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31 August 1997

        *There is a small furry weight on Sethopher's chest, a tail flicking back and forth across his stomach, a rough tongue licking at his nose*

Sethopher: *Mutters in his sleep* Are you gonna eat that?

        *Tongue moves to lick at the rest of his face, claws scratch lightly on his chest* MEROW *Loudly*

Sethopher: *Opens one eye looking baffled* Hello kitty... umm... no you're not the psychotic one define- *looks surprised* Nicole!?

Nicole: *Cat leaps on to the other side of the bed and changes into a young woman, laughing* Well that woke you up.

Sethopher: Well yeah, didn’t know you could do that.

Nicole: *Snickers* It's nice to know there are still a few things out there you don't know yet. A couple of the others know, but only ‘cause I used this form to talk to the other cat, animagus to punished-wanna-be-dark-lord

Sethopher: *Smiles* There is a lot out there I don’t know, like I said I don’t search for info. I hardly think you think to yourself every day about being a cat... and what do you mean dark lord?

Nicole: Do you remember the cat you sensed last night when your powers were running wild? The one feeling irritated at its lack of minions?

Sethopher: Yes... Oh... don’t tell me... it can’t be... who I think it is it really can’t be...

        *Knock at the door*

Nicole: *Climbs back under the covers and looks at the door* Who's there?

Kain: It’s Kain, can I come in?

Nicole: *looks over at Sethopher* Does the name Voldie-poo mean anything to you? *Sighs* Yes Da.

        *Sethopher sniggers at Nicole and looks at the door as Kain walks in*

Kain: Sethopher, do you know where Harry is?

Nicole: You don't know where he is?

Kain: *Shakes his head* No, I don’t know where he is.

Nicole: Hmmm...

Sethopher: *Looks a little shocked* I don’t know where he is.

Kain: That is not good.

Sethopher: *Worried* No, it really isn’t.

Nicole: *Brow furrows in worry* Do you have any idea why he would have left?

Kain: *Frowns* No... not really... we spoke a lot yesterday... but I didn’t get the feeling he wanted to leave. Draco’s worried. So is Luce, in fact, Luce is very worried.

Nicole: Sethopher, can you sense anything?

Sethopher: *Is a little whiter than normal* No, I can’t sense anything...

Kain: Nothing? At all!?

Sethopher: Nothing.

Kain: I’m going out to find him... *Looks worried*

Nicole: ...Has anyone seen Kael or Val since last night? Maybe they've seen him?

Kain: Maybe... I suppose it's worth a shot... *Looks worriedly at Sethopher who seems to be concentrating very hard*

Nicole: *Voice hushed* Talma, are you alright?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes, I’m fine...*Tone implies otherwise*

Kain: Sethopher, you'll give yourself a headache again, stop it.

Nicole: *Looks over at Kain* What's he doing? *Looks back at Sethopher worriedly*

Sethopher: But Kain, you know what it means when-

Kain: Hush! Don’t say it, I’m going to look for him. *To Nicole* He's searching for Harry... I’ll be back later.

        *Kain leaves the room closing the door and Sethopher lays down on the bed having given himself a little headache*

Nicole: *Lays down next to Sethopher, running a hand lightly over his chest, voice worried* What was it Kain didn't want you to say?

Sethopher: *Sighs* I can sense everyone on the planet when I don’t have that drug pumping through my system. It hurts but I can filter out a single mind... I couldn’t find Harry.

Nicole: *Looks VERY worried* Talma... that doesn't mean... *Doesn't seem capable of finishing her thought*

Sethopher: *Nods* It usually does... no one has ever been able to shield themselves from me completely... not even Kain can do it, I mean you saw him when I read his mind, he couldn’t stop me.

Nicole: *Swallows hard and buries her head against his shoulder* Oh gods...

Sethopher: *Puts an arm round her* Not a word to Draco.

Nicole: *Nods* Right.

        *Another knock on the door*

Nicole: *Voice weak* Come in.

Draco: *Draco walks in* Do you guys mind if I sit here for a while? Dad and Kain are out looking for my wayward lover.

Sethopher: *Nods*

Nicole: *Breaths deeply* ...If you want us to get out of this bed at all you'll need to leave the room for a couple of minutes... otherwise, whatever.

Draco: *Draco nods* Just call me when you're ready.

Nicole: Alright.

        *Draco walks out*

Sethopher: *Speaks into Nicole’s Mind* ~He has no idea.~

Nicole: *Looks up at him and thinks: "Can you hear this?"*

Sethopher: *Concentrates a little and nods*

Nicole: *Closes eyes and buries her head against his shoulder again "It's probably best if we don't talk about our worries out loud for now."*

Sethopher: *Sighs* ~Yeah, I know, we better just shove some clothes on. We need to keep him company.~

Nicole: *Nods and climbs out of bed to the closet* *Voice from in the closet* I think all of your clothes were in the dresser as well, I don't see any in here.

Sethopher: *Gets up, stark naked and opens the dresser* Yeah, *Growls* I’ll kill Kain, you don’t fold leather pants.

Nicole: *Comes back out in leather breaches and a tunic* Yes, well Da isn't fond of house work of any kind, probably saw it as getting back at you for when he brought you clothes the other morning. *Collects their previous day's clothes from the floor and tosses them in a hamper*

Sethopher: Probably... I don’t know what to wear, he's un colour coded my things... not that I colour coded them... nope... not at all. Only a geek would do that... *Whistles innocently*

Nicole: *Snickers and comes up behind him, arms lace around his waist* Uh huh

Sethopher: *Sighs content* Would you like to choose something sweet?

Nicole: *Points to a brown pair of trousers and a dark blue shirt that seems to compliment her own clothes* At risk of being the clichéd matching couple, how bout those? They look comfortable.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Looks good to me. *Grabs them from the drawer, extracts himself from Nicole's calming embrace, puts them on and kisses her* You have good taste m'lady.

Nicole: *Smiles* Thanks. How are we going to keep Draco distracted?

Sethopher: *Sighs* I don’t know... talk I suppose... *Kisses Nicole again* ~We'll get through it... no matter what has happened.~

Nicole: *Nods & kisses him lightly then moves over towards the door and opens it, calling out* Draco you can come in now.

Draco: *Draco walks over and into the room* Cool, so what you guys up to today?

Nicole: *Looks over at Sethopher* Not a lot... hard day yesterday.

Draco: Yeah... I wonder where Harry went... he was talking to Kain about something... I dunno what but he was weird when he got back to our room last night.

Nicole: Oh?

Sethopher: Weird?

Draco: Yeah... there was a lot on his mind. I asked him but he gave me that, "Prod and I’m sleeping on the couch" look and I was happy being snuggled... *Shrug*

Nicole: *Nods looking thoughtful* Was he gone when you woke?

Draco: Yeah... he left a note, I showed it to Kain, he looked worried.

Nicole: A note? Do you still have it? *Thinks at Sethopher: "Da didn't mention a note."*

Draco: Yeah... *Goes into his robe and hands it to Nicole*


"Hey Draco, Gone out, got some unfinished business to take care of.

Love Leo"


Sethopher: *Into Nicole's mind* ~I know...~

Nicole: *Worry still obvious in her mind, but tone calm* I’m sure it's nothing to worry about Draco, Da will find him, or he'll come back when he's ready *"I can only hope..."*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* Do you have any idea where he would be... *Looks like an idea has struck him* going...?

Draco: No, no clue.

Nicole: *Thinks to Sethopher: "Does that note mean something to you?" She speaks to Draco* None at all?

Sethopher: *Sethopher to Nicole: ~Yeah... gimmie a sec, I need to cut our link and whisper to Kain~*

Draco: No, he was just weird then unfinished business...... you don’t think...... that it's Bellatrix do you? *Sounds worried*

Nicole: *Shakes her head* Shouldn't be, I thought Kain and Val had taken care of her.

Sethopher: *Looks at Nicole* He... he never actually said Bella was there.

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher incredulous* You don't mean to tell me after he stabbed her with the dagger he let her get away?

Sethopher: Well, after he stabbed her you know all the other death eaters that were there tried to kill Harry so yeah, he decided it was a better idea to save Harry.

Nicole: *Groans* Oh this is just shaping up to be a lovely week. *Very sarcastic*

Sethopher: *Rolls eyes and Kain walks through the door*

Kain: *Looks at Sethopher* That’s a very good point.

Sethopher: I thought so, a point to the right hand man thank you.

Draco: Huh?

Nicole: They were "whispering" again... would you two like to enlighten any of us non-telepathic non-vampires that are currently in the room?

Kain: *Kain looks surprised* Sorry, Sethopher asked me in the course of talking to Harry did I possibly say anything significant to a place that he would want to go and I did.

Nicole: *Looks interested* Oh?

Kain: Yes... *Looks at Nicole* I can’t go there though, neither can Sethopher... and I don’t think that it's appropriate for Draco... yet anyway.

Nicole: *Eyes narrow at Kain, voice inquisitive* And where might that be?

Kain: *Kain looks shocked* Hey no where bad! Just, not smart if you're a vampire.

Nicole: Where? You're being evasive... as usual.

Kain: *Kain sighs* Home... he went home... Godric’s Hollow.

Nicole: *Confused* Why would that be a bad place for a vampire?

Sethopher: It's concecrated ground. Vampires don’t really like consecrated ground.

Nicole: *Grim look* I could go check for him, though I’ve only been there once.

Sethopher: No, you're thinking of the little village Godric's Hollow, James had a house out there, on some land.

Nicole: ...*Looks very confused* What other Godric's Hollow is there?

Sethopher: There used to be a church on that site, the ground was consecrated, many wars and grave robberies later, the Potters bought it. About 7-8 generations ago, they called it "Godric’s Hollow" in homage to his home village.

Kain: ...It all belongs to Harry now. Well... when he turns 18.

Nicole: Well I didn't know about the consecrated ground, but I did know about the house being there, most wizards and witches do.... if neither of you can go check, it seems I’m the only one that can, unless you have someone else in mind?

Kain: It's only you really. There is a big ole willow tree, has a plaque on it. I’d think he was there... I can go but it's uncomfortable.

Nicole: *Looks thoughtful* I’ll go... if I need any help I’ll come back... if you don't hear from me in an hour...

Kain: We'll come find you.

Nicole: *Nods then ruffles Draco’s hair* We'll find him. *Steps over to Sethopher and kisses him lightly* I’ll see you soon, *Looks at Kain* you too.

Draco: *Smiles* I know.

Sethopher: Hurry back.

Kain: Be careful Nicole.

Nicole: *Looks at both vampires* I will. *Apparates from the room and is now not far from a willow tree, looking around*

        *Harry is standing looking at the willow tree in the morning sun*

Nicole: *Sighs silently in relief... considers for a moment and turns into a cat* *walks up and twines between Harry's legs*

Harry: *Harry looks down and smiles* *He sits on the grass and scratches the cat's ears* Hey Nicole.

Nicole: *Changes back into a human and sits beside him* I didn't want to startle you.

Harry: No... I know... *Sighs*

Nicole: *Tilts her head to study him* There anything you want to talk about?

Harry: *Sigh* Kain's a proud git sometimes.

Nicole: *Derisive sound* You're just noticing this?

Harry: *Sniggers* well no, but it's not usually directed at me. *Sighs* Did you see the plaque on the tree...? *Recites* To Lily and James, who loved this place.

Nicole: *Nods* I’ve seen it once before.

Harry: *Tears in his eyes* I didn’t even know it was there till yesterday. No one told me.

Nicole: *Sighs & wraps an arm around his shoulders* Most people probably figure it's best not to bring it up.

Harry: *Looks a little angry* Like everything else about them. I didn’t know anything about them Nicole... not their favourite Quidditch team... their anniversary... their birthdays, friends... any other family I may have, or had. Jobs... nothing.

Nicole: *Sighs and holds him a little tighter* as one orphan to another I can understand the feeling... most people just don't get it, they think they're being kind not bringing it up... little do they know they're making things worse.

Harry: Yeah... Kain... Kain is the only one that, that didn’t 'spare my feelings' when talking about them.

Nicole: *Grimaces* Yes well, he got an earful from me about having withheld from you as long as he did

Harry: *Harry sighs slightly* I can kinda see why he did though... he told me why and I get it... boy do I get it.

Nicole: *Nods* It is more complicated for him in many ways.

Harry: *Sighs* He feels like... he killed them, and he knows he didn’t, but he feels it in his stomach. It’s... same with me and Sirius. I know I didn’t kill him, but it feels like I did.

Nicole: *Kisses the crown of his head* Misplaced guilt, no matter how old you are, it still seems to show up. *Laughs self-depreciatingly* Not that I’m a stranger to the concept.

Harry: *Sighs and leans his head on Nicole's shoulder* I had an idea last night too... I haven’t been here all morning.

Nicole: Oh? Where were you? Your note was quite vague and we were worried.

Harry: I was... I wanted to go see someone... about... Well, there’s this old vampire law that Kain told me about. And it rings through our laws too.

Nicole: *Voice curious* Oh? Which law might that be?

Harry: ...The Blood Oath law. It's a law that says that if someone with a blood oath/bond with someone fails that bond, they have the right and duty to take it on for the next generation. This entails adoption of any offspring of the failed bond. Technically Kain is entitled to take legal guardianship of me, but... Dumbledore thought I would be better at the Dursleys. I think he had my young years interest best there but now... Suffice to say Kain wasn’t happy about that, not one bit. Dumbledore pulled strings and stopped proceedings.

Nicole: *Grimaces* Albus has a habit of medaling.... *Ruffles Harry's hair* So are you going to try to get it reinstated? The proceedings to make Kain your guardian that is?

Harry: Well... I kinda have. *Pulls out a piece of parchment from his robes and hands it to Nicole* It's the paperwork, it only needs his signature.

Nicole: *Looks over the parchment and smiles* I’m sure Kain will be pleased.... you know this will nearly make you and I brother and sister.

Harry: When he was talking about it last night... he seemed passionate about it. He also looked like he thought I would never agree. *Smiles* And I know. We kinda are already... aren’t we?

Nicole: *Smiles at him* Yeah, I’ve thought of you that way for a while, but this will make it official. *Squeeses his shoulder* Orphans no more huh?

Harry: Yeah... *Looks over the land that the tree is in the middle of* All this land is public property at the moment, till I turn 18... unless Kain signs that... he gets it.

Nicole: ...It's yours when you're 18 either way, Kain would never deprive you of it.... besides, it's... uncomfortable for him or the other vampires to be near here.

Harry: *Smiles* I know... *Pulls out a small book of spells, opens it and shows it to Nicole* How to de-consecrate grounds.

Nicole: *Smiles* Well haven't you just been a busy lad this morning?

Harry: Hence the very rushed note... though, I didn’t enjoy this morning's first meeting.

Nicole: Oh?

Harry: Dumbledore... I had to explain why I wanted Kain to be my legal guardian.

Nicole: ...I'm sure that was... unpleasant.

Harry: Very... he has a very red looking scar on his neck in the shape of that ring Kain always wears.

Nicole: Yes well, Da was none too pleased with Albus the last time they met.

Harry: *Harry smiles gently* Did Kain ever tell you exactly when that fight with Albus was the first time? He was always like, "some time ago I met him" or "Was quite a while back".

Nicole: No, he never did.... he's an evasive bugger when he wants to be.

Harry: *Smiles* Did he ever tell you why exactly either?

Nicole: Not really, something vague about Albus destroying vampires and all.

Harry: *Harry smirks* Was a little fib he told you. He was fighting over me.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* It's nice to feel wanted isn't it?

Harry: Yeah... I can’t believe it though... he almost died, he wouldn’t retreat.

Nicole: Kain is very stubborn... one of his charms and his vices.

Harry: *Smiles* Yeah... wanna see something cool?

Nicole: Sure.

Harry: *Puts a hand on the willow tree that has lost most of its leaves due to winter. The tree starts to grow new leaves in a matter of seconds and flowers*

Nicole: *Looks surprised* That part of your new wandless powers?

Harry: *Smiles* Yeah... it's weird. I know what I can do and exactly how to do it.

Nicole: *Smiles affectionately* You're a very special young man Harry... these powers are a great gift you know. The only thing I can do wandless is "accio" things, and it requires a fair bit of concentration on my part.

        *The white flowers on the willow tree start to cascade down to the ground*

Harry: *Smiles* Yeah... Dumbledore doesn’t know I can do it. I’ve kept it from him.

Nicole: Very smart on your part. *Holds up a hand and catches a flower and smells it* Mmm, smells beautiful.

Harry: *Smiles* I can see why my parents liked this spot so much.

Nicole: *Looks around them and nods* It's very beautiful.

Harry: *Sighs* Why do I have this power though? Surely there must be a reason... and why the hell didn’t I have it when I was fighting Voldemort?

Nicole: ...It's hard to say... you're only 17 though, it could have to do with just starting to reach adulthood. I’ve only been able to 'accio' things wandlessly for a few years, but then again, I’ve never been an expert on these types of things, focusing more on my potions... perhaps you should ask Kain or Luce.

Harry: *Smiles* God... sounds young doesn’t it? "Only 17"... The most Ron and Hermione have to worry bout is their results.

Nicole: Yes well, some of us have to grow up faster than our ages make us appear.

Harry: *Smiles* Someone should tell that to Mrs Weasley... we better head back.

Nicole: *Laughs* At least you're involved with someone remotely your own age, my boyfriend is 4 millennia older than me. *Stands and brushes herself off and holds out a hand to Harry* Sethopher, Kain and Draco are waiting for us.

Harry: ...Yeah well... Lucius' boyfriend is 5 millennia older... oh, well actually, Kain was much older than that before being a vampire.

Nicole: ...Too true.

        *Harry takes her hand and stands*

Nicole: Ready to go home? ...Can you apparate, or...?

Harry: *Looks a little cunning* You know... I’m not allowed to do magic or apparate....

Nicole: *Snickers* And we both know how much you love to obey the rules.

Harry: Well................................................ *Looks too innocent, snaps his fingers and apparates them both back to the house*

Nicole: *Looks slightly startled and a bit green* Harry, next time you decide to pull that trick, warn me... I think I’m going to be ill...

        *Harry sniggers and then stops sniggering as he sees Kain and Kael just inside the doorway of Nicole and Sethopher's room, looking a little grave.*

Nicole: *Still looking a little peaked follows Harry's gaze* Da, I’m back... Harry's with me.

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole* Nicole! Hey... Harry, where the hell where you!?

Kael: *To Kain* I’ll be back later to check... *Whispers something quietly to Kain and Kain nods.  Kael apparates away.*

Harry: I was getting this... *Walks over and hands the contract to Kain*

        *Nicole sits on the end of the bed watching them with a slight smile.*

Kain: *Kain looks shocked* You... you can’t want me... not...

Harry: *Harry sniggers* I do, I went to Dumbledore this morning too...

Nicole: *Smiles a little more* Da, breathe.

        *Kain's speechless.*

Nicole: He's been rather busy this morning as you can see.

Sethopher: *Quietly from bed* He doesn’t need to breathe. *Looks rather worse for ware*

        *Kain nods, grabs a quill and ink and signs the line.  He hugs Harry, looks at him, and they both leave the room, leaving Sethopher and Nicole alone.*

Nicole: *Moves over to lay beside Sethopher, quietly* It's an expression *Rubs at her stomach.*

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* I know... *Looks in pain* What’s wrong with your stomach love?

Nicole: *Shakes head* Just a little nauseas from Harry apparating me back... come to think of it I have been a little off all morning... probably just stress. *Looks at him concerned* You aren't looking too well yourself.

Sethopher: *Nods, seems to be hiding his right hand* I’ll be alright.

Nicole: ...Which implies that you aren't at the current moment, what's wrong?

Sethopher: ...*Silently curses at word choice* I meant I am fine.

Nicole: *Narrows her eyes at him* Oh no you don't, spill it.

Sethopher: *Is really hiding right hand* Nothing, I’m... I’m just tired, not a morning person at all...

Nicole: Talma, you are hiding your hand, unless you would like me to drag it out and see for myself you can just kindly explain what is wrong. *sounds slightly moody*

        *Sethopher frowns and holds out his right hand to show a line in it to put medication straight into his bloodstream.*

Nicole: *Looks very concerned* Gods love, what's wrong?

Sethopher: *Looks upset* I’m not very well Nicole. The medication, it's not working so much now... I’ve started to reject it. It was bound to happen but Kael was confident they'd have found a cure by then.

Nicole: *Hand runs along the side of his face, cupping his cheek* Has he made any progress?

Sethopher: *Shakes head* Not really, no.

Nicole: *Lays her head against his shoulder, arm wraps around his chest, voice trying to sound hopeful* He'll figure something out.

Sethopher: *Whispers* He's been looking for 3 and a half thousand years.

Nicole: *Pulls back and looks him in the eye* Don't you dare give up, do you understand me? I won't let you, we'll figure something out.

Sethopher: Kael will be back soon to check on me...

Nicole: Good, and I’m not leaving you except when absolutely necessary until this is worked out... *Grabs at her stomach, voice weak* Like right now... I’ll be right back. *Rushes to the bathroom. The door closes loudly and a feint retching sound is heard followed by running water*

        *Sethopher's eyes fill with silent tears and he closes his eyes as she leaves, he tries to calm down.  He lays down on his side, back to the bathroom door.*

Nicole: *Walks out of the bathroom weakly and moves over to the bed to curl against Sethopher's back* I’m sorry love, I guess that apparating bothered me more than I thought... I’m not going anywhere now.

Sethopher: *Tearfully, trying not to let on he's crying* It's alright sweet.

Nicole: *Sighs and reaches a hand to brush away the tears she can tell are falling* I love you, no matter what. *Kisses his shoulder*

Sethopher: *Breathing hitches* It just hurts so bloody much. Nothing ever takes away the pain.

Nicole: *Rubs a hand along his side, voice soft* I know love, we'll get you better, I promise. I’ll talk with Kael, maybe we can think of something that will help together.

        *Kael opens the door and closes it tightly behind him.  He looks very pained to see his friend in such a mess.*

Nicole: *Rubs Sethopher's arm softly* Love, do you mind if I talk to Kael in the other room for a minute?

Sethopher: I don’t mind no.

Kael: *Smiles* I was just about to ask that.

Nicole: *Kisses his shoulder* I’ll be back. *Gets up and leads Kael into her lab*

        *Kael follows and stands looking round impressed.*

Nicole: *Pulls out a stool for Kael* Not the best of accommodations, but it's mine.

Kael: It's, well equipped. *Sits down*

Nicole: So do you have any ideas yet what to do to help him?

Kael: *Sighs* One or two... but... I can’t do it here.

Nicole: Oh?

Kael: ...Certain ingredients to his medication don’t travel well. Also... they happen to be class A non-Tradable goods.

Nicole: *Nods* ....I have a few myself, but there are too many things I don't know yet... *Puts a hand at her stomach, a peculiar look on her face.*

Kael: Are you alright?

Nicole: *Brow furrows* I’ve been feeling a little off all morning... and it's just gone away within the last few moments. I don't feel sick at all, the only other person I know who felt like this... *Eyes widen in shock at her thoughts*

Kael: What? What is it?

Nicole: *Gulps* Could you perform a spell for me?

Kael: *Mouth gapes* A... a pregnancy spell?

        *Nicole nods, an undecipherable look on her face.  Kael pulls out a small crystal and casts the spell using the crystal.  Nicole's stomach glows a soft purple and changes to blue before fading away.  She sits on a nearby stool, a contemplating look on her face.*

Kael: Nicole? Are you alright?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... I wasn't expecting this.  I can't be that far along, I shouldn't be noticing it yet, but... *Looks up at Kael, concentrating look on her face* this brings up one of the questions I had before... though it's not as important now.

Kael: What’s that?

Nicole: *Hand moving absently over her stomach* Sethopher was married once... did he ever have any children? We haven't really talked about that time in his life much.

Kael: *Kael nods* He has a daughter and two sons. He doesn’t speak with his daughter, his two sons live in Australia. He rarely sees them.

Nicole: *Looks thoughtful* Either of those sons might work for what I had in mind... *Looks down at her stomach sadly, voice lowers* though his unborn son might be the greatest help.

Kael: Oh?

Nicole: *Looks up at Kael* Have you ever heard of the muggle concept of gene therapy?

Kael: *Kael sighs* Yes... *Looks sadly at Nicole's stomach* I have, the elves kind of invented it, before humans hit upon it.

Nicole: *Studies him* And have they worked out a means of making it work? The muggles are still quite hit and miss... though I’ve been looking into it for unrelated reasons and see the cause of some of the problems that could be solved magically.

Kael: *Smiles* We have some theories yes. We've never tried with a vampire though.

Nicole: *Nods* What I have in mind... if it worked, it'd cure him, *Looks over at the door to the bedroom* but depending... it could also mean he'd loose his telepathy all together... but at least he wouldn't be in pain.

Kael: I think it's an acceptable choice... Nicole... before you have this baby... talk to Kain.

Nicole: *Nods* Can you go stay with Sethopher while I talk to Da? ...And don't mention any of this to him yet...

Kael: I won't, don’t worry.

        *Nicole nods and walks out of the lab into the main room brow furrowed in thought.  Kain is sitting on the couch reading.*

Nicole: *quietly* Da, can I talk to you for a minute?

Kain: *Kain looks up* Sure. *Puts book away* What is it Nicole?

Nicole: *Sits beside Kain* I take it you know what's going on with Sethopher...

Kain: *Sighs* Yes... I hate to see him like this...

Nicole: *Nods* When Kael and I were discussing it... something unexpected came to light

Kain: And what...was that?

        *Nicole's eyes look downwards, and she mumbles something.*

Kain: .........*Vampire hearing picks it up*..................... *Eyes widen* What!?

Nicole: *Sighs quietly* I said I’m pregnant.

Kain: Oh... oh Nicole... I’ll kill Sethopher when he's well again... Didn’t you cast protection spells!?

Nicole: *Looks sheepish* They weren't exactly the most prominent things on our minds at the time.

Kain: *Rolls eyes* I take it Kael sent you to speak to me about this?

Nicole: *Nods* There were some things it effected in our conversation, but before we got any farther he wanted me to talk to you.

Kain: *Kain nods* I understand why....... You remember I told you about Tia, and why she wanted to become a vampire because she wouldn’t live very long, being the hybrid of a muggle human and a vampire?

        *Nicole nods.*

Kain: ...I didn’t tell you the whole truth.

Nicole: *Looks up at him* Oh?

Kain: Yes... well, it was true that she wanted to live for eternity... but she wanted to be free of pain. The human and vampire genes don't work well together. Her heart was weak, as were her lungs. Her bones were thin yet her muscle strong. Her organs didn’t function properly and she had thin blood. *Looks down* We have a cursed gene, it can’t breed with other species normally.  It takes a high level of magic for the child to be healthy, which most humans, both muggle and wizard alike, just don't seem to have enough of.  Only the first vampires were able to have children with humans successfully all the time, and it gets worse with each generation.  Sethopher is a fourth generation made vampire... *Looks saddened* I’m sorry to bring you such ill tidings Nicole.

Nicole: *Nods* I figured it was something along those lines *Derisive sound* as you can see I’m not exactly bounding with joy at the moment... but it does present possibilities... even if we don't have our son... *Voice hushed*

        *Kain kisses her forehead and holds her like a father.*

Nicole: *Voice sounds somewhat clinical and detached* I’d have to run some tests, but depending on what genes the baby has... there are things that can be done for Sethopher...

Kain: *Kain looks saddened to hear her tone* Oh Nicole... *hugs a little tighter* I’m so sorry.

Nicole: *Voice very quiet* I never thought I’d be a mother... and it seems I never will... I won't bring a child into the world that's doomed from the start... but may-be it doesn't all have to be a loss, if a cure for Sethopher can be found because of it.

Kain: *Kain frowns as though thinking very carefully* Do you want this child Nicole?

Nicole: *Bitter look* I haven't known about this child long enough to be attached yet... it's more a longing for something I never think I shall have... I love Sethopher, Da, I was... am going to drink from the Sunwell so that I can stay with him... nothing would make me happier than to have a family with him... but I won't doom a child to an ill-fated existence out of my selfishness either.

Kain: *Nods and sighs* I... I think I know a way Nicole. I would have done it for Tia... but... well, I didn’t know Tia existed till she was 2. It was too late, the baby has to be new... still in the womb.

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain* What do you mean?

Kain: *Sighs* There is an ancient power, I don’t exactly get on with her but she can change things. If my payment is high enough, she will ensure your baby is healthy.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* Da you've already done so much for me, I can't keep asking more of you.

Kain: You didn’t ask, I offered.

Nicole: *Brow furrows* What kind of payment will she want?

Kain: I don’t know... could be anything. It's customary to offer something. I will...

Nicole: *Burrows her head against Kain's shoulder* This really was poor timing... Kael doesn't even know if we will be able to cure Sethopher. I won't give up on him, but... it's so much all at once.

Kain: *Kain sighs* He'll find a way, he always does at a push.

Nicole: *Whispers* Gods I hope so.

Kain: *Hugs her* Do you want me to do this?

Nicole: *Looks down at her stomach and lays a hand across it, voice hushed* This might be my only chance... but if the cost is too high Da...

Kain: *Smiles* You go back with Sethopher and Kael, I need to prepare out here, I’ll call you when I need you.

Nicole: *Nods and stands, looks back at Kain* ...Do you think I should talk to him about it now, or wait?

Kain: *Kain looks at her* He'll already know pet.

Nicole: *Sighs* Yeah, I suppose he will, won't he.... *Hugs Kain, voice quiet* I love you Da, thank you for everything.

Kain: *Smiles* Go back to your lover. He needs you. I won’t be long in calling.

        *Nicole nods and walks away through her lab and stops in the door to the bedroom.  Kael has his hand on Sethopher's chest and is singing quietly in Elfish to the sleeping vampire.*

Nicole: *Whispers* How is he doing?

Kael: *Smiles and stops singing* He's in less pain... did you talk to Kain?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... *Brow furrows*

Kael: What did he say?

Nicole: He spoke of an ancient power who could make the baby healthy... for a price... he's going to call for me when he needs me.

Kael: *Kael looks surprised and then passive* Oh... *Looks a little worried* Well... good luck to him, I wouldn’t dare speak to her.

Nicole: *Worried* He wouldn't elaborated on it much... but he seemed determined... he said it's something he would have done if he had known soon enough with Tia...

Kael: *Sighs* Yes... he was upset at that... but... well. You know Kain, stubborn git.

Nicole: *Nods and walks a little farther into the room* Did he know about all this before he feel asleep? *Indicates Sethopher*

Kael: *Kael smiles* He did yes... he looked happy, but worried.

Nicole: *Wry look* Yes well, worried is to be expected... I’m glad he was happy though.

        *The room shakes a little.*

Kael: ...She's arrived then... *Sighs*

        *From other room* Kain: Nicole!

        *Nicole hurries out to the main room.  Kain stands in a circle of light, a woman in black robes and jet black hair stands in a circle directly in front of him.*

Kain: Nicole, come closer.

        *Nicole steps hesitantly towards Kain, she stands just outside Kain's circle.*

Woman in black: You got a human pregnant? I thought you would have more sense Kain.

Kain: The child is not mine Kali, you should know that.

Kali: Well, no, it isn’t is it? *Looks at Kain* You look better in your demon form.

Kain: *Sighs* We are not talking about me.

Kali: What do you want?

Kain: For the child to be well.

Nicole: *Arms wrap around herself protectively, voice timid* The father is ill... I would rather not loose both of them.

Kali: ...Hmm, a high price this will entail... even for you.

Kain: And what is that supposed to mean?

Kali: Some of us remember you are not a god.

Kain: Actually, I kinda am.

Kali: Oh, just because you went to hell and back it suddenly makes you a divine power?

Kain: ...Yes, didn’t you read the rules?

Kali: *Looks at Nicole* The vampire named Sethopher... I recall his price wasn’t high enough.

Kain: That was different.

        *Nicole looks confused and worried.*

Kali: Indeed... *Looks at Kain* What could you possibly offer me? There is nothing in your possession I could possibly want.

Kain: I beg to differ. *Snaps his fingers and Soul Reaver appears in mid air*

        *Kali's eyes widen.*

Nicole: *Eyes open in shock, voice barely audible* Da, no...

Kain: Hush Nicole.

Kali: ... You would give me this?

Kain: And the power that goes with it.

        *Nicole watches Kain disbelieving.*

Kali: For a mortal girl? Kain, she is nothing to do with you.

Kain: Again, I beg to differ.

Kali: *Takes Soul Reaver in both hands and caresses the blade* You are sure?

Kain: *Resolute* I am.

Kali: *Looks at Nicole, a wave of strong magic runs over her* Then it is done.

        *Nicole wavers slightly, focus still trained on Kain.*

Kain: Good...

        *Kali holds out Soul Reaver to Kain and he looks slightly confused.*

Kali: I am a Goddess... now, you Kain, are in my debt. Never forget it, the next time you cut me down.

Kain: *Laughs gently* Yes Kali, you always do like having all the men in your vice. *Takes the sword and holds it.*

Kali: And it looks so good on you...

        *Nicole watches them in shock.*

Kali: *Kali looks at Nicole* You take care of that child, that magic is not easy to do.

Nicole: *Nods her head in awe* I will, with all I am.

Kali: *Kali smiles and looks back at Kain* I have something else in mind you can give me though... the rune stone.

Kain: I didn’t think you'd accept it.

Kali: Come on, you stole it from me, I want it back... send it through the void when you get home... Not even I could take that sword from you... see you later, hopefully not so soon... *Disappears*

        *The circles of light disband and Kain looks at Nicole.*

Nicole: *Looks somewhat shell shocked* ...You were going to give her Soul Reaver.

Kain: I was.

Nicole: And... and... *Seems at a loss for words*

Kain: *Walks over to Nicole* *Gently* And what hon?

Nicole: The power that goes with it... *Looks up at him disbelieving* Why would you give her all that for me?

Kain: Because Nicole... I love you, as far as I’m concerned you're my daughter and I would do anything to make you happy. Never ever forget that. I am powerful without Soul Reaver, it is just an extension; I would manage without it.

Nicole: I... *Brushes away a tear that tries to fall* I don't know what to say. *Hugs him fiercely*

Kain: *Hugs back* Your tears say it all pet.

Nicole: *Face buried against his chest* You do so much for me... I couldn't ask for a better father.

Kain: *Runs a hand through her hair in a calming motion* *Slightly amused* You could ask for one, I doubt you'd find him.

Nicole: *Looks up at him and grins* You really have an overdeveloped sense of pride... of course I’d have you no other way.

Kain: *Smiles* You just remember if you ever need anything Nicole, just ask me. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, you're my daughter... partly by blood through our bond. I do anything for my family.

Nicole: I’ll remember Da, I love you.

Kain: *Smiles* Love you too...

Lucius: *From door* And here I was thinking he loved me.

Kain: *Rolls eyes* Don’t be so dense.

Nicole: *Looks over at Lucius, a soft smile on her face* Hello Luce.

Lucius: *Sighs* I am not dense, a little slow sometimes maybe but not dense. *smiles at Nicole* Wow... that’s a lot of emotions you got going there... happy... worry... thankfulness... oh and a healthy dose of maternal love... in 2 directions... *Looks startled* Are you pregnant!?

Kain: *Sniggers* Aah, I see you have been practicing.

Lucius: *Walks over to Nicole* You are aren’t you?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes.

Lucius: Well... wow... congratulations... Sethopher... is he okay? I don’t know what I’m feeling from his direction.

Kain: Is it like a cacophony of feeling?

Lucius: Yeah, I can’t make it out.

Kain: They're secondary readings.

Lucius: Oh... from his telepathy... gotcha.

Nicole: *Looks towards their rooms worriedly* I don't know how things are going to be with him... I can only hope Kael will be able to figure something out.

Kael: *Kael walks out* I... I have a theory.

Kain: *Looks interested* That it's a demon? 1

Kael: Wha-?

Lucius: *Rolls eyes* Kain, hush.

Nicole: *Looks over at Kain incredulous* You're quoting a muggle TV show at a time like this... You never cease to amaze, Da.

Kain: I’m sorry... just getting over the shock of almost loosing Soul Reaver, it's kinda starting to sink in...

Kael: I think I know a way to help Sethopher.

Nicole: *Eyes widen at Kael* How?!

Kael: Well... I haven’t ever been able to... see exactly what was wrong... but there was a new spell developed and now I get it.

Nicole: Oh? What is it then?

Kael: The part of his brain that controls that hormone is there, it's just not activated.

Nicole: *Brow furrows* Can you tell why?

Kael: No, it's... it's just one of those things.

Kain: Is there any way to fix it?

Kael: ...Yes. I have theorised one way.

Nicole: How?

Kael: Well... someone could get inside his mind. Kain can’t do it, he can never breech Sethopher's mind. I can’t do it, I don’t have much skill with that part of vampires' minds and generally vampire and elvin physiology is not good to connect in that manner. Lucius has barley begun to develop his mind powers and you Nicole, wouldn’t know where to start...

Kain: Who the hell does that leave?

Nicole: Could Val help at all?

Kael: *Laughs* No, she isn’t great with fixing things.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* No, I suppose not.

Kain: And yet she can rip them apart in 10 seconds.

Kael: That leaves, of this household, two people.

Nicole: *Brow furrows* You can't possibly be referring to Draco and Harry.

Kael: Not Draco.

Kain: Harry isn’t advanced enough.

Kael: I’d like to wager on that... and also... he really is our only hope... well, Sethopher's only hope.

Nicole: *Bites her lip* Harry's powers are greater than any of us thought... you didn't see the display he gave me this morning at Godric's Hollow... but... he already has so much to cope with.

Kael: *Looks saddened* Then... I am afraid there is no hope for Sethopher... I have thought out every possibility... this is the final option.

Nicole: ...I need to talk with him... has anyone seen him since we came back this morning?

Lucius: He and Draco went to their room.

Nicole: *Nods* Let me talk to him by myself at first, alright? I don't want to get him on edge from the start.

        *All nod*

Nicole: *Walks down the hall to the boys' room and knocks* Harry, Draco, can I come in?

Draco: Yes, please do.

Harry: No, don’t!

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Harry, I really need to talk with you, could you make yourself decent so I can come in please? *Amused*

Draco: He's decent.

        *Muffled yelling*

Nicole: *Opens the door just a crack* Can I come in then?

        *Draco is sitting on top of Harry with his hands in his, hitting Harry's face.*

Draco: *Childish voice* Quit hittin yourself! This is soo liberating.

Harry: Draco, I’m gonna kill you! Nicole! Help!

Nicole: *Laughs and opens the door all the way* What are you two doing?

Draco: He made a comment, I’m showing him otherwise.

Harry: *Rolls his eyes* *Mutters* Teeo.

Nicole: *Smiles indulgently* While this may be amusing, I need to talk with Harry about something important.

Draco: *Sighs* *Gets off Harry* Harry, pub's open early.

Harry: *Glares and pulls his zip up* You are so gonna regret this.

        *Nicole smiles watching them, looking a little pale and tired.*

Harry: *Harry looks at Nicole* What is it Nicole? What’s wrong?

Nicole: *Derisive sound* It might be easier to say what hasn't happened today.... can I sit down, I’m feeling rather exhausted at the moment.

        *Harry nods and Draco looks worried*

Harry: Use the bed, its more comfortable.

Draco: Yeah... *Sits at the bottom of the bed making room for Nicole beside Harry who is now sitting up*

Nicole: *Sits on the bed between them and leans over with her elbows on her knees, head resting in her hands* Gods... where to start?

Harry: Not to sound old fashioned but the beginning is probably easiest.

Nicole: *Tilts her head to look at Harry with a wry look* Easier said then done... I suppose I’ll start with what needs the least explaining... I’m pregnant.

Harry: *Raises eyebrows* Congratulations!

Draco: Wow! Cool! That’s, that’s wonderful news.

Nicole: *Sighs* Things are better now than when I first found out... but there's still a problem.

Harry: *Frowns* It's Sethopher isn’t it?

Nicole: *Nods* Thanks to something Kain did, the baby is going to be fine... but Sethopher isn't doing so well.

Draco: What’s wrong with him?

Nicole: *Sighs* He asked me to not talk about it, but as it seems everyone else in the house already knows, and this is the main reason I came in here, there's no sense putting it off... there's a problem with his telepathic abilities.

Harry: *Harry seems very interested* Oh? What is the problem?

Nicole: The part of his brain that allows him to produce the inhibitor needed to control it doesn't work... Kael had developed a potion to control it... but it doesn't work anymore... Kael finally was able to figure out where the problem was... the part of his brain that makes the inhibitor is there... it’s just... off, for some reason.

Harry: *Harry sighs* And why did you come all the way over here to let me know all this?

Nicole: *Looks at Harry imploringly* Neither Kain nor Luce are powerful enough to help fix it, and Kael and I can't for other reasons...

Harry: ...*Looks a little intimidated* You think I can?

Nicole: Harry... *Takes his hand and squeeses it gently* what you did this morning with the tree was amazing... and honestly, you're the only hope he has.

Harry: *Harry smiles sadly* I’ll try...

Nicole: *Smiles slightly at Harry* That's all I ask.

Harry: Draco is coming with, I’m not leaving him here. *Smiles* Even though he was sitting on me and hitting me.

Draco: You were hitting yourself.

Harry: Uh-huh...

Nicole: *Ruffles Draco’s hair* You are a prat, you know that?

Draco: I do, yes...

Harry: *Gets off the bed* We may as well go now then huh?

Nicole: *Stands* The sooner the better probably.

Harry: *Sighs* *Pulls Draco onto his feet. Kisses him once and looks at Nicole* Lead the way.

Nicole: *Squeeses Harry's hand* Thank you for agreeing to try.

Harry: *Smiles* Let's go.

Nicole: *Walks out to the main room* Harry agreed to try.

Kael: *Smiles* Good. *Watches Harry walk out behind Nicole with Draco* You ready then Harry?

Harry: Yeah... Will everyone be in the room with us?

Kael: Yes, and you know why.

Harry: *Nods* Let's do this then.

        *Nicole leads the way into her rooms and sits beside Sethopher, she brushes a hand across his brow.  All get into the room, Harry walks over to Sethopher and Kael stands behind him*

Harry: Nicole... stand over with Kain.

        *Kain is standing by door with Lucius.  Nicole nods, kisses Sethopher's forehead and moves over to the door.*

Kael: *To Harry* Are you happy with me?

Harry: Yes.

Kael: I get the feeling you know what to do.

Harry: *Nods, kneels beside the bed and places a hand on Sethopher’s forehead* *Kael places a hand at either side of Harry's head* I’m ready Kael.

        *Kael closes his eyes and an orange light encompasses Harry, Sethopher and himself.  Nicole slips a hand into Kain's and holds it tightly, Kain squeeses back reassuringly.*

        *Harry winces in pain.*

Kael: *Quietly* Can you see it?

        *Harry nods.*

Kael: You know what to do.

        *Harry places another hand on Sethopher's chest to stop his heart.  Energy flows from his fingertips through Sethopher's head.  Kael closes his eyes, concentrating.  Harry breaks the link with Sethopher and falls unconscious, caught from falling backwards by Kael.*

        *Nicole moves as though to approach them but hesitates.*

Kael: Harry? Harry wake up. *Shakes him gently* *Harry opens his eyes as does Sethopher*

        *Sethopher sits up in bed looking around looking utterly bewildered.*

Nicole: *Voice hushed* Sethopher? How are you feeling?

Sethopher: *Looks confused* Okay... I guess... I’m... it's...

Harry: *Quietly* Quiet isn’t it?

Sethopher: Blissfully so.

        *Nicole takes a hesitant step towards the two of them.  Sethopher gets up and helps Harry up and onto the bed.*

Harry: Thanks.

Sethopher: You bloody earned it... The voices... they're gone...

Nicole: *Looks as though she can't believe what she's seeing* ...You're both alright?

Harry: I’m tired...

Sethopher: So am I... the voices are gone... I can’t believe it... *Looks at Kain* I’ve got no idea what you or anyone is thinking!! Unless I wanted to...! Wow!

Harry: You have Telekinesis too. Did you know that?

Sethopher: I do?

        *Harry nods.*

Nicole: *Smiles watching them, her grip on Kain's hand releases, voice low enough for only Kain to really catch* They're both ok...

Kain: *Quietly* Yeah, they are.

Nicole: *Brushes away a tear and mutters* Damn hormones.

Sethopher: ...*Looks at Nicole* *Stands, walks over to her and sweeps her off her feet again* A woman in your condition shouldn’t be on her feet! Bed, pillows stat!

        *Harry sniggers and is helped off said bed by Draco.*

Nicole: *Laughs and wraps her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder* I’m so glad you're alright.

Sethopher: You know what, so am I. *Sets Nicole onto the bed*

Harry: You are an interesting man.

Sethopher: *Looks at Harry* And so are you.

Harry: We'll talk.

Sethopher: Not right now.

Harry: *Smiles at Draco* No... not right now.

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* Besides, I’m only a week or so pregnant, that's a bit early for bed rest, don't you think?

Sethopher: No, I think you should stay in bed as much as you can... especially in the mornings.

Harry: I’m sensing an ulterior motive here.

Nicole: *Impish grin* Oh really?

Sethopher: Yes... I think so.

Nicole: *Still smiling at Sethopher, glances quickly at all the others still in the room* It's getting awfully late, don't you all think?

Kain: We can take a hint...

        *Kain walks over to Harry and helps him up and through the room.  Lucius and the rest follow saying goodnight to Sethopher and Nicole.*

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher from her spot on the bed, a hint of worry back in her voice* You really are alright aren't you? You're not just trying to hide how you're feeling again?

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and lies down on the bed* I’m tired is all.

Nicole: *Snuggles up against him* I was so worried.

Sethopher: *Runs hand through Nicole's hair* Young Harry... he's growing stronger.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... *Voice impressed* You should have seen him at the Hollow this morning...

Sethopher: *Smiles* He is... It's still growing, I could feel the potential in him.

Nicole: ...He's worried about it, doesn't understand where all the power is coming from... and I don't have any answers for him, the only thing I can do wandless is accio things... I told him to talk to Kain and Luce about it.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Sound advice.

Nicole: ...With all that was happening, did you find out why Harry ran off this morning?

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks sadly at Nicole* He's fed up having his life run for him. He decided just to go... he wanted to go home.

Nicole: *Nods* He confronted Albus... Kain has official custody of him now.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Good... he doesn’t hate Albus... he's just wise to him now. Harry is growing up fast... he wants to control how the rest of his life goes from now on.

Nicole: I don't blame him, he's had so much of it controlled for him, and he's had to grow up so fast... it's about time he got some control over his own life.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Yeah... he's burnt himself out though, anyone can see that. I can’t believe he cured me...

Nicole: *Fingers curl and tighten in the fabric of his tunic* I felt so bad asking him... not because I didn't want to, I’d do anything for you... but because so much is already on his shoulders... and yet he was so willing to help.

Sethopher: *Kisses her forehead* It's in his nature love.

Nicole: *Nods* I know.... I just don't ever want to see someone take advantage of that....

Sethopher: Bit late for that, people already have but... but like we said, he is getting wise to it.

Nicole: Yes well, you know what I mean... so far nothing irreparable has really happened... I’d hate for something truly awful to happen to him one of these days because of it... but he is growing up and starting to see it for himself, so I suppose that should ease my mind.

Sethopher: Yeah, he's smart.

Nicole: *Wry smile* A bit too Gryffindorish at times, but he has some Slytherin in him, so there's hope for him yet.

Sethopher: *Laughs* Well yes... he has some amusing comments... reminds me of old Salazar himself. He had a rather quirky sense of humor.

Nicole: *interested* Oh? You met Salazar?

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles proudly* Yes, Kain and I would visit Hogwarts often and teach the kids about the types of vampires. Salazar and Godric invited us usually. Rowena was a little afraid of Kain, Helga kept prodding him and asking to do tests on us.

Nicole: *Laughs* I’m sure Kain found that amusing, if not somewhat annoying.

Sethopher: *Sniggers* Yes well... he would mutter to me in Vampiric... highly amusing.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, I would imagine so... *Sighs* You both have seen a lot, haven't you?

Sethopher: *Smiles* I have seen a lot, Kain has seen more.

Nicole: Yes... *Shakes her head slightly* More than I can ever imagine I would suppose... he won't mention how long he was an elf before he was changed, but I can tell it wasn't just a short time.

Sethopher: He probably doesn’t know. Elves don’t usually count past the 10,000 mark... what’s the point?

Nicole: True... it's just... *Sighs frustrated* ... it's so hard to comprehend, I’ve only lived 29 years, compared to all his time, that's less than the blink of an eye.

Sethopher: I know, how do you think Lucius feels? He’s only 42 and he is with Kain... at least you know the difference with me.

Nicole: *Laughs and kisses him lightly* Who would think someone would ever think "well at least it's only 4000 years" ...that is the basic gist of what Luce said to me the other day.

Sethopher: *Smiles* He must feel rather intimidated.

Nicole: I think he does sometimes... but there's something about Kain... you can almost forget he's been around so long sometimes, until he mentions one of his stories that is.

Sethopher: Yes, he is rather down to earth... I think because he lives among humans sometimes, he knows what it is to be mortal, he knows...

Nicole: *Voice quiet* He knows what?

Sethopher: He knows what it is to loose people... it grounds him.

Nicole: *Nods* It has that habit. *Sighs and her fingers trail across her stomach* I thought I was going to loose two people today. *Tucks her head against his chest* I couldn't have asked for a better way for the day to end.

Sethopher: *Sighs* *Looks interested* What did Kain give to Kali?

Nicole: *Voice slightly disbelieving* He offered her Soul Reaver.

Sethopher: *Almost chokes* What!?

Nicole: *Nods* I tried to stop him, but he hushed me...

Sethopher: He... I can’t believe he did that...

Nicole: *Voice still quiet* She ended up giving it back to him, once she was certain he was sincere in his offer... she said he was now in her debt and that she wanted the rune stone he'd stolen from her back.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sniggers* Yes, sounds like Kali.

Nicole: ...I couldn't believe he was going to do that for me... still can't.

Sethopher: He... wow... I’ll need to speak to him about this later. *Yawns* *Sethopher looks a little miffed and places a hand at his throat* *Rolls eyes* Harry didn’t re-start my heart beat.

Nicole: *Runs a hand up to his neck* No, I guess he didn't... though the way he passed out I suppose it shouldn't be surprising.

Sethopher: No, guess not.

Nicole: ...You could talk to him about it once he's stronger if it really bothers you.

Sethopher: *Laughs gently* I can start it myself, I’m just too tired at the moment.

Nicole: *Smiles* Gee, can't imagine why.

        *Sethopher rests his head on her shoulder.  He yawns again and nibbles at her neck.*

Nicole: *Smiles and runs a hand down his side* Do you want to sleep now or do something else?

Sethopher: *Bites a little harder* *Whispers* I don’t know... hmmm...

Nicole: *Moans slightly, hand slips down to his waist* Well either way you should probably get out of these, *Tugs at his trousers* leather isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep in.

Sethopher: *Grins* Why Nicole, I do believe I’m not wearing any underwear... *Kisses the side of her neck and unbuttons his pants*

Nicole: *Smiles cheekily* Rouge. *Hand slides downward caressing him lightly*

Sethopher: *Sethopher groans* *Shivers* Wow... I had no idea you were going to do that... *Kisses you*

Nicole: *Kisses him back, nipping lightly at his lip, fingers move teasingly* *Whispers* Well if you don’t like it, I can always stop.

Sethopher: *Sethopher growls gently* Keep... *Moans gently* I love you.

Nicole: Love you too. *Lips trail along his jaw, her free hand reaches up to cup his cheek, other hand pushes his trousers down farther grinding herself against him.*

        *Sethopher groans throatily, he runs his hands through her hair.*

Nicole: *Voice ragged* I think we're both wearing a little too much, don't you?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah... *Hands trail down Nicole's face to her top.*

        *Nicole nips at his neck as she works his trousers off.  Sethopher starts to work off her shirt, hands roaming the exposed flesh.  She moans and shrugs the shirt off over her head, works a hand under his, hips grinding more fiercely.  Sethopher kisses back growling and his hands roam over her back.  Nicole hooks one leather clad leg over his hip, hand running up his back to push off his shirt.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher growls* Oh-god... that’s good... *Sethopher bites onto Nicole’s neck.  He reaches down and pulls off Nicole's trousers, caressing the exposed flesh.*

Nicole: *Throws her head back, moaning harshly, fingers scratch down his back* *Panting* Closer...

Sethopher: *Growls hard and gently enters Nicole* *Pants* I love you...

Nicole: *Rolls onto her back pulling him with her, hands trailing down his shoulders* *Gasping* Love you Talma...

        *Sethopher bites her neck again and a hand starts stimulating her clit.  He growls gently.*

Nicole: *Hand slides up his back to tangle in his hair, hips thrust up against his, leg hooking around him, pulling him deeper* Oh gods... love you so much. *Breathing harshly*

        *He thrusts faster and his hand speeds up its ministrations on her clit, growling low.  Nicole tenses and cries out, pulling him to her as she comes.  Sethopher thrusts once more and the spasms of Nicole's body sends him over the edge rapidly and he cries out her name.*

Nicole: *Her free hand lightly caresses his back as she relaxes under his weight, murmuring quietly* I love you.

Sethopher: *Sethopher rolls off her to her side and leans his head on her shoulder* I love you too... wow...

        *Nicole kisses his forehead and pauses, then snickers lightly.*

Sethopher: *Raises eyebrow* What?

Nicole: *Voice amused* Kain scolded me earlier for forgetting to use any protection spells, I suppose we really don't need to worry about that for a while now.

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* No... *Places a hand on her stomach and smiles*

Nicole: *Laces her fingers with his* Are you ok with this? I know we weren't planning it to happen.

Sethopher: Of course I’m okay with it, I’m more than okay... it's wonderful Nicole. Unexpected, but wonderful.

Nicole: *Smiles softly sighing lightly* We're going to have a son... I almost can't believe it.

Sethopher: *Grins* Believe it.

Nicole: *Leans her head to kiss him lightly, then rests her head back against the pillows* I guess we'll have some decisions to make in the coming months.

Sethopher: Of course.

Nicole: *Looks around her room* Like if we'll stay here or not... and if we do, some changes will have to be made... *Tucks her head against his* but there's plenty of time still for that.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* We have a more pressing issue we have to decide.

Nicole: *Voice soft* Oh?

Sethopher: Yeah... the Sunwell... if you drink the water while pregnant our son will be immortal too.

Nicole: *Wraps an arm around him, fingers trailing along his back* If I drink now, will he still grow up? I was never entirely clear on how it worked...

Sethopher: *Smiles* The power doesn’t kick in until a child reaches the age of around 20. It then becomes natural to halt it.

Nicole: *Smiles* Well I guess we'll be making a trip to the elvin lands sometime in the next 9 months, now won't we?

Sethopher: *smiles* Yes, you'll need to tell Kael... *Sethopher shivers*

Nicole: *Looks downward at Sethopher worriedly* Something wrong?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Cold, just cold.

Nicole: *Snickers lightly* Well for once we've managed not to destroy the bed completely, come-on, let's get under the covers. *Pulls at the blankets beneath them*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and pushes the covers down and gets into bed, he holds the cover up for Nicole* Care to join me m'lady?

Nicole: *Smiles and climbs in next to him, curling against him* Nothing I’d like better just now.

        *Light tapping at the door.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* For once I have no idea who it is.

Nicole: *Smiles and caresses his face* Guess we'll just have to find out the normal way. *Pulls the blankets up to cover them sufficiently* Come in...

Val: *Valentine pops her head round the door* *Grins* I see you're taking care of my brother.

Nicole: *Smiles and laces her fingers with Sethopher’s once more* Hello Val.

Valentine: *Val walks in and closes the door* I hear you're makin' me an auntie?... Again.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Word travels fast around here I see.

Valentine: *Nods* Yeah well... *Said rapidly* I'mgettingmarriedtoKael.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m happy to hear that Val, he seems like a good match for you.

Sethopher: *Looks surprised* What changed?

Valentine: *Grins wickedly* I took him for a test drive.

Sethopher: *Sethopher rolls his eyes* I had to ask.

Nicole: *Laughs at Sethopher* You asked for it.

Sethopher: *Sigh* And?

Valentine: ...He... well he's kinky! *Grins* That sealed it for me.

Sethopher: You really are strange.

Valentine: But you love me anyhoo. *Looks at Nicole* Just think, you'll be able to join forces with me to noise him up for all eternity.

Nicole: *Laughs* I don't think I could ever compare to you Val... *Wicked grin, fingers tickle at Sethopher's side lightly* but I can try.

Sethopher: *Sethopher grabs at her hands* That’s evil!

        *Valentine sniggers.*

Nicole: *Grins mock innocently* I’m a Slytherin, I’m not supposed to play fair.

Valentine: Really? Sethopher was always told he’d be a-

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes his head emphatically* Don’t...

Valentine: OooOOoo... ammunition.

Nicole: *Looks over at Val curious* What?

Sethopher: I was going to be a Slytherin, wasn’t I Val!?

Valentine: Uh-huh anything you say hon...

        *Sethopher glares.*

Nicole: *Snickers* I don't think so love, definitely not a Slytherin.

Valentine: *Smiles* Wanna know?

Sethopher: Please Val...

        *Valentine grins wickedly.*

Nicole: *Snickers* Me thinks he doth protest too much.... which really only means one possibility...

Valentine: *Cough* Hufflepoof *Cough*

Sethopher: *Mouth gaping* You told!

Nicole: *Laughs* Sorry love, wasn't hard to guess anyway.

Valentine: Who, me? Nope just a nasty cough...

        *Sethopher growls.*

Nicole: *Kisses the end of his nose and grins cheekily* I promise I won't hold it against you.

Sethopher: *Frowns at Val, obviously reading her* Grass.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Grass?

Valentine: Now, now, now Sethopher, you heard Kain, no fighting. He hee, I better get back to Kael... you two get some sleep.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* We will.

        *Val leaves and Sethopher looks exasperated.*

Nicole: *Runs a hand through his hair* You know she does all that just to wind you up.

Sethopher: I know, doesn’t make it less annoying.

Nicole: *Laughs* Yes well, I’ve been told that's what siblings are for.

        *Sethopher smiles.*

Nicole: *Insinuates a leg between his and kisses him lightly* We really ought to think about installing better locks or wards if we stay here.

Sethopher: *Laughs gently* Yes... we do. *Runs a hand lovingly through her hair* I love you so much.

Nicole: *Arm curls around him* Love you too, always.

Sethopher: Forever... I hope.

Nicole: *Nuzzles his neck, whispers* Forever... *Kisses his skin lightly* I like the sound of that.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Me too.

Nicole: *Looks him in the eyes, love shining in them* I’m drinking from the Sunwell to be with you, I wouldn't do that if I didn't plan on staying around, you can be sure of that.

Sethopher: I know love. Kain is relieved that you are able to drink from the Sunwell. He... he was speaking to me about you a couple weeks ago.

Nicole: *Softly* Oh?

Sethopher: Yeah... he said he didn’t want to loose you, never, he said it'd be too painful to go through... like loosing Tia all over again.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes* Earlier... after everything with Kali.... he told me I was his daughter, that he would do anything for me... he's said similar before, I guess I never realised just how deeply he meant that till today.

Sethopher: No... I am still grappling with his giving up Soul Reaver... I know what he went through to get that sword... he went out of his way to get it.

Nicole: *Eyes open and she nods* He's told me about how he got it... I think when I realised he was going to give it up, and wouldn't let me stop him was when I realised just how much he cares.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Yeah... he has some interesting feelings for young Harry too. He is definitely protective of him, but he's afraid of something too.

Nicole: *Brow furrows slightly* Oh? Afraid of what?

Sethopher: Really couldn’t tell you... and wouldn’t if I did.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, you and your wonderful ethics... I should learn not to pry... though it is in a Slytherin's nature... *Smirks playfully* not that a Hufflepuff would know.

Sethopher: *Scowls* I’m going to kill her for bringing it up... Helga would have a field day.

Nicole: *Laughs* I’m sure she would have... *Trails fingers down his chest, kissing his neck lightly* Not that there's really anything wrong with being a Hufflepuff. *Kiss* They're loyal... *Nip* trustworthy... *Kiss* and loving...

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and runs a hand down her back* I suppose I could live with that.

Nicole: *Trails back along his jaw* I love you just as you are. *Captures his mouth in a passionate kiss*

        *Sethopher kisses back enthused, but obviously weaker than usual.*

Nicole: *Pulls out of the kiss resting her head against his chest* It's been a long day...

Sethopher: *Runs a hand down her back soothingly* I ache in places I had long forgotten...

Nicole: *Curls against his side and laughs lightly* If you're still sore in the morning perhaps I can be convinced into a repeat of last night's performance.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* A lady in your condition?

Nicole: *Swats his shoulder halfheartedly, a smile on her face* I love you, but so help me if you treat me like glass for the next 9 months you're going to regret it.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* I’m being rather normal... for a vampire. Vampire females usually "nest" when pregnant... I can’t help instinct.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Oh?

Sethopher: Yeah, they don’t leave the home, people tend to hunt pregnant vampires.

Nicole: *Finger's tracing absently over his chest* While I’ll be more than willing to spend plenty of time right here with you, I’m not a vampire, and I’m most certainly not in the habit of giving up my freedom to move around... the pregnancy will take care of that on it's own towards the end. Until then I have no intentions of hiding... though I will have to drastically reduce what I do in my lab...

Sethopher: *Looks a little annoyed* I know... I know you're not a vampire... it's just going to be strange.

Nicole: *Caresses his face and kisses him lightly* How about we make a compromise, alright? I won't go out as often, and when I do, I’ll take someone with me, or make sure someone knows where I’ve gone. Will that make you feel better?

Sethopher: Yes, it would.

Nicole: *Settles back against his chest* Fine, then we're agreed... *Lip curls slightly in distaste* I don't think I’ll want to be going out as much anyway if this morning's apparating is going to be the typical experience.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sniggers* Yes well...

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow and wiggles her fingers threateningly* I wouldn't make fun if I were you, morning sickness has it's consequences on the father too.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yes I remember.

Nicole: *Hand rests back against his chest* ...Kael said you had other children but you don't talk to them much...

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* My daughter blames me for her mother's death, my eldest son I rarely see, he is busy and the younger son, he takes his sister's side. He still talks to me but he does blame me.

Nicole: *Voice hushed* You never did tell me what happened to your wife.

        *Sethopher goes quiet.*

Nicole: *Voice still quiet* You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I shouldn't have pried, I’m sorry.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* *Takes her hand* No... no it's alright... She died saving my life.

        *Nicole squeeses his hand lightly in hers, she stays silent.*

Sethopher: It was... *Looks thoughtful* around 14 years ago... it was the fight Kain had with Albus Dumbledore... you see it was he who killed her.

Nicole: *Fingers tense* Oh Talma... I’m sorry...

Sethopher: It's alright Nicole, it's not your fault... these things happen. We had a long time together she and I. Just over 2000 years.

Nicole: *Voice hushed and ragged* At the risk of sounding trite, things happen as they're supposed to, and I can't help but be thankful that fate brought you to me... as selfish as that might be...

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs and kisses her forehead* She gave her life for me. *Looks at Nicole* I’ll always love her... but, I also love you, and it's different to what I felt for her.

Nicole: *Meets his gaze* I would never ask you to stop loving her, you were together for 2000 years... I’m just thankful there's a place in your heart for me as well.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Always. It'd be different if you and she were alike... you really are not. Kain remarked on that point some time ago. He asked how could I love two women so different to each other?

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Oh?

Sethopher: Yeah... she was reserved, very timid... Val hated her.

Nicole: *Snickers* And I am anything but... Val amuses me.

Sethopher: She was blonde too. She was also very self assured, knew she was good at most she did. Even though she was quiet.

Nicole: *Wry look* Definitely very different... *Trying to ignore the comment about self-assurance and flippantly curls a stand of dark mahogany hair around her finger* can't get much less blonde without reaching your colour.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Well no... *Sighs*

Nicole: *Yawns* Hmmm... been a very long day.

Sethopher: Indeed it has. *Yawns*

Nicole: *Closes her eyes* I love you Talma... g'night.

Sethopher: Nite Nicole... *Closes eyes*

        *Peaceful breathing fills the room as they fall asleep.*



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 – If anyone didn't realised, Kain's poorly timed joke is a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer's musical episode.  It is a running joke between Dragonsbane and I that Kain can't decide whether to be annoyed with the show because it's "racist against vampires" or love it because he thinks some of the characters are hot.  The joke may or may not show up in some of the prequel stories.



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