up her body kissing and caressing and then bites gently again on her neck.  Nicole pulls her bare feet free from her trousers, moaning and tilting her head to give Sethopher better access, fingers trail across his back and shoulders.*

Sethopher: *Moves and kisses her and haphazardly puts the shower on with a free hand waiting till it gets to the right temperature.* ~Need you, want you, love you.~

Nicole: *Nicole brings a hand up to tangle in his hair, kissing and nipping his lips* ~Always.~

        *He groans and pulls Nicole into the walk-in shower and closes the glass door behind them. His hands run down Nicole's front and he cups her breasts in his hands and rubs gently.  Nicole's eyes close as she groans in pleasure, pressing into Sethopher's touch and grinding her hips against his.  He lets his right hand fall away and run down her front gently and tease the flesh at her groin very softly and gently.*

Nicole: *Nicole's breathing speeds up at his touch* Ohhh...gods, mmm... *She recaptures his lips in a fiery kiss.*

        *Sethopher kisses back ferociously and his touch is more intense.*

Nicole: *Groaning becomes a soft growl, fingers roaming franticly across Sethopher's skin, touching and caressing.* ~Oh... Talma, mmm... need... need you.~

        *Sethopher, in a show of brute strength, hauls Nicole up from her feet and aligns them both groin to groin and enters her slowly.  He moans gently and rocks his hips slightly.  Nicole wraps her legs around Sethopher's waist, shifting her hips to take him deeper, arms wrapped around his shoulders her head is thrown back, eyes closed, small sounds of pleasure escaping her lips.*

Sethopher: *Both hands are busy supporting Nicole's weight on him and he kisses her neck gently* ~Nicole, touch yourself.~

Nicole: *Moaning deeply she brings one hand down, caressing Sethopher's chest, stomach... fingers travel southward touching, teasing, Nicole's body is quickly beginning to tense.* ~So close...~

Sethopher: *Sethopher bites down hard on her neck and moves his hips faster and starts to pant* ~As am I.~

        *Nicole cries out breathlessly as she feels Sethopher's teeth break the skin, the sensation pushing her over the edge, the arm still around Sethopher's shoulders tightens as her body trembles in release.  Sethopher thrusts upwards one final time as he then comes crashing through his orgasm and lets go of Nicole's neck and kisses her passionately, her blood still on his lips.  Nicole returns the kiss fiercely, and nips his bottom lip hard enough to draw a hint of blood, mingling with her own on their lips.  Sethopher moans slightly and lifts her off himself and lets her find her feet to stand in the shower.  Nicole steps backwards, drawing Sethopher with her, leaning against the wall for support, breath coming in short, harsh, panting gasps.*

Sethopher: *Kisses the side of her face and holds her* ~God, I missed you.~

Nicole: *Breath gradually slowing, arms looped loosely around his shoulders, her head comes to rest at the crook of his neck* ~And I you, every moment.~

Sethopher: *Hugs Nicole and sighs gently and kisses her tenderly* We should probably actually get washed now.

Nicole: *Smiles softly, voice tinted with amusement* Yes, I suppose we should.

        *Sethopher sighs.  Nicole reaches for a bottle of shampoo, unthinkingly exposing her lightly scarred inner arm.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher grabs her arm and looks at the marks and lightly runs a finger over them.* *Looks at her.* Nicole?

Nicole: *Nicole swallows and doesn't meet his eyes* *softly* That was what I was supposed to talk with you about...

Sethopher: *Sethopher gently reaches for her other arm and looks at the marks on there... he traces the larger scar on each arm and looks at her.* *Whispers* You... you tried to kill yourself?

Nicole: *Looks away and closes her eyes* It... it was a long time ago.

Sethopher: *Frowns still looking at the marks* You kept a glamour on them?

        *Nicole nods and bites her bottom lip.*

Sethopher: *Looks up at her* Nicole... look at me.

        *Nicole opens her eyes and slowly turns her head to meet his gaze.*

Sethopher: *Quietly with only concern in his voice and eyes.* Why didn’t you tell me?

Nicole: I... until yesterday only one person really knew... it's... it wasn't something I talked about, with anyone.

Sethopher: *Frowns and then looks curious* Who did you speak to?

Nicole: *Quietly* Yesterday, or before?

Sethopher: ...Yesterday and before.

Nicole: Yesterday... Harry, he knew something was bothering me... and because with all the high emotions lately he's been picking up stray thoughts, he had some idea of what was wrong.

        *Sethopher nods listening intently.*

Nicole: We talked a while... he knew I... I used to cut... Last summer he had started and we talked a little, but... *Looks down at her arms then glances away quickly.* There were more scars and deeper before... something happened with Harry and they faded when he touched them, his as well... I don't think he really knows what he did at this point that caused it.

Sethopher: *Sethopher takes her hand in his and runs his hands over the scars. He gently fingers each and every scar and looks up at Nicole.* Is that the power increase that the centaurs were talking about?

Nicole: *Nods* I would assume so.

Sethopher: *Sighs gently and looks back down at her arm.* I wish you would have told me.

Nicole: I... *Sighs and looks defeated* I know... it's just... I’d only ever talked about it with one person, and... well it wasn't exactly my choice that he knew, though I’m grateful... and since we didn't exactly part on the best of terms... I just didn't talk about it, ever.

Sethopher: ...Who?

Nicole: A boy I went to Hogwarts with...

Sethopher: *Sethopher seems to be thinking and adds two and two together* Bill, Harry's friend Ron, his brother?

Nicole: *Nods, softly* Yes. He... he found me, the night I... *Closes her eyes*

Sethopher: *Sethopher wraps his arms around Nicole* Shhh, love it's alright...

Nicole: *Lays her head on his shoulder and whispers.* Can we get out of here, if... if I’m going to talk about this I’d rather be somewhere more comfortable.

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses her on the forehead* Sure... *Opens the shower door and grabs a towel from the rail holding it open for Nicole* Come on...

        *Nicole steps out of the shower.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher dries himself off and walks over to Nicole and wraps the towel round her.* Let's go sit in the bedroom. We can lie in bed... sound good to you?

        *Nicole nods and moves towards the bedroom.  Sethopher follows closely behind her and into the bedroom, closing and locking the bedroom door.  Nicole drops her towel and climbs into the bed, lying on her side facing the edge, a pensive look upon her face.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns and gets into bed behind her and lays a hand on her shoulder spooning against her back.* Nicole?

Nicole: *Nicole sighs and leans back against him* *quietly* I haven't really talked about some of this in a very long time.

Sethopher: *Kisses her shoulder* You can talk to me... you know that... don’t you? *Slight worried tone that he's trying to keep hidden.*

Nicole: *Nicole brings a hand up to where his rests on her shoulder, gently running her fingertips over the back of his hand.* I know love... it's just so complicated, it's hard to know where to start.

Sethopher: ...Not to sound clichéd but I find the beginning works best...

Nicole: *Sighs and nods slightly* I never really told you much about my childhood, did I?

Sethopher: No... You didn’t... when my powers were haywire I could only really find darkness... You never actively thought about your childhood, just feelings of darkness.

Nicole: *Quietly* Da knows some of this, up to a certain point... the night he changed Luce, some events happened that triggered some unpleasant memories...

Sethopher: Oh?

Nicole: I had to use Crucio on him and then when I was hardly calmed from that Albus Dumbledore showed up... things were less than pleasant afterwards... it's what prompted my blood gift, Da was quite weak from all that happened.

Sethopher: I didn’t know Dumbledore showed up... Kain told me a lot happened that night...

Nicole: He came to see Harry, it wasn't expected... Just seeing Albus was shock enough... it was hard for me, going to Hogwarts with him as headmaster... but when he and Da fought... it was a bit more than I could handle at the time.

        *Sethopher runs a hand soothingly over her back.*

Nicole: *Sighs* I never knew my parents, either of them. They were both killed a few months after I was born...

Sethopher: *Quietly* I didn’t know that.

Nicole: *Regretfully* Something else I should have told you... it's part of why I hold Da so dear to me... he's the first real father figure I’ve had...

Sethopher: *Sighs gently* I did often wonder why you two were so close... I could see why he loved you... you are very much like Tia... but, I didn’t see... where your affection came from...

Nicole: *Nods in acknowledgement and takes a deep breath before she continues.* I was born near the start of Voldemort's first rise to power, at the beginning he gathered followers to him both through new recruitment and re-gathering the followers of Grindlewald... My grandfather was young and foolish when Grindlewald was in power, and in following the darker traditions of his family, he supported Grindlewald. After his fall, my grandfather matured and his views changed, he regretted his service to Grindlewald, so when Voldemort approached him, he refused. Voldemort swore vengeance for what he considered a "betrayal to the cause"... My grandfather thought the consequences would befall him, he never expected that Voldemort would choose to kill his son and young daughter-in-law when they were out for their first evening alone since the birth of their child...

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses Nicole’s shoulder again* God love... I’m sorry.

Nicole: *Sighs* It wasn't so bad at first really, I lived with my grandparents, and they showered me with affection, what few memories I have of my earliest years are pleasant ones... but Voldemort used my grandmother and I as leverage against my grandfather, threatening the fate as befell my parents. My grandfather was influential in the ministry, and Voldemort wanted the advantage those connections would provide...

        *He holds Nicole close.*

Nicole: *Voice drops* I just barely remember my grandfather... Voldemort killed him shortly after I turned 3, he discovered that my grandfather had been slipping information to someone on the Light side...

Sethopher: Love... I’m so sorry... *Runs his hands over her back again*

Nicole: *Short wry laugh.* If only that were all... My grandmother was a rather sickly woman, I don't know what was wrong with her, I was too young to truly understand at the time, but she was dieing... with the death of my grandfather she knew she needed help, she wanted to make sure I’d be safe once she was gone... So even though she'd been disowned for marrying my grandfather, a member of a dark family, she approached her older brother, asking him for help... *Sneering* the self-righteous bastard wouldn't even see her.

Sethopher: *Sethopher quietly says one word* Dumbledore?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... He won't even recognise that we're related, he'd be happiest if I were to disappear, the nagging reminder of his sister's betrayal to her family for love.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* That man has caused a lot of trouble in his life.

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly.* He claims to be looking out for the best interest of others, but he's just as blinded by his own prejudices as anyone else.

        *Sethopher sighs gently.*

Nicole: Because of his refusal to help, when my grandmother passed away a couple years later, I was sent to live with one of my father's cousins. He was a blood relative, married and had a son about my age, and was willing to take me in... The ministry worker that was temporarily charged with my care thought it was the perfect solution.

Sethopher: I’ll bet... sometimes I wonder about the human world.

Nicole: Being as young as I was, I never really understood there was something wrong with how I was being raised by my "uncle" as I called him. How is a child supposed to realise that what they were told was a game, and studies they were praised for learning, were actually dangerous dark arts? All I knew was that I had a constant playmate and two people who seemed to care for me.

Sethopher: *Sethopher hugs her closely still listening intently* *Quietly* Go on...

Nicole: *Voice drops to a hush.* Both my cousin and I could cast all of the unforgivables, amongst many other dark spells, by the time we were 9 with all the tutoring of my uncle... a nearly unheard of thing. Not long before I turned 10, Voldemort wanted to assess the progress of the training of his follower's children. The assessment was performed in the manner of a competition, performing various spells on animals... my cousin and I made it to the final group, the youngest there.

        *He hugs her against him.*

Nicole: *Voice drops even further* The final test was to perform the unforgivables on a muggle child... I saw how proud of my cousin my aunt and uncle looked when he successfully completed the test... I craved their approval... I performed both Imperio and Crucio... but I couldn't finish it, seeing the boy in a crying, begging heap on the floor, I just couldn't finish it...

Sethopher: *Runs his hands through Nicole's hair* Love... that’s horrible... *Kisses the back of her neck gently*

Nicole: *nearly whispering* Voldemort, who was one of the judges stepped forward and killed the boy himself… then he told my uncle that the next time he saw me, I best not fail, he didn't tolerate repeated failures. My uncle was furious, when we got back to his manor he locked me in my rooms… I didn't come out again till nearly a month later, receiving all my meals from the house-elves, no other human contact until the aurors came to search the house and arrest my aunt and uncle when one of their spies revealed enough information to confirm their Death Eater activities.

Sethopher: *Sethopher runs his hands over Nicole's back in the same soothing motions he has been doing.* *Quietly and reassuringly* Go on love...

Nicole: This time rather than searching for someone to place me with, the ministry sent me to an orphanage that they'd opened due to the number of family-less children they had to contend with because of the war... Most of the other children were cruel, they recognised my last name - as the matrons refused to call any of the children by their given names - and they'd torment me, blaming me for the situation they were in, because it was well known my family was involved in Voldemort's cause...

        *Sethopher keeps his hands running in the same motions.*

Nicole: When I got my Hogwarts letter I thought things were looking up, but I was wrong. I was sorted into Slytherin, and with the association with Voldemort still so fresh since the war was still going on till my second year, all the other houses were more biased than ever against us... Plus, it was well known amongst the Death Eater families that my grandfather was a traitor, and as many of the children there were in some way connected to many of the people that were imprisoned or killed on Voldemort's side, I was shunned for the most part even within my own house... Then there was seeing Dumbledore, the man who betrayed my grandmother, every day... things at Hogwarts were nearly as bad as the orphanage...

        *He holds her close.*

Nicole: *Leaning into his embrace, her voice softens slightly, a faint note of fondness entering her tone.* The one person who seemed to actually notice or care was Professor Snape... of course he couldn't, or wouldn't really show it, but in my second year once Voldemort was gone and his spying duties were over for the time being - though I didn’t know about them at the time - he commented on my aptitude for potions and began giving me extra tutorials... he was always gruff and formal, but the knowledge that someone thought I was worth enough to actually spend extra time on me was a wonderful thing... I think it was that extra influence that led me to become a potions mistress, he had put so much effort into training me over the course of 6 years, that I thought the least I could do was put that knowledge to use.

        *He runs a hand through her hair.*

Nicole: *Sighs* But it wasn't enough... The stress and frustration of dealing with my housemates and fellow students, the torment of going back to the orphanage each summer... I felt like my life was so beyond my control, and everything was caving in on me... There was no one I could turn to for love or affection, and I began to feel so cold inside... *Voice drops to a whisper* The cutting started in fifth year... I felt so numb inside, it was a relief to feel the pain...

        *Sethopher smoothes her hair. He sighs gently still holding her and runs a hand up and down the top of her arm.*

Nicole: *Her eyes begin to water, and her voice wavers as she continues.* I never planned on it going as far as it did... but... *Takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.* Sixth year, shortly before Christmas break, we had midyear assessments.  To qualify for the seventh year level NEWTs classes, you had to pass sixth year.  The midyear assessments were important in the overall grade in each class for the year... I failed my transfiguration assessment because of a "prank" some of the Gryffindors played on me... 
   I don't know if McGonagall knew for a fact that they did it or not, but she refused to believe me when I tried to explain.  I tried to see the headmaster about it, but Dumbledore refused to even see me, and sent me a short note saying that he would uphold whatever decision professor McGonagall saw fit to make...
   I’m not sure exactly what it was about those events that did it, whether it was the continued rejection of a person who should have been my family, the blow that fellow students would do something so low, even lower than anything they had done before, or simply the knowledge that for the first time I was going to fail a class, and a rather important one at that... but that evening I felt more hollow inside than I can ever remember being.

Sethopher: *Sethopher runs a hand through her hair again.* *Quiet* I’m here Nicole... go on... I’m listening... I’m here.

Nicole: *Nicole rolls over in Sethopher's arms and wraps her arm around his waist, pressing herself closely against him, cheek resting against his chest. A tear escapes her eye as she continues, her voice shaky.* I went up to the top of one of the towers to be alone... When I made the first cut it didn't have the same effect as usual, it wasn't enough, the next was deeper, trying for a different angle on the next I slipped, cutting deeply down most of my arm... I remember just sitting there, watching as I bled, thinking detachedly that if I didn't find help, I wouldn't make it till morning, and not thinking that was a bad thing... I was so tired of it all, I was ready for it to be over... I didn't plan to die that night, but when the opportunity presented itself, it didn't seem such a bad idea...

        *Sethopher kisses the top of her forehead and keeps running a hand gently over her back.*

Nicole: Before I could grow any weaker I made a matching cut on my other arm and lay back, waiting for the darkness to take me... I didn't really have any ideas about what death would be like, but I figured it had to be better than I was living... It was just as things were growing dark around me that he came in the small tower room where I lay.

Sethopher: *Quietly* Bill?

Nicole: *Hoarsely* Yes ... I just barely remember the look of horror on his face as he rushed towards where I lay sitting on the floor, slumped against the wall... He quickly began whispering healing spells which stopped the flow of blood, bandaging my arms in strips from his own robes... He tried to take me to the hospital wing, but I refused to go, even in my weakened state I was making it difficult for him...

        *He holds her gently, kissing her forehead.*

Nicole: *Tears now flowing freely down her face.* The year before Snape arranged for me to have my own room, trying to make life in my house more bearable... I convinced Bill to take me there... Once I was on my bed I thought he'd left me to my fate... but he came back, with medicines he'd stolen from the hospital wing... He stayed with me all that night, giving me potions and treating my wounds... making sure I would survive... The next morning he pressed to know what was wrong, what had driven me so far... he wouldn't give up, and in my weakened state, with the first real opportunity to express my feelings to someone since my grandmother, I poured everything out to him...
   He chose not to go home for the break and stayed, spending nearly all of his time with me... I asked him why he would risk upsetting his parents by not going home and he told me... that he'd told his parents a friend needed him, and that they would understand... I broke down a second time the day he told me that...

        *Sethopher holds Nicole close.*

Nicole: He was my best friend and constant shadow the rest of the year, making sure I was ok... I had my setbacks, but with his help things didn't seem as bleak, and even the thought of going back to the orphanage wasn't so depressing knowing Bill and I were going to write nearly every day...
   When seventh year arrived he was still there, and along the way things between us became more... I went home with him at break and again shortly after graduation, finally too old to go back to the orphanage... It was when I was studying for my potions mistress certification that things began to go wrong between us.

Sethopher: *Quietly* What happened?

Nicole: I was not only studying for a basic mastery, but a specialisation in healing, at Bill's encouragement.  He saw how much more passion I put into those potions than the others... Bill was always good at charms, exceptionally so, and Gringotts was eager to have him work for them... they decided his skills would best be served as a curse breaker... *Voice drops* There isn't much need for a curse breaker in England, there are few undiscovered tombs and troves...

Sethopher: He had to leave.

Nicole: *Nods, her damp cheek rubbing against his chest.* We fought... he wanted me to come with him, but I wanted to finish my mastery first... He accused me of loving my work more than him... things deteriorated from there... We didn't talk afterwards, and a few days later all his things were gone from the small flat we'd acquired... He left for Egypt without even saying goodbye... we haven't really talked since... It was a long time before I was willing to start opening up to anyone again... and even then there were just certain things I kept to myself...

Sethopher: *Sighs gently* Oh love...

Nicole: *Softly* It wasn't really till Harry and Draco came to live with me that I started trusting... or caring, enough about anyone to really show how I felt... those two answering the add for housemates that I put in the paper, it was the best thing that ever happened to me... if it hadn't been for that, I never would have met Luce, or Da... or you...

Sethopher: *Kisses her gently* Then I’m glad they decided that was a good time to move.

Nicole: *Softly* So am I love... so am I... I can't say things have been easy with them in my life, it was much quieter before... but the good they've brought with them has outweighed the bad over and over again.

Sethopher: Yes... I’m glad you told me all this.

Nicole: *Sighs and wipes at her tear streaked face.* I’m sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just...

Sethopher: *Shakes his head and kisses her head.* Shh, it's alright, you don’t need to explain yourself love.

Nicole: *Hugs him tightly.* I know I seem so needy at times... I don't mean to... I’m just not used to having someone there for me, and there's this tiny nagging little part of me that says all that's happened is too good to last, and the moment I loosen my grip it will all slip through my fingers.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* I’m not going anywhere... you have me, eternally.

Nicole: *Her eyes close and she makes a soft contented sound* ~I’ll always love you Talma.~

Sethopher: ~And I you...~

        *Nicole passes into an emotionally spent sleep.  Sethopher smiles gently and also closes his eyes to get some sleep.*


~*~ Later that day ~*~

        *A very faint light is filtering through the window.  It is rather late in the day, it's early evening and Sethopher is still completely sound asleep.  Nicole is abruptly awoken by an almighty crashing noise that seems to be coming from the main hallway.  Nicole sits up partially and turns her head to try and identify what caused the crash... not finding one, she kisses Sethopher's brow and climbing from bed, pulls the covers over him and quickly changes into the clothes she set out earlier, making her way into the hall.  A heap which is obviously a person is laying on the floor, having apparently fell down the stairs and into the large bureau at the bottom of the stairs, the person has a cloak on and is moving slightly.*

Nicole: *Nicole moves over to kneel beside the fallen person* Are you alright? Do you need any help?

Illidin: *They stop moving* *Illidin's voice comes from underneath the cloak and is rather fearful.* Nicole? Nicole is that you?

Nicole: Illidin? Yes, it's me, it's Nicole... Are you hurt?

Illidin: *Nicole can see he's in his Moonelvin form, not the demon one his unusual magic allows him.* No... Nicole... I... help me please... Something’s wrong, my magic is bound, I can’t use it to see... like I usually do, I’m completely blind.

Nicole: *Nicole reaches out to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.* Come-on, I’ll help you up, let's go somewhere else to talk about this, my rooms are nearby.

Illidin: *Illidin nods* *Quietly* Stay close...

Nicole: *Helping him to his feet.* I won't let go of your arm, I promise... we're going to walk straight ahead a short distance and through some doors on the right.

Illidin: *Nods* Okay... let's go.

Nicole: *Nicole leads Illidin through the doors to her rooms and into the sitting room, taking him to the couch near the fire she stops.* We can talk in here, there's a couch right behind you, or some chairs nearby, which would you prefer?

Illidin: Couch... *Moves back slightly and feels the couch hit the back of his legs and sits down uncertainly.*

Nicole: *Nicole sits beside him, her hand still resting on his arm to reassure him of her presence.* When did this happen?

Illidin: As I was walking down the stairs... there was a slight blank last night... but I thought it merely because I was tired.  I was walking down the stairs and suddenly I was completely blind... again, and I fell and hit my head on something rather hard at the bottom of the stairs.

Nicole: The bureau. Do you have any idea what's causing this? Is all of your magic bound, or just what you use to see?

Illidin: ...All of it. So I can’t even redirect other magic.

Nicole: *Frowns in thought* Hmm... Do you have any idea what's causing it?

Illidin: *Frowns* No... It's never happened before... I have a lot of magic... it would take someone of Tyrande's proportions to bind my magic.

Nicole: It's not connected to the binding you performed for Draco at all is it?

Illidin: *Frowns again and then swears under his breath.* It may be.

Nicole: I thought that was only supposed to bind his magic, why would it bind yours as well? And the delay?

Illidin: I have bound people's magic before... Usually what happens is a small, tiny part of my magic is used to bind it until I release it... Because of where Draco's magic comes from all of my magic is needed... The delay could be because I am rather powerful and it just took time for all my magic to bind his...

Nicole: ...But that means... all you're magic is bound until you release Draco's... and we weren't planning to release it for a few months at least... this complicates things.

Illidin: *Illidin holds his head in his hands* Yes... it does.

Nicole: *Softly and regretfully* I’d understand if you wanted to release the bind early... I’d have to find something else to help Draco, but...

Illidin: *Illidin looks up with a look of surprise.* Never... unbind Draconias' heir's magic? Cenarius' lover's magic? You must be mad... no... and not after what I put that poor boy through with the spell...

Nicole: *Lets out a deep sigh of relief* I must admit I’m glad to hear you say that, because I honestly couldn't find any other solution... but what will you do now?

Illidin: Beside panic?

Nicole: *Tightens her grip on his arm slightly.* We'll work something out Illidin, panicking won't help.

Illidin: Well... I have no idea what to do... Eternal Darkness... I was in darkness for 10,000 years... it isn’t pleasant being back there.

Nicole: No, I don't suppose it would be... I honestly don't have any ideas either, this isn't my realm of expertise... perhaps we should talk with Da... or better yet, Fiammetta, perhaps one of them will have an idea?

Illidin: Yes... perhaps. Looks like I am stuck here until Draco has his child... For you see I am not a popular person, many people want me dead... I’m safe here though.

Nicole: I’m sorry to have dragged you into this, but I didn't know where else to turn.

Illidin: *Illidin shakes his head and reaches rather clumsily for her hand* It's alright, I am honoured to help with the care of Draco's child... I’m just scared... I’ll be alright.

Nicole: *Takes his hand and squeeses it softly.* We'll work something out Illidin... I can't promise we'll find a way for you to see until Draco's child is born, but I do promise to help do whatever I can for you.

Illidin: *Quietly* Thank you.

Nicole: This is the second time you've helped someone important to me, it's the least I can do.

Illidin: *Nods as there is a knock at the door* *Illidin's head turns rather sharply to the door in fright* *Quietly to Nicole* Everything is very loud...

Nicole: *She squeeses Illidin's hand again.* It's alright, you're safe here, I’ll just go find out who it is, alright?

Illidin: *Illidin nods* Okay...

        *With one more quick squeese, Nicole releases Illidin's hand and moves quickly over to the door and opens it some.  A brown haired elf in purple royal robes is standing at the other side of the door, there is something familiar about him.*

Nicole: Hello, can I help you?

Orin: *Smiles slightly* I am rather lost... I’m looking for my son and my brother.  Prince Kael and Kain.  I am Orin. I forgot how large Kain's house was.

Nicole: *looks slightly surprised* Oh! You're Kael's father, I’ve heard a fair bit about you. Kael's room is on the third floor, I’m not sure where Kain is, though last I knew he was going to be spending the day in the training rooms with Fiammetta and Luce.

Orin: *Nods* Thank you... I daresay I shall see my brother soon enough, it's Kael I’m really here for... You must be Nicole.

Nicole: *Looks somewhat flustered* Oh I’m sorry, where are my manners? Yes, I’m Nicole. Do you need help finding Kael's room?

Orin: *Raises an eyebrow* Only if you are not busy.

Nicole: *Glances over her shoulder* Could you give me a minute?

Orin: *Orin nods* Of course.

Nicole: *Nods and walks back over to Illidin and sits beside him taking his hand* Illidin?

Illidin: *He turns his head to her* Yes?

Nicole: Would you be alright in here by yourself for a little while? Kael's father is here to see him, and after showing him to Kael's room I could try to find Fiammetta or Da to come help us think of a way to help you. Or you could come with us if you'd prefer.

Illidin: *Illidin looks like he's having conflicting emotions* I... I’d rather not be alone... but I’m scared to walk at the moment too... *Sighs* I’ll wait here...

Nicole: Are you sure? I would stay with you the whole time. Maybe I should see if Sethopher is awake to stay with you, if you'd rather be here.

Illidin: *Nods* Please... I really don’t want to be alone...

Nicole: *Squeeses Illidin's hand.* I’ll stop in and talk to Sethopher before I go, I’m sure he'll only be a couple of minutes, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.

Illidin: Thank you again... I’m feeling rather vulnerable.

Nicole: *Squeeses his hand once more as she stands.* I know Illidin, Sethopher will be right in. *Walks over to the door and speaks to Orin*. I just need to have a quick word with Sethopher and we can be on our way. I have another errand I need to run anyway.

Orin: *Orin nods* Of course.

        *Nicole closes the door behind her and enters the door to the bedroom.  Sethopher is dozing, half asleep on the bed.*

Nicole: *Nicole walks over to the bed* Sethopher, love, I hate to do this, but I need you to wake up.

Sethopher: *Sethopher opens his eyes and yawns widely* Hey, what’s wrong?

Nicole: To put it shortly, Illidin helped bind Draco's magic, now his is bound as well, and he's completely blind and feels vulnerable, but I need to take Orin to Kael, and try to find Da or Fiammetta.  So I’d be very appreciative if you could go stay in the sitting room with Illidin until I get back.

Sethopher: *Sethopher gets up and shoves some trousers on.* God... poor Illidin... *Stops* Orin!? Kain's brother?

Nicole: Yes, something wrong?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No... just... he intimidates me.

Nicole: Ah, well, he's not the one you have to deal with, I’m taking him to Kael, and Illidin is waiting for you. *Walks over and give Sethopher a quick kiss* Thank you for helping love, it's a frustrating situation, and I feel badly as I’m the one that got Illidin involved in this.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Illidin will still feel honoured... He knew Cenarius and Draconias... You go on ahead... I don’t want to see Orin if you don’t mind...

Nicole: *Smiles and moves to the door* That's fine. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve tracked either Da or Fiammetta down.

Sethopher: *Nods* See you later love.

Nicole: *Goes out into the hall.* Alright, everything’s taken care of, Kael's room isn't too far, but it is up two flights of stairs.

Orin: *Nods* Good... I got his letter last night, decided to come make sure he was alright. He sounded distraught in his words.

Nicole: *Nicole leads the way into the hall and up the stairs.* He's trying his best to deal with things, but it's a lot to handle, Val's passing was unexpected.

Orin: Yes, he told me about the circumstances... he loved her dearly.

Nicole: *Nods* I know Val cared greatly for him as well... she was surprised and overjoyed when he asked her to marry him.

Orin: *Sighs* He'll move on eventually... it's going to take time though...

Nicole: Yes, these things always do... We talked some yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to stop by yet today *Stops at Kael's door* and here is his room.

Orin: *Orin smiles* If you see Kain, do tell him I am here. *Knocks on the door*

Kael: *Kael calls softly* Come in...

Nicole: *Nods* I will... now I just need to figure out where the training rooms are... or wherever he is.

Orin: *Laughs gently* As I recall, the training rooms are in the same rough area as the kitchen... one of the kitchen staff should be able to tell you... *Opens the door* See you later Nicole. *Enters Kael’s room and closes the door softly behind him*

        *Nicole heads downstairs to the kitchen and enters.*

Arthas: *Arthas turns to face the door* Oh, hello Nicole.

Nicole: Hello Arthas. Do you know if Da and Fiammetta are still in the training rooms?

Arthas: *Arthas looks a little pained* Yes, Lucius is there too... I was in about an hour ago... vampires really are rough when they train.

Nicole: *Nods* Fiammetta warned me it would be... I just hope they're at a point where they can stop for the day, I need their help with something... Can you direct me to the room they were in?

Arthas: *Nods* When you come out of the kitchen you turn left and head to the end of the corridor. You'll come to a "T" Junction. Go right and it's the first door on your left.

Nicole: *Nods* Thank you Arthas.

Arthas: *Smiles* No problem.

        *Nicole leaves and follows Arthas' directions, stopping at the door she knocks firmly.*

Fiammetta: *There is a loud cry of pain and then Fiammetta calls raggedly* Enter!

        *Nicole hesitantly opens the door, standing in the doorway.  Fiammetta is on the ground flat on his back.  Lucius has a blindfold on and a sword that is poised at Fiammetta's throat.  Kain is watching from the corner and has some scratches about his neck.*

Kain: *Kain looks over to the doorway* Hello Nicole.

Fiammetta: Lucius, you can put the sword away and take the blindfold off.

Nicole: *Looks at Luce, impressed* Am I interrupting?

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* No, not at all, Fiammetta was just busy showing me how to get my ass kicked by a vampire in the dark.

Lucius: *Takes the blindfold off* *Innocently* Does that mean I win?

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta gets up and shakes his head annoyed slightly* Don’t make me run you through.

Nicole: *Nicole tries to hide a small smile* Well if you three are done for the day I could use some help with something.

Kain: *Kain looks interested* Oh? What with?

Nicole: *Sighs* You recall that Illidin helped bind Draco's powers yesterday, correct?

        *All three nod.*

Nicole: Well there seems to have been an unexpected side-effect. All of Illidin's power has been bound as well in maintaining the bind on Draco's.

Kain: *Kain looks shocked* That... that means he's blind then!?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, I’m afraid so. It went out while he was coming down the stairs earlier, I woke from the crash of his fall and found him. Sethopher's with him now so that I could come find you all.

        *Fiammetta covertly comes up behind Lucius and tries to attack him, Lucius grabs his arm, trips him up and keeps him held down.*

Lucius: Now Fiammetta, Nicole is trying to talk to us...

Kain: *Tries not to laugh* Lucius is a fast learner... I don’t know if there's anything I can do for Illidin... he's an elf... not a vampire.

        *Fiammetta gets up and nods at Lucius as though 'well done, but if I tried I could kill you'.*

Nicole: *Tries to restrain another smile.* Yes, I know, but I’m unfamiliar with this realm and those in it, I thought you or Fiammetta perhaps would have a better idea of who to ask for help, or any other ideas.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta looks over* Not to sound obvious... But I’d see Harry.

Nicole: *Blinks at Fiammetta for a moment* ...I forget how powerful he's become sometimes... I suppose that would be the thing to do... I wonder if he's back from his day spent in the forest yet though... It is getting rather late, so he should be back soon if not already I suppose.

Fiammetta: *Nods* You should see him... who better to ask than the keeper of the grove himself? *Looks at Kain* You have created a powerful and smart arsed vampire.

Kain: He was a smart arse before.

        *Lucius looks like he's going to protest but shrugs.*

Nicole: *Snickers* Da's right Luce.

Lucius: I know, hence my lack of comeback.

Nicole: Da, you wouldn't happen to be able to tell if Harry is back in the house would you?

Kain: *Kain nods* He’s in his room.

Nicole: Well I’ll leave you three to your devices then, *Heads back to the door* see you.

Kain: *Frowns* There’s someone else here... *Looks thoughtful as though trying to place something*... *Smiles* Orin...

Nicole: Oh! *Looks sheepish* Oops, yeah, he's with Kael at the moment.

Kain: *Smiles gently* I haven’t seen him in a while.  Well anyway. You go speak to Harry...

Nicole: *Nods* See you Da. *Leaves and walks to the boys' room and knocks*

Harry: *Harry calls out gently* Come in.

        *Nicole opens the door and enters, closing it behind her.  Harry is sitting on top of the bed with a half asleep Draco in his arms.*

Harry: Hey Nicole...

Nicole: Hey Harry, how was your day?

Harry: Very good... me and Draco decided on some names for our baby.

Nicole: *Steps over to the bed* That's good... speaking of that, sort of, I kind of need your help on something... or at least see if you can.

Harry: *Frowns* What’s that?

Nicole: *Sighs* When Illidin helps bind someone's magic, it uses part of his to maintain the bind... Draco's so powerful it's using all of Illidin's magic ...he's blind without it.

Harry: *Gapes* God...

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah... Sethopher is with him now, but... it's frustrating and upsetting for him... he has no regrets about helping Draco, but if we could find a way to help him he'd be grateful.

        *Harry seems to be deep in thought.  Nicole sits on the edge of the bed and looks down at Draco fondly.*

Harry: *Looks down also at Draco and smiles slightly* He fell asleep again... He wasn’t amused at the slight bump to his stomach... nothing glaring but it's there... it's what prompted the name talk.

Nicole: *Nods* Things are progressing faster for him than they would for a woman... they are for me as well, must be the vampire influence... you can't see a bump yet, but I can feel a difference.

Harry: *Smiles and sighs* I think it's starting to sink in now... that I’m going to be a father...

Nicole: *Smiles softly* It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?

Harry: *Nods* Never thought I would get to be... being with Draco... *Puts a hand gently on Draco's stomach* Julian or Sarah Louise...

Nicole: Those are very nice names.

        *Draco stirs slightly in sleep and blearily opens his eyes.*

Nicole: *Smiles down at Draco* Hey babe.

Harry: Hey love... didn’t mean to wake you...

Draco: *Draco smiles at Nicole* Hey Nicole... I feel tired.

Harry: Go back to sleep... I need to go do something anyway...

        *Draco looks at him questioningly but is obviously too tired and so goes back to sleep.  Nicole stands.*

Harry: *Harry kisses Draco's cheek* Be back as soon as I can love...

Nicole: Do you have any ideas how to help Illidin?

Harry: *Looks at Nicole* ...Yeah... kinda. Hard to explain...

        *Nicole moves over to the door and waits for Harry.*

Harry: *Walks with her* Your rooms did you say?

Nicole: *Nods and leads the way into her rooms* Yeah, in the sitting room.

        *Harry nods and follows her.  Nicole opens the door to the sitting room, Sethopher and Illidin are sitting talking.*

Harry: Hey...

Illidin: Who's there?

Harry: It's Harry, and Nicole.

Illidin: *Illidin nods and turns his head towards Harry.* How is Draco?

Harry: Fine, a little tired but fine.

        *Nicole moves over to the couch.  Sethopher yawns widely again and shakes his head to stay awake.*

Harry: Sethopher you can go to sleep if you want.

Nicole: *Nicole puts a hand on Sethopher's shoulder* Why don't you go back to bed? I’ll be in when we're done here.

Sethopher: *Nods* Okay... *Kisses her chastely* Night... *Leaves*

Harry: *Sits beside Illidin.* Illidin, I think I can help you.

        *Nicole moves to stand behind the couch and rests a hand on Illidin's shoulder.*

Illidin: Thank you...

Harry: I need to take the blind fold off your eyes.

Illidin: ...Is it really necessary?

Harry: *Harry sighs* Yes. I’m afraid it is...

Illidin: *Nods* Okay... *He reaches behind his head and takes the blindfold off keeping his head bowed*

        *Nicole squeeses his shoulder reassuringly.*

Harry: *Harry places a hand under his chin and raises his face and looks pained* Dear me... what the hell did they do to you?

        *Illidin tries to move his head to stop Harry touching his face and he looks incredibly uncomfortable.*

Illidin: They took my eyes...

Harry: *Harry frowns and places both his hands over Illidin’s scarred and useless eyes.* So I see... but all the burns... *Closes his eyes in concentration and four small lights twist round his wrists*

        *Nicole watches what Harry is doing closely.*

Harry: *Harry pulls his hands away* You should be able to use the magic I’ve given you to set up a new way of seeing, similar to the way you did before... if you still had eyes I would have been able to heal you... but you don’t.

Illidin: I know... they burnt them out. *Shudders involuntarily*

Nicole: *Rubs Illidin's shoulder in a comforting manner.* Can you see now?

Illidin: *Takes a moment to get the links to work and nods and sighs in relief* Yes... not as well as before but I can see now... *Rubs his eyes and seems surprised* You healed a lot of the scarring... *Puts the bandanna over his eyes again*

Harry: Yeah... they messed you up quite badly.

Illidin: *Illidin nods* Yes... the watchers can be rather sadistic.

        *Nicole shudders slightly.*

Nicole: Will you be able to get back up to your room for the night on your own then?

Illidin: *Nods* Yes... thank you Harry, thank you Nicole...

Harry: *Smiles and runs a hand through his hair.* No problem... *Stops moving his hand and starts rubbing his forehead.  He jumps up and looks in a mirror that hangs above the fireplace* *Gapes*

Nicole: *Looks at Harry concerned* Harry? Is something wrong?

Harry: *Looks mildly shocked* *Pulls back his fringe to show that his scar is gone* Something missing!?

Nicole: *Looks surprised and then thoughtful* Do you think that could have faded last night along with the others?

Harry: *Nods* Probably... *Looks at his arm and the scar there is also gone* and after healing Illidin's eyes there... they've gone completely.

Nicole: Something to do with using your powers perhaps... it might be a good idea to mention it to Syan.

Harry: *Nods* Yeah... healing powers... strange...

Illidin: Well... I’ll take my leave of the two of you. Thank you again Harry.

Harry: No problem Illidin, sleep well.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles at Nicole* Thank you again.

Nicole: I didn't really do anything, but you're welcome all the same.

        *Illidin smiles and walks from the room.  Harry sits on the couch looking shocked.*

Nicole: *Sits down beside Harry* You gonna be alright?

Harry: *Nods* It's just... do you realise how much magic I just used? And I don’t even feel tired in any way.

Nicole: That is quite impressive...

Harry: *Shakes his head* It's scary, that’s what it is... I mean... I just healed his old scars, my own, gave him new links to magic that isn’t his, created an internal magical reserve for him to tap into, just enough to last him till my and Draco's baby is born... it's also crafted so the magic can’t be used for anything else coz I know about Illidin’s magical addiction... and my scar wasn’t just any old scar...

Nicole: *Low whistle* That is more than impressive... We knew you'd be powerful Harry, but I didn't realise it'd be this powerful, this soon.

Harry: *Shakes his head and whimpers slightly* Me neither.

Nicole: *Pulls Harry into a hug* Talk to Syan tomorrow, maybe he can help you understand it all.

Harry: *Smiles slightly* God I hope so...

        *Knock at the door.*

Nicole: *looks up* come in

Kain: *Kain opens the door and looks at Nicole and Harry* Hey Nicole... *To Harry* I have a question

Harry: ....oh?

Kain: .... Where is the Nexus stone?

        *Harry sighs and lets his head droop and he groans irritated.*

Nicole: *bites her lip and rubs Harry's back reassuringly.* Draco has it for the moment

Kain: Why?

Harry: Because he's scared.

Kain: *Kain shakes his head.* I asked you to keep it with you.

        *Harry speaks at him in an archaic language and Kain looks absolutely stunned.*

Harry: What?

Nicole: *Nicole gives him a scrutinising look.* You just spoke a different language, did you not even notice?

Harry: *Frowns* No...

Kain: *Gapes* That was Ancient Elfish... the language I have been learning since I was seven... and am still trying to come to terms with. Well, slightly harder actually, that was Ancient Moonelvin, slightly different.

Harry: ...*Whimpers again and leans against Nicole*

Nicole: *Holds Harry tighter and says softly* I think you have quite a bit to talk with Syan about tomorrow.

Harry: *Nods* Uh-huh.

Kain: *Frowns* Harry... where's your scar?

Harry: Kain, be quiet before I curse you.

        *Kain is indeed quiet.*

Harry: *Harry stands* I’m going to get back to Drake...

Nicole: Goodnight Harry, I’ll see you in the morning.

        *Harry stands and exits the room leaving Nicole and Kain alone.*

Nicole: *Nicole looks over towards Kain* You might not want to mention anything about Harry's scar... or anything else that makes him special for that matter... not for a little while anyway.

Kain: *Kain looks confused* Why not?

Nicole: We made a realisation about his power this evening... and it's not sitting with him too well just yet... He needs time to get used to it, and to talk with Syan.

Harry: What was the realisation?

Nicole: Harry healed both his own scars, Illidin's old scars, gave him a magic reserve with enough magic to last till Draco gives birth, and made the connections Illidin needs to use it, configuring them so it can only be used for sight... all without feeling the least bit tired... He's already far more powerful than he thought he would be anytime soon... it's not settling well with him.

Kain: *Kain gapes slightly* Harry did all that?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, and it didn't take him very long either.

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* Perhaps I should talk to him...

Nicole: ...Maybe... I think he just wanted to go to sleep for the moment, but... *Shrugs* He was planning to talk with Syan tomorrow, maybe you should talk with him then as well?

Kain: *Nods* Yes... I think I should talk to him... After all, we are both going through similar things now, aren’t we? Power and discovering how to use it... and not to fear it.

Nicole: *Small smile* Yes, that's quite true.

Kain: Yes... well, I’m not happy about him giving that stone to Draco... *Sighs* I better go back up to Lucius...We have some things to discuss...

Nicole: Harry was just trying to make Draco feel better, he's feeling vulnerable at the moment *Stands* and it's late, I should be getting back to Sethopher... I wouldn't even be up if I hadn't heard Illidin fall.

Kain: *Yawned* Yes... I’m rather tired myself. *Stands and walks towards the door* I’ll see you tomorrow sometime Nicole.

Nicole: *Nods and moves towards the door as well* See you tomorrow Da.

        *Kain leaves the rooms and walks back to his and Lucius' room.  Nicole walks back into the bedroom and stands by a chair, unbuttoning her blouse.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher opens his eyes slightly and smiles* That’s a nice view...

Nicole: *Nicole shrugs off the rest of her clothes, tossing them into a hamper by the wardrobe and walks to the bed.* I didn't know you were awake.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I was waiting for you... I haven’t slept in 2 days, I want you here...

Nicole: *Nicole climbs into bed and lays snuggled against his side.* Sorry to make you wait.

Sethopher: *He shrugs* It's alright... *Wraps his arms round her*

Nicole: *Nicole kisses him softly and wraps an arm around him, snuggling against his chest, sighing contentedly.* I’m glad you're back.

Sethopher: *Sleepy smile* Me too love... me too.

        *Nicole closes her eyes, a soft smile on her lips.  Sethopher falls into a deep sleep, Nicole falling peacefully asleep soon after, the smile still on her face.*


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