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1 September 1997

        *Nicole wakes to a voice beside her*

Harry: Nicole? Nicole wake up.

Nicole: *Pulls a pillow over her head, voice muffled* Dun wanna.

Harry: *Harry prods her* So you don’t want this hot chocolate then?

Nicole: *Eye peaks out from under the pillow* Hot chocolate?

Harry: *Harry grins* Yeah. *Shows her the mug*

Nicole: *Sniffs the air and moves to lean against the headboard, covers wrapped around her* Well hand it over then.

Harry: *Hands it to her* I was told to come wake you and tell you not to wake Sethopher.

Nicole: *Takes a small sip* Oh? Who asked you to wake me?

Harry: Kael, he knows you wake Sethopher up early. He needs sleep.

Nicole: *Takes another small sip of her drink and glances towards Sethopher* I wasn't going to this morning... I’m not that cruel.

Harry: Couldn’t take the chance.

Nicole: *Looks up at Harry* Speaking of which, how are you feeling this morning, you looked rather burnt out last night?

Harry: *Harry grins* I’m fine.

Nicole: *Pats the bed beside her, voice quiet* Sit down for a minute; I’m not ready to get up just yet. *Still drinking the chocolate slowly*

Harry: *Harry sits beside her* Nice? *Motions to the chocolate*

Nicole: Yeah it tastes just the way I like it... *Eyebrow quirked* You didn't put Bailey’s in it though did you, to get the flavour?

Harry: *Smiles slyly* Now how would I know to put that in it?

Nicole: *Cradles the mug in her hands* I’m going to have to learn to behave myself for the next few months... once in a while maybe, but I’ll have to hold off the alcohol for the most part for the next few months... *Grimaces* and I won't be doing much in my lab.

Harry: Shame, you really like your potions too... *Makes a rather icked out face*

Nicole: *Ruffles his hair affectionately* You have no appreciation for the art that is potions.

Harry: It's boring, very, very boring.

Nicole: *Snickers* No it's not, it's just boring cause Snape doesn't like teaching it to classes and he doesn't let you do the fun stuff.

Harry: *Shakes head* That’s an oxymoron... fun... potions.

Nicole: *Smiles indulgently* I’ll have to show you sometime.... You like cooking don't you? You're willing to do it often enough.

Harry: *Thinks* It's not that I like it... I just don’t mind. I’ve done it often enough at the Dursleys. *Shrug*

Nicole: *Sighs* Oh well, you have Quidditch and I have cooking and potions, I like both... same ideas behind them. *Sets her empty mug on the side table* So, anyone else up yet, or just us and Kael?

Harry: *Harry frowns* Actually just me... Kael is with Val at the Vampire city, they left last night.

Nicole: Oh? *Quirked eyebrow* So mainly you're in here because you're awake and bored, aren't you?

Harry: Yeah, pretty much... *Sighs*

Nicole: *Glances over at Sethopher still sleeping* Have you eaten yet then? I suppose I can get up and make us something for breakfast, and I can let him sleep a while longer.

Harry: *Harry shakes his head* I haven’t eaten anything no... You sure you wanna be cooking?

Nicole: Why shouldn't I?

Harry: *Looks at Sethopher and sniggers* I don’t think he'd approve. Vampires are protective of their pregnant lovers.

Nicole: *Smiles indulgently* We talked last night, I’ll be more careful than I would normally, but I’m not going to let myself be treated like I’m going to shatter any second. *Smirks* Besides, he's asleep, what's he going to do about it?  Plus it's not like I’m going to make a four course meal... how do some blueberry pancakes sound to you?

Harry: *Harry smiles* Sounds great.

Nicole: *Smiles and hands him the empty mug* Go on out to the kitchen then, I’ll be out as soon as I’ve pulled some clothes on.

        *Harry smiles, takes the mug and goes out towards the kitchen.  Nicole gets out of bed, pulling the covers up to cover Sethopher, then changes and heads into the kitchen.  Harry is sitting using magic to float the salt and pepper.*

Nicole: *Walks over to the fridge and starts to pull ingredients out, setting them on the counter, looks over at Harry* Having fun over there?

        *Harry smiles and sets them back onto the table.*

Nicole: *Smiles at him as she begins making the food* I can see you're getting better with your powers.

Harry: *Harry sighs* Yeah... like last night didn’t give you an idea. *Frowning and sighs again.*

Nicole: You want to talk about it? I may not know nearly as much as Kain or Luce about this sort of thing, but I’ll always be here to listen to you Harry.

Harry: *Looks up* I’m just scared Nicole. I have a lot of power and I don’t know why.

Nicole: *Looks over her shoulder at him, considering look on her face* Have you had a chance to talk to Da about it at all? He definitely has the most experience with power around here.

Harry: *Harry shakes his head* No I haven’t... I think Draco’s starting to resent it in a way. I think he's a little scared of me too.

Nicole: Why do you think that?

Harry: ...Just the way he looks at me.

Nicole: Oh? Something different lately?

Harry: *Nods* Yeah... it's fear. It's not all the time but it's there... he's scared of me... I should know fear, I’ve seen it before... too many times.

Nicole: Have you talked with him about it at all? A lot has been happening lately, and little of it has really been all that great for him.

Harry: I have yeah... he told me not to be stupid. But he is scared.

Nicole: *Hesitates* Do you want someone else to try talking to him about it?

Harry: *Frowns* Maybe... I don’t know. *Growls frustrated* As soon as I get one thing on track something else happens.

Nicole: *Wry look* Isn't that the way life usually goes?

Harry: *Sighs* I suppose...

Nicole: *Comes over to the table with the food and drinks* Here you go. *Sits down*

Harry: *Smiles* Thanks Nicole.

Nicole: *Takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully* I can try talking to him if you want... but I honestly don't know how much help I can be, this might be something you're just going to have to work out together...

Harry: I know... but how... I - I don’t know what to do. I didn’t ask for these powers... didn’t ask to have Voldemort after me either... *Sighs and takes a bite of pancake* Nice pancake.

Nicole: Thanks, my grandmother always used to make them for me when I was small... *Sighs* I don't know what to tell him Harry, but I do know he loves you, it's something you can see in his eyes... you'll just have to rely on that I suppose.

Harry: I know he loves me... god I love him... *Sniggers* Sounds weird... I love Draco Malfoy... me Harry Potter... *Shakes head*

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Yes well, in this house, stranger things have happened. Life isn't exactly what one would consider ordinary around here.

Harry: No... Kain, vampire overlord, God, Deity... lives with us... he’s like a father to you and me, a friend to Draco, lover to Lucius and the most down to earth guy ever.

Nicole: *Laughs* Yes and don't forget, Luce has been turned, and now I’m carrying the child of my vampire lover and looking at gaining immortality from the elves... not to mention the other random non-humans that are always coming and going lately. *Shakes her head* I never would have expected my life to turn out like this. *Takes a few more bites of her food*

Harry: *Harry smiles and then pulls out the nexus stone from beneath his robes* No, me neither... *Takes a few more bites of the pancake*

Nicole: *Notices the necklace and gestures towards it* You've been keeping that on, right?

Harry: *Nods* Of course...

Nicole: *Nods* Good. *Sips at her juice, an odd look crossing her face*

Harry: *Looks at you* What is it?

Nicole: *Wrinkles her nose and pushes her plate away* I think I’ve had enough to eat for this morning... *Mutters* I’m going to have to look into morning sickness potions.

Harry: *Harry laughs* Glad I can’t get pregnant.

Draco: *Draco from door yawning* Actually I heard there's a potion that can do that.

Nicole: *Snickers a little* There's some more pancakes on the stove if you'd like them Draco, I won't be eating them, that's for sure.

Draco: *Draco smiles* Yeah well. *Walks over to the stove and grabs one sitting down at the table rather away from Harry*

Nicole: *Takes her dishes to the counter to clean them up* Something wrong Draco?

Draco: *Shakes head* No, why?

Nicole: *Shrugs* Oh, I dunno, *Glances pointedly at the distance between him and Harry* you just seemed a little... off today...

Harry: *Harry finishes his pancake and puts the dish away* I’m going for a shower... *Walks out briskly*

Draco: What’s with him?

Nicole: *Starts making some tea* I’m making some tea to settle my stomach, mint, want some?

Draco: Yeah please. *Starts to eat the pancake*

Nicole: *Busies herself with the teapot, voice goes soft* Draco, do you really have no idea what's bothering Harry.

Draco: *Draco tries to think* No... No clue.

Nicole: *Leans against the counter looking at him* You've... been acting differently with him lately.

Draco: *Looks defensive* No I haven’t.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow sardonically* Oh really? And what about just now? You never used to sit so far from him at the table, it was usually more our task of separating the two of you for even a few moments.

Draco: *Draco frowns* ...Well... I... I don’t know... I didn’t think about it...

        *Whistle from the teapot*

Nicole: *Turns back to the tea, voice gentle* No Draco, you didn't... and that's probably what hurts the most.

Draco: Why... I didn’t mean to... why didn’t he speak... oh...

Nicole: *Comes back to the table with two mugs of tea and starts putting cream and sugar in hers* I know you don't mean to... *Looks at him sincerely* He thinks you're afraid of him Draco.

Draco: *Draco frowns thinking and sighs* *Quietly* I am a little.

Nicole: *Reaches out a hand and holds his gently* He's still just Harry, even with these stronger powers.

Draco: *Sighs* I know... it's hard... I love him... I’m just, usually it's me that’s in control. I know he could hurt me if he wanted to and it scares me.

Nicole: *Smiles sadly* That's why you have to trust in Harry and his love for you... *Shakes her head* You know me, I’m admittedly something of a control freak at times, right?

        *Draco nods.*

Nicole: I have to give that up with Sethopher... he's a vampire and I’m a mortal, he could easily end my life, perhaps not even on purpose, after all *Wry look* usually humans are the dinner, not the date, for a vampire... *Sighs* I have to trust in his love for me, Draco, the same way you need to trust in Harry's for you.

Draco: *Draco gives a weak smile* Yeah... but I’ve had a rather concrete reason to be scared. Take the people I used to hang with in Hogwarts, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy, all three much less powerful than I... I was making sure that they couldn’t hurt me. *Bitter laugh* It all goes back to one event in my life... the last person who I cared about that was more powerful than I... my dad...

Nicole: *Squeeses his hand in hers, voice gentle* Yeah... things are a bit more complicated for you...

Draco: *Smiles sadly* Yeah... I can’t help being afraid. Dad loved me... he... well you know.

Nicole: *Nods* I know.

Draco: I’ve forgiven him, of course I have... but... I haven’t forgotten.

Nicole: *Sighs tiredly, hand rubbing at her temples* I know Draco, and no-one could ever expect you to...

Draco: *Draco nods* I wish I wasn’t scared of him... I love him so much and I hate myself for thinking anything other than he loves me back.

Nicole: *Looks thoughtful* Is there anything you can think of that would make things easier for you? Maybe even just explaining all this to Harry so he can understand...

Draco: I don’t know... if I tell him then okay so he knows... but how will that change what I feel?

Nicole: *shakes her head* I dunno... but he's frustrated and that can't possibly help the tension between you two.

        *Harry walks in clean and fresh from his shower, hair sticking up in all directions.*

Draco: *Looks at Harry* Hey.

Harry: Oh, so you notice me?

        *Nicole sips at her tea quietly.*

Draco: Don’t Harry, please.

Harry: Well I don’t know, talking didn’t help, maybe we need a fight to clear the air.

Nicole: *Voice soft* Harry, why don't you just sit down?

        *Harry sits down near Draco who unconsciously backs away.*

Harry: See!? You are scared of me!

Draco: *Curses* I’m sorry Harry... *Moves closer to him*

Nicole: *Sighs, frustrated* Harry, getting angry isn't going to help matters.

Harry: *Looks a little helpless* What is it, have I done something to make you not trust me Draco? Don’t you love me? Is it-

Draco: *Presses his lips gently over Harry's* *Pulls away* I still love you.

Harry: But?

Draco: *Quietly* ...You were right I am scared of you.

Harry: *Harry looks shocked* *Quietly* Are you gonna break up with me?

Draco: *Eyes open in shock* What!? God no!

Nicole: *Quietly* Don't jump to conclusions Harry, just give him a chance to talk.

Harry: But... you don’t trust me, how can you be with me if you don’t trust me?

Draco: I... I do trust you. But... I also trusted my father.

Harry: *Realisation dawning slightly* You're scared because I can hurt you not because I will?

Nicole: *Grimaces* Got it in one babe.

Harry: *Draco nods and Harry moves closer to him* I could never hurt you. Unless you make me hit myself, that has repercussions.

        *Draco gives him a weak smile, as does Nicole.*

Harry: Drake... We'll get through this.

Draco: I hope so...

        *Kain walks in yawning and stretching with bite marks all along his arms shown by his short sleeved top.*

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Busy night Da?

Kain: *Smiles* What makes you say that?

        *Harry seems to be thinking then starts sniggering uncontrollably.*

Nicole: *Smiles* Something funny Harry?

Harry: *Harry pulls a straight face that’s wobbling* Ummm... *Looks at Kain* No... *Dissolves again into laughter*

Kain: *Looks curiously at Harry* Harry?

Nicole: *Snickering lightly* Gee Harry, somehow I don't believe you.

Harry: *Calms down* All I’m saying is, 'didn't think that area could be any sorer'

Kain: *Looks shocked* You heard me think that!?

        *Harry giggles again and Kain goes a slight tinge of red.*

Nicole: *Looks intrigued* I think you have something else to teach Harry to control now Da... unless of course you want him broadcasting all our thoughts.

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole* Nicole, I don’t think you get this.  The only person that can get through my mental blocks is Sethopher... and now Harry. And Sethopher's had to practice to do it.

Harry: Really?

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* And Harry got through Sethopher's yesterday, do you really give me so little credit? I was wondering if this would show up.

Kain: Yes... but... so quickly...

Harry: Do you know why I have these powers?

Kain: *Shakes his head* No, I really don’t. I just knew you had them.

Nicole: *Looks at Kain* How did you know he had them before they appeared?

Kain: *Frowns* I don’t know... instinct, as soon as I saw him when he was a baby I knew. I didn’t say anything to James and Lily though. Didn’t want to shock them... but I didn’t get a chance to tell them again...

Nicole: Hmmm...

Draco: I’m willing to bet Dumbledore knows.

Nicole: *Grimaces* Probably.... though I’d rather hope that he doesn't know the extent.

Harry: Why'd you say that?

Draco: He let you come here rather easily... he probably kept something from you... so you need to go back and learn from him... he probably doesn’t think your powers have started yet.

Kain: That’s a very valid point.

        *Nicole nods.*

Draco: I think you'll need to speak to him if you want answers.

Kain: Might I make a suggestion?

Harry: What’s that?

Kain: Bring him here, don’t go to him.

Nicole: Albus always has something planned... you need to talk with him, but I’d be careful Harry... Kain's right, get him to come to you, that way he's not in his comfortable setting, you know?

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah...

Nicole: *Brow furrows* I just wish I knew what he was up to.

Harry: Yeah me too. I don’t think I like it... I... can someone tattoo the word pawn on my head please?

Draco: Don’t be daft.

Nicole: *Bitter-sweet smile* I don't think you need to go that far.

        *Harry snorts.*

Kain: Well personally- *Kain is cut off by a loud smashing noise from the front room* What the fuck was that?

Harry: Sounded like a door being smashed.

Nicole: *Looks worriedly towards the front room* We weren't expecting anyone were we?

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* No we weren’t.

Nicole: Then someone should go check...

Kain: I’ll go... *He walks through the front room and opens the door.  He goes outside and some muffled talking is heard*

Nicole: *Looks over at Harry and Draco* You both stay here, alright? *Walks over to the doorway to the front room.*

        *Harry glowers but stays where he is and Draco nods.*

Nicole: *Glances back at Harry, mother-like tone* No heroics Harry, stay put, I mean it. *Looks out towards the way Kain went.*

        *Kain can still be heard talking, to someone with a distinctly female voice*

Nicole: *Calls out* Da? Is everything alright?

Kain: *Kain opens the door* Nicole, come here for a moment would you?

Nicole: *Steps outside* Sure Da... who you talking to?

        *Valentine coughs lightly from behind her, directly across from Kain. She has a cut on her left cheek and seems to be standing to take the weight off her right leg*

Nicole: *Turns around* Val! What was with all the noise? Are you alright?

Valentine: *Val laughs and nods* I am fine... your front door isn’t though and all the dust lying round is vampire dust.

Nicole: *Looks around* What happened?

Kain: Can you see if you can fix the door Nicole? I need to put wards on this place...

Valentine: Not entirely sure.

Nicole: *Takes out her wand and points it at the door* Porta repairo. *Door reassembles into whole again* How's that?

Kain: *Kain smiles* Thanks. *Looks at Val* It can’t be them.

Valentine: And why not?

Kain: How about I killed them all.

Nicole: *Looks at the two vampires curiously* Can't be who?

Valentine: Did you though? From what you told me... she could still be alive.

Kain: *Rolls eyes* It's a stupid idea, she's dead! I killed her.

Valentine: Like the Serophant killed you.

        *Kain glowers.*

Nicole: *Starts getting frustrated* Da, if you two don't start making sense soon I’m going to be seriously displeased.

Kain: *Kain looks at her* Oh, sorry pet. My ex wife, Uhma, I killed her. She betrayed me, simple enough.

Valentine: Word on the street is there's a vampire looking for someone to turn to make their army complete, a right hand if you will.

Nicole: *Looks at Val* And you think this has to do with Uhma?

Valentine: *nods* She can turn a vampire so they mindlessly follow their master. *Looks at Kain and says something in Vampiric*

Kain: *Kain looks murderous* WHAT?!

Valentine: *Steps back* Dun shoot the messenger!

Nicole: *Makes an annoyed noise* I soooo need to learn Vampiric so you all can't keep doing that.

Kain: ...Tell me you're kidding Val.

Valentine: No... I’m really not.

Nicole: Now what?

Kain: Her right hand... she wants to turn someone, who do you think she could possibly want?

Valentine: *Val looks scared* She’s got an army Kain. You know how... obsessive she can get.

Kain: If indeed it is her.

Nicole: So what's going on then, and what are we doing about it?

Kain: Those vampires were to scout our defences. We need to protect Harry.

Nicole: *Worried* You think they want Harry?

Valentine: I don’t think, I know they do.

        *Kain nods.*

Valentine: ...You know where the only safe place is really...

Nicole: *Glances back into the house worriedly* Where?

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes, I know. Quel'Thalas.

Nicole: Where is that?

Kain: *Kain smiles at Nicole* In the heart of the Edrel, the Elvin Realm.

Nicole: *Looks surprised* You want to move us to the Elvin Realm? Will they allow that? Harry isn't going without the rest of us. *Tone firm*

Kain: ...I forget I didn’t tell you what my actual position was before I was turned.

Nicole: You were a member of the royal family... what else?

Kain: I also happened to own a lot of Quel'Thalas. I have authority there still, it's still mine.

Nicole: *Awed* Wow.... So we're moving to Quel'Thalas then?

Kain: *Nods* At least until the threat has passed... *Smiles* Going back to Quel'Thalas will be a strange experience.

Nicole: *Rubs her arms and shivers slightly* Has it been a long time since you've been there?

Kain: Oh... only around three thousand years.

Nicole: *Low whistle* That is a while. *Looks towards the house longingly* Can we go back inside now? I’m getting rather cold.

        *All walk inside.*

Nicole: *Settles on one of the couches* We're going to have to tell the boys... and pack...

Harry: Tell us what? *Draco follows behind him*

Nicole: *looks over towards them* Kain's going to take us to Quel'Thalas, in the Elvin Realm, for a while.

Harry: *Harry doesn’t really look surprised* Okay.

Draco: Really!? Cool!

Kain: Is Sethopher still asleep?

Nicole: I can go check

Kain: *Kain smiles* We still have around two hours before the wards become less stable. Wake him gently Nicole, I’ll help the boys pack and I’ll fill Luce in.

Nicole: Of course Da, I’ll see you all in a little while. *She walks through into her dark bedroom and sits on the bed beside Sethopher, smoothes back his hair, speaking quietly* Talma, wake-up love.

        *Sethopher continues sleeping peacefully.*

Nicole: *Lays down facing him, hand reaching up to rub his cheek* Love, you need to wake-up. *Kisses him lightly*

Sethopher: *Eyes gently flutter open* Nicole? ... *Groans* I don’t feel too good.

Nicole: It's me *Strokes his face gently* What's wrong love?

Sethopher: *Quietly as though he has a headache* I hurt all over.

Nicole: *Worriedly* Should I go get Da?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Just stay with me for a few minutes... please?

Nicole: *Rubs a hand along his side soothingly, voice quiet* That's fine, I’m not going anywhere.

Sethopher: *Looks worried* Are you alright love?

Nicole: *Looks into his eyes* I’m fine, stomach's been bothering me, but that's to be expected... Something came up though.

Sethopher: Oh? What’s that?

Nicole: There are some rogue vampires after Harry... Kain wants to take us all to Quel'Thalas.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes... Harry is really powerful... I should know, I was in his head yesterday... and he in mine.

Nicole: Kain said we have about 2 hours before we need to leave.

Sethopher: Good, I hurt too much to move right now.

Nicole: *Strokes his face gently* Anything I can do to help?

Sethopher: Just stay with me. *Kisses her gently, he is obviously fighting to stay awake*

Nicole: *Voice quiet* Are you sure you're going to be alright? ... I could do our packing so you can sleep some more.

Sethopher: *Frowns* I can’t ask you to do that love.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* It's obvious you're tired, and it's really not such a hardship, neither of us really have all that much here... I’ll leave my lab behind, it's so much to take and I won't be using it as much now anyway, I could probably be done fairly quickly, especially using magic.

Sethopher: ...*Looks like he wants to say something but refrains* If you're sure love?

Nicole: *Smiles at him softly* I’m sure, and I promise I’ll come lay right back down here if I get tired, or as soon as I’m done, alright?

Sethopher: *Looks pacified* Good... I’m sorry if I’m a pest... I can’t help it.

Nicole: It's alright, I know it's in your nature... besides, I won't even hardly be out of this room, I’ll be right nearby.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I really love you, you know.

Nicole: *Kisses him softly* I know, and I love you too.

Sethopher: *Pulls covers tighter round him* I feel awful.

Nicole: *Worried* Is your head still bothering you, or is it something else?

Sethopher: My head hurts but it's a different sort of pain... I feel shivery too...and tired.

Nicole: Flu-like?

Sethopher: *Looks amused* Vampires don’t get flu hon.

Nicole: *Rolls eyes* I’m just trying to understand how you're feeling, no need to patronise me.

Sethopher: How would I know what a flu feels like?

Nicole: *Wry look* Yes, I suppose it has been awfully long since you would have had that... achy all over, tired, like you're too hot or cold.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah kinda.

        *Knock at the door*

Nicole: I’ll go see who it is... *Gets up and walks over to the door, opens it slightly*

Kael: *Kael smiles at Nicole* I’m here to see my patient.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* I’m glad you're here, he's not feeling so well at the moment

Kael: *Kael nods* I know. See, I thought he'd be okay to sleep through this but we need to move. *Sighs*

Nicole: How long do you think this will last? Da said we need to leave within the next two hours.

Kael: *Kael sighs* A few days, possibly longer.

Sethopher: What?

Nicole: It's Kael love, he came to check on you. *Steps aside to let Kael in the room* Come on in, it's rude of me to make you stand there so long.

Kael: *Kael walks in and walks over to Sethopher and feels his temperature* *Sighs* It's only starting. You're gonna get worse before you get better Sethopher.

Sethopher: What’s wrong with me?

Kael: Nothing serious, Umpach Nural.

Sethopher: ...Withdrawal?

Kael: Yes, the drugs that controlled your condition, I told you they were addictive. It'll be a few days before you are better Sethopher.

Nicole: *Follows Kael over to the bed* Will he be able to travel to Quel'Thalas?

Kael: *Kael nods* Yes, apparating to the grounds then through the wards via more apparating. You'll be using Kain's house.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I’ve seen that house.

Nicole: *Makes a face* Eurgh, apparating.

Kael: Sorry Nicole, it's the only way to go about it.

Nicole: *Sighs* I’ll survive... though I’m starting to wish I hadn't had that pancake for breakfast.

Sethopher: *Starts to shiver again* *Yawns* Is there no other way?

Nicole: *Watches Sethopher concerned* Are you certain Kael? Somehow I don't think he'll handle apparating there any better than I will.

Kael: *Kael sighs* I’m sure... I really am sorry but... it's the only way in and out, there are powerful markers on the lands and you can only get in with a charm on you and then apparating.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright.... Will we be going straight to Da's home, or having to travel some? *Hesitation in her voice*

Kael: Straight to his home. We apparate in pairs at least, so you know where you go. Harry will probably go with Kain, I’ll take Draco and Val can help you two, probably call in Magnus to help. He'll probably take Lucius.

Nicole: *Sighs* Alright... how much time do we have, I still need to pack.

Kael: About an hour and a half.

Nicole: Could someone come let us know a little over an hour from now if we're not out in the main room by then?

Kael: *Kael nods* I’ll go now to Quel'Thalas and let Malfurion know we are coming. He just likes to know. I’ll tell Kain to come in and get you if you aren’t out in an hour or so. *Smiles*

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Thanks Kael.

        *Kael walks out and closes the door behind him and Sethopher shivers again.*

Nicole: *Walks over to the bed and adds the throw blanket to the covers over Sethopher, she smoothes his hair back* Do you want to rest love, or talk while I pack?

Sethopher: I’d rather talk if you don’t mind, I can sleep when we get to Kain's and I know Harry and Kain are safe. I feel rather pathetic at the moment and frustrated, at times like this I’m supposed to be the General of Kain's army. *Sighs*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I know... How about you tell me about Kain's home, you said you've seen it? *Conjures up a trunk and begins removing items from the bedside tables, and a cabinet full of finished potions, carefully placing them in the trunk.*

Sethopher: Well, Quel'Thalas is a beautiful city. It's in the heart of the Mountains of the Elvin Lands. His house is in a corrie in a mountain side, overlooking the small lake up in the mountains. His house is white, it looks a little like Roman architecture, with the pillars and the white marble. It's a... *Smiles* rather large house.

Nicole: *Looks up from what she's doing and smiles* I take it that's an understatement.

Sethopher: A little yes.

Nicole: It sounds beautiful.

Sethopher: He told me once he had rooms that he didn’t even know what they were for. I didn’t believe him and he took me there, I must admit he had a point.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Maybe we'll actually get some privacy there for a change.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yeah.

Nicole: *Moves over to the dresser* I know you don't like your leather things folded, but I don't think there's really much other option at the moment, alright? *Begins removing clothing into a second trunk*

Sethopher: *Smiles* I know, I know. *Sits up a little pulling the covers round his shoulders*

Nicole: *Pauses and frowns* Why am I doing this the muggle way? Clothes aren't fragile enough to worry about packing by hand. *Points her wand at first the dresser and then the closet* Roupa do bloco. *Clothing from both begins rapidly flying to the trunk, folding itself.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sniggers* Yes well... *Yawns again and clucks his tongue at himself*

Nicole: Oh hush you. *Closes the trunk full of clothing and begins gathering other random items into the first trunk* I think everything should fit into just these two and I can shrink them... shouldn't be too much for us to take.

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks like he's remembered something* Nicole, that bottom drawer, there’s a leather bound book in it, can you put that in?

Nicole: *Nods and opens the drawer pulling out a book* This one?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah.

Nicole: *Puts it in the trunk surveying the mostly emptied room, looks at the bed where Sethopher is sitting* Do you think I need bother with any bedding or linens?

Sethopher: *Sethopher laughs* No, no I don’t think so. Technically I don’t even think we need to take clothes, he'd buy a new wardrobe for us if we wanted.

Nicole: I thought not, and I’ll keep my clothes thank you, they're comfortable... Well if that's the case, we're packed then. See, I told you it wouldn't take long. *Moves over to stretch out beside him on the bed*

Sethopher: *Gets closer to her and sighs content* I think you'll like it there.

Nicole: *Brings a hand up to run through his hair* I hope so... it sounds beautiful and I’ll have the people I care about most with me, what more could I really want?

Sethopher: *Smiles* Well... I don’t know, immortality? Oh, no wait you'll be getting that soon anyway.

Nicole: *Laughs fondly* You really are a cheeky bugger sometimes, you know that?

Sethopher: *Grins* Really? I’ve never been called a cheeky bugger before. I’m deeply hurt! *Looks melodramatic* I am wounded!

Nicole: *Laughs* Absolutely ridiculous... At least I know your sense of humour is intact even if you aren't feeling well.

Sethopher: Well, what am I without my humor huh?

Nicole: *Kisses him lightly* Wouldn't be you, I like it about you... *Teasing glint in her eyes* even if you are rather corny at times.

Sethopher: *Raises eyebrow* I am not corny.

Nicole: *Raises a matching eyebrow* You're not are you?

Sethopher: No, I am not.

Nicole: *Gives him a patronising look* You can just keep telling yourself that.

Sethopher: *Mouth hangs open* Give me an example then.

Nicole: *False look of contemplation* Gee... I seem to remember some rather corny chat-up lines coming from you that first evening you kissed me.

        *Sethopher looks unconvinced.*

Nicole: *Does a poor impression of his voice* Very nice. *Mocking her own voice* It does taste good. *Impression* I wasn't talking about the hot chocolate. *Quirks an eyebrow* Ring any bells?

Sethopher: *Sethopher coughs* Well what do you expect? I hadn’t even looked at a lover of any kind for fourteen years never mind spoken to one... *goes a little red*

Nicole: *Smiles fondly* It was sweet, if a bit corny, *Self depreciating look* and besides, I wasn't exactly the picture of confidence myself... I’d say things worked out rather well in the end though, wouldn't you?

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yeah, they did, didn’t they... *Puts a hand on her stomach and smiles*

Nicole: *Rests a hand over his, voice and eyes sincere* I know we haven't really been together all that long, but I really do love you, you know that right?

Sethopher: *Smiles* You're asking the telepath if he knows you love him? *Grins* I know, I can feel it. I love you too you know... *Kisses her gently* I think I knew it before you did.

Nicole: *Kisses him softly, fingers trailing lightly over the side of his face* Oh you did, did you?

Sethopher: *Smiles and closes his eyes and speaks into her mind again* ~I did.~

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and gently leans her forehead against his, speaking back into his mind – though she doesn't really know how she's doing it, or that it's not just Sethopher.* ~This is still around I see... is this what the whisper is like? Or something else?~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles, not realising she's speaking back, thinking only that he's picking up her thoughts like before.* ~Whisper is different, vampires see what the other is seeing, we can feel what the other is feeling and also talk. It's very good for directing battles. Kain is excellent at it.~

Nicole: *Curiosity* ~Have you tried this with anyone else?~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~No.~

Nicole: *Smiles and leans her head against his shoulder, contentment radiating in her mind* *Sighs happily* ~I like being able to hear you like this.~

Sethopher: *Runs a hand through her hair* ~It's really strange. It's so quiet now... in my head, it scares me a little.~

Nicole: ~I can't imagine what it's like. Until you, I’ve never heard anyone else in my mind... It would be strange loosing it so suddenly I’d imagine.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* ~I kind of find myself missing it in an odd way. I was never alone, I feel alone now when I am... sleep is also weird, my dreams are my own.~

Nicole: *Caresses his face and kisses him lightly* ~Never alone, I’ll always be here for you.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and leans his head on Nicole's shoulder still shivering* ~I’m getting annoyed at this shivery feeling.~ *Sniggers* ~Being naked under here probably doesn’t help.~

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* ~Would you like me to get something for you to put on?~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~We'll probably be leaving soon.~

Nicole: *Goes over to the clothing trunk and returns after a moment with a heavy jumper and some trousers* ~Here, these should be warm. Do you need any help?~

Sethopher: *Looks a little sheepish* ~Probably, I’m shaking too badly to try standing at the moment.~

Nicole: *Pulls back the blankets some* ~Here, let's get the jumper on first.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes fiercely and takes the jumper and puts it on. He then puts his hand on the jumper and whispers something and smiles* ~Warming charm, one of the few bits of magic I can do other than my specific vampire powers.~

Nicole: *Smiles and puts a charm on the trousers* ~I should have thought of that sooner for the blankets, now here, get these on and you can wrap back up in the throw.~

Sethopher: *Sighs at the trousers and takes them and puts them over his legs. He lays back on the bed and pulls them up over his butt and then sits up again* ~Much better.~

Nicole: *Lays back beside him, pulling the throw over to tuck around them both* ~How's this?~

Sethopher: *Snuggles into Nicole* ~Do you mind if I rest a little while, I’d like to stay awake but... too tired.~ *Yawns again*

Nicole: *Rests her head against his shoulder* ~It's fine... since we have to apparate such a distance, we should probably both rest a while.~

        *Sethopher smiles and nods, he quickly falls asleep evidently too tired to stay awake.  Nicole wraps an arm around him and closes her eyes to rest*


 ~*~About an Hour Later~*~

Kain: *Nicole is woken by Kain* Nicole? Nicole hon wake up.

Nicole: *Opens her eyes slowly* Oh, hello Da... *Yawns* Time to go?

Kain: *Nods* *Hands her a small pendant with a small stone on the end of it* Kael said it'll stop you getting sick while apparating.

Nicole: *Smiles and puts the pendant on* I’ll have to remember to thank him for this.

Kain: *Kain smiles then looks at Sethopher* I really hate to wake him.

Nicole: *Sighs and brushes a stray strand of Sethopher's hair from his face* Yes, well it's unavoidable isn't it?

Kain: *Nods* Yes...

        *The door opens and a man walks in that has white hair and looks a little like Dumbledore.*

Nicole: *Looks over towards the door somewhat suspiciously* Hello, and you would be?

Magnus: *Smiles* I’m Magnus.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* Kael mentioned you earlier, nice to meet you.

Magnus: You too. Sir, we should be going soon.

Kain: Yes Magnus, I’m well aware of that. *Tone of voice indicates a different type of relationship with Magnus than with the other vampires Nicole has met.* Go back through.

Magnus: *Magnus nods and bows low* Of course sir. *Walks out and closes the door*

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain curious* A member of your army?

Kain: *Nods* Yes, he's trustworthy, hates Dumbledore so I let him do some larger tasks for me. Even though Dumbledore was his father, he hates the man, he sought me out.

Nicole: *Eyes widen slightly* So that was Albus' son, explains the likeness... I should have remembered you said he'd joined you... *Thoughtfully* I may have to talk to him sometime.

Kain: *Nods* Just remember he is not a friend of mine, just a member of my army. Don’t tell him anything about me or the senior members.

Nicole: Of course Da, I promise. *Shakes her head as though to clear it* Give me a moment to wake Sethopher and shrink our trunks and we'll be ready to go.

Kain: *Nods* Okay, I’ll be in the front room waiting for you.

Nicole: We'll be right out. *Turns slightly to wake Sethopher* Love, it's time to wake up.

        *Kain walks out and Sethopher makes incoherent noises.*

Nicole: *Kisses Sethopher softly* ~Talma, you need to wake up, it's time to go.~

Sethopher: *He opens his eyes* ~That was a quick damn sleep.~ *His mind voice even sounds tired*

Nicole: *Nuzzles his cheek softly* ~I know, but Da is waiting for us in the other room, you can rest again once we get to his home.~

        *Sethopher sits up and pulls Nicole up with him.*

Nicole: *Reaches over to the side table and picks up her wand, pointing it at the chests* Reduza as caixas ... accio caixas *The chests shrink to pocket size and fly into her hand, she pockets them* There, that should be everything. *Looks at her room wistfully*

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses her once on the mouth* This house is a little small for the baby anyway Nicole... we would have had to move.

Nicole: *Smiles* I know... *Sighs* it's just every time I seem to find a place to call home I have to move again... it'd be nice to have a place I could stay for more than just a couple years.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* You might like it in Edrel.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m sure I will. *Stretches and pulls the throw off of them* Are you going to be warm enough without this, or do you want to take it with you?

Sethopher: I’m fine without it, I’m a nice temperature at the moment.

Nicole: *Stands and holds out a hand to him* Well we better be going then...

        *Sethopher nods and tries to stand and starts to fall to the floor.*

Nicole: *Moves close to Sethopher* Here, let me help you.

Sethopher: *Sethopher tries again and leans onto Nicole* That was unexpected.

Nicole: *Wraps an arm around his waist* It's alright, we'll take it slow.

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* ~ I feel like an invalid.~

Nicole: *Smiles up at him* ~You're not an invalid, you've just been ill, it's to be expected.~ *Speaking out loud once more.* Now let's go, I’m sure Da is getting impatient. *Starts helping Sethopher from the room*

        *They get into the front room and Kain is standing talking at a line of 6 vampires*

Kain: I want you to find out if it really is Uhma, no fancy shit, no trying to assassinate her, okay? I want you to find her motives if it is her and find out who it is if not her. Tina, you go to the Night Elves, find out if they know anything. Fraol go to the Moon Elves, see what they know and Lai go see the Wizards Cult she used to use. The rest of you know what to do. Magnus you stay here... Dismissed.

        *The vampires stand at attention, bow, then apparate*

Nicole: *Pauses with Sethopher in the door from the lab* Da, we're ready to go.

Kain: *Kain looks round* Come in you two. Sethopher, you know where it is, Kael has managed to get us direct access rather than having to go to the check point.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Good.

Kain: Sethopher, you can apparate with Nicole, Draco with Kael, Harry with me, Lucius with Magnus.

Nicole: *Helps Sethopher into the room* We'll be going straight to the house then?

Kain: To the grounds, you can’t apparate into the house, I made sure of that.

Nicole: *Nods* Makes sense.

Kain: Okay, apparate when you’re ready.

Sethopher: *Looks at Nicole* Ready?

Nicole: *Nods* As ready as ever. *Brings her free hand to the pendant from Kael* I hope this little bitty works

        *Sethopher holds her hand over her pendant and the familiar feeling of apparating flows over them.  They appear in the middle of a huge clearing in front of a huge manor-like house.  Kain and the rest apparate soon after.*

Nicole: *Looks at the house impressed* You definitely weren't overstating when you said this place was large.

Sethopher: *Sethopher grins* No I wasn’t... *Looks at the house and sees a rather large and angry looking white tiger make a beeline for Kain*

        *Kain doesn’t move as the tiger floors him and growls.*

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* A pet?

        *Sethopher sniggers and the tiger looks at Nicole offended.*

Kain: Tyrande, I know I know, get off me!

        *The tiger gets off Kain still glowering menacingly at him*

Nicole: Or not...

Harry: ...*Looking at the tiger* She's a moon elf.

        *The tiger looks impressed with Harry and transforms into an elf with a lilac hue to her skin and dark black hair with purple tint to it. Her ears are longer than a normal elf's and more curved.  Nicole is rather speechless.*

Tyrande: *She looks at Kain who looks intimidated* How long?

Kain: Not long.........................

Tyrande: Three thousand years isn’t long to you? *Glares heartily and another white tiger comes out of the forest behind them, it's larger than Tyrande was.*

Kain: Well...

        *The tiger stands beside Tyrande looking suitably annoyed.*

Tyrande: See? Look at Tula, she’s even angry with you.

Kain: I have been busy.

Nicole: *Clears her throat lightly* Um, Da... Would you like to introduce your friends?

Kain: Everyone, this is Tyrande, High Priestess of the Moon. Tyrande, this is Nicole...

Tyrande: *Tyrande walks towards Nicole and smiles* You are with child?

Nicole: *Nods, voice timid* Yes, I am. *Smiles softly* I would greet you better but... *She gestures her head to Sethopher who's still leaning against her slightly.*

Tyrande: *Looks at Sethopher* I wondered where you had got to Sethopher... it's good to see you looking so happy.

Sethopher: Thank you priestess.

Kain: This is Lucius... my lover. This is Draco and Harry.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks at Harry with some interest* Hmmm... yes... *Smiles* quite a mixture of people... Well... I should be off, I have to see Malfurion. *Sits atop the tiger* I’ll see you later on.

        *The tiger runs off quickly into the forest with Tyrande on top.*

Nicole: *Voice soft and awed* She was nice.

Kain: I was wishing she wouldn’t be here when we got here... *Rolls eyes at self*

Nicole: *Looks over at Kain* Oh?

        *Sethopher sniggers at Kain.*

Kain: She's going to be pumping me for info over the last 3000 years. *Groans*

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Well who's fault was it for not staying in touch all these years?

Kain: *Sighs* Come on, into the house.

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* You alright to go?

Sethopher: Yeah, let's go.

        *Kain leads the way to the house and the rest follow.  They enter the entrance hall which is a large white room with marble floor in a spiral pattern, the roof is a large glass dome. Several elves are standing waiting on Kain and company.*

Kain: Hello again.

Elf at the front: Master Kain, it's been a long time since you've been in residence sir.

Kain: *Kain nods* *Looks at the female elf at the end and then to Sethopher and Nicole* Tamal, take Sethopher and Nicole to the blue suite of rooms, Sethopher needs to sleep.

Tamal: *The blonde elf nods and smiles at Sethopher and Nicole* This way... *Walks off to the left of the room.*

        *Nicole follows with Sethopher.  They get to large white doors with a blue marble design on them which Sethopher recognised as ancient elfish.  They enter and go down a blue carpeted hall and to the right.  She opens the doors into a large sky blue room with large windows leading out onto the patio*

Nicole: *Gasps slightly* It's beautiful.

Tamal: This is one of the nicest suites in the manor, ground floor but overlooking a terraced garden... *Opens a door to the left* This is the en suite, has a magical jacuzzi. *Smiles* That bell there on the wall will call me to your room, I look after anyone in these rooms.

Nicole: *Looks around impressed* They're wonderful.

Tamal: *Smiles* I’m glad you like them, I’ll be by later with dinner and lunch arrangements, as I recall Kain likes to change the times. *Leaves the room and closes the door*

Nicole: *Smiles at Sethopher* Let's get you to bed... we could both use to lay down for a while, don't you think?

        *Sethopher smiles and nods, walks over to the bed and lies down in the very comfortable mattress*

Nicole: *Lays down beside him and sighs slightly* This is home now I suppose... certainly large enough... what's most important is that I have you with me. *Snuggles against him*

Sethopher: *Smiles and yawns again* Yeah...

Nicole: *Rests her head against his shoulder* ~Rest well Talma, love you.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher is almost asleep* ~Love you too.~

        *Nicole rests an arm across his chest and closes her eyes.*


~*~A few hours later~*~

        *Nicole wakes to a gentle tapping on the door.*

Nicole: *Opens her eyes and gently disentangles herself from Sethopher moving to the door and opening it* Hello?

Kain: *Kain smiles* Hey Nicole... sorry to wake you... I wanted to show you something. *Puts his hand out for her to take*

Nicole: *Smiles and steps through the door, closing it softly behind her, takes Kain's hand* It's alright Da, where are we going?

Kain: *Smiles* I bet you think the blue suite is just that room and the bathroom?

Nicole: Well that and the terrace Tamal showed us... why, is it not? *Puzzled*

Kain: *Kain smiles* No, you see that door you entered with the blue engraving? That’s the start of the blue suite. You see the other three doors? Those are for your use too.

Nicole: *Eyes widen* Really? What else is in here?

Kain: *Kain smiles and takes her to the door that’s on the same side as her room and opens it* This is the living room/study. There is a main library in this house, feel free to take any books you want and stock these shelves... there are a lot of books on Elvin Potions in the library.

Nicole: *Smiles* Thank you Da.

Kain: *The room is large with the same colour scheme as the bedroom.  He closes the door and takes her to the door directly opposite the study.  He opens the door to reveal a small dining table and a glass wall overlooking the city.* This room can be turned into anything you want, at the moment it's a small dining room. The wall is magical, the city is a little farther down the slope, beyond the forest.

Nicole: *Steps over to the wall* The view is breathtaking.

Kain: It is isn’t it... one more room to show you... I think you'll like this room.

Nicole: *Smiles* It couldn't possibly be any nicer than what you've shown me already.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I’m willing to put a wager on that... *Takes her out and stands in front of the final room* Ready? *Grinning*

Nicole: Ready.

        *Opens the door and reveals a Nursery. There is a cradle in the corner, ornately fashioned, obviously by elvin eye with elvin runes over the wooden frame. The colour scheme is also blue. There is a large white couch that looks very comfortable in the corner. The floor is thick carpet. There is a small window with a window seat. There is a book case full of children’s books and a small wardrobe fashioned by elvin hands also*

Nicole: *A hand comes to cover her mouth, and she brushes a tear from her eye* Oh Da, it's perfect!

Kain: *Kain smiles* I’m glad you like it... it's why I thought these rooms would be perfect for you, none of the other suites have a nursery and Tamal is a nanny.

Nicole: *Hugs Kain, voice quiet* You've thought of everything, I couldn't ask for better.

        *Kain hugs her back.  As they stand there Tyrande walks in.*

Tyrande: Hello Kain, hello Nicole... May I speak with the two of you?

        *Nicole releases Kain and stands quietly beside him.*

Kain: What is it Tyrande?

Tyrande: I’m curious about that boy... the black haired boy, Harry.

Nicole: What about him? *Sounds protective*

Tyrande: ...He's different.

Kain: Different how?

Tyrande: I’ve seen wizards. I know where their power comes from... his comes from somewhere else, something more powerful... Is he more powerful?

Kain: ...Well... yes.

Nicole: He is... very much so.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks even more curious* Has he ever controlled nature in any way?

Nicole: *Eyes widen* Yes, yesterday morning he brought a willow tree he and I were sitting under to bloom.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks excited* Oh Elune... could it be...

Kain: What is it Tyrande?

Tyrande: Kain... could you go get Furion, he’s in the glade.

        *Kain nods, smiles at Nicole and leaves.*

Tyrande: Nicole... what else can he do, that you've seen?

Nicole: *Shrugs* Levitate objects mostly, it seems to amuse him... he has a habit of blowing things up when his emotions get out of control... *Thoughtful look* Oh, and he can do the Incendio spell wandless.

Tyrande: *Eyes widen* *She looks very excited now* Does he have... oh I don’t know... does he get on well with animals?

Nicole: *Brow furrows* As far as I know... we didn't really have any pets aside from Voldi-poo, and he doesn't count *mutters* I should probably ask Kain what happened to him.

Tyrande: ...No owls?

Nicole: *Thoughtful* Well there is his owl Hedwig... she always has seemed quite affectionate of him.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* And could any of his parents turn into animals?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Yes, his father was an animagus like I am... he was a stag I believe.

Tyrande: *Tyrande's mouth gapes* A stag????

Nicole: *Nods* His nickname was Prongs if I’m correct, so yes, a stag.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks faint* I think I need to sit down. *Sits on the couch in the room* After ten thousand years... can it possibly be...

Nicole: *Moves to sit on the couch beside her* Is something wrong?

Tyrande: *Shakes her head* No, everything is right... if it is what I think... and I can’t see why it isn’t...

Kain: *Kain walks back in* Furion said he'll be up in about twenty minutes.

        *Tyrande nods*

Nicole: *Studies the elf* What is it you think Harry is?

Kain: Yes, what do you think Harry is?

Tyrande: Cenarius.

Kain: *Looks stunned* Surely not.

Tyrande: Think about it Kain.

Nicole: *Mutters* I really need to read up on my Vampire and Elvin lore.

Kain: ...Well... I - I suppose it could be him... *Kain is looking rather stunned*

Nicole: Um, could someone explain who this Cenarius is to the clueless mortal?

Tyrande: Cenarius, he was a Demigod. He was killed by Orcs and Dark Elves and Blood Elves. He sent a vision to my love, Furion that he would come back, not in a literal sense, he would bestow his powers on another.

Kain: It can’t be him... Harry is human, and not an immortal.

Nicole: *Brow furrows* But you think Harry is this... heir?

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* No Witch or Wizard can do what he has done to nature with sheer will and magic, they would need a wand... also... his father being a stag... Cenarius took the form of a centaur as his magic grew. The centaurs see him as their god too. If he is... he will be immortal, it will be a gradual change. We have beings here that are stag on the lower half...

Nicole: *Low whistle* Someone needs to talk to him about this.

Tyrande: Cenarius had a lover named Draconias, his friend was Draco was it not?

Nicole: ...Yes, his lover.

Tyrande: ...Really? Draconias died a long time ago... it could be possible...

Kain: ...I don’t know Tyrande... Harry is just a boy. A boy with added years but a boy none the less.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* Far too many coincidences for my liking... this reeks of prophecy, Harry's going to be thrilled. *Quite sarcastic*

Tyrande: Oh?

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* The Elves here don’t take any note of Human prophecies, the name Harry Potter means nothing here really.

Nicole: *Grimaces* Harry has had very little control over his life, somehow I doubt he'll be immediately happy about figuring into an Elvin prophecy any more than he was about a human one... though I’m certain he'll be glad to understand where his powers come from... it's been worrying him.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles sadly* Yes... No one will be told outside the Circle of Cenarius.

Nicole: ...Someone should talk with him about this soon... with the telepathic powers he's been developing lately he could easily find this out accidentally.

Tyrande: Telepathy? ...This is sounding more and more likely....

        *Malfurion walks in briskly.  He is an elf with the same colour of skin of Tyrande and the same colour hair.*

Malfurion: I feel power in this house Tyrande, explain?

Tyrande: We have a possible link to Cenarius, Love.

Malfurion: ...*Smiles* Really?

Tyrande: *Nods* Yes.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks at Nicole and Kain* One of you should talk to the boy before we alarm him.

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* I know I’m his guardian Nicole... but I think he still trusts you more at the moment.

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain* I’ll talk to him if you want... but I know so little about all this, just what I’ve been told these past few minutes.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* We don’t know much about it either Nicole... We have been waiting on someone with his power to come... We assumed it'd be an elf.

Nicole: Someone will have to show me where he's staying, I haven't really been outside these rooms since I got here.

Kain: *Kain nods* I’ll take you... Tyrande, Furion, go to the Main Lounge. We'll get you there later.

        *Malfurion and Tyrande nod and leave through the door and Kain sighs.*

Nicole: *Stands up* Lead the way Da. *Sounds slightly weary*

Kain: I’m sorry about this Nicole... I wasn’t expecting this.

Nicole: I know Da, it's not your fault.

Kain: *Stands and sighs. He takes Nicole to Draco and Harry's room which is just across from her suite of rooms.  Points to their bedroom door* That’s their room...

Nicole: *Nods* ...If Sethopher wakes, let him know where I am?

Kain: *Nods* Sure... good luck hon... *Hugs Nicole then leaves her in front of the door*

        *Nicole knocks on the door.*

Harry: *Harry calls out* Come in.

Nicole: *Opens the door and steps in the room* Hello Harry, settling in alright?

        *Harry is sitting in bed with the covers covering his bottom half, Draco is sleeping in the bed beside him, Harry has a book on his lap.*

Harry: *Grins* Yeah.

Nicole: *Smiles* I can see that.

Harry: We wanted to christen the room. *Smiles* What can I do for ya?

Nicole: *Moves over towards the bed* Can I sit down?

Harry: *Nods* Sure.

Nicole: *Sits on the edge of the bed beside him* ...We think we know where your new powers are coming from Harry.

Harry: *Harry closes the book and looks rather interested* Oh? Where?

Nicole: *Bites her lip thoughtfully* I don't exactly understand it all myself, but... If what I’ve been told is true... they're elvin in origin.

Harry: *Looks shocked* Elvin? How?

Nicole: Well... an Elvin deity to be exact.

Harry: *Harry stays silent* .............................. *Shakes his head and asks* I’m sorry, I thought you just said an elvin deity... as in... you know... a demigod of some sort.

Nicole: *Nods* I did.

Harry: *Harry looks stricken* Wha- why!?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't entirely understand it, I said that... but from what I know, around 10,000 years ago an elvin demigod named Cenarius was killed by Orcs as well as some Dark and Blood Elves... he sent a vision that one day his powers would come back, bestowed upon another... an heir so to speak. *Looks at Harry sincerely* They think that heir is you, Harry.

Harry: *Harry looks lost* But... if he... if he was a demigod... wouldn’t that make me immortal... if I had his power?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... the elves I was talking with said that would be the result... they also mentioned a connection to stags... *Looks at Draco pointedly* and a lover named Draconias.

Harry: *Harry looks upset* ...Immortal? You... you're sure?

Nicole: *Takes his hand gently* I’m not sure of anything Harry, I don't know the lore well enough... but if I’m to take what I’ve been told as true, and there's no reason I shouldn't, then all the signs point to yes... the powers themselves and the other connections are just too numerous to be coincidence.

Harry: *Silent tears run down Harry’s face* *Quietly* Nicole... I don’t want to live forever.

Nicole: *Pulls Harry into a warm embrace* Why baby? What's wrong?

Harry: *Harry inhales to calm down* Nicole... I want to live my life... normally with Draco at my side... then... die... I’m not scared to die. If I don’t die... I’ll never see... mum and  dad... Sirius... I always took comfort in the fact I would see them again.

Nicole: *Rubs his back soothingly* I don't know what to tell you babe... I mean apparently you could one day, this Cenarius guy did... but it won't be from old age. *Looks in his eyes* Would it really be such a hardship to stay with us all longer than you expected?

Harry: *Shakes his head* No... but... thousands upon thousands of years... I don’t know if I... *Tears stream down his face again* Would Draco be with me?

Nicole: *Kisses forehead* We'll have to talk with Kael, perhaps he will allow Draco to drink from the Sunwell with me... I don't see why he shouldn't, Draco has a wonderful spirit.

Harry: *Nods* Yeah... Why does this shit always happen to me?

Nicole: *Wry look* Just lucky I guess.

        *Harry sighs and Draco starts to mutter in his sleep.*

Draco: No... no... *Starts to move quickly*

Harry: *Looks concerned at Draco* Draco??

Nicole: *Releases Harry and rests a hand on Draco’s sheet-clad leg* Draco, babe, wake-up.

        *Draco jerks awake*

Harry: Draco?

        *Draco looks freaked out.*

Nicole: *Quietly* Draco, are you alright?

Draco: *Draco shakes his head* No...

Harry: That dream again?

        *Draco nods.*

Nicole: *Looks at Draco concerned* You've been having a reoccurring dream, Draco?

Draco: *Draco nods* Yeah... memories mainly... don’t know why they've been dredged up...

        *Harry sighs and runs a hand through Draco’s hair.*

Nicole: Do you want to talk about it?

Draco: *Shakes his head* Not really no...

Nicole: *Nods* Alright... Harry, do you want me to leave you alone so you can tell Draco what I came in here to talk with you about?

        *Draco looks curious and Harry nods.*

Harry: Yeah please...

Nicole: *Gives Harry's hand a reassuring squeese* Let me know if you need me, alright? *Stands*

Harry: *Harry smiles back* I will...

Nicole: *Smiles and walks out of the room, closing the door softly behind her and leans against the wall closing her eyes for a moment*

        *Tyrande is watching her from across the hall*

Nicole: *Opens her eyes and sees the elf* Oh, hello Tyrande, I didn't notice you there.

Tyrande: *She smiles* It's quite alright... how did he take the news?

Nicole: *Sighs* Considering the circumstances, quite well... I think I need to talk to Kael about something though.

Tyrande: *Smiles gently* If he is indeed empowered by Cenarius... odds are Draco will have Draconias' powers...

Nicole: *Tilts her head inquiringly* Oh? Does that mean Draco will be immortal as well?

Tyrande: *Tyrande sighs sadly* Draconias was no god, she was however a powerful being. She died because she lost all will to live when Cenarius died... her love tethered her to Cenarius, she lived as long as he lived.

Nicole: *Thoughtfully* So that would mean Draco would live as long as Harry? ...I may not need to talk to Kael after all.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* Yes... Furion is on his way to our homeland to consult with the spirits to find if this is indeed who we think... I remember telling these tales to Kain when he was a young child... he had obviously forgotten them.

Nicole: I'm sure it's been quite a long time since he heard the stories, so I suppose it's not so surprising he forgot.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* Well, that is true... he was a troublesome child... *Grins* too curious for his own good.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m sure, it would fit what I know of him. *Glances down and runs a hand absently across her stomach* He's going to spoil my son rotten, I can see it now.

Tyrande: *Tyrande laughs* Yes well... that is Kain. He was always arrogant and cocky but he takes care of those around him... He cares for you a great deal.

Nicole: *Voice soft and affectionate* I know, he's done more for me in the time that I’ve known him than anyone else ever has... and now the suite he's given Sethopher and I... it's perfect... I’m more grateful to him than I could ever express and care for him very much.

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* After what happened with his daughter I can see why he is so fond of you... *Smiles* and Sethopher... I’m glad he has found you. He was heartbroken... he seems happy again.

Nicole: I do my best to keep him happy... it's odd, I’ve never felt about someone the way I do him... when I’m with him everything just feels... right.

Tyrande: *Tyrande sighs and looks at her enviously* I often forget what the first stages of love are like... it was a long time ago I met Furion and his brother Illidin... a long, long time ago.

Nicole: *A look crosses her face as though she is just realising something* You told Kain stories when he was small... I can't imagine having lived so long.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles and laughs gently* Yes... to calculate accurately my age would take a thousand years in itself... ten thousand years ago Cenarius died, ten thousand before that the Barrow Downs were destroyed and my love re awoke from his 5 thousand year sleep. I had been with Furion for 2 thousand years before his sleep began... and I was much older than three digits when I met him.

Nicole: *Looks faintly tired just trying to add up all she was told* Nothing like being surrounded by immortals to make you realise just how short your life really has been.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* I remember that feeling. Kain feels the same in my presence... I am one of the only beings that could probably kill him if I wished... lucky for him I do not.

Nicole: *Smiles* I appreciate that sentiment. *Amused* I’d be most put-out if you killed him.

Tyrande: Well yes so would I... he’s the most...*Tries to think of a perfect word* civil vampire leader in the vampire's history... *Sighs nostalgically* At least since Fiammetta.

Nicole: Fiammetta? *Suddenly realises they're still standing in the hallway* Would you like to come sit down to talk? *Indicates her rooms* Everything I’ve heard from you since I’ve met you has been so interesting, but I’m getting a bit stiff standing here.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* Yes of course. Lead the way.

Nicole: *Opens the doors to the blue suite and leads the way to the sitting room* How's this? *Opens the door*

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* Very nice... *Walks into the room* I’ve never seen these rooms before, I usually have the white room at the top of the house.

Nicole: *Smiles and sits in one of the comfortable chairs* Da picked them for us because of the nursery across the hall, where you met us earlier.

Tyrande: Aah, yes... *Nods*

Nicole: *Looks up at the currently empty book shelves* He said I could stock the shelves in here with what I wished from the main library... I shall have to ask him where that is.

Tyrande: *Tyrande laughs* He forgets we don’t all have his sense of direction.

Nicole: *Laughs* Yes... I’m sure I’ll catch on well enough after a while, everything is just so new at this point is all. So you mentioned a vampire before Da? Fiammetta I think you said?

Tyrande: Yes... Fiammetta, the original Vampire.

Nicole: *Tucks her feet up under her getting comfortable* Da's never completely explained about the beginnings of the Vampires... he mentioned something about divine beings that were cursed...

Tyrande: *Tyrande nodded* The vampires were a... well, they were descended from the Elves and there were around 200 of them. They evolved into Demigods and ruled for a time.

Nicole: For a time?

Tyrande: They got into a war with wizards and witches... one wizard a long, long time ago cursed the race... the witches and wizard destroyed all vampires after the curse by using steaks... sunlight... and other means... Fiammetta was the only one to survive.

Nicole: And from this Fiammetta comes all the vampires that are here today?

Tyrande: Yes... he created a vampire who was similar in power to himself and it was this vampire that created story ever passed to say that Fiammetta died... but no word has been heard from him for over 10 thousand years.

Nicole: He just disappeared?

Tyrande: Yes.

Nicole: How... odd.

Tyrande: We searched for him... he had ruled fairly for years... then his successor, Kain’s sire, took over and ties were broken with our species. Kain’s sire became jealous of Kain's power and sent Kain to Hell... you know how that panned out.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, I’ve heard that story... so that makes Kain the oldest Vampire that anyone currently knows the whereabouts of...? I realised Da was special... I just didn't know how much so.

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* Yes... he is... he is also the only vampire to evolve further... he has been alive that long.

Nicole: Evolve further?

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* He keeps that part of himself hidden from most... most have seen his wings... that was the first stage... he never unleashes his full power.

Nicole: ...He's mentioned something about wings before... and keeping power under control, I thought he was just referring to normal parts of being a vampire that I didn't really understand.

Tyrande: No... Kain’s elvin blood makes him very powerful too... he is a rare elf never mind vampire.

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly in semi disbelief* The fates are surely laughing down on me... I thought I’d be lucky to ever even have a remotely normal life... let alone grow close to beings with powers such as I have in recent months.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* Yes... well, Kain is about as powerful as most would get close to... *Looks thoughtful* It'll be interesting to see how Harry's power develops and how quickly...

Nicole: *Nods* He's so young, and yet he's already so powerful... and the powers have been growing so much stronger lately.

Tyrande: *Nods* It'll take many years for them to develop properly... but when they do...

Nicole: *Closes her eyes* It's fortunate that he has such a gentle and caring heart, in the wrong hands his powers would be disastrous.

Tyrande: Cenarius would choose the bearer of his power carefully. He'll find it surreal when he develops...

Nicole: *Opens her eyes and looks at Tyrande curious* When he develops what?

Tyrande: When he's older... as he grows... physically he'll change, similar to how Kain can change... it'll turn on and off.

Nicole: *Sighs softly* Will there be someone who can help him understand all this along the way? All Harry ever really wanted was to be a normal boy, but destiny always seems to have something new in store for him.

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* I can call Syan... he is one of the old Priests of Cenarius.

Nicole: *Sincere gratitude* Thank you, I’m sure Harry will appreciate it

        *Tyrande nods and smiles amused.*

Nicole: Is there something amusing?

Tyrande: A little... such a young boy with so much power... I don’t think you realise just how much power... in a few years he'll be around Kain's level... around fifty from now I will be hard pressed to match him...

Nicole: *Eyes widen* I knew Harry would be powerful... Da said as much, but I didn't realise he would become that powerful so quickly... though after his demonstration at the willow I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised.

Tyrande: *Tyrande nods* He will be very powerful... a Demigod after all...

Nicole: *Leans her head back against the chair* I suppose it's all just still sinking in... So much has happened in the last week or so... the battle against Heru... Sethopher getting ill... finding out I’m pregnant, then Harry healing him and now coming here because someone is after Harry... it's a rather lot to take in.

Tyrande: *Tyrande Nods* Yes... it is, I know... how is Sethopher, Kael told me he wasn’t doing well.

Nicole: Harry healed the problems with his telepathy, but now he's suffering from withdrawal of his medicine... he'll be alright but for now he's so tired and shivery... I should probably check on him soon. I think what's worst on him is how useless he currently feels.  Until he's well again he really can't do much.

Tyrande: Yes... Sethopher hates not being able to do things.

Nicole: *Sighs* I wish there was something I could do to help him, but Kael said it will have to work it's way out of his system on its own.

Tyrande: Yes, anything you give him will make him worse or just stall the effects.

        *There's a knock at the door*

Nicole: *Nods* I know that. *Looks over to the door* Come in.

Harry: *Harry opens the door and steps inside and looks directly at Tyrande* I need answers.

Nicole: Come pull up a chair Harry.

Harry: *Harry walks over and sits beside Nicole across from Tyrande* Why me?

Tyrande: *Tyrande sighs* He must see you as worthy... *Looks at the scar on his forehead* That scar... you've been marked with strong magic... been through many trials... perhaps this is why... I do not know the answer conclusively Harry.

Nicole: Tyrande has promised to send for someone who will be better able to help you understand everything Harry... but as these things go, who knows why the fates do as they choose.

        *Harry sighs and holds his head in his hands.*

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks at him sadly and walks over to sit before him* *She takes his hands in her own and he looks up surprised* *She smiles* It is you... I feel it now... you are filled with his power.

Harry: *Harry looks at her* It scares me.

Nicole: *She wraps an arm wrapped around him* We know it's scary babe, but we're all here for you.

Tyrande: Harry... I know you are frightened... these powers are more than you could have expected in a short time... *Sighs*

Harry: I... What will I do? When my powers manifest I mean...?

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles* You won’t be expected to do anything Harry... you are human... it doesn’t matter if you have these powers and are immortal you'll still be human... we hope that you will stay with us periodically and help us when we need you.

Nicole: *Kisses the top of Harry's head* See babe, they don't want anything from you, just to help you understand your power.

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah... How powerful will... how much...?

Tyrande: You'll be powerful... more so than we can really imagine... Cenarius was a powerful being.

Harry: *Harry sighs* And what about Draco?

Nicole: *Looks over at Tyrande* Tyrande suspects that Draco will have the same powers Cenarius' lover had... as long as you live he'll be here with you Harry.

Harry: *Harry smiles gently* That’s one thing I suppose...

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles at him* I’ll send Syan as soon as I see him.  I must go... it was very nice to speak to you Nicole and it will be an honour to guide you Harry... and your lover.

Nicole: *Smiles* Thank you again Tyrande, stop by any time you'd like.

        *Tyrande leaves and leaves Harry with Nicole.*

Nicole: *Runs a hand fondly through Harry's hair* How did Draco take the news babe?

Harry: ...*Harry frowns*... Not too well.

Nicole: Oh?

Harry: Yeah...... *He went rather quiet*

Nicole: ...Do you want me to check on him? Or do you think it would be better to just give him some time alone?

Harry: I really don’t know...

Nicole: Do what you think is best. *Hugs Harry* No matter what, I’ll be here for you... *Warm smile* you're my little brother after all.

Harry: *Harry smiles* Yeah... so... Draco will be immortal too?

Nicole: ...Not entirely, but it is the general idea. The love you two share links you together, as long as you live, Draco will be immortal as well.

Harry: *Nods* He'll be irritated at that... he hates thinking people are more powerful than him... especially a lover or someone he trusts.

Nicole: I know, but he'll grow used to it, just as you will.

Harry: I’m starting to know what I can do... it's strange...

Nicole: How so?

Harry: I can hear... the forest... I know I’m connected to it somehow.

Nicole: Tyrande implied the powers were connected to nature somehow, through the plants and animals.

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah... *Harry looks out of the window distracted*

Nicole: *Looks to the window* Something out there Harry?

Harry: ...Look at the line of forest.

        *There are four creatures at the forest edge. The lower half a large deer and the upper a female night elf. Their hair has a green hue and they each hold a staff. In the centre of them is a man with the same hind quarters but is much larger than the females. He has large antlers like a deer and is looking intently at the house*

Nicole: ...They must be the centaurs Tyrande mentioned earlier... They look like they're part deer, in the way Centaurs in our realm are part horse.

Harry: *Harry looks a little scared* What do they want?

Nicole: ...I think they're here to see you Harry.

Harry: *Harry gulps* I... what... me?

Nicole: ...The powers... Tyrande said Cenarius was the deity to the Centaurs.

Harry: ...Do I go out? Or will they come in?

Nicole: ...I don't know... I could go outside with you... maybe Da is somewhere nearby, he might know.

        *Harry nods but sees the male walk forward towards the house and as he does he transforms into a humanoid Elvin form. The females stay waiting at the forest.*

Nicole: *Watches the male* ...Maybe that one is coming inside.

        *Harry nods and doesn’t move. There is a light knock on the door.*

Nicole: *Squeeses Harry's shoulder gently and moves to the door, opening it* Hello?

        *The elvin male is standing and he smiles.*

Syan: I was sent by Tyrande, I am Syan. May I enter to see Harry?

Nicole: *Steps back, pulling the door open further* By all means, come in.

Syan: *He enters rather ungracefully and smiles apologetically* I’m not used to two legs.

Nicole: Would you like a seat?

Syan: Yes please... *Looks at a stunned Harry*

Nicole: ...Is something wrong?

Syan: *Syan sighs* They've just thrust all this on you haven’t they?

        *Harry nods dumbly.*

Nicole: *Moves over to stand behind Harry, a hand resting on his shoulder* They rather have... it's been a bit much for him I’d say.

Syan: *Syan nods* Yes... it's a rather lot to take in. *Looks at Nicole* No offence but there are some things I must speak to him about alone.

Harry: *Harry looks at Nicole and says quietly* Could you check on Draco?

Nicole: *Squeeses Harry's shoulder* No problem babe, take as long as you need in here.

Harry: *Nods and Syan smiles* Thank you.

Nicole: You're welcome. *Goes out the door and into the hall, knocks on the door to the boys' room* Draco, you in there hon?

Draco: *Draco calls out* Yeah.

Nicole: Can I come in?

Draco: Yeah, sure.

Nicole: *Steps through the door* Harry wanted me to check on you.

Draco: *Draco looks up* Oh? Well as you can see I’m fine... *Draco looks like he's been crying*

Nicole: *Looks saddened* Drake, you're obviously not fine, do you want to talk?

Draco: *Draco sighs* If I said no would you go away? Somehow I doubt it...

Nicole: *Smiles sadly* If you really wanted me to leave you alone I would... but you're going to have to talk to someone sometime.

Draco: *Draco sighs* Yeah...

Nicole: *Sits down on the bed beside him* So I’ll ask again, do you want to talk?

Draco: I suppose... you're just gonna pester me.

Nicole: *Raises her eyebrow* Do you want me to leave? I could always go check on Sethopher or look for the amazing library Da supposedly has here somewhere.

Draco: I don’t know... I kinda wanna talk but I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong.

Nicole: It is all a lot to absorb... especially because so much of it is out of your control. *Looks thoughtful* Harry told you about some of how this is going to effect him, but you haven't been told how this changes things for you as well, have you?

Draco: *Looks surprised* Changes for me? How?

Nicole: Harry's not the only one that gains new powers in this Draco, you will as well.

        *Draco looks confused.*

Nicole: Cenarius, the demigod who's powers Harry has been bestowed with, had a lover Draconias. She had power as well, and as long as Cenarius was alive she was immortal... you're Harry's Draconias.

Draco: *Draco looks surprised* Wow...

Nicole: *Smiles tenderly* See, you get something from this deal as well.

Draco: I... I think that was one worry... he would just be immortal and powerful... *Quietly* and he would leave me...

Nicole: *Takes one of Draco’s hands and looks into his eyes* Draco, when I first told him about this Harry was heartbroken, he doesn't want this, and what was even worse for him was the thought of not having you with him... if it wasn't for the powers you will gain making it unnecessary, he and I were going to talk to Kael to see if you could drink from the Sunwell with me.

Draco: *Draco looks up* ...Wow...

Nicole: Harry has no intentions of leaving you, ever.

        *Tears well in Draco’s eyes and he looks down and away from Nicole.*

Nicole: *Pulls Draco into a hug* Shh babe, it's alright.

        *Draco starts shaking, trying not to sob.*

Nicole: *Rubs her hands soothingly across his back* Go ahead and let it out. *Cheek laid against the top of his head, cradling him to her*

        *Draco clings to Nicole and starts to cry openly and Nicole holds him close, making soft comforting sounds.*

Draco: *Draco starts to calm down slightly* I was so scared...

Nicole: *Voice hushed* That he would leave you?

Draco: *Nods* Yeah... I feel rotten now...

Nicole: *Strokes his hair* You don't need to feel bad about being afraid Draco, it's only natural, and you didn't know everything yet, it's bound to be frightening.

Draco: *Nods* I’m tired too...

Nicole: *Pulls back a little brushing his hair away from his eyes* Would you like me to leave so you can rest?

Draco: *Shakes his head and clings back onto Nicole* I’m too scared... I don’t want to sleep.

Nicole: *Arms tighten around him* Shh babe, it's alright, I’m here for you.

Draco: *Nods* *Quietly* I’ve been having nightmares again.

Nicole: *Cheek resting against his head again* The old ones you used to get?

Draco: *Nods* Kinda... they're... more vivid.

Nicole: The memory coming stronger?

Draco: *Draco nods and tears run down his face* More is coming back... *Quietly* parts I couldn’t remember.

Nicole: *Voice sad* Oh babe... *Fingers stroke through his hair* I’m so sorry. *Sighs* I wonder if this has something to do with the powers developing... the same way becoming a vampire sharpens memory.

Draco: *Draco sniffles* Yeah... it's horrible... I keep thinking about dad... I forgive him but there’s something in my head asking me why... telling me he doesn’t deserve it... I didn’t realise before but I had lost the memories of the next day... Dad had broken my arm...

Nicole: *Closes her eyes holding back tears* Oh gods babe, I didn't know...

Draco: I... *Sniffles more* I know... but I love him... he’s my father... I just hurt.

Nicole: Of course you do, you have every right to hurt... love is a funny thing sometimes, we often even love those logic tells us we shouldn't.

Draco: *Nods*...Nicole... did this... Draconias have any powers? Or am I going to be a kept man... *Smiles slightly* like said father?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I don't know entirely Drake... Tyrande seemed to suggest that Draconias had powers in her own right, but I’m no expert on all this, far from it... Syan would know more about it I’m sure.

Draco: ...*Draco frowns* I just realised something.

Nicole: What?

Draco: You say that Draconias... was a woman?

Nicole: I believe so.

Draco: *Sighs* Harry’s gonna have a field day with that information.

Nicole: *Laughs softly, amused* Oh Draco.

Draco: *Smiles slightly* What? He will.

Nicole: Leave it to you to pick out the most important *Sarcastic but not unkind* bit in all I’ve said. *Ruffles his hair fondly*

Draco: *Draco smiles* Wow... Harry's made a bit of an optimist out of me hasn’t he?

Nicole: *Smiles* I suppose he has... suppose he has. *Kisses him lightly on the temple* You gonna be alright now?

Draco: I’ll need to talk to Harry obviously-

        *Harry bursts in.*

Harry: Hey!

Nicole: *Looks up at Harry surprised* Hello Harry, I though you were talking with Syan?

Harry: I was... He’s amazing... Draco...? *Holds out his hand for Draco*

        *Draco looks confused and takes his hand.  Harry pulls him up onto his feet and kisses him passionately.*

Nicole: *Smiles and averts her eyes* *Coughs lightly under her breath* Shall I leave you two alone?

        *Harry’s hands wander over Draco’s body and Draco yelps a little.*

Draco: Harry, Nicole is in the room.

Harry: *Smiles* I know... *Steps away from Draco* I love you, I want to be with you forever and it turns out I can...

Nicole: *Stands and smiles at the two of them* I’m happy to hear that for you Harry.

Harry: *Harry smiles* Syan... Syan said he’s got a lot to talk to me about but he explained the basics...

Nicole: *Smiles at Harry* I take it what Syan told you was good then?

Harry: Yeah... scary and new, but good.

Nicole: That's wonderful.

Harry: *Harry looks at Draco* Apparently Draconias was a Night Warden... she had some interesting powers.

Draco: *Draco looks surprised* Oh? Like what?

Harry: *Harry smiles* He wouldn’t tell me.

Nicole: *Smiles* See Draco, you get cool powers too, no need to worry about being a "kept man".

Harry: *Harry raises an eyebrow* That’s what he said?

        *Draco gains a slight tinge of pink.*

Nicole: *Laughs* Amongst other things.

Harry: *Harry smiles* I don’t know about kept man, kept woman maybe...

        *Draco looks at Nicole with an expression that says 'see what I have to put up with?'*

Nicole: *Smiles* Draco, you can dish it as well as you get it, I’m sure.

        *Draco rolls his eyes.*

Nicole: *Smiles* Should I leave you two alone to talk?

        *Draco and Harry nod.*

Nicole: *Steps over to the door* I’m happy for you boys. *Smiles and walks out*

        *Kain and Lucius can be heard down the hall in one of the rooms.*

Nicole: *Walks down the hall and knocks on the door the voices can be heard from*

Kain: *Footsteps and the door opens and Kain smiles* Oh, hello Nicole... *Opens the door and stands aside* Come in. *Lucius is sitting in a window seat with a glass of wine. The room is large, in red colours and has a number of plush sofas in it.*

Nicole: *Steps into the room* Hello Da, Luce...

Lucius: *Lucius looks over and smiles* Hey... Nicole, do my ears look pointy to you?

Kain: *Kain rolls his eyes* I told him his ears have changed slightly and he's went all vain about it.

Nicole: *Laughs* Luce, you're ears look fine.

Lucius: *Nods* See Kain?

Kain: *Sighs* Fine, I give up. Do you want some water Nicole? Or a glass of Orange Juice seeing as you can’t have wine?

Nicole: *Regretful look passes across her face* Juice would be fine, thank you.

        *Lucius pours a glass for Nicole at the window seat that looks large enough for 5-6 people.*

Kain: Come sit with us Nicole. *Starts towards the window seat after completely closing the door.*

Nicole: *Moves over to the window seat and takes her glass from Luce, takes a sip* This is quite good... *Looks around* and the room is lovely.

Kain: *Kain smiles* This is the sitting room I use when here. It's good because it's near the library and I like this window seat.

Lucius: *Lucius looks at Nicole* Is Draco okay?

Nicole: *Smiles* He wasn't... but he will be, many of his fears have been soothed away... he's with Harry now.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I could feel something up with him...

        *Kain seems very relaxed in these surroundings, more relaxed than Nicole has ever seen him, he looks out the window smiling content.  Lucius smiles at his lover.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain thoughtfully* You seem so happy here Da... why'd you wait so long to come back?

Kain: I was busy... *Sighs*

Nicole: Well you're back now, so I suppose that's the important thing.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I have missed it... I wish I could stay here forever... it's a pity I can't.

Nicole: *Voice hushed* How long do you think we'll be here?

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole* As soon as Uhma has been dealt with we can go back... however you are welcome to stay here whenever you like and for as long as you like.

Nicole: I just want somewhere to call home... I’ve moved around so much in my short life.

Kain: *Looks at her* You can stay here if you want... I’d like you to stay here...

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I’d like that very much Da... I’ll have to talk with Sethopher, but I can't see any reason why he'd object... especially considering the rooms you've given us... they're like a small house by themselves.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I don’t want to leave... but kingdoms do not rule themselves.

Nicole: It must be difficult.

Kain: *Kain sighs* I only stay because I know I am needed.

Lucius: *Lucius sighs* Is there no one you can trust to take over?

Kain: *Kain snorts* Who would you have me place at the head? Sethopher wouldn’t accept it... Val is no leader...

Nicole: *Sighs* I don't know Da... It's unfortunate you can't have time to yourself, even for a while.

Kain: *Kain nods* I’m always called back to Nosgoth or I’m in contact with the ones in charge via whisper every day at least once. It's tiring.

        *The door opens and Magnus walks in and bows low before Kain.*

Magnus: Sir we have some information...

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole* See what I mean?

Nicole: *Bittersweet smile* Yes Da.

Kain: *Stands and walks over to Magnus* Rise, what do you have?

Magnus: It's Definitely Uhma and we know how she’s built her army so vast and so quickly.

Kain: Oh?

Magnus: She has a powerful being held captive. It's a monstrous thing in terrible pain but with potent blood... I’ve never seen or felt anything like it...

        *Kain looks baffled and Nicole watches silently.*

Magnus: Sir, it felt like a vampire but... it was too powerful.

Kain: Explain.

Magnus: If it was a vampire she would never have been able to catch it and get it into such a state...

Kain: *Frowns* Can you get me a sample of its blood?

        *Magnus pulls out a small vial filled with blood.*

Kain: You are rather on the ball sometimes... I knew there was a reason you were turned... you may leave. *Magnus leaves quickly*

        *Kain looks at the vial curiously.*

Nicole: She has some sort of monster?

Kain: So it would appear... *Opens the jar and sniffs... his eyes widen and he closes it quickly* It must be a trick!!

Lucius: Kain?

Nicole: What is it?

Kain: ...This blood... it is familiar to me only because I sense it through my own blood... this is Fiammetta's blood. If she thinks she can pull a cheap trick like this on me... *Snarls* She's going to pay for this.

Nicole: ...But... Tyrande said Fiammetta hasn't been heard of for 10,000 years.

Kain: I know... it's impossible. *Kain kisses Lucius once on the mouth and looks at Nicole* I’ll be back later... I have a whore to kill and a beast to slay... *Grabs Soul Reaver from a stand at the far end of the room and apparates away, without giving room for protest from Luce or Nicole.*

Nicole: ...I hope he doesn't get hurt.

Lucius: *Lucius sighs* Me too... *Lucius stands and looks at Nicole* How's Sethopher?

Nicole: *Stands and sets her empty glass aside* He was sleeping last time I saw him... that was a while ago though. I should probably go check on him.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* Yes... sound idea... see you later. *Gives Nicole a hug*

Nicole: *Hugs Lucius* I’ll see you around Luce. *Exits the room heading to her bedroom*

        *She enters the bedroom looking towards the bed where Sethopher is lying, sleeping deeply still.  Nicole sits on the edge of the bed, gently strokes Sethopher's hair.  Sethopher makes no movement but whimpers gently in his sleep and shivers again.*

Nicole: *Lays down facing Sethopher* Love, wake up hon.

Sethopher: *Sethopher’s eyes open blearily* *Shivers a little more* Hey Nicole... *Moves closer to her*

Nicole: *Wraps an arm around him* Cold again?

Sethopher: *Nods* Very... I’m still tired... this isn’t pleasant... I have stomach cramps too...

Nicole: Well... I suppose there's two options really...

Sethopher: Oh?

Nicole: We could just stay here, or we could try out the jacuzzi in the other room, might help you relax some.

Sethopher: *Sethopher raises his eyebrow* Sounds interesting.

Nicole: *Kisses him softly* I thought you might like that idea. Would you like me to go get the water started before you get up?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes... I really am pathetic aren’t I?

Nicole: *Smiles and kisses his forehead as she gets up* You're not pathetic love, just ill, there's a difference. *Opens the door to the bathroom and steps inside* *Sounds of water running and soft humming come from the room, Nicole walks back out* Well the shower isn't quite as nice as my old one was, but I think the jacuzzi more than makes up for it.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* You're going to have to help me up, I’m even weaker than I was when I came here... *Is looking rather fed up with himself*

Nicole: *Pulls the two shrunken chests from her pocket and sets them on a side table* I can't believe I forgot to set those aside earlier... *Walks the rest of the way to the bed* and you were right, I didn’t need to pack any linens, there are the largest, fluffiest towels I’ve ever seen stacked in a cabinet in there. *Reaches out a hand to help Sethopher up*

        *Sethopher takes her hand and gets out of bed, leaning most of his weight on Nicole.*

Nicole: *Wraps an arm around his waist* It's not far and the steam is making it nice in there, this should feel good. *Helps Sethopher to the other room, kicking the door closed behind them*

Sethopher: *Smiles* It’s a better temperature in here.

Nicole: *Leads him to a ledge that runs alongside a large jacuzzi* Sit here and we'll get those clothes off. *Trails a hand in the water* The temperature is just nice.

        *Sethopher sits on the ledge.  He takes his jumper off and looks around for somewhere to put it.*

Nicole: There's a hamper over there. *Points to a corner* Just hand me your things and I’ll put them in there. *Holds out a hand for the jumper*

        *He hands it to Nicole and then laboriously takes his trousers off and starts shivering.*

Nicole: *Tosses his clothes in the hamper and quickly sheds her own* Come-on love, this will feel nice. *Shuts off the water to the now full jacuzzi and turns a knob, soft bubbles stir the water.*

        *Sethopher gently lowers himself into the water and visibly relaxes.*

Nicole: *Lowers herself in beside him* Better?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes... I wish this pain and weakness would go away.

Nicole: *Leans against his side, hand trailing softly across his chest* It will, you just need to give it time, it's only been a day or so.

Sethopher: Yeah I know... *Leans head on her shoulder* I’m not used to it is all.

Nicole: *Voice soft* I know love.

Sethopher: I love you... What did I do to deserve to find you?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I think I’ve asked you that same question, and you're going to get the same answer you gave me, it's not about deserving. *Kisses him softly*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles gently* Yes... I suppose that does sum it up.

Nicole: *Picks a bottle up from the ledge and pours some soap in her hands* Mmm, this smells nice... should feel good too. *Brings her hands up to start rubbing it across his shoulders and arms*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs content and leans into Nicole's touch* *Quietly* That’s nice.

Nicole: *Works her way down one arm then the other, massaging as she washes him* *Murmurs softly* Shift over a little and I’ll get your back.

        *Sethopher nods and moves to give her access to his back.  Nicole hums softly as she massages, paying attention to each muscle.*

Sethopher: *Moans gently* What’s that you're humming?

Nicole: *Fingers work across his back, smile in her voice* Oh, just a tune my grandmother used to sing to me when I wasn't feeling well... I’ll stop if it's bothering you.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No... it's nice. *Seems completely relaxed*

Nicole: *Humming starts again, hands work down his sides, caressing as they massage, she kisses him lightly on the shoulder* Feeling any better?

Sethopher: *Smiles* Much.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m glad. *Moves in front of him in the large jacuzz, massaging his legs, starting at his feet, slowly working upwards*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* You're too good to me.

Nicole: *Moves up caressing his thighs, straddling his waist and kisses him lightly* No more than you are to me.

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses Nicole and runs hands up her back* I’m not as sore as I was, it’s nice and warm in here.

Nicole: *Runs her hands up his chest settling around his shoulders* Oh really? *Soft purr to her voice*

Sethopher: *Kisses Nicole again* Yeah... *Hands wander all over her back* really...

        *She kisses Sethopher and trails down his jaw to nip at his neck, hands caressing his shoulders.  Sethopher groans and runs hands down Nicole's front and caresses her stomach and thighs.*

Nicole: *Hips shift and rock softly, causing friction, a hand trails down his side to settle on his hip* *Voice whispers full of affection* My Talma...

        *Sethopher smiles affectionately and pulls Nicole into a kiss.  Lips soft and passionate, hands smoothly caressing... her hand splays against his side for balance leaning in for as much skin to skin contact as possible.  Sethopher’s pulse increases as does his breathing, he lets his hands roam all over Nicole's body finally resting on her ass.*

Nicole: *Eyes flutter open part way, soft and tender gaze* ~How far do you want to take this?~ *Gently rolls her hips, rubbing against him*

Sethopher: *Sethopher groans gently. His arousal growing, he kisses her once more.* ~As far as you want love.~

        *Her free hand slides between them, fingers stroking... caressing... she captures his lips with hers, fierce yet soft.  Sethopher moans into the kiss and kisses back matching her intensity. He trails a hand to her front and starts teasing sensitive flesh.* 

Nicole: *Whispers against Sethopher's lips* My love... *Guides him into herself, moving languidly, a slow almost tortuous pace.*

        *Sethopher whimpers and nuzzles her neck, he bites down gently, his hand still teasing and stimulating her.  Nicole tilts her head to expose more neck, softly groaning in pleasure, hand moving to his shoulder, shifting her angle, increasing the pace of her hips slightly.  Sethopher moans desperately, hand speeding up and hips moving slightly upwards. His free hand runs up and down her back.  Her hips move in time with his, fingers tightening on his shoulder, soft whimpering moans escape from her lips, back arching into his touch.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher pulls away from biting and kisses up her neck and nuzzles at her ear* I love you...

Nicole: *Rubs her cheek against his, breath caressing his ear* And I you... *Lips meet his in a hungry kiss, hips moving more forcefully, muscles flexing as she nears completion.*

        *Sethopher kisses Nicole hard on the lips and speeds up his ministrations. His free hand caresses the back of her neck and he pulls away from the kiss and latches back onto her neck.  Nicole groans deeply as Sethopher bites, body shivering in climax, hips thrusting forcefully.  Sethopher lets out a cuss word as he also comes and lets his head lean back as he finishes. He is panting and looks content.*

Nicole: *Legs tighten around his waist, leaning against his chest keeping the close contact, head resting on his shoulder* Hmmm, that was nice...

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Yeah... *Runs a hand down her face* I love you so much... *Runs a hand through her hair*

Nicole: *Nicole nuzzles his neck, lips brushing his skin* I love you too... more than I could ever say...

        *Sethopher kisses the top of Nicole's head then yawns.*

Nicole: *Nicole's fingers lace in the hair at the nape of Sethopher's neck, arm curled around him* ...Do you want to go back to bed or stay here a while longer?

Sethopher: *Nuzzles her neck* I’m not bothered love, we can go lie down or stay here... *Yawns again* whatever.

Nicole: *Eyes close* This is nice...

Sethopher: *Arms wrap round her* Yes it is.

        *Nicole sighs contentedly, then Sethopher’s stomach growls slightly.*

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* Hmmm, seems your stomach disagrees with the decision to stay here...

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I haven’t eaten in a while... a good few days... *Yawns* and I’m tired.

Nicole: *Fingers trace lightly against the skin where they rest at his nape, voice slightly worried* You aren't up to hunting yet though are you?

Sethopher: *Shakes head* I can barley walk, never mind hunt Nicole.

Nicole: I know... is there some other way perhaps? ...I'd offer but... *Trails off*

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes his head* I wouldn’t accept it anyway, I don’t drink from those I know. I’ll just have to wait a few days till I feel better.

Nicole: You'll be alright?

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* If I was injured and had lost a lot of blood I’d be rather dangerous... but I’m not, so I’m fine.

Nicole: *Kisses him softly and sighs regretfully as she moves away, breaking their contact* We should probably be getting out now. *Stand and reaches up to a cabinet above the jacuzzi opening it to reveal fluffy white towels*

        *Sethopher smiles at Nicole.*

Nicole: *Stretches, water cascading down off her, and pulls two of the towels out setting them on the ledge* Let's get you dry and in that gorgeous bed, alright?

Sethopher: Sounds very nice... *Holds out a hand* Can you help me up love?

        *Nicole flicks a leaver, letting the jacuzzi drain, and takes Sethopher's hand helping him to stand, wrapping one of the towels around him.*

Sethopher: Thanks love... soft towels.

Nicole: Mmm, they are. *Rubs herself off quickly and wraps the towel around her, stepping out of the tub and reaching to help Sethopher out.*

        *Sethopher steps out of the tub with Nicole’s help, and almost falls into her.  She wraps her arms around him tightly.*

Sethopher: *Kisses her lovingly* Thanks...

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Welcome love... why don't you sit down and I’ll taken care of that gorgeous hair of yours. *Runs her fingers through his wet hair*

        *Sethopher smiles and sits down.*

Nicole: *Takes out another towel, gently drying his hair* Would you like me to plait it out of the way for you or leave it loose? *Begins combing through his hair with a comb from the counter.*

Sethopher: Could you plait it please?

Nicole: *Nuzzles him behind the ear, kisses him softly* That's fine love. *Fingers stroke lovingly through his hair as she plaits it.*

Sethopher: Thank you love...

Nicole: *Ties his hair off with a leather strip from a basket on the counter, smoothes her hands down over his shoulders and arms* My pleasure...

        *Sethopher smiles and looks at her, then starts to shiver a little.*

Nicole: *Brushes her hair quickly and ties it back* It's cooling off in here, let's get you to bed. *Moves back over to his side*

        *Sethopher stands and wobbles a little but holds onto Nicole for support.*

Nicole: *Starts helping him from the room* Do you want to put something on, or will you be warm enough with just the covers?

Sethopher: I think covers will suffice, Elvin covers are very warm.

        *As they reach the bed she drops the towels to the floor, pulling back the plush bed-coverings. Sethopher sits on the bed and quickly gets under the covers to warm up.*

Nicole: *Crawls into the bed curling against Sethopher, tucking the covers in around them* Warmer?

        *Sethopher nods and yawns.*

Nicole: *Settles her head against Sethopher's shoulder, arm resting over his chest* Mmm, now seems like a nice time for a nap before anything else happens...

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Yeah, sounds good... *Snuggles with Nicole*

        *Nicole closes her eyes, breathing peacefully, fingers trailing absently across Sethopher's stomach.  Sethopher is breathing lightly, obviously already asleep.*


~*~ A Few Hours Later ~*~

        *The light coming in through the windows has grown dimmer, long shadows growing across the room.  Sethopher is sound asleep.*

Nicole: *Nicole's eyes open, yawning quietly she stretches and rolls on her side, nuzzling Sethopher's ear* Love...

        *Sethopher doesn’t stir.  Nicole smiles and kisses his forehead softly, climbing out of bed, tucking the covers back in around him.  Then there is a light knock on the door.*

Nicole: *Calls out softly* Just a moment. *Moves over to the table with the shrunken chests on them, enlarging the one holding clothes and pulls on a loose tunic and leggings* I’m coming. *Walks over and opens the door*

Lucius: *Lucius smiles at Nicole* Hey... do you wanna join me for dinner Nicole? Every one else has eaten.... *Tries not to look worried* and Kain isn’t back yet.

Nicole: *Stomach rumbles quietly and she laughs* I think that's a splendid idea, Sethopher is still sleeping. *Closes the door softly behind her and rests a hand on Lucius' arm* I’m sure Da is fine, he can take care of himself.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* Yeah... it's just I was talking to Kael about this Uhma... she was the other that he made as powerful as himself. *Walks towards the dining room*

Nicole: *Walks alongside Lucius* She doesn't sound very pleasant... what did Kael have to say about her?

Lucius: That she betrayed Kain. Kain killed her for it... or so he thought anyway... I think he didn’t kill her in a way on purpose... he did love her... *Frowns and opens the doors to the dining room, which is a high ceiling room with a mural on the far wall of elvin myth.*

Nicole: *Eyes scan the room* *softly* Everything about this house is so beautiful... *Looks back at Lucius* To have to kill someone you loved would be unbearable... and that she betrayed him... I’ve never met anyone more worthy of loyalty than Da. *Shakes her head disparagingly*

        *Lucius nods and takes Nicole to the end of the large table to a small corner that’s got dinner things on it, chicken and vegetables and gravy.*

Nicole: *Sniffs the air* Mmm, it all smells so good, and I haven't eaten since this morning. *Sits at the table*

Lucius: *Lucius smiles* I don’t like to eat alone... Harry and Draco went out apparently with a 'Syan'.

Nicole: *Smiles* He's a priest that Tyrande got to come talk with Harry about the new powers he's developing... he has a lot to talk with them about.

Lucius: Aaahh... yes... I’ll bet... *Starts to eat some of his meal*

Nicole: *Begins eating* You don't trust Syan?

Lucius: *Lucius frowns* I don’t know... I have a lot of prejudices I’m trying my hardest to get rid of... I’ve never liked Centaurs... I don’t know why.

Nicole: *Frowns as she takes a bite of her food* Well... they aren't the most particularly friendly towards humans.

Lucius: Yeah... I don’t know, perhaps that’s the reason... *Eats a little more* I hope Draco gets on well with them... *Smiles gently* It's nice to know I won’t have to see my son die in my lifetime... no one should have to bury a child.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* And considering how long you'll live now I’m sure that must have been bothering you.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* It was my only reservation when deciding to ask Kain to let me be a vampire. *Eats more of his dinner*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I guess I’m the only true mortal left among our ranks now... *Faraway look* and even that won't last much longer.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* Yeah... If it wasn’t for Kain so much would be different...

Nicole: *Murmurs* So very true.

Lucius: I’d still be at odds with Draco and Harry... I’d be married to Narcissa still... *Looks worried as Kain still hasn’t returned and sighs whilst eating more of his meal.*

Nicole: *Sips from her glass and picks at her food, she sighs* I wish I knew how Da was doing... *Looks thoughtful* Luce, Sethopher said all Vampires can contact each other with the Whisper.... can you reach Da?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* Not yet... I’m still practicing that... bloody harder than they make it look.

Nicole: *Nods* If Sethopher were feeling better I’d ask him... but he needs his sleep...

Lucius: *Lucius looks round the room suddenly confused* Kain's nearby...

Nicole: *Sets her fork down and looks up at Luce* Can you tell where?

Lucius: *Shakes head* No... it's... just general......

        *Nicole frowns thoughtfully as Lucius concentrates more.  He looks out the window and sees Malfurion and Tyrande racing towards the house.*

Nicole: *Follows Lucius' gaze, skin paling, voice hushed* I hope nothing is wrong...

Lucius: *Lucius stands suddenly* He's upstairs, he's hurt...

Nicole: *Stands from the table* Do you know the way? *Worried*

Lucius: *Nods and looks at her* Are you coming with me?

Nicole: Yes, I’ll fret myself whether I come or not, at least if I’m there I’ll know what's going on.

        *Lucius nods and looks very worried, he takes her hand and walks forward out of the room and sees Tyrande and Malfurion running up the stairs.  Lucius follows with Nicole whom is walking quickly to keep up.  Malfurion and Tyrande slip down a secret passage and Lucius follows making sure Nicole is able to keep up.  Nicole chews worriedly on her bottom lip as she hurries alongside Lucius.*

        *Tyrande and Malfurion burst through a large double door and gasp, they hurry into the room as Lucius stands at the door and looks faint.  Kain is lying on a bed in the centre of the room, covered in blood, two beings stand at either side of him, one with horns and large black wings and looks like a night elf and the other is more impressive with huge feathered black wings with red tips in the feathers. They both seem to be channeling energy into Kain who seems lifeless.*

Nicole: *Grabs Lucius' arm and brings a hand to her mouth muffling a gasp, trying to hold back tears* Da...

        *Malfurion and Tyrande having recovered from their shock start to help. Malfurion helps channel energy and Tyrande walks over to Lucius and Nicole.*

Tyrande: You two, come with me, they are best left to their work... we may upset the balance come on...

Nicole: *Nods in shock, fingers tightening on Lucius' arm, voice nearly inaudible* Luce, let's go with Tyrande.

        *Tears stream from Lucius' eyes, he nods and reluctantly goes with Tyrande who takes them into a small room off the side of the same corridor, it has a few sofas in it, she steers them to one of the couches and sits across from them.  Nicole pulls Lucius to the sofa with her, curling against him, holding his hand tightly, sniffling as she tries not to cry. Lucius seems to be in a state of shock, Tyrande seems fearful.*

Nicole: *Looks at Tyrande through tear reddened eyes, voice hoarse* Do you know what happened?

Tyrande: *Tyrande shakes her head* No... We were called by duty to come... we felt it pull us here.

Nicole: *Looks fearful* Do you think he'll be alright?

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks at Nicole and looks upset* I’d rather not answer that.

        *Nicole nods and buries her face against Lucius' shoulder.  A few minutes pass in silence and the door opens... Malfurion and the other two beings walk in and close the door.  Nicole looks up, tears still running down her face.*

*The being with the black and red feathered wings speaks*: The brothers Stormrage here have helped me stabilise Kain's condition... *He smiles grimly* Death may not have him this day.

        *The being with the large black wings turns into a moon elf that looks very much like Malfurion but has a band covering his eyes.*

Nicole: *Lets out a sigh of relief, voice timid* He'll be alright?

The winged being: Perhaps... there is still a little chance... but only a little that he won’t pull through.

Tyrande: *Tyrande sighs in relief and looks at the elf with the band round his head.* So Illidin this is where you have been hiding.

Illidin: *Illidin raises an eyebrow* Yes Tyrande, after all, I was banished from your kingdom...

        *The being with the black and red wings smiles gently.*

Nicole: *Watches the elves with an awestruck look on her face, still holding Lucius' hand and whispers to him quietly* Da will be alright Luce... it'll all be alright *Sounds as though she is trying to convince herself as well as him*

Lucius: *Lucius nods and looks at the being with the black and red wings* Thank you.

The winged being: *He nods and bows slightly* It was no trouble at all, he saved me from that woman's dreadful magics.

Nicole: *Timidly* Were you the one Uhma had captured?

The winged being: *He smiles* Yes I am... Some call me the First, some call me a God... *Laughs slightly* Fiammetta would do fine but they sometimes are so insistent...

Nicole: *Looks awestruck* You're Fiammetta?!

Fiammetta: *He smiles gently* Yes I am... this is my everyday form, I could hide the wings if I wanted but I really don’t see the point, Kain does... I couldn’t let him die, he is the most worthy bearer of my blood... *Looks at Lucius* No offence to his sired fledglings... *Frowns* or lover.

        *Nicole bites her lip, at a loss for words, still holding Lucius' hand.*

Fiammetta: *He smiles and looks at Nicole again* You and Lucius should go in and see him now... I bet you anything he's awake. Oh... and, don’t expect him to be able to speak and don’t try to heal anything else... he can’t hold anymore healing potions or magic.

Nicole: *Nods* Luce?

Lucius: *Lucius nods and stands and looks at Fiammetta* Thank you Fiammetta...

Fiammetta: Please, Metta or Fia would be just as good.

Nicole: *Stands with Lucius* Yes, thank you. *Timidly*

        *Fiammetta rolls his eyes and all but shoos them from the room.  Lucius takes Nicole to the room and seems scared to open the door.  Nicole squeeses Lucius' hand and pushes open the door.*

        *Kain has been cleaned up and is lying on the bed, covers over him and eyes open looking at the ceiling. The room is in a dark shade of purple. His breathing is laboured and he’s rasping.  Lucius takes Nicole closer and notices a large gauze on his throat.*

Nicole: *Voice stilted* Hello Da... Luce and I are here.

        *Kain smiles, looks at them and beckons them closer.*

Lucius: *Lucius goes to Kain and grabs his hand* You stupid bastard... couldn’t wait for back up oh no you can take her!

        *Kain gives Lucius a placating look and sighs as he can’t explain himself when he can’t talk.*

Nicole: *Sets a hand on Lucius' shoulder* Luce it won't help to berate him now *Gives Kain a vaguely reproachful look* When he's feeling better however...

        *Kain nods but the motion makes him wince and raise a hand to his throat.*

Nicole: Careful Da. *Reaches out a hand for Kain's*

        *Kain looks upset but is doing the 'macho vampy thing' as Lucius is there and doesn’t want to worry him.*

Nicole: *Tangles her fingers with Kain's, voice sad, affectionate and resigned* Oh Da, why do you have to go and get yourself in trouble all the time?

        *Kain sighs, tears stinging his eyes and squeeses Nicole’s hand and shrugs.*

Nicole: *Brushes Kain's tears away and kisses his forehead* We were so worried about you.

        *Kain looks at Lucius and uses whisper to Lucius who seems to hear him*

Lucius: *Lucius nods and looks at Nicole* He says he knows we were worried, that he didn’t expect her to be that powerful... and that he's sorry for getting into trouble all the time, it kind of comes with the job... He's asked me to go tell Sethopher what’s happened as Sethopher would not be happy at not being told, no matter what state he was in he'd want to know...

Nicole: *Nods* Sethopher will want to know... if you want to stay with Da I can go talk to him.

        *Kain seems to hold onto Nicole tighter when she says this.*

Lucius: *Lucius smiles at Nicole and shakes his head* No he wants me to go...

Nicole: *Squeeses Kain’s hand* That's fine, I’ll stay with Da.

Lucius: *Kisses Kain's forehead* I’ll be back later Kain....

        *Kain uses his hand to pull Lucius into a proper kiss and Lucius smiles and walks out of the room.  Nicole sits on the bed beside Kain, running a hand tenderly over his hair.  Kain watches Lucius leave and close the door and lets the pain wash over his face.  She sighs, rubbing her fingers against the back of Kain's hand.  Kain closes his eyes, trying to block out the pain. He looks at Nicole and mouths, 'I’m sorry.' to her.*

Nicole: Shhh Da, I don't blame you for anything, I’m just glad you're going to be alright.

        *Slight knock on the door*

Nicole: *Looks to the door* Come in.

Fiammetta: *The door opens and Fiammetta walks in* *Looks scoldingly at Kain* What did I tell you Kain?

        *Kain looks irritable and uses whisper to Fiammetta who sighs.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta walks over to the two on the bed and looks at Nicole and smiles* Furion tells me you're something of a healer... he says it's in your aura, is this true?

Nicole: *Looks up at Fiammetta* ...I don't know anything about my aura... but I am a potions mistress, and healing potions are my passion.

Fiammetta: *He smiles* That could be helpful...

        *Kain looks murderously at Fiammetta.*

Fiammetta: Kain, we're doing this now, I don’t care what your reasons are for hiding them but you need to get them seen to. I can feel the pain they're causing you.

Nicole: *Looks worriedly at Fiammetta* What is he hiding?

        *Kain sighs and nods reluctantly.*

Fiammetta: *Fiammetta goes over to the side and pulls out a potion of healing, it says for use on areas covered in fur, hair or feathers.  He puts some into 2 bowls of water, places a cloth in each bowl and hands one to Nicole.* Kain?

        *Kain is helped up into a sitting position by Fiammetta's magic and then he grits his teeth and a set of jet black wings open out from his back and he hisses, they're glossy with blood.*

Nicole: *Gasps* Oh gods...

Fiammetta: *Sighs* He hides them, I don’t know why.

        *Kain looks to be in considerable pain.*

Fiammetta: They're also a very sensitive piece of machinery.

Nicole: *Nods* I take it this potion will help heal them?

Fiammetta: *Nods* Yes, it's where most of the pain is coming from... he's lucky he found me, he would have died if it wasn’t me who was healing him. *Takes a cloth and starts to clean off the blood on Kain's wing. Kain is holding his head in his arms upon his knees.*

Nicole: *Moves to Kain's other wing and begins applying the potion, voice soft* Oh Da...

        *Kain shoulders are shaking with pain and silent sobs.*

Fiammetta: You need to keep the wings out until the potion dries in Kain... you hear me?

        *Kain nods and Nicole continues working on Kain's wing carefully.*

Fiammetta: *Looks at Kain* Are there any breaks here Kain?

        *Kain shakes head.*

Fiammetta: *Stretches out wing to full length to feel along the bones and Kain hisses in pain* Almost finished, not that I don’t trust you Kain. No breaks.

Nicole: I don't think anything is broken in this one either, but there's so much blood. *Water in the bowl is red*

Fiammetta: *Lets the wing go back to its resting position* *Looks over* Yes... there are many, many shallow cuts but... you can’t see them really... they'll be hurting like hell.

Nicole: *Wrings the cloth out wiping over the wing one more time* I’ve gotten potion on all of it. *Sets the bowl aside and picks Kain's hand back up* Alright Da?

        *Kain nods and flexes his wings, he smiles slightly.*

Fiammetta: *Sighs* I need to take a look at that throat Kain.

        *Kain looks irritated but leans back onto the headboard of the bed and raises his head to let Fiammetta take away the gauze.*

Nicole: *Looks at Fiammetta* Did he get bitten or something?

Fiammetta: *Winces* If only... *Takes the gauze off, the wound looks like someone tried to cut his head off and Nicole gasps, Fiammetta looks satisfied* It's healing properly.  *Puts the gauze back into position and looks at him* You should be okay...

        *Kain raises a hand to his throat and nods.*

Nicole: Did Uhma do this?

Fiammetta: *Nods* She almost killed him, drove a steak through his heart, but she had impaled herself on the same steak... they fought on the thing and she tried to cut his head off with a dagger, I ripped her head off though... so she should be dead now...

Nicole: *Tears come back to her eyes* Oh Da... *Looks at Fiammetta* And what of the rest of her army? Are we going to still need to be watching out for them?

Fiammetta: *Smiles* No... They bowed down when they realised what their mistress had done... begged forgiveness... I didn’t give it, I killed them all... they shouldn’t have been created, they would have betrayed Kain at the first step.

Nicole: *Grim look, voice vehement* Good.

Fiammetta: *Nods and looks at Kain who is trying to covertly hide his wings again. Fiammetta growls and Kain stops, Fiammetta sighs* Nicole, make sure his wings stay out... *Does a spell onto Kain who looks surprised* There, that should pacify you Kain... I need to go, I need to see someone... *Smiles*

Kain: *Voice hoarse, sore and breaking* At least I can talk a little now.

Nicole: Careful Da. *Sits back down on the bed facing him*

        *Kain nods as Fiammetta leaves.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain searchingly* Why do you keep trying to hide your wings if they need to stay shown to heal?

Kain: I don’t like them on show.

Nicole: *Takes Kain's hand* Promise you'll leave them be so they can heal, please?

Kain: *Nods* Yes...

Nicole: *Moves closer and hugs Kain gently, careful of his injuries, restrained tears in her voice* I love you so much Da.

Kain: *Hugs back nodding* I thought I was going to die Nicole...

Nicole: *Squeeses her eyes shut against the tears trying to break free* I was so scared for you when I first saw you.  I don't want to loose you.

Kain: *Nods* I know... I could feel you and Lucius...

Nicole: Luce loves you so much... he was crying when we go up here... I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen Luce cry.

        *Kain’s breath hitches and his wings relax and cocoon him and Nicole.*

Nicole: *Determined tone to her voice* Everything will be ok now Da, you're back and Fiammetta has taken care of things, now you just need to concentrate on getting better.

Kain: *Nods* I know... I’m going to ask Fiammetta to rule alongside me... he won’t accept it if I just give him leadership, he won’t mind a co-ownership...

Nicole: *Brushes her fingers across his cheek* I’m glad... maybe you'll finally have some time to yourself now.

Kain: *Smiles* That’s the general idea.

Nicole: *Smiles and takes a steadying breath* My son will need his grandfather around to spoil him after all. *Eyes look into his*

Kain: *Smiles tearfully* Yeah, he will won’t he? *Smiles* You should go down to Sethopher now Nicole, Lucius will be on his way back up here...

Nicole: *Kisses Kain on the cheek* I love you Da, rest well.

Kain: *Smiles then frowns* I never did like sleeping with these damn wings out...*Sighs and lays down on his side with them folded behind him*

Nicole: *Stands from the bed* Uncomfortable or not, you need to let them heal... I’ll see you tomorrow Da. *Heads towards the door*

Lucius: *Lucius bumps into Nicole and looks past her and gapes* Wings!? ..................I won’t even ask...

Nicole: *Smiles* Don't harass him about them, Fiammetta and I both had to make him promise to leave them out so they can heal.

Lucius: *Frowns* Why does he not have them out usually?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* You'll have to ask him, he mumbled something about not liking to show them off... didn't really want to talk about them. Was Sethopher still awake when you left?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* No, he wasn’t feeling too good once I told him all this. He went back to sleep. I saw Draco and Harry though.

Nicole: They're back then?

Lucius: Yeah, Harry's asleep, he's been doing magic... and Draco is pacing, something is worrying him.

Nicole: I’ll stop by to check on him before I go to bed. G'night Luce.

Lucius: Good night Nicole. *Walks through and closes the door*

        *Nicole looks around to orient herself and starts her trek back down to the first floor.  Finally making it down to the wing she is familiar with she pauses and knocks softly on the door to the boys' room.  The door opens.*

Draco: *Looks strained* Hey...

Nicole: Hi Drake... You're dad said something was bothering you.

        *Draco pales.*

Draco: A little... can we not talk here... Harry might wake.

Nicole: *Nods* That's fine, we could go to my sitting room?

Draco: *Nods* Yeah.

Nicole: *Leads the way into the suite and down to the second door opening the door to the room with bookshelves, chairs and a couch near a fire.  She leads the way over to the couch and pats the seat beside her.* Come here and sit down.

        *Draco walks over and sits down.*

Nicole: *Tucks her feet up under her, curling up at one end, leans her head to the side against the back of the couch and looks at Draco concerned* What's bothering you?

Draco: *Draco looks scared* I... well... I told you part of it already... about Harry's power and so forth...

Nicole: *Nods* That you were worried with it all he'd leave you.

Draco: *Nods* I... there is something else and I’ve never been so scared in my life.

Nicole: *Eyes narrow in concern* What has you so frightened?

Draco: *Draco closes his eyes and puts his head in his hands* About three days ago... maybe four, I started throwing up in the mornings... I found out that... that Elves are very fertile... and ... male elves can become pregnant... I’m not an elf... but my power and Harry's power... is...

Nicole: *Hand reaches out and brushes over Draco’s hair, hand slipping under his chin to bring his gaze up to meet hers* Drake, you're pregnant aren't you?

        *Draco nods and looks petrified.*

Nicole: *Holds her arms open* Come here babe.

Draco: *Leans into Nicole's arms gratefully* I’m so scared Nicole.

Nicole: *Wraps her arms around him protectively* I know, I can see it in you eyes... does Harry know yet?

Draco: *Shakes his head* No... no one... apart from you... I wanted to talk to you first... *Places a hand on her stomach* You would understand more than they can... at the moment...

Nicole: *Smiles softly and kisses to top of his head* We'll go through it together babe.

Draco: *Nods* I know it came as a bit of a shock to you when you found you were pregnant... can you imagine my surprise? I never thought... I’m a boy... *Gasps* What is my father going to say?

Nicole: *Smiles and hugs Draco a little closer* I’m sure he'll be surprised at first, but in the end he'll be delighted, after all, you're going to make him a grandfather... something he probably didn't think he'd get a chance to be once he accepted you were with Harry.

Draco: *Nods and then pales further* Harry... what's he gonna say?

Nicole: Babe, calm down, it'll all be alright. Harry's never had the chance to have a real family, now you and he will, I can't see how he would be upset about that.

Draco: *Snorts* How about the fact he's only 17 and has enough on his plate at the bloody moment.

Nicole: *Smiles wryly* Yes, well there is that... but it's not like you two will have to handle this alone, there are plenty of us that will be here for you both.

Draco: *Nods*...... I’m really scared... how... how does the labour work?

Nicole: *Grimaces* I don't know exactly how everything will go for you... with women, well, it can be quite short or drawn out... sometimes it comes on quite unexpectedly... either way it's not the most pleasant of experiences... but every mother I’ve ever talked to has said that once you hold your baby in your arms you know all the discomfort and pain was worth it.

Draco: *Draco nods still looking freaked out* Okay... I should talk to Harry... but he's asleep...

Nicole: *Rubs a hand soothingly along Draco’s arm* We can talk more about this some other time... for now get some sleep, there's plenty of time to tell Harry in the morning... and if you want me there with you when you do, I will be.

Draco: *Nods* I’d like that... *Groans* Once he gets over the shock it's gonna be merciless teasing isn’t it? *Smirks* You know what’s tragic Nicole?

Nicole: What?

Draco: I’ve went off pop tarts.....

Nicole: *Laughs* Who ever thought anything could set you off pop tarts ... you want to hear something funny?

        *Draco nods.*

Nicole: *Smiles* I’ve had the strangest craving for vanilla ice-cream and sweet pickles all day.

Draco: *Makes face* Eew. Each to their own I say....

Nicole: *Laughs* I know, but if that’s the oddest craving I have I’m sure I can be grateful.

Draco: Yeah... *Stands* I better go to bed.

Nicole: *Stands* Goodnight Draco. *Leads the way to the door* I’ll see you come morning.

Draco: *Smiles and nods* Yeah... see you tomorrow... *Hugs Nicole* Goodnight.

*Nicole goes into her bedroom after watching Draco leave.  Sethopher is asleep but there's a note on the bed beside him and Nicole walks over and picks up the note.*


Nicole, Sethopher is in an enchanted sleep and won’t wake until late tomorrow afternoon. This means instead of 1-2 weeks recovery he'll be fine when he awakes tomorrow. Leave him to wake in his own time.



Nicole: *Nicole smiles softly and sets the note on the side table. She shrugs off her clothes and climbs into bed, kissing Sethopher's forehead* Goodnight Talma, sleep well. *Curls against his side, falling asleep nearly as soon as her head hits the pillow*



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