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11 September 1997

        *Early morning light makes its way into the room, not quite reaching the bed where two figures sleep.  Nicole becomes restless and begins muttering in her sleep, obviously in the midst of a dream.  She rolls over on her back, blanket falling aside, an unintelligible distressed cry on her lips, still not waking.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher wakes with a start and turns to face Nicole, confused.* Huh...?

        *Eyes still firmly closed, Nicole curls in upon herself distressedly muttering, almost as though she is sobbing.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moves over to Nicole, concerned.* Nicole? Nicole, love wake up... *Places his arms around her* Nicole, wake up love, you're having a bad dream love...

        *Nicole wakes with a start, eyes wide and wild, momentarily struggling against his arms until she seems to realise where she is and clutches onto Sethopher tightly, her face buried against his shoulder, breathing erratically.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher runs his hands down her back* Are you alright love? *Concern lacing his voice*

Nicole: *Her voice is laced with an edge of terror, the words stammering but coming quickly without pause.* Everyone left me – and it was dark, I was alone – and I thought you were coming to save me, but you left me as well – and then I had Nathair in my arms, but men came to take him from me, leaving me alone again and it hurt when they took him – dark, in pain and alone... *Her voice trails off into near tears*

Sethopher: *Sethopher holds her close and kisses her forehead* I’m here love, I'm not going anywhere, shh...

Nicole: *Nicole presses herself as close to him as she can despite the blankets between them, turning her head to rest her cheek against his shoulder, her breath ghosting across the skin of his neck* I was so afraid Talma... I don't want to be alone anymore.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* You're not alone. *Kisses her softly* *Quietly* You're not alone...

        *Her eyes, pleading and still showing the remains of her terror, search his face. She kisses him, the need to be reassured obvious on her face.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moves himself so he is out of the covers and kisses her tenderly* ~There's no need to worry love.~

Nicole: *Holding him tightly, she leans into his embrace, need in her every motion* ~I can't shake the feeling something bad is going to happen soon.~

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* ~You're just being paranoid love, it's nothing to worry about...~ *Kisses her and runs his hand gently, comfortingly down her back*

Nicole: *Her lips never parting from his, she shifts, running a hand down Sethopher's side to rest at his waist, her fingers slipping under the edge of his shirt seeking skin, the need to be as close to him as possible pours from her.* ~I hope you're right....~

Sethopher: *Sethopher pulls the throw down from Nicole's body and kisses her neck, he puts his hand up her shirt and kisses her again* ~I will be.~

        *The hand at Sethopher's waist moves and Nicole begins undoing the buttons of his shirt moving upward, all thoughts of thinking escaping her as she succumbs to the overwhelming need to be as close as possible.  Sethopher begins to unbutton Nicole's blouse, once he has he begins to kiss down her body and kisses her breastbone.  He trails his tongue up her body and kisses her on the mouth sliding her blouse off completely and throwing it on the floor.  As Nicole trails nibbling kisses along Sethopher's jaw and down his neck, she runs her hands over the planes of his chest and shoulders, pushing his shirt off and tossing it aside as she nips more harshly at the juncture of his neck and shoulder.*

        *Sethopher growls as his hand wanders down her body gently and he unfastens her trousers.  He takes them off and kisses her stomach. He then moves down and runs his hands up and down her thighs caressing the insides of her legs.  He moves down and licks her clit teasingly and takes it into his mouth and begins to suck and tease.  Her hand rests on his shoulder, fingers griping tightly, the other cupping the side of his head, running her fingers through the loose strands of his hair.  Her head is thrown back, body arching into his ministrations as she moans breathily.  Sethopher’s hands run the length from her knees to her breasts and trails back down, still licking on the sensitive nub.*

Nicole: *The hand in Sethopher's hair releases, moving to fist the sheets at her side, her breath is speeding up and becoming erratic as she writhes at his touch* ~Talma, I...~

        *Sethopher sheds the rest of his clothes and moves up her body, kisses her on the mouth and bites gently on her neck, she can feel his own arousal pressing against her.*

Nicole: *Her hips rock up against him, her arms moving to wrap around his torso, fingers scratching at his back* ~Need you... closer...~ *Her skin is feverish, the need overwhelming.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher enters her slowly and kisses her on the mouth, he moves in and out and nuzzles her neck as he moves* ~Feed love.~

        *She wraps a leg around his waist, drawing him in deeper. Her lips trail down his neck and with a final kiss to the curve she bites down, drinking slowly and deeply, her fingers grasping at the skin of his back.  Sethopher growls low in his throat and closes his eyes as he thrusts, he lets a hand slide down to her clit and begins teasing again.  Her movements quicken and she bites down harder growling low in her throat, with a final deep draw she releases his throat with a gasping moan as her climax crashes over her, her nails digging into his back.*

Sethopher: *He groans deeply as her climax sends him over the edge and he comes hard. He pants and runs his hands through her hair and kisses her on the forehead* ~Love you.~

Nicole: *Her breath is gradually slowing, arms still wrapped around him, she nuzzles his neck softly.* ~Love you Talma.~

        *A few minutes pass and there is a light knock on the door.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* Who could that be at this time?

Nicole: *Nicole sleepily pulls the blankets to cover them, looking puzzled* I don't know... *Look of realisation* unless it's Harry, I asked him to come get me when Tyrande got here... *Voice softens* Draco's getting worse.

Sethopher: *Sethopher saddens* That’s not good... *Calls out* Come in.

Harry: *The door opens and Harry puts his head round the door, he doesn’t look like he's slept at all.* Tyrande is here.

Nicole: *Nods a sad look on her face* I’ll be out in a couple of minutes Harry.

        *Harry nods and closes the door.*

Sethopher: He doesn’t look too well himself, he better watch or he'll make himself ill...

Nicole: *Nods and kisses him softly* I hate to get up just now love, but I have to go.

Sethopher: *Smiles slightly* It's alright; I think Fiammetta will be coming to get me soon anyway to train Lucius.

Nicole: *Nicole climbs out of bed and disappears into the bathroom, after coming back out she begins pulling clothes from the wardrobe and getting dressed.* I don't know how long I'm going to be with this, I'm hoping Tyrande will know of some way to help but... *Shrugs somewhat dejectedly*

Sethopher: *Sighs* I hope he's alright... Harry too... *Gets up* I’m going to have a shower before Fiammetta gets here.

Nicole: *Finishes dressing and pulls on a pair of shoes* Alright love, I’ll see you later.

Sethopher: *Sethopher walks over and kisses her tenderly* See you later hon... *Makes his way to the shower*

        *Nicole leaves and heads to Draco and Harry's room.  Harry is standing waiting outside his room.  He sees Nicole and smiles weakly.  Tyrande walks from a room at the side followed closely by Kain, Kain walks away from her and Tyrande walks towards Harry.*

Nicole: *Nicole walks over to Tyrande and Harry* *Softly* Hello Tyrande.

Tyrande: Hello Nicole... I'm glad to see you again but I wish it was in better circumstances.

Nicole: *Nods* As do I... have you been in to see Draco yet?

Tyrande: *Shakes her head* No, I was sidetracked by a pregnant Kain... I recall when he told me he'd get pregnant over his own dead body... seems he was overreacting... *Looks towards Draco and Harry's door* *Sighs*

Harry: We better go in then...

Nicole: *Nods* The sooner the better.

        *Harry walks forward and opens the door to their room, he walks forward to the bed with Tyrande closely behind him and she looks at Draco and frowns.  Nicole walks to Tyrande's side.  Tyrande places her hands over Draco's head then his heart.  She then pulls the covers down to his stomach and gently feels his stomach.*

Draco: *Draco opens his eyes* *Blearily* Huh-?

Tyrande: Shh Draco, it's only me, Tyrande. Not to worry. Go back to sleep.

        *Draco looks confused but closes his eyes and is sound asleep again.  Tyrande does a spell and a small orb floats above Draco and turns grey her mouth opens slightly in surprise and she looks decidedly worried.  Nicole bites her lip and glances from Tyrande's worried face to the orb and back again*

Tyrande: *She makes the orb disappear and looks at Harry* Has he had a fever?

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah...

Nicole: *Nicole nods as well* When I checked on him yesterday he was burning up... then he quickly got cold again... his body can't seem to keep a constant temperature.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks pained and closes her eyes and smoothes Draco's hair as he sleeps* *Quietly* You should have sent for me sooner.

Nicole: *Sighs* I had a feeling we should have... after his magic was bound he seemed better at first, but for the last 3 days or so he's been getting worse...

Tyrande: *Gapes* Three days he's been getting worse and you didn’t send for me!?

Nicole: He only seemed overly tired up until yesterday... that was when the fever started.

Tyrande: *She looks intensely saddened and pained* Still, for a pregnant man you should have sent...

Harry: ...Is... is it serious?

        *Tyrande doesn’t answer merely smoothes out Draco's hair.  Nicole rests a hand on Harry's shoulder and squeeses it softly.*

Tyrande: *Quietly* He's dying.

        *Harry goes chalk white.*

Nicole: *Makes a quiet frustrated sound* Can you help him? At all?

Tyrande: *She looks at Nicole* There are certain things we can do... even at this late stage... if you had left calling me until even this morning it would have been too late... we still have a little time... but, even then his chances... *Trails off*

Harry: He can’t die... he can't...

Nicole: *Pulls Harry into a hug* Shh babe, we're going to do everything possible for him, I promise.

        *Harry clings onto Nicole.*

Tyrande: I am grieved to tell you that news Harry... I can see how much you care for him... how much you need each other... *Conjures up her owl again* Find Syan and his followers, tell them to come here and bring a mode of transport for this young man. *The owl flies out the window*

Nicole: *Nicole holds Harry close, running her fingers through his hair murmuring to him softly, she looks up at Tyrande's words* You're taking him to the Moonglades?

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* If he stays here, he will die... he has a better chance at the Moonglades... the only thing we can do is take away the source of his illness... we can speed up his pregnancy...

Nicole: *Nods in understanding and draws Harry's face up to look at hers* We should get a bag with a few days worth of things for the two of you ready, so that you can leave as soon as the others get here.

Harry: *Harry nods silently and closes his eyes to compose himself* Okay...

Nicole: *Nicole squeeses him tightly once more and places a kiss to his forehead* Everything will turn out alright, you'll see. *She releases him* Now do you have something you can pack your things in?

Harry: *Nods* Yeah, there's a bag in the bottom of the wardrobe...

Nicole: Do you want me to help you get anything?

Harry: *Shakes his head* No...I can get it... *Walks to the wardrobe and takes out the bag. He puts some shirts and other clothes into the bag.*

        *Tyrande keeps her hand on Draco's forehead and is whispering in Moon Elvish.  Nicole is watching Tyrande and Draco closely, obviously wishing to speak but not doing so.*

Jane: *Tyrande looks at her* What is it Nicole?

Nicole: We need something to tell Draco, a reason for them moving, and not just because he's ill... half the reason we hadn't called you until we did was because he's stubborn, he's been reluctant to even let me help him as little as I have... it wasn't till yesterday that he admitted perhaps we needed to get you here... I think it would make him feel better if he thought there was another reason to go as well.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks thoughtful and smiles a little.* I was actually talking to Syan, he was concerned that Harry wasn’t getting enough training done... we were talking about getting him to move to the Moonglades for a few weeks of intense training... we could use that as a reason.

        *Harry finishes packing and sits on the bed beside Draco who is still sound asleep.*

Nicole: I've been wondering about that myself... *Looks over at Harry* Babe, did you catch what Tyrande suggested? *Runs fingers softly through his hair*

        *Harry nods, tears stinging his eyes.*

Nicole: *Nicole sits down on the bed behind Harry, arms wrapping around the young man* *Softly* He'll make it Harry, if anyone is stubborn enough to get through this, it's Draco.

Harry: *Harry's breathing hitches and he swallows hard* I can't be without him, I just can't.

Nicole: *Her hand rubs in soothing circles against his stomach, holding him close* I know babe, I know...

        *Harry closes his eyes.*

Tyrande: *Looks out the window* They're here... *Syan and two females go into humanoid form and enter the house and make their way to the bedroom.*

Syan: We brought a carriage.

Nicole: *Nicole places a chaste kiss to Harry's temple, turning her head so she can see his face.* Are you ready to go?

Harry: *Nods* Yeah... *Looks at Syan* Syan, could you get that bag? *Harry points to the bag and pulls the covers off Draco and lifts him with one of the female's help* I’ll see you soon Nicole... Tell Lucius what's happened as soon as you see him... please... *He walks with the female and Syan from the room*

Tyrande: Tell Kain I’ll be here to see him sometime this evening...

        *Nicole nods silently eyes still trained on the door through which Harry just left.*

Tyrande: *Tyrande sighs* I’ll take care of them Nicole. Don’t worry, I think we've caught Draco's illness just in time... I must go, may Elune shine upon you Nicole. *Leaves with the final female*

        *Nicole's gaze remains on the door for a moment, the shock that has been helping her keep her emotions in check finally breaks and she drops back to the bed and curls up in a ball crying.  A few minutes pass and the door opens and Illidin finds her.*

Illidin: Nicole?

        *Nicole doesn't notice him, tears still running down her face, breath coming in gasping sobs, words being muttered, obscured by her crying.*

Illidin: *Illidin walks over and sits on the bed placing a hand gently on her back* *Very concerned* Nicole what’s wrong?

Nicole: *She looks up, finally noticing Illidin's presence, her words are broken up by her ragged breathing* Tyrande came... to see Draco... she took him to the Moonglades... he's-he's dying... *Buries her face in her arms again, her words now muffled* all my fault... should have called her sooner... so stupid... all my fault-knew something bad was going to happen...

Illidin: *Illidin gathers her into his arms and holds her* Shh, Nicole it's not your fault... you tried everything you could. Draco wouldn’t have let you call for her sooner; he's one stubborn young man.

        *She clutches on to him and shakes her head negatively as though disbelieving him. Her breath is coming in dry ragged sobs, no tears left to cry.*

Illidin: *Illidin comforts her by running his hand through her hair* Shhh, it's not your fault.

Nicole: *Her breathing slowly calming, she still holds onto Illidin tightly.* I should have called Tyrande sooner... I could feel something was wrong... and then my nightmare this morning... if he doesn't make it I don't know if I could ever forgive myself... *Eyes close pointedly* And poor Harry, he's so worried....

Illidin: *He chastely kisses the top of her head* I'm sure he'll be fine... He's strong... He'll pull through... it's not your fault Nicole...

Nicole: *Softly* That's what I told Harry... by the fates, I hope you're right.

Illidin: *Sighs gently* I wanted to speak with Tyrande... is she away to the Moonglades?

Nicole: She left with Harry, Draco, Syan and the others about 5 minutes ago... you might still be able to catch up with them if you hurry.

Illidin: *Smiles and nods* Will you be alright here on your own?

Nicole: *Sniffs and nods* Yes, I think I’ll head back to my room and clean up a bit... pull myself back together.

Illidin: *Smiles* Alright Nicole, I’ll see you later. *Walks from the room*

        *Nicole gets up shakily and slowly makes her way back to her bedroom.*


        ~*~ About 25 minutes later ~*~

        *Nicole comes out of the bathroom, the tears cleaned from her face, and other traces of her earlier crying gone.  She sits on the couch curled up at one end, her face somber, staring out the window into the distance.*

Kain: *The doors to her room fly open and Kain enters quickly, wings out, Soul Reaver at his side and a fresh wound on his side and on his arm, both look quite deep* Nicole, you need to come with me, where's your medical bag?

Nicole: *Nicole looks up startled, she stands and moves to the chest by the wardrobe and picks up her bag.* What happened?!

Kain: It's Illidin, he's been injured... Miave... there's no time to loose, come on...

        *Nicole nods, heading to Kain's side and the door, a concerned frown on her face.  Kain takes her arm and they go quickly to Illidin's room, they enter and Illidin is lying on the bed breathing rapidly, he has an arrow in his side and another in his chest.  He also has cuts on his face and just below his eye sockets.*

Kain: I think he's been poisoned.

Nicole: *She moves quickly to Illidin's side and begins examining his wounds* Oh gods... *Testing the blood from one of the arrow wounds between her fingers she sniffs it lightly and her eyes widen* ...Da... I can heal the wounds... but the poison... he needs the antidote brewed, and I have none, it's not the kind that keeps well...

        *Kain sighs and Orin is seen at the door.*

Orin: What's happened?

Kain: ...Illidin's been attacked... *To Nicole* I don’t know of anyone that could make it... do you?

Nicole: *Shakes her head frustrated* I could if I weren't... *Makes a vague motion to her stomach* ...and I don't know anyone in Quel'Thalas. *Mutters more quietly* If Professor Snape were here he could brew it easily.

Orin: *Looks at her* Snape? You don’t mean Severus do you?

Nicole: *Nicole looks up at Orin, shocked.* I do, he was my mentor at Hogwarts... You know him?!

Orin: He works for Kael, has done since he was about twenty, one of the finest minds in potions he is... If I recall he helped to refine Sethopher's antidote to his mind powers, made it better than it had been. I can send word to Kael, he'll be here within the hour.

Nicole: *Takes a moment to process the information then focuses in on the last sentence* Yes! Tell him it's an emergency, the sooner he gets here the better, until the poison is out of Illidin's system my treatments will only help so much... and tell him I asked for him to come.

Orin: *Nods* I will.

        *Orin leaves the room and Kain walks over to Illidin and Nicole.*

Kain: Illidin?

Illidin: Kain... thank you. *Winces in pain*

Kain: *Kain sits on the bed and winces and looks at Illidin* You just get better Illidin, that will be thanks enough.

Nicole: *Takes one of Illidin's hands holding it tightly.* I need to get these arrows out of you so they can't spread anymore poison, but I can't just pull them out, they're too deep they'll have to be worked out carefully... *Her voice becomes sad and regretful* and I can't give you anything for the pain, it'll speed up the poison...

Illidin: *Shakes his head* It's alright... just, do what you have to do...

Nicole: *She squeeses his hand once more and lets go, quickly moving into the bathroom and coming back out with a basin of steaming water, she sets it beside the bed and pours a potion in it and rinses her hands in the water, she moves them over the arrow in Illidin's side and hesitates.* Illidin, I'm going to start taking the arrows out now, I promise I’ll try to be as quick as possible.

Illidin: *Nods and Kain grabs hold of his hand* Alright, I’m ready...

        *Nicole's hands drop to the wound, her fingers pulling it open slightly, slowly working the arrow out, doing her best to prevent it from causing any more damage.  When it's finally out she drops it to the floor beside her and begins rinsing her hands in the basin once more.  Illidin grabs tightly onto Kain's hand and Kain shakes his head at Illidin’s wounds*

Kain: You're doing great Illidin...

Nicole: *Nicole's hands hover over the second arrow.* Just one more Illidin, we're almost done with the worst of it.

        *Illidin nods and he squeeses on Kain's hand again.  Her hands drop to the wound and she remove the arrow with the same care as the first, when it's finally out she sighs in relief and dropping it beside the other rinses her hands in the potion treated water again.  Illidin winces and he breathes erratically.  Kain still has one hand against his wound at his side.  He leans back slightly on the bed onto the pillows and seems more comfortable.*

Kain: There... that’s it done...

Nicole: *Nicole takes Illidin's hand again, her thumb stroking the back of it soothingly.* Illidin, I'm going to clean your wounds and put dressings on the arrow wounds for now, I can't really do anything else until Professor Snape brews you the antidote.

Illidin: *Nods* Thank you Nicole.

Nicole: *Nicole stands and changes the water in the basin. Returning with the fresh water she adds more of the first potion as well as a second to the basin and gets out a cloth, dipping it in she begins to clean Illidin’s wounds.* I added an antiseptic, so at least the wounds won't get infected while we wait for Snape.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles slightly* Very considerate...

Nicole: *She looks up from the arrow wound on his side she is cleaning, sorrow on her face.* I wish I could do more for you, but until we get the antidote...

Illidin: *Shakes his head* It's alright...

Nicole: *Puts a dressing on the wound and moves on to the one on his chest.* Da, did you say Miave did this? I thought she was out of the picture now.

Kain: *Kain growls lowly* Well, she was... but she is back...

Nicole: *Finishes cleaning the wound and beings putting a dressing on it.* I take it she got away then?

Illidin: *Illidin snorts* Got away? You mean 'I take it you got away alright then?' Miave is a killer, we were lucky to get away.

Nicole: *Shudders* I'm sorry, I knew she was trouble, I guess I just didn't realise how much since she hasn't been around... *Gets out a clean cloth and dips it in the water* *Softly* Now that those arrow wounds are taken care of let me clean the cuts on your face...

Illidin: *Illidin looks a little uncomfortable* Can’t- can’t you just leave them...?

Nicole: *Softly* Illidin, they'll get infected if they aren't cleaned, please? I promise to be gentle.

Illidin: *Still looks uncomfortable* It's just... they're... she... they're at my eyes...

Nicole: *Soft and sadly* I know, but they need to be cared for. *Weak smile* Please let me clean up that handsome face of yours.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles lightly* When you put it like that...

Nicole: *Sighs relieved and gently begins to clean the cuts* *Softly* All things considered these aren't too bad, after we get the poison out of your system some salve should be able to heal them up rather quickly, *Smiles weakly again* you won't even be able to tell they were there.

Illidin: Thanks...

Nicole: *Nicole wipes her hands off on a dry cloth, and then smoothes Illidin’s hair back from his forehead* That's all I can do for now, just try and rest.

        *Illidin nods.*

Kain: ...I should go talk to Lucius...He's... rather angry at me. *Stands, hand still against the wound on his side.* I’ll see you soon Nicole.

Nicole: *Gives Kain a worried look* Da, what about your wounds? Are you going to be able to heal the ones on your arm and side yourself?

Kain: *Frowns* I tried... it's just taking time...

Nicole: Do you want me to look at them? I still have some of the potion I used on Lucius' back to heal gashes, it should at least be able to take care of the one on your arm.

Kain: *Shakes head* I should go to Lucius... he's pissed at me... you can look at them later.

Nicole: *Worriedly* If you're sure...

Kain: *Nods* Yeah...I’ll see you later Nicole... *Walks from the room*

        *Nicole cleans up her supplies and after returning the basin to the bathroom sits on the bed beside Illidin taking his hand in hers.  The arrows she removed are sitting on the side table wrapped in a cloth.*

Illidin: *Illidin smiles slightly* You're too kind to me...

Nicole: *Running her free hand through his hair* You're my friend, is it so wrong that I be worried about you when you're hurt?

Illidin: Well... no, but it's my own fault for being an idiot... I shouldn’t have left the grounds without my magic... I know how many enemies I have...

Nicole: You couldn't have known Miave would be there, we all thought she wasn't something we had to worry about just now... You told me that you got away from her when she tried to hunt you down after Tyrande got you free, you never did say how you got her out of the way.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles slyly* I may have trapped her in a dimension that’s barren and almost destroyed...

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* Sounds like a good place to leave her... *Quietly* I wonder how she got free.

Illidin: She is powerful... and she has been there a while... I suppose she was bound to get out eventually.

Nicole: *Sighs* Yeah I suppose... it's just rather unfortunate it was now that she had to get free.

Illidin: Yes... it is...

Nicole: *Glances at a clock worriedly then looks back down at Illidin, trying to hide the worry from her voice* You'll have to stay on the grounds either until your powers are back, or we find some way of dealing with her.

Illidin: Yes, yes I will, don’t worry about that... and I know you're worried. You don’t need to try to hide it...

Nicole: *Weakly amused* I never thought I'd be eager to see Orin, but the sooner he gets back with Professor Snape, the better I’ll feel.

Illidin: *Sounds interested* Professor Snape? Was he your teacher?

Nicole: *Sounding relieved at finding a new topic* Yes, he was the head of Slytherin house, and my mentor and potions professor most of the time I went to Hogwarts... as far as I know he still works there.

Illidin: Oh... *There is a knock on the door*

        *With a squeese to Illidin’s hand she stands and moves to the door and opens it.*

Snape: *Snape smiles slightly at Nicole* Hello Nicole.

Nicole: *Nicole returns the smile* Professor, I'm so glad to see you. *Moves back and motions for him to come in.*

Snape: *Snape rolls his eyes* Nicole, we're not in school anymore, either Snape or Severus will be just fine.

Nicole: *She closes the door behind him and looks mildly sheepish* Old habits are hard to break... Severus. *Moves over towards the bed and Illidin*

Snape: *Walks over to Illidin* Yes they are... I heard you couldn’t make the antidote Nicole... why not? You were my best pupil... should be rather easy for you.

Nicole: *Blushes slightly at the compliment* I can't brew anything right now... I'm pregnant.

Snape: *Eyes raise in surprise* Oh... Orin never mentioned anything... congratulations... Who's the lucky man?

Nicole: His name is Sethopher.

Snape: Sethopher? As in, the vampire that used to take the psychic inhibitor potion?

Nicole: *Nods* The very one, I think Orin mentioned you helped with it.

Snape: *Smiles and tries not to look too proud* Yes I did... so, what exactly is the antidote that I have to brew?

Nicole: *Picks up the wrapped arrows from the table* These still have some of the poison on them, I used a nullifier to clean my hands while I was getting them out, and on the wounds afterwards so that I wouldn't get any of the poison in my system, but there should be enough still on them to analyse exactly what it was. From the smell I could identify Cufsbane in it, if that's all the general purging potion should be enough, but from the reputation Miave has, I doubt that's all that's there.

Snape: *Snape nods and looks at her* Good, good... *Takes the arrows and nods* I have some tests I can do to find the other ingredients in the poison but if it's Miave I think I know the poison. But, I’ll do the tests anyway to make sure.

Nicole: *Looks relieved and nods* How long do you think it will take?

Snape: Well, I don’t know. If it's the poison I think only a few hours... the antidote is easy to make...

Nicole: *Nods* Alright... you'll send word if you need anything?

Snape: *Nods* I will, it's good to know that you're on hand if I need anything.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* I wish I could do more, but...

Snape: It's alright, you take care of yourself.

Nicole: *Nods* See you in a few hours I hope.

Snape: *Nods* See you later, you make sure he's alright... *Looks towards Illidin* *To Nicole very quietly* If it's the poison I think it has a paralysing agent... it's not complete but he'll be sore and stiff...

        *Nicole nods and looks down at Illidin sadly.*

Snape: I’ll be back soon... *Smiles again* It's good to see you Nicole.

Nicole: *Opens the door for Snape* You as well, I just wish it were under better circumstances.

Snape: *Nods* Me too... I didn’t even know you were here... I’ll see you later. *Walks from the room*

        *Nicole closes the door and moves back over beside Illidin, taking his hand again.*

Illidin: *Illidin smiles slightly* I could hear every word he was saying.

Nicole: *Squeeses his hand slightly* I figured you probably could.

Illidin: *Moves his hand up to his eyes and scratches slightly* I've had this bandanna on all day...

Nicole: *Softly* Do you want to take it off? You should probably have a clean one anyway; it's showing battle scars of its own.

Illidin: *Illidin looks uncomfortable again* Hmm... I'm not sure that’s a good idea.

Nicole: *Softly* It's not like I haven't seen you without it on before... if you'd rather I can get a clean one for you, if you'll tell me where you keep them.

Illidin: No... I should probably keep it off... it's not good to keep them covered all the time...

Nicole: I didn't think it was... Illidin, it is fine if you don't have them covered while I'm here, especially if you need to.

Illidin: *Nods* *Sounds insecure* If you're sure.

Nicole: *Soft and reassuringly* I'm certain.

        *Illidin runs his hand through his hair insecurely and then unfastens the knot at the back of his head and pulls the bandanna off and sighs.*

Nicole: *Takes the bandana from him and sets it aside* Feel better?

Illidin: *Nods* It's not itchy anymore, that’s good...

Nicole: *Sincerely* Good... do you want some water or anything?

Illidin: *Shakes his head* No I’m fine.

Nicole: *Runs her fingers gently through his hair* *Softly* I wish there was something more I could do.

Illidin: You've done enough, friend.

Nicole: I'm glad Da was there to help you... How did he find you anyway, do you know?

Illidin: Yes, part of the reason Lucius is probably pissed at him. Kain, Luce, Fiammetta and Sethopher were out in the grounds training. I screamed like a girl, Kain sent Fiammetta, Lucius and Sethopher back here... I’m guessing Lucius isn’t happy Kain went alone, especially with him being pregnant now.

Nicole: No I can't imagine he would be happy about that. Luce never has been the type to like sitting idly by, especially when it's someone he cares about who's heading into danger.

Illidin: Yes... It was nice of Snape to come to help me... he must respect you to come so quickly.

Nicole: *Insecurely* I don't know about that, it's not like we really know each other outside of school, I haven't seen him in years.... not since I got my potions mistress certification.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles gently* You can’t hear what I hear in his voice...

Nicole: ...Oh?

Illidin: *Nods* Pride, he's proud of you. I suspect he doesn’t show it much but he is. You can hear it in his tone.

Nicole: *Thoughtfully* He's never been one to show much emotion, the kind of life he's lived I suppose... but still, I don't see why he should be any more proud of me than any of his other students... *Shrugs*

Illidin: *Smiles* I don’t know what it is, but he is proud of you...

        *There is a further knock on the door.*

Nicole: *Looks towards the door* Come in.

Snape: *Severus walks in with a vial of potion in hand* I found out what poison it is, this is a sleeping potion, the poison slows if you're asleep Illidin.

Illidin: Okay...

Nicole: *She squeeses Illidin’s hand and looks down at him* He knows what he's doing Illidin, if he says it will help, it will.

Illidin: *Nods* I trust him...

Snape: Good to know, I’m surprised you would let a human brew this for you.

Illidin: I've heard you are good... why not?

        *Nicole gives Snape a curious look.*

Snape: *Snape looks at Nicole and raises an eyebrow* Mistrust tends to come with my interesting choice of body art.

        *Nicole nods in understanding.*

Illidin: *Illidin nods* I don’t care; I have it on good authority that you're trustworthy.

Snape: *Walks over to the bed* Thank you...

Illidin: *Illidin shakes his head* So... sleeping potion. *Holds his hand out and Snape hands him the potion.*

Nicole: *Nicole looks down at Illidin* *Softly* Do you need help sitting up a little to take it?

Illidin: *Nods* Yes please.

Nicole: *Nicole moves closer and helps him sit up so that he's leaning back against her* How's that?

Illidin: *Smiles* Thank you, that fine... *Illidin opens the bottle and drinks the potion* Doesn’t taste too bad...

Snape: *Takes the bottle from Illidin* It shouldn’t be too long till it starts to work.

Nicole: *Rubbing Illidin's back in a soft and soothing manner* Do you want to lay back down now?

Illidin: *Illidin nods and yawns* Hmm, yeah...

        *Nicole shifts, laying him down again, and brushes a strand of hair from where it had fallen across his face.  Illidin is breathing softly obviously asleep.  Snape smiles slightly.*

Nicole: *With a final look to Illidin's sleeping face she stands and turns to face Snape* *Quietly* Thank you for helping.

Snape: *Shakes his head* Not at all, when Kael told me it was you I came as quick as I could.

Nicole: When Orin said you worked for Kael I was so relieved. I haven't lived here long, and I didn't know anyone else who specialised in potions, and seeing as I couldn't help...

Snape: *Nods* Yes, I understand... we should let him sleep, the potion is brewing... It's another two hours before I need to add the final ingredients.

Nicole: *Nods* Was it the poison you thought it was?

Snape: Yes, with a slight twist on it. It means that rather than one dose of the antidote it will be a few doses... over perhaps a few days.

Nicole: *Nods* If you explain the schedule to me I’ll make sure he gets it when he's supposed to.

Snape: *Nods* I am comforted that the potion will be given to him by you, if it's stored wrong it goes off... It's good to know it's someone that knows what they are doing.

Nicole: *Blushes lightly* I appreciate your confidence in me.

Snape: *Smiles slightly* You're one of the best students I ever had. Also, one of the only students to actually enjoy the subject.

Nicole: *Her blush deepens* It was a pleasant distraction to the rest of my life in the castle, and the amount of good that I could do with them was appealing.

Snape: *Nods* Is there somewhere we can sit Nicole? I'd stand and chat but I’m a little saddle sore, it's been a while since I’ve ridden anywhere.

Nicole: Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners. We can go back to my sitting room if you'd like.

Snape: *Smiles and nods* That would be nice.

        *Nicole leads the way out of the door and across the hall to her rooms, holding open the sitting room door for Snape.*

Snape: *Walks in and looks around appreciatively.* This is a very nice house...

Nicole: It's Da's house, though he gave this set of rooms to Sethopher and I, there's also a dinning room and nursery as part of them. *Motions towards the couch and chairs by the fire* Is this good?

Snape: *Nods and sits on the couch* Your Da?

Nicole: *Looks startled for a moment then realises exactly what she said* Oh, I mean Kain... he's sort-of adopted me in a manner of speaking, though only the fates know why he'd want to. *Laughs slightly self-depreciatively*

Snape: *Snape smiles slightly* You haven’t changed much Nicole, still always putting yourself down... but you do seem much happier than I remember you to be.

Nicole: *Sits on the couch beside him and nods* I am happier, more-so than in a long time.

Snape: That’s good... *Leans back on the couch relaxing* I heard from Dumbledore that Draco and Harry won't be returning to Hogwarts.

Nicole: No they won't, they've been living here actually. They'll be schooled here as well.

Snape: Aah, that’s good... I’ll miss Draco, he's a good student, but I can’t say that I’ll miss Harry much... No, no, no... My poor wife gets her ear chewed off about that brat all the time when I’m in term.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Oh I don't know, he's a pretty good kid... though I can see how he'd be an annoyance in a potions class, he has no love of the subject.

Snape: *Raises an eyebrow* Hmm, I haven’t ever really liked him. Who else lives here? I’m guessing that Kain lives here too.

Nicole: *Gives him a measuring look and speaks hesitantly* How much of this are you planning to repeat to Albus? *The name is said with great distaste*

Snape: Nicole, I may side with Albus against The Dark Lord, but I don’t really speak to him about anything else. He only found out a few years ago that this is where I come in the summer. He won't find anything out from me.

Nicole: *Relieved and slightly apologetic* I'm sorry, I just needed to be sure. He has made it quite clear he's unhappy with Harry living with Kain and I, until we know what else he's up to it's best to be careful.

Snape: *Snape nods* 'Unhappy'? that’s a mild understatement... He was enraged when Kain attacked him. But he has no legal power to do anything as Kain sent a letter to the Ministry reminding them that he is still technically royalty... He is supposed to be the one on the elvin throne.

Nicole: Albus dissevered what Kain gave him, you can be sure I won't hesitate to hex him the next time I see him for having attacked Kain in my home and you know I know plenty of nasty hexes. *There is strong emotion behind her words*

Snape: *Looks surprised* You two really have a strong relationship don’t you?

Nicole: Kain is the closest thing I have ever had to a father, and Albus came into my home without my consent and attacked him unprovoked while he was recuperating from changing his lover. I should think my attitude to Albus is entirely appropriate.

Snape: *Raises an eyebrow* He really did that? I knew he hated Kain but I never knew... *Looks curious* So Kain has a lover he's turned then? Is it anyone I know?

Nicole: *Raises an amused eyebrow* Yes, I should think you would know Da's husband.

Snape: Who is it?

Nicole: Lucius Malfoy. *An amused smirk is on her face*

Snape: *Snape gapes* Lucius!?!?

Nicole: Yes, Draco's father, the one and only.

Snape: *Looks very shocked* Well I never...

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Wasn't exactly a relationship I was expecting either... *Her face softens affectionately* but they seem to be good for each other.

Snape: Yes... well... I remember the amount that Lucius complained about Narcissa... I thought they would divorce eventually. But I never knew Lucius was gay or bisexual... in fact, as I recall, he had a distinct homophobic attitude...

Nicole: *She saddens noticeably* Yes well...

Snape: One day I remember he was in a bad way about it, suspected Draco was gay, I suppose he was right. But, I suppose things have turned out for the best. I still can’t - wait, Lucius is a vampire now... wow... I really have been missing stuff.

Nicole: Yes you have been, and yes Draco's gay, he's with Harry as a matter of fact.

Snape: *Snape blinks* Don’t joke about that... Draco has taste.

Nicole: *Amusement returns* Who's joking?

Snape: *Snape shakes his head* What on earth is that boy thinking?

Nicole: That he's in love. They're very good together, Draco's the most important thing in Harry's life.

Snape: How can- they hate each other...

Nicole: No, I think I can definitely say they don't.

Snape: But... *Looks confused* hmm...

Nicole: You'd have to talk with them about how they got together, I don't know the details. Just that when I put an add in the paper at the beginning of the summer looking for a boarder, they answered the add and have been living with me since.

Snape: *Nods* I’m still confused... but I’ll let it go... Anything else I should know?

Nicole: *Looks sheepish* Um... Draco's pregnant?

Snape: ...........................He- but- he... *Rubs his temples* They tried to get pregnant!? You need to take a potion to get men pregnant!

Nicole: Actually they had no intentions for this to happen, Draco never took the potion.

Snape: Well then, how the hell did Harry get him pregnant!?

Nicole: They've both been... developing new powers... we figure that was what allowed for a spontaneous pregnancy.

Snape: Oh... wow... is Draco okay? I know that male pregnancy can be complicated...

Nicole: *Sighs sadly and rubs her eyes* I wish I could say he was. The same new powers that allowed him to get pregnant seem to be causing unusual complications in it as well... Tyrande took him and Harry to the Moonglades this morning, where they will be able to better help him.

Snape: Oh... I hope he's alright... Tyrande? Is that the High Priestess of the Moon Elves?

Nicole: Yes she is. She said there were things they could still do to help Draco, but they couldn't be done here.

Snape: Yes... that’s good... *There is a knock on the door*

        *Nicole gets up and opens the door.*

Tyrande: *Tyrande is standing looking worried* Hello Nicole... Is Illidin alright? *She sounds slightly panicked*

Nicole: *She smiles softly* He'll be alright Tyrande. Miave managed to get two arrows in him, but I've gotten them out and cleaned the wounds. The antidote for the poison that was on them will be ready in a couple of hours, until then he's sleeping.

Tyrande: *She looks relieved* Oh that’s good... I was very worried when I heard about him... *Sighs* Draco is in the Moonglades being looked after, the head healer seems to think that she can help him.

Nicole: I'm relieved to hear that, I was so worried about him...

Tyrande: I know, Harry was very relieved when he realised that they will be able to help him... I would go up and see Kain right now but you can hear him and Lucius arguing from the front hall... I think I’ll leave it for now.

Nicole: *Nods* Probably best. When those two get in a row it's wisest just to let them blow themselves out. I’ll check on them later and put the pieces of what's left back together. *Wry grin* *Nicole steps back further into the room* Would you like to come in and sit down?

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* If you don’t mind, if you're not busy... I do need to see Kain later... need to discuss something with him and I think it would be better if you and Lucius were there.

Nicole: *A worried look briefly crosses her face before she turns to Snape* Severus, this is Tyrande, whom I was just mentioning, I hope you don't mind if she joins us. Tyrande this is Severus Snape, he was my potions professor at Hogwarts.

Snape: *Snape stands and Tyrande walks over to him and they shake hands* Pleasure to meet you Priestess.

Tyrande: Likewise, my friend Prince Kael spoke of you to me.

        *Snape and Tyrande sit on the couch again.*

Nicole: *Nicole closes the door and sits in one of the chairs by the couch* Severus is making Illidin's antidote, as I am not currently able to.

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* Of course, because of your pregnancy... Will Illidin be alright?

Snape: He'll be fine in a few days.

Nicole: The wounds themselves weren't as bad as they could have been, the arrows missed anything important, and once the poison is cleared from his system I should be able to remove any trace of them.

Tyrande: *Nods* That’s good. Malfurion doesn’t show it but he was also worried.

        *Nicole nods in understanding.*

Snape: *Snape looks at the two and looks at his watch* I should go see to the potion, it should really be watched for the last hour. I’ll come see you later Nicole, to discuss the dosage. *Stands*

Nicole: *Pauses thoughtfully* I know this is a complete departure from what we've been speaking of, but I was just reminded of something you said earlier. You said you hadn't ridden in a while, how was it you traveled here?

Snape: *Snape smiles* On horseback, some beautiful woods around here.

Nicole: *Sighs wistfully and nods* I will see you later then, enjoy your ride back.

Snape: *Nods* I’ll see you soon, was nice to meet you Tyrande.

Tyrande: You too.

        *Snape leaves the room.  Nicole glances wistfully out the window towards the woods.*

Tyrande: Kain has stables at the North end of this property... he doesn’t own them as such but he uses them most of the time.

Nicole: *Turns her attention back to Tyrande and smiles halfheartedly* Thank you for telling me, I’ll keep it in mind, though I doubt I’ll get to ride any time soon.

Tyrande: *Smiles* Kain forgets that you and others don’t know where everything is... I hope he and Lucius don’t kill each other.

Nicole: Kill? No I doubt it. Maim? Now that's a more likely possibility.

Tyrande: *Tyrande shakes her head* That is not good for Kain...

Nicole: Kain isn't the one that ends up maimed typically.

Tyrande: But still...

Nicole: *Nods* I know, but he insisted on going after Luce to talk though, and I couldn't leave Illidin at the time to chase after him.

Tyrande: *Nods* I wonder what they are fighting about.

Nicole: Da went after Miave and Illidin by himself rather than letting the others come... They were training outside today. *Shakes her head slightly* Anyway, Luce would have been more than displeased if Da sent him away from danger, especially considering Da's current condition.

Tyrande: *Nods* Yes Kain is rather head strong that’s probably what he did... he's too proud.

Nicole: *Nods* He needs to set it aside for awhile or he'll end up getting himself or the baby in trouble *Worried look* as it is he wouldn't let me look at the injuries he got fighting Miave.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks rather worried* And he won't be very amused by what I have to talk to him about...

Nicole: *Frowns* Perhaps we should go talk to them now...

Tyrande: *Nods* Yes, the quicker I tell him this, the better.

Nicole: *Nods and stands* Fine, I want to get a look at those wounds of Da's anyway, they weren't healing as fast as they should have been. I left my bag in Illidin's room, so if we could stop there on the way...

        *Tyrande nods and stands.*

Nicole: *Leads the way out of the room and to Illidin's, coming back out of his room with her bag.* Did they sound like they were in their room?

Tyrande: *Nods* Yes...

        *Nicole heads upstairs and down the hall towards Kain and Lucius' room.  Kain and Lucius are having a shouting match inside the room, Tyrande knocks the door hard and the room goes silent.*

Lucius: Come in!

        *Nicole opens the door and steps in, holding it still open for Tyrande.  Kain is sitting on the bed Lucius is standing and looks angry.  Kain has his wounds covered.*

Nicole: *Nicole gives Kain a baleful look* I don't care what you two are arguing about, Tyrande needs to speak with you, and as those wounds are obviously still not healed, you will let me have a look at them Da.

Kain: *Kain nods* Alright...

Lucius: ...Wounds?

Kain: ...Thanks Nicole.

Lucius: You're injured? *Calming slightly*

Nicole: *Walks over to the bed and sits on the edge setting the bag down beside her* *Scathingly* Yes Luce, he's injured, the daft twat wouldn't let me look at them earlier because he needed to come try to placate you. *Sighs and mutters under her breath*

Lucius: You see? I was right you shouldn’t have went alone.

Kain: ...

Tyrande: I have something to discuss with you Kain. To do with your pregnancy. It can wait till you've been healed though.

        *Kain nods.*

Nicole: *Opening her bag and pulling out the vial of what was left of the potion she used to heal Luce’s back.* Which first, your arm or side?

Kain: My arm...

Nicole: Luce can you get me some water so I can clean this gash before I heal it? *Pulls a few other items from her bag and sets it aside*

Lucius: *Nods* Sure... *Still sounding irritable at Kain* *Walks to the bathroom and brings out a bowl of water* There you go.

Kain: Luce, I’m sorry I didn’t want you getting hurt.

Lucius: But you can’t afford to get injured, you're carrying our child!

        *Nicole cleans off the gash before carefully pouring some of the potion into it.*

Kain: ...I'm the vampire lord, it's my job to keep people safe, that’s why I wasn’t to get pregnant!

Lucius: Well you are pregnant. So you're going to have to fucking swallow your damn pride and let someone help you.

        *Kain glares.*

Nicole: *Watches as the gash closes leaving a line of freshly healed skin* *Sardonically* If you two could stop bickering for a moment, I need you to move a little so I can see your side Da.

        *Kain rolls so his side is exposed and he sighs*

Lucius: Well, how do you think Sethopher would feel if you tried something reckless?

Kain: *Mutters* It wasn’t reckless.

Nicole: *Begins cleaning Kain's wound* You're both obstinate twats.

Lucius: What did I do!?

Kain: ...*Is staying quiet*

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes* You're both angry with each other for trying to protect the other. Luce, Da is worried because you haven't been a Vampire long, it's natural for him to feel that way. And Da, Luce is allowed to worry about you in the condition you're in, why shouldn't he? *Shakes her head disparagingly and pours the remaining potion into Kain's wound*

Kain: *Kain hisses slightly and looks at Lucius* If you had gone with me you would be dead, Miave doesn’t hang around.

Lucius: ...Not necessarily, you're alright...

Kain: I ran, very fast in the opposite direction, you would have wanted to fight her; I know what you're like.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Good point. *Watches as the wound slowly closes*

Lucius: *Lucius looks sour* Still doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it...

Kain: *Looks at his wounds* Thank you Nicole.

Nicole: *Cleans up her supplies* You're welcome Da, I wish you would have let me take care of them earlier. *Takes the water back into the bathroom and returns*

Kain: I had something to see to. *Looks at Lucius who sighs and sits on the bed*

Nicole: Yes well.... *Nicole looks displeased though understanding*

Tyrande: ...I need to talk to you now Kain.

Kain: *Looks over at her and she looks very serious* Oh?

Tyrande: All I ask is you don’t shoot the messenger.

Kain: ...Why would I?

Tyrande: You either Lucius...

Lucius: ...What?

Tyrande: ...Just promise.

        *Nicole sits back down beside Kain frowning.  Both Kain and Lucius look at each other.*

Kain: We promise.

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods.* I found out some information, about Male High Elf pregnancies, then I looked over some stuff about vampires... There is a high probability that your child will be premature. This means you could go into labour at any time...

Kain: I don’t like where this conversation is going.

Nicole: *Glances at Kain then back at Tyrande* Bed rest?

Tyrande: ...No... the child will be early wither we like it or not. It means, you're going to have to... have an exit for your child through the entire pregnancy, lest you go into extremely early labour... it's safer for you...

Kain: .........You're not saying what I think you're saying.

Tyrande: I'm afraid I am.

Nicole: I don't care for the direction this conversation is going.

Kain: *Kain puts his head in his hands and groans* No, no... neither do I...

        *Nicole wraps an arm around Kain's shoulders.*

Tyrande: *Tyrande pulls out a fluorescent pink potion that Nicole recognises as a gender swap potion.* It's the safest way.

Kain: You can’t be serious... you can't, it's a horrible misplaced joke.

        *Tyrande shakes her head.*

Nicole: *Gives Tyrande a surprised look* Is that what I think it is? It can't be... the only version I know of is permanent...

Tyrande: *Shakes her head* No, there's a reversal for this one but it's basically the same potion.

Nicole: *Turns her head to look sadly at Kain* Well at least it isn't permanent...

Kain: *Kain keeps his eyes closed and looks very distraught* I know.

Lucius: ...Oh god... for the entire pregnancy?

Tyrande: Yes... it's safer that way.

        *Nicole rubs her hand over Kain's back trying to comfort him.*

Tyrande: *Tyrande walks over and sets the potion on the bedside cabinet* I need to go now... I have to see to some business... I'm sorry Kain, but you need to take that potion... *Looks at Nicole* You'll make sure he takes it won't you?

        *She looks up at Tyrande and nods silently, her concentration then returning to Kain.*

Tyrande: *Tyrande walks to the door and turns to Kain* I'm sorry Kain... *Walks from the room*

Kain: ...Why, why me?

Nicole: *Nicole wraps her other arm around Kain holding him close.* I don't know Da, the Fates have a bad habit of liking to mess people's lives up when they're going fine just the way they are.

Lucius: *Sits with a hand on Kain's leg* Are you okay love?

Kain: *Looks at Lucius* How would you feel if it was you?

Lucius: ...Scared.

Nicole: *Softly* Tyrande is only trying to do what's best for you Da, she wouldn't be suggesting this if she didn't think it were necessary.

Kain: *Nods and looks at the potion and cringes* It doesn’t mean I need to be overjoyed about it.

Nicole: No, of course not.

Kain: Or even mildly comfortable... it's... it's humiliating.

        *Nicole looks up at Luce pointedly indicating he should be trying to help.*

Lucius: *Lucius looks a little helpless and looks at Kain* Kain it doesn’t matter... If it's safer, it's better... it's nothing to be ashamed about...

Kain: You'd feel the same, and don’t you tell me that you wouldn’t.

        *Lucius looks lost for words again and squeeses his leg comfortingly.*

Nicole: Da if it's necessary that's just the way things are going to have to be, there's nothing we can do about that.

        *Lucius leans over and takes the potion and holds it in his hand.  Kain takes the potion in his hand from Lucius and looks quite scared.*

Nicole: *Nicole releases her hold on Kain and rests a hand on his leg* *softly* You need to do this Da.

        *Kain opens the bottle and Lucius takes his hand.*

Kain: ...*Quietly* Do you know if this hurts Nicole?

Nicole: *Frowns* It's not a commonly used potion where I come from, as our version doesn't have a reversal... If I remember the text right it described the sensation as uncomfortable, not painful... but that wasn't a case where the man was already pregnant, so I can't be certain.

Kain: *Nods* How long does it take?

Nicole: A couple of minutes, just long enough for it to make it into your blood and spread throughout your system.

        *Lucius moves closer to him and kisses him once.*

Kain: *Takes a deep breath* Okay... I suppose I should get it over with... *Lifts and downs the potion in one and makes a face. He puts the bottle back on the night stand and Lucius squeeses his hand.  Kain makes a face that looks as though he's slightly uncomfortable, Lucius wraps an arm around him and Kain rests his head on Lucius' shoulder.  Nicole takes one of Kain's hands in hers rubbing the back of it softly and watching him worriedly.*

Kain: *Swallows hard* This is very strange...

Nicole: Are you in any pain? *Worriedly*

Kain: Just a little, nothing major... *Closes his eyes and winces and crosses his legs* Oh fucking hell...

Lucius: *Lucius runs a hand through Kain's hair* Love...are you okay?

Nicole: *Nicole rests her hand on Kain's stomach and rubs it lightly* It should be over soon.

Kain: *Kain opens his eyes and looks downwards* *Swallows hard* It's not sore or uncomfortable anymore... though it feels strange...

        *Lucius kisses Kain's forehead.*

Nicole: If the uncomfortable feeling is gone the potion should be done working.

Kain: *Nods* I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.

Lucius: *Wraps his arms round Kain* It's alright love...

Kain: Is it?

Lucius: *Rubs his back* Yes, it is.

Nicole: You'll be fine Da, things may be odd for a while, but it's what's best for both you and the baby in the long run.

Kain: *Nods* I'd like some time alone Luce... Nicole... I’m going to the Library for a while... *Gets up and looks quite shaken* I’ll see you later. *Walks from the room*

Nicole: *Sighs* He'll be alright, but this is going to take some getting used to for him I'm sure.

Lucius: *Nods* Yeah... He'll be fine... *Sighs and looks at Nicole* How's Draco?

Nicole: Tyrande said the head healer at the Moonglades thinks that Draco should be fine eventually.

Lucius: *Lucius frowns* How would the head healer know? Did they come here?

Nicole: *Hand goes to cover her mouth shocked* No one told you?

Lucius: *Lucius frowns* Told me what?

Nicole: The reason Illidin was outside in the first place this morning was that he was trying to catch up with Tyrande before she left... taking Harry and Draco with her to the Moonglades.

Lucius: W-why was Draco taken to the Moonglades!?

Nicole: Because he was beyond what care I could give him, and Tyrande felt it best to take him back there, where he could be cared for by the healers, and Harry could stay with him and still be able to train.

Lucius: He'll be okay wont he?

Nicole: *Nods* He will, but if he had stayed here, he almost certainly wouldn't have been... The healers may need to magically speed up his pregnancy, which is something I could never do... You may be a grandfather sooner than we expected.

Lucius: Oh... a father and a grandfather sooner than I expected... *Looks towards the door* My poor Kain...

Nicole: *Follows his gaze* This has to be so frustrating for Da, he wasn't planning any of this.

Lucius: Yeah... he was a little taken aback at being pregnant... shocked... I'm sure he'll be alright though.

Nicole: *Nods* He's strong, he'll get through this.

Lucius: He will... we will...

Nicole: *Looks at Luce and holds out a hand offering comfort* Things will work out Luce, you'll see.

Lucius: I hope so... *Sighs* Is Illidin okay?

Nicole: *She rests her hand on his arm and squeeses it softly before answering.* Illidin will be alright, he's sleeping for now until the antidote to his poison is finished.

Lucius: Who's brewing the antidote?

Nicole: Severus is actually.

Lucius: *Raises his eyebrows* Severus is here? How?

Nicole: Apparently he works for Kael in the summer. Orin overheard me muttering that I wished he was here and offered to contact Kael to get him here. He'll be back in a little while when the antidote is finished.

Lucius: *Nods* That’s good... *Seems still worried about Kain and sighs* Oh, Sethopher said he'd get you back at your room.

Nicole: Alright, well unless you want me to stay I’ll head back there until Severus gets back.

Lucius: *Nods* I’ll just wait here for Kain to get back.

Nicole: *Stands* Take care of him Luce.

Lucius: *Nods* I will...

        *Nicole leaves the room and walks downstairs lost in thought as she enters her room.  Sethopher is laying on the bed reading a book, he's only wearing a bathrobe and is seemingly freshly showered, his long black hair is hanging loosely at his back and obviously hasn’t been brushed through.  He doesn’t notice Nicole enter.*

Nicole: *Nicole walks towards the bed* *Distractedly* Hello love, Luce just told me you were back here.

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks over* Oh, hey. Are you okay?

Nicole: *Sighs and sits down on the bed* Yeah, just a lot on my mind... which is better than Da at this moment I suppose.

Sethopher: *Frowns* Oh? Why what’s happened?

Nicole: Tyrande did some research and apparently male pregnancy for a high elf turned vampire has some unforeseen risks... well one in particular anyway.

Sethopher: What’s that? *Sits up and puts the book on the bedside cabinet pulling his robe round him tightly*

Nicole: Apparently the baby will almost certainly be premature, the problem being there's no way to know just how premature.

Sethopher: Oh? So how do they fix that?

Nicole: *Frowns* You can't, all you can do is make sure that baby will have a way out no matter how soon it's born.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods and then looks shocked* Oh my...

Nicole: *Nods* Getting the picture?

Sethopher: Fucking hell... poor Kain.

Nicole: Yeah, to say the least he's feeling a bit... mixed up at the moment.

Sethopher: I’ll say... where is he?

Nicole: He went to the Library to be alone for a while.

Sethopher: *Sighs* Hope he's alright...

Nicole: Yeah, me too. *Leans back against the pillows with a frustrated sigh*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moves over and nuzzles the side of her neck* You alright?

Nicole: *turns her head to face him, rubbing her cheek against his* Yeah, I just feel so helpless sometimes... Da, Illidin, Draco, I can't really help any of them.

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses her cheek and sighs* I heard Draco was in the Moonglades, I saw Tyrande on her way out... I was hunting...

Nicole: *She rolls onto her side facing him* Yes, both Draco and Harry went. That way the healers can help Draco, and Harry can stay with him and still train.

Sethopher: *Nods and kisses her forehead* Yeah...

Nicole: *Nicole shifts over and curls against his side* So what are you doing today then, since training seems to be done for the day.

Sethopher: Me? Oh I don’t know, I was going to read some then go to Quel'Thalas. My friend Dami is in town, I haven’t seen him in years.

Nicole: *Looks up at him slightly worriedly* Are you sure that's a good idea right now?  Leaving the grounds I mean.

Sethopher: *Looks at her* I won't go if you don’t want me to.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't want to stop you from seeing your friend, it's just the way Da talks about Miave...

Sethopher: *Looks at her sideways* Nicole, would you rather I not go?

Nicole: *She nuzzles the side of his neck* I just don't want you to get hurt, after seeing what she did to Da and Illidin I worry.

Sethopher: *Nods and runs a hand through her hair* I won't go then love.

Nicole: *Kisses his neck softly where she was nuzzling it and relaxes against him* Thank you.

Sethopher: *Smiles slightly* It's nothing love.

Nicole: *Looks up at him* You could always invite him to visit here, if you still want to see him. Unless Da would have a problem with it that is.

Sethopher: I might. I don't know. *Kisses her gently* When was the last time you fed?

Nicole: This morning, with you.

Sethopher: Are you hungry?

Nicole: I’ll probably be fine a few more hours. What I'm hungry for right now is food, I haven't had any today with all that's happened... And are you ok, I've only been feeding from you for the last few days, I never fed that many times in a row from Da even.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I have been feeding extra to make up for it love, as I would be anyway if you were a full vampire feeding from me while pregnant. It’s no different, only that you don’t feed as much.

Nicole: *Nods and rests her head back on his shoulder* Alright, I just wanted to be sure...

Sethopher: *Smiles and kisses her head* I'm fine.

Nicole: You can't blame me for worrying, things always seem to be happening around here when you least expect it, I wouldn't want you to suffer because of me.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Don’t worry, I make sure I feed enough to keep me healthy and you... if you want I can ask Fiammetta to let you feed from him tonight. Would that set your mind at rest?

Nicole: *Nods* There's also the added fact that if I feed from him I should be fine till tomorrow evening. Severus said the antidote he's making for Illidin will need to be given more than once, I don't know how distracted that will keep me, especially as I’ll have to keep care of his wounds the non-magical way until most of the poison is out of his system.

Sethopher: *Frowns*... Do you need to watch him through the night?

Nicole: I don't know, Severus hasn't told me how often I’ll need to give him the antidote yet, it's possible. *Looks up at Sethopher* Why, is there something wrong?

Sethopher: *Nuzzles the side of her neck and kisses it* I was just thinking... if you're not going to be here tonight... *Kisses her mouth gently* and we both have nothing to do at this precise moment...

Nicole: *Smiles and kisses him back softly* I could do with a pleasant distraction until Severus returns an hour or so from now.

Sethopher: *Smiles back and kisses her tenderly* ~Good.~ *His hands quickly begin to unbutton her blouse and slip beneath the cloth and rub small circles in her back and grope her breast.*

        *She moans softly, kissing Sethopher more deeply as a hand moves to his waist to untie his bathrobe.  His hands push her blouse off and onto the floor, he runs his hands down to her trousers and starts to unfasten them.  He nibbles at her bottom lip and then moves down to her neck and kisses the skin fiercely.  She leans into his kiss, tilting her head to better expose her neck.  Her hands move inside his bathrobe stroking up his stomach and chest, finally pushing the robe off his shoulders.  Sethopher moans softly and pulls her trousers down along with shoes and socks on the way down.  He moves back to her neck and bites down gently, slightly breaking the skin and kisses her with a hint of her blood on his lips.  She growls lowly and nips at his bottom lip before trailing along his jaw and lavishing attention on his pulse point when she reaches his neck.*

        *Sethopher moans as she kisses that spot and his hands run over her back and through her hair, caressing as much skin as he can.  He moans as his semi-hard cock nudges into her leg.  She pushes Sethopher onto his back and begins working her way down his chest kissing, licking and nipping, she grazes her fangs on a nipple and looks up from hooded eyes to check his reaction as she continues working her way across his chest.  His mouth opens in a silent moan, he's watching her intently and his breathing hitches.  He runs a hand through her hair and licks his lips unconsciously.  Nicole sucks and licks at his other nipple, and nips him not quite hard enough to draw blood, as one hand slides down his side and rests at his hip, her thumb rubbing firm circles against his skin.*

Sethopher: *His eyes close and he moans softly* That’s good... *Runs his hand through her hair and up and down her back his breathing rising again*

        *After a few more moments of attention to his chest, she begins working her way down his stomach and down one thigh, nipping the skin on the inside of his leg, she moves over and works her way back up his other leg, with a final kiss to his hip she draws back slightly and looks at him through smoldering eyes, breathing out softly over the head of his cock.  Sethopher moans and his hips move up slightly, involuntarily.  He swallows hard and opens his legs a little further and opens his eyes watching her.  She smiles devilishly, both hands now resting on his hips, eyes still trained on him she licks the length of his cock, eyes closing in satisfaction as she swirls her tongue over the head of his cock, her eyes reopen gazing at him as she savors the taste of his pre-cum.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher swallows hard and watches her. As she gazes at him with smouldering eyes his breath hitches and he closes his eyes* ~Good god.~

Nicole: ~*Amused laugh*~ *Smirking slightly, she laves her tongue across the head of his cock once more, then slowly takes his length in, sucking softly, her tongue swirling against the underside.*

        *Sethopher's breathing begins to speed up and he lets his hand move down and run through Nicole's hair.  His hips move up and down slightly as she sucks his cock.  He groans throatily.  She takes him in further, swallowing around his length, then backing off slightly, humming softly.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher's hands tangle in the sheets and he moans out loudly* Oh god, Nicole... god...

        *With a final lick to the head of his cock she releases him and slinks up his body, kissing him fiercely.  She then draws away and lowers herself upon him, sheathing his cock in her moist depths.  Sethopher's breathing is erratic and he runs his hands up and around her thighs, finally resting at her clit he massages the sensitive skin.  She looks down at him through hooded eyes, an expression of bliss, love and lust on her face.  Moaning throatily she raises and lowers herself rhythmically, setting a slow sensuous pace*

Sethopher: *Eyes close and he keeps the rhythm on her clit and groans* ~God I love you.~

Nicole: ~And I you.~ *She begins to slowly increase the pace of her movements.*

        *Sethopher groans and his hips raise to meet her movements.  He runs his hand up the inside of her thigh, up her stomach and over her breasts.  His hand still moving over her clit, and she arches into his touch, her breath coming in soft gasps, her motions increasing further in pace, meeting him thrust for thrust.  He keeps moving his hands and slides the hand at her breast down her side and digs gently into her thigh with his claws.  He moans gently and his thrusts become more erratic as he reaches the edge of his release.  Feeling his claws against her skin she comes with a wordless cry and a ragged breath, her back arching as her passage tightens around his length, the waves of her climax washing over her.  Nicole's release sends Sethopher over the edge and he arches into his release, thrusting into her a few final times and he pants as he finishes.  He runs his hands over her legs lovingly and sighs gently.  She collapses against his chest panting harshly, thighs still straddling his hips, not yet ready to release him.  Her eyes closed she places a soft kiss to the skin of his chest.*

Sethopher: *His arms wrap round her and he kisses the top of her head* *He closes his eyes enjoying the warm relaxed feeling of his body and smiles slightly* ~That was intense love...~

Nicole: ~Mmhmm...~ *She nuzzles his chest softly as she allows her body to relax completely, nearly melting into him, her arms resting against his sides*

        *Sethopher runs his hands over her back and looks at her clothing strewn across the floor and smiles.  He doesn’t say anything merely enjoys the afterglow of their lovemaking.  She sighs contentedly and shifts slightly, the soft bulge of her pregnant stomach pressing against his stomach.  Sethopher smiles at the feeling of her stomach against him.  He runs his hand through his damp loose hair and then kisses the top of her head.*

Nicole: *She angles her head slightly opening her eyes to look up at him* ~Am I getting uncomfortable laying on you like this?~

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* ~No, it's quite nice actually.~

        *There is a knock at the door.  She makes a frustrated sound and pulls a blanket over to cover them, not quite ready to move any more than that.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles slightly* Come in!

        *The door opens and Severus puts his head round the door.*

Severus: Oh! Excuse me, pardon me... Nicole, I’ll be in the main sitting room when you're ready... Pardon my intrusion. *Nods, seeming flustered, and closes the door hurriedly.*

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* *Softly* I suppose it's not everyday one accidentally walks in on their ex-student in bed with their lover.

Sethopher: *Sethopher laughs gently* Yes... well... *Kisses her softly* You better go... *Sounds reluctant to let her go and also makes no move to let her go.*

Nicole: *Sighs softly* Yes, I suppose I should... Will you come by Illidin's room later with Fiammetta and stay for a while? What Illidin needs most right now is sleep and it doesn't make for good company.

Sethopher: *Nods* Sure, no problem. When do you want Fiammetta to come see you?

Nicole: Some time after sunset... bring a bite of something to eat and drink with you as well? I’ll be famished by then.

Sethopher: *Nods* Sure.

        *She kisses him tenderly before rolling aside and stretching as she gathers her clothes and redresses.*

Sethopher: *Yawns and sits up* I’ll see you later then love.

Nicole: *She uses a cleaning charm on herself and a dewrinkling charm on her clothes then quickly runs a brush through her hair, pulling it back at the nape of her neck* Till then love.

Sethopher: *Stands and kisses her tenderly* Till then...

        *With a last wistful glance at Sethopher she leaves the room and makes her way to the main sitting room, a slight blush rising to her cheeks as she enters, remembering the look on Snape's face when he saw them.*

Severus: *Severus is sitting on one of the couches and he looks at Nicole and looks apologetic.* I'm sorry about that Nicole.

Nicole: *Half smiles* It's alright. It slipped our minds that you were coming back, and as Da and Luce take a perverse sort of pleasure in interrupting us while we're laying in bed we don't really think much about it anymore. It's sort of just habit to tell whoever is there to come in.

Severus: *Nods and smiles slightly* That’s alright then... *Picks up a bag at his feet and pulls out a bottle of violent red liquid.* This is the antidote, well, one bottle of it...

Nicole: How many are there?

Severus: Four bottles... I worked out the dosage. He should have 25ml every three hours today until two bottles are finished. Then, 25ml every six hours until one bottle is finished. The last bottle should last two days, 25ml every 12 hours for that bottle. There may be some left over but don’t worry about that.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright... I’ll have to stay with him tonight then, to make sure he wakes up for each dose... How many doses do you think it will take before the Cufsbane has been cleared out of his system enough to use healing potions on his wounds, I'm eager to get those arrow wounds and the cuts on his face healed.

Severus: Probably the first bottle, I’ve put something in it to combat that particular herb. The bottles are also numbered, be sure to stick to the number, potency is also an issue here. It's very strong at the start and becomes weaker, if I was to do it all in one dose it would take one day however this potion has a tendency to get people addicted to it... so if it's gradually lessened it shouldn’t be too bad.

Nicole: *Nods* Makes sense. Will it make a difference if he eats or drinks anything before or after he takes it? He's had nothing since at least this morning and he's bound to be thirsty soon.

Severus: *Frowns* You should take him something to eat, it's not something he should be taking on an empty stomach... and he should at least drink water with the other doses.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright, I’ll get him something on my way back to his room. Is there anything else I need to know about it?

Severus: *Shakes head* No, apart from, don’t let him drink any alcohol, it has a nasty effect with some of the ingredients.

Nicole: That won't be a problem, there's enough of us around at the moment that shouldn't be having alcohol that it's been pretty much all cleared out of the house, no temptation and all that. But I’ll remember just in case.

Severus: *Nods* If you need to ask me anything Nicole I’ll be at Hogwarts tomorrow tendering my resignation from my position as Potions Master. Send me an owl if you need anything.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Finally tired of teaching ungrateful children?

Severus: No, Kael has offered me a position as Potions Master here. As you might have guessed it's an infinitely better position than a school.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... he's made mention of a similar position to me, once I've had my child of course... Perhaps we'll be colleagues some day in the not too distant future.

Severus: *Smiles* I'd like that. Kael has also mentioned the sunwell to me... but, I’m not sure if I want to take him up on his offer... My wife may be part elvin but I’m not sure if I wish to live forever. *Sighs* I suppose I better go. It was a pleasure to see you again Nicole. *Stands*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* You as well Severus, it's been far too long.

Severus: *Nods* It won't be so long to our next meeting I hope. See you soon. *Walks from the room*

        *Nicole picks up the bag of antidote bottles and puts it over one shoulder, she holds out her free hand and accios her potions bag from where she left it in Kain's room. With both bags in hand she makes her way to the kitchens.  She walks into the kitchen and looks around for Arthas, Nathan or Lita.  Arthas is sitting on a counter talking to Lita in High Elvin.*

Nicole: *Nicole approaches the counter* Arthas, Lita...

        *Arthas smiles and Lita smiles shyly.*

Arthas: Hello Nicole, what can I do for you?

Nicole: I need some food for Illidin, proper for the ill kind of thing, maybe some broth and rice?

Arthas: *Nods* Sure I can do that. *Speaks to Lita in Elvin and she goes through a door at the back of the kitchens and Nicole can hear her start to cook.*

Arthas: *Quietly* Was I right about Kain?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... *Hesitates*

Arthas: *Frowns* What is it?

Nicole: Nothing really, I know you can be trusted not to mention it to anyone else of course... and it would be best to give him some space for a while, regardless of mentioning it or not...

Arthas: Why, what’s wrong? I thought he'd be happy to be having a child, especially with Lucius.

Nicole: He is, despite the unfortunate timing, that's not it... his condition is more... delicate, than originally suspected and he's still trying to cope with that.

Arthas: *Nods* Oh... I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.

Nicole: Thank you, he's rather insecure at the moment, and being Kain that's saying something.

Arthas: *Raises eyebrows* Wow, I never thought that word could ever be used with Kain. He's normally so sure of himself.

Nicole: I never thought it would be either, but *Sighs* the situation isn't exactly one I'd expect anyone, especially someone like Da, to be comfortable with.

Arthas: *Nods* Yes... He'll be alright wont he?

Nicole: Yes, thanks to Tyrande he should be fine... and hopefully the baby will be as well.

Arthas: That’s good. How are you and your child doing?

Nicole: *Smiles softly, a hand absently passes over the small swell of her stomach that's just becoming visible through her fitted clothing.* We're doing fine... I'm finding myself less hungry for normal food, though if anything thirstier, and I’ll need to start wearing looser clothing soon, but other than that...

Arthas: *Smiles* That’s good. You're glowing I must say...

        *Lita walks out and puts a bowl of broth on a tray and then brings out a bowl of rice.  She then puts a glass of water on the tray and bows slightly to Nicole and walks back through to the back of the kitchen.*

Nicole: Well it's been nice talking with you Arthas *Nicole tucks her bags to one side and picks up the tray* If you could send someone by to pick these up later, and drop off a pitcher of water I'd be appreciative.

Arthas: *Nods* I will.

Nicole: Thank you. *Nicole leaves the kitchen and makes her way back into Illidin's room, setting the tray on the bedside table and the bags on the floor beside it.*

        *Illidin stirs slightly and turns on his side, still asleep.*

Nicole: *Nicole sits on the bed and rests a hand on Illidin's shoulder.* Illidin, it's time to wake up.

Illidin: *Turns and winces* *Groggily* Nicole?

Nicole: *She runs her hand softly down his arm.* Yeah Illidin, it's me. I have some food for you, and your first dose of antidote.

Illidin: *Runs a hand over his eyes and groans* My head hurts.

Nicole: The antidote should help, and by morning enough of the Cufsbane should be out of your system to allow the pain and healing potions to work.

Illidin: *Smiles slightly* I suppose that is a small mercy.

Nicole: Here, let me help you sit up some so you can eat, you need to get something in your stomach before you can have the antidote.

Illidin: *Nods* Smells good whatever it is.

Nicole: *Moves closer and helps him into a sitting position, arranging pillows behind him* Some broth and rice, filling but easy on the stomach.

Illidin: *Nods* Thank you. Is Kain alright? He was wounded wasn’t he?

Nicole: He got a couple of gashes, but I was able to heal them easily enough once he let me.

Illidin: *Smiles* That’s good. I was worried that he had been hurt worse... especially as he's pregnant.

Nicole: *Picking up the tray and settles it on Illidin's lap* No, his injuries didn't cause any problems with that.

Illidin: *Nods and begins to eat* That’s good. Did Tyrande come to see him? He said something about she was meant to come see him.

Nicole: *Soberly* Yes, Tyrande came back for a while earlier and spoke with him.

Illidin: *Takes another bite frowning at her tone* What happened?

Nicole: There are certain... complications... we didn't expect.

Illidin: *Takes another few bites* Complications? What complications?

Nicole: Apparently because of his combination of being a high elf turned vampire, it makes it almost a certainty the baby will be born early.

Illidin: *Nods* That can’t be... good... *Seems to be thinking about that and then looks surprised* Oh... I remember Tyrande telling me once what they do with male pregnancies in that category... I see what you mean by 'complications'.

Nicole: Yes, to say the least Da is rather... uncomfortable with things at the moment.

Illidin: Yes... poor Kain. *Eats more of the broth and is already almost finished*

Nicole: He'll be alright after a while I suppose, he just needs some time to himself for a while. *Nicole pulls a measuring flask out of her bag and finds the bottle of antidote labeled to be first, measuring out a dose.*

Illidin: *Illidin leans back in his pillows evidently finished with dinner and he yawns.* You know, I’m still tired.

Nicole: *She sets the antidote and flask on the bedside table, and picks up the tray, walking over to the table on the other side of the room, before returning to the bed.* Sleep is good for you right now, but before you go back to sleep you need to take this first dose of antidote. *Picks up the flask*

Illidin: ...*Sighs* Do you know how this tastes?

Nicole: I'm sorry I don't have any idea, it's not a potion I'm familiar with really, Severus had to modify it from the normal one because of some changes Miave had made to the poison. But you can have some water afterwards if you want.

Illidin: *Nods* It's just my sense of taste is quite sensitive... as is any other sense of mine apart from sight of course. Oh well, down the hatch... *Takes the potion and downs it in one and doesn’t look too disgusted* It's not too bad actually.

Nicole: Well that's good, because you're going to be taking it for 4 days.

Illidin: *Illidin sighs* Oh well...nothing I can really do about it is there?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* No, it's necessary if you want to get well. *Starts adjusting the pillows and blankets around him* It's best if you try to get to sleep now, I’ll have to wake you in 3 hours to take another dose. *Sets a timing charm*

Illidin: *Nods and yawns* What are you going to do? If I’m asleep I won't be much company.

Nicole: I'm going to go grab a book from my sitting room, I have some reading I want to do, and Fiammetta and Sethopher will be by after sunset to see me.

Illidin: *Nods and yawns again* Oh, that’s alright then. See you in a few hours then... *Illidin settles into his blankets and after a few minutes he is breathing softly.*

        *After making sure the potions bags are settled neatly next to the bedside table she retrieves a potions book from her sitting room and upon returning settles herself on Illidin's couch.*


        ~*~ Just after sunset ~*~

        *There is a light knock on the door.  Nicole marks her place in the book and sets it aside, walking over to the door and opening it.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta is standing there alone and smiles slightly at Nicole* Hello Nicole. Sethopher will be along shortly... he's talking to Kain.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright then. *She moves back opening the door further* Come in? Illidin should be asleep for another hour or so.

        *He nods and walks in.  Fiammetta has a worried look about him and has a knife hanging from his belt. Nicole recognises it as Uhma's knife.  Nicole starts slightly at the sight of Uhma's knife and gives Fiammetta a puzzled look.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta sighs* It's why Sethopher is talking to Kain.

Nicole: *Worriedly* What are they talking about?

Fiammetta: Kain's new situation... we went to the kitchens to ask Arthas to make you something to eat... Arthas said that Kain had taken this knife from him and looked rather distraught... said it wasn’t long after you left the kitchen... Sethopher and I found him in the library.

Nicole: *Looks pained* He hadn't used it, had he?

Fiammetta: *Shakes his head* No.

Nicole: *Looks slightly relieved* Does Luce know?

Fiammetta: No, we thought it best to handle Kain first.

        *Nicole nods.*

Fiammetta: He had a bruise on his hand though, I think a wall somewhere probably has a dent in it.

Nicole: *Sighs* Well at least it wasn't worse.

Fiammetta: Yes, that’s what I thought.

Nicole: I hope Sethopher is able to help him, I'd go but... *Glances briefly towards Illidin*

Fiammetta: *Nods* I know, you have something you need to do... and I think it best if Sethopher handles it... Kain may be Sethopher’s boss but they are good friends. He should be able to help.

        *Nicole nods contemplatively.*

Fiammetta: I worry about Kain. He is strong but he has some weaknesses... weaknesses that even he wasn’t aware of until recently.

Nicole: *Gives Fiammetta a scrutinising look.* I don't suppose you're talking about physical weaknesses.

Fiammetta: *Snorts* Physical weakness? Kain? No, no... not physical.

Nicole: I didn't think so.

Fiammetta: *Sighs* He'll get through them. *Looks at her* Do you wish to feed from me now or later?

Nicole: Now would be best if you don't mind, I'm starting to feel a bit off, and I know better than to push my luck by now.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles and sits on the couch* That’s fine.

Nicole: *Sits down beside him* Thank you... Sethopher said it was ok feeding from him as often as I've been, but... with Miave being loose I'd rather not be the reason he's not quite up to defending himself as well as usual.

Fiammetta: *Nods* Quite understandable... she is a rather nasty piece of work.

Nicole: *Glances towards Illidin again* Yes, I've gathered that.

Fiammetta: *Also looks at Illidin and frowns* I recall him with his eyes. That was a long time ago...

Nicole: So he's said.

Fiammetta: Yes... *Leans back and leans his head away exposing his neck* Well then, best feed Nicole.

        *Nicole nods and rearranges herself on the couch so that she's facing him, she then leans in and feeds.  Fiammetta closes his eyes and sighs as she feeds.  The door opens and Sethopher walks in and stays silent until Nicole finishes.*

Nicole: *She draws back and leans against the back of the couch her eyes closed for the moment* *Softly* Thank you.

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta smiles slightly* Quite alright.

Sethopher: Have a good meal love? *Sethopher has a slight cut on his right cheek and a slight bruise at his jaw*

Nicole: *Opens her eyes smiling slightly* Hello love. *Her smile disappears as she notices the injuries* Did Da do that?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes he did.

        *Nicole glances at Fiammetta sitting there from the corner of her eye and simply nods curtly in response.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta looks at Sethopher* Could have been worse.

Sethopher: Yes, it could have been... *Walks over and sits beside Nicole as Fiammetta moves over letting him sit between them.*

Nicole: *She raises a hand and brushes her fingers lightly over his cheek and jaw* Of that I have no doubt.

Sethopher: *Smiles slightly* Yes. They'll heal by morning, he did nothing major, just these two and a slight cut to the back of my neck too.

Nicole: The back of your neck? *Puzzled as to why there*

Sethopher: He grabbed me... held me down by the nape of my neck. Hurts, doesn’t cause much in the way of injury but gets the message across loud and clear.

Nicole: *Shakes her head and mutters something about 'never understanding vampires' under her breath* I assume Da was better after your... chat seeing as you're here.

Sethopher: ...Not exactly... a little better yes, but not 'better'... he's still in the library.

Nicole: I suppose this is something that's just going to take some time.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah... it was soon after the 'holding down' incident that I left. He still seems rather... lost. I think that’s the word yeah, lost.

Nicole: Hmm... *Shakes her head* I don't know... though I suppose someone should let Luce know Da's still there, though whether he'd be able to help any more I don't know.

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes his head* He doesn’t want to see Luce at the minute... I asked him and he gave me that 'look' that he gives to the underling vampires... *Shudders*

Nicole: All the more reason to tell Luce so he can avoid causing trouble then, he has a tendency to act first and think things through later, oddly Gryffindorish of him.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah... oh, Arthas said that he'll be up soon with something for you. He said it's another moon elf dish. Kamire Jouto. I've had it before, it's chicken and some sort of vegetable... but it isn’t chicken it's a chicken like animal.

Nicole: That's fine, I've been meaning to try some more elvin dishes.

        *Sethopher smiles.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta stands* I better be off... I have some things to do... I’ll drop by Lucius' room and tell him about Kain.

Nicole: *Nods* Thank you.

        *Fiammetta smiles and leaves the room.*

Nicole: *Leans in against Sethopher's side, head resting against his shoulder* Do you want me to take care of that cut for you?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Nah, it will heal by morning love. No point... *Kisses her forehead and wraps an arm around her.*

Nicole: Alright. *A hand absently resting against her stomach, after a moment she glances down, her fingers running lightly over the small bulge* I'm showing sooner than I would be with a human child... about how long are vampires usually pregnant?

Sethopher: *Sethopher thinks* Usually about 2 ½ perhaps 3 months.

Nicole: *Nods* Seems about right for how much I'm showing already... *Smiles slightly* only about another 2 ½ months then...

Sethopher: *Smiles and puts his hand gently on her stomach* Yeah... can't wait.

Nicole: *Softly* Do you think I’ll be a decent mother? I never really had one to set an example.

Sethopher: *Looks at her amused* Oh yes because you never 'mother' anyone... Draco and Harry would disagree I’m sure... *Kisses her forehead* and no you won't be a decent mother, you'll be a fabulous one.

Nicole: *Smiles softly and curls up tighter against him, wrapping an arm around his waist* I'm glad you have such confidence in me... it's just I've never really handled small children, haven't been around them much. It's all well and good when someone can tell you what's wrong, but little children can't.

Sethopher: *Nods* I know love, you'll be fine. We'll be fine.

Nicole: Yes, I suppose so, and it's not like we won't have help, *Sighs softly* I suppose I just worry too much.

Sethopher: You could say that love... you do worry too much.

        *Illidin starts muttering in his sleep.*

Nicole: *Looks over towards the bed and then to the clock on the wall.* I should wake him up, it's nearly time for his next dose of antidote anyway.

        *Illidin seems to be in some distress...*

Sethopher: *Nods* I think you better wake him...

Nicole: *Nicole gets up and walks over to the bed and rests a hand on Illidin's arm.* Illidin, it's time to wake up.

Illidin: *Illidin jolts awake and swallows hard* Nicole? *Sounds panicked*

Nicole: *she sits on the edge of the bed and runs her hand soothingly up and down his forearm* Yes, it's me. You were dreaming.

Illidin: *The panic has lessened and seems a little unsure still.* It's dark again.

Nicole: The poison.

Illidin: *Shakes his head* I don’t know... *Hears Sethopher move* Who else is here?

Nicole: Sethopher is over on the couch, I told you he was going to stop by.

Illidin: *Nods* Oh... okay...

Nicole: You need to take another dose of antidote and get some more sleep, hopefully your magic will be back after some more sleep.

Illidin: *Nods* Hopefully...

Nicole: *Measures out a dose and presses the flask into his hand* Either way I’ll be here all night, to make sure you get your antidote, so you won't be alone.

Illidin: *Grips the flask and nods* I’m not too much of a bother am I?

Nicole: *Glances up at Sethopher then back down.* Of course not, now you stop worrying and take your medicine so you can get some sleep.

        *Illidin nods and drinks the medicine down.*

Nicole: *Takes the flask from him and sets it aside, straightening the bedding he twisted in his sleep* Now just go back to sleep, I’ll wake you when it's time again. *Resets the timing charm*

        *Illidin settles down to sleep.*

Sethopher: Nicole, you should probably try to sleep too... if you're going to be up and down all night...

Nicole: *Moves back over to the couch and sits beside him* Yes, I suppose so, but I'd rather wait till Arthas has brought something to eat, I haven't had anything all day and my stomach has started to protest.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes, that’s a good idea. *There is a knock on the door and Sethopher stands and opens it*

Arthas: Hello... *Carrying a tray with food and also a pitcher of water*

Sethopher: We were just talking about you.

Nicole: You can set the pitcher over on the bedside table where I left the glass from earlier. The tray is on the table over there.

        *Arthas walks in and places the tray down and the pitcher on the bedside table*

Arthas: How is Kain?

Sethopher: ...He'll be alright.

Arthas: *Nods* Do you need anything else Nicole? *Picks up Illidin’s tray to take down*

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I should be fine till morning, though if you could bring breakfast here I'd be appreciative, I don't know that Illidin will be up to going to the dinning hall just yet.

Arthas: *Nods* What do you want for breakfast? Nathan will be the one to bring it up.

Nicole: Some scrambled eggs, toast and juice should be fine.

Arthas: *Nods* I’ll leave a note out for Nathan. It will be him you see later also if you need anything. I'm going out this evening and won't be back till sunset tomorrow at least.

Nicole: Alright, have a good day off.

Arthas: *Smiles devilishly* Oh I will... *Walks from the room and glances at a smiling Sethopher.* Oh hush you, just because I throw my emotions out everywhere doesn’t mean you can mock me.

Sethopher: You also throw out some vivid images Arthas.

        *Arthas reddens slightly and walks from the room.*

Nicole: *Laughs softly* It's not nice to tease him just because you can see his private thoughts. *Amused*

Sethopher: *Smiles* Sometimes I can’t help it... he's going to propose to his girlfriend today... he has some... vivid thoughts on how the evening should end.

Nicole: *Laughs softly then glances at the food* Were you going to eat with me, or did you plan to be somewhere else?

Sethopher: My friend is visiting... I hope you don’t mind I said I’d dine with him tonight.

Nicole: No, it's fine. I was the one that suggested you invite him up after all, seeing as you were so kind as to agree not to go to town earlier.

Sethopher: *Smiles and kisses her softly* I’ll see you in the morning love... Dami has a habit of keeping me up late. It's probably better that he's here rather than us out.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright, see you in he morning. *Kisses him softly*

        *Sethopher kisses her back and leaves the room.  Nicole settles down to eat her food, opening her potions book back up to read as she eats.  She finishes her meal and sets aside the tray and her book, summoning a pillow and blanket she settles in to rest with a glance at the clock to see how long she has till the charm wakes her.*


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