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10 September 1997

        *Nicole awakes to hushed voices talking.*

Kain: You should heal those wounds before coming to the training centre... you'll be a while and it's the only chance you'll really get...

Sethopher: I will... I think there's something stuck in one of them, I may need to cut it out.

Kain: Why, what did she use?

Sethopher: Part of her claw broke off when she stabbed me... I’ll be fine though, you go downstairs...

Nicole: *Nicole rolls over and looks at the two vampires, her voice is tinted with both sleep and exasperation* You went to bed with a piece of claw stuck in you? You are truly beyond stubborn, Talma.

Sethopher: *Sethopher jumps* I was tired, I didn’t know it was there till I woke.

        *Kain looks amused.*

Nicole: *Gives Kain a tired but scornful look* Though I suppose he's in the right company considering.

Kain: *Kain's mouth hangs open* And what’s that supposed to mean?

Nicole: *Smiles wryly* I daresay you still hold the crown for king of stubbornness

Kain: Well, you'd be surprised, I daresay Lucius could give me a run for my money.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, I suppose he could.

Kain: Well, I’m going to go back to Lucius. See you in about half an hour then Sethopher?

Sethopher: Yes, see you soon Kain.

Kain: See you both later. *Walks out of the room and closes the door firmly*

Nicole: *Sleepiness slowly dissipating, she gives Sethopher an appraising look* Now what's this about a claw shard being in one of your wounds?

Sethopher: *Frowns* Heh... did I say that?

Nicole: *Narrows her eyes at him* I heard you and you know it, you twat, so stop trying to hide it.

        *Sethopher sighs and pulls the covers down to show a small wound, it's the only one that’s red and inflamed, it's just to the right of his bellybutton.*

Nicole: *Sighs and rolls her eyes* We should have taken care of this last night.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* I was too tired.

Nicole: Yes well... can you heal it yourself if the claw shard is gone?

        *Sethopher nods and motions to the other marks that are considerably better than they were last night.*

Nicole: *Moves her hand to hover over the wound, her palm not quite touching the skin* I can get it out, but it's gonna hurt.

Sethopher: *Snorts* No kidding...

Nicole: *Not bothering to answer him she closes her eyes and whispers* Accio claw shard. *The piece of claw pulls loose from his skin and smacks into the palm of her hand*

Sethopher: *Sethopher cries out in pain and surprise and he turns on his side and holds his stomach* Holy mother of god! *Pants slightly* You might have warned me!

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* If you're going to be a sarcastic prat, that's what you get.

Sethopher: *Scowls slightly and is obviously too annoyed to say much more* *He gets up and begins getting ready* I could have done it myself you know.

Nicole: *Gets up and walks over to him* It's done and it's over, what's the point of arguing about it?

Sethopher: *Sighs* I didn’t mean to be a 'sarcastic prat'. You know how tetchy vampires are when they are injured.

Nicole: *Sighs and steps closer facing him, resting a hand on his hip* *Sounding rather apologetic* Yes I know, I’m sorry. And you know how moody pregnant women can be. Especially when awake earlier than they like, and hungry.

Sethopher: *Cocks his head to the side* I’ll go get Kain up here... I don’t think you should feed from me while I’m healing. *He kisses her* I’ll see you later love.

Nicole: *She kisses Sethopher softly* Are you going to be as late again today as you were yesterday?

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks thoughtful* I don’t know... depends on how much Lucius can handle... It may tire him... especially as he evolved yesterday... *Kisses Nicole and sighs* I’ll try not to be too late.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright. I’ll see you then. *Stomach growls, she looks sheepish* If you could send Da down soon I’d be appreciative.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I will... *Kisses her again and walks to the door* See you later... *Exits the room*

        *Nicole grabs some clothes from the wardrobe and heads into the bathroom to take a quick shower.*


~*~ A little while later ~*~

        *A light knocking on the door.  Nicole comes out of the bathroom clothed and drying her hair with a towel, she walks over to the door and opens it.  Kain is standing chatting to Arthas, Arthas has a tray with mint tea and some toast on it for two.  Kain smiles.*

Kain: I’m not very good at the mind powers... I think it best if I stay out of the way.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly and steps back opening the door further.* Come in Da. Arthas, you can set the tray on the table by the couch.

        *Arthas nods and walks in with the tray and sets it down.  Kain seems to be in a very good mood.  Arthas bows slightly and leaves.*

Nicole: *Goes to the bathroom door and tosses the towel inside and picks up a brush, running it through her hair* You said you weren't very good with mind powers. I thought you were, the way you talked about how hard it was for Sethopher to read you... or is it just you're good at blocking them?

Kain: I’m good at blocking them and have limited mind reading abilities... Sethopher is the real power in that respect.

Nicole: *Nods and looks thoughtful* I wonder if Nathair will inherit any of Sethopher's powers, not being full vampire and all

Kain: *Smiles slightly* I daresay he will... Vampiric children tend to take on a lot of their parents' powers... Alexander is very good at telekinesis after all.

Nicole: *Sets her brush on the counter and pulls her hair back with a ribbon, then moves over to sit on the couch, motioning for Kain to join her there* I didn't know Alex had telekinetic powers.

Kain: *Smiles slightly* Ah, Nicole... if you knew every power that every vampire did or didn’t have I’d say you were a genius... He has many more beside... I have some rather terrifying powers myself... they are only used in dire circumstances...

Nicole: *Nods* Very true I suppose. I guess I was just interested because telekinesis is something I used to wish I could do when I was a child... I think that's part of why "accio" was the one spell I managed to master wandlessly.

Kain: *Smiles* Probably... *Kain's hair is, for once, held back in a black ribbon. He raises his hand to run his hand through his hair then realises he has it back and shakes his head* *Looks out of the window* It's a fine day...

Nicole: *Looks at Kain appraisingly* Something on your mind Da?

Kain: *Turns to look at her and shakes his head* No... nothing really... *Walks towards her* *Changing subject* You should feed...

Nicole: *Moves over on the couch to make room for Kain* Yes, but... are you sure there's nothing bothering you Da?

Kain: *Kain sits down and doesn’t quite meet her gaze* They're just dreams... they'll go as sudden as they have returned...

Nicole: Do you want to talk about them? Or would you rather I just dropped the issue?

Kain: *Kain sighs* I’m not sure if talking would help...

Nicole: *Looks at him concernedly* They're your dreams, you know best.

Kain: *Snorts* Yes... it'd be simpler if they were just dreams... but they are memories... memories I’d rather forget, but seem to plague me.

Nicole: *Looks sympathetic* I don't know what your memories are of, but I do understand that feeling.

Kain: *Sighs* You should feed...

Nicole: Yes...

        *Kain positions himself and leans his head to give Nicole better access.  Nicole moves closer to Kain, and with what has now become unflinching habit leans in and begins to feed.  Kain doesn’t move merely lets her feed until she is done.  Nicole finishes with a single lick to the wound, catching stray drops of blood, and leans back against the couch with a sigh, closing her eyes.*

Kain: *Kain smiles slightly at her and rubs at his neck as it heals* Better?

Nicole: *Nods and opens her eyes slowly* I wasn't quite ill this morning, but I could feel the urge to feed stronger than usual... I think maybe all the stress yesterday evening was a bit much on me.

Kain: Aah... *Sniggers slightly then puts on a serious face* I had a word with Orin...

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Would this happen to be in the same fashion that Illidin "had a word" with Orin?

Kain: *Looks innocent* As if I would... We had a chat... The chat turned to him challenging me to a duel to the death... the idiot... He's alive, with wounded pride and knows not to annoy you again in future.

Nicole: *Looks faintly amused and very grateful* Thank you Da. I know I over-reacted when he confronted me, but....

Kain: *Takes her hand and shakes his head* You were not over-reacting, he has no right to tell my daughter what to do. Just as I have no rights over Kael, as he has so dutifully pointed out over the years...

Nicole: *Nicole hugs Kain laying her head on his shoulder, speaks softly* You... this place... it's the first time I’ve been able to really call somewhere home since I was a young child... My house was just that, a house, not a home... when Orin told me to leave here... I... *Closes her eyes hugging Kain a little more tightly*

Kain: *Kain wraps an arm around Nicole* *Tenderly* Nicole... this is your home... no matter what happens... even... even if, god forbid, something should happen to me, this is your home and it always will be, for as long as you want it... you, Sethopher and your son... It is a family home... our home... not even my bastard brother can take that from you. No one can.

Nicole: *Softly* Thank you Da, it means a lot to me for you to say that.

Kain: It's nothing Nicole, I only speak the truth... You are my daughter after all aren’t you?

Nicole: *Smiles and repeats softly* 'My daughter' *Pulls back a little and looks up at Kain* I’ve never heard those words directed at me before you... it feels nice.

Kain: *Kain smiles gently at her* I’m glad... *Yawns slightly and shakes his head*

Nicole: *Nicole turns slightly and tucks her legs up under her leaning back against both the couch and Kain, snuggled against his side* Tired Da?

Kain: *Nods* I didn’t get much sleep last night...

Nicole: The dreams or worrying about Luce?

Kain: A few factors really... the dreams woke me... I thought about the dreams then Lucius... and then Lucius also woke up and *Ahem* other things kept us awake for a while.

Nicole: *Smiles amused* I gather Luce is feeling better then?

Kain: He is, he is... much better...

Nicole: *Turns her head and gives Kain a questioning look* Oh? The kind of pain he was in, and how much medicine I had to use to help him... I didn't really expect that he would be up to training today.

Kain: He's still a little sore... tired and sore but... he was insistent he wanted to train somewhat. He said if I didn’t let him he'd cut his hair, so I relented.

Nicole: *Laughs* That long hair does rather bother him, but I suppose he can't complain too much if he can use threats of cutting it to get his way.

Kain: *Kain pouts slightly* Why does he have to threaten? And why does it bother him... it's perfectly fine the way it is.

Nicole: *Still has an amused smile* It has gotten quite long Da, he said it was becoming more difficult to take care of, and you know how Luce is about his appearance.

Kain: *Smiles and nods* Yes I know... but it's so sexy that long... really, you have seen it haven't you? Perfect condition too...

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly* You are completely incorrigible.

Kain: *Smiles and laughs* I know... *Shrug* Also, his hair is a nice colour... I remember the days I had pigment in my hair...

Nicole: *Tilts her head to get a better look at Kain's hair* What colour was your hair Da? The silvery-white does sort of suit you, but I never did think you were born with it that colour.

Kain: *Smiles slightly* I had black hair, dark as you could find...

Nicole: *Eyes widen slightly* Really? *Looks thoughtful* Yes I suppose I can imagine that...

Kain: *Smiles* It changed not long after... *Smile falters* not long after I was turned.

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain concernedly and speaks quietly* I take it your turning wasn't exactly pleasant?

Kain: *Looks away from her* No... no it wasn’t.

        *She takes one of his hands in her own and squeeses it reassuringly.*

Kain: *Looks down at their hands and sighs* I... I was to kill the vampire Jujonas... but, I underestimated his strength. He brought me down.

Nicole: *Softly* He turned you instead of finishing you off?

Kain: *Kain closes his eyes and shakes his head* Not exactly... You see, he had offered to turn me before... when I was very young... but, I told him no, that I would not let my life be taken by a curse when I had the holy light at my side... He gave me another choice that day...

Nicole: *Heartfelt* Oh Da...

Kain: He held me down... He told me, he would either kill me or turn me, but not in the same way he would have done before, no, I would have to start at the bottom rung of his army... I accepted this... rather than death. I took the coward's way out.

Nicole: *She squeeses his hand again* You're being too hard on yourself, there are few in this world who can honestly say there is no part of them that fears death... *Quieter* and for what it's worth, I’m glad you're here and not gone.

Kain: *Smiles sadly* I’m glad I’m here too Nicole... I did fear death, but I didn’t ever think it would happen to me... I was immortal after all, it wasn’t worth thinking about... then all of a sudden, it's a cursed life, or no life.

Nicole: *Nods* That is a scary prospect.

Kain: Yes... if I was the man I was meant to be I would have died. If I was the man I was meant to be I would have married the princess long before I was planning on doing so... I didn’t love her though... my curse seemed a 'convenient way out' according to Orin and my mother.

Nicole: Oh Da, that was harsh of them. Aside from perhaps Harry, I don't think I’ve ever met anyone as concerned with doing what was right, honorable, than you.

Kain: *Kain looks at her and laughs dryly* I have changed a lot Nicole... I wasn’t always this way... at one time I seriously considered taking over the world... wiping out wizards as they were too dangerous, kept killing vampires all the time... But... some things happened that stopped all my world domination tendencies.

        *Nicole looks at him curiously.*

Kain: You won’t appreciate her name being mentioned... but Uhma made me see sense...

Nicole: *Bristles slightly but holds back any negative comments* What did she say that changed your mind?

Kain: She pointed out firstly that there would be no point, muggleborns would be born more and more to combat this and the wizarding world would do what the Elvin world did, go into hiding, find a different dimension slightly off from the one we were in.

Nicole: *Frowns slightly in concentration* Is that where we are, a different dimension from before? I never did understand exactly where here is.

Kain: Yes, it's a different dimension, but it's close enough to apparate through if you know where the gates are.

Nicole: *Nods slowly* I guess that makes sense... dimensions aren't covered in the general curriculum at Hogwarts, they're considered too complicated to get into and left for post-graduate work.

Kain: Yes, I don’t really understand it all myself... I know the basics... *Looks at the toast and tea* I’m quite peckish...

Nicole: *Glances at the food* I forgot it was there, too wrapped up in our conversation I suppose.

Kain: Yes... *Frowns* Eating would require moving...

Nicole: Yes... yes it would. *Shows no signs of moving from her comfortable spot against Kain's side*

Kain: *Kain also doesn’t seem to want to move* Wait a few minutes?

Nicole: *Nods* Sounds good.

Kain: *Keeps his arm round Nicole and yawns again* How is young Draco?

Nicole: *Saddens* I don't know Da... both Harry and I are worried about him, he's been far too tired for normal... especially considering we thought we'd solved his morning sickness problem... I told Harry that if Draco isn't better by tonight we're going to contact someone at the moon glade, perhaps Tyrande or someone else that was alive when Draconias was pregnant will have an idea of what's going on.

Kain: *Frowns* Poor boy... He's really been through the mill hasn’t he?

Nicole: *Nods* He really has... his family issues... worrying about how his relationship with Harry will be taken by the public when it comes out. Getting stabbed... finding out his lover has unusual powers... that he is pregnant... and then the problems with the pregnancy itself... He's really been through the ringer.

Kain: *Kain nods* I hope he's alright... for one thing, I think it's putting Lucius off the idea of pregnancy... male pregnancy being so complicated and all... for another... I’ve grown rather fond of him and don’t like to see him in pain.

Nicole: I don't either Da, I care for him nearly as much as Harry. When they first came to rent the spare room in my old house I thought he was such a prat... but now I can't bare to see him hurting... and as for it turning Luce off pregnancy, this isn't how things normally go. Yes they're more difficult than it is for women, but I’ve seen a couple of potion induced male pregnancies in the wizarding world, not popular, but they do happen, and they're rarely if ever like this has been for Draco, that's what's kept me so worried.

Kain: *Kain sighs* I know... but, it's the only thing Lucius has reference to with male pregnancies... *Leans his head back on the chair and his hand rises and rubs at a very faint bite scar on his throat* Even I don’t have much experience with this sort of thing... I’ve heard of it from others but I haven’t ever seen it...

Nicole: *Gives Kain a considering look* Da you really would like to have a child with him someday, wouldn't you?

Kain: *Quietly* Yes I would, very much.

Nicole: *Takes one of his hands in hers and says softly* If you want me to talk with him about it I will. Ironically I'm probably the one that has the most knowledge about male pregnancy, we did have to study it some in my medi-potions course, when we covered the potion that allows it in wizards, and while I'm sure it's somewhat different for vampires *Small smile* I do have some experience with vampire pregnancy.

Kain: *Kain smiles slightly and looks at Nicole, unshed tears in his eyes* It wouldn’t be for a while yet... but, it's the first time I’ve ever even considered having children with anyone... *Shakes his head and sniffs slightly* Look at me, being emotional...

Nicole: *Hugs Kain* It's an emotional subject, nothing wrong with that.

Kain: *Hugs back* It's just... I knew I loved him before... but... with all this recently... our fighting, his rendezvous with Narcissa... it's shown me that I need him. Because, if he had been any other lover I would have killed him for the betrayal... but I knew I would be worse off in the long run... I need him, I’ve never needed anyone before.

        *Nicole nods, an introspective look on her face.*

Kain: I... I want a child with him... I love him and I trust him... But, just not a child now, but someday... when ... when I have a few less enemies in the world... especially one named Albus Dumbledore.

Nicole: *Still somewhat distantly, but looks at him with understanding in her eyes* No-one can blame you for wanting the world you bring a child into to be as safe as possible.

Kain: *Looks at her questioningly* What are you thinking about?

Nicole: *Sighs and looks away* Nothing important.

Kain: *Puts a hand under her chin and gently turns her to face him* You're sure?

Nicole: I... *Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath* it's not worth thinking about.

Kain: *Concern lacing his words* Nicole, you can talk to me... if you want...

Nicole: *Sighs and shakes her head* That's not it, I know I can talk to you Da... it's just... I shouldn't dwell, I’ll just be looking for trouble where I don't need any.

Kain: *Frowns confused* Dwell? Dwell on what Nicole?

Nicole: It was just something small yesterday, and something you said brought it back to mind... *Almost as though to herself* I shouldn't make a big deal about things if he doesn't want to talk about them.

Kain: *Gently probing concern* Are you talking about Sethopher?

Nicole: *Sighs* Who else? All I seem to do is talk about him. *The about is said slightly bitterly*

Kain: *Hears the tone and frowns* What's wrong?

Nicole: *Sounds frustrated* Did you know that most of what I know about Sethopher's past hasn't been told to me by him? It's either from Val, or you... and yesterday Illidin... *Softly* I'm in love with him, having his child... and yet sometimes it seems like I hardly know him...

Kain: *Frowns* He doesn’t talk about his past... he never has really.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I know, he always tries to change the subject... last night same as always.

Kain: Oh?

Nicole: I’ve tried not to press him too much, I know it upsets him... but... yesterday Illidin showed me a carving he'd made... *Voice drops* It was supposed to be of Sethopher's late wife... Sethopher had never even told me her name, Illidin was the one that told me, thinking I already knew... and when I mentioned it to Sethopher last night he got all standoffish again as usual.

Kain: *Sounds surprised* You didn’t even know Gisa's name?

Nicole: *Shakes her head sadly* No, he always just referred to her as "my wife"... I guess I just got used to it after a while and stopped giving it any thought... until yesterday that is.

Kain: *Shakes his head* He probably doesn’t really realise he's doing it... *Sighs* You should speak to him Nicole.

Nicole: *Nods sadly* I know... there are other things Illidin said yesterday that got me thinking and I realised, there are quite a few holes in my relationship with Sethopher that he and I haven't addressed... and I never push the subject for fear of upsetting him, but...

Kain: *Sighs* I did often wonder, I don’t think I’ve heard you and Sethopher having a proper argument or disagreement... apart from the time with Remus and the Werewolf issue... other than that...

Nicole: *Shakes her head* One of us always backs off and we just sort of ignore things... *Sighs* I love him so much, but some things need to change or eventually something will happen we can't ignore and I don't know what will happen then.

Kain: *Quietly* No... *Kisses the top of her head* You'll get through it.

Nicole: *She snuggles in closer to him, voice hushed* I hope so Da, I really do.

        *He holds her close and sighs gently, seemingly content. He frowns as though thinking about something.*

Nicole: *Nicole looks up at him* Something wrong Da?

Kain: *Shakes his head* No... I was just thinking again about Luce... I wonder if his evolving will have any effect on the pregnancy. *Sighs slightly*

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't know... but if it's not till a long time after he's finished adjusting to the changes I wouldn't think it would cause a problem... it might make things easier on him even since he'll be more powerful.... You never did say if you wanted me to talk with him about it

Kain: *Raises his eyebrows* Oh... I forgot... I’d appreciate it if you would talk to him... He's never spoken about it, but he gets this fear in his eye when he talks about it... he knows I can’t carry the child... being vampire overlord gets you a few too many enemies for that.

Nicole: *Nods* I understand. It's fortunate in my relationship with Sethopher only I can bare children, with his position in your army it would be more than just inconvenient for him to get pregnant.

Kain: *Kain frowns slightly at her word choice* *Gently* Nicole... you know that it's only Nathair you can have... don't you?

Nicole: *Nicole pulls back a little, her arms wrap around her stomach and she looks at the floor* I... I know not even drinking from the Sunwell would fix things in the future but... When Kali fixed things with Nathair I felt her magic go through all of me, not just Nathair... I guess a part of me was hoping she'd changed me to fix things, not just Nathair... that maybe someday I might be able to have another child.

Kain: *Sighs sadly* Nicole... the amount of magic that Kali would have had to use to fix just your child would have been tremendous. Why should she change all of you without good reason... You know what I had to offer her to get her to change just Nathair... *Looks at her seriously* think what I would have had to give her to seal that deal...

Nicole: *Nods* I know Da, and I wouldn't dream of asking for you to call upon her again... I guess it was just wishful thinking... *Still looking downwards, eyes shining with unshed moisture*

Kain: *Sadly* Oh Nicole... *Pulls her into a fatherly hug*

Nicole: *Buries her face against his shoulder, tears beginning to escape her eyes, voice hoarse with emotion* I was so lonely as a child... I guess I just never thought that if I had a chance to have children it would only be one... The short time I spent with the Weasleys after Hogwarts made me realise just how much I missed growing up alone... I don't want Nathair to regret his childhood the way I do parts of mine.

Kain: *Kain holds Nicole close* He won't be alone Nicole... Draco and Harry will have their child... he won't be alone.

        *Nicole holds to Kain tightly, nodding slightly and biting her bottom lip, but tears still are dampening his shirt where her face is pressed against his shoulder.*

Kain: *Kain runs his hands through her hair comfortingly. He holds her through her tears* If there was something else I could do Nicole, I would...

Nicole: *Voice hushed as she brings a hand up to her face where it rests on his shoulder to ineffectively wipe at her tears* I know you would Da... I guess this was just another one of those things I’ve been ignoring...

Kain: *Concerned tone* Nicole hon... you should probably eat something.*Still running his hands over her hair*

Nicole: *Glances at the toast and tea then closes her eyes* I'm not hungry anymore.

Kain: *Settles back into the couch so he's lying at an angle and pulls her with him so she's also lying at an angle, he pulls the throw from the back of the couch they are sitting on and he covers her with it* *Quietly* Then, we'll just sit here.

Nicole: *Softly as she settles against him* You said you were hungry earlier Da, I don't want to stop you from eating.

Kain: It won't kill me to wait. *Kisses the top of her head again* It kills me to see you in pain... so, I’ll wait to eat.

Nicole: *Nicole rests her head against his chest and closes her eyes speaking tiredly, emotionally drained* You're so kind to me, I can't imagine what I ever did to deserve you... I love you Da...

Kain: I love you too Nicole... *Hand returns to running through her hair comfortingly*

        *Nicole sighs softly.  Her breathing and tears slow as she drifts off into an exhausted sleep.  Kain looks at her sadly, he makes sure she's in a deep sleep and decides to move her to the bed, figuring it to be more comfortable.  He lifts her gently and lays her on the bed and sits beside her, making sure she's alright.  Nicole doesn't wake, in her sleep stretching out a hand as though trying to find someone beside her,*

Kain: *Kain takes her hand and settles down beside her* *Quietly* I'm here, it's alright.

        *Nicole snuggles against him and sighs softly, her sleep gradually becoming more peaceful.*


~*~ Some time later ~*~

        *Nicole wakes to sunlight bathing the room. She can feel Kain still beside her, holding one of her hands.*

Nicole: *Nicole slowly opens her eyes and notices the change in the light and their position, turning her head slightly she sees Kain.* Da? How did we get over here? How long have I been asleep?

Kain: *Kain looks down at her from the book he is reading.* I moved you... not long after you fell asleep, more comfortable here... you've been asleep for a good while hon, it's mid afternoon now.

Nicole: *Nicole looks mildly chagrined through her lessening sleepiness* I'm sorry, you must have been quite bored with no other company.

Kain: *Shakes his head* It's rare that I get any time alone so to speak... I didn’t mind.

Nicole: *Stretches where she's laying* Are you sure?

Kain: *Smiles* I’m sure.

Nicole: *Moves to sit up, smoothing her sleep ruffled clothes and hair, tying it back neatly again* What are you reading?

Kain: *Turns it round to show an intricate design on the cover* It's old tales of lore and legend from the Night Elves, I used to read it when I was a young boy... it's in Moonelvin. Was to teach me the language... worked quite well.

Nicole: *Thoughtfully* Perhaps you should show that to Harry, you did say it was a dialect of Moonelvin he spoke the other evening didn't you?

Kain: Yes... ancient Moonelvin... *Mutters about it only being one of the most difficult languages to learn*

Nicole: I take it you grew up with a different dialect of Elvin?

Kain: I grew up with High Elvin. The Moon Elves have their own completely different Elvin language... because the races of elves were so far apart for so very long their languages change... there are basic words you can bring it back to... the human version would be like Latin and Italian, similar but very, very different... the Night Elves are different again, they have some demonic in their language.

        *Nicole looks at him curiously but hesitates to ask her next question.*

Kain: *Raises an eyebrow* You have a question?

Nicole: Well... I was just wondering if you had to learn Vampiric as well, or if... well if it came with the change.

Kain: *Laughs* Oh, no, you have to learn Vampiric.

Nicole: Was it extremely hard to learn?

Kain: *Sighs* It was stressful, I daresay that was because of the method I was taught it. It's about as difficult to learn as any language... it's the variations used in speech that’s difficult to learn. To learn it to read, it's same as any language.

Nicole: *Hesitantly* Do you think you... or someone, could teach it to me?

Kain: *Looks surprised* You want to learn Vampiric? Mind my asking why?

Nicole: *Shrugs slightly* I spend so much time with you and Fiammetta, Luce and Sethopher... and since my son is part vampire... it just seemed like a good idea is all, I guess.

Kain: *Nods* I don’t see why you shouldn’t learn it... I think the best person to teach you would be Sethopher or myself... and seeing as I will be probably going through some of it with Lucius, I would be a logical choice... then again Draco said he'd help in teaching Luce Vampiric.

Nicole: *Softly* I don't think Draco's really in any condition to be doing much of anything right now.

Kain: *Nods and sighs* Is he really that bad?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't know, I haven't seen him yet today, but his exhaustion should have been getting better last night if it was just from the stress of Harry disappearing 2 days ago... but he wasn't really, he seemed more tired if anything else... there's something not right.

Kain: *Frowns* Should we perhaps send for Tyrande?

Nicole: I made Harry promise that if Draco wasn't getting better by tonight we'd send for her. He's sure Draco wouldn't be happy about it, but Draco is too stubborn for his own good sometimes... *Weak smile* Like father like son I guess.

Kain: *Kain also smiles weakly* Yes... the two of them are so alike...

Nicole: *Nods* I’ll go check on Draco after dinner I think. If he isn't better I'm going to insist to Harry we get a hold of Tyrande or someone by tomorrow.

Kain: *Nods* Sounds like a good idea... I won't mention any of this to Lucius... I'll need to put my mind blocks back up if he's been training with Sethopher... he'll be much better already.

Nicole: *Smiles somewhat humorfully* I sometimes feel like I need to learn how to do that lately, what with now having three people walking around that can read my thoughts... You start to wonder if you can have privacy even in your own mind... though I know Harry doesn't do it on purpose.

Kain: No... he really doesn’t... That’s the part of his powers that’s scaring him the most at the moment... he's still trying to get to grips with them.

Nicole: *Nods* And now with worrying about Draco as he is, Harry hasn't had a chance to go see Syan and train in a couple days.

Kain: *Frowns* That’s not good...

Nicole: I know... but I don't know of any way around it at this point, other than Syan coming here... and even then I'm not sure if Harry would leave Draco's side.

Kain: *Sighs* I suppose you're right...

Nicole: Well... if we do contact Tyrande maybe she'll have an idea.

Kain: Perhaps... *Looks at Nicole* Are you hungry?

Nicole: *Looks a bit sheepish* Yeah, I am quite a bit actually.

Kain: *Kain smiles slightly* Just as well I asked Arthas to come up around fourish to see if we were hungry... shouldn’t be long.

Nicole: Was he here while I was sleeping?

Kain: Yes, hence the lack of toast and tea still being in the room.

Nicole: *Glances towards the couch and table* I didn't notice... *Chagrined* not very observant today I guess.

Kain: *Kain smiles slightly* You just woke up, you have an excuse.

Nicole: *Concernedly to Kain* Did you eat anything while I was asleep or have you waited all this time?

Kain: I waited.

        *Nicole looks like she wants to protest but knows it's pointless.  Kain smiles slightly at her reaction.*

Nicole: *Gives a slight sigh of defeat and smiles at Kain* Oh Da, what am I ever going to do with you?

Kain: *Puts an arm round her* It won't do me any harm.

Nicole: *Soft and disbelievingly* Why are you always so good to me?

Kain: Because you're my daughter, end of story...

Nicole: But... *As though she doesn't understand that either*

Kain: But what?

Nicole: *Sighs and shakes her head* I’ve caused you trouble, I don't understand why you'd want to take me in as your daughter in the first place.

Kain: *He looks at her and smiles slightly* Because... you're such a wonderful person... you've been kind to me Nicole. Things you've said, things you've done... things you've helped me with... *Looks down and away from her* My cutting habit being one major thing... the time I turned Lucius being another...

Nicole: I was helping Luce as much as you when you turned him... and the cutting... *She reaches out a hand and turns his face back to her* I told you, I know what that's like... *Softly* I’ve been dealing with that a long time, even just recently Harry insisted I talk with him about it... and I did. *The sleeve on the arm she has reached up to his face has fallen back just enough to show the beginnings of the scars on her arm*

Kain: *Kain looks at her arm and frowns slightly and takes her arm* *Looks at her* *Quietly* Do you mind if I...?

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly when she realises what caught his attention* *Softly* No, it's alright...

Kain: *He pulls the sleeve back and looks at the marks intensely, he runs his hand over them gently* *Quietly* They've been faded haven’t they? They were worse than this... *Lets his finger run gently up the one large scar on her arm* I can feel the magic still on them...

Nicole: *Nods* *Quietly* When Harry and I were talking... he did it accidentally... I asked him not to make them completely disappear.

Kain: *His finger is still tracing the large scar, he looks at her* *Quietly* I assume there's a matching scar like this one on the other arm?

Nicole: *Just barely audible* Yes...

Kain: *Gently takes hold of her other hand and looks at the marking. He looks at her, his heart bared to her in his eyes and says quietly* I remember that feeling...

Nicole: *Eyes shining compassionately* I know you do Da...

Kain: *Quietly* When... when Tia died... I stopped functioning... Blamed myself... guilt gnawed at me... I left... I stopped eating... I couldn’t bring myself to try...

Nicole: *Softly* That was when James found you wasn't it?

Kain: *Looks down* I was a mess, days from death, self inflicted wounds festered as I wouldn’t even bother to clean them... I lay, wanting to die, wanting to be with her. Then, yes, James found me.

Nicole: *Softly* I'm grateful he did.

Kain: *Looks up at her* He didn’t just give me blood then be done with it... he... he took me into his home... Not at Gordric Hollow, a different house they were in at the time... At first I wouldn’t feed... but he forced me. He didn’t know who I was, just what I was... I was an elder vampire and I was in need of help... He, unlike Dumbledore, knew the difference between the races.

Nicole: *Nods* He may have had his petty moments in school that I’ve heard about, but Harry had to get that honorable nature from someone.

Kain: *Nods* I have a great respect for James Potter... I miss him, he was a good friend... I didn’t know him very long but he was a good friend...

Nicole: *Nods* Some people just leave a mark on your heart like that.

Kain: Harry is a little like James... but, he's not the same, not by a long shot... James could be quite arrogant... Harry just doesn’t have that in him.

Nicole: *Nods* I’ve been told his mother was like that, the caring and lack of arrogance I mean.

Kain: Yes, Lily was very kind... she was also very kind to me. *Sighs and looks at Nicole* They were good people.

Nicole: *Nods and looks sad* It's unfortunate Harry never got to know them... *Sighs and looks introspective* but that's just the way life turns out sometimes.

Kain: Yes it is...

        *There is a light knock at the door.*

Nicole: *Looks towards the door* I suppose that's probably Arthas, you said he'd be coming about now. *gets up and goes to answer the door*

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes probably, I think I asked for two plates of chicken salad I’m sure...

        *Nicole opens the door.*

Arthas: *Arthas is standing with a tray of food and smiles* Hello Nicole, did you sleep well?

Nicole: *Weakly smiles back* Yes Arthas, thank you. You can set the food on the table by the couch.

        *Arthas smiles and nods and walks over and sets the tray down. He speaks a few words in High Elvin to Kain who nods and he walks from the room again.*

Nicole: *Walks over to the couch* Hate to displace you from your spot on the bed Da, but I figured this would be a better place to eat.

Kain: *Kain smiles and nods* Very true. *Gets up from the bed and walks over to the couch and sits down*

        *Nicole takes a sip from her glass and sighs.*

Kain: *Looks at her* Are you alright?

Nicole: *She gives Kain a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes* I'm fine Da, I guess today has just left me in one of those moods, you know what I mean?

Kain: *Sighs slightly* I know what you mean... are you sure that’s all it is?

Nicole: *Nods* It's just the conversation this morning, and some of it since then... plus I'm worried about Draco... It's all just a bit much sometimes.

Kain: *Nods* I hope he's okay, Lucius is becoming increasingly worried about him too. *Looks at the food and frowns*

Nicole: *takes another sip of her drink* I'm definitely going to check on him this evening I... If Draco isn't doing better, then I don't care what he says, Harry is going to get a hold of someone in the Moonglades and get them here, by tomorrow morning preferably... perhaps Tyrande or Syan.

Kain: *Kain nods and takes the glass of orange juice and leans back in the chair* I think Tyrande would be the more logical choice, Syan is more in line with male magics, Tyrande is the female magics.

Nicole: *Nods* Makes sense, I was mostly concerned with it being someone who was around when Draconias was pregnant, I figured perhaps someone who knew what hers was like would have a better idea of how to help Draco.

Kain: Yes... I think Draco knows Tyrande better than Syan too, the less stress there is on him the better. *Takes a large gulp of his drink*

Nicole: *sips her drink and picks at her food without really eating any* Yeah, the last thing he needs right now is more stress.

Kain: *Looks at her with a fatherly concern* You're not eating much

Nicole: *Quirks an eyebrow* I don't see you doing much better despite all the juice you're drinking. *Sighs* For all that I suppose I'm hungry I don't exactly have an appetite... guess it's just part of the mood I'm in. *Takes a bite as though to make a point to herself.*

Kain: *Kain looks at his drink* I haven’t really been eating much, I have been drinking an awful lot though.

Nicole: *Gives him a concerned look* Something the matter?

Kain: *Shakes his head* Not that I know of, no... I’m just not hungry and when I am, I eat very little.

Nicole: *Frowns slightly* Well if anything else starts to bother you, you'll say something, right?

Kain: *Smiles slightly* Yes nurse Nicole.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly at the jibe* I'm sorry if I nag sometimes, I just worry, it's in my nature.

Kain: I've noticed. The only other thing I can mention about it is that I have been feeding more than usual.

Nicole: *Shrugs slightly and turns back to her food* I don't know... I don't know nearly enough about Vampires, maybe you should mention it to Fiammetta.

Kain: *Laughs slightly* No, no thank you. He'd want to do tests and he's the one that trained the damn banshees, his bedside manner is atrocious.

Nicole: *Laughs* Well in that case I don't blame you, *Look turns slightly more serious* but you will mention it to me if anything changes?

Kain: *Nods* I will.

Nicole: *Nods and takes another small bite* I wonder how late they'll be training today.

Kain: *Smiles slightly as though proud* I don’t know but Lucius has incredible stamina.

Nicole: *Laughs a teasing smile on her face* I'm sure he does.

Kain: *Reddens slightly* I didn’t mean like that!

Nicole: *Smiles faux-innocently* I'm sure I have no idea what you mean.

        *Kain shakes his head and mutters in elvin.*

Nicole: *Smiles* I'm sorry, but you left yourself wide open for that one... And I really need to learn some languages, people are constantly saying things I can't understand around here, the Slytherin in me doesn't much care for that.

Kain: *Laughs* No I bet it doesn’t... *Looks thoughtful* I’m sure I still have the book that I gave Tia to learn Vampiric... if you want, I can look that out for you.

Nicole: *Nods* Thank you Da, I'd be grateful.

Kain: *Kain looks at his watch* I better be going, Orin mentioned something about wanting to see me this afternoon... that was after I gave him the ass whooping of the century. See you later?

Nicole: *Nods* Sounds fine. And could you send Arthas around if you see him, I’ll be done with this soon enough, and then I think I’ll go check on Draco, unless anyone else stops by before then.

Kain: *Kain nods* I will, see you later.

Nicole: See you Da

        *Kain stands and walks from the room.  Nicole eats a little more and finishing her drink sets the food aside, stepping over to the mirror to smooth out any wrinkles in her clothes from earlier and to fix her hair where it's tied back.  About 5 minutes pass since Kain's left and there is a light knock at the door.  Nicole finishes straightening herself out goes over to the door and opens it.  Harry and Arthas are standing and Harry smiles slightly at Nicole.*

Harry: Hey Nicole.

Arthas: Hello again Nicole, Kain sent me up.

Nicole: *Nods to Arthas* The tray is still on the table, if you don't mind taking care of it for me? *Motions for Harry to come in*

        *Harry walks in and smiles, Arthas follows.*

Arthas: Was Kain not hungry?

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly* Not really, though he was quite thirsty, he said he's been that way a lot lately.

        *Arthas raises an eyebrow and smiles amused.  He walks towards the door and mutters something in elvin.*

Arthas: Well, I’ll see you both later.

        *Harry looks like he's piecing together the words that Arthas said as Arthas walks from the room.  Arthas closes the door and Harry shakes his head and sits down.*

Nicole: *Gives Harry a curious look* Do you have an idea of what he said?

Harry: Yes...depending on the dialect it could be "Eats a lot of fish" or... well, the other is impossible. So, how’s your day been?

Nicole: *Sighs tiredly* Not my best, but I suppose I've had far worse. *Gives him a curious look, as though she's not interested in talking about her day.* And what was the other translation that was impossible, for curiosity's sake.

Harry: Well, something about being pregnant, but Kain does spells to prevent that and it's probably just my brain being stuck on Draco.

Nicole: *Frowns slightly and mumbles something about talking to Arthas later under her breath.* Speaking of Draco, I was going to go check on him, *Softly* how is he?

Harry: *Harry frowns* I'd like to say he's getting better... but he really isn’t. *Sighs* I'd say he's worse.

Nicole: *Sighs* I was afraid you'd say that... I think you need to get a hold of Tyrande somehow, see if she can get here tomorrow to take a look at him, she was around when Draconias was pregnant, maybe she'll have a better idea of how to help him.

Harry: *Harry nods* I’ll need to go find Syan, he'll be able to find her quicker. Do you think I should go now?

Nicole: I don't know Harry, but something tells me the sooner the better, at this point I have no idea how to help him.

Harry: *Harry nods and sighs* I’ll go find him now... he'll be in the forest. What are you going to do then?

Nicole: I think I'm going to go have a quick chat with Arthas actually, so I’ll probably be in the dinning hall or nearby, as that's probably where Luce and them will end up after training ends.

Harry: *Nods* You're probably right, I’ll see you later then... *Walks towards the door and leaves.*

        *Nicole leaves and walks towards the kitchen.  She gets to the kitchen and opens the door taking a quick look around for Arthas.  There are some noises from the back of the kitchen.*

Nicole: *She moves in the direction of the sounds* Arthas, are you in here?

Arthas: *There is a thudding noise and Arthas pops his head up from the cupboards in front of her and rubs his head* Oh, hello Nicole. *Sounds surprised*

Nicole: *Cringes slightly* I'm sorry for startling you.

Arthas: *Shakes his head and stands* It's alright, I just wasn’t expecting anyone, everyone has eaten.

Nicole: Well I wasn't coming for something to eat, I just wanted to ask you about something you said earlier.

Arthas: *Looks at her sideways* *Suspiciously* Oh?

Nicole: You muttered something in Elvin as you were leaving with the tray... Harry tried to figure out what it was, but came up with two different things...

Arthas: *Smiles slightly* Oh? What did he think?

Nicole: He said it was either something about eating a lot of fish... *Looks a bit more serious* or that it was something about Da being pregnant.

Arthas: *Purses his lips* Hmmm, indeed.

Nicole: *Gives Arthas a studying look* Somehow I doubt it was supposed to be the first ...which leaves the second option...

Arthas: *Turns and takes dishes from behind him and puts them in front of him and starts drying them.* That is if he heard me right.

Nicole: *Softly* Did he hear you right?

Arthas: *Stops drying the dish and sighs.* He did.

Nicole: *Nods* I thought so... *Glances up at Arthas* Is it the way Da's been eating lately that made you say that? Because he's oblivious at the moment as to why his appetite has changed.

Arthas: The way he's been eating is very much the way vampires tend to go in the very early stages of pregnancy. They drink a lot of fluids and feed more. Also I heard him and Lucius talking and apparently he's been sleeping more, even for him... another sign.

Nicole: *Nods* He didn't seem ill, so figured it had to be something else, though I wasn't exactly expecting this. Da wasn't planning on having any children for a long while yet *Wry grin* and I'm quite certain he wasn't planning on being the one pregnant.

Arthas: *Arthas smiles slightly* No, I daresay he wasn’t... The only way to know for sure is to do a pregnancy test on him.

Nicole: *Nods* I’ll have to talk with him about it when I see him later.

Arthas: *Puts the rest of the dishes away under the cupboard* *Stands* So, what are you doing for the rest of the day?

Nicole: *Shrugs* I don't really know, I didn't have any plans for the day, so I'm mostly just waiting for Harry to get back from an errand he had and the others to finish training... I suppose I’ll either go check on Draco or see Illidin... do you know if Illidin moved to a downstairs room? I didn't see him after he left for his walk yesterday evening, Da was going to talk with him about it.

Arthas: *Arthas nods* He's in the room that Alexander and Remus Lupin had when they were here. I served him lunch in there an hour or so ago.

Nicole: Thank you... since that's so close to Draco's room maybe I’ll stop in on both of them.

Arthas: *Nods* Oh and Nicole...

Nicole: Yes?

Arthas: Please don’t tell Kain it was I that gave you the idea that he was pregnant, he would not be pleased. I'm paid to serve food and keep secrets of the house... I was just concerned about him.

Nicole: *Nods* Don't worry, I’ll figure out some other way to bring it up to him.

Arthas: Thank you.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Thank you as well, it probably would have been quite a while before I had figured it out if it wasn't for you... and considering the kind of training he's been doing lately, I'd rather know now before he does something irreparable.

Arthas: *Eyes widen* Oh yes! That could have been disastrous... I’m forever complaining at him about the training.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes well, you know him, stubborn and all... this should at least get him to lay off about it for some time.

Arthas: *Nods* Well, I hope you have a nice day Nicole, I’m going out again... there should be someone here if you need something. I can’t remember who I scheduled for tonight.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright, and thank you again, have a good day. *Leaves the kitchen and heads down the hallway towards Draco and Illidin’s rooms*

        *She stops at Draco's room and opens the door quietly peeking inside to see if he is awake.  Draco seems to have a fever and he has thrown off the covers.  He is still asleep.  She goes into the room and steps into the bathroom, coming back out with a cool damp flannel, sitting down on the edge of the bed she wipes gently at Draco's face and forehead.  Draco opens his eyes blearily.*

Nicole: *She smiles softly down at him and speaks quietly* Hey babe, sorry I woke you, you just looked a little too warm.

Draco: *Nods and swallows hard* *Looks over to the side cabinet where there is a jug of water* *Hoarsely* I need a drink.

Nicole: *Sets the flannel aside and goes over to the cabinet, coming back with a glass of water* Here you go. *She helps him sit up a bit and holds the glass to his lips*

Draco: *Draco takes a few gulps and nods* Thanks.

Nicole: *She sets the glass on a side table and picks the flannel back up to continue trying to cool him off* How are you feeling babe?

Draco: Worse... *Starts to shiver* My body can’t decide on a temperature.

Nicole: *Sets the flannel aside and pulls the covers back up over him, running her fingers through his hair softly* I'm going to have Tyrande come take a look at you, is that alright babe? She was around when Draconias was pregnant so I thought she might have a couple of ideas on how to help you.

Draco: *Frowns slightly* I don’t have much of an argument really do I? *Yawns widely* Where's Harry?

Nicole: He went to go see Syan, shouldn't be too long.

        *Draco nods obviously trying desperately not to fall back asleep.*

Nicole: *She brushes a strand of hair out of his eyes* You should go back to sleep until he gets back babe.

        *Draco mumbles some incoherent words and nods.  He lets himself fall back asleep.  Smoothing the blankets over him, she chastely kisses his forehead and leaves the room, moving over to the door to Illidin’s new room and knocks.*

Illidin: *Illidin calls out* Enter.

Nicole: *Opens the door* Hello Illidin, I see you moved your room.

Illidin: *Smiles* Yes, Kain and I moved everything last night. *He is sitting at a circular table that has a few wax carvings as well as a few small tools for carving.*

Nicole: *Smiles weakly and makes her way over to the table* Carving again?

Illidin: Yes, it's the only thing I can do to fill my time here really.

Nicole: Mind if I sit down? I don't have anything to do until Harry and Da get back from their errands, and the others finish training.

Illidin: *Nods* I'd like the company.

Nicole: *Sits down beside him and pauses thoughtfully for a moment* Illidin... I was thinking a little about yesterday... you said my aura colour was a little off, seeing as I'm pregnant and all, does that mean you usually can't tell from someone's aura if they are pregnant or not?

Illidin: Sometimes I can, depends on how far along their pregnancy is. It's never usually obvious, and considering I don’t have my usual magic I couldn’t really tell unless I really tried to look... why do you ask?

Nicole: *Somewhat evasively* Oh nothing in particular, I was just curious.

Illidin: *Raises an eyebrow and nods* I won't ask.

Nicole: *Looks over the figurines* So anyway... are all of these supposed to be specific people?

Illidin: *Smiles slightly* Yes, the one on the far left is supposed to be Tyrande...

Nicole: *Looks at the figure, and sounds impressed* Not a bad likeness, better than I could ever do, especially considering...

Illidin: *Smiles slightly* You can say it you know... considering I am blind.

Nicole: *Rests a hand on his arm* I know, I'm sorry... I've had a rough morning myself, so I guess I just sorta didn't want to really bring it up... mindset and all I guess. *Shrugs*

Illidin: *Smiles slightly* I understand, it's quite alright.

Nicole: *Glancing back at the table* So who are the others, anyone else I know?

Illidin: *Shakes his head* No... well actually... *Picks up the largest one from the back of the table. The figure is of a tall woman with high cheekbones, she has the dress of a warden on and has what looks like feather detail on her cloak* This is Draconias.

Nicole: Wow, she's beautiful... did you know her?

Illidin: Not very well... This one took me a while to do, *Places it back onto the table* I did one of Cenarius a while ago, it should be in the desk. Would you like to see it, if it's there?

Nicole: Please... if you don't mind, maybe you should think about showing them to Harry and Draco, they would probably be very interested.

Illidin: *Reddens slightly* I never really show them to anyone. *Opens the desk drawer and pulls out a carving that is of a centaur man with huge antlers. The man has a cloak that is short sleeved and goes down his back and spills over his hind quarters. He is very regal looking*

Nicole: *Makes an appreciative sound and glances over at Illidin* Thank you for showing it to me, I didn't realise you don't usually let people see them.

Illidin: *Places the figure of Cenarius beside Draconias and they seem to go together perfectly even though they look so different* It's no problem.

Nicole: *Sincerely* I mean it Illidin, you've been a good friend to me, even though we haven't know each other long.

Illidin: You have been a good friend too Nicole. You've helped me a lot with the blackouts and everything... thank you.

Nicole: It's in my nature to help others, I could do no less.

Illidin: But still... I'm not used to being... being so, well helpless... you've been very kind and sensitive to me.

Nicole: *Blushes and it comes through in her tone* Well... you're welcome Illidin.

Illidin: *Smiles slightly* I didn’t mean to embarrass you.

Nicole: *shakes her head* It's alright... up until I met Harry and Draco a few months ago I didn't have many friends, if any... and now I'm surrounded by people who are so kind to me, I guess I'm just not used to it.

Illidin: *Smiles as there is a knock on the door* Come in.

        *The door opens and Kain looks round.*

Kain: Oh, hello again Nicole. Illidin, Fiammetta wants to see you for something, I don’t know what.

Nicole: *Gets up* Hello Da, I actually wanted to talk to you anyway, if it's ok?

Kain: *Raises his eyebrows* Yes... sure.

Illidin: I'm going to see Fiammetta then, see you later... you two feel free to speak here if you wish.

Kain: Thank you Illidin, Fiammetta is in the training rooms.

        *Illidin nods and leaves.*

Nicole: Do you want to stay here or go somewhere else?

Kain: It's up to you, what do you want to talk to me about?

Nicole: *Shrugs slightly* Nothing really important, I was just thinking about your appetite change some more and wanted to ask you a couple of things.

Kain: Oh? *Looks over to the couch in the other corner of Illidin’s room* Here is as good a place as any don’t you think?

Nicole: *Moves over to the couch and sits* This is fine... I was just wondering if you could think of anything other than your appetite that has changed lately... headaches, sleeping...

Kain: I’m sleeping a bit more than normal... *Sits down*

Nicole: *gives him an enquiring look* Anything else?

Kain: *Thinks* I felt a little queasy this morning but I think that’s because I didn’t eat much the day before.

Nicole: *Gives him an amused look* If I didn't know better I'd say you were having similar symptoms to when I first found out I was pregnant.

Kain: *Laughs* *Shakes his head* I can’t be pregnant, I do anti pregnancy spells every month.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow, looking more serious now.* Are you certain? Cause honestly that's the only thing I know of that this sounds like.

Kain: *Looks at her serious look* You're serious aren’t you?

Nicole: *Nods* I am, I've been thinking about it since we talked earlier, other than what you've mentioned you seem healthy as ever and it's the only thing I can think of... unless you know something else that has similar symptoms?

        *Kain shakes his head.*

Nicole: *Looks at him seriously* Are you certain there's no way you could have gotten pregnant? I know you weren't planning it but...

Kain: There is no way, that spell is fail safe, I do it every month... I never forget.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't know... but there is one way to know for certain if I'm wrong.

Kain: The pregnancy spell... *Closes his eyes and covers his face* I can't look.

Nicole: *Softly* Just in case I am right, do you want me to do the one that tells gender or the other one?

Kain: The other one. *Still has his eyes covered*

        *Nicole pulls out her wand and pointing it at Kain's stomach, softly speaks the charm, and waits.  His stomach glows, the test showing positive.*

Kain: *Tentatively* Well?

Nicole: *Whispers* Finite Incantatum. *and the charm fades away* *She looks at him and speaks softly* It looks like I'm going to have a new brother or sister.

Kain: *Peeks through his fingers* I-It's positive?

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah Da, it was positive.

Kain: *Mutters* Fucking hell... *Pulls his hands over his mouth and looks rather pale* That was unexpected... *Wraps his arms round his stomach*

Nicole: *Wraps her arms around Kain hugging him* I wasn't exactly expecting it but... it was the only thing that made sense.

Kain: *Puts an arm round Nicole* Thank god you figured it out... I’ll need to stop training with Luce...

Nicole: *Nods* Definitely, it's far too dangerous.

Kain: This is... I did that spell... I definitely did it.

Nicole: And there's absolutely no way it could have failed?

Kain: No, it's a fool proof spell! It's 100% effective, specifically for vampires...

Nicole: *Hesitantly* Not to pry but.... what about when you were in your demon form the other day?

Kain: *Kain's eyes widen and he reddens slightly.  He looks away from Nicole embarrassed.* Lucius... he... well he made love to me when I was still in that form... that could be it... *Has gone an interesting shade of red*

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* I'd say you and Luce have a few things to talk about.

Kain: *Nods* Yes... I’m shocked... I don’t think I’m ready to be a father...

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain, leaning against his side, one arm still wrapped around him* You'll do fine Da... and it's not like you'll be the only one raising a new child around here...  *Smiles softly* Guess we'll have 3 little ones around here sooner than we thought.

        *Kain nods rather dumbly as the door opens and Lucius looks in.*

Lucius: Oh, there you two are, I've been looking for you- *Looks at Kain* Kain? What’s wrong?

        *Kain looks a bit overwhelmed.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain* Do you want me to stay, or leave you two alone to talk?

Kain: *Kain clings onto Nicole and shakes his head at her.* Stay, please stay.

Nicole: *She squeeses her arm around him comfortingly.* I won't go anywhere Da.

Lucius: *Lucius looks worried* Has something happened? You're alright aren’t you? Nothing-

Kain: I’m fine Luce! But, I can’t train with you anymore.

Luc: Why not?

Kain: ...Well... I-I am pregnant.

Lucius: .........But... the spell...

Nicole: *Glances at Luce* The other day, with his demon form... we figure it upset the spell.

Lucius: *Lucius gapes and then grins* I'm going to be a father again?

Kain: Yes...

Lucius: *Walks over to him and smiles* Don’t be worried, we'll be fine... and I thought I was the one that was to get pregnant?

        *Nicole smiles softly.*

Kain: *Quirks an eyebrow* You know there is no law against both getting pregnant at once, and seeing as I’m pregnant I can’t do the spell on myself any more. You better hope you remember to do it on yourself.

        *Nicole laughs softly.*

Lucius: *Lucius shakes his head* You're evil.

Kain: I am, but you better be nice to me, I have license to blame it on the hormones.

Lucius: *Lucius shakes his head* Prat.

Nicole: *Grins* He's right though.

Lucius: I know, which is annoying...

Kain: I’m a little scared.

Lucius: It’s only natural... and a bit sooner than you planned.

Kain: A lot sooner than I planned... I still have a lot of enemies in the world...

Nicole: *Hugs Kain a bit tighter* We'll manage Da.

Lucius: *Lucius sits on the edge of the couch and places his hand on Kain's back* Kain, we'll be fine.

Nicole: *Softly* After all, I have a feeling all of the new children will be targets, this entire household has quite a few enemies. Perhaps it's best for them to all be born near each other, and protect them together.

Kain: *Nods* Yes, perhaps it's the best... I recall being told of the secrecy surrounding Draconias and Cenarius' daughter. I don’t even know who she is though I have a fair idea...

        *Nicole says nothing but has a thoughtful look.*

Kain: *Kain pulls away slightly and leans back against Lucius* *Quietly* I'm going to be a father.

Nicole: *Slightly teasing look* Right about the same time that you're going to be a grandfather, interesting thought.

Lucius: *Lucius smiles slightly* And Draco is going to have a son or daughter that is older than his brother or sister.

Nicole: *Nods* Your child is going to be born and instantly be an aunt or uncle to two children.

        *Kain leans his head back into Lucius' shoulder and closes his eyes as Lucius wraps his arms around Kain.*

        *Nicole watches Kain and Lucius, smiling somewhat bitter-sweetly.*

Lucius: *Quietly* Are you alright Kain?

Kain: *Raises a hand to wipe away a tear* Yes.

Nicole: *Rests a hand on Kain's knee* *Softly* You sure Da? I know this was something of a shock.

Kain: *Kain nods* It's unexpected... I'm happy but worried... and emotional as you can plainly see...

Nicole: *Nods* I understand... as I think this morning was a good example of.

Kain: *Smiles and opens his eyes* I really don’t know if I'm ready to be a father...

Lucius: You'll be fine.

Kain: But, I’ve never dealt with an infant... Tia was around three when I first knew about her.

Lucius: We will manage. There's no guide book out there Kain. We all have to just muddle through, and we will be fine.

        *Kain nods and sits up between Nicole and Lucius.*

Nicole: You going to be ok Da?

Kain: *Nods* Yes, I’ll be fine... *Looks at Lucius* You better go tell Fiammetta you're calling it a day today. Tell him I can’t train anymore for a while, don’t tell him why, let him stew.

Lucius: *Rolls his eyes* You're a horror.

        *Kain smiles.*

Nicole: *Laughs* *Looks at Kain* Do you want to go to the dinning hall then, to wait for them to come back from the training rooms?

Kain: *Nods* Yes, I'm hungry now, I suppose I better eat something now that I am hungry.

Lucius: Okay, well I’ll bring Fiammetta and Sethopher there.

Nicole: *Nods* Sounds fine. That's where I told Harry I would probably be when he got back anyway, I didn't think to tell him I might visit Illidin, so I don't know that he would think to look for me here.

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes... well, *Stands with Lucius and gives Lucius a tender kiss* I’ll see you soon then?

Lucius: *Nods* See you soon. *Leaves the room*

Nicole: *Stands up* Arthas said he had the evening off, but there was someone else scheduled for this evening, so why don't we go get you something to eat... I'm rather thirsty myself.

Kain: *Nods and walks towards the door* Let's go then.

        *Nicole goes through the door and closes it behind them.  They walk towards the kitchens and see Arthas walking towards the exit clothed rather finely.  Kain smiles slightly as Arthas walks out of the house.*

Nicole: *Nicole opens the door to the dinning hall and holds it open for Kain* I wonder who he scheduled for tonight.

Kain: Probably the new girl that he hired a few weeks ago, she has some experience... named Lita if I remember correctly... I hope he has a good time tonight, he looked dressed to impress.

Nicole: *Nods* I hope so as well, he's very diligent, he deserves to have some fun on occasion.

Kain: *Smiles* Yes he does. I wonder if he'll keep his job here much longer, I have a feeling he'll be getting married soon.

Nicole: Oh? ...that's right, I do remember meeting a female elf that was waiting for him to finish work a while back.

Kain: Yes, Aerien, they have been seeing each other for quite some time. If he gets married I doubt he'll stay here, which is a pity as he's a good friend and a loyal elf.

Nicole: *Nods* Well shall we sit down? *Closes the door*

        *Kain smiles and sits as the kitchen door opens and a young female elf comes out and the black haired elf named Nathan follows her.*

Kain: I take it you must be Lita?

Lita: *The girl nods* Yes sir, I am sir...

Kain: *Smiles* "Kain" will do just fine.

Nicole: *Smiles at Lita and sees Nathan* Hello, and it's nice to see you again Nathan... the others should be getting back from training soon, but we decided to wait for them here.

Nathan: *Nods* Yes, quite central...

        *The door opens and Harry walks in and sits across from Kain and Nicole and sighs.  Lita's eyes widen and she almost yelps.*

Nathan: *Rolls his eyes* Lita is rather young...

        *Lita scowls at Nathan.*

Nicole: *Looks over at Lita* Is something wrong?

Lita: *Shakes her head* No miss.

Nicole: *Smiles reassuringly* There's no need for titles, my name is Nicole.

Lita: *Nods* I'm sorry, I’m new... I've never worked in this sort of environment before...

Nathan: *Smiles indulgently* Lita, go back in and start preparing for dinner arrangements. *She nods and walks to the kitchen and Nathan laughs* My sister has a lot to learn.

Nicole: *Smiles then glances at Kain and Harry* Do you want to get something now Da or wait for the others?

Kain: I'd like something now, my stomach is being fickle. Nathan, is there any lasagna by any chance?

Nathan: There is Kain, Arthas made some last night.

Kain: I’ll have that then.

Nicole: If I could just have a glass of juice I’ll be fine thank you... Harry, you want anything?

Harry: *Harry nods* Just some chicken and rice please Nathan.

Nathan: *Nathan nods* Okay, I won't be long. *Walks from the room to the kitchen*

Nicole: *Looks to Harry concernedly* Did you find Syan?

Harry: Yeah, he said he'll go to the Moonglades personally and find Tyrande and bring her here. That worries me more, the fact he also thought it was so urgent.

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah... did he have any idea how long it would be before they got here?

Harry: Tomorrow morning he said, Tyrande can’t just drop everything and come here...

Nicole: *Nods* Of course.

Kain: *Stretches and yawns widely* I’m starving now.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Yes well, you haven't really eaten anything today, so I should expect you would be finally.

Kain: Yes well, I at least know why my appetite has been strange so that’s one thing.

Harry: Oh? Why what’s wrong?

        *Nicole gives Kain a questioning glance as though asking if Harry should be told.*

Kain: *Kain shakes his head and sighs* I found something out today, you dare laugh and I’ll smack you one.

Harry: *Frowns* Why would I laugh?

Kain: I'm pregnant.

Harry: *Sniggers* Oh, I get it, jealous that me and Draco are doing the whole male pregnancy thing? Well, just jump on the bandwagon then!

Kain: That’s so not funny.

Harry: I thought it was you who wore the proverbial trousers in the relationship anyway?

        *Kain glowers.*

Nicole: *Tries to hide a small smile* Harry, honestly lay off, it's not like he was expecting this to happen.

Harry: No, I know... *Smiles genuinely* I'm happy for you Kain. Who else knows?

Kain: Nicole was the one that figured out I was pregnant, Lucius was told not long ago and now you know.

Nicole: *Glances over at Kain* Are you planning on telling anyone else yet? You said to let Fiammetta stew, but you didn't say how long.

Kain: *Sighs* I don’t know... I'd like to tell other people, wither it would be safe to or not is a different matter.

Nicole: *Nods* ...Though things rarely stay secret within this household for long, so you might want to tell them, at least then you can be sure to warn them not to tell anyone else.

Kain: *Nods* Good point... Orin is not to know.

Nicole: *Grimaces* You have no worries about me telling him, personally the more space between him and me the better.

Kain: *Smiles* I’ll owl Kael and tell him, he and I have a code we've been using to correspond in for years.

        *Harry smiles.  The door opens and Sethopher, Fiammetta, Lucius and Illidin walk in and towards the table.  Nicole looks over and smiles slightly when she sees them enter.  They sit and Fiammetta glares at Kain.*

Fiammetta: And why the hell can’t you train?

        *Kain rolls his eyes.  Lita walks in and places the food in front of Kain and Harry and hands a glass of juice to Nicole.  Nathan follows her out and looks round the table.*

Nathan: What does everyone want to eat?

Lucius: I’ll have some lasagna too please.

Illidin: I’m not hungry, thank you.

Fiammetta: Nothing for me...

Sethopher: Chicken pasta please Nathan. *Sethopher smiles at Nicole* How's your day been?

        *Kain is still pointedly ignoring Fiammetta.*

Nicole: *Sighs and takes a sip of her juice* It's been tiring.

Sethopher: *Smiles slightly and looks sideways at Lucius* I know the feeling love.

Kain: *Looks at Fiammetta* Alright, alright fine I’ll tell you.

        *Nathan takes the food and drink orders into the kitchen with Lita and closes the door.*

Kain: *Addressing the table* Lucius and I have some news.

        *All heads turn towards Kain and Lucius.*

Kain: Nicole discovered today that I was... well... that I am pregnant.

        *Sethopher's eyes widen and he gapes. Illidin smiles and Fiammetta splutters.*

Kain: And I need not tell you that this information cannot go any further than this room. No one else can know. Not your son Sethopher, not your friends Fiammetta, no one. I’ll tell Tyrande and Kael, that will be the sum total of those that know... and of course, Draco.  You can tell him if you wish Harry.

        *Harry nods.  Nicole reaches a hand under the table to Kain and squeeses his hand.  Kain looks at Nicole and smiles appreciatively.*

Nicole: *Thinks to Sethopher* ~As I said, today was tiring.~

Sethopher: ~So I can see love... I was wondering why Kain was so happy. I felt it as soon as I walked in here.~

Illidin: Congratulations Kain.

Kain: *Kain smiles and nods* Thank you Illidin.

Nicole: *Gives Kain a mildly amused look* We may need to think about getting a live-in baby-sitter in a few months, with all the little ones we'll have around.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I already have enough staff for that, and some are trained as nannies, how else do you think the house stays so clean all the time?

Nicole: *Nods* Good point.

Fiammetta: *Is looking pleased, shocked and entertained* I don’t know what to say.

Kain: *Smiles slightly* Then don’t say anything.

Sethopher: You and Lucius will be wonderful together bringing up a child... although the child will be evil beyond a shadow of a doubt, try world domination and such...

        *Kain laughs.*

Nicole: *Laughs* ~You're absolutely awful... right, but awful.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~I know, it's going to be a beautiful child and it will have a sarcastic tongue that is going to put Draco to shame and will be arrogant too, but in the amusing way that Lucius and Kain are. It's going to be fun to see.~

Nicole: ~And considering Harry and Draco *Mentally laughs* and even us, I'd say we probably won't have a bunch of children running around so much as a pack of little hoodlums... they're going to have us all wrapped around their fingers.~

Sethopher: ~Yes they are... oh dear.  They're going to plot against us. A vampire, a half vampire and the child of two demigods......~

        *Nicole tries to stifle a laugh.*

Kain: *Looks sideways at Nicole* What’s so funny?

Nicole: *Gives Kain her best innocent look* Oh nothing... just thinking about what it's going to be like when the children have begun to grow up a little. *Gives Sethopher an amused glance and Sethopher smiles.*

        *Lita and Nathan bring the food and drinks in and walk back to the kitchen.*

Kain: I’ll bet...

Harry: *Smiles slightly* They're going to make a mockery of us.

Nicole: Exactly what I was thinking Harry.

Harry: *Smiles* Three Slytherins... and yes, I have given up hope that my and Draco's child will be anything but a Slytherin... I mean, it's now going to have Kain and Luce’s child as well as yours... *Smiles evilly* and I doubt you'll have a Hufflepoof, eh, I mean, Hufflepuff...

        *Sethopher glares.*

Nicole: *Prods Sethopher in the side* Oh quit it you, he doesn't mean any harm, and he's right, there is no way Nathair will be a Hufflepuff, I already told you that a while ago.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* You never know... loyalty isn’t such a bad trait you know.

Nicole: Love, there's nothing wrong with loyalty, and there's nothing that says just because a person is loyal they have to be in Hufflepuff, there are many reasons a person could end up in more than one house. *Gives Harry an amused glance* After all, Harry nearly ended up in Slytherin, even if he is about as Gryffindor as you can get.

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks surprised at Harry* Really? How did that happen?

Harry: I have a lot of Slytherin qualities. Parselmouth, thirst to prove myself, but I had heard a lot about Slytherin that I didn’t like so I was put in Gryffindor instead.

Nicole: *Shrugs* I figure there's probably two houses each person would fit in well enough, after all, the hat thought about putting me in Ravenclaw *Shudders slightly in distaste* but most children already have an idea where they want to be and that's generally where they're sent.

Sethopher: *Nods* Oh...

Fiammetta: *Looks over to Sethopher* What do you think Sethopher, should Kain still train if he's pregnant?

        *Sethopher starts talking to Fiammetta and Kain.  Lucius looks sideways at Nicole and then closes his eyes and starts to rub at his temples wincing.*

Nicole: *Looks over at Lucius questioningly* Are you alright Luce?

Lucius: *Nods* Remind me not to try that again.

Nicole: *Confused* Try what?

Lucius: I tried to read you, it's left me with a rather large migraine... *Rubs at his head* Fucking hell.

Nicole: *Frowns* That hasn't happened before, has it?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* No, it hasn’t. I was trying to pick one emotion out of the mill of emotions in the room, to home in on it, I chose you as you don’t have any formal mind barriers, the rest do, but, I can’t sense anything, and there is a block there.

Nicole: *Perplexed* Well I haven’t done anything to put one there... *Glances at her stomach* Do you think maybe Nathair inherited some of Sethopher's powers and that's causing the block?

Lucius: *Raises his eyebrows* You know that’s a pretty good theory... I think I need to go lie down now... *Looks at Kain* Are you ready for bed love? I’m rather tired.

Kain: *Nods* Yes I’m finished... *Stands with Luce* I bid you all goodnight.

Nicole: Goodnight Luce, 'night Da.

        *Both walk from the room, Sethopher yawns and looks at Nicole.*

Sethopher: Nicole love, you tired?

Nicole: *Nods* Yeah, I wouldn't mind going to bed now.

Sethopher: *Sethopher stands and walks to her chair* Let's go then. *Smiles and looks at Illidin and Harry* See you two tomorrow.

Nicole: *Stands* Goodnight... and Harry, if Tyrande gets here before I wake up, come get me, alright?

Harry: *Nods* I will.

        *Sethopher walks towards the door and Nicole follows him.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks at her* So, you had a tiring day? Are you feeling okay? When did you last feed?

Nicole: *Sighs tiredly* I'm fine, just tired, and I fed last when Da came down to see me this morning.

Sethopher: You should feed soon again...

Nicole: *Nods* The last thing I need is to wake up tomorrow feeling ill.

Sethopher: How is young Draco?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* Not very well I'm afraid, one of the things I've been worrying about today... Harry went this evening and asked Syan to get Tyrande... they're supposed to be here tomorrow.

Sethopher: *Frowns* I hope he's okay... *Enters their bedroom and yawns*

Nicole: *Rubs her eyes tiredly* Me too... did you want me to feed from you tonight, seeing as we didn't mention it to anyone at dinner?

Sethopher: Yes, you can feed from me.

Nicole: Well might as well take care of it now... which one? *Glances between the bed and couch*

Sethopher: Whatever is more comfortable for you love.

Nicole: *Sighs tiredly and moves toward the bed* Might as well lay down.

        *Sethopher shoves his shoes off and unbuttons his shirt and lies down.*

Nicole: *Nicole kicks off her shoes and socks, and lays down along Sethopher's side, head pillowed on his shoulder* Mmm, I think I could easily fall asleep right about now.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* You need to feed love.

Nicole: *Sighs* Yeah I know... *Shifts her position and after placing a kiss on his neck bites down.*

        *Sethopher closes his eyes as she feeds and sighs gently.  As she finishes, Nicole yawns and rolls onto her side, eyes closed though not quite asleep.  Sethopher turns on his side spooning against her and kisses her neck.*

Nicole: ~I should get undressed but I'm honestly too tired to care at the moment.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher lets his hands wander forwards* ~I suppose I could help with that.~ *Suggestive tone*

Nicole: ~*Extremely tiredly* Talma, not tonight, I just want to sleep.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher goes quiet and kisses the back of her neck ~Okay...~ *A few minutes pass and he groans and rubs his temples*

Nicole: *Nicole rolls over her eyes now open, giving him a considering look* *Slightly irritated* Did you just try to read me?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No-no, I just have a headache.

Nicole: *Narrows her eyes slightly* *Skeptical* You didn't seem to have one a few minutes ago *Sighs* and aside from the fact you know I don't like it when people look around my mind, I suppose I should mention it's not a good idea to try just now. Luce got himself a killer headache at dinner attempting it... probably Nathair...

Sethopher: I may have...tried...

Nicole: *Rolls back over so her back is to him* Thought as much... *Tired and slightly annoyed* I'm just tried, Talma, you don't need to be prying, please can we just go to sleep?

Sethopher: *Slightly sulky* Fine.

Nicole: *Rolls back over and looks at him apologetically* Please love, I've had a really long day *Reaches a hand out and rests it on his chest* I'm not trying to be irritable, honestly, I'm just tired.

Sethopher: *Sethopher turns from her and lays on his side* *Tetchy* I thought you wanted to go to sleep.

Nicole: *Sighs frustrated and turns back over so she's facing away from him.* Fine, if that's the attitude you want to end the night with so be it. *Grabs the throw from off the floor beside her where she discarded it earlier with Kain and wraps it around herself pointedly closing her eyes, but not falling asleep immediately.*

        *Sethopher moves so he’s under the covers and doesn’t reply to her statement and closes his eyes, mental exhaustion from training with Lucius sends him to sleep.  Nicole eventually falls into a fitful sleep.*


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