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30 August 1997

        *Nicole opens her eyes and leans into the body wrapped around her, she yawns.  Sethopher is still sleeping gently.*

Nicole: Mmm...*Eyes open wide remembering what happened the previous night* ... *Rolls over in Sethopher's arms and smiles at his sleeping face, her hand moves up to brush a strand of hair away from his face, kisses him lightly on the lips, whispering* Morning Talma.

Sethopher: *Sethopher makes disgruntled noises and mutters half asleep* Too early, come back tomorrow.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Seeing as this is my bed, I don't think I’m going to go anywhere just now. *Impish look in her eyes, hand rests on his side and slides down to his waist...*

Sethopher: *Sethopher’s eyes open blearily* *Hoarsely* Now what is your hand doing down there?

Nicole: *Grins, false innocent look* Oh nothing.... *Begins tickling him*

Sethopher: *Sethopher lets out a yelp and grabs her arms* Oh tickling is it? Hmm? Hmmmmmmm?

Nicole: *Impish grin* Problem with that?

Sethopher: No... *Starts tickling Nicole*

        *Nicole smirks and raises an eyebrow, not really reacting.*

Sethopher: ...Oh... you're not ticklish, that’s not fair!

Nicole: *Snickers* No, I’m not, and who ever said life was fair? *Resumes tickling him, with both hands this time*

        *Sethopher is helpless to stop her and pulls her into a tight cuddle and kisses her to stop the assault on his ribs and stomach.*

Nicole: *Kisses him deeply... pulls her head back just a little* Well, I’d say I got you completely awake now. *Impish look*

Sethopher: *Scowls slightly* So that’s what that was for. I’m a vampire, I’m not meant to be awake in the morning... It's like trying to convince a bat to take a mid afternoon flight.

Nicole: *Laughs* You slept all night, and now you want to sleep all day too? *Wicked grin* I can think of far better ways to spend the time.

Sethopher: *Looks interested* Really?

Nicole: *Overly contemplative look* Well, I could go to the Library, or brew potions, there's always new potions journals to read... *Cheeky look* or there's always this. *Leans in and kisses him.*

        *Sethopher kisses back and leans on his back, pulling Nicole down.  Her hands settle on his shoulders, moaning into the kiss, she grinds gently against him.  Sethopher runs hands up her back also moaning into the kiss.*

Kain: *From the doorway* You know you two are really loud.

Sethopher: KAIN!

Kain: *Kain has his eyes closed* Don’t worry, I can’t see anything.

Nicole: *Growls in annoyance, doesn't move from where she's laying but pulls the sheets up to cover her and Sethopher* *Voice annoyed* Da what are you doing in here, I thought we'd locked the door?

Kain: *Kain sniggers* You did.

Nicole: And?

Sethopher: Kain can unlock any lock or locking charm.

Kain: Yes I can... I knew you had... last night so I thought I’d be safe this morning.

Nicole: *Sighs frustrated, lays forehead against Sethopher's chest* Is there a reason you disturbed us Da?

Kain: Yes, Valentine.

Sethopher: Huh?

Kain: She'll be here in about two hours.

Nicole: *Eyes widen* I thought you said she was coming in a few days!

Kain: She changed her mind.

Nicole: *Groans, mutters against Sethopher's chest* You have got to be kidding me.

Sethopher: Kain... leave now please...

Kain: Of course... you have... *Sniggers* things to talk about.

        *Kain leaves and applies locking spells.  Nicole is pouting petulantly.*

Sethopher: What’s wrong love?

Nicole: *Rolls eyes* Gee, could it be that I really didn't want to get up at all today, but now your homicidal sister is coming to visit, so that idea’s vetoed?

Sethopher: *Sighs* I wish you wouldn’t speak about Val like that.

Nicole: *Slides over so that she's tucked against his side, head resting on his shoulder, hand resting on his chest* *Voice apologetic* I’m sorry, I shouldn't say such things, especially to you... It's just you and Kain really haven't portrayed her in a very endearing light.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles sadly* You said I had a normal life, I sort of did. I never really saw what our mother did.  Val did and Nundu captured her around a thousand years ago and was not exactly kind to her. Me and Kain rescued her. She's a little eccentric... but she’s fine... you'll get it when you meet her. *Hugs her closer*

Nicole: *Nods* I promise to try not to judge her until after I’ve gotten a chance to know her... *Leans up and kisses him lightly* I’m sorry love, I run off at the mouth sometimes without thinking about what I’m saying.

Sethopher: *Smiles* It’s alright, my late wife had the same impression of her before she met her... *Sniggers* but Val didn’t like her.

Nicole: *Cringes a little* I rather hope I don't have the same problem.

Sethopher: *Smiles* You won't... now... we have 2 hours and she's always late... what can we possibly do in two hours?

Nicole: *Smiles* Well... there's always this *Kisses his lips* or this *Nips at his earlobe* or my personal favourite... *Sucks gently on the mark she left on his neck last night.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moans and runs a finger gently over the bite wound on Nicole's neck.* Does that hurt at all sweet?

Nicole: *Shivers* No... very sensitive though.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Good. *Laughs gently* Do you get now why Lucius let Kain bite him so often?

Nicole: *Snickers* *Breathily* Completely. *Kisses him deeply*

        *Sethopher kisses back and again pulls Nicole on top of him.  Black hair is spread out like a fan on the pillow, he runs his hands up and down Nicole's back.  Legs straddle Sethopher's hips, her hand moves up to tangle in his hair, other hand resting between them on his chest.  Sethopher rocks his hips up gently, becoming aroused.  Nicole grinds against him, moaning low in her throat as Sethopher runs his hands up and down her thighs moaning deeply.  Nicole groans, insinuating a leg between his creating more friction.  Hands wander all over her body, one starts stimulating the flesh at her groin and the other runs through her hair.  Nicole moans deeply, rocking her hips into his touch, lips move back to his neck biting and sucking at the skin.  Sethopher inserts a finger into her passage and rubs her G-spot and clit at the same time.*

Nicole: *Head leans against the base of his neck, fingers in his hair tightening, breathy gasps* Oh... gods.

        *Sethopher continues his ministrations and runs a hand up her back and then places a kiss on the top of her forehead.*

Nicole: *Eyes close, breathing raggedly, hips rocking against him* Need... you...

Sethopher: *Whispers* Would you rather me on top?

Nicole: *Nearly incoherent* Mmm...

Sethopher: I need an actual answer hon.. *Panting*

Nicole: *Free hand moves to grip at his upper arm, moaning* Yes... fine... just... hurry... *Gasping breaths*

        *Sethopher rolls Nicole onto her back and pulls his hand away from her groin and quickly replaces it with his cock. Heat spiraling he groans out her name.  Nicole yells out in pleasure, hips bucking up against him, she pulls his head down and leans up to kiss him fiercely.  Sethopher kisses back passionately, he pulls away and then re-opens the bite mark on Nicole's neck, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her body.*

Nicole: *Groans deeply, fingers scratch down his back, stopping on his arse* Oh... gods... *Breathing grows more rapid* faster...

        *Sethopher complies and a hand starts stimulating her clit again.*

Nicole: *Gasps, eyes open wide then close again groaning* Mmm... so close... *Hips bucking to meet his movements*

        *Sethopher runs his other hand up and entangles it in her hair.*

Nicole: *Panting harshly, hands move up his back, clutching at his shoulders, moaning deeply* Oh... *Hips rise harshly to meet him, body wracked with shudders as she climaxes*

        *Sethopher moves a few final thrusts and then screams into his own climax, thrusting helplessly as the sensations over run him.  He pants heavily and then lays at Nicole's side.  Nicole rolls on her side, leg tangling between his, arm across his waist, breathing heavily.*

Sethopher: I love you... so much.

Nicole: *Eyes closed, kisses his shoulder, not raising her head* I love you too.

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks at the clock* We better get up... *Growls* stupid Valentine.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow and smiles* Think we have time for a shower?

Sethopher: *Grins* Yeah.

Nicole: *Motions vaguely towards a door in the corner of her room* I don't have a bathtub, but my shower more than makes up for it.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Room for two?

Nicole: *Grins* Plenty.

        *Sethopher kisses Nicole, rolls out of bed onto his feet and stretches.*

Nicole: *Lays on her back stretches, even pointing her toes* Mmm... *Climbs out of bed heading towards the bathroom, looks over her shoulder* Coming?

Sethopher: *Smiles and follows Nicole* Yeah.

Nicole: *Walks into a dark blue tiled bathroom, moving over to a large shower with a glass door and a showerhead on each wall* You like?

Sethopher: *Sethopher grins* I do, very, very nice.

        *Nicole opens the door and steps inside, turning on the water, steam quickly filling the shower.  Sethopher follows her in and seems happy in the warm water.  Nicole steps behind Sethopher, picks up a bottle of body wash, putting some in her hands washes his back and shoulders, the sent of juniper fills the air.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher relaxes into her touch* Mmmm, that’s nice.

Nicole: *Hands move to the sides of his lower back, massaging gently* Glad you like it.  *Brushes his hair aside and kisses the nape of his neck*

Sethopher: *Sethopher seems completely relaxed* Did I say "nice"?  I meant wonderful...

        *Nicole nips at the back of his neck, hands move around to stroke lightly across his stomach.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher goes weak at the knees and has to catch himself before he falls* Oh...

Nicole: *Laughs lightly, hands settling at his hips* Liked that did you?

Sethopher: While all vampires have a sensitive neck, I have an extremely sensitive spot at the back of my neck. *Turns to face Nicole and kisses her* *Grins* You found my weak spot.

Nicole: *Smiles* I like that one. *Presses her body flush against his, arm looping around his neck, kisses him*

Sethopher: *Kisses back then asks* Do you have any of these little spots I should know about?

Nicole: *Grins* Maybe... *Tilts her head, her hair falling back exposing the side of her neck where it reaches to her ear and jaw.*

        *Sethopher lowers his head to the area and sucks at the junction, gently nipping.  Her eyes close, moaning lightly, fingers curl, her other arm comes up around his shoulders helping her support herself.  Sethopher moves so Nicole is leaning against the wall and he starts to move down her body tasting the clean flesh. He kneels in front of her and kisses her navel.  Her head lolls against the wall, moaning, one hand griping his shoulder, the other tangles in his hair, knees slightly weak.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher runs hands up and down her thighs gently coaxing her to stand, legs apart. Sethopher smiles.* Hold on love... *Sethopher takes Nicole's clit into his mouth and starts sucking and licking the sensitive organ.*

        *Her mouth opens in gasping breaths, groaning loudly, hand tightens on his shoulder, knees barely supporting her.  Sethopher’s hands grope her arse keeping her steady on her feet, still licking and sucking.*

Nicole: *Eyes roll back, lids fluttering shut* Oh... my... gods... *Quick shallow breathing*

*Hands run up and down her legs massaging as he speeds up the movement of his tongue.*

Nicole: *Incoherent moan* I... *Gasping for breath, body trembling* *Voice a ragged whisper* so close...

        *Sethopher sucks hard on the sensitive flesh and runs his hands up the inside of Nicole's thighs.  She moans loudly, her body shudders as she comes, hips moving slightly.  Sethopher pulls away and stands, he nuzzles the side of Nicole's neck while pulling her close.  She slumps bonelessly into his embrace, panting harshly.*

Sethopher: *Kisses the side of her mouth and gently chuckles* I couldn’t help myself.

Nicole: *Head laid on his shoulder, lips brushing against his neck, breathing still ragged* I... never... gods...

Sethopher: *Runs a hand through her wet hair and smiles* You never what sweet?

Nicole: *Takes a deep breath* No-one's ever done that to me before *Breathing slowing*

Sethopher: *Raises eyebrows* Really? *Grins wickedly* That was just basic rhythm too... *Smiles* Next time I’ll try the 'Venus'.

Nicole: *Smiles and kisses him tenderly* Gods, I love you.

Sethopher: I love you too. *Grabs the bottle of juniper body wash and pulls Nicole away from the wall and turns her round, squeesing some onto her back and starts to wash.*

Nicole: *Head hangs forward* Mmm... nice...

        *He rubs the back of her neck tenderly and then moves hands down in a parallel fashion massaging her back quite expertly.  Nicole leans into his touch.*

Sethopher: Is that nice? *Runs hands all over her back making her feel glowing with relaxation.*

Nicole: *Breaths deeply* Mmhmm...

        *Sethopher washes off all the soap from her back.*

Nicole: *Turns around and kisses Sethopher tenderly* I hate to say this, but we should probably be getting out now.

Sethopher: I know.

Nicole: Not that I want to... *Kisses him again*

Sethopher: *Kisses back* Valentine can wait... *Kisses Nicole's neck* She'll understand.

Nicole: *Moans lightly* With all the mentioning of Valentine I just realised something.

Sethopher: *Pulls back* Oh? And what’s that?

Nicole: There's only one guest room left in this house, and you're currently using it. So I was thinking... *Trails off, not quite meeting his gaze*

Sethopher: *Smiles* Are you asking what I hope you're asking?

Nicole: *Shyly* If you're hoping that I’m asking you to move into my rooms with me... then yes.

Sethopher: *Kisses her* I’d love to, thank you for asking.

Nicole: *Kisses him, smiles* I was hoping you'd say that... I didn't want to be presumptuous, we haven't been together all that long, but... *Kisses him tenderly*

Sethopher: *Kisses back* Yeah... *Runs a hand down her cheek*

Nicole: *Smiles and wraps her arms around his waist, closing her eyes, leaning her head against his shoulder and the warm water flows over them* Sometimes I think I’m dreaming, it's all too good to be true.

Sethopher: *Smiles* You're definitely not dreaming.

Nicole: *Opens her eyes, looking up at him with obvious affection* I’m glad of that.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I love you... *Kisses her again more passionately than before*

        *Nicole kisses him back, fingers move up to tangle in his hair.  Sethopher pulls away and again bites Nicole's neck, sending a relaxing wave through her body.  She groans in pleasure, her arm wrapping around his shoulders to hold herself steady.  Sethopher runs his hands all over her body, becoming aroused.  Fingers untangle from his hair, her hand slides down Sethopher's chest... stomach... caresses him lightly.  Sethopher moans and he pulls his head away from Nicole's neck and kisses her on the lips, breathing becoming elevated.  Nicole kisses him, nipping and sucking on his lower lip, hand moving a little faster, a little less gently.  Sethopher moans out, louder than before, a low growl in the base of his throat.  He kisses Nicole, heat spiraling through his body.  She pulls out of the kiss, trailing her lips along his jaw, lavishing attention on the mark on his neck.  Body pressed tightly to his, hips rock against his leg, hand continuing it's ministrations.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher leans his head back* Fucking hell...... *Moans in pleasure as he nears his limit, groping Nicole's ass.*

        *She bites and sucks on the mark on Sethopher's neck, her thumb swirls over the head of his cock, fingers tighten slightly as they stroke.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher cries out, blood electrified, as he comes, thrusting against Nicole's hand* *Breathless* Fuck... god...

        *Her lips trail back up to his, kissing him tenderly.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses back and pulls out looking down* That’s the first I ever had to get washed... after a shower... *Sniggers and grabs the bottle of Juniper shower gel*

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Yes well, I couldn't resist. *Cheeky smile*

Sethopher: *Grins* Now where have I heard that before? *Squeeses some shower gel and proceeds to wash Nicole and himself.*

Nicole: *Smiling* Gee, can't imagine where. *Grabs a bottle of juniper shampoo and pours some in her hand* Want some?

Sethopher: Yes please.

        *Nicole smiles and instead of giving Sethopher the bottle sets it aside and steps behind him, massaging what's in her hand into his hair*

Sethopher: *Sethopher relaxes into her touch* I don’t want to sound like a nancy boy but do you have conditioner? My hair is always dry.

Nicole: *Laughs, running her fingers through his hair to help the water rinse it* Yes, I don't use it often, but I have some. *Picks up another bottle, pouring a small amount in her hands rubs them together and runs them through his hair*

Sethopher: Thank you, very helpful. *Sniggers*

Nicole: *Swats him lightly on the arm, voice amused rather than annoyed* Oh hush you. Now do you think you can return the favour? *Raised eyebrow*

Sethopher: *Turns and takes the shampoo bottle and squeeses some onto his hands and starts to wash her hair* Of course m'lady.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and laughs lightly, murmuring softly* "M'lady"... your lady... I like the sound of that.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles as he washes the shampoo from her hair* Do you want conditioner?

Nicole: *Eyes open* Mmm... no, don't bother, I only use it once or twice a week... brewing potions, my hair is rarely dry. *Slight disdain on the last statement*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sniggers* Yes well... that’s all washing complete... I suppose we should go see if Valentine has arrived...

Nicole: I suppose so... *Turns off the water, steps out of the shower, picking up a fluffy towel to hand to Sethopher and another for herself* Um... Sethopher, what are you planning to wear? You don't have any clean clothes in here just now.

Sethopher: ... A problem I had not foreseen... oh well. *Closes his eyes and a sort of white glow encompasses him* *Opens his eyes* Clothes are on their way... *Takes the towel, dries himself and wraps it round his waist*

Nicole: *Dries herself and wraps the towel around her, finds another and dries her hair* *Looks at him curious* What was that you just did?

Sethopher: *Smiles* It's called the whisper, I can speak into any vampire's mind. All vampires can do it. Kain is not a happy bunny that I asked him to fetch me clothes.

Nicole: *Laughs* Da is getting your clothes? Oh the irony.

Sethopher: Yes... he'll hate me.

Nicole: *Finishes toweling her hair and begins running a brush through it* Can you tell if Valentine is here yet? If she isn't we could move your things now, so she can settle into her room right away. After we get changed that is.

Sethopher: She's here. I just didn’t want to startle you, she's been here for about 20 minutes... trust her to pick today to be early for once.

Nicole: *Groans lightly, but keeps her voice neutral* Well we're going to need to move your things at some point today. *Finishes brushing and holds out her hand* Accio wand. *Her wand comes from the bedroom to land in her hand* *Points her wand at her hair* Cabelo seco *Hair is now dry and wavy* *Looks over towards Sethopher, moving towards the bedroom, wrapped in a towel.* If you don't have too many things we can still move it all now.

        *Sethopher nods and follows her through to the bedroom to be met with Kain standing muttering holding a bundle of clothes.*

Kain: I am not a house elf, please remember this next time.

Sethopher: Kain... it's just this once I promise.

Nicole: *Holds her towel tightly around her, amused smile* Hello Da.

Kain: Hello Nicole... Have a nice shower? *Sniggers*

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes ignoring the comment* And there shouldn't need to be any next times. *Knowing look*

        *Sethopher takes clothes from him and gets dressed very quickly.*

Kain: Oh and why's this?

Nicole: *Walks into her large closet, voice comes from it, slightly muffled* Valentine needs a place to stay, Sethopher is moving in here. Problem solved.

Kain: Yes... and I’m sure that’s the only reason... *Looks at Sethopher* I’m touched at your thoughtfulness Sethopher truly I am.

Sethopher: I can be kind when I wish to be.

Kain: Indeed... *Is sounding very protective of Nicole*

Nicole: *Steps out of the closet wearing tight black trousers and a white blouse, with a knee-length emerald vest over it* *Tone mildly exasperated* Da, leave him alone, it was my idea. I may not be a millennia’s old Vampire, but I’m not a child either.

Kain: *Still looks a little protective* I just think it's a little fast... perhaps in one or two-

Sethopher: Days? Weeks?

Kain: I was thinking years... yes one or two years would suffice.

Sethopher: Kain, you can trust me.

Kain: *Rolls eyes* Don’t come crying to me when she starts to make you give up your drink in favour of house work. *Kain looks at Nicole* Oh you thought I was protective of you!? Hell no, just don’t stop him Dragon hunting and I’m happy for you. *Sniggers*

Nicole: *Walks over to Sethopher, arm around his waist, head resting against his shoulder, looks at Kain* Da. *Tone exasperated* You are ridiculous, honestly.

Kain: No, I’m eccentric.

Sethopher: Whatever... just, bugger off for five minutes.

Kain: *Raises eyebrow* OooOoo tetchy. Have it your way! *Walks out, closing the door*

Nicole: *laughs* Housework, honestly, that's what magic is for. He's really something sometimes.

Sethopher: He just doesn’t want to let on he's worried about me and you... he's funny sometimes... You get used to it after a few millennia.

Nicole: *Sidelong glace* A few millennia huh?

Sethopher: Well yeah... although sometimes he still surprises me.

Nicole: *Looking oddly contemplative for a moment* ... So, what was it you wanted five minutes for? *Voice slightly distracted*

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses Nicole very passionately* Well that... I doubt that will be a feature in meeting my sister.

Nicole: *Smiles, still slightly distracted* No, I suppose not.

Sethopher: What is it?

Nicole: *Eyes flick up but don't entirely meet his* Oh, nothing.

Sethopher: Nicole? What is it?

Nicole: We should be going to see your sister. *Is obviously trying to change the subject*

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* Sure... are you sure there's nothing wrong? I haven’t done anything have I?

Nicole: *Hand reaches up to caress the side of his face* No love, *Kisses him lightly* you haven't done anything wrong. *Strange emphasis on the word "done" is almost wistful as she brings her hand away*

Sethopher: What have I said?

Nicole: *Sighs and steps away, back towards him, arms wrapped around herself* *voice soft* "A few millennia" *strained tone* Sethopher, I am neither an elf nor a vampire, I’m merely a mortal... as a witch I may live to see 200 years, but even that is unusual, and I will be old and grey long before then... I just... *Sighs frustrated with her feelings*

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* I know love... *Looks down* *Sighs* That’s one of the things bugging Kain too... hence his teasing... but... *Walks over to Nicole and takes both her hands in his* I know I love you here and now... and I want to be with you.

Nicole: *Looks into his eyes* And I love you, more than I could ever describe. *Sighs* It's just I’ll age so quickly, and you... *Caresses his face* you will stay as you are. *Closes eyes* I guess I just can't understand why you'd want to be with me considering that... but I don't want to loose you, ever. *Tightens her hold on his hands, a tear threatening to escape her eye*

Sethopher: *Sethopher wraps his arms around her* We'll figure something out... *Sounds like he's had a slight idea*

Nicole: *Holds him tightly, face buried against his shoulder* You think so?

Sethopher: No, I know so hon, we'll figure it out... *Sighs* Should I introduce you to my illustrious sister?

Nicole: *Wipes at her eye, wry smile* I feel like such an over emotional moron. *Takes a steadying breath* Yes, let's go see Valentine.

        *Sethopher places one final kiss on Nicole’s mouth and leads her out into the lab and then to the front room.  Valentine is standing in the middle of the room, a leotard shaped attire on along with deep red tights. She has a deep red cloak on over the top and has short blonde spiky hair with pink tips.*

Valentine: Well, you took your time.

Sethopher: It's good to see you too Valentine. *Motions to Nicole* This is Nicole, my girlfriend.

Nicole: Hello Valentine, I’ve heard a lot about you...

Valentine: *Purses lips and nods* I’ll bet you have. Let me guess... *Holds up a gloved hand and starts to count off on her fingers* Insane, good at torturing people, kinky, evil, probably again insane and perhaps a little violent?

Nicole: *Wry but friendly grin* Something like that, they didn't mention your sense of humour.

Valentine: *She grins* Well in my line of work subjects find it chilling to have a sense of humor. Like I thought it'd be ironic to let a cat play with the rat... I forgot to mention it would be a Bengal tiger though. What can I say, oops?

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* If that's the rat I think you're talking about, it's too bad there aren't any more saber tooth's around.

Valentine: *Valentine looks thoughtful* Hmm, that’s a good idea... I’ll need to look into that. *Looks at Sethopher* I like her better, she has a vengeance spirit. Your last one was so boring.

        *Sethopher rolls his eyes.*

Valentine: So, *Sniffs the air* okay so human... I like humans... nice species.

Nicole: *Smiles gently* I’m glad you approve.

Valentine: *Grins and throws a dirty glare at Sethopher* You need to start introducing me to people as "Valentine the not insane torturer".

Sethopher: Whatever you say sis... and anyway, when the hell did you cut your hair?

Valentine: When you weren’t looking.

        *Nicole snickers.*

Sethopher: You had wonderful long blonde hair... what’s with the pink?

Valentine: Pink, my name is Valentine, as in romance etc, it's supposed to be ironic when I torture people.

Sethopher: Indeed...

Nicole: ...It sort of makes you look like that one American singer... which considering her persona and your line of work is oddly appropriate.

Sethopher: Oh?

Valentine: *Plonks herself down on a couch* Do tell.

Nicole: She goes by the name Pink, usually has some pink colouring to her hair. She's not one of those bimboish teen-singers though like you see all the time these days, more of a street punk, can easily take care of herself, and definitely not someone to mess with.

Valentine: *Nods* I like the sound of this chick...

Sethopher: *Looks startled* No you most certainly cannot turn her into a vampire!


Nicole: *Snickers* Her latest music video has her causing a brawl in an old western saloon.

Valentine: Cool... *Is pouting at Sethopher*

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* Do you want to grab your things now so Valentine can have the guest room, or are we going to sit down?

Valentine: Oh you won’t have to, note that I am alone and if you listen you can hear Kain and his lover bickering in the guest room shifting some things.

Sethopher: *Sighs* We'll just sit here then.

Valentine: Don’t sound so fecking pleased about it.

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes at Sethopher then gets a slightly worried look* ... Um... is it really a good idea to leave Luce and Kain alone together... and with someone else's belongings? They've been rather destructive lately. *Worriedly glances towards the door from whence the sound of bickering is still heard*

Sethopher: I’ll go make sure they're alright... *Kisses Nicole once and then makes his way towards the back room.*

Valentine: *Grins* He hates people touching his things... big baby.

Nicole: *Sits down on the couch across from the one Valentine is on* He really is sometimes... and he's terrible to wake up.

Valentine: *Laughs* Yeah, he's always been like that, very much the stereotypical stay awake all night vampire... I hate that stereotype... makes way for stupid ideas like sleeping in coffins. Only Drake did that.

Nicole: Drake? Oh, you mean Dracula? *Looks mildly confused*

Valentine: *Valentine laughs* Yeah I mean Dracula, why is there someone you know named Drake?

Nicole: Well Kain's lover, Lucius, his son is Draco, occasionally he's called Drake.

Valentine: Oh right... interesting, interesting... I should maybe find a guy... I scare them all away.

Nicole: *Grins* I’m sure you can find a guy that shares your... interests. *Still smiling* Besides, if you scare them away then they obviously aren't brave enough to be someone you'd want to bother with, right?

Valentine: *Grins* Yeah, good point. *Sighs* The only one I find not scared of me is Kain... and possibly Sethopher when he remembers he's my senior in rank.

Nicole: Well you're in some trouble there then... are you only talking about Vampires, or have you ever thought about someone from a different race.... the Night Elves Sethopher has told me about seem as though they might be cocky enough, if not honestly brave.

Valentine: *Valentine has a measured look* Yeah... been there... killed that... *Frowns* They’re all scared of me... and I only attract weirdoes.

Nicole: *Wry look* I can understand that, I think Sethopher is the most normal guy who's ever been interested in me... that seems rather telling.

Valentine: *Valentine snorts* Wow, I found someone who can call my brother normal... I recall promising to start a national holiday upon that day.

Nicole: Actually I believe my words were "most normal" I never said he was actually normal... but then again, as I’ve been known to say, normal is highly over-rated.

Valentine: Aaah, I can get that. I just hate the way people perceive me before I meet them... everyone is the same. "Yeah Valentine, great girl, likes to torture things though." *shrugs*

Nicole: ...The reputation that precedes you doesn't help with that.

Valentine: No... but I can’t help it. It's my job... *Sighs melodramatically* Oh well, I have eternity to find someone...

        *Nicole nods, unsure of what else to say.  Valentine shrugs in response as Sethopher, Kain and Lucius walk into the room.*

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* All your things intact Talma?

Sethopher: Yes...

Nicole: But?

        *Kain and Lucius seem a little off with each other.*

Lucius: I’m going out hunting... I’ll be back later *Walks out without so much as a word to Kain*

        *Kain sighs exasperatedly and sits down.*

Sethopher: That is the but...

Nicole: *Looks over at Kain* Is this about what's been going on the last few days, or something new? *Motions for Sethopher to come join her*

Kain: The last few days...

        *Sethopher sits beside Nicole.*

Nicole: *Glances towards Valentine, unsure how much to say* Is it something you want to talk about Da?

Valentine: *Valentine is looking at Kain markedly* He blames you doesn’t he Haran?

Kain: *Kain looks at Valentine* Yes... *Kain looks at Nicole and Sethopher* He blames me for these memories... he says he doesn’t but I know he does.

Nicole: *Groans in frustration and leans against Sethopher* He blames you for the memories, and he blames himself for events that were beyond his control... it's all one big mess of misdirected blame and guilt. *Rubs at the bridge of her nose and forehead as though she is getting a headache*

Valentine: ...He's an idiot. *Stands* I’m going off... somewhere... not anywhere near where Lucius is... to... umm... eat! Yes eat. *Walks out of the room in the direction that Lucius took.*

Nicole: *Watches her leave* Should we be worried?

Kain: ...Oh well.... she can’t exactly make it worse.

Nicole: ...If you say so Da.

Sethopher: Unless she tortures him into agreeing with you.

Kain: She wouldn’t.

Kain: *Looks very upset* Why is he blaming me? I didn’t know he had memories like that. I wouldn’t have done it had I known.

Nicole: Da, people aren't always rational in the way they feel, he's hurt and he's lashing out... you're the closest to him *Shrugs helplessly*

Kain: I know... it just hurts to see that look in his eye... like I made it happen... like I meant it...

Nicole: I know Da... but I honestly don't know what you can do... Luce has a lot of things he needs to work through.

Kain: *Nods* I know...

        *Valentine walks in whistling jauntily as Lucius walks in behind her looking stunned and shocked*

Valentine: *Valentine looks at Lucius* Okay?

        *Lucius nods.*

Valentine: *Hissing* Good! Now, Sethopher, can I see my room pleeeeaaaaassseee?

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* Sure... *Looks at Nicole apologetically*

Nicole: Go ahead love. *Looks over toward Lucius* Why don't you come sit down?

        *Lucius makes sure Valentine and Sethopher are out of the room and then walks swiftly over to Kain, pulls him up and kisses him passionately.*

Kain: *Pulls back, surprised but relieved* Wha-?

Lucius: I’m sorry.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Well I see Valentine had an effect.

Lucius: *Lucius looking deadly serious* She's terrifying.

Kain: *Sniggering* Isn’t she just?

Nicole: *Snickers* She did say she has a problem with scaring everyone.

Lucius: She is so scary... she was all sweet at first...

Kain: Then she made with the mind games?

Lucius: Pretty much...

Nicole: *Looks respectful and impish at the same time* I’ll have to congratulate her, she obviously has the art of being a woman perfected... at least the manipulation part.

Lucius: No, don’t encourage her. *Whispers to Kain* She has a tail!

Kain: *Looks slightly miffed* And? So do I.

        *Nicole looks curious.*

Lucius: *Looks utterly confused* No you don’t.

Kain: ...Long, long story.

Nicole: Do we want to know?

Kain: It's to do with me, the time I spent in the demon realm and the blood I drank of a powerful demon. That’s it in a nutshell.

Nicole: Oh, ok... *Glances towards the guestroom* They've been gone a while, do you think Sethopher needs rescuing? *Looks at Luce and snickers* Or is it the longer Valentine is gone, the better?

Kain: No, leave them, they do this every time they meet. Sethopher starts with a comment about her hair, she moves on to his clothes or "Stupid pointed ears" and it spirals from there.

Nicole: *Looks thoughtful* Da, why aren't her ears like yours and Sethopher's? They still look human.

Kain: *Sighs* Well... I was an elf when I was alive. Hence my good relations with my former kin. I turned Sethopher who was a human and since he had my blood he attained certain characteristics of mine. Only vampires that I, or others who were originally elves, create have the pointed ears and the 'drop down' fangs. Valentine on the other hand is a vampire created by different blood. Sethopher got one of the vampires in my service to do it, not one I created.

Lucius: But... I have normal ears... or didn’t you notice that?

Kain: It takes time to form. It's not an overnight thing.

Nicole: You were an elf Da? I didn't realise that... I suppose it explains a lot though.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I never told you what I was before... and, *Smiles wickedly* I’ve been a vampire for 5000 years. I never said what age I was when I was turned.

        *Nicole looks awed.*

Kain: *Kain smiles* What?

Nicole: I just... wow.

        *Kain rolls his eyes.*

Nicole: *Looks mildly affronted* Hey, you've been around for multiple millennia, I’m 29, I’m allowed to be impressed when I find out someone I know was once a part of a race that I've found very intriguing, and has seen more time pass than I can imagine. *Looks petulant.*

Lucius: ...I never knew that.

Kain: I never told you.

Lucius: *Looks intrigued* Do you have any family members still living?

Kain: *Blanches* No... not at all in any way.

Lucius: You're lying to me!

        *Kain scowls.*

Nicole: Da?

Kain: ...Amil... that’s, mother in English. *sighs* She's still alive... and well... and pretty much the same as I always remember.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* You don't get along with her?

Kain: Not exactly no.

Lucius: Why not?

Kain: She tried to kill me... kind of puts you off a person.

Nicole: *Eyes widen* Why would she do that?!

Kain: ...Because I was turned into a vampire.

Nicole: ....

Kain: Not so very long ago vampires were evil non-trustworthy creatures.  It's not her fault, it's the way most of them were.  She assumed I was too...  We still don’t get on though.

Nicole: *Looks saddened* No, attempting to kill someone can definitely put a strain on relations.

Kain: Yeah... *Shrug* Orin finds it amusing... then again he doesn’t like mother either.

Nicole: Orin?

Kain: *Kain smiles* My twin Brother, non-identical you understand. He has dark brown hair.

Lucius: And you never told me any of this because...?

Kain: Vampires don’t normally speak a lot about their... previous lives.

Nicole: Does it bother you to talk about it Da?

Kain: Not really... I just think back and I was a very different person back then...

Nicole: Because of time, or because of becoming a vampire?

Kain: I don’t know... both maybe.

        *Nicole tucks her feet up under her on the couch, leaning on one arm of it, looking thoughtful.*

Kain: I... I was a very, arrogant person. I know I am arrogant now but I was so very sure of myself 100% of the time and if I wasn’t right pigs might fly.

Nicole: *Raises eyebrow* I’ll take that into consideration the next time I think about teasing you about your ego.

Kain: *Smiles* I actually got turned into a vampire because I was so arrogant... and I quote myself, "Vampire? Really, I’ll take care of him in no time."

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* And we can see where that got you.

Kain: It didn’t turn out quite as I expected.

Nicole: Obviously. Not that I’m complaining mind you.

Kain: No... and, coffins are unpleasant.

Nicole: *Shudders* Ick, no thank you, you can keep those things far away from me... I have a phobia about being buried alive... really don't like basements and such cause of it.

Kain: Really? Me neither. I remember the fight with mother, Orin saved my ass.

Nicole: Oh?

Kain: Yeah, she tried to kill me with a curse that only kills vampires. Orin got in the way and let me escape.

Nicole: That was extremely kind of him.

Kain: He's my brother... *Shrugs* what can I say?

Nicole: Yes well, he was defying your, and his, mother

Kain: He never did like mother... I was the favourite son... just because I was engaged to the Princess... *Sighs* but, I got turned into a vampire and he got the princess and had a son named Kael.

Lucius: So Prince Kael is your nephew?

        *Kain nods.*

Nicole: Well that definitely helps explain why you have such good relations with the elves then, if Orin married the princess.

Kain: Yep, the vampires and the elves are very close. We even have good relations with the night elves.

Nicole: *Wry look* Yes, and they seem a rather disagreeable sort.

Kain: *Kain nods* They are very much like the other vampires... the easy to kill, can’t go out in the sun variety of vampire. Though, they can go out in sun and aren’t easy to kill... their personalities are the same.

Nicole: *Nods* *Looks thoughtful* Are there different kinds of vampires then?

Kain: Many... Hence my mother trying to kill me. The elves thought the old race had died out.

Nicole: Makes sense then.

Kain: Yeah... We destroyed most of the other races of vampires in wars. Nasty half race blood suckers... they were just vile things.

Nicole: I was wondering about some of the differences between you and what I was told as a child, I just figured I had been misinformed... now I realised I was, just not in the way I thought, more a lack of knowledge, than incorrect knowledge... which can be just as dangerous I would think.

Kain: Yeah, really... *Sighs* I should get you the vampire bible. Our old legends and stories are in it. I think Ashrio finished his translations. I can try to get a copy.

Nicole: *Looks extremely interested* I would like that very much.

        *Kain smiles.*

Nicole: *Voice sincere* I’m fascinated by legends, especially those of the older races.

Kain: Well, our history is... very colourful, as is our legends.

Lucius: They're taking an awfully long time aren’t they? *Looking towards the guest room*

Nicole: ...Yes... *Looks towards the guest room nervously*

Kain: Well... perhaps we should check... Lucius you stay here... Nicole, would you like to accompany me? We're probably going to have to tell them to grow up in some capacity.  You can take care of Sethopher.

Nicole: *Snickers* Sure Da.

        *Kain walks towards the Guest room and opens the door.  Valentine has Sethopher in a headlock.*

Valentine: I thought you were telepathic, you sure as hell didn’t see this coming.

        *Kain gives a loud cough and Sethopher and Valentine spring apart.  Nicole is standing just behind Kain, snickering.*

Kain: Well? Explanations please?

Sethopher: She started it!

Valentine: I most certainly did not! If I had started it you'd be unconscious!

Nicole: They're brother and sister, with the maturity levels of 12 year olds, I think that explains it.

Sethopher: I resent that.

Valentine: *Looks thoughtful* Personally I think it's a fair assessment.

        *Nicole snickers some more.*

Kain: *Rubs his temples* My First and Second in command fighting like children...

Nicole: *Raises her eyebrow* Um... Da?

Kain: Yes?

Nicole: You aren't always the most mature person around either you know.

        *Kain raises eyebrow.*

Nicole: ...Though I must admit you aren't typically that bad.

Kain: No I am not.

Sethopher: Valentine, you are such a pain in the ass sometimes.

Valentine: *Pouting* Only sometimes? Gee I try so hard too...

Nicole: *Looks over at Sethopher* What was going on here anyway?

        *Sethopher and Valentine try to explain at once*

Kain: QUIET!

        *Both silenced*

Kain: Sethopher, you start.

Sethopher: She said my ears were stupid, and that I was over dressed.

        *Nicole rolls her eyes.*

Valentine: And he said I looked like a hooker.

Sethopher: You do.

Valentine: I don’t.

        *Sethopher nods further infuriating Valentine.  Nicole clears her throat and both go quiet again.*

Nicole: *Mutters* Unbelievable.

Kain: *Is looking annoyed* What did I say last time this happened?

Sethopher: That it better not happen again.

Kain: Or?

Valentine: There would be consequences...

Kain: Yes... I have put up with your bickering for many LONG millennia...

Valentine: What you gonna do, kill us?

Kain: Don’t be so melodramatic.

Nicole: What are you going to do Da?

Kain: *Kain smirks* You two... together, with no fighting, are going to lead the next delegation.

        *Sethopher and Valentines jaws drop.  Nicole puts a hand over her mouth to hide her smile and help muffle her laughter*

Kain: And if you do fight, you will be taking it from now until hell freezes over.

        *Sethopher glares at Valentine the white aura surrounding him using the whisper.*

Valentine: *Smirks and says wickedly* Ooo do you promise?


Sethopher: Sorry!

Nicole: *Eyebrow quirked* What did he do?

Valentine: He used the whisper to insult me.

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher* You resent being told you have the maturity of a 12 year old do you?

Kain: Sethopher, go hunting... get out of my sight.

        *Having been thoroughly chastised, Sethopher leaves the room quickly, slight blush on his cheeks.*

Valentine: Can I go with him?

        *Nicole rolls her eyes.*

Kain: No, not even I would send you hunting with Nundu.

Valentine: And what’s wrong with my hunting methods?

Kain: *Sighs* You even make me ill watching you! No, you hunt alone.

        *Valentine huffs.*

Nicole: Ick.

Valentine: *Mutters* I honestly don’t see the problem.

Kain: Well I do. So, no... and don’t you DARE take Lucius out with you or there will be hell to pay!

Valentine: No sir...

Nicole: So... we done in here?

Kain: Yes. *Looks at Valentine who looks a little upset* *Sighs* Val... I’m just fed up with you two, I’m not that angry... just... don’t do it again okay?

        *Nicole looks at Valentine waiting to see how she'll answer.*

Valentine: *Valentine looks up under hooded eyes* I’m sorry Haran...

Kain: *Shakes his head* Just think before you attack him next time.

Nicole: Are we going back out to the other room then?

Kain: *Nods* Come on... *Walks out into the front room and Lucius is no where to be seen* *Kain raises an eyebrow* Odd...

Nicole: *Follows Kain* Now where did Luce go?

Kain: ...I don’t know. Perhaps to eat... I doubt he ate when Valentine pursued him.

Nicole: True...

        *Kain sits down as Harry comes through singing jauntily*

Harry: *Harry grins* Hello!

Nicole: Hey Harry. Where's Draco?

Kain: You're in a good mood.

Harry: Out with Luce.

Kain: Aaah, that’s where he is then.

Harry: Yup! *Is very happy*

Nicole: Where'd they go?

Harry: Just out... no idea where to. Father son bonding... thing. *Plonks down onto the couch humming*

Kain: ...You got laid didn’t you?

Harry: *Slight blush* Perhaps.

Nicole: *Smiles* I take it Draco is finally feeling better then?

Harry: *Harry grins* Yes... and not... for a week made him rather... inventive.

        *Nicole laughs and Kain has a knowing smirk, but it disappears hoping no one saw it.*

Nicole: Da?

Kain: *Startled* What?

Nicole: You smirked.

Kain: I-I... didn’t.

Nicole: You did.

Kain: ...Oh all right, maybe I did.

        *Harry raises an eyebrow.*

Nicole: And?

Kain: Vampires... are... well a very... sexually active race and we can tell hormones and feelings of sexual tension etc at a glance almost. I saw Draco was... frustrated and I loaned him some literature.

Nicole: *Muffles a laugh with her hand* You didn't... wait, I’m talking about you, of course you did.

Kain: *Grins* He was very pleased.

Harry: So that’s where he got that book...

Kain: Yes, you couldn’t read it.

Harry No... I couldn’t.

Kain: It's in ancient Vampiric... I don’t know how but Draco knows the language. I didn’t pry.

Nicole: Really? *Looks intrigued*

Kain: Yeah... not only did he know it... he was fluent.

Nicole: *Looks surprised* Wow.

Kain: ...Yes that was my reaction. Vampiric is one of the most difficult languages to learn... Ancient Vampiric is even harder.

Nicole: Wonder where he learned that...

Harry: ...Me too, I didn’t know what language it was in.

Nicole: Well, I guess you'll have to ask him.

        *Lucius and Draco walk back in smiling and they sit down.*

Nicole: Well you two look happy.

Lucius: *Lucius smiles* Just talking...

Draco: Yes... father son stuff.

Nicole: *Smiles* Glad to hear it. Draco... where did you learn Ancient Vampiric?

Draco: *Looks a little startled by the question* *Fake laugh* I don’t know ancient Vampiric...

Nicole: Yes you do. Da told us the book he gave you was in it.

Draco: *Looks like he’s trapped* Umm- I-I...

Harry: Drake?

Draco: Hmm?

Harry: Where did you learn it?

Draco: A vampire taught me.

Kain: *Looks far from convinced* Vampires don’t teach just anyone that language.

Nicole: What Vampire? Draco?

Draco: *Looks a little scared* He- he never told me his name... but told me to call him Heru.

        *Kain looks like he’s thinking very quickly as though that name is very familiar.*

Harry: Why did he tell you this language?

Draco: *Looks down away from Harry* He was a lover...

        *Harry looks stricken.*

Nicole: *Looks surprised* Draco, you're only 16, how long ago did you know him?

Draco: *Swallows hard* Around... 2 years ago.

        *Harry Looks very, very stunned.  Nicole's eyes are wide in surprise as well.  Lucius doesn’t look surprised at all by this information but saddened.*

Kain: *Eyes wide in horror* WITH HIM!?

        *Draco hangs his head down low.*

Nicole: Da... do you know this Heru person?

Kain: *Looks furious, angrier than anyone’s seen him and he looks to be trying to control his anger.* With... HIM.

Nicole: Da?

Kain: Heru... is Elvin for 'Lord' he has been in hiding from me for the past 200 years. He led an uprising and tried to kill me, he killed a few of my trusted generals and many others beside! And I find he has... 2 years ago... *Is seething*

Nicole: *Moves over to put a hand on Kain's shoulder* Da, you need to calm down, this isn't solving anything. And I’m sure Draco hadn't a clue about all that.

Draco: *Draco shakes his head* Oh... no... of course not...

Kain: *Looks at him* Speak the truth... I am warning you Draco, speak the truth.

Nicole: Draco?

Draco: ......... I knew... some of it... I knew he was in hiding, I didn’t know who from.

Harry: *Looks at Draco* You... you told me I was your... *Looks pained* You lied to me.

Draco: I-I’m sorry Harry...

Nicole: Draco... why did you hide this?

Draco: *Draco swallows hard* I didn’t hide it...

Nicole: You lied to Harry, you hid it.

Draco: *Draco stands and sighs* I... I didn’t want anyone to question why I went to him... it didn’t seem important. Harry was... Harry was so, beautiful, so perfect. Why would he stay with something as tainted as I?

Nicole: *Looks concerned* Why were you with him Draco? Why would you think you're "tainted"?

        *Draco looks at Lucius and Lucius sighs.*

Lucius: Because of me, because of what I did.

        *Kain's anger abates slightly.*

Nicole: But what did Heru have to do with.... that?

Draco: He found me... a few weeks after it had happened. He knew what had happened... *Frowns* I was stupid... needy... I fell for his kind words.

Nicole: Oh Draco. *Voice sad*

Draco: *Looks at Harry* I didn’t want you to know... I’m sorry.

Harry: Sometimes Draco you are very intelligent... sometimes you're an idiot... the latter fits here. I wouldn’t have cared... you could have done the dirty with Voldemort and I would still love you.

Nicole: *Shudders* Harry... that was so not a mental image I needed. *Semi-humorous look on her face, obviously trying to lighten the mood.*

        *Harry walks over and hugs Draco.*

Nicole: *Whispers to Kain* Do you think we should leave them alone?

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* Yes, take Lucius through somewhere.

        *Kain uses the whisper and Valentine enters the room.*

Valentine: Yeah Kain?

Kain: We are going to find your brother and hunt.

Valentine: Oh, Fun!

        *Kain uses a spell to retrieve Soul Reaver and Valentine pulls out a whip.*

Kain: *Kisses Lucius* I’ll be back soon love.

        *Kain and Valentine leave.*

Nicole: Luce? Would you like to come in the kitchen with me? I haven't eaten yet today. I can make you something if you'd like.

        *Lucius nods looking at his son sadly, then walks to the kitchen.*

Nicole: *Walks in to the kitchen and over to the fridge* Would you like anything?

Lucius: *Sighs* A new life would be nice... *Leans his head against the wall*

Nicole: *Sad look tempered by humour* I don't think I’ll be finding one of those in the fridge. How bout an omelet?

Lucius: That'll do... *Sits down by the table*

Nicole: *Opens the fridge and looks inside* Ham, cheese and tomato ok with you?

Lucius: Yeah, fine... *Holds his head in his hands* Can nothing go right in my family? Must there always be something more to hurt my son?

Nicole: *Takes out the items and some eggs and places them all on the counter, getting other things and preparing the food* *Voice sad* Oh Luce... he and Harry will be fine, Harry loves him.

Lucius: That’s not the point... now Kain is off on this hunt... and I have this urge to hit something.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* You could always make bread dough, I usually find that a very productive way to get the urge to hit things worked out. *Has moved over to the stove*

Lucius: Yes but... Vampiric anger and strength will probably hurt the work top.

Nicole: *Wry look* Yes, I suppose it might.

Lucius: *Leans his head on the table* Draco told me all of this before... just a few days ago. He was planning on telling Harry... then you, then Kain.

Nicole: *Looks chagrined* And Kain and I had to go and pry, I’m sorry.

Lucius: It's alright... can’t be helped. Draco is a private person and doesn’t do well with large confrontations like what happened... he'll be okay and Kain will be back soon with a head on a spike.

Nicole: *Pulls plates out of the cupboard* *Snorts* I’m sure Valentine will enjoy herself... though I rather hope they won't be too long... *Sighs* *Dishes the omelets out onto the plates and walks over to the table*

Lucius: *Lucius lifts his head* Thank you.

Nicole: Welcome *Sets some silverware on the table and starts eating* *Sighs and mutters* This was not how I had planed to spend my day.

Lucius: *Lucius smiles warmly* No... and I didn’t mean the omelets.

Nicole: *Smiles softly at Lucius* I know. *Takes a bite chewing thoughtfully* Things really have been a rollercoaster lately.

Lucius: *Eats some of the omelet* *Looks confused* What’s a rollercoaster?

Nicole: *Laughs* You really need to learn about the muggle world. I may not have grown up there, but I’ve discovered there are many amusing things in it... rollercoasters being one of my favourites... rather than explaining, I think it might be easier to show you what I’m talking about, just a moment. *Stands and leaves the room* *Returns, a thin book in her hands*

        *Lucius looks on with interest.*

Nicole: *Opens the book to a wizard picture of people riding a rollercoaster* This is a muggle studies text I picked up, *Points to the photo* and that is a rollercoaster.

Lucius: ...*Looks horrified* And people actually use these things?  ...What if it collapses... there’s no magic holding it up!

Nicole: *Laughs* They don't collapse Luce, the metal they're made of is quite strong... I’ve been on a few, I think they're rather fun.

Lucius: *Looks skeptically at the picture* Whatever you say.

Nicole: *Sets the book aside and sits back down to eat* My point was that there have been a lot of ups and downs in our lives lately.

Lucius: Yeah well... that’s true... *Takes another bite.  Lucius sighs having finished the meal, stands and places his dish in the sink.  He turns to face Nicole a question in his eyes.*

Nicole: *Puts her dishes in the sink* What is it Luce?

Lucius: I know we have been through this. I know Draco has forgiven me... *Frowns* But I don’t understand why.

Nicole: *Shakes her head sighing and lays a hand on his shoulder* Love has never been a logical thing, has it?

Lucius: No... I don’t know... that one action caused so many things to happen to him.

Nicole: Luce, Draco loves you, and because of that he forgives you, and in forgiving you for what you did, he doesn't hold you accountable for any of the other things... *looks at Luce carefully* By your way of thinking, you aren't the only one Draco should be angry with.

Lucius: *Looks confused* Oh?

Nicole: Well you don't understand why Draco can forgive you because of the events you set in motion, right?

Lucius: Well... yes.

Nicole: By that train of thought Draco should be furious with Harry as well.

Lucius: *Looks startled* Why!?

Nicole: *Tone soft* Think about it Luce, why did Belatrix hurt him? To get at Harry. By its very nature, being in a relationship with Harry is a dangerous thing. Therefore, by the reasoning you're using to blame yourself, Harry is to blame for Draco being poisoned and nearly dying.

Lucius: *Mouth hangs open* No... It wasn’t Harry's fault though... I started it... It was my own doing.

Nicole: You're right, it isn't Harry's fault, *Voice soft, but eyes hard* just as the choices Draco made after what happened weren't your fault, he made those choices, he could have looked elsewhere, but he went to Heru, that was his choice. He knows that, he doesn't blame you for it, no more than he would blame Harry for choosing to be in a relationship with him causing his injury.

Lucius: *Looks thoughtful* I suppose you’re right... *Quietly* I still feel responsible for it though. *Sighs*

Nicole: *Sighs* Luce we all feel responsible for many things that are beyond our control... and while we may deserve some of that responsibility for many of those things, you can't take it all, especially when the events you are blaming yourself for were not under your control. *Looks at Lucius sincerely* Draco’s a very bright boy - *Mutters* most of the time - he understands that.

Lucius: *Smiles gently and takes one of Nicole's hands* You're right... as usual you are completely right. *Looks down* You have been a very good friend to me over these past few weeks Nicole.

Nicole: *Squeeses Lucius' hand and smiles* I just try to be the voice of common sense... though gods know I’m missing it often enough myself. I care about you Luce, I don't want to see you hurt; it's in my nature to try to help those who are hurting, especially those I care about.

Lucius: *Lucius looks at Nicole and smiles* *Changing the subject* So... how's you and this new man?

Nicole: *Laughs* You mean Sethopher? *Looks somewhat bashful*

Lucius: Yeah... He's moving into your rooms... must be going well.

Nicole: *Smiles and leans against the counter* He's wonderful... *Voice soft* We haven't been together that long and yet I love him very much... don't know why he wants to be with me, but I’m grateful he does.

Lucius: *Smiles and looks at her neck smirking knowingly* Its a strange sensation isn’t it?

Nicole: *Fingers come up to her neck* Yeah... *Light scoffing sound* amazing how the same action can bring either pleasure or pain.

Lucius: I know... I was terrified when Kain first asked me... but, I’m glad I let him... *Winces* Being turned though is decidedly painful.

Nicole: *Nods* It looked it... can't say letting Kain drink was that pleasant either, though I doubt it was nearly as bad.

Lucius: I wondered why he grabbed my wrists so forcibly... when he started I just wanted him to stop... and do you know it's very strange not having a heartbeat.

Nicole: I imagine it would be. *Looks sideways at Lucius from half closed eyes* Did you know Sethopher still has a heartbeat?

Lucius: Really? No I didn’t know that.

Nicole: *Nods* He says it's one of his "gifts," it made him a good spy when those that hunted vampires used a method of tracking those without heartbeats.

Lucius: Aah... Yes of course...

Nicole: *Smirks* And I won't be complaining about it any time soon.

Lucius: He’s a very passionate man.

Nicole: Yes, he is.

Lucius: *Smiles* You seem very happy.

Nicole: *Bittersweet smile* I am.

Lucius: *Frowns slightly* Then why do I detect a tinge of sadness in your tone?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I’m extremely happy with the present...

Lucius: But?

Nicole: *wry tone* I find it rather ironic that the first man I can truly give my heart and find the feeling returned, is one that should by rights be beyond my reach... as things currently stand, our future together has a rather bleak conclusion.

Lucius: ...*Sighs* And that is why I chose this path my dear Nicole... I understand your plight.

Nicole: *Looks up, eyes sincere* I love him Luce, I don't want to loose him, but...

Lucius: You don’t want to become a vampire either.

Nicole: *Grimaces* I’m a healer, a potions mistress who focuses on healing magic anyway.  Luce, it's not in my nature to take life, certain... experiences in my youth have left a bitter taste in my mouth. I may be able to set that aside to love Kain, Sethopher... and you... but I honestly don't know if I could... if it was the only way to be with him... perhaps, but... *Sighs*

Lucius: *Frowns* Nicole... If you do take this path... remember that the magic that is involved is dark. It doesn’t matter what way you paint it, it is known as a curse for a reason.

Nicole: *Scoffing noise* I am no stranger to dark magic Luce... the cure that saved your son draws on an element of dark magic, much of what I am involved in walks a fine line between the light and dark.  I spent part of my childhood in a dark family.

Lucius: Just... be sure you know what it does... *Sighs* Kain... Kain doesn’t speak about his heritage much but he is effectively a god. You should speak to him... or see if he has any other ideas.

Nicole: I may.... Luce, it's not the magic that bothers me... but do I truly have the soul to be a predator? As I see things a vampire is like a lion, it hunts for its life... I’m more like the bear, often passive, though when my hand is forced I will bite.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I understand... it seemed natural to me...

Nicole: And therein lies my greatest hesitation, I won't hesitate to use violence when I see the need for it, but I would much prefer to avoid it when I can.

Lucius: *Nods* Yes... I understand your hesitations. *Smiles gently* There will be a way... there has to be a way.

Nicole: *Voice soft and pensive* I hope so...

Kain: *Kain walks in looking angry still* Hey.

Nicole: *Looks up, eyes searching more behind Kain than at him* Hi Da.

Kain: Sethopher isn’t here if that’s who you're looking for. He had to take Valentine to Kaza'Dum.

Nicole: Where? *Looks confused*

Lucius: My god what happened?

Kain: *Looks down* She’s badly injured.

Nicole: *Worried* What happened?

Kain: *Kain looks up* We found him... he has created an army.

Nicole: *Concerned* That can't be good... *Mutters* when it rains, it pours.

Kain: No, he planned to attack... I’m sure of it. There were some Night Elf and Blood Elf generals there, apparently they aren’t too pleased at their governments' allegiance with my army.

Lucius: Will Valentine be alright?

Kain: ...I don’t know...

Nicole: *Looks grim* Perhaps that was where Belatrix got the Klureshane from.

Kain: Yes... *Sighs* Sethopher has been sent to also rally the Court. We'll crush him this time. *Looks at Lucius and Nicole* It won't be too difficult.

Nicole: *Worried* Be careful?

Kain: *Smiles* Always... not at this precise moment though... *Sits down* I’m rather tired.

Lucius: You don’t look right...

Nicole: You ok Da? Did you get injured at all?

Kain: *Sighs* It's called shock... *He nods to Nicole.*

Nicole: *Moves away from the counter* Do you need me to look at anything?

Kain: *Frowns, stands, takes his shirt off to expose burned skin on his left arm, a gash on his abdomen and rather alarmingly a bleeding hole above his heart*

Nicole: *Gasps* Da!

Kain: I’d laugh if it didn’t hurt so damn much.

Nicole: *Hold out her hand* Accio potions bag. *Bag comes flying into her hand*

        *Lucius looks horrified.*

Nicole: Sit down, and let me take care of this. *Has a "mother hen" tone*

        *Kain sighs and eases himself into a chair wincing as though his leg is hurting too.*

Nicole: *Is next to Kain looking over his injuries* Da, is there anything else?

Kain: *Shakes his head* No...

Nicole: Your leg?

Kain: *Goes slightly red* I think it's in a little bit of an intimate position for you to take care of Nicole. I was shot with an arrow, I had no choice but to snap off the length.

Nicole: *Snickering* Well let's take care of these other injuries then we'll address that.

Kain: *Sighs* Fine... *Still red*

Nicole: Let's take care of that wound on your chest first *Pulls a cloth and cleaning solution out of her bag*

Kain: *Nods* Before you ask, yes it penetrated the heart.

Lucius: Then how come you're not dead?!

Kain: *Smiles* Takes more than that to kill me.

Nicole: *Pours some solution on the cloth and dabs lightly at the wound* Da... now's probably not the best time to be asking you this but... *Finishes cleaning the wound and searches through her bag.*

Kain: But what?

Nicole: *Pulls out a bottle and a jar* Drink this first, it'll heal the wound from the inside. *Holds out the bottle opened*

Kain: *Takes the bottle* And before you prod me, make sure your bedside manner is intact, this wound saved your beloved's life. *Drinks the potion*

Nicole: *Kisses the side of Kain's head, voice soft* Thank you Da. *Sets the bottle aside and opens the jar* Luce and I were talking... about many things actually, but a question came up and I was wondering if you might have the answer. *Gently works some of the cream into the wound*

Kain: *Winces slightly* Oh, and what would the question be?

Nicole: *Tone hesitant* Do you know of any other ways to extend a person's lifetime, aside from becoming a vampire? *Closes jar and puts it away, getting out a different one.*

Kain: *Looks up at Nicole* ...Yes I do.

Nicole: *Gently works some salve into the gash on his abdomen* Oh? *Curiosity tightly controlled*

Kain: *Nods* There are ways...

Lucius: And I wasn’t told of these ways because-

Kain: You never would have qualified.

Lucius: Oh... fair enough.

Kain: Why do you want to know?

Nicole: *Puts the jar away, getting out a third and moves around Kain to work on his burns* ...Exploring options I suppose.

Kain: *Smiles gently and then growls* Gentle please Nicole!

Nicole: *Stops working on the burns and pulls out another bottle* Here, this will dull the pain more.

Kain: *Drinks the bottle down* Thanks.

Nicole: *Goes back to rubbing the burn ointment in* ...So...those other ways...?

Kain: Elvin ways... The elves weren’t always immortal you know... sure they lived long lives, to around 1000 but then they died. As sure as night follows day. But, they were blessed one day with immortality... The High Elves have a 'Sunwell' that grants them eternal life. A blessing of immortality as opposed to the vampire curse.

Nicole: *Quietly* It must be a precious treasure to them *Closes the jar and sits in the chair next to Kain*

Kain: It is... not very many mortals have had the privilege to be bestowed the power...

Nicole: *Is looking through her bag* No, I can't imagine there would be *Pulls out a purple bottle*

Kain: ...*Looks at Nicole* I think you'd qualify.

Nicole: *Hand trembling as she sets the bottle on the table* How's that?

Kain: *Smiles* Because... they just would.

Nicole: ...I've never even met an elf, why would they give me such a gift? *Voice trembling*

Kain: It doesn’t matter who you have met. They would know your spirit. That’s what matters, not just anyone can survive eternity.

        *Nicole bites her bottom lip looking at her hands thoughtfully.*

Kain: *Smiles* If you want to ask them, I’ll stand for you. You need someone of... well of reputation to put your name forward.

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain* Da... I don't know what to say...

Kain: *Smiles sweetly* Don’t say anything... just get the damned arrow head out of me!

Nicole: *Wry grin* I thought you didn't want me dealing with that.

Kain: *Looks very embarrassed* I actually think there’s a few in there... they're... throbbing like a bitch.

Nicole: *Looks over at Luce* Do you think you could get them out?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* I have no medical knowledge whatsoever... and when I try I usually make matters worse... Draco once called me Lockhart.

Nicole: *Cringes* That's beyond bad.

        *Lucius nods.*

Nicole: Well there goes that plan. *raises an eyebrow* So Da, do you want me to look at them or not?

Kain: *Looks red again and sighs* I don’t want you to... but I have a war to fight.

Nicole: Well unless you have someone else....

Kain: No I don’t... *Sighs and points to his leg. The spot he points to is on his inner thigh, rather far up the leg* It hit me there... *is beetroot red*

Nicole: *Trying not to snicker* Da, I can't do anything with your trousers still on... and it would probably be better if you were laying down.

Kain: *Frowns* You're enjoying this aren’t you?

Nicole: Of course not... *Grinning*

Kain: *Tsks and tries to stand but falls back onto the chair* ... *Looks startled* OW!

Nicole: Luce, come help him, will you?

        *Lucius walks over and helps Kain up.*

Lucius: Where do you wanna go?

Nicole: Somewhere he can lay down... considering, probably your bedroom would be best.

        *Lucius nods and walks Kain to the bedroom gaining interested looks from Harry and Draco on the way.*

Nicole: *Follows behind* We'll talk to you later boys.

        *Both nod as Lucius enters the room and helps Kain onto the bed.  Nicole moves to stand by the bed, purple bottle in hand and bag over her shoulder.*

Kain: *Looks really rather humiliated at this turn of events and the white aura of the whisper encompasses him and Lucius sniggers.* It isn’t funny.

Lucius: *Trying to keep a straight face* No of course not. Nicole... would you mind turning round for a minute or two? My dear lover has decided today was a good day to go commando.

Nicole: *Snickers and turns around* This better?

        *Lucius opens a drawer and pulls out a pair of boxers. He undresses Kain's lower half and he yelps in pain. He then puts the boxers on.*

Lucius: You can turn around now.

Nicole: *Turns to face the bed* Modesty preserved?

Kain: *Kain mutters* Barely.

Lucius: You have four wounds I can see.

Nicole: *Moves over to sit on the side of the bed* And all four of the arrow heads are still in there?

Kain: Yes. *Frowns* They were barbed arrowheads, this is going to hurt isn’t it?

Nicole: *Considering look* Well if I was a muggle doctor, yes... do you know what the arrows were made of? Metal, stone, bone? Whatever?

Kain: Metal probably.

Nicole: I need to check - and that will hurt - but if it is metal, I can use a potion to dissolve them.

Kain: *Nods* Okay... *sighs*

Nicole: *Pulls the bottle of cleansing potion and a cloth back out* I’ll be quick. *Pours some potion on the cloth, wipes at one of the wounds then prods until she finds the arrowhead*

        *Kain yelps and Lucius frowns and sits on the other side of the bed and holds one of his hands.*

Nicole: *Draws her hands back, using the cleaning potion on them and wiping them off* Sorry Da, but there is some good news.

Kain: *Kain sighs* Oh?

Nicole: They're metal, which means I can use the dissolving potion... rather than cutting them out... *Grimaces at the thought of the second option* not that it will be painless.

Kain: ...Well that’s good then.

Nicole: *looks at Kain* It's going to burn a fair bit when I use the potion... it'll hurt nearly as much as if I was taking them out, but it'll be over much sooner... and I daren't give you any more pain potion than I already did, as they can interact oddly.

Kain: *Kain nods* Fine, I can take it...

Nicole: *Considering look* Do you want something to bite on?

Kain: *Nods* Please.

Nicole: *Hands him a clean cloth and picks up the bottle of purple potion* Ready?

        *Kain puts the cloth in his mouth, Lucius squeeses his hand and Kain nods.*

        *Nicole opens the bottle and pours the potion into each of the four wounds, watching as small clouds of purple steam rise from them.  Kain closes his eyes and growls loudly in pain. He bites down hard and squeeses Lucius' hand*.  The puffs of steam dissipate and Nicole pours a dark blue potion into them, the wounds slowly begin to heal and close.  Kain's head leans against the pillow, a small sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead.  He pulls the cloth from his mouth.*

Kain: Remind me not to get hit with an arrow again.

Nicole: *Looks up with a wry smile while rubbing some cream on the healing wounds* Just be glad I didn't have to cut them out.

Kain: *Grimaces* I’ve had that done before... with no painkillers... that was fun... *Kain sits up and stretches out.*

Nicole: *Puts her supplies back in her bag* Take it easy for the night, and most of your injuries should be gone by tomorrow morning Da.

Kain: *Kain looks a little shifty* Sure...

Nicole: Da? *Looks at him suspiciously*

Kain: I cannot stay here and heal. There is an army threatening my lands and I need to make sure Valentine is alright.

Lucius: You can’t be serious, Kain you're badly injured.

Nicole: *sighs* I was afraid you'd say that... well if you must go, that leg, and your chest wound must be bandaged, they are not healed enough to just go walking around with.

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* I’ll be fine Nicole. *Grabs his pants and shoves them back on*

Nicole: *Hand grips his arm* Be stubborn about your leg all you want, but you are not going anywhere till that chest wound is bandaged, it's not fully healed, and as it is you've started it bleeding again by moving. *Points to the semi-healed wound*

Kain: *Kain looks down and growls* Fine.

Nicole: *Pulls out a bandage and gauze* Raise your arm up and I’ll get this over with

        *Kain complies looking thoroughly displeased.*

Nicole: *Binds the wound* There, you stubborn git, you can finish getting dressed. *Looks displeased*

Kain: *Rolls eyes* Well I could stay here but I know Sethopher is going to go off on his vengeance right now if I don’t go find him! *Grabs a shirt and shoves it on* *Kisses Lucius* I just need to kill that... *Snarls* bastard and then the vampire army will join me.

Nicole: *Concerned* Be careful Da... both of you...

Kain: *Kain looks at her and smiles* Nicole... Sethopher is almost as good a fighter as me. We only didn’t destroy them as there was only 3 of us and many more of them.

Nicole: *Smiles weakly* I know, just be careful anyway.

Kain: *Walks over and gives her a fatherly hug* I will. *smiles* Lucius, you stay here... keep an eye on Harry.

Lucius: Why?

Kain: Just please keep an eye on him. *Walks out*

Nicole: We should probably go check on the boys, they saw us come in here.

Lucius: Yeah... *Looks annoyed* I wish I could go with him...

Nicole: Luce, you haven't been a vampire all that long still... *Wry yet placating look* And are you truly mean enough to leave me here alone with two hormonally driven teenage boys?

Lucius: *Smiles* No... and I need to watch Harry. As much as you don’t really see it ultimately I need to do as Kain says. He is my sire as well as my lover... it's frustrating at times...

        *Nicole nods and heads towards the door.  Lucius follows her out and they hear Harry and Draco bickering.*

Draco: You're not going!

Harry: You heard Kain... a new army? They probably have something to do with Bellatrix.

        *Lucius coughs loudly.*

Nicole: Harry sit your butt on that couch now, before I have to use a binding spell on you.

        *Harry sits looking sour.*

Draco: Thank you.

Nicole: Now calmly please explain what's going on here.

Draco: Harry is too damned nosey for his own good, he was eavesdropping. He got ideas.

Nicole: Harry you are not leaving this house, Kain's orders.

Harry: *Crosses arms and scowls* Why does he have any say in my bloody life!?

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Do I need to list the reasons for you? *Looks sardonic*

Harry: *He scowls* He has no right. He’s a bloody Dumbledore in the making.

Nicole: *Growls* Do not compare him to that disgrace of a wizard! Kain has more of a right than Dumbledore ever did.

Harry: He bloody well does not, he's nothing to do with me. Dumbledore at least was given legal rights by the Ministry, he has no such claim.

Nicole: *Looks frustrated* Legal claims aren't the only obligations that bind people.

Harry: Oh? Then gimmie one good reason why he does!

Nicole: *Grimaces* ... I don't think I’m supposed to tell you... I know Sethopher said Kain never would.

Harry: *Looks angry* More secrets?

Nicole: *Sighs, sits and slumps down on the couch across from Harry* This one doesn't involve you directly...

        *Harry still looks angry.*

Nicole: *Looks at Harry studyingly and seems to come to a decision* Harry...

Harry: What?

Nicole: I’m going to explain something about Vampires to you... it's for you to make what you will of the information I’m giving you...

Harry: *Frowns* Go on.

Nicole: You remember a few weeks ago when Kain changed Luce, and then was injured afterwards, right?

Harry: Yes, I remember.

Nicole: Did you know what it was I did to help heal him?

Harry: You let him drink from you.

Nicole: *Nods* When a person willingly gives their blood to a vampire, it is a precious gift, one that vampires take very seriously and see with certain obligations, a blood bond...

Harry: *Harry nods* I don’t see where you're going with this.

Nicole: As I understand things, Kain is now bound to protect me.... *a little more pointedly* and any children I ever have...

        *Harry stays silent.*

Nicole: Can you possibly imagine why Kain might be worried about protecting you?

Harry: ...How?

Nicole: ....*Sighs* I really shouldn't be saying this... Kain is going to be angry with me...

Harry: Nicole, you can’t leave it there! How!?

Nicole: *Sighs* Kain, owed... well still does... the same obligation to your father as the one he does to me. *Watches Harry closely* And because he perceives it that he failed in his obligation to your father, he is even more protective of you.

        *Harry looks shocked.*

Nicole: Harry?

Harry: How did he fail... *Is sounding bemused and emotional*

Nicole: *Bittersweet look* Because he didn't save him from Voldemort... someone who Kain in fact once had loose ties with when he was still Tom Riddle.

        *Harry looks even more bemused and emotional.*

Nicole: Because he feels he failed your father, he will not let himself fail to protect you... the way he sees things, you are his responsibility.

Harry: ...Why didn’t he tell me this?

Nicole: *Wry look* Pride. *Raises eyebrow* Does Kain really seem like the type to admit failures?

Harry: No he doesn’t...

Nicole: Well is it so surprising he didn't tell you then?

Harry: No... I guess not.

        *Kain walks in with Sethopher in tow and a necklace with a golden ring on the end of it.*

Nicole: *Smiles relieved when she sees them walk in* You're back!

Kain: We are! *Takes the necklace from his neck and hands it to Draco who looks confused.*

        *Nicole rolls her eyes at Kain for mocking her.  Sethopher looks upset.*

Nicole: *Gets up and walks over to Sethopher* Love, what's wrong?

Sethopher: Valentine... they don’t know if she'll be alright.

Nicole: Oh gods... I’m so sorry *Voice sincere*

Sethopher: *Sighs* Oh well... I decapitated the bastard though so I feel a little bit better.

Draco: What’s this? *To the ring*

Kain: It's yours... now anyway. Scorned lover that you are.

        *Nicole looks over towards Draco worriedly.*

Draco: *Looks at it and looks up understanding the sentiment* Thank you.

        *Harry stays quiet.*

Kain: *Looks at Harry* You alright Harry?

Harry: *Emotionless* Just dandy...

Nicole: Harry? What's wrong?

        *Harry looks at Nicole as if to say 'well duh!'*

Nicole: *Bites her lip and starts edging her way towards the kitchen* Anyone thirsty? I’ll just go get some drinks shall I? *Voice falsely bright*

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole* Stay where you are Nicole, what’s going on?

        *Nicole freezes where she is but doesn't say anything, and won't meet Kain's gaze.*

Kain: *Kain walks over to Nicole and lifts her head to meet his gaze* *Quietly* What’s going on?

Nicole: *Swallows nervously* *quietly* I told Harry something you probably won't be happy with me for telling.

Kain: *Clenches teeth* Oh?

Nicole: *Voice trembles nervously as it gets even quieter.* He wanted to run off and fight... and he wouldn't accept that there was any reason you should have any say about his life...

Kain: *Gasps* You didn’t!

        *Nicole bites her lip and looks away as Harry stands and walks to his room silently.  Kain rubs his head with his hands.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain**softly* He's sick of people meddling in his life... he wanted a reason... and when I tried to refuse to tell him he got angrier.... *Voice gets mildly indignant* You should have told him yourself ages ago Da!

Kain: *Looks thoughtful* How, I wonder, did you find out? *Swiftly turns on Sethopher.*

        *Nicole looks over at Sethopher apologetically.*

Sethopher: Kain... think about what you are about to do!

Kain: *Kain looks angry* You know how much that information hurt me Sethopher - why did you tell her!?

Nicole: Da, please don't harm him, he was just explaining about the bond to me and it came out... he told me not to tell Harry...

Sethopher: I’m sorry Kain...

Nicole: Da? *Voice worried and pleading*

        *Kain sits down on the couch looking irritated, angry, forlorn and hurt.*

Nicole: *Follows him over and kneels at his feet, hands rest on his knees* Da, neither of us meant to hurt you.

Kain: *Nods* I know but the damage is done... he didn’t need to know, Nicole.

Nicole: Da, he was resenting the interest and worry you show him, even before now he's been suspicious.

Kain: *Sighs* I didn’t want to pile anything on him... I am responsible for him.

Nicole: And he isn't the type to just accept that without a reason.

Kain: *Lays his head in his hands* I need to speak to him.

Nicole: *Softly* Yes.

Kain: What am I going to say to him?

Nicole: The truth, he's had enough lies and half truths to last him a lifetime.

        *Kain sighs.*

Nicole: It's the right thing to do Da, he needs to hear it.

Kain: What can I tell him that he doesn’t already know? I failed his father... I had a bond and I now have the bond with him.

Nicole: Why and how perhaps? There's so much about his parents' lives he doesn't know, I’m sure he'd want to know how he ended up with this link to you.

Kain: *Smiles sadly* He really doesn’t know anything about them does he?

Nicole: No, he doesn't.

Kain: *Smiles sadly* I did...

Nicole: He didn't know that, and I’m sure he wishes he did... wishes you'd tell him about them.

Kain: *Sighs* I think I will... he should hear it... he deserves to hear it.

Nicole: *Nods* He does.

Kain: I think he'd rather kill me than speak to me at the moment.

Nicole: ...You have to explain and give him the chance to understand, and forgive you for hiding something else from him... because regardless of your intentions, that's what you did.

Kain: *Frowns* I know... vampires don’t tell anyone of their failed blood debts though, it's one of the most shameful things you can do.

Nicole: *Eyes sincere and pleading* Is it any more shameful than hiding the past from a boy that never got to know about it or his parents?

Kain: I know... It's... it's just...

Sethopher: You had no trouble hiding the last blood bond you failed. *Sounds as though he's come upon an idea*

Kain: *Through gritted teeth* That was different...

Sethopher: As I recall you hold a parade on the day it failed once every 10 years to commemorate the occasion...

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* What are you getting at?

Sethopher: It's something more than just pride here.

        *Kain stands and growls gently.  Nicole stands and moves back a little, looking worried, as Sethopher looks at Kain intensely.*

Kain: You better not be doing what I think you're doing.

Sethopher: I am.

        *Kain growls at him.*

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher* What are you doing?

Kain: Don’t make me curse you Sethopher, get out of my head!

Sethopher: It's for your own damn good - *Looks surprised* Oh...

Nicole: What?

Sethopher: Dumbledore...

Nicole: *Frowns* What about him?

Kain: Yes, Dumbledore... that’s the predominant reason. What do you think he would have done if he had found out Harry had a blood bond with me!? Do you think he'd be happy about it!?

Nicole: *Looks solemn* No, not really.

Kain: No... It was safer for him and me that he didn’t know. I only survived the last time I met that man on my own through sheer luck. I was at the bottom of a cliff and he left me for dead! Now, had he been intelligent he would have come down and cut my head off and shoved a steak through my heart! *Shoves his hands over his mouth* What did I just say!?

        *Nicole eyes widen.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks stunned* YOU LET SLIP!

        *Kain looks white and sits down and Nicole is looking at Kain speechlessly.*

Kain: ...For 3000 years I have kept that completely secret.

Nicole: *Mutters* I was wondering why that chest wound wasn't bothering you more.

        *Sethopher is still looking stunned.*

Kain: *Wearily* I’ve had a bad day.

Nicole: Obviously. *In a tone that implies Kain is understating*

Kain: *Kain looks up at Nicole* I don’t think I need to ask you not to tell anyone that information?

Nicole: *Looks at Draco then back at Kain* It won't leave this room.

Draco: *Draco is frowning* No it won't...

Kain: I suppose I better talk to Harry... get this over with... *Looks skeptically towards the room* He's not going to be pleased.

Nicole: No he probably won't...

        *Kain sighs and stands, he walks towards the room and stands in front of the door.*

Nicole: *Softly* Go on Da.

        *Kain Opens the door and enters the room.  Draco sits down.*

Sethopher: *Muttering* He let slip... he threatened the death penalty to any of his Generals that let slip, including myself and Val...

        *Nicole walks over to Sethopher and rests a hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing gently.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs and frowns* I’ve never seen his mind in such disarray...

Nicole: *Grimaces* It has been a rather trying few days, what with the attack on Draco, then the death eaters... personal issues around here... Heru, and now this... I’m sorry I did that to him, it was the last thing he needed right now.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* Yes well... it's done now.

Nicole: *Sighs* It was inevitable... hiding things from Harry has never been a good idea, it always backfires in the end.

Sethopher: I’ve noticed...

Nicole: Come-on love, sit down, you must be exhausted.

        *Sethopher nods, sits wincing.*

Nicole: *Voice concerned* Talma, are you alright?

Sethopher: Yeah, fine. *Smiles, but its more of a grimace* It's just, the caregivers at the Vampire hospital don’t have a very good bedside manner.

Nicole: Anything I can do? *Sits beside him*

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Just remind me never to let the banshees heal me ever again.

        *Nicole takes his hand squeesing lightly.*

Sethopher: *Leans head against Nicole's shoulder* It was a large battle.

Nicole: *Brings her free hand up to run through his hair soothingly, voice soft* I’m sure it was.

Sethopher: Kain enjoyed finally getting rid of the last major resistance.

Nicole: *Wry amusement* I’m sure he did.

Sethopher: *Sethopher groans* My head hurts... damn potion is wearing off.

Nicole: *Worried and quietly* The inhibitors? Or a pain potion?

Sethopher: The inhibitors... *Swallows hard* Ooo, that’s bracing.

Nicole: *Squeeses his hand* Let's get you laying down in the bedroom, and I’ll find your medicine. *Looks over towards Luce for help*

        *Lucius smiles and walks over to Nicole and grabs Sethopher under the arm and pulls him up.*

Nicole: *Leads the way towards her rooms, looks back towards Draco* Luce will be back out soon.

        *Draco nods and looks worriedly towards his boyfriend’s door.*

Nicole: *Sees where Draco is looking* Things will work out as they're meant to Draco, they always do.

        *They go into the room and Lucius lays Sethopher onto the bed, Sethopher looks tired.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher is rubbing his temples* Harry is calming down... *Winces* Kain is feeling lost... and there’s a cat somewhere in this house feeling rather irritated that it doesn’t have any evil minions....what’s that all about?

Nicole: *Snickers* I forgot about Voldie-poo, I’ll explain the cat later, *Voice concerned once more* where did you put your medicine?

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and closes his eyes still rubbing his temples* Go back to Draco, Lucius...

        *Lucius leaves the room looking intrigued.*

Sethopher: Lucius doesn’t know about the medicine Nicole... please keep it quiet... *Sounds tired and looks rather sleepy.*

Nicole: *sits down beside him* He won't pry if I ask him not to. Now where is it? You're in no condition to get it yourself.

Sethopher: I-- I don’t know... *Looks like he's trying to think about it but winces more*

Nicole: *Runs a hand through his hair* Where did you put your things? I can find it in them.

Sethopher: They... *Concentrates harder and screws his eyes closed* they should be in that drawer over there, top one. *Points generally*

Nicole: *Runs her hand through his hair one more time and moves over to the dresser, looking through it until she finds the box, and comes back to sit beside him* I found it.

Sethopher: *Voice heard in her head* ~Good~

Nicole: *Eyes widen in surprise, but she doesn't comment on it* How much do you need? *Opens the box*

Sethopher: *In her head again* ~Around 30ml~

Nicole: *Takes out the needle and fills it with potion, taps it and lowers it to his arm* In the vein, right?

        *Sethopher nods.*

Nicole: *Grimaces* Here goes. *Pushes the needle into his arm and injects the medicine.   She sets the box and needle on the bedside table, watching Sethopher closely.*

        *Sethopher bucks slightly but calms down and turns his head away from her.  She lays down beside Sethopher pulling him close.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher calms down and leans into Nicole* ~*Speaking into her mind* Thank you...~

Nicole: *Whispering* You're welcome love.

Sethopher: *Whispers hoarsely* My head is swimming.

Nicole: *Runs a hand through his hair* Will you be alright?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah I’ll be fine... if I had left that any longer I would have been unconscious.

Nicole: *Kisses his forehead* You should have said something sooner.

Sethopher: I was busy helping Kain. It was reading his mind that shoved me over the last little bit.

Nicole: *Wry amusement* He wasn't too pleased with you about that.

Sethopher: *Laughs gently* No, he wasn’t. He has the most shielded mind I know. It takes a lot to even get into the conscious mind never mind the unconscious.

Nicole: *Fingers running through his hair again* His brain has been really picked over lately... When he came back earlier I was bothering him about information while I was treating his wounds... I probably should have left it for another time.

Sethopher: *Sighs* No love... I think sometimes we forget what Kain is. He can handle this stuff. *Sighs looking a little happier* Harry has a feeling of understanding radiating from him. *Sighs content* My mind is too perceptive as you see.

Nicole: *Smiles* I see, but I am glad to hear that *Frowns* after what I did, I wonder if Da will still feel the same way about the offer he made me as he did earlier.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* He does.

Nicole: *Looks down at him, wry smile* You know what we were talking about, don't you?

Sethopher: *Smirks* I may.

Nicole: *Tone amused and affectionate* You and your gift, you know too much for your own good.

Sethopher: *Looks a little sad* You don’t know how true that is my love. *Smiles slightly* But it does give some blackmail material...

Nicole: *A small smile, she laughs lightly* Don't use any of that against me, and we'll be just fine.

Sethopher: I wouldn’t... *Smiles lovingly* Thanks for staying here with me. I must look rather pathetic.

Nicole: *Kisses him chastely* I love you, you're not feeling well, this is where I belong.

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* We have company on the way...

Kain: *Kain opens the door* Sethopher? Are you alright?

Nicole: *Looks up* Hello Da. He'll be fine.

        *Sethopher nods.*

Kain: That’s what you get for reading my mind... *Voice betrays deep concern* You're sure?

        *Nicole arm tightens around Sethopher and she looks at him from under hooded eyes.  Kain smiles at the two and walks out.*

Sethopher: *Sighs and runs a hand down her cheek* You really are beautiful you know.

Nicole: *Smiles at Sethopher* You keep saying that. *Tone slightly disbelieving*

Sethopher: But you are... I love you so much... and as a bonus Val even likes you.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* I’m glad she does, she's... an interesting person to say the least... *leans her head down to rub her nose against his* and I love you too.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles at Nicole and sighs happily* My head doesn’t hurt so much now. More of a sledgehammer pain than a steamroller...

Nicole: *Brushes her fingers against his cheek* I’m glad you're feeling better.

Sethopher: *Kisses Nicole on the lips* Are you going to ask Kain to see the elves? Or are you going to think on it?

Nicole: *Looks at him seriously* What do you want? ...Do you want me around for eternity?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes I do...

Nicole: *Affection shinning in her eyes* Then yes, I am... *quieter* It would probably be easier to just take the path Luce did... but...

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes his head* No... you... I wouldn’t want you to be a vampire... *Sounds deadly serious* It's too much of a dangerous line of work... and you'd gain many enemies just because of what you are.

Nicole: *Looks him in the eyes* I don't think it's in me to be one anyway... I love you - gods know I do - and I’ll never resent what you are... but it's not who I am.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I know, it's a difficult path. Lucius has a lot ahead of him.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes he does... I hope Kain is right about them being willing to let me drink from the well... *Eyes serious* I want to stay with you, always.

Sethopher: They should let you... well... by they I mean Kael, he has jurisdiction over the well.

Nicole: The prince that developed your medicine?

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yes, he's a very intelligent person... Kain's nephew too...

Nicole: Yes, Kain mentioned that. *Smiles at Sethopher fondly*

Sethopher: *Smiles* Kael will be called for when you feel ready to speak to him. You just let Kain know and he'll send for him.

Nicole: *Tone pensive* Can I really do this, ask for something so rare... I’ve never even met an elf... I feel so presumptuous even considering it.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* You would be fine, Kain will stand for you. That’s all Kael will have to hear and he'll be on his way to meet you. He knows Kain doesn’t do things like this lightly.

Nicole: *Amused scoff* My life has really changed since Kain came into it.

Sethopher: *Sniggers* He does that to people. Look at Lucius and Draco.

Nicole: *Laughs* Yeah... and I got a father... *Looks at Sethopher* and fell in love, two things that would have never happened otherwise.

Sethopher: *Smiles* And Draco found his father and Lucius found love and forgiveness... Kain is remarkable. People have bad ideas about him though, simply because he is a vampire.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* Preconceptions are an unfortunate thing... *Blushes remembering how she originally talked about Val* and I need to remember to take my own advice.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yes well... I don’t paint the nicest pic of my sis... I hope she wakes up...

Nicole: *Tone gentle* She seems like a very strong person, I’m sure she'll make it, don't give up on her.

Sethopher: *Sighs and yawns* I won't. *Tries to move to get up but collapses back onto the bed* I need some water... *Looks sheepish*

Nicole: *Kisses him lightly* I’ll get you some. *Untangles from him and goes into the bathroom*

        *A new voice can be heard from the front room.  Nicole comes back out with a glass in her hand and sits beside him.*

Sethopher: *Takes the glass* Thanks... *Drinks some water*

Nicole: *Turns her head at the voice* I wonder who that is.

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* I don’t know... I’ve tried to shut off my powers completely so I can get some rest.

Nicole: *Sets the glass on the bedside table.  She stands and gets the throw blanket from over her side chair, comes back and lays it over Sethopher* You stay here and rest, I’ll be back. *Kisses his forehead*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Thanks love.

Nicole: *Smiles* Welcome. *Brushes a strand of hair from his eyes and then moves toward the door, closing it lightly behind her. Exits the lab into the front room.*

        *Kain and a blonde man are talking in a language unfamiliar to Nicole but sounds very eloquent and beautiful.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain and the stranger, hesitantly* Da?

Kain: *Kain looks over* Nicole!

        *The blonde man turns round and flicks back his blonde hair revealing elvin ears*

Kain: This is Kael, my nephew. Kael, this is the girl I was talking about.

Kael: *Heavy Elvin accent* How nice to meet you. *Walks forward gracefully in robes of black and red. He extends a hand.*

Nicole: *Eyes wide in shock, she takes his hand, hers is trembling slightly* H-hello.

Kael: *Kael smiles seemingly amused* Kain did not tell you he had called for me?

Nicole: No.

Kain: *Sniggers* I thought it'd be a nice surprise.

Kael: How is my friend Sethopher, Kain tells me he was rather ill.

Nicole: *Shoots a fleeting glare at Kain, eyes come back to Kael, seems to have calmed herself though still timid* Sethopher seems to be fine, he's exhausted but that's to be expected.

Kael: *Kael seems to be watching Nicole very intensely* Kain tells me you and he share a blood bond... what do you think of this?

Nicole: Of the blood bond? *Still slightly startled with the situation she is in*

Kael: *Kael smiles* Yes, come sit. Kain, could you get this poor lady something to drink?

Kain: *Smiles* Of course, Nicole what do you wish to drink?

Nicole: *Looks at Kain gratefully* My hot chocolate?

        *Kain smiles and looks at Kael.*

Kael: Just some water for me Kain.

        *Kain goes to the kitchen.*

Nicole: *Attention snaps back to Kael, voice hesitant* I’m sorry, I must seem so foolish... I just - I wasn't expecting this now.

Kael: *Frowns* Foolish? Not at all child. I know that our species' reputation goes before us. I understand, truly I do.

Nicole: *Nods* ... You wanted to know what I think of my bond with Kain?

Kael: Yes.

Nicole: *Looks pensive* I was surprised at first when Sethopher explained it to me... I never expected anything in return for helping Kain... but I suppose in a way I was pleased.

Kael: *Looks interested* Why were you pleased?

Nicole: *Looks at him as though trying to decide something then nods to herself* I’ve never had a proper family, not really, my parents died when I was very young... The way I see it, it makes Kain the closest thing to family I have. *Looks at Kael seriously* He's like a father to me... I suppose you noticed how I addressed him when I came in.

Kael: *Smiles* Yes I did... What about young Harry Potter... what’s your relationship with him like?

Nicole: *Smiles fondly* He and Draco are like the younger brothers I never had, I’d protect them with my life.

Kael: *Kael sits back in his chair surveying Nicole* Why should I let you drink from the Sunwell?

Nicole: *Bites her bottom lip and closes her eyes* I honestly can't imagine why you would ever want to let me do such a thing... all I know is that I love Sethopher very much, and don't ever want to leave him, but it is not in my nature to be a vampire.

Kael: *Smiles widely* Nicole, whenever you want to, ask Kain or Sethopher to bring you to the Sunwell. You can drink from the blessed waters.

Nicole: *Opens her eyes surprised* Really? I - I don't know what to say.... Thank you. *Mutters to herself* That was so insufficient...

        *Kain walks through and hands water to Kael and hot chocolate to Nicole and sits with his own cup of chocolate.*

Kael: Yes, really. *Smiles* And no it wasn’t. *Takes one of Nicole's hands* Nicole, you are one of the most genuine humans I have ever met.

Nicole: *Hand trembling as she goes to take a sip of her hot chocolate, gives up and sets the mug aside* *Looks at Kael, unshed tears in her eyes* I - ... thank you.

Kael: *Smiles* It's alright. You can go lie down with Sethopher tonight. *Looks at Kain who smiles*

Valentine: *From the door* I thought I could smell you!

Kael: *Turns to face the door* Valentine!

Nicole: *Looks towards the door relieved* Valentine. *Looks back at Kael, sincere* Thank you so much.

Valentine: *Smiles* Hey Nicole! How’s my bro!? I heard I missed one hell of a fight. *Seems to be keeping away from Kael*

Nicole: *Looks back up at Valentine* He's resting, it took a lot out of him, he'll sleep well tonight... He'll be glad to know you're alright, he was worried.

Kael: *Grins* It's no problem Nicole... Valentine, nice to see you.

Valentine: *Looks far from convinced* Ya sure Kael... *Turns to Nicole* Really? Aww, I’m fine though.

Nicole: *Looks at Valentine* He was worried you wouldn't wake up.

Valentine: *Valentine smiles* Yeah when I woke up they were rather surprised.

Kael: I was worried about you Val, when I heard.

Valentine: *Shifts closer to Nicole away from Kael* ....Cool... I’m fine so you can go now...

        *Kael raises an eyebrow.*

Nicole: Val, he came here to see me at Kain's request, please be kind.

Valentine: *Val looks at Nicole* Oh why? *Looks a little suspicious*

        *Kael looks like he's trying not to laugh and Kain sits watching Val and Kael.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kael and bites her lip* *Looks back at Val* ... He's going to let me drink from the Sunwell.

Valentine: *Val raises an eyebrow* Is that so Kael? *Says something in Elvin*

Kael: No, Val, just you being suspicious as usual.

Valentine: *Snorts* With good reason.

Kain: *Warning tone* Val.

Nicole: *Narrows eyes* Val, why are you acting so suspicious?

Kael: *Laughs* Nothing strange Nicole...

Valentine: Yeah right... he's strange...

Nicole: *Looks around* Where did Luce go, by the way? I needed to talk to him about something.

Kain: *Looks up* He went into the kitchen, he's making something to drink. I think I smell hot chocolate.

Nicole: *Picks up her mug of hot chocolate and stands* If you'll all excuse me, I’ll be going to talk with him.

        *Kain nods*

Nicole: *Walks into the kitchen* Luce?

Lucius: *Lucius turns round* Hey Nicole.

Nicole: *Sits down at the table, sipping her hot chocolate* Thank you for helping me with Sethopher earlier.

Lucius: *Picks up a mug of hot chocolate and sits with her* No problem, he looked really ill, will he be alright?

Nicole: He'll be fine...

Lucius: *Nods* Good.

Nicole: *Looks up from her mug to Luce* Luce, I have a request to make of you.

Lucius: *Lucius looks surprised* Sure, anything.

Nicole: ... I suppose I really don't need to ask this, as I’m sure you'd do it anyway, but...

Lucius: What is it Nicole?

Nicole: *Looks him in the eyes, sincere* Don't ask about what was wrong with him, or the medicine I was referring to, and don't mention it to anyone else, ok?

Lucius: *Lucius raises his eyebrows* I know... don’t worry, I wouldn’t have asked anyway, I could see it was not something he wanted to talk about.

Nicole: *Nods* Thank you... I never even would have mentioned it the way I did in front of you, I was just so worried about him though.

Lucius: *Nods* I understand... *Is frowning*

Nicole: What?

Lucius: ...It's nothing really.

Nicole: You're frowning, what is it?

Lucius: *Smiles* I don’t know... really... it's weird. *Quietly* I can feel things...

Nicole: *Curious* Feel things? How do you mean?

Lucius: *Frowns* I... when I was helping Sethopher through, I could feel what he was feeling. And you... when I’m near you I could tell you wanted to ask me something when you came in.

Nicole: Empathy, rather than sensing thoughts, you're sensing emotions... it must be one of your developing gifts... you should mention it to Kain.

Lucius: *Nods* It's strange, I get a flash of emotion every so often... the past few days it's been happening.

Nicole: Da would probably know someone who could train you how to better use the ability.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I’m just a little surprised... Kain said it'd be at least another few years before anything else surfaced.

Nicole: ... Well, he did say you would be very powerful, maybe that's why it surfaced so soon?

Lucius: I don’t know... *Frowns* But... he told me he made one vampire same power as me... she didn’t get more powers so soon.

Nicole: *Shrugs* I don't know, I’m really not the person to ask about all this, Kain is.

Lucius: I know... I’ll wait though, until Kael is gone. He has very intense emotions.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Oh?

Lucius: Yeah, towards Valentine... and how did I know who they concerned!? *Rolls eyes* Weird...

Nicole: ...I don't know. *Looks curious* What is he feeling towards Val?

Lucius: *Smiles* Love.

Nicole: *Snickers* I had a feeling... though Val seems awfully suspicious of him. *Frowns*

Lucius: Yeah, she’s very suspicious of his intentions, though I think she likes him.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* She wants to find someone, she told me that... I hope she can overcome her suspicions enough to give him a chance.

Lucius: *Smile* I don’t know, she really is miffed by him.

Nicole: ... *Sighs* I have the nasty urge to mettle, but I’m not going to. *Finishes off her hot chocolate and stands and puts the mug in the sink* What I’m going to do is go to bed, it's been a long, long day... and if Sethopher is still awake, I have some things to tell him.

Lucius: *Lucius sniggers* I bet you do.

        *Nicole raises her eyebrow.*

Lucius: *Light cough* What?

Nicole: You're snickering at me.

Lucius: Well... new couple... *Looks nostalgic* I remember when Kain and I first got together...

Nicole: *Rolls eyes* That really wasn't all that long ago you know.

Lucius: *Smiles* I know, which means we're still kind of in that stage... *Looks thoughtful* when he's not out killing things.

Nicole: *Smiles amused* Yes well, he is in charge of a vampire army, that does seem to go with the territory.

Lucius: *Nods* *Sighs* I love him so much. He's changed me completely.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* I think that is an understatement.

Lucius: I’ve never been happier. The relationship I have with Draco now... it's... amazing... I feel like a father now. *Smiles happily*

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m happy for you Luce, I really am.

Kain: *Kain walks in* Hey, Kael and Valentine have just left the building... *Sniggers* I think she almost fainted there...

Nicole: *Smirks* Oh?

Kain: Yeah... Kael gave her a Kormare.

Lucius: *Looks startled* Really!?

Kain: She was... shocked.

Lucius: I’ll say.

Nicole: *Looks confused* What's a Kormare?

Kain: A wedding promise. He asked for her hand in marriage. She's a little stunned, then again, Kael gets what he wants one way or another.

Nicole: *Eyes widen* A wedding promise?!

Kain: Yes. I was surprised too.

Nicole: ...But they've never even dated have they?

Kain: *Kain tries not to smirk* Yes they have.

Nicole: Oh?

Kain: Yes, that’s when the distrust started.

Nicole: Did things not go well?

Kain: No, they went very well. That was the predicament, Kael really liked her and she couldn’t understand why he wasn’t scared of her in any way. So she fled and he’s pursued her over the past 200 years. I suppose this is the final attempt.

Nicole: ...Val must be masochistic or something, she was just telling me the other day that she wished she could find someone who wasn't afraid of her, and she has already found one but ran away. *Shakes her head*

Kain: Sethopher knows why she ran, I don’t, no one does.

Nicole: *Sighs and rubs her forehead* I’m not even going to contemplate it right now, I need sleep... and I think Luce has something he needs to talk to you about.

Kain: *Kain looks intrigued* Oh?

Lucius: Yeah... Thanks Nicole.

Nicole: For?

Lucius: Oh you know, everything.

Nicole: *Smiles* Welcome Luce... goodnight *Leaves and walks back to her room*

        *Sethopher is sitting-up, meditating on the bed.  Nicole closes the door behind her quietly and leans against the doorframe.*

Sethopher: *Breathing in and out slowly and steadily and opens his eyes* Oh... hello love.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Feeling better?

Sethopher: Yes, much.

Nicole: *Walks over* I’m glad to hear that.

Sethopher: How are you? I felt you were a little shocked... who was in?

Nicole: *Sits down beside him* Kain thought it would be a fun idea to give me a little surprise.

Sethopher: *Leans his head on her shoulder* Oh? *Sounds tired*

Nicole: *Wraps an arm around his shoulders* Let's lay down, and I’ll explain, ok?

        *Sethopher complies and lies down.*

Nicole: *Cuddles with him* Firstly, a piece of news I know you've been waiting for... Valentine is ok, she was here visiting a little while ago.

Sethopher: *Sighs relieved* Thank god.

Nicole: *Brushes hair away from his face* She left with Kael... he gave her a Kormare.

Sethopher: *Looks shocked* Really?

Nicole: That's what Kain said.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I hope she accepts.

Nicole: *Sighs* Me too, she told me she wished she could find someone.

Sethopher: *Sighs* He loves her... she does love him back... she's just scared.

Nicole: Oh?

        *Sethopher nods.*

Nicole: Well I hope she gives him a chance, he seems to really like her... love her.

Sethopher: Yeah... *Yawns*

Nicole: *Smiles indulgently* You haven't asked me what Kael was doing here.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Oh... *Smirks* What was Kael doing here?

Nicole: He was Kain's fun little surprise.

Sethopher: Ah.... Oh! The Sunwell?

        *Nicole nods.*

Sethopher: What did he say?

Nicole: *Smiles* He talked with me for a while... then he said I could drink from the well.

Sethopher: *Nods* He must have liked what you said... did he ask many questions?

Nicole: A few, about my bond with Kain, and about Harry... and why should he let me...

Sethopher: And what did you say?

Nicole: ...I told him I couldn't think of any reason why he should, *Runs her fingers along the side of his face* just that I never want to leave you, but it's not in me to be a vampire...

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* That’s what sealed it then. Elves value honesty.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* He did seem rather pleased with that answer.

Sethopher: Yeah... most people that ask are merely afraid of death, that’s not the best policy and they lie and say it's because of all these brilliant things they have done.

Nicole: *Laughs self-deprecatingly* Well I have no grand acts to list... and I wouldn't want eternity if it was without you *Kisses him softly*

Sethopher: *Smiles* I appreciate the sentiment and... can you listen to yourself? No grand acts, you're a godsend to all of us.

Nicole: *Doesn't meet his eyes* I just do what my heart tells me to, there's nothing special about that... you flatter me too much.

Sethopher: ...*Sethopher smiles and kisses her on the forehead* I tell only the truth.

        *Nicole makes a disbelieving sound.*

Sethopher: Then why do you think Kael decided so quickly... generally it's a few days... at the very least.

Nicole: *Voice soft* I still don't understand why he would... even if I am glad for it.

Sethopher: You have a pure heart Nicole and a wonderful honesty. He saw that... *Softly spoken* and so did I.

Nicole: Pure heart... *Tone incredulous*

Sethopher: You do.

Nicole: *Soft and uncertain* That's not possible, not with some of the things I did when I was younger... that anyone loves me is a miracle against karma.

Sethopher: *Sethopher laughs gently* It doesn’t matter what you have done... hearts can be cleansed.

Nicole: *Hesitant but hopeful* You really think so?

Sethopher: No, I know so... Nicole, I know... *Smiles gently* Prime example, look at Lucius. He still has a long way to go but... he's getting there.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Yes, I suppose so.

        *Sethopher kisses her forehead.*

Nicole: *Lays her head against his chest sighing* Why can I so easily see the good in others, but I don't believe it when people tell me I am? *Tone wry* I’m something of a hypocrite I guess.

Sethopher: Yes you are... *smiles* But we love you.

        *Nicole has no reply, she simply holds him a little tighter.  Sethopher kisses her lovingly and Nicole kisses back, fingers cupping his face gently.  Sethopher moans gently into the kiss.*

Nicole: *Pulls back a little, breathing a little quickly, looks at him from hooded eyes* How tired are you?

Sethopher: Not that... just a little sore.

Nicole: Sore? Where?

Sethopher: Over my stomach, like I said, from the rough handling... they told me not to take any more pain killers, they gave me a lot...

Nicole: *Runs a hand down his torso gently* *Voice soft* Did you get injured there? You never said why you had to see the healers in the first place.

Sethopher: *Frowns* Remember when Kain was run through?

Nicole: His chest wound?

Sethopher: Yes, well... it was to save me from a third wound. I had two already in my stomach... pinning me against a wall... Kain saved me.

Nicole: *Concerned* Oh gods... *Kisses him gently* I'm so glad you're alright. *Hand trails back up his chest and starts undoing the buttons of his shirt*

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses Nicole* Me too... *Runs hands down her back and then starts to unbutton Nicole's shirt.*

        *Nicole trails kisses along his jaw as she finishes unbuttoning his shirt. Pushing it off his shoulders and away, she caresses his stomach with a hand, as though to reassure herself he's alright.*

Sethopher: *Pulls her shirt off and runs hands down her naked back* I love you.

Nicole: *Lips brushing against his neck* I love you too, so much. *hand comes up to the nape of his neck, drawing him in to another kiss*

        *Sethopher kisses back eagerly.*

Nicole: *Running a hand along his side, pulls out of the kiss and looks in his eyes, passion and love shining in them* *Voice low* Lay on your stomach, I want to do something for you.

        *Sethopher looks intrigued and lays onto his stomach.*

Nicole: *Nicole moves away, pulling something out from in the beside table, she moves back and straddles his hips.  Leaning down, she nips at the back of his neck then whispers* After your long day this should feel good. *Leans back up and pours juniper oil on his back, setting the bottle aside she begins to massage it in, paying attention to each muscle.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moans softly* That’s... mm... that’s nice...

Nicole: *Hands rub from Sethopher's shoulders, down his back and sides in firm smooth strokes* I’m glad you like it...

Sethopher: *Smiles* Where'd you learn? Or is it just instinctive?

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* I never really learned anywhere... I had a friend who was very good at giving massages when I was younger, guess I just remember what she did to me that felt so good.

Sethopher: *Sods* It's very nice...

Nicole: *Hands work their way down to his waist line* I could probably do a better job without these in the way. *Tugs lightly at the edge of his trousers*

Sethopher: *Sniggers* Feel free to remove any clothing you desire my love.

Nicole: *Leans over and trails kisses down the warm skin of Sethopher's back, a hand slips underneath him, undoing his trousers and she slowly pulls both them and his underwear off.  She moves back to straddle his thighs, hands now moving across his entire back* *Low murmur* I like this view much better.

Sethopher: *Moans throatily* Me too...

        *She laughs lightly, and moves to continue massaging down his sides, hips then thighs, when she seems to have finished, she moves to stretch out along side him.*

Sethopher: *Whimpers slightly* All done?

Nicole: *Cheeky smile* I seem to be neglecting the side of you I can't see, perhaps you should roll over? *Caresses a hand lovingly along his back* Though if you prefer I can go back to what I was doing.

Sethopher: *Shakes head and turns over gingerly* I think I like this idea better.

Nicole: *Impish look* I think I’m a bit over-dressed for this. *Takes off her trousers and undergarments* Hmmm, that's better I think *Moves to straddle his hips once more, slight rocking motion as she moves to caress his chest and stomach*

        *Sethopher moans gently as Nicole leans down and kisses him passionately, hands stroking his sides.  Sethopher runs hands down Nicole’s sides and down her thighs, repeating the same path a few more times.  Nicole trails kisses down his jaw, then neck, she moves downward lips trailing down his chest.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moans slightly* God I love you.... *Breathing starts to quicken*

Nicole: *Caresses his hips* Love you. *Lips trail down his stomach*

        *Sethopher's moaning becomes more pronounced and he whimpers.  Nicole moves a little farther down, her hand caresses Sethopher's cock, as she breathes lightly on it, eyes raise to his searchingly.  Sethopher watches her intensely, mouth slightly open, breathing quickly.  Nicole lightly licks the tip of his cock, small nibbling kisses along his length.  Sethopher's eyes roll into the back of his head and he groans throatily.  Nicole takes him in her mouth, tongue tracing along the underside.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher starts to pant and tangles his hands in the sheets* *Gasps* God!

        *Nicole sucks lightly, caressing his length with her tongue, hand moving to caress his balls.*

Sethopher: *Opens his mouth, breathing elevating further.* Oh-Oh god Nicole...

        *Swallowing, she takes in his entire length, and moves back, repeating the motion.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher moans out* Nicole... I can’t... much longer...

Nicole: *Releases him and trails kisses up his stomach and chest, breath caresses his ear* What do you want love?

Sethopher: *Tries to catch his breath* *Hoarsely* You love...

Nicole: *Nibbles on his earlobe* How do you want me? Like before, or....

Sethopher: *Sethopher swallows hard.  He runs his hands up her thighs and smiles lovingly* Make love to me Nicole?

        *Nicole smiles and captures his mouth in a searing kiss.  Her hand caresses his cock, she pulls out of the kiss and lowers herself onto him.  Sethopher gasps and groans loudly, running his hands up her thighs.  Her hands move to his chest, bracing herself, as she raises and lowers her hips with a rocking motion.  Sethopher's breathing increases and he lets his hands slide down and tease the sensitive flesh at her groin.  Nicole throws back her head, eyes closed, moaning deeply.  Sethopher rocks his hips up slightly, he takes one of her hands and starts sucking on each of the digits.  Her hips move in time with his, head falling forward, breathing ragged, watching him from hooded eyes.  Sethopher places a kiss on the heel of her hand then gently bites into her wrist, releasing sensations slightly different to what it's like on the neck.*

Nicole: *Gasps* Oh gods... *Trembles, breathing becoming more erratic*

        *Sethopher rocks his hips harder, still teasing sensitive flesh and biting down on her wrist.*

Nicole: *Eyes roll back and close, fingers on her free hand curl and scratch at his skin* *moans* Mmm... so... close...

        *Sethopher moans, bites down harder and his breathing and ministrations quicken along with it.  Nicole shudders and moans as she climaxes, tightening around him.  Sethopher cries out and thrusts upwards into his own climax, letting go of Nicole's wrist holding onto her thighs with both hands.  She collapses on top of him, breathing harsh and stilted, head pillowed on his chest, arms wrapped around him.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher is breathing harshly, black locks spread over the pillow. Cheeks flushed and a satisfied smile on his face* That was wonderful.

Nicole: *Eyes flutter open, head angling to meet his gaze, kisses his chest* I love you so much.

Sethopher: *Runs a hand through her hair* I love you too... Love, could you lay beside me? My stomach... *Trails off a little embarrassed*

Nicole: *Slides over to curl against his side* Sorry. *Breathing slowing, hand tracing across his chest lightly.*

Sethopher: *Smiles lovingly* It's alright. *Snuggles in with her*

Nicole: *Reaches for a blanket and gets nothing, laughs lightly* We've wrecked the bed again love.

Sethopher: *Smiles lightly* Imagine that...

Nicole: *Holds up her empty hand, eyes close in concentration* Accio blankets. *Bedding comes up to cover them* Mmm, that's better.

Sethopher: *Snuggles happily* My stomach now hurts... *Sniggers* Was worth it though... *Kisses Nicole's forehead*

Nicole: *Hand moves from his chest to his stomach* I probably shouldn't have instigated this, but I was so worried about you all day, and... I just wanted to be as close to you as possible.

Sethopher: *Takes her hand* I’m fine love, the banshees are just rough with their treatment... though they are quick at healing.

Nicole: *Sighs and snuggles her head in the crux of his shoulder* ...I just remembered something I was meaning to ask you...

Sethopher: *Sleepily* Oh?

Nicole: *Muffles a yawn* Earlier, when you weren't feeling well, you spoke in my head... can you always do that or...? *Closes eyes tiredly*

Sethopher: *Frowns* Did I?

Nicole: You did, not a lot, but when I was giving you your medicine and right afterwards.

Sethopher: *Frowns* I don’t know... perhaps a new power emerging. I’ll need to keep an eye on it. *Yawns widely*

Nicole: *Fingers caress his side* I’m sure it's nothing to worry about. *Voice blurry with sleep*

Sethopher: Yeah... *Trails off and goes quiet breathing softly, falling asleep, Nicole sleeping peacefully as well.*


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