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25-26 August 1997

          *Nicole's sitting in the front room reading a book in the evening, when Kain comes walking in.*

Kain: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts de de de de de de there they are all standing in a row ba bum ba bum ba bum...

Nicole: Well that was random Kain.

Kain: And?

Nicole: *Blinks at Kain, speechless* Kain... have you been drinking?

Kain: Pfff no!

Nicole: The "Pfff" makes me doubt you, you don’t say 'pfff'.

Kain: *Plonks himself down in a chair, sniggers then claps a hand over his mouth* I didn’t snigger just then.

Nicole: *Walks over to Kain, puts hand against his forehead* Are you feeling alright? *Incredulous look*

          *Kain nods, eyes slightly askew in a drunken fashion.*

Nicole: Kaaaiiiinn, you have been drinking! *Looks a little mother hen-ish* *Yells* SETHOPHER!

Sethopher: *Pops his head in, completely sober* Yes?

Nicole: Did you do this? *Points at Kain*

Sethopher: *Sniggers* Umm... yes I did I’m afraid.

Nicole: Why?

Lucius: *Walks in* Kain was adamant that he could drink Sethopher under the table...

          *Nicole rolls her eyes*

Sethopher: And after four thousand years you'd think he'd learn his lesson.

Nicole: Give me a sec. *Goes in her room*

Sethopher: *Shakes his head at Kain* Sire, you really should have learned by now.

Nicole: *Comes back out, a potion bottle in hand* Oh Kaaiiin, *Overly sweet tone* I have something for you.

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* Oh hello again Nicole, you seem cross with me...

Nicole: *Rolls eyes, VERY sarcastic* Gee, I wonder why? *Holds out potion bottle* Drink this.

          *Kain nods and drinks it down and then looks rather sick.*

Nicole: *Snickers remembering when Draco drank it earlier in the summer.* The nasty taste serves you right for getting drunk.

Kain: That’s vile. *Looks at Sethopher who has started backing away* *Kain looks at his claws* Now Sethopher, I may have learned my lesson after drinking but you should learn to let me win...

Nicole: *Stern tone* Kain, don't you dare even think about hurting him.

Sethopher: Now Sire... I did warn you.

Kain: *Sly smirk* Yes, yes you did. I have more... subtle ways of getting people back...

Nicole: It's your own bloody fault you got drunk, unless he put an Imperious curse on you, which I highly doubt, it was your own over-inflated ego's fault.

          *Kain looks a little stung.*

Nicole: *Walks up to Kain, puts her hand on his shoulder* Kain, I love you like a father, honestly... but sometimes... *exasperated* Merlin, you'd think you were no older than Harry or Draco with some of the stunts you pull. This included.

Sethopher: Actually Nicole, this has been going on for thousands of years... rivalry in a brotherly fashion.

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher* And once again the astounding revelation made by women over the centuries, and repeatedly proved by men. They never grow up.

Kain: *Ignores all the comments* You love me like a father?

Nicole: *Looks back at Kain, face & tone softening* Yes, I do.

Kain: *Smiles* That means a lot to me you know...

Nicole: *Smiles* I know, and all the kindness and love you've shown me mean a lot to me.  I've said this once before, but I'll say it again, if my father had lived for me to know him, I wish he would have been like you.

Kain: I’m... I’m flattered you think so... *Looks at Sethopher* He's still going to regret this... *Looks at Nicole sweetly* Did he ever tell you about the Undead Litch he dated?

          *Nicole raises an eyebrow.*

Sethopher: Kain! Quiet!

Kain: Hmm... No, I thought not...

Sethopher: Sire, please! I’ll do anything!

Kain: Hmmmmmmmm...

Nicole: Undead Litch?

Sethopher: *Pleadingly* Kain please, please! I was a young idiotic fool!

Kain: With no sense of smell or taste...

Sethopher: Kain... please?

          *Nicole's raised eyebrow is this time directed at Sethopher, she looks amused.*

Kain: *Sighs as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders* She must know Sethopher that you haven't always been the... *Snorts* smooth and sophisticated vampire that you are today.

Nicole: *Looks curious, but mostly amused* Oh?

Kain: Oh yes, *Looks woeful* there was a time he had a very interesting taste in partner...

Nicole: Really... *That tone of voice*

          *Sethopher pulls his hood over his face.*

Kain: Yes... this, Lelita, pretty name... that’s what I thought... then I saw her.

          *Nicole gives him a curious look.*

Kain: She was a litch, a litch is an undead creature... all skin and skin and some bone...

Sethopher: She had a nice personality!

Kain: ...You mean including all the times she tried to EAT you?

          *Nicole looks over at Sethopher incredulous.*

Sethopher: We all have our moments...

          *Nicole tries to hide a snicker.*

          *Sethopher is still under the cloak.*

Nicole: *Gives up trying to hide the snicker and laughs. She walks over to Sethopher, pulls back the edge of the hood and peers under it* You ready to come out of hiding now?  I think he's embarrassed you sufficiently.

          *Sethopher looks mortified*

Nicole: *Kisses him on the nose, teasing tone* Stop being a babe.

Sethopher: You're dead Kain!

Kain: Well duh!

          *Sethopher smiles... he pulls Nicole down onto his lap.  She is slightly surprised, as she wasn't expecting that.*

Sethopher: Would you look at that... how did that happen?

          *Kain rolls his eyes.*

Nicole: *Rolls eyes and laughs* Gee I wonder...

Harry: What’s going on in here then?

Kain: Drink, sex and rock and roll.

Harry: Uh-huh... *Sits down*

Nicole: Ignore him, he was drunk, I think it's still effecting his brain. *Settles herself more comfortably on Sethopher's lap*

Harry: You two look rather at ease.

          *Kain watches Harry carefully and sees the nexus stone dangling and seems satisfied.*

Nicole: *Smiles at Harry and fingers the Elvin pendant she's wearing* You could say that.

Harry: Nice pendant.

Nicole: *Smile broadens* Thanks, Sethopher gave it to me. *Kisses Sethopher on the cheek*

Sethopher: Glad you like it.

Kain: Harry, can I see that stone?

Harry: *Nods* Sure... *Takes it off and hands it to Kain*

          *Nicole is watching Harry and the stone closely.*

Kain: *Kain holds it and smiles secretively nodding.* Here. *hands it back*

          *Harry places it round his neck.*

          *Nicole's hand distractedly moves to Sethopher's and fingers lace with his, still looking intently at Harry's necklace.*

Kain: Where’s Draco?

Harry: He went out about an hour ago. Shopping... so not my scene.

Nicole: *Half smile and small laugh* No, I wouldn't think so.

Harry: No... he shops far too much.

Kain: Sounds like his father.

Lucius: *Indignant* Hey!

Nicole: I think it's a Malfoy thing.

Harry: I'd agree, he was even shopping when we were out looking for bonding rings...

          *Nicole laughs and Harry shakes his head.*

Lucius: There was-

Harry: Don’t say it you'll sound like a woman.

Nicole: What? *Amused*

          *Lucius scowls.*

Nicole: A sale? *Snickers*

Harry: Yes.

Nicole: That doesn't make him sound like a woman, it makes him sound like a shopaholic.

Harry: It's like a drug for shoppers that little 4 letter word... Draco told me he was only gong to be about twenty minutes.

Nicole: Famous last words.

Kain: Do you want me to go look for him?

Harry: No, no... he's probably just stuck in a sale.

          *Nicole laughs.*

          *A few minutes later, Draco walks in looking pale.*

Nicole: Draco, what's wrong?

Draco: Di-did you guys know that Bellatrix Lestrange was still at large?

Kain: I smell blood.

Nicole: *Looks concerned* Draco, are you ok?

Draco: I-I don’t know...I’m scared to look...

          *Kain looks at the spots of blood on the floor*

Nicole: *Squeeses Sethopher's hand* I need to go take a look at him. *Kisses his cheek and walks over to Draco* Draco, let's go to my room for a few minutes, ok?

          *Draco looks a little faint and falls to the ground.*

Harry: Draco!

Nicole: Sethopher, can you come pick him up for me? *Sounds distressed*

Harry: *Runs forward* Draco? Draco!?

          *Sethopher walks over and picks Draco up, as Harry looks down at the small pool of blood on the floor.*

Nicole: *Squeeses Harry's shoulder* Harry, it'll be ok, just give me a chance to look at him, alright?

          *Harry nods looking angry.*

Nicole: *Still looking at Harry* Stay out here, please. *Turns to Sethopher and starts walking towards her lab.* Bring him in here.

          *Sethopher follows*

Nicole: *Looks around for a minute* Give me a sec. *Uses her wand to clear her lab table and conjure a blanket on it* Set him down here. *Voice soft and worried*

Sethopher: *Sets him down* Nicole... he's bleeding badly...

Nicole: *Looks towards a door on the far side of the room* I'd put him on the bed... but all that blood... *Closes her eyes to calm herself for a moment*

Sethopher: I think he's been poisoned too... I can smell something... in his blood.

Nicole: *Her "doctor mode" sets in, voice serious* You picked him up, can you tell were the injury is?

          *Raised voices heard from the other room.*

Sethopher: On his back somewhere, low down...

Nicole: *She starts looking through her cabinet of potions and comes back to the table with a variety of potions* First thing we need to do is get these robes off... *Looks over at Sethopher, still serious, but it's obvious she's upset from the look in her eyes* If you'll help me...

Sethopher: Yes, of course I'll help you.

Nicole: *Looks relived* Well, these robes are ruined anyway. *Uses a charm and the robes are no longer on Draco, they're in the fireplace* *Looks at Draco who's only wearing trousers now*

          *The door opens and Lucius watches from the doorway with an angry red welt on his cheek.*

Sethopher: We need to stem this bleeding.

Nicole: *Ignores Lucius* Roll him carefully on to his side.  I need to see his back to see what kind of injury it is.

          *Sethopher rolls Draco onto his side gently and holds him steady, he has a nasty knife wound, serrated edge on his back.*

Nicole: *Grim look on her face as she opens a bottle* Hold him still, this is gonna hurt like hell on a wound that size, but it'll stop the bleeding.

          *Sethopher holds him steady.*

Nicole: *Slowly pours the potion along and in the wound, watching as a small amount of purple steam rises from it* It's working... so whatever poison she used on him, it's not blocking the potion, we'll have to deal with that later.

          *Sethopher nods and Draco stirs slightly.*

Nicole: *Picks up a folded cloth and holds it against the wound* It's safe to lay him back down for a little while, I need to get him awake and get him to drink some things.

          *Sethopher lays Draco back down. Draco opens his eyes and looks quite woozy.*

Nicole: *Brushes Draco's hair away from his eyes, voice soft and kind* Draco, honey, can you hear me?

          *Draco looks a little confused and then nods gently and screws his eyes closed as through the light is hurting them.  Lucius looks relieved.*

Nicole: *Runs hand over Draco's hair soothingly* I know you're in pain hon, but do you think you can drink some things for me?  They'll help.

Draco: *Hoarsely* Yeah.

Nicole: Sethopher, help him up just a little, it'll be hard to swallow all this lying flat. *Starts opening three bottles.*

          *Sethopher helps Draco into a sitting position as Lucius still watches.*

Nicole: *Holds one of the bottles to Draco's lips* This'll help with the pain hon.

          *Draco opens his mouth and drinks the potion.*

Nicole: *Sets the bottle down and picks up another* Two more bottles and you can rest.

Draco: Good... where’s Harry?

Nicole: *Finally acknowledges Lucius' presence* Luce, where's Harry? *Holds the second bottle up to Draco* Drink.

Lucius: Harry... after cursing me, he went looking for Bella.

Draco: *Ignores the potion* What!?

Lucius: Calm down Draco, Kain went with him.

Nicole: *Pushes a hand against Draco's chest, forcing him to stay where Sethopher is holding him* *voice firm* Draco, drink.

Draco: *Drinks the potion* But... why... why would he go!? He's going to get himself killed... and you let him go!?

Lucius: As the mark on my face and Kain’s arms will testify, we didn’t let him go!

Nicole: *Voice still firm as she picks up the last bottle* Draco, you will stay calm or I will make you calm, you're in no condition to do anything about Harry, Kain can handle him.  Now drink this, last one.

          *Draco drinks the last potion.*

Nicole: *Smoothes his hair one more time as she sets down the bottle* You can let him lay back down now Sethopher.

          *Sethopher lays Draco back down and Draco looks to still be in pain.*

Nicole: *Frowns* Luce, come over here and stay with Draco for a minute, I need to talk with Sethopher. *Indicates the door from the lab into to her bedroom.*

          *Lucius sits with Draco and Sethopher goes where Nicole indicated.*

Nicole: *Walks in the room after Sethopher and closes the door quietly behind her, setting a silencing charm around the room. She sits on the edge of her bed radiating tiredness and worry.* You said you smelled poison in his blood?

Sethopher: Yes, there’s something foreign, smells like poison definitely.

Nicole: *Elbows on knees, head lowered into her hands, frustrated*  Any idea what kind, or anything distinctive about the smell?

Sethopher: It was spicy, the only way I can describe it, that usually means a magical poison. It was musky too, had a scent of nightshade about it...  There's a night elvin plant called Kelurshane, similar in scent... it's... quite nasty stuff.

Nicole: *Nods as best one can with their head in their hands*  Musky... well it's not just nightshade then if it's magical, either it's mixed or it’s something else all together... but what would she have used with it? Kelurshane or... *Semi-rhetorical, frustrated*

Sethopher: Kelurshane... Cufsbane those are two possibilities.

Nicole: *Head comes up, thoughtful look* Those are the most likely... If it's Cufsbane a general purging potion should clear it out of his system... *Groans in frustration again* but if it's Kelurshane that will only make it worse.

Sethopher: Yeah...

Nicole: *A look of realisation comes to her face* ...When Kelurshane tainted blood is mixed with the purging potion it forces all the oxygen out of the blood, that's why it's so fatal to make that mistake. *Looks up at Sethopher* Sooo, if I mix some purging potion with some of the blood that Draco lost, there's plenty on the blanket on the table that I could collect, it should turn the blood blue if it's Kelurshane.

Sethopher: Aaah, clever.

Nicole: *Wry smile* All it does is confirm or eliminate one poison... but at least I'll know I can try the purging potion if it's not Kelurshane.

Sethopher: See if Kain was here he'd be able to tell you by the scent. *Is frowning* I hope it isn’t Kelurshane.

Nicole: *Grimaces* Me too.

Sethopher: Also... it's a Class A non tradable good. Only the Night Elves can use it... and grow it, so where the hell did she get it? If it is...

Nicole: Well let's hope it's not for now. *Stands up and steps over to Sethopher, wraps her arms around him, cheek against his chest, her next words strained* I can't loose him... I just can't.

Sethopher: *Hugs back* They mean a lot to you don’t they? Those two young ones?

Nicole: I... I never had a proper family, but I think of them like one would younger brothers, I feel protective of them... and they've both had such tough lives... I've lost so many people, I can't loose Draco too, not when he's only 16.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes, I only protect them because I was ordered to by Kain... he was adamant that none of you come to any harm... warned all the vampires about it too... He's never done that, an entire group of people...

Nicole: All of them... Kain, Luce and the boys, they're the closest thing I have to a family... we’re all rather protective of each other... perhaps Kain even the most.

Sethopher: Kain is like my brother... we have always been close. He however has always searched for a proper family somewhere... he had it with Tia... now he has it with Lucius and Lucius' son and the rest of you...

Nicole: *Quietly* Yeah...

Sethopher: I get it... I do... I hope I fit in with you all.

Nicole: *Kisses his him lightly* You fit in just fine.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Glad you think so. Now anyway... we better help Draco.

Nicole: I don't want to mention the poison to Luce or Draco just yet, they're both too worked up, and getting more stressed will only make Draco worse. Draco's well enough to move now, if I wrap a bandage on that wound to keep it clean until I can finish caring for it... I think I'll have Luce take him back to his room and watch him there, he'll be more comfortable there anyway. Then I can test the blood without them stressing about it.

Sethopher: *Nods* I hope Harry is alright and that Kain stopped him doing anything rash.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes* I trust Kain... and right now there's nothing I can do about Harry, I have to focus where I can help. *Whispers fiercely* But if anything happens to him, Belatrix will rue the day she was born. *Eyes have turned steely* I may disapprove of violence, but no-one hurts my family.

Sethopher: *Hugs Nicole* Actually... if Kain finds her I pray for her soul.

Nicole: *Eyes close and she melts into the hug* Thank you. *Breathes deeply and sighs* We need to go back out there now.

Sethopher: Yes we do.

Nicole: *Lets go of Sethopher and uses her wand to remove the silencing charm, laces her hand in his, and opens the door* *Looks in the outer room* Luce?

Lucius: Yes?

Nicole: I'm going to bind Draco's wound and I want you to take him to his room to rest, alright? *Squeeses Sethopher’s hand and lets go, stepping over to gather some bandages.*

Lucius: *Seems to know some info is being withheld but nods anyway* Alright...

Nicole: Can you help him sit up?

          *Lucius helps Draco into a sitting position and Draco moans out in pain.*

Nicole: *Smoothes Draco's hair* I'll put something on the bandage to help with the pain... and I'll give Luce a mild sleep potion to help you rest when you get back to the room, alright?

Draco: Okay.

          *Lucius looks extremely worried*

Nicole: *Pulls out a jar of salve and puts some on the folded bandage in her hand* He'll be fine Luce. *There is more confidence in her voice than she really feels*

          *Lucius smoothes the hair away from Draco's face looking pained.*

Nicole: *Looks in Draco's eyes* It'll hurt some while I'm bandaging you, but it should be more comfortable when I'm done.

Draco: *Nods* Okay... *clings to his father*

Nicole: Sethopher, can you hold this *Indicates the cloth with salve* on the wound while I wrap it? *Wry smile* I don't have enough hands.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Sure... *Takes the cloth with slave and holds it a few centimeters away from the wound*

Nicole: *Picks up a rolled bandage* Press it against the wound and I'll wrap it... I'll try to finish as quickly as I can Draco.

          *Sethopher places the slave covered bandage on the wound and Draco cries out and holds onto Lucius tighter.*

Lucius: Shh, Draco it's alright...

Nicole: *She wraps the bandage quickly but firmly around Draco's torso. Then finishes and ties it off.*  There done.

          *Draco slumps against his father’s chest breathing heavily and Lucius holds him close.*

Nicole: *Pulls out a small bottle from her cabinet* Luce, when you get him back to his room, give him this, only a few sips should be enough to help him rest.

          *Lucius nods and takes the bottle, he picks up his son and leaves.*

          *Nicole uses her wand to pull all the blood from the blanket into a bowl.*

Sethopher: *Turns his nose up at the blood* That’s making me feel ill. The smell coming from that...

Nicole: *Casts a smell dampening spell on the bowl* That help?

Sethopher: Yeah that’s better, thanks.

Nicole: Ok, if that works then... *Casts the spell on rack of vials* that should take care of it after I've split this up, I'd rather not use it all up on one test... *Voice grim* just in case.

Sethopher: Yeah...

Nicole: *Uses a dropper to start splitting it up* Can you get the green bottle from the top shelf of the cabinet, that's the purging potion.

          *Sethopher takes down the potion and sets it next to Nicole.*

Nicole: *Finishes filling the vials, picks one up* Three drops of that and we'll have our answer, for better or for worse. *Lips pressed in a grim line, she picks up bottle in her other hand and tips in the 3 drops, watching closely...*

          *Sethopher looks grim. They watch the vial carefully and Sethopher curses as it starts to turn blue.*

Nicole: *Sets vial back in rack, hand trembling slightly* Well... we know exactly what it is now...

Sethopher: *Nods* I suppose that’s one thing.

Nicole: *Bites her lip* I can't make an antidote without the raw poison... it's actually part of it... *Looks up at Sethopher worriedly* How am I going to get pure Kelurshane? I can't remove it from the blood, it bonds to the cells.

Sethopher: *Eyes darken* Leave it to me... Thusad owes me a favour. I can get the Kelurshane from him.

Nicole: How soon?

Sethopher: Within the hour... I can be as persuasive as Kain if I have to be.

Nicole: *Kisses him deeply... pulls out* Hurry back as fast as you can. *Voice tinted with desperation*

Sethopher: *Nods* I shall. *Runs from the room and apparates*

          *From the next room raised voices are heard.  Nicole slumps onto a stool, arms folded on the lab table, head resting on them.  The voices get louder.*

Kain: You could have gotten yourself killed Harry!!!

Harry: But I didn’t!

Nicole: *Sighs and yells from her place, not moving* Both of you SHUT-UP, OR GET YOUR ARSES IN HERE!

          *Kain and Harry walk in and Harry has a few cuts on his cheek and Kain has blood on his mouth and claws.  Nicole picks her wand off the table and casts a silencing charm on the room, she stands and rounds on them both, a furious look on her face.*

Kain: Don’t start on me Nicole I went after him after he lunged Lucius out of his way!

Nicole: *Voice firm and controlled, dripping more anger than shouting ever could, gaze fixed on Harry* Of all the rash, impulsive, thoughtless things you could do. I know you're a Gryffindor, rushing off into danger without thinking about yourself is expected.  But you have a Slytherin side, use your bloody brain. Did you even think about who you were leaving behind? Did you?

Harry: *Harry is still fizzing* Yes I did...

Nicole: Then what in the hell caused you to think leaving would be the best way to help Draco, even if I didn't want anyone in the room at that precise moment?

          *Lamp in the corner explodes*

Kain: Harry! Get control of this magic, come on! *Grabs a hold of his hands*

Nicole: *She walks over to her cabinet and pulls out a bottle and jar, then steps back over to Harry* Drink this. *Opens bottle*

Kain: Nicole, that won't help him...

Nicole: It's a calming potion, if he can calm down it will be easier to control the magic... not much, but it will help.

Kain: Alright, nothing that will suppress this will work now...

Harry: *Looks quite petrified now* How did I do that?

Nicole: You've made things break before Harry, when you're upset.

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* He's not used a wand all day and he cursed Lucius half way across the room...

Nicole: *Groans* I was afraid you'd say that. *Holds the potion out* Drink it.

          *Harry drinks the potion*

Nicole: *Glances towards her room* Come-on, let's go somewhere more comfortable, you need to calm down, and I need to talk with you while I wait for Sethopher to return.

          *Both nod and Harry seems a little shaky on his feet. Kain helps him through. Both sit down and Harry seems to have got control of his magic now.*

Nicole: *Sits on the bed beside them* Harry, I'm sorry I was angry with you... especially after what I said to Sethopher about what I would do if you were hurt... I took my anger out on you and that wasn't fair of me.

Harry: Nicole... I’m... I’m scared of this power... this anger.

Kain: *Kain places his sword, Soul Reaver, onto the floor and looks at Nicole* I hate to be a pain Nicole but could you help me possibly put my shoulder back into place?

Nicole: *Looks at Kain worriedly* You dislocated it?

Kain: ...No the wall did that.

Nicole: Not amusing.

Kain: *Laughs* I thought it was, could you help me please? Just hold me steady I’ll click it back in.

Nicole: *Moves over and holds onto Kain’s arm strongly* Ok, ready when you are.

Kain: *Nods and pulls his arm sharply back into place* OW!

Nicole: *Gently puts his arm down* You going to be ok?

Kain: *Rocks it in all degrees of motion* Yes, I’m going to be fine... *Looks at Harry who still looks rather freaked out*

Nicole: *Picks up the jar of salve she brought in with her, speaks soothingly* Harry, hon, let me take a look at those scratches, ok?

          *Harry nods, seeming to be lost, thinking.*

Kain: It was a trap... they knew how to get him out of the house.

Nicole: *Puts some salve on her thumb, rubbing it gently into the cuts on Harry's cheek.  She speaks in a hushed voice* What happened?

Harry: I followed the trail down where the spots of blood headed and then I came to a knife... covered in blood. I didn’t hear anyone behind me but Kain shouted and I turned and some death eaters attacked...

Kain: Then they called in some back up. A vampire Lord I once had under my command and thought I had killed...

Nicole: *Satisfied with the salve, she closes the jar and wipes her hand off on a cloth, setting both to the side* And?

Harry: Reflexes set in... I don’t know... how I... no wand.

Kain: He cast an unforgivable...

Nicole: *Hand goes back up to Harry's face, thumb running soothingly against his cheek, voice gentle* Which one?

Harry: Crucio... against one of the other vampires... the intensity of it... the vampire died. *Looks upset*

Nicole: *Pulls Harry into a tight hug, head bent against the top of his head* Oh my poor Harry.

Harry: *Whispers* I didn't mean it... I was... just absolutely livid.

Nicole: *Rubs her hand soothingly against his back* I know Harry, I know, shhh, you're safe now, you just need to try and calm down a little.

Kain: If I hadn’t been there... *Looks at himself* Well, I’m covered in blood, I know I eat the stuff but I don’t ever see you covered in food... so, I’m going for a shower.

Nicole: *Nods to Kain, still focused on Harry* Come back if you need anything else... Luce is with Draco in his room right now.

Kain: *Nods* I will...

          *Nicole's still cradling Harry to her, as Kain leaves Nicole and Harry alone in the room.*

Harry: *Quietly* How's Draco...

Nicole: *Pauses* He's resting for now. I had Luce give him a sleep potion.

Harry: ...Nicole, what’s wrong with him, there’s something you’re not telling me.

Nicole: He lost a lot of blood, I gave him potions for pain and to help get the blood back and to strengthen him.  The wound will heal fine.

Harry: *Frowns* You're not telling me it all... Tell me, I can hardly do something stupid, I’m too tired to do something stupid... and, I think Kain will have my hide if I try it... he seemed really angry with me... Protected me at every cost tonight.

Nicole: *Puts a hand under his chin to make him look up at her* I talked with Sethopher this evening... Kain has put all of us in this house under the protection of his army... he's never done that before, he sees us as his family. *Voice drops* So do I. *Voice returns to the steady tone* Of course he'd protect you.

Harry: Really?

Nicole: Yes.

Harry: ...You still haven’t told me exactly what’s wrong with Drake.

          *Nicole sighs.*

Harry: I’m not letting this drop. Too many times people have hidden things from me... last time it cost the life of my godfather... I’d rather know.

Nicole: *Sighs again* I know... Harry come up here with me. *She moves back up to lean against the many pillows at the head of the bed and holds an arm out for him to join her.*

          *Harry lies down.*

Nicole: *She wraps her arm around him, her other hand stroking his hair* They must have known I would be able to heal the stab wound...

          *Harry nods.*

Nicole: *Grimaces* Harry, you said you found the blade they stabbed him with... you didn't touch it did you?

Harry: *Shakes his head* No, I didn’t touch it... I think Kain did though, although he stabbed Bellatrix with it. I asked him why afterwards and he said something about 'poetic justice'.

Nicole: *Nods* I'll have to talk to him later then... I don't know how much this will effect him. *Looks over at her clock* Sethopher should be back soon, he'd be able to answer me...

Harry: Poison? Which poison...? *Harry seems to be drifting off to sleep*

Nicole: *Still stroking Harry’s hair* Yes it was poison, and I'll be able to make the antidote, as soon as Sethopher gets back... though it will have to simmer overnight.

          *Harry nods.*

Sethopher: *Opens the door* *Quietly* Nicole?

Nicole: *Looks down at Harry, who's now asleep in her arms, and gently leans him against the pillows, pulling a throw over him. She walks back into the other room with Sethopher, sets a silencing charm to block out all rooms now* Did you get it?

Sethopher: Thusad is an anus, he made me fight Tura for it. He wanted 'a good show'.

Nicole: *Worried* Are you ok?

Sethopher: Yeah, pfft, Tura is an even bigger twat than his master.

Nicole: *Small snicker* So I don't have to add another person to my patient tally tonight?

Sethopher: No... how's Harry? Kain told me he dislocated his shoulder... and that Harry killed a vampire.

Nicole: With crucio... wandless.

Sethopher: What!? Wow... How did he do that then!?

Nicole: *Shakes head* Harry's always been able to do minor amounts of magic wandlessly... the stronger his emotions the stronger the magic... Harry was... angry, he cast it reflexively... poor boy feels awful about it.

Sethopher: *Looks sympathetic* Poor kid.

Nicole: *Nods* Sethopher, he said something to me that worried me, but I wanted to talk with you or Kain first.

Sethopher: What did he say?

Nicole: The poison, will it effect Vampires?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No, it doesn’t affect vampires, unless they are half vampire but Kain is not. Or a new vampire.

Nicole: *Looks relieved* Good, I had hoped not. Harry said that Kain handled the dagger that Draco was stabbed with... and when he came back he was covered in blood, how much of which was his own I don't know, though I doubt much... I just had to be sure in case any had gotten in a wound.

Sethopher: Yeah... It doesn’t affect us.

Nicole: So you got the Kelurshane then... Where did you put it?

Sethopher: *Pulls a small pouch from his pocket* It's in here.

Nicole: *Pulls a small cauldron off a shelf* Good that should be plenty; it needs to be boiled with wormwood for 10 minutes, then the other ingredients are added. *Measures out water into the cauldron and lights a fire beneath it* That's the base. *Lips narrow* The antidote is deceptively simple to make... but there's a catch.

Sethopher: Oh?

Nicole: *Eyes close for a moment and swallows* If it's made even slightly wrong, it's a stronger poison than that which it cures.

Sethopher: Oh dear... whatever you do don’t tell Lucius about that.

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* I haven't even told him Draco's poisoned yet... though I suppose it's possible Kain noticed and told him... but I think I would have had an angry Lucius on my hands by now if he had.

Sethopher: *Nods* Unless Kain decided to leave it... he knows the strain that would put Lucius under.

Nicole: I can only hope... It will take overnight for the potion to finish, and Luce needs to rest, just as Draco does... though for different reasons.

Kain: *Comes into the room freshly showered a brace on his wrist.* My ears are burning...

Sethopher: Hello Kain.

Nicole: Kain...

Kain: Yes?

Nicole: *Bites bottom lip* ...Have you been to see Draco since you got back?

Kain: Yes I have.

Nicole: *Looks to the cauldron to see if it is boiling yet, evading Kain's gaze* Was Luce still with him?

Kain: Yes he was, he was lying beside him asleep. I could smell Kelurshane in the boy's blood. Tell me I am mistaken.

Nicole: *Moves over to a cupboard and starts pulling out containers to set on the table, voice hushed* No, you were right.

Kain: *Looks angry* Where did they get that!? *Looks a little grim* Well... at least Bella has the poison in her system now too.

Nicole: Poetic justice.

          *Kain nods*

Nicole: *Measures an amount of wormwood and an equal amount of the Kelurshane into the water, sets a timer charm* Well that's the start...

Kain: Is Harry alright?

Nicole: He's asleep in my room. He and I talked for a while, and he fell asleep

Kain: Good, he needs rest...

Nicole: *Nods* *Hesitates* I haven't told Luce about the poison yet... I think he could tell I was hiding something from him, but he didn't want to ask in front of Draco...

Kain: Yeah... his scent is all over the place... He's angry, upset but most of all he's terrified.

Nicole: He's going to need to know... as Draco's closest relative... only one other than Belatrix or his mother as far I know - and those aren't viable options - ... his blood is an ingredient in the antidote.

Kain: I'll tell him... When do you need the blood?

Nicole: It's one of the last two ingredients... in about 6 hours, a little less... I don't need much.

Kain: *Nods* Tell me when you need it... I'll get it.

Sethopher: How do you think he'll take it?

Kain: Badly. But he needs to know.

Nicole: He does...  I only didn't tell him because I needed Draco to sleep, if he's inactive the poison works slower and if Draco knew... well he surely wouldn't sleep.

Kain: Yeah.

Nicole: *Pours herbs from a jar into a mortar and begins to grind them*  Most of the antidote will be done soon... then it will simmer for 6 hours... cool for a half hour... and then the final two ingredients must be added. It can be given to Draco any time after that.

Kain: *Nods* Yeah... I'm going to go through with Lucius and Draco... get some rest.

Nicole: *Sets the ground herbs aside and continues preparing other items* Good idea.

Sethopher: Sounds like a good idea Kain. *Points to the brace on his arm* That'll probably have healed by the time you get up.

Kain: *Grins* Yeah, wake me when you need me.

Nicole: We will. *Begins measuring out ingredients* Oh, and Kain... will you talk to Luce before then... and do keep him from strangling me please.

Kain: *Laughs* Of course.

*Nicole sends a wry grin towards him over her shoulder.  Kain walks out and towards the room where Draco and Lucius are.*

Nicole: Sethopher, will you come over here?

          *Sethopher walks over to Nicole*

Nicole: *Sighs* I have everything ready to add, but it needs to be stirred continuously while they're added. *Wry grin* I haven't enough hands once again.

Sethopher: *Smiles* If I can assist just instruct me.

Nicole: The timer charm should be going off any moment now. When it does, I need you to stir it clockwise steadily until I've finished putting in all the ingredients.

Sethopher: *Nods* Sure.

Nicole: *Places wooden spoon by the cauldron and checks over her ingredients* *Small chiming sound is heard* That's the timer.

Sethopher: *Stirs the potion clockwise* Like this?

Nicole: Yes that's fine. *Begins pouring in the prepared ingredients* *Picks up the last container and pours it in* Keep stirring for a moment. *Watches the potion colour*

          *Sethopher keeps stirring.*

Nicole: *The potion gradually becomes a pale blue, and Nicole lets out a relieved sigh* That's fine, you can stop now. *Sets another timer charm*

          *Sethopher stops stirring.*

Nicole: *Sits back on her stool tiredly* It's the right colour... everything should be fine, as long as I keep to the timer.

          *Sethopher walks over to Nicole and puts an arm round her shoulders and kisses the top of her head.*

Nicole: *Nicole leans against his chest* This has been a long day... and it's not over yet.

Sethopher: I know...*Runs a hand through her hair*

Nicole: Now would be a good time to try and rest... but there's two problems with that.

Sethopher: Oh?

Nicole: *Wry smile* I'm not sure I could sleep... *Looks over towards her door, tender look* plus there's already someone using my bed.

Sethopher: *Smiles* When do you need to get up to fix it again?

Nicole: I should be by it before the charm goes off... so a little less than 6 hours.

          *Sethopher smiles and picks her up in his arms.*

Nicole: *Surprised look* Wha-?

          *Sethopher walks towards the guest room that he has been using and closes the door, then puts Nicole on the bed. He picks up the alarm from the bedside table and sets it for five and a half hours *

Nicole: *Laughs a little when she realises what he's doing* Well you just have everything taken care of, don't you?

Sethopher: Yes I do...*Sits on the bed* Would you like me to stay?

Nicole: Do you really need to ask? *Rolls on her side to face him*

Sethopher: *Smiles* I am a man of old fashioned values, it's wrong to just assume things.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, please stay.

          *Sethopher sets himself beside Nicole and wraps an arm loosely around her*

Nicole: *Snuggles against Sethopher's side, resting her head on his chest* Thank you...

Sethopher: *Smiles* No problem.

Nicole: I hope -- *Yawns, then the hand that was brought to her mouth stretches out so she has an arm lying across his stomach* I hope the antidote works. *Eyes close tiredly*

Sethopher: *Closes eyes* I’m sure it will.

*Nicole doesn't answer, asleep. Sethopher falls asleep as well.*


~Alarm Bell rings~

Nicole: *Nicole opens one eye and yawns* Sethopher... is that the alarm?

Sethopher: Yeah, that would be the alarm.

Nicole: *Sighs* One of us should turn that off... I need to get up. *Makes no move to do either action*

Sethopher: *Kisses Nicole* Come on, get up. *Sits up and puts the alarm off*

Nicole: *Stretches and stands, yawning again* All I have to do this time is extinguish the fire when the timer goes off...

Sethopher: *Smiles* Good, let's go through.

          *Nicole nods and walks out of the room to her lab.  Sethopher follows her.*

Nicole: *Walks through the lab and looks into her room, a small smile, and moves over by the cauldron* Harry's still asleep, poor boy would probably sleep for days if we let him after all the energy he expended earlier.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah... poor kid.

          *Kain and Lucius walk into the lab.*

Nicole: *shakes her head* He just can't seem to get a break... and once he's found Draco, who he cares about so much, someone tries to take that away from him as well. *Sighs and looks up.* Kain... Lucius.

          *Kain has an arm around Lucius, who seems very shaken.*

Lucius: I believe you needed me...

Nicole: *Doesn't quite meet Lucius' gaze* I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. *Chime goes off and she puts out the fire under the cauldron* A half hour more and it will be finished... when I add the last 2 ingredients that is.

          *Kain takes Lucius to sit down on a chair*

Nicole: *Looks over at them* Luce...?

Lucius: *Looks up* Yes?

Nicole: *Hesitantly* You're not... you're not angry with me are you?  For not telling you I mean.

Lucius: *Shakes his head* No...

          *Kain looks worried about Lucius.*

Nicole: Are you ok Luce... I mean Kain told me Harry's magic slammed you into the wall earlier and all... you didn't get injured did you?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* No... I’m fine... don’t worry about me.

Nicole: *Rests a hand on Lucius' shoulder, voice soft and reassuring* Draco will be alright Luce, we realised about the poison soon enough.

Lucius: *Lucius swallows hard* I know... but I know the amount of pain he's in... *Lucius looks distraught and Kain pulls him into his arms.*

          *Nicole sighs and moves over beside Sethopher to give them some space. She looks at the clock on the wall.*

          *Kain runs a hand down his back comforting him*

Sethopher: *To Nicole* Will he be alright?

Nicole: *Quietly* Who? Draco or Luce?

Sethopher: Luce.

Nicole: *Nods* He's just distraught because Draco's in pain and he can't stop it. When Draco is better, Luce will be.

Sethopher: *Nods* I think he's in shock.

          *Kain sits with Lucius*

Nicole: Probably... I'll leave them be a little while longer... the fresher his blood is, the better anyway.

Sethopher: Yeah...

Nicole: *Loops an arm around his waist* Thank you for all you've done... you hardly even know Draco... *Leans against Sethopher slightly*

Sethopher: *Laughs* As much as I would like to say it was all selfless... I explained about Kain's orders...

Nicole: *Smile* Yes, well you haven't complained once, and I haven't been the best of company... Kain's orders said nothing about that.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yes well...

          *They're all quiet for a while.*

Nicole: *Looks at the clock* It's nearly time, I should get things ready.

          *Kain looks over and is stroking Lucius' hair.*

Nicole: *Kisses Sethopher on the cheek* Wish me luck, *looks a bit worried**softer* I might need it...

Sethopher: *Nods* Good luck.

Nicole: *She moves over to her table and gets an empty vial and a small knife, then walks over to Kain and Lucius* Luce?

Lucius: *Looks up and nods* Where do you want the blood from?

Nicole: A finger is fine, I don't need much.

          *Lucius extends his hand and Nicole nicks a finger with the knife and holds the vial under it to collect the drops. Lucius then pulls his hand back.*

Nicole: *Looks up at the clock* Almost done Luce, Draco's medicine will be ready soon. *She sets the vial in an empty rack beside the cauldron, and puts one of the ones with Draco's blood in it as well.*

Lucius: I’m going back to sit with my son...

Kain: Do you want me to come with you?

Lucius: No... it's alright.

Nicole: *Eyes are on the clock still* I'll be in to see him soon, you might want to get Draco awake.

          *Lucius nods and walks out of the room.*

          *Nicole's lips move silently as though counting something, she picks up a spoon and one of the vials. Her eyes snap from the clock to the potion, and she steadily begins stirring as she adds 3 drops of first Luce's blood, then Draco's.*

          *Sethopher goes over and puts a hand on Kain's shoulder.*

          *Nicole watches the potion intently, still stirring, a small smile begins to form as the potion turns a muted violet.*

Kain: Has it worked? *Voice strained*

Nicole: *Stops stirring and measures an amount of the potion into a clear crystal bottle, holds it up to the light, murmurs quietly to herself* Right colour and thickness. *Turns to gaze at Kain, smile firmly in place* Draco will be fine. This dose now, and another in a few hours and the poison will be gone from his system, but the pain should begin to reduce almost immediately.

Kain: *Nods* Good...

Nicole: *Measures out a second dose and seals the bottle, setting the caldron aside* I think it's time to go see Draco now.

Kain: *Kain looks apprehensive* Okay...

Nicole: *Looks at Kain* You alright?

Kain: *Nods* Yeah... I just hate seeing him like this.

Nicole: Me too... let's go. *Picks up a bottle and heads to Draco's room, Kain and Sethopher following.*

          *Lucius is sitting beside Draco's bed and stroking his hair, trying to comfort him. Draco is breathing heavily and Lucius looks worried.*

Lucius: I can’t wake him.

Nicole: *Lips narrow* If we can't wake him, I'll need help giving this to him.

Lucius: *Looks terrified and nods* Yeah...

Nicole: Luce, get behind him and hold him up so he's sitting.

          *Lucius sits behind Draco and holds him up against his chest.*

Nicole: *Leans Draco's head upright against Luce's shoulder and kneels on the bed beside them* I'll have to give it to him in small sips and get him to swallow it a little at a time... but hopefully he'll begin to wake up as the antidote takes effect.

          *Lucius runs a hand through his son’s hair 'worried father' look all over his face.*

Nicole: *Parts Draco's lips and pours a small amount in, stroking his throat with her other hand. Murmurs* Come-on babe, you need to swallow this to get better.

          *Draco swallows after a few moments persuasion, he coughs and moans.*

Nicole: Draco? Can you hear me? *Still murmuring, watching his reactions closely*

Draco: *Draco's hands grip his father's* *Quietly* Dad?

Lucius: Draco? It’s alright I’m here.

Draco: Dad... it hurts.

Nicole: *Hand runs against Draco's cheek* Babe, I need you to finish this medicine alright? Small sips.

Draco: *Looks pained* Okay.

          *Nicole holds the bottle back up to his lips tipping it just a little and Draco drinks some of the potion.  He closes his eyes and grips onto his father as another wave of convulsions rip through him.*

Nicole: *Voice uncharacteristically commanding* Kain! Sethopher! Come help hold him steady!

          *Kain and Sethopher hold him down.*

Nicole: *Hands holding Draco's head still, rubbing at his temples and murmuring* Draco, you need to listen to my voice, focus on it... I know you can do this, it'll all be better soon... *Continues murmuring*

          *Draco breathing becomes stilted and he whimpers. He goes limp and closes his eyes.*

Nicole: *Sighs* Back to square one... I'll have to go back to stroking his throat... Luce was there any of the sleep potion left? This stuff isn't nice while it purges the Kelurshane from his system... he'll feel better when it's done, but it's more than a little uncomfortable now... and on top of what he's already feeling... well, you saw... I think it'll be better to keep him asleep afterwards.

Lucius: I don’t know if there's any of that potion left...

          *Draco stirs again*

Nicole: *Runs a hand through Draco's hair* Draco?

Draco: *Breathing shallow* Nicole?

Nicole: Yeah babe, it's me. How are you feeling?

Draco: Not too good.

Nicole: Worse or better from when you woke up earlier?

Draco: Just as bad I think... I don’t know.

Nicole: I'm sorry about before. This stuff isn't nice but when it finishes you'll feel much better, I promise... *Her thumb strokes soothingly along Draco's cheekbone, hand cradling his head* You need to try and stay as relaxed as possible, even if you feel uncomfortable, alright?  If it gets to be too much, let me know and we'll stop for a minute.

          *Draco nods*

Nicole: *Holds the bottle back up to his lips* Small, slow sips babe.

          *Draco opens his mouth and takes a small sip.*

Nicole: *Hand still cradling his head, finger's moved to rub at the tense muscles at the base of his skull* Ready for another sip?

Draco: Yeah.

          *Nicole brings the bottle back up to his lips, fingers on her other hand still rubbing. Draco takes another few slow sips and holds onto his father's hands almost in tears.*

Nicole: *Pulls the bottle away* Shhh Draco, give it a minute to pass, you're almost done.

          *Draco calms down and nods.*

Nicole: *Rubs at his neck a little more, trying to ease the tension* Only a couple more sips and it's done, tell me when you think you're ready.

Draco: I’m ready.

Nicole: *Brings the bottle back up to his lips* This is the last of it.

          *Draco drinks down the rest of the potion and he clings onto his father again and whimpers.*

Nicole: *Sets the bottle to the side and brings up her other hand to rub at his neck and shoulders* Shh Draco, it's alright, try to relax, it'll get better babe.

Draco: *Looks pained and closes his eyes and a tear escapes his eye* God it hurts.

Nicole: *Wipes the tear away, kisses his forehead* I know babe, but it'll all be better soon.  There's some nasty stuff in your blood and the potion is getting rid of it, when it's done all the pain should go away.

Draco: *Opens his eyes and his eyes are pleading* Where's Harry?

Nicole: He's sleeping in my room. *Doesn't turn from him* Kain?  Can you get him?  And don't worry if he doesn't wake up, he used a lot of energy up, just carry him back here.

          *Kain nods and walks through to get Harry*

Nicole: *Strokes a hand through Draco's hair* Is it getting any better yet?

Draco: A little... *Closes his eyes* I just need Harry.

Nicole: Kain's getting him.

          *Kain comes back through with Harry, who is awake and walking already.*

Nicole: Rest well, Harry? *Motions with her head for him to come over.*

Harry: *Nods and walks over to Draco* Drake?

Draco: *Looks relieved* Harry...

Nicole: *Gets up off the bed and steps to the side, words directed to both Luce and Harry*  Draco needs to rest, but he'll be ok now... he's going to need one more bottle of the antidote in about 3 hours.  It's in my lab on the far table... it shouldn't be as bad to take then.

Lucius: *Nods* Okay.

Draco: Can I have some alone time with Harry?

Nicole: I don't see why not...  I just don't want you completely alone for a little while still, ok?

Draco: *Smiles* I know.

          *Lucius gets up and walks over to Kain.*

Nicole: *Picks up the empty bottle* See you later. *Heads towards the door.*

          *Kain, Sethopher and Lucius follow Nicole out.  Nicole moves down the hallway a little and leans against the wall, breathing a bit halted, eyes tightly shut, she slides down the wall till she's sitting, head against her knees.*

Kain: *In a commanding voice that Nicole hasn't heard before* Sethopher, take Lucius out hunting.

Lucius: But Kain-

Kain: No arguments you haven’t eaten, go eat.

          *Sethopher and Lucius leave.*

Kain: *Walks down the hall and squats down beside Nicole* Nicole?

          *Nicole arms are wrapped tightly around her knees, half muffled sobs wrack her frame.*

Kain: *Pulls Nicole's arms open and embraces her in a hug* Nicole it's alright, he'll be fine, shh.

Nicole: *Arms wrap around Kain's shoulders hugging fiercely, tears streaming down her face, whispers* I... I couldn't... say it... in there... was ... almost too late.... that's why... the seizures. *Cries into his shoulder*

Kain: *Hugs her tightly and strokes her hair* But you saved him...

Nicole: *Sobs lighten a little* I know... this... is mostly relief.

          *Kain keeps stroking her hair in a soothing manner.*

Nicole: *Her breathing slows and the sobs stop, though she's still leaning against Kain's shoulder* *In a hoarse whisper* Thanks.

Kain: *Shakes head* Don’t mention it... Once you and Draco are alright I have some... errands to run.

Nicole: *Sniffs* I'll be ok now... I think I just need to rest for a little while.  Maybe out on the couch in the living room.

Kain: *Smiles* Good... *Kain looks grim* Then I have some things to do.

Nicole: *Pulls back a little and looks concerned* What's the matter?

Kain: Remember I told you about the special abilities of vampires?

          *Nicole nods.*

Kain: Well, one I have is a tracking scent. I marked four of the attackers with the scent and I’m going to find them. NO ONE takes advantage of my blood bonds...

Nicole: *Voice trembling slightly* Be careful... please... *Voice drops to a whisper* Da.

Kain: *Looks at her looking shocked* I’m honoured you'd call me that... and don’t worry, I will be careful...

Nicole: *Nods, still looking a little worried, hugs him tightly* What should I tell the others when they get back?

Kain: Tell Sethopher the truth. Tell Lucius the same, he trusts me, he knows.

Nicole: Alright. *Pulls back and starts to stand, steadying herself with the wall.*

Kain: *Stands and extends his arm* Reveleo. *Soul Reaver appears in his hand* Wormtail, Bella, MacDuff and a scent I didn’t recognise.

Nicole: *Grim look on her face* Make sure they get what they deserve.

Kain: Oh, I will, you have no idea what vampire dark magic is like when I get angry. *Kain leaves.*

          *Lucius and Sethopher walk in as Nicole is slowly moving down the hall to the living room, still a little shaky.*

Lucius: Nicole are you alright?

          *Sethopher walks towards her and puts an arm round Nicole's waist to steady her.*

Nicole: *Smiles up at Sethopher wanly* I'll be fine, I just need to sit down and rest... stupid girly hormones, I just got over emotional is all.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Where is Kain?

Nicole: He went out to hunt down 4 of the attackers he and Harry ran into, something about having marked them and using his tracking sense.

Lucius: *Nods* Hope he doesn’t take too long...

Nicole: *Grim look* Me either... can we move to the living room or somewhere, I really am rather tired and standing here isn't helping.

          *Sethopher sweeps Nicole off her feet again and takes her through to the living room. Lucius laughs, following them.*

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes and laughs a little, but settles her head against Sethopher's shoulder* You have an over-developed sense of the dramatic, you know that?

Sethopher: You know, Kain used to say that about me... that’s why he decided on that Drama club... that was interesting, highly amusing though.

Nicole: *Interest piqued* Drama Club? *Pauses* And not that I don't like being in your arms, but do you think we could sit down, I'm not used to literally being swept off my feet. *Smiles*

          *Sethopher sits Nicole on one of the couches and sits beside her. Lucius sits across from them.*

Nicole: *Prods Sethopher in the side, and speaks in a mock demanding, slightly teasing tone*  Oh come on, you can do better than this, I'm a woman that just had a hysterical fit of nerves, I demand cuddling. *Cheeky smile*

Sethopher: *Smiles* And you’re the one that calls me dramatic!? *Wraps an arm round Nicole*

Nicole: *Snuggles into his side.  Mock affronted tone* I however have the universally accepted excuse for being over dramatic.

          *Sethopher rolls his eyes and Nicole childishly sticks her tongue out just a little in return.*

Sethopher: So mature.

Nicole: *Smiles, mock incredulous tone* Mature?  If someone told you I was that, you were seriously misinformed. *The look on her face so serious it's obviously faked.*

          *Sethopher laughs.*

Nicole: *Smiles brightly and rests her head on his shoulder* Now that was what I was looking for.  I love your laugh.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Oh you do?

Nicole: *Nods just a little* Yep.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Good...

Harry: *Walks in* Draco's asleep... Lucius, he asked for you before he drifted off.

Lucius: Okay. *Stands and goes through to Draco's room*

Nicole: *Her head not leaving its comfortable place on Sethopher's shoulder, she tilts it a little to see Harry* How was he feeling before he fell asleep?

Harry: Better... *Frowns*

Nicole: *Brow furrows, one hand absently moves to tangle with the fingers of Sethopher's hand where his arm is around her.* What's wrong?

Harry: *Looks Nicole in the eye and his tone and eyes tell her there’s no use in lying.* He almost died didn’t he?

Nicole: *Eyes close and her grip on Sethopher's hand tightens. Nods a little* Yes...

          *Harry nods*

Sethopher: How did you know that?

Harry: I don’t know... I could just feel it.

Nicole: Hmm...

          *Kain walks through the door not a mark on him*

Kain: Hello all.

Nicole: *Breaths a sigh of relief* Da, you're back.

Kain: *Smiles* Yes. Stupid idiots stayed together...

Sethopher: What did you do?

Kain: I killed MacDuff and Greesha...

Sethopher: And the other two?

Kain: I... had some fun... then... I sent them to Valentine...

Sethopher: *Looks shocked* You... you sent them to Valentine?

Nicole: *Confused* Is that bad?

Kain: Well... she was complaining that she doesn’t have subjects... to... play with.

          *Nicole raises an eyebrow.*

Sethopher: My sister... she likes to see how things work.

Kain: She also likes to see how many times she can stab something until it dies.

Sethopher: She's gotten very good over the millennias...

Nicole: *Closes eyes* Ok, you can stop right there, had plenty of anatomy classes to picture it in vivid detail.

Kain: I told her not to kill Wormtail... for a few years.

Nicole: *Shudders* *Mutters* He deserves it though.

Kain: Of course he does.

          *Harry looks grimly satisfied.*

Nicole: *Opens her eyes and looks at Kain* What about the others, their reinforcements?  Will we need to be watching out for them?

Kain: If they come after us after they see what I did to MacDuff then they're more stupid than I thought.

Nicole: Ok then. *Relaxes a little*

Harry: Oh... they'll come.

Kain: You think?

          *Harry nods*

Kain: More fool them.

Nicole: *Her stomach rumbles rather loudly.* *Looks sheepish* Was that me?

Kain: It appears so.

Nicole: Well I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday, and it's nearly lunch again now, so it's not surprising....

Kain: And you're usually bugging us to stay healthy.

Nicole: *Looks mildly affronted* I had important matters to deal with... *Extra sheepish* I forgot.

          *Kain laughs*

Harry: What do you want Nicole? I should make something for myself too... and Lucius and you Kain, Sethopher?

Kain: I'll go see if Lucius wants anything.

Nicole: Spaghetti maybe?

Harry: Sure, I can do spaghetti.

Nicole: *Smiles* Thanks.

Kain: *Comes back through* Draco is awake too, he said he's a little hungry. Should he eat something?

Nicole: *Looks thoughtful* Not a bad idea... but nothing too heavy, perhaps just some cinnamon-sugar toast for now?

Harry: *Nods* Sure, so, spaghetti all round... want Italian Sauce with that? I don’t think there’s any mince in there though, I think there’s a garlic sauce.

Kain: I don’t mind, I like both.

Sethopher: Same here...

Nicole: *Stomach growls again.* Doesn't matter.

Kain: I know Lucius prefers the tomato variety.

Harry: Okay, sure, I'll do tomato. *Goes off into the kitchen*

Kain: I'll help him. *He follows Harry, leaving Sethopher and Nicole alone.*

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher, false innocent look* Left all alone... whatever shall we do to amuse ourselves?

Sethopher: Hmm I wonder... *Runs a hand down the side of her face and places a soft kiss on her lips* Hmm...

Nicole: Can't think of a thing.  *Her hand rests against Sethopher's neck, and she leans in for another kiss.*

          *Sethopher kisses back, sweeping his tongue over her lips.  She opens her mouth a little, free hand settles on his thigh.  Sethopher kisses her deeper and rests a hand on her stomach.  Moaning quietly into the kiss, Nicole's hand moves from his neck to tangle in the hair at his nape.*

          *Sethopher gently bites her bottom lip and she moans more loudly, fingers tracing random patterns on his leg, moving toward his hip.  His hand gently moves up from her stomach slowly.  Nicole breaks from the kiss to trail little nibbling kisses along his jaw, stops to nip at where it meets his neck. Sethopher moans very deeply.*

Nicole: *Nibbles on his earlobe. Voice low, faintly teasing* Liked that did you?

Sethopher: *Swallows hard* A vampire's neck and throat area is highly sensitive.

Nicole: *Tone teasing and interested* Oh? *Nibbles down the side of his neck, lavishing attention on the spot where she had nipped him*

Sethopher: *Closes his eyes and only response is an incoherent* Mmm hmm...

Nicole: *Stops and pulls back just enough that her lips don't quite touch his skin* Umm... Sethopher? *Tone puzzled*

Sethopher: *Opens his eyes* Hmm? yes?

Nicole: You have a pulse... *Kisses his neck again, feels his pulse* *Places a few last nips on the spot before tilting her head to look in his eyes* Yes, you definitely have a pulse. *Is really puzzled*

Sethopher: *Laughs* Yes, I have a pulse. *Takes her hand and places it on his chest* I also have a heart beat.

Nicole: *Eyes widen* I hadn’t noticed before... how?

Sethopher: It's another one of those unique properties that vampires can acquire. It was handy a long time ago as people used to detect vampires through spells that detected heart beats, aura spells. So mine was always clear and I could spy for Kain.

Nicole: *Thoughtful look* Oh... *Cheeky grin* I like it. *Leans in kissing at his pulse point once more.*

Sethopher: *Groans* I like it too if it makes you do that.

          *Kain and Harry walk in*

Kain: Sorry to break you two up but grub's up.

          *Kain holds a plate out to Nicole and one to Sethopher.  Nicole groans and sits back, still tucked in tight against Sethopher's side, then takes the plate from Kain. Harry takes a plate through to Lucius and the plate of toast to Draco. Harry comes back through and sits down with his dinner.  Nicole tucks her legs up under her and Sethopher puts an arm round her, settling the plate on his lap.*

Nicole: *Balances the plate on her leg & takes a bite* Mmm, Harry, this is pretty good.

Harry: *Smiles* That’s one good thing that came out of living with the Dursleys, I can cook!

          *Nicole smiles amused.*

Kain: It's very nice.

Harry: You helped.

Kain: Oh yeah, all that stirring must have really added to the flavour.

          *Nicole laughs a little and Harry smiles.*


~*~ time passes as they all eat lunch ~*~

Nicole: *Sets down her plate and looks at the clock* That was good Harry.

Kain: That was good food. *Stands and collects the dishes*

Harry: *Smiles* Glad you think so.

          *Kain takes all the dishes through to the kitchen.*

Nicole: *Voice a little more somber* It's about time for Draco's last dose of antidote.

Harry: I know... I'll come through with you.

Sethopher: I'll help Kain clear up.

Nicole: *Kisses Sethopher on the cheek* See you later then. *Untangles herself from him and stands up.  She goes in her lab and gets the bottle of antidote.*

          *Sethopher follows Kain and Harry follows Nicole.*

Harry: Let's get this over with then.

Nicole: *Picks up the bottle of antidote* Do you think I should bring a sleep potion for him?

Harry: You could but he won't take it. He hates sleeping potions.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow, half smiling* Well then, someone is going to have to make sure he rests.

Harry: He will. If I have to strap him down he will.

Nicole: *Snickers* Ok, let's get this over with... it shouldn't be as bad as last time, how uncomfortable it is relates to how much poison had taken hold of his system, there should be far less now.

Harry: Yeah.

          *Nicole walks out of the room and down the hall to Draco's. She knocks lightly before opening the door.  Draco and Lucius seem to have been deep in conversation.*

Harry: Hey Draco.

Draco: *Looks very tired and in a little pain but eyes brighten at seeing Harry* Harry. *Smiles*

Nicole: *Remorseful look* We have one last dose of medicine for you.

Draco: *Nods* I know, might as well get this over with.

Nicole: *Sits on the edge of the bed beside him* Here it is. *opens the bottle*

          *Lucius sits behind Draco again to steady him and Harry sits beside him on the bed.*

Nicole: Little sips. *Holds the bottle up for him*

          *Draco takes a small sip of the potion, then another and another.  Lucius runs his hand down his son's back to calm him down.*

Nicole: *Concerned* Don't go too fast.

Draco: I know... *Closes his eyes* more.

          *Nicole brings the bottle back up to his lips and Draco takes a few more sips.*

Nicole: *Voice gentle* Almost done.

          *Draco turns his head away and shudders.*

Lucius: Draco it's alright.

Nicole: *Runs a hand through his hair* Just a couple more sips babe, then you're done, and you don't have to have it again.

Harry: *Looks at Draco's pained face and frowns* Draco hon...

Draco: *Turns back and nods* Yeah... okay.

          *Nicole brings the bottle to his lips once more.  Draco takes the last few sips of the potion and goes a little limp.*

Harry: Draco?

Draco: *Quietly* I’m alright.

Nicole: *Sets the bottle aside* He'll be fine... He may not like sleep potions, but this one does use quite a bit of energy and tends to have that effect.

Harry: Have you got anything to help him with the pain?

          *Draco's face is flushed and his eyes are dull.*

Draco: Harry...

Harry: Yeah hon?

Draco: I don’t need painkillers... just stay with me.

Harry: *Kisses Draco's forehead* Of course hon.

Nicole: *Smiles indulgently* I think I'll just head out to the kitchen and see if they need any help... Draco, get plenty of rest.

Draco: Oh, don’t worry about that, I will.

Lucius: *Stands* I'll leave you two alone then. *Smiles* Goodnight boys.

          *Nicole walks to the door and waits for Lucius, Lucius walks forward and looks at Nicole.  Nicole closes the door softly behind them and Lucius looks very near to breaking down.  Nicole pulls Lucius to her in a tight hug, and guides him a little ways away from the door.  Lucius tries not to cry but tears flow from his eyes.*

Nicole: *Hands rub in soothing motion on his back* He's going to be fine Luce, in a few days you won't even be able to tell something was wrong.

Lucius: *Chokes back a sob* I almost lost him Nicole, after just getting him back.

Nicole: *Realises they're by the guestroom* Come on in here, and sit down, Sethopher won't mind. *Guides him to the foot of the bed.*

Lucius: *Sits down* I don’t know what I would have done if he'd died. *Shaking quite badly*

Nicole: *Holds him tightly* But he isn't gone Luce, he's still here, right down the hall.

Lucius: I know... *Holds his head in his hands* I don’t know what I... all the years I wasted... the... things I did to my own son... *Lucius sobs*

Nicole: *Runs a soothing hand over his back* As someone once told me, we all do things we regret... but we move on.  You can't change the past, but you can be there for him now and in the future.

          *Lucius inhales deeply to try to steady his nerves and Kain comes in.*

Kain: Luce?

Lucius: Kain... why are you with me?

          *Nicole looks up, a helpless expression on her face, frustrated.*

Kain: *Sighs* Because I love you and you love me. Plain and simple really.

Lucius: But I’m a terrible person...

Kain: *Walks over to Lucius* *Sarcastically* And I’m a bloody saint.

          *Nicole rolls her eyes at Kain.*

Kain: *Puts an arm around Lucius* I know you have done terrible things. Everyone has. You, me... even the 'saintly' Harry Potter. We all do things we regret love. Come on, go to sleep.

Nicole: *Voice gentle* Luce, it's late, go to bed.

Kain: *Helps Lucius stand and looks at Nicole* Sethopher is in the front room. *looks at Lucius* Come on love... sleep.

          *Both leave the room, and Nicole walks out after them.  Sethopher is lying on the couch in the living room asleep.*

Nicole: *Walks over to the couch and kneels beside it. She smiles and runs a hand gently along the side of Sethopher's face* Love, I think it's time to head to bed.  This couch isn't all that comfortable. *Spoken softly*

          *Sethopher's eyes flicker open gently and Nicole smiles down at him.*

Sethopher: *Quietly* Hey...

Nicole: Hey... I think it's time to head to bed unless of course you prefer the couch...

Sethopher: Well no... but, I hate sleeping alone in a bed.

Nicole: *Smiles* Hmm, well, I think I may just have a solution for you, because mine is far too large for one person. *Fingers are playing with the hair at the nape of his neck*

Sethopher: Hmmm, sounds interesting. *Smiles* No fiddling with my neck or I may get ideas.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly and stands, holding out a hand* Come-on you, bed time, we can play tomorrow.

          *Sethopher grins and follows Nicole off to bed*



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