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2 September 1997


        *Nicole opens her eyes to see morning light pouring in the windows; Sethopher hasn’t moved in his sleep and is still sleeping soundly.  Nicole stretches, kisses Sethopher's forehead and climbs out of bed, tucking the covers back in around him.  She walks over to her trunk and pulls on some clothes and leaves the bedroom to see who else is awake.*

        *Draco walks out of a side door and almost bangs into Nicole.*

Nicole: Draco! Hey, good morning, did you sleep alright?

Draco: *Draco sighs* I got a little sleep.

Nicole: Do you want to come hunt up some tea and toast with me? My stomach is feeling a little off and I thought it might settle it some... *Tone softens* We can talk some more if you'd like.

Draco: *Nods* I just spent the morning being sick... Harry was thankfully asleep... he sleeps rather heavily.

Nicole: You don't happen to know where the kitchens are around here do you? Your dad took me to a dinning room to eat last night, but the food was already there.

Draco: *Smiles* Kain told us where to go when we got here coz he knows me and Harry eat at odd times. Follow me. *Draco starts to walk off down one of the side corridors.*

Nicole: *Walks alongside Draco, speaking softly so as not to wake anyone who might be still sleeping* So the morning sickness was bothering you again today?

Draco: *Rubs his stomach slightly* Yeah, I woke and I thought I would be okay but as soon as I stood up... *Makes face*

Nicole: *Lips curls* I know what you mean... I think the only reason I was ok when I got up is because I’ve hardly eaten anything since yesterday morning, we'd only just sat down to eat when Da was brought back last night and I hadn't taken more than one or two bites.

Draco: *Draco frowns* Something’s wrong with Kain? *Opens a door to enter the kitchens*

Nicole: *Looks over at Draco as they enter* I forgot, you and Harry weren't here when Da came back. *Tone sad* He went off to find Uhma... he was hurt very badly.

Draco: *Frowns* How badly is very badly?

Nicole: ...If it weren't for two powerful elvin healers and Fiammetta, Da would be dead.

        *Draco looks shocked.*

*A dark haired elf walks over*: Can I get you anything?

Nicole: *Wipes away unshed tears and addresses the elf politely* Could you possibly get us some plain toast and mint tea?

*The elf nods*: Of course. *Points to a side door* That door takes you directly to the dining room, you can wait there, it won’t be a moment.

Nicole: Thank you. *Heads towards the door*

        *Draco smiles and walks with Nicole to the door and enters the side door to the dining room.  Nicole sits down at one end of the large dinning table.*

Draco: *Draco sits near her and sighs* How was dad when Kain got back then?

Nicole: *Crosses her arms on the table and rests her chin upon them, voice weary* He was in shock... we both were really... Da was a mess... I don't think either of us were able to relax in the least until we saw for ourselves Da was going to be ok.

Draco: *Draco looks a little pained* Poor Kain... and dad too... *Sighs and nods as the same dark haired elf walks in with a pot of mint tea and a tray with two stacks of toast on them.  An elf walks behind and puts down cutlery and two mugs*

Draco: *Draco smiles* Thanks...

Nicole: *Nods* Thank you.

        *They smile and leave, closing the door behind them.*

Draco: Kain has some good staff here, they're all nice.

Nicole: They are. *Pours tea for the both of them* Here, the mint should help settle your stomach some.

Draco: *Draco sips the tea and smiles* How the hell am I going to tell Harry? I sort of started to see the funny side last night...

Nicole: *Breaks up a piece of toast* Oh?

Draco: Well yeah... *Takes a bite of toast* I mean, I was bloody surprised but... good god, he hasn’t seen any symptoms or anything... and if I didn’t see the funny side I think I’d cry... again.

Nicole: *Nibbles at her toast and laughs a little* For such a bright boy Harry is awfully oblivious at times.

Draco: *Nods* Yeah... god... he's gonna be shocked. *Takes another few bites and then a sip of tea*

Nicole: *Sips her tea, and eats some toast thoughtfully* ...You're going to have to tell him this morning... the odds he'll accidentally pick up the thoughts from you are too high to try and wait any longer.

Draco: *Nods* I know... *Finishes the first piece of toast and starts on the second* just trying to figure out how to... how to tell him.

        *Nicole nods, looking slightly pale and focuses on her tea.*

Draco: *Looks at Nicole* what’s wrong?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I think I won't be eating any more toast, my stomach's not handling it well... I need to talk to Kael, maybe he'll know something to help with the morning sickness, the pendant he gave me for when I’m apparating helped, maybe he knows of something for general morning sickness.

Draco: *Nods* Yeah...

Harry: *The side door opens and Harry walks in with a mug for tea and a stack of toast, his hair is wet and he smiles as he sees Nicole and Draco* Hey!

Nicole: *Looks up at Harry, still a bit off colour* Morning Harry.

Harry: *Harry sits beside Draco who is pointedly looking into his tea* You feel okay Nicole? You look a little peaky.

Nicole: *Mutters* Morning sickness.

Harry: *Harry nods and looks at Draco* What, no good morning for me then?

        *Draco whimpers and bites some toast.*

Nicole: *Glances at Draco* Draco’s stomach was bothering him as well.

Harry: Oh, you feeling okay? You're not coming down with anything are you? *Runs a hand lovingly through Draco’s hair*

Nicole: *Looks pointedly at Draco* He's not ill.

Draco: *Swallows the toast and takes a sip of tea* No I’m not ill......

Harry: Well what then? *Looks concerned*

Nicole: *Takes one of Draco’s hands under the table* Go ahead and tell him Draco.

Draco: Harry... this will sound weird... but... well...

Harry: Spit it out already Drake or we'll be here all day.

Draco: *Sighs and looks skyward* I’m pregnant.

Harry: *Blinks* But... not to state the blindingly obvious... you're a boy, and I am a boy...

        *Nicole looks mildly amused as she watches Draco nod, still not looking at Harry.*

Harry: When did you find this out?

Draco: Yesterday... I had... suspicions though...

Nicole: *Looks over at Harry* He's been having morning sickness for a few days now, you really are rather oblivious Harry.

Harry: Not really, I thought he was just ill... he hates me telling him to see you for something if he's ill so I just left it.

Nicole: *Slowly sips at her tea, looking a little less nauseous* I suppose.

        *Draco is still looking dead ahead of him, avoiding Harry’s eyes.*

Harry: Draco... Draco look at me.

        *Draco reluctantly looks at Harry, fear evident in his eyes.*

Harry: *Looks surprised* Now what’s that look for? *Moves closer to Draco and smiles* *Kisses him once on the mouth* You've nothing to fear love...

Draco: *Draco looks slightly relieved* You're not mad?

Harry: *Rolls eyes* No I’m not mad... bloody surprised and rather shocked but in a 'wow I didn’t think I’d ever have a kid' sort of way... it's a happy kind of shocked Draco.

Nicole: *Laughs quietly* What did I tell you last night Draco?

        *Draco smiles gently and Harry places a hand gently on Draco’s stomach.  Draco smiles*.

Harry: *Harry looks a little grave* Of course you know they're gonna be a Gryffindor.

Draco: *Draco looks a little indignant* No, Slytherin.

Harry: *Harry grins* Well, I suppose Slytherin isn’t too bad... *Both say at once* As long as it's not a Hufflepuff.

Nicole: *Laughs* Don't let Sethopher hear you say that.

        *Both look mildly interested.*

Nicole: According to Val, and despite what he likes to think I agree with her, he would have been a Hufflepuff.

        *Both snigger slightly.*

Draco: *Draco laughs* We're going to be parents...we're so mature.

Harry: *Harry sniggers* Yeah... wonder if it's a boy or a girl.

Nicole: *Looks at them seriously* If you want to know, there's a spell that will tell you. I know I’m having a son because Kael did the spell for me so I could find out if I was pregnant for sure, but it's up to you.

Draco: *Both look intrigued but Draco looks at Harry* I’d rather not know... what about you?

Harry: *Smiles* I don’t know... I think I’d like the surprise.

Nicole: *Nods* I can understand that... knowing takes some of the mystery out of it.

Draco: *Smiles* I’m glad you're not mad... now we need to tell dad...

Harry: Oh dear... that’s gonna be interesting *Harry sniggers* Technically, because Kain and Lucius are bonded, Kain is the grandfather.

Nicole: *Laughs* Da and Luce are going to have two grandchildren running around to spoil.

Draco: Oh yeah............

Nicole: It's going to be a madhouse.

Kain: *Kain from door* I thought it was a mad house? What could possibly make it worse? *Lucius is standing beside him holding him up, Kain’s wings are also out but folded behind him.*

Lucius: I agree...

Nicole: *Smiles* Morning Da, glad to see you up. *Smiles slyly over towards Harry and Draco* More of a mad house... how about having two toddlers running around this place at once?

Kain: *Kain looks confused* You're having twins Nicole?

Draco: No... she isn’t...

Nicole: *Smiles* No, I’m only having one.

        *Kain and Lucius sit across from Harry and Draco.*

Harry: Draco’s having the other.

Lucius: *Lucius gapes* What!?

        *Kain looks pleasantly surprised.*

Draco: Heh....

Lucius: You're only 16!

Nicole: *Snickers* Yes well, age doesn't prevent the results of *Fake coughs* certain actions.

Lucius: But they’re both...

Kain: *Smiles slyly at Lucius* It can happen.

Nicole: *Nods* something to do with the new powers they're developing.

        *Lucius glances sideways at Kain who is smirking.*

Kain: *Smiles* You never wonder why I perform that spell once a month on myself?

Lucius: *Eyes widen* Which one of us?

        *Nicole snickers.*

Kain: Either or, depends on the situation, could be both... but that spell prevents it.

Lucius: *Lucius nods dumbly then looks intrigued* We could have children?

Kain: Yes but we have all of eternity to think of that Lucius.

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain* since you know so much about all this, there was something I was meaning to ask you Da.

Kain: Oh?

Nicole: Well... I know my son wasn't going to be healthy because I’m human... would I have still had that problem if I had already drank from the Sunwell before I got pregnant?

Kain: Yes, you would have still been inherently human... he would have been human but immortal and been in pain all his life.

Nicole: *Nods looking slightly disappointed* That's what I figured, I thought I’d ask just to be sure though.

Kain: I’ll have to research on your child Nicole... I was thinking about it... the child will still be half human half vampire and I don’t know what they will be like... they may only drink milk for the first few years or only blood or both... I really don’t know.

Nicole: *Nods* Well we still have a while to work details like that out.

Kain: *Smiles* Yes. *Looks at Harry and Draco* Congratulations you two.

        *Draco and Harry beam then register Kain's wings.*

Draco: Since when have you had wings?

Kain: ............A long time.

Nicole: *Laughs* Apparently he's embarrassed by them and insists on keeping them hidden... I think they're rather interesting.

        *Kain sighs and Lucius strokes a hand gently down one of Kain's wings and they flutter lightly at the touch.*

Nicole: *Looks around the table* This is nice, we haven't had a meal all together in quite a while. *Sighs*

Kain: *Kain smiles* This should be a regular occurrence.

Nicole: *Nods and looks towards the door a tad wistfully* Now if only Sethopher were here it would be perfect.... but at least Fiammetta said the healing sleep he put him in should have him well by this afternoon... it's so frustrating for him to feel ill.

Kain: I know, he hates it... I remember when we got him back from being trapped in the arctic he was so unhappy at being kept in bed we had to sedate him.

Nicole: *laughs slightly* Yes, I can imagine... I think I’ve lost track of the number of times he's apologised for being "pathetic" in the last few days.

Kain: *Kain smiles* Yes...

Lucius: How long are we staying here Kain? Now that Uhma is gone... We'll be returning won’t we? *Sounds disheartened*

Kain: *Smiles* I’m taking a holiday.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m glad, I like it here.

Lucius: *Frowns* How long is this holiday? Few weeks? Months?

Kain: Fiammetta has agreed to help me run things... he doesn’t want the head position he says he doesn’t deserve it as I have built up my army and managed to conquer all of the vampire world, something he couldn’t do... but he's helping.

Lucius: Meaning?

Kain: *Smiles content* Meaning... I don’t have to go back until I am needed. *Grins* It’s a very long holiday.

Nicole: *Smiles* Good, you deserve some time to yourself for a change Da.

Kain: *Kain nods* That’s what I and Fiammetta thought. He's different to how I imagined.

Nicole: Oh?

Kain: Yes... he's... down to earth... normal I suppose... humble.

Nicole: *Smiles gently* Not so different from someone else that that wouldn't be expected of.

Kain: *Looks genuinely interested* Who?

        *Lucius laughs beside him.*

Nicole: *Softly* You, Da.

Kain: *Kain looks surprised but sees matching agreement on all their faces* But... I’m just me... and I happen to control an army...

Nicole: *Laughs* And I’m sure that's exactly how he feels. It's a mark of a good leader.

Kain: I suppose...

Harry: You're you yeah... but you are powerful and have some cool wings.

        *Kain smiles gently and folds his wings further into himself as far as they can go without actually putting them away.*

Nicole: *Laughs softly* Da, remember you promised to leave them out for now.

        *Draco looks thoughtful and speaks in Vampiric to Kain.*

Kain: *Looks at him and nods* Yes, that’s it exactly.

Nicole: *Mutters* I really need to learn Vampiric.

Kain: *Kain smiles at Nicole* You have plenty of time to learn it.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I suppose I do... or will, don't I?

Kain: Yes...

Nicole: So what was that all about then? Hmm? *Obviously knows she's being nosy and doesn't care.*

Kain: *Kain smiles gently* Draco was being a smart arse.

Nicole: Nothing new there.

Draco: I was right though, so go me!

Nicole: *Laughs* You were right about what?

Draco: He's scared of his full power, so he hides it from others and himself. By hiding his wings it hides how old he actually is.

Kain: *Kain sighs* It's true as well, no one has seen my full power... I’m afraid to unleash it.

Nicole: *Nods slowly* That makes sense I suppose... *Looks up at him* Though I wish you hadn't held back yesterday, perhaps you wouldn't have ended up so injured.

Kain: *Laughs* That’s what Fiammetta said and what Sethopher will say and Uhma too.

        *Nicole looks displeased at the last name.*

Kain: *Kain sighs* She always said that.

Nicole: *Grumbles* I’d rather not talk about her... *Voice drops even more to almost inaudible, sounds uncharacteristically vicious* Bitch...

Kain: *Kain growls lightly* Don’t call her that.

        *Lucius takes one of Kain's hands and squeeses gently.*

Nicole: *Glares up at Kain* Don't defend her Da, she almost killed you! *Voice passionate though not raised* She would have if it wasn't for Fiammetta...

        *Lucius is shaking his head at Nicole as thought not to push this issue.*

Nicole: *Sighs* I’m sorry Da... *Sounds weary* I just... I don't want to loose you and she nearly took you away, just when things in my life are starting to truly be happy... it's selfish, but I can't help how I feel.

Kain: *Nods* I understand how you feel Nicole... just don’t call her that in front of me.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and nods* I’ll do my best.

Kain: *Sighs and looks a little weary* I’m going back up to bed... you can stay here Lucius, I’ll be fine on my own. *Kisses him once on the mouth and leaves to go back to bed.*

Lucius: *Lucius looks at Nicole* Never call her that... dear god...

Nicole: *Gives Lucius a sour look* I don't have the kindest temper towards those that hurt the people I love in the first place, and it is even shorter of late. I apologise for upsetting Da, but it's not going to change how I feel.

Lucius: *Nods* I know Nicole, I feel the same way and I found out last night not to call her that... I thank god he was too sore to move last night or he may have hit me... scrap that, would have hit me.

        *Nicole nods and takes a sip of her tea, her face blanches and her eyes close.  Lucius sighs and eats a piece of toast.*

Draco: You okay Nicole?

Nicole: *Mutters* I don't think my tantrum agreed with my stomach... If you'll all excuse me for a little while. *Stands unsteadily from her chair, grasping at the arm of it for balance*

Lucius: *Gets up quickly and puts an arm under her to steady her* Are you okay?

Nicole: *Taking controlled breaths* I think it might be best if I got to a loo if you don't mind. *Hand rubbing at her stomach*

        *Lucius nods and takes her towards the downstairs bathroom which handily enough is across from the kitchen.  Nicole rushes to the toilet and is sick.  Lucius stands outside the door.*

Nicole: *Retching continues for a few minutes... finally stops and the sound of running water is heard.* *Nicole comes to the door looking quite pale. Voice hoarse* Sorry about that Luce.

Lucius: *Sighs* It's alright, I had to go through it with Narcissa... I hope Draco hasn’t inherited her genes in that respect, she was ill every day until halfway through her second trimester... she wasn’t pleased. I can’t believe my son is pregnant.

Nicole: *Lip curls* You're going to be disappointed then, he's been sick as well, it just seems to hit him earlier in the morning.

Lucius: *Sighs* My poor son... I’m having a little difficulty getting over this... and then I am left to wonder how he felt when he found out himself.

Nicole: He was scared... we talked some last night... *Is still looking rather pale, gripping on the doorframe for balance*

Lucius: *Frowns* Are you sure it's just morning sickness Nicole? You don’t look too good...

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I haven't eaten properly in three days... every time I have time to eat the morning sickness strikes, and by the time my stomach has settled something always seems to happen.

Lucius: ...And you're sure that your body isn’t rejecting the food...?

Nicole: *Looks at him curiously* What do you mean?

Lucius: *Sighs* You're baby is half vampire... what else could it possibly want?

Nicole: *Looks vaguely disgusted* I am not drinking blood for the next 9 months Luce, that thought doesn't make my stomach feel any better. *Looks vaguely annoyed* Besides, he's half human as well, the least he could do is let his mother have a proper meal once in a while.

Lucius: You look anemic, that’s all I’m saying Nicole.

Nicole: *Grumbles* Maybe I need to try gravy, that's a compromise...

Lucius: If you don’t ingest blood it'll just take it out of your blood stream...

Nicole: *Still looks annoyed but as though she's caving slightly* And just how do you suggest I get this blood Luce? I’m not a vampire, I can't go hunting for it, nor would I.

Lucius: ...Vampires can drink other vampire blood. It’s how female vampires do it, they can’t hunt when they're pregnant so the male feeds and the female feeds from the male... Sethopher won’t be able to do all of it... I’m willing... and I bet Kain would be too.

Nicole: *Sighs and slumps against the wall* This is going to be a long 9 months...

Lucius: *Takes her hand* You look really ill... you need to eat but I suspect that if you don’t ingest some blood your body will reject it again.

Nicole: *Nods tiredly* Fine, I’m willing to try anything at this point... I still don't know how you want to do this, I can't drink from anyone, I don't have fangs... *Runs her tongue over her eyeteeth and frowns slightly.*

Lucius: *Smiles* Better find somewhere to sit don’t you think?

        *Nicole nods, still frowning, she looks as though she's trying to figure something out.*

Lucius: What is it Nicole?

Nicole: *Looks displeased but resigned* I think I found the proof of your theory

Lucius: Oh?

Nicole: I don't have fangs, but my teeth are definitely not normally this long *Draws back her lip showing a slightly longer than normal eyetooth, her hand rubs across her abdomen* I don't think I’m going to qualify as entirely human while I have this little blighter hitch-hiking.

Lucius: *Sniggers* Okay, well, let's go sit somewhere and I can show you where to bite.

Nicole: *Still looking displeased* Somewhere with a couch... I’d rather not go to my rooms for this though, all the furniture is white.

Lucius: *Smiles* We can go to the room Kain and I usually use, the one with the window seat, Kain will be in the other room as Fiammetta made him promise.

Nicole: *Nods* That's fine.

Lucius: *Takes her hand and leads her towards the room and closes and locks the door.* We don’t want you getting startled and ripping a hole in my throat.

Nicole: *Sardonic look* Not funny Luce.

Lucius: I wasn’t being funny... *Takes her over to a sofa that is near the fire* Sit.

        *Nicole sits, nearly falling onto the sofa.*

Lucius: *Sits near her and pulls his long hair away from his neck.  He points at his neck where the junction is between shoulder and neck* Don’t bite here... bite here, *Points a little higher* More blood flows that way, the other area is for *Coughs* other things. *Unbuttons his shirt a little and pulls it back* Are you ready?

Nicole: *Mutters* I can't believe I’m doing this... *Moves so that she is resting against his side, one hand on his shoulder, sighs* I’m ready as I’ll ever be I suppose... you sure about this?

Lucius: *Raises his head exposing his neck further* I’m sure... whenever you're ready.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and takes a steadying breath* *Mutters* I can do this. *Bends her head forward and bites down where Lucius had pointed, hesitant at first, as the skin is broken and blood flows, her fingers suddenly grip tightly on Lucius' shoulder and she begins drinking hungrily.*

        *Lucius hisses slightly, breathing accelerating, he grabs one of her hands.  Nicole's fingers grip his tightly, still drinking... slowly she begins to loosen her tight grasp and releases his neck, lapping up a few stray drops of blood from his skin, breathing harshly.*

Lucius: *Breath calms and he pulls away from Nicole* *Rubs at his neck* Feel better?

Nicole: *Leans against the back of the sofa, looks slightly dazed* That was... like I wasn't in control for a while there... *Hand rubs absently across her stomach and looks down* But I don't feel sick... for the first time completely in days...

Lucius: *Smiles* It's a strange feeling isn’t it? Feeding...

Nicole: *Frowns* I’m glad this will only last while I’m pregnant, now I’m certain I don't ever want to become a vampire if that's what feeding is always like... I hate loosing control over myself... it's why I never get drunk, and why I was able to learn to throw off Imperious when I was learning as a child.

Lucius: *Smiles* It scared me at first too... but I remember that Kain can do it no problem.

Nicole: *Nods* I wonder how often I’m going to need to do this...

Lucius: *Looks thoughtful* Female vampires three times a day... you... once maybe twice a day.

Nicole: *Looks resigned* I suppose so... maybe first thing each morning... then I can get some real food, I have this terrible craving for some raspberries and custard right now.

Lucius: *Smiles* I’m sure the kitchens will help you there.

Nicole: *Sneers down at her stomach* You better not get me fat with these cravings little one, I will not be pleased. *Sighs and stretches slightly* I suppose we should go back with the boys or something, it's nearly noon.

Lucius: *Nods...* I actually think I should go speak to Kain... about this little development.

Nicole: *Nods* He will want to know... *Fidgets some* I’m feeling rather restless... I wonder if one of the boys is interested in going for a walk around the grounds *Eyes suddenly sparkle with thought* I wonder...

Lucius: What?

Nicole: *Looks at Luce* Do you know if Da has any stables on the grounds? The forest around here would be gorgeous to go riding in.

Lucius: No, he doesn’t but... speak to Tyrande.

Nicole: I’ll keep that in mind. *Stands*

        *Lucius stands and opens the door.*

Nicole: *Leans up and kisses Luce on the cheek* Thank you Luce.

Lucius: *Blushes a little* No problem Nicole... *Smiles* You should bite Sethopher in the area I told you not to bite me in... You don’t loose control but... *Sniggers* he will.

Nicole: *Laughs* I’ll keep that in mind. *Sly look* Maybe having fangs for a few months won't be such a bad thing after all. *Steps through the door* I’ll see you later I’m sure, tell Da I’m sorry for upsetting him again will you?

Lucius: *Nods* Of course I will, don’t worry about it. He'll be okay... you should speak to him sometime about Uhma... I can see why he's so... tetchy.

Nicole: *Sighs* Maybe I will someday... but for the moment it'll probably be best if I avoid the topic entirely... at least until I can look at him without immediately thinking about last night.

Lucius: *Sighs* I think it'd be easier if you asked him sooner... it'd help you understand his position...

Nicole: I’ll keep it in mind, right at this moment I don't think I could sit still long enough to listen properly, I feel good for the first time in days. *Squeeses Lucius' hand once more before starting back towards the dinning room* Until later Luce.

        *Lucius smiles and walks to the stairs.  Nicole heads down the hall the way she and Luce came from.  Draco and Harry are still sitting in the dining room talking.  Nicole walks in smiling and sits at the table, looks towards the kitchen door.*

Draco & Harry: Hey Nicole.

Nicole: *Smiles at them* Hello again boys... I wonder how we're supposed to call one of the elves...

Harry: You hungry?

Draco: I kinda am too... I want something sweet.

Nicole: *Smiles brightly* For a change, yes! I could really go for some berries and custard just now.

Draco: *Draco smiles* Sounds good.

        *Harry stands and goes over to the door and presses a little bell on the wall, he then sits back down.*

Arthas: *The same black haired elf from earlier comes in* Hello, I realised I didn’t introduce myself earlier, I’m Arthas.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m Nicole, and these young men are Harry and Draco, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Arthas: *Smiles* So, hungry?

Nicole: If it isn't too much trouble would you be able to get us some berries and custard?

Arthas: Three servings?

        *Draco nods, so does Harry.*

Arthas: *Smiles* Be around fifteen minutes.

Nicole: Thank you.

        *Arthas walks back through to the kitchen.*

Draco: You look better than this morning Nicole.

Harry: Yeah.

Nicole: *Sighs* Luce solved my "morning sickness".

Harry: Oh? Find a potion or something?

Nicole: *Nose twitches a bit* Or something.

        *Draco looks intrigued.*

Nicole: *Lip pulls back showing one of her elongated teeth* Apparently while I have my little passenger I’m going to be some sort of pseudo-vampire... I was anemic.

Harry: Wow...

Draco: You fed from my father?

Nicole: *Nods* It was his idea.

Draco: *Looks a little curious* What's it like?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* It's... odd... you don't quite have control until the hunger is gone... I’m not terribly pleased about it, but I apparently don't have any choice in the matter *Sighs* At least I won't need to hunt, I don't think anything could get me to manage that.

Draco: No... and you're pregnant too... I don’t think even female vampires hunt *Draco sighs and rubs his stomach*

Harry: *Looks at Draco’s stomach and says quietly* If it's a boy we're not calling him James.

Draco: *Looks surprised* What?

Harry: *Looks at Draco and smiles sadly* Or Lily... if it's a girl.

Draco: *Nods* Sure Harry... *Takes his hand*

Nicole: *Smiles softly at Harry* I understand what you mean.... My son will not be called Charles... Sethopher can suggest any other name and I will consider it, but not that one.

Harry: *Smiles gently* Yeah... *Draco nods*

Nicole: ...That's something I suppose he and I will need to discuss... especially seeing as I know it's a boy, we don't need to wait till he's born to choose a name... at the very least it shortens the search by half.

Draco: *Nods* Yeah... names... this will be interesting.

Harry: I like Lucas.

Draco: *Smiles* Too much like Lucius.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’ve always been fond of Nathair. *Looks slightly pointedly at Draco*

Draco: Nathair?

Nicole: It means dragon, or serpent in Gaelic.

Draco: *Smiles* Really? Kinda cool.

Nicole: Appropriate for a Slytherin, don't you think?

Harry: Yeah... You want your kid to be a Slytherin?

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* His father is a Hufflepuff and his mother is a Slytherin, which footsteps do you think I’d rather he follow?

Harry: *Laughs* Good point.

Draco: Personally I think our kid has a better chance of being a Slytherin.

Nicole: Yes well, as long as he's not a Hufflepuff... I love Sethopher dearly but I’d rather my child be a Ravenclaw or Gryffindor any day to Hufflepuff... they're normally so... urgh.

        *Draco and Harry look at the door amused.*

Nicole: *Looks at the boys* Sethopher is at the door isn't he?

Sethopher: Yes I am.

Nicole: *Groans* I really do have poor timing.

        *Sethopher walks over to the table and sits beside Nicole.*

Sethopher: *In an impression of Nicole* Sethopher, how are you, how did you sleep?
*In his own voice* Very well thank you. *Nicole’s voice again* That’s lovely, me and the boys were just discussing about houses and I don’t mind what house our child is in... *Flutters eye lashes* *Looks at Nicole* That’s what I should have heard.

Nicole: *Looks sardonic* Your son is already too demanding to even be considered a Hufflepuff... and I’m a Slytherin, I’m supposed to be biased and tactless when it comes to house prejudice, it's in the job description.

Sethopher: *Frowns* Too demanding? How?

Nicole: Let's just say he's made his preferred meal choices well known early on.

Sethopher: *Looks a little confused then looks at Draco and Harry who are sitting very close together* I’m missing a couple of things here aren’t I?

Nicole: There have been a few discoveries made since last night.

Sethopher: *Looks at Nicole as Draco and Harry are rather wrapped up in each other talking* Oh, for example?

Nicole: For starters, we aren't the only ones expecting.

        *Sethopher raises his eyebrows and looks towards Draco and Harry.*

Nicole: *Nods* Draco’s pregnant.

Sethopher: * Smiles* Congratulations guys... I’m happy for you!

        *Draco and Harry beam*

Both: Thanks.

Nicole: The other thing was morning sickness... I’ll still have to look into something to help Draco, but Luce has discovered the cure for mine.

Sethopher: *Looks at Nicole* Oh? Really? What is it?

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* And this is where your son is demanding. *Sarcastic* I couldn't just have normal pregnancy cravings, oh no.

Sethopher: *Looks at her carefully* Nicole... is that fangs?

Nicole: *Nods* Seems I get to lose my full human status for the next few months.

Sethopher: Wow... by the way what was up with Kain this morning? I could feel him, he was angry as hell.

Nicole: *Looks sheepish* I rather pissed him off.

Sethopher: Oh? *Looks surprised* What did you do?

Nicole: *Mutters under her breath* IcalledUhmaabitch.

Sethopher: *Looks alarmed* You didn’t!!

Nicole: *Cringes* I did.

Sethopher: Dear god... I’m surprised no one is hurt then... never call her that... or even insinuate it.

Nicole: I know that now.

Sethopher: *Sighs* It must have been a shock when he was fighting her...

Nicole: Oh? *Looks towards the kitchen door semi distractedly.*

Sethopher: Yeah... Fiammetta told me what had happened before I went to sleep... what happened in the fight...

Arthas: *The kitchen door opens and the elf brings in the three plates of custard and berries* *Sets them in front of Nicole, Draco and Harry. *Looks at Sethopher* You want something sir?

Sethopher: *Nods* Chicken sandwiches please Arthas, I’m starved.

Nicole: *Digs into the custard and berries with more enthusiasm than she's shown any other food in days* What did happen? I know Uhma staked Da and nearly killed him till Fiammetta killed her, but that's all I heard about.

Sethopher: *Sighs* He could have killed her but couldn’t bring himself to do it...

Nicole: *Sighs and pauses in her eating* I was afraid, yet am unsurprised, you'd say that. It's obvious by the way he acts that he still loves her, even after all that's happened... what I can't understand is how... I guess it's the Slytherin vindictive part of me.

Sethopher: *Nods* He couldn’t really do it the first time either... I think he just hoped she'd stay away from him and try to hide... but she knew he loved her still.

Nicole: And she took advantage of that. *Sighs and takes a small bite of her food* She doesn't deserve his love... then again, love is something rarely given based on whether or not it's deserved.

Sethopher: Yes... He was absolutely broken hearted when she betrayed him.

        *Nicole nods and her free hand moves to twine her fingers with Sethopher's.  Sethopher smiles and holds her hand as Arthas brings the chicken sandwich through and leaves.*

Nicole: *Looks up at him* I really am glad you're feeling better by the way; I should have said it sooner. *Kisses the corner of his mouth.*

Sethopher: *Smiles and takes a bite from his sandwich* Thanks love... I need to talk to Kain later on.

Nicole: *Looks over at Sethopher* I’m sure you do... Luce told me to talk with him about Uhma as well... I know I should, I just... I needed some time to cool off. I’m not exactly the most even tempered at the best of times, and up until Luce figured out what's been causing my sickness my emotions really have been less controlled. *Grimaces* Not eating properly for 3 days can have that effect.

Sethopher: *Nods and smiles gently* I wasn’t talking about Uhma... I need to speak with him for other reasons. Though I do have to speak to him about that too.

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher askance as though she's trying to convince herself not to pry and failing* Other reasons?

Sethopher: *Looks at her and looks a little confused* Yeah... You know that vampires gain powers over the years...?

Nicole: Yes.

Sethopher: Well, usually its every 100 or so years... I’ve gained four in the past month...

Nicole: *Eyes widen slightly* ~You mean more than just this has shown up?~

Sethopher: ~Hell yes... I’d rather not get into it... but I think it’s the first stages of the Ritcja, or Evolution... ~

        *Nicole lets out a low whistle and takes another bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully.*

Sethopher: *Nods* ~I’m only 4000 ish... I’m too young!~

Nicole: ~I don't know Talma... but you definitely need to talk to Da about this.~ *Eyes look up at him sincerely* ~I don't care about how much power you do or don't have, I just want you to be alright.~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~It isn’t dangerous love... I’m just scared, I really am quite young for it.~

        *Draco and Harry are talking very quietly at the end of the table.*

Nicole: *Sets aside her now empty dish and looks up at the boys, her eyes take on a tender look, voice soft and quiet* They've been through so much lately... but I think this baby is going to be good for them.

Sethopher: *Nods* I agree... Draco must have been shocked.

Nicole: *Nods* He was quite scared when we talked last night... I think he still is to some extent, but his main concerns have been dealt with.

Sethopher: *Nods* I suppose he's scared of the mechanics of it all?

Nicole: *Mildly amused* He asked me about labour.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Well... men aren’t very used to the idea of going through labour.

Nicole: *Laughs quietly* No, I suppose not. *Quirks an eyebrow* Oh, and I here and now disclaim all responsibility for what I may say when our little monster makes his appearance.

Sethopher: *Smiles and kisses Nicole once on the lips* Don’t worry I know what labour is like... *Mutters* still have the scars from the last one I sat through.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly and moves her chair over slightly to rest her head against his shoulder, sighing* I think the reality of it all is just finally starting to sink in... I mean I’ve known for a few days now that we're having a son but... the changes... and then talking about names with the boys... it suddenly seems more real.

Sethopher: *Smiles* You were discussing names?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Not much... more what we wouldn't name our children, but a few were mentioned... that's where the discussion about what houses the children would be in came from.

Sethopher: Aaah... yes, I see now...

        *Draco and Harry look at Nicole and Sethopher as though about to ask something.*

Nicole: *Looks back at the boys* Did you two want something?

        *Draco and Harry look at each other nod and then Draco starts.*

Draco: We've been discussing God Parents... we'd like you two to fill the post.

Nicole: *Nicole's head raises from Sethopher's shoulder and she gasps slightly in surprise* Are you certain?

Draco: *Nods* Yes... You've been very kind to me and Harry... so have you Sethopher... and Harry knows you very well now after... well you know. *Sethopher nods* So yeah we're sure.

Nicole: *Looks to Sethopher, eyes searching* ~Well? Do you want to agree?~

Sethopher: ~Of course~

Nicole: *Nods and looks back to the boys smiling, a single tear forming in the corner of her eye* We'd be honoured to be your child's godparents.

Harry & Draco: *Both look happy* Thanks!

Harry: *Smiles* What time is it?

Nicole: I’d say mid-afternoon by the light coming in the windows.

Harry: *Finishes the custard and stands* I need to go see Syan then, see you guys later. *Kisses Draco on the forehead and walks from the room*

        *Draco sighs and leans back in his chair.*

Nicole: *Smiles over towards Draco* I’d say things went better than you expected Drake, Harry took the news quite well.

Draco: Yes he did, didn’t he... I should start to research about the... other parts of this pregnancy.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Yes, that would probably be a good idea... I know some about normal pregnancy, but you're rather outside my normal expertise... Da said this place had a large library, perhaps there would be something useful to you there?

Draco: *Nods* That’s the general idea... *Looks pained* I hope it isn’t too graphic...

        *Sethopher sniggers.*

Nicole: Yes well... *Laughs slightly*

Draco: It's not funny... *Sighs* I’m really scared.

Nicole: I know babe, but things will be fine, you'll see.

Draco: *Smiles slightly* Yeah... well I’m off to put my mind at ease or scare myself silly... depending on the answers I get.

Nicole: *Stirs in her chair and makes a slightly impatient noise* I’d offer to come help, but for once books aren't all that appealing to me at the moment... the only reason I came back here after I was finished with Luce earlier was to satisfy my craving... I’m rather... wound.

        *Sethopher smiles and Draco stands.*

Draco: Well. I’ll be off anyway... See you two later.

Nicole: *Nods* Until later Draco .

        *Draco walks out and Sethopher kisses Nicole passionately when he leaves.*

Sethopher: *Pulls away* I’ve wanted to do that since I came in here.

Nicole: *Quirks an eyebrow suggestively, voice a low growl* Interested in helping me work out some excess energy?

Sethopher: *Kisses her again* ~Very much so.~

Nicole: Mmm... *Kisses back feverishly* ~I think perhaps we should be moving somewhere a little more private.~

Sethopher: *Nods and stands, pulling Nicole and sweeping her off her feet again* *Grins* I like having my strength back.

Nicole: *Arms wrap around his neck and shoulders, murmurs* Yes it is nice. *Kisses him forcefully.*

        *Sethopher walks swiftly from the room and to their rooms in record time.  He lays Nicole down on the bed, having not broken the kiss since leaving the dining room.  Nicole's fingers grip the waist of his trousers and she pulls him down with her, nipping at his lip as she continues to kiss him feverishly.*

Sethopher: *Growls and pulls her top off breaking the kiss momentarily and discarding the garment, he then kisses her again passionately* ~You're stronger too.~

Nicole: *Her upper lip curls in an almost feral manner, growling slightly* ~If you even think about leaving this bed any time soon you'll really see how much strength I’ve got, I can't remember the last time I was this bloody aroused.~ *Hands slide under Sethopher's shirt, fingers clawing slightly over his back*

Sethopher: *Growls and kisses more passionately* ~I don’t plan on leaving, that would be cruel to you and I.~

Nicole: *Breaks the kiss to pull off his shirt, tossing it away* Good. *More growled than spoken, and recaptures his mouth*

        *Sethopher starts to unfasten her pants running a hand through her hair.  One of Nicole's hands reaches up and loosens the tie on Sethopher's hair, allowing her to tangle her fingers in it, the other reaches down to his trousers rubbing as she unfastens them.  Sethopher manages to unfasten her pants completely and maneuvers to pull the pants off entirely and also discards them to the floor.  Lips trail and meet her neck and he bites down growling gently, hands wandering all over her body.  Nicole's hips thrust sharply against his as Sethopher bites down, an almost feline snarl of pleasure escapes her lips, trying to push Sethopher's trousers off to reach more skin.*

Sethopher: *Hand runs down instinctively to her clit and he begins to tease flesh there* ~You really are aroused aren’t you.~

Nicole: *Gets Sethopher completely free of his trousers, hand scratches up the back of his thigh and comes to rest on his arse, fingers tightening as her hips move to gain more pressure from his teasing* ~Since shortly after I fed from Lucius, if you hadn't woken when you did I’d have had to find a horse and gone riding or found something else to work it off.~ *Throws her head back flexing her neck where Sethopher is biting.*

Sethopher: *Increases the intensity of the bite due to the flexing and also increases the rate that he is stimulating her clit.* ~I’m glad I woke then.~

Nicole: *Fingers at the nape of Sethopher's neck curl and twist, nails biting at skin, though not quite breaking it* ~Hell yes.~ *Nicole's pelvis thrusts sharply upwards, shifts slightly grinding her thigh against Sethopher's arousal.*

Sethopher: *Pulls away from her neck and hisses at the sensation. He kisses her on the mouth and runs his free hand up the inside of her thigh* ~Love you.~

Nicole: ~Love you my Talma.~ *Breaks the kiss to work her way down his jaw and neck, growling slightly, she bites down where Sethopher's neck meets his shoulder.*

Sethopher: *Whimpers and groans at the same time, his actions speed up and so does his breathing* ~Harder Nicole... please god harder...~

Nicole: *Bites harder, small snarl escaping her, shifts her hips again* ~Closer.~

Sethopher: *Positions himself and enters Nicole growling breathing hard, pulse racing* *Mind screams* ~Harder!~

        *Nicole’s body moving franticly against his, fingers claw the back of his neck, teeth sunk in deeply growling low in her throat.  Sethopher moves rhythmically, rivers of pleasure radiating down his spine from the bite mark and the clawing motions of Nicole's hands.  He moans deeply.  Her hand moving from his arse scratching up his back, Nicole hooks a leg around Sethopher's waist, angling him deeper as her hips rise to meet his movements.  A shiver runs down Sethopher as he teeters on the brink of release holding back as long as he can stimulating Nicole and attempting to keep in control of his breathing.  Every muscle in Nicole's body tightens and flexes as she comes harshly, nails digging into skin, a predatory sound breaking from her throat as she bites down even more.  Sethopher hisses harshly and comes with a curse upon his lips and groaning deeply.*

Nicole: *Releases Sethopher's neck, head falling back against the pillows, eyes rolled back and shut, breathing harsh and rapid, leg still curled tightly around Sethopher's waist holding him to her* ~Gods above...~

Sethopher: ~...Must be hiding their eyes after that.~ *Kisses Nicole lovingly*

Nicole: ~*Mentally snickers*~ *Kisses him, the fierceness from earlier gone, though still passionate*

Sethopher: *Puts a hand to his neck and sees blood on his hand* ~Bloody hell...~ *Kisses her again* ~Explosive, certainly explosive...~

Nicole: ~*Amusement* I was feeling... feral~ *Breaks the kiss to suck the blood from his fingers, twisting her hips against him lightly, fingers trailing up and down his back.*

Sethopher: *Smiles* *Hoarse voice* Mmm, that’s nice...

Nicole: *Her mouth moves from his fingers to the bite on Sethopher's neck, flicking her tongue across the skin* ~It does hmmm?~ *Rocks her hips slightly*

Sethopher: *Moans lightly* Mmmm...

Nicole: *Works her way up Sethopher's neck, takes his earlobe in her teeth tugging gently* ~And this?~ *Fingers still wandering his back, hips shifting slightly*

        *Sethopher growls lowly.*

Nicole: *Nips Sethopher's ear and nibbles along his jaw reaching his lips* ~*cheeky* I'd say you liked that as well.~ *Hips thrust playfully*

Sethopher: *Hands run up and down Nicole's thighs* ~You think?~

Nicole: *Nicole's hand slides up to cup Sethopher's cheek, lightly brushing lips, tongue flicking teasingly* ~There are better things to put my energy into than thinking~ *Foot traces up and down against the back of Sethopher's thigh from where her leg rests curled around his waist.*

        *Sethopher sighs at the sensations and moans gently.  His hands run all over her body and reach back down to her clit, gently teasing the already sensitive flesh.*

Nicole: *Moans deeply, tugging Sethopher's bottom lip between her teeth, kissing more deeply, angling her hips for more contact* ~Mmmm...~

Sethopher: *Sethopher teases gently and kisses Nicole running hands over any and all exposed flesh* ~Love you.~

Nicole: ~And I love you.~ *Hands caressing over his shoulders and back, tips of fingers tracing lightly across the marks she left earlier.*

        *With a light growl, Sethopher kisses down her throat and licks the bite mark on her neck.  He bites down again and runs a hand over her stomach and down her hips whilst still stimulating her clit gently.  Nicole arches her neck groaning in pleasure, pelvis grinding upwards into his touch.  Sethopher moans and gently presses his growing arousal to her hip and kisses her exposed neck, running a tongue along her jaw.  Nicole turns her head to recapture Sethopher's lips with hers, one hand trails down his chest and stomach, fingers swirling in small teasing caresses.  Sethopher moans into the kiss and nibbles gently on her bottom lip. His hand runs up to her throat and gently runs over the bite mark he left.*

Nicole: *Fingers trail up to the matching mark on Sethopher's neck* ~*Possessively* My Talma.~ *Motions becoming gradually more forceful*

Sethopher: *Groans and presses his arousal forcefully into her hip grinding down, kissing feverishly, heart pounding* ~Always.~

Nicole: *Short gasping breaths between kisses, fingers tangle once more in Sethopher's hair, shifting and twisting against his arousal* ~More.~

        *Sethopher enters her swiftly and kisses Nicole passionately.  He pulls away and groans loudly. He licks the wound on her throat again and runs a hand over her stomach.*

Nicole: *Arches her back pressing into his touch, angles her head and flicks her tongue across the bite mark on Sethopher's neck* ~Mmm...~

        *Sethopher automatically speeds up his actions as he feels Nicole touch the mark on his neck. He hisses gently and closes his eyes.*

Nicole: *Head tilts better exposing the mark on her own neck as she laps at Sethopher's, teeth nick his skin teasingly, growls* ~Talma...~ *Thrusting in time with his motions*

Sethopher: *Moves harder and groans desperately* ~Nicole.~

Nicole: *Hand moves to take one of Sethopher's, lacing her fingers with his, fingers flexing and tightening their grip, she bites down on the mark at a different angle from before, her own neck exposed* ~Taste, I want to feel you, all of you.~ *Muscles tensing, heartbeat racing.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher's heartbeat races along with Nicole's and bites hard on Nicole's neck growling and thrusting harder.* ~Need you... so much.~

Nicole: *Moaning deeply, the force of her bite increasing as she feels his teeth break the skin* ~Always... never leave.~ *Movements becoming harsh and erratic as she nears release.*

        *Sethopher grips Nicole's hand tightly and thrusts harder and starts to loose control.  Nicole’s knuckles are white, griping his hand in hers, growling against his neck as her body is wracked with shuddering waves of release, moving franticly with him.  Sethopher almost screams but it's muffled by the fact he is biting down.  He thrusts frantically into his release and growls.  Nicole releases Sethopher's neck, falling bonelessly backwards, one arm wrapped around his shoulders to pull him down with her, breathing harsh and ragged, eyes closed.*

Sethopher: *Leans his head in the crook of Nicole's neck and rolls off to the side panting heavily, a light sheen of sweat covering his body. He leans on his side and lays a hand over Nicole's stomach* ~Good god.~

Nicole: *Eyes still closed and hand comes up to absently clasp his, chest heaving with deep breaths that slow gradually* ~Well that was... something.~

Sethopher: *Chuckles lightly* ~Yes... I sense you're rather wound down now.~ *Smiles and kisses her forehead gently*

Nicole: *Lips curl in a soft smile* ~It would take a divine act to move me from this bed at the moment.~ *Thumb traces circles over the back of his hand*

Sethopher: *Sighs content* ~I feel the same... ~

Nicole: *Contentedly purrs softly, rolling onto her side to curl against Sethopher's chest, an arm draped over his waist* *Self-satisfied snicker* ~I feel like the proverbial contented cat.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Well you are an animagus aren’t you love?~

Nicole: *Nuzzles against Sethopher's shoulder* ~Then I guess my form has never been more appropriate.~

Sethopher: *Stretches and then moves his hand to his throat again* ~Yes... well...~ *Looks at his fingers with blood on them and sniggers ~This will take some getting used to.~

Nicole: *Laps at Sethopher's fingers lightly, looking at him through hooded eyes* ~And here I was thinking having fangs for a while was going to be a bad thing. *Mildly amused*~ *Releases his fingers and kisses him softly* ~I think the idea has grown on me.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~What did you think of feeding?~

Nicole: *Rests her head against his chest, snuggling closer against him* ~Lack of control like this is one thing... *Frowns thoughtfully* ...feeding is different.~ *Shakes her head almost imperceptibly* ~I'm glad that won't be permanent.~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~I didn’t think you'd like that.~

Nicole: *Fingers tighten where they're lying against Sethopher's waist* ~I don't like to loose control... it takes an act of trust I’m rarely willing to give.~ *Looks into his eyes, hers are glistening with unshed tears and emotion*

Sethopher: *Looks deeply touched by her words* ~I’m glad I’ve earned your trust Nicole... though I don’t know what I did to earn it, I am glad all the same...~

Nicole: *Eyes close, trying to blink away the forming tears* ~Never stop loving me, that's all I ask.~

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* ~I’ll always love you Nicole, I promise you this.~

        *Nicole swallows, trying to pull her emotions back in control, she turns her face in buried against his chest, lips brushing his skin as she breathes out "always."  She begins to relax against Sethopher as she calms.  Sethopher runs a hand soothingly through her hair.*

Nicole: *A soft, contented sigh passes Nicole's lips as she tangles her legs with Sethopher’s pressing their bodies closely together* ~Can we stay in this moment forever? *Wistfully*~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~No love... *Runs a hand through her hair* We have a son and a godchild to look forward to.~

Nicole: *Smiles softly* ~Yes, we do, don't we?~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~I was surprised Draco and Harry want me to be Godfather...~

Nicole: *Curls a bit closer shivering slightly* ~Who else would you have expected them to pick? Kain and Luce will be the child's grandfathers.~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~I don’t know... just didn’t think they'd choose me... I’m touched.~

Nicole: ~All things considered, I think you were an appropriate choice.~ *Shifts a bit closer*

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Yes I suppose.~

Nicole: ~We need to start considering who we're going to ask be godparents to our son... amongst other things.~ *Lightly shivers, skin cool with a drying sheen of sweat*

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Cold love? Under the covers?~

Nicole: *Petulantly* ~Don't wanna move though.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Hmmm...~

Nicole: *Slightly shivers again, arm stretches out behind her and pulls at the blanket to wrap it over and around them* Mmm. ~Better.~

Sethopher: *Nods and runs his hands through her hair* ~I agree.~

Nicole: *Leans into his touch* *Voice soft* Have you given any thought to who you'd like to ask be godparents?

Sethopher: *Nods* ~I know you see Kain as our son's grandfather anyway, I would have asked him.~

Nicole: ~You want to ask him and Luce then?~ *Soft smile* ~Luce has already helped out, figuring out why I kept getting sick.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Yes, I would.~

Nicole: ~Fine.~ *Amused grin* ~They're going to spoil him terribly you know.~

Sethopher: ~They would do that anyway.~ *Grins*

Nicole: ~Yes, but now they'll see it as their right.~ *Laughs quietly*

Sethopher: *Grins* ~Yes, of course.~

Nicole: ~...We should start thinking about his name.~

Sethopher: ~...We should, shouldn’t we? Do you have any thoughts on a name?~

Nicole: ~...I know some people name their children for their parents, but I don't want to name our son after my father... I’ll consider any name except Charles...~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~Of course, have you any idea of the type of name? A certain language perhaps?~

Nicole: ~Something Elvin or Gaelic... I’ve always loved the sound of both languages... I’m rather fond of Nathair.~

Sethopher: ~That’s a nice name... Dragon is it? Gaelic?~

Nicole: ~Yes... it amused Draco immensely when I mentioned it.~

Sethopher: ~I bet he did... do they have any idea what they will call their child?~

Nicole: ~Not yet... though Harry is adamant not to name it after either of his parents.~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~I can understand that.~

Nicole: ~They've decided they want to be surprised by whether it's a boy or girl, so they’re going to pick out one name of each.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Well yeah... We should think about this... I do like that name though, Nathair.~

Nicole: *Looks at him sincerely* ~You're not too disappointed that we already know it will be a boy, are you? That we didn't spend time wondering and guessing?~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Not at all... it's nice to know, comforting I suppose.~

Nicole: *Returns his smile* ~At the very least it cuts the name search in half, after all how many boys have you ever hear of named Hannah or Jenny?~ *Laughs lightly*

Sethopher: *Sniggers* ~I don’t know, I have heard Lindsay though.~

Nicole: *Nods* ~And Kelly... but those were both boys' names before they were girls'.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Hmm, *Stomach growls and he rolls his eyes* I think I should go hunting love.~

Nicole: *Sighs and stretches* ~Considering how long it's been since you've gone, you're right... We can talk more about this some other time.~

Sethopher: *Smiles and kisses her once on the mouth* *Voice quiet* You don’t mind do you?

Nicole: *Voice matchingly quiet* Mind? No, you need to hunt. Disappointed we have to move? Of course. *Smiles and kisses him briefly*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and gets out of bed. He goes into the trunk and shoves on some black pants and a deep red tunic. He shoves boots on and grabs a brush and goes through his hair. He looks at Nicole* I’ll be back in around an hour or two love. *Smiles and walks over to her and kisses her*

Nicole: *Leans up to kiss him then lies back down and curls the blanket around her* I’ll see you when you get back then. Stay safe.

Sethopher: Okay love, I will... *Smiles and leaves the room*

Nicole: *Yawns and stretches, looking around the room contentedly* *Talking to herself* I suppose I could go look for Draco and that library or something... *Climbs from the bed and searches through her trunk until she comes across a burgundy robe-like dress* *Smirks* Hmm... Talma might like to see this later. *Pulls on the dress belting it tightly closed around her waist. Runs a comb through her hair, toes on a pair of black slippers and leaves the room wandering aimlessly through the halls looking in doors and out windows.*

        *From a side room some singing can be heard.  Nicole pauses at the door listening to the singing, and looks in to find the source.  The room is the library. The owner of the voice is Draco who is sitting at a table in the centre of the huge library with a few books on the table and reading, singing absently.*

Nicole: *Smiles and walks over to the table and sits down, picks up one of the books flipping through it randomly* In a good mood Draco?

Draco: *Is a little startled* Yeah... actually.

Nicole: *Skims over the book* Find anything useful?

Draco: *Smiles* Yeah... apparently labour is similar to a women's... just a tad more uncomfortable and a potion is used to create an exit for the child, or it can be done through an operation, cesarean they call it... That’s a nice dress.

Nicole: I’m glad you were able to find something, *Smiles* and thank you... normally I dislike dresses, but the colour just seemed to call out to me today.

Draco: *Smiles* *Looks at her neck and sniggers* I see you managed to work off your restlessness.

Nicole: *Brushes a few strands of hair away from her neck, fingers tracing the mark, sly grin appears on her face* Yes well, for a change I gave as good as I got when it comes to this little beauty.

Draco: *Laughs* I’ll bet... doesn’t it hurt?

Nicole: *Fingers move away allowing her hair to settle around her shoulders, mostly obscuring the mark from sight, tilts her head slightly in thought* It does... but in a good way if you can imagine that... and there's just something so... intimate about it.

Draco: *Smiles and closes the book he was reading* I’m still a little freaked out by the whole thing... *Places his hand on his stomach* But I think I’m ready.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I think you're going to make a lovely dad, Draco.

Draco: *Smiles* I’m glad Harry isn’t angry... the way he put it was 'a slice of normality in an otherwise irregular world'.

Nicole: *Laughs* As normal as anything in his life ever is I suppose... thank you again for asking Sethopher and I to be your child's godparents, we really are truly touched.

Draco: *Smiled* We wanted to ask you definitely... Harry said he would have asked Remus Lupin to be godfather... but there are complications there and he'd rather it be Sethopher on reflection.

Nicole: Sethopher was surprised that you chose him... pleased but surprised.

Draco: *Nods* He's honest and Harry trusts him... being inside his head and all...

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* I suppose getting inside someone's head would give you a deeper insight into them, if you could trust them or not. *Smiles softly* I’m glad Harry liked what he found. Harry's a good judge of character.

        *Draco nods and looks over to the door.*

Kain: I see you found the library okay.

Nicole: *Strained smile* Hello Da, it's a beautiful library, bigger even than Hogwarts', which is an impressive feat.

Kain: *Nods* I know, it’s one of the smaller ones though in Quel'Thalas...

Draco: I’m gonna go back to my room and wait for Harry... we're still going over names.

Kain: Kain is a nice strong name...

Draco: *Rolls his eyes* Yes well... *Grabs the book he was reading* See you later Nicole, Kain.

Nicole: *Smiles at Draco* See you.

        *Draco walks past Kain who still has his wings on show.  Kain walks into the library steady on his feet.  Nicole looks up at Kain, and bites her lip hesitantly.  Kain sits across from Nicole at the table.*

Nicole: *Voice soft* I’m sorry again about this morning Da... I wasn't exactly feeling like myself and I let my temper get the better of me.

Kain: *Nods* I accept your apology Nicole... and I am sorry I let my temper run away with me too.

Nicole: *Halfhearted smile* Like father, like daughter... *Curls a lip showing her teeth a bit* more so than usual apparently.

Kain: *Laughs and walks over to Nicole inspecting the fangs* Yes, well... I guess this shows that your son will be drinking blood as soon as he's born. Tia apparently didn’t drink blood until she was 2 and her mother brought her to me for that reason.

Nicole: *Runs a hand over the burgundy silk covering her stomach* Yes well, he's a demanding one already.

Kain: *Sits back down and smiles* I did wonder where Lucius got the mark on his neck from...

Nicole: *Nods* Luce realised that I wasn't having normal morning sickness, he offered, and it helped, I feel better than I have in a few days.

Kain: That’s good... he was asleep when I woke... he'll feed well tonight... *Smiles* I love him so much... I can’t imagine life without him now.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m certain he feels the same way about you Da.

Kain: *Sighs* The look in his eyes when I got back from the battle... *Looks saddened* he was so scared... so were you.

Nicole: *Huffs under her breath* The understatement that ate Hogwarts.

Kain: *Smiles slightly* I’m sorry I put you both through it...

Nicole: *Meets his gaze* It was something you had to do; I understand that, I truly do... I’m just so relieved you're alright now.

Kain: Me too... *Kain seems lost in thought for a moment or two, extremely pained but then pulls himself out of his thoughts* It had to be done.

Nicole: *Nods, voice soft* Yes, I suppose it did. *Lips pressed together tightly as though she's contemplating something but isn't sure what to say.*

Kain: *Looks at her* What is it Nicole?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't want to get us into another argument or something, it's nothing.

Kain: *Looks at her intensely* Nicole, tell me.

Nicole: ...When I was talking with Luce earlier... he told me to ask you about Uhma...*Cringes slightly when she says the name.*

Kain: *Looks sad* Oh... *Quietly* I only get angry if you insult her Nicole... not if you ask of her or speak her name.

Nicole: *Voice strained* It wasn't necessarily you I was worried about loosing their temper.

Kain: *Sighs* I know you hate her... Lucius and Sethopher feel the same way.

Nicole: I’m sorry Da, I try to understand, I really do, but... *Sighs in frustration*

Kain: I know... I loved Uhma, Nicole... *Frowns* That’s a lie... I still love her... I always will... She was part of my life for... for a long time, she ruled alongside me, she was just, she was fair and she was powerful as I was. It doesn’t matter what she did to me after that, she and I were together for at least 2000 years... that is a love you do not forget easily.

Nicole: *Frowns* I can understand that... I think what I have the problem understanding is how she could betray all that, how could she just set it aside? *Looks up into Kain's eyes* I could never betray Sethopher in that way, not if my life depended on it... and I don't understand how she could betray you the way she did, she tried to kill you!

Kain: *Looks deeply hurt* The one thing that was a stronger force in her life... Power. She and I were around equal in power but she was often thought to be more powerful than I simply because she let it shine through... she let it take over... she knew I was more powerful than she was and she resented it.

Nicole: *Shakes her head disparagingly* I’m a Slytherin, raised to want and claim power... but even I know there are things that are more important than that.... and that sometimes the true power isn't always the obvious one.

Kain: *Sighs* I know Nicole... that’s why I keep mine buried, I know what it can do to people. I’ve seen it before... That is the reason you are being allowed to drink from the Sunwell, the power there is unfathomable but you don’t care, you only want one taste, one drink so you can be with Sethopher. Uhma had a taste and wanted more. A taste of power... it is seductive... Even I sometimes have trouble keeping it in check...

Nicole: *Looks at him sincerely* The difference, and what makes you a better person than she could ever hope to be, is that you understand and don't give in... That's a power all its own Da.

Kain: *Looks upset* I know... but she wasn’t evil Nicole... she was just misguided... she had an addiction as all we vampires do. It takes incredible strength to keep it in check...

Nicole: *Far off voice* The road to hell is paved with good intentions. *Looks back at Kain* It'd be simpler to just think her evil and be done with it... but that like so many other things would be an oversimplification, and wrong of me to do.

Kain: The only one of my senior members of staff that understands it is Val.

Nicole: *Wry smile* Yes well, Val is an unusual person, it would be easy to misjudge her... as I regrettably almost did.

Kain: *Sighs* *Quietly* She only understands as she’s been through it...

Nicole: Oh?

Kain: *Nods* I almost had to kill her... she was getting out of control... draining power from sources she shouldn’t have been using. I found a way to stem the craving.

Nicole: *Peers at Kain* How?

Kain: The job she has... Torturing, it has a power all of its own... power over life and death... also the way she eats... she goes further than the normal blood letting.

Nicole: *Nods* Makes sense in a way... *Looks up at Kain curiously* Further when she eats? I don't think I understand what you mean.

Kain: *Looks a little sick* Val only eats once a month... you really don’t want to know.

Nicole: *Pales slightly* You're right, I probably don't.

Kain: If you want to know ask her or Sethopher, he's only too pleased to moan about it... Oh... and don’t tell Sethopher about Val's near miss... not that you could, there's a fidilius charm on the information meaning he can’t pick it up even from your mind.

Nicole: *Nods* I wouldn't have said anyway... and if it's alright with you I’ll avoid egging him on in complaining about Val, he does that well enough on his own as it is.

Kain: *Smiles gently* I need to have a chat with Lucius later on when he wakes... I think he's worried I loved Uhma more than I love him.

Nicole: A little reassurance is always nice. *It's obvious by her tone that she's not only talking about Luce*

        *Kain looks at her questioningly.*

Nicole: *Shakes her head in self-disgust* Hormones were making me rather over emotional earlier. *Laughs slightly* It was my turn to be the pathetic one in the relationship.

Kain: Why do I get the feeling this is not the whole truth from you?

Nicole: *Shifts uneasily in her chair* I have no idea what you're talking about Da.

Kain: *Raises an eyebrow* *Fatherly voice* Nicole...

Nicole: *Doesn't meet his gaze* Yes?

Kain: Tell me the truth.

Nicole: I... I just needed to hear Sethopher tell me he loved me, that... that he wasn't ever going to... to... *Trails off looking frustrated and annoyed with herself*

Kain: *Sighs* He'll understand Nicole... Lucius was the same with me when we first started seeing each other.

Nicole: *Eyes glistening, voice quiet but fierce* I don't like having to depend on others... but it can just be so... lonely sometimes... and... and now that I have him... I don't think I could ever let go... and the thought that he might ever... it hurts that he might ever leave... *Voice drops even farther, nearly silent* just like everyone else I’ve ever loved.

Kain: He won’t leave you... You'll never be alone again Nicole, you will be surrounded by friends and family from now until eternity's end.

Nicole: *Squeeses her eyes tightly, a tear escapes, her voice is hoarse with emotion* You say that, but you can't promise it... mum and dad died before I ever knew them... then grand-da and grandmother... and later my aunt and uncle... *Looks up tears now flowing freely* You nearly died yesterday... and Sethopher's wife, she did die, there's nothing saying no one will take him from me someday.... I don't want to hurt anymore Da...

Kain: *Stands and walks over to Nicole pulling her into a fatherly hug* Shh shh... it's okay Nicole...

        *Nicole holds Kain tightly, sobbing against his shoulder, breath coming in short hiccupping gasps.*

Kain: *Holds her tightly running a hand soothingly through her hair* It's okay Nicole... I’m here...

Nicole: *Tears still falling, voice trembling* I’m sorry... I shouldn't be crying... it's weak... I just... *Buries her face in his shoulder*

Kain: *Sighs* Nicole, it's okay to cry you know.

Nicole: *Shakes her head trying to stem her tears* No... crying doesn't change anything, it's just... it's useless... it's...

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* It's healthy... I cry... you've seen me cry...

Nicole: *Tears and breathing gradually slowing* I’ve been so scared Da... I try to be strong, I really do... but... so much has happened lately... it's just so much.

Kain: *Nods* Too much for you... Nicole... I know I can’t promise to always be here... *Looks resigned* But I promise I’ll do my best... I promise I won’t hold back anymore... *Smiles gently* Wow, I must mean that, I’ve made that promise to you and Lucius now...

Nicole: *Looks up and kisses Kain's cheek, then hugging him tightly again, her voice muffled against his neck* I suppose I can't ask for anything more than that.

Kain: *Smiles gently* Lucius has asked me to keep my wings on show... he likes them.

Nicole: *Laughs hoarsely, one hand moves to stroke the feathers* I think they're lovely...

Kain: *Smiles* It was definitely strange to see another with wings... Fiammetta's wings are magnificent...

Nicole: They are... There's something about him that you can just sense his power...

Kain: To think I’m his closest relative... *Looks a little sheepish* I may have killed the others in his line...

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* *Pulls back to look at Kain* You have it too Da... I can feel it... I always feel safe when I’m with you, *Looks sheepish* it's when you're gone I worry.

Kain: *Smiles* You shouldn’t... Sethopher rarely shows it but he's powerful... I don’t think he realises how much of myself I put into him...

Nicole: *Nods* I know. *Brow furrows*

Kain: What’s that look for?

Nicole: It's not really my place to say.

Kain: Nicole... what is it?

Nicole: Sethopher doesn't like to worry me, so he won't talk about it much...

Kain: Well what is it?

Nicole: He said he's developed four new powers in the last month... I know about one of them.

Kain: *Ears pick up* Really!? *Sounds excited*

Nicole: He was concerned because he thought he was too young to be getting so many powers at once.

Kain: *Smiles humored* He really isn’t.

Nicole: Oh?

Kain: No... he would be if I had made him a normal vampire like Uhma is but he has the same blood as I do. He is not too young. I never actually told him when my powers accelerated.

Nicole: *Looks puzzled* Did you make him differently from how you made Luce then?

Kain: No, Lucius was made with... with even more power than Sethopher...

Nicole: ...And Sethopher was made with more power than Uhma.... *Looks at Kain wide eyed* Does Luce even have a clue how powerful you've made him?

Kain: *Shakes his head* No... he doesn’t... he'll find out over time though... Lucius I can honestly say is the only one that can ever rival me... I never even made Uhma that powerful... but I trust Lucius more.

Nicole: *Nods* ...You should explain things to Sethopher... he worries too much sometimes and I’m sure it would set his mind at ease to know things aren't wrong.

Kain: *Nods* I suppose I just took it for granted he would know... I knew I was powerful...

Nicole: *Shakes her head* He's so humble sometimes I think he deludes himself about how much power he has, thinking he has less.

Kain: *Smiles* Where is he at the moment?

Nicole: He went hunting, he hasn't gone in days... he should be returning soon... there was something else he and I wanted to talk with you and Luce about together.

Kain: *Raises an eyebrow but doesn’t ask* Shall I go get Lucius then?

Nicole: *Nods* Probably.... I’d rather go back to my rooms to wait for Sethopher to return rather than here though... could we meet there? I want to grab a few books and then I’ll head back.

Kain: *Nods* We'll be down in around 15 minutes then.

Nicole: *Nods* That sounds fine.

Kain: *Stands and smiles* See you later. *Walks from the library*

Nicole: *Picks up a few of the books Draco left behind and wanders the shelves occasionally adding a book to her pile until her arms are full, and leaves the library heading back to her sitting room*

Sethopher: *Walks in* Nicole... you shouldn’t be carrying all them... *Relieves her of some of her books*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I’m fine, I just wanted some reading material for our sitting room, and the walk back isn't that far.

Sethopher: *Makes a 'tsk' noise* Uh-huh.

Nicole: *Pushes the door to the suit open with her hip* If you're so worried you can help me put these on the shelves while we wait for Da and Luce to come down and meet us.

Sethopher: Oh, who were you talking to? Kain or Luce?

Nicole: Da... we had a lot to talk about.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes... *Starts to shelve some of the books*

Nicole: He went to get Luce when we were done... I thought now might be a good time to talk to them about our son... and you needed to talk to him anyway.

Sethopher: ...You told him about my worry about these powers didn’t you?

Nicole: I wasn't going to... but we were talking about other things... and he had me confessing things... and it just sorta came up.

Sethopher: It's okay... I probably would have skirted round the subject and I really need to speak to him.

Nicole: *Glances over from where she's setting books on a shelf* He seemed pleased about it.

Sethopher: Really? I shouldn’t worry then I suppose.

Nicole: No... *Sets her last book on the shelf and turns toward him, brushing some hair from her face.*

        *Sethopher places the last book on and looks at her and cocks his head to the side as though studying her.*

Nicole: Something wrong? *Runs a hand self-consciously over her dress smoothing out nonexistent wrinkles*

Sethopher: *Smiles* No... everything is just right... that dress is gorgeous...

Nicole: *Light blush comes to her cheeks* Thank you... I forgot I had it until I came across it in the trunk this afternoon, and I thought I’d wear it.

Sethopher: *Walks towards her and kisses her lovingly* It really is beautiful... suits you... *Thinks* I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a dress.

Nicole: *Kisses him lovingly* I don't particularly like them... but there was just something about the colour of this one.

Sethopher: It's lovely...

        *The door opens and Lucius and Kain walk in.*

Nicole: *Clears her throat and steps back a shade* Da, Luce... *Takes Sethopher's hand in hers, pulling him gently towards the couch by the fire.*

        *Kain and Lucius smile and walk forward, Sethopher sits down with Nicole.*

Nicole: *Indicates the two wingback chairs nearby to Kain and Lucius* Take a seat, won't you?

        *Both sit down holding hands between the two chairs.*

Kain: What did you want to talk to us about?

Nicole: *Leans against Sethopher's side, her free hand comes up to rest on her stomach* Both of you have been so wonderful to us, and we were wondering... *Blushes slightly*

Sethopher: *Smiles* We were wondering if you'd be godparents to our child.

Lucius: *Looks surprised* Me? I can understand Kain, but me?

        *Kain squeeses Lucius' hand gently.*

Nicole: *Smiles, voice soft* Luce, you underestimate yourself.

Lucius: *Shakes head* No I don’t... I... what have I done to deserve such an honor?

Nicole: Luce, you're kind and caring... *Smiles* and I don't think there's any reward great enough for getting rid of my morning sickness, that deserves a medal.

Lucius: *Looks surprised still and looks at Sethopher* Has she goaded you into this?

Sethopher: No... I don’t know you very well Lucius but Nicole trusts you and more importantly Kain trusts you.

        *Lucius nods.*

Kain: *Smiles* I’d be honored to be the godfather to your child Nicole, Sethopher.

Nicole: Luce?

Lucius: *Looks shocked still* Of- Of course... if you're sure, I’d be honored.

Nicole: We're sure.

        *Kain and Lucius smile at the same time.*

Lucius: Thank you.

        *Nicole smiles.*

        *Sethopher looks at Kain questioningly and the aura of the whisper envelops them both.*

Kain: Sethopher and I have things to discuss...

Lucius: Let me guess, you'll be back soon?

Kain: *Smiles* But of course lover...

Sethopher: Be right back hon okay?

Nicole: *Kisses Sethopher on the cheek* That's fine.

        *Sethopher and Kain leave the room and Lucius watches them leave and sighs.*

Nicole: *Watches Luce* Something wrong Luce?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* No, I just feel left out sometimes... it's the whole 'kept man' thing again.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Luce, you're just starting out in your powers, you're not just some trophy for Kain, it'll just take some time.

Lucius: *Tsks* Uh-huh...

Nicole: There you go underestimating yourself again.

Lucius: *Sighs* It's just natural Nicole... I always do it... always have, though not usually aloud.

Nicole: *Laughs softly* We're a pair you and I.

Lucius: *Smiles* Yes we are... dark families do it to people doesn’t it?

Nicole: *Bittersweet smile* They do.

Lucius: *Leans back into the chair* Draco is the same... I hope he manages to break the cycle. *Sighs* I can’t believe I was dubious of his and Harry's relationship at the beginning.

Nicole: *Smiles reassuringly* You haven't exactly led a life prone to making you trust people.

Lucius: No I haven’t... *Winces a little at memories* I really haven’t.

Nicole: *Looks concerned* Are you alright Luce?

Lucius: Yes... I am. Well... I’m getting there. Kain and I have been talking... it's nice to know I’m not the only one with a dubious past.

Nicole: It's nice to have someone understand you and what you've been through.

Lucius: It is... I need to speak to him more about Uhma... *Looks irritable with the name* She plays on his mind an awful lot.

Nicole: *Gets up from the couch and kneels beside Luce’s chair* Luce, Da loves you, you're not second place to Uhma, I promise you that.

Lucius: *Sighs* I tell myself that a lot... but I can’t see what he sees in me... especially against her. She was so powerful...

Nicole: She wasn't as powerful as you can be Luce.

Lucius: *Laughs* Yeah sure...

Nicole: *Serious* Luce, I’m not joking.

Lucius: *Stops laughing* What?

Nicole: Da trusts you Luce, he told me that you're the only one who will ever be able to equal him... something Uhma never could.

        *Lucius looks stunned.*

        *Kain and Sethopher walk back in, Kain sits on the chair beside Lucius and Sethopher sits beside Nicole again*

Nicole: *Settles back on the sofa and rests her head on Sethopher's shoulder* Did you talk about everything you needed to.

        *Sethopher nods looking shocked at something.  Kain takes Lucius' hand again.*

Nicole: You alright Talma?

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes... fine...

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow towards Kain* You seem to have left him nearly speechless.

Kain: *Grins* I do seem to have that effect on people.

        *Nicole laughs lightly.  Lucius looks at Kain and a white aura envelops him. Kain looks at him surprised and proud looking.*

Kain: You've learned the whisper... that’s the fastest I’ve seen a vampire take that power on.

Nicole: *Smiles* And you were complaining about how long it was taking you to learn that yesterday Luce.

Lucius: *Smiles* Yeah...

Kain: I’m very proud of you Lucius... my love.

Nicole: *Snuggles against Sethopher's side and smiles* ~That was something Luce needed to hear.~

Sethopher: ~I'm getting that vibe... did you know I’m going through the Evolution..?~

Nicole: ~Da suggested that was why your new powers were forming, but I didn't want to say anything until you had talked with him yourself.~

Sethopher: ~I’m shocked... ~

Nicole: *Muffles a laugh* ~You're too humble.~

Sethopher: ~No I bloody am not, this is... wow...~

Nicole: *Muffles another laugh* ~You're cute when you're indignant.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~Those two suit each other don’t they?~ *Nods to Kain and Luce who are speaking via whisper*

Nicole: ~They really do.~

Sethopher: ~I think he needed this... he was lost for a long time, concentrated on his leading the vampires... he seems happy again.~

Nicole: *Nods* ~And now that Fiammetta is going to lead with him he has a chance to think about himself.~

Sethopher: ~He does... I wonder how Val and Kael are...~

Nicole: ~Dunno, I haven't heard from them since we got here.~

Sethopher: ~Wait a minute... Val will be eating... *Makes a face* So we should just keep away from her.~

Nicole: ~For the record, I don't want to know any details about Val's eating habits.~

Sethopher: ~I take it Kain warned you. *Amused tone*~

Nicole: ~Even he looked sick thinking about it, I’d say that's warning enough.~

Sethopher: ~Yes... I don’t know why she eats like that...~

Nicole: ~She has her reasons for what she does, leave her be.~

        *Sethopher raises his eyebrows.*

Nicole: ~Just don't go there Talma, if she wanted you to know, she would tell you herself.~

Sethopher: *Nods* ~I won’t, I won’t...~ *Looks a little hurt*

Nicole: *Kisses him on the cheek* ~I'm sorry... It's just not something I can talk about, and it's best left alone... if you want to know, you should ask Val yourself.~

        *Sethopher nods.*

Nicole: *Notices how dim the light has grown* It's getting late.

Kain: It is... I should go hunting... are you coming Luce?

Lucius: *Smiles* Okay... *Both stand*

Nicole: It was good talking with you both. *Smiles* Good luck with your hunting.

        *Both smile and leave.*

        *Sethopher kisses Nicole warmly.*

Nicole: *Kisses back* *Hand rests against Sethopher's cheek* ~Love you.~

Sethopher: ~Love you too Nicole.~

Nicole: ~I'm so glad you're feeling better.~

Sethopher: ~Me too... I must have been rather irritating moaning all the time.~

Nicole: ~No more than I’m sure I’ve been with my weepiness lately.~

Sethopher: *Smiles* ~You have an excuse, you're pregnant...~

Nicole: ~Nonetheless.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles gently and kisses her lovingly* ~I still say you're entitled to cry... and it hasn’t exactly been an easy month or so for you has it?~

Nicole: *Sighs and rests her head against his shoulder* ~It hasn't really been for any of us... all things considered I haven't had things as badly as some of the others.~ *Hand comes up to rest on his chest* ~And it's brought me you.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* ~Yes... eternally yours... we should speak to Kael about going to the Sunwell soon.~

Nicole: ~Seeing as we're already in elvin lands, now would probably be a good time... I haven't seen Kael since we got here, I suppose he's been spending time with Val.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* ~Probably sorting out the wedding.~

Nicole: *Laughs lightly, voice soft* Val getting married, what a thought, another surprise this month has wrought.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* You said it... I never thought she'd settle down.

Nicole: I don't think she ever expected to... shortly before Kael proposed to her she told me she didn't think she'd ever meet someone she could. I’m happy for her that she was wrong.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs gently* Me too... I was worried about her.

Nicole: *Looks up to his eyes* You worry about her a lot don't you?

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* I do... she always seems... well detached from everything. She's peculiar... I wonder why she is as she is... especially the taboo subject of her eating habits... I wonder why she does it.

Nicole: *Sighs softly* There are some things it's just better to accept and leave be Talma, her eating habits are one of them.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* Yes well...

Nicole: Don't fret yourself over it love, she has her reasons and it's for the best.

Sethopher: I know.... I just wish she would tell me. *Frowns* I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

Nicole: *Smiles softly and kisses him* You're concern is admirable, but you really do worry too much sometimes.

Sethopher: I can’t help it, comes with the job, it's my job to worry on Kain’s behalf... *Smiles wryly* or worry about the things he doesn’t have time to worry about.

Nicole: Would it make you feel any better to know that that is one issue Kain has well in hand? He knows what's going on and the reasons for it, if he felt it was important for you to know, you would.

Sethopher: *Sethopher seems sated* In that case I put my trust in my creator.

Nicole: *Kisses him lovingly* I’m glad I helped, you have enough else to think about right now.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yes... I suppose I do.

Nicole: Well let's see then... top two priorities right now, talk to Kael, and choose a name for our son... I’d say there are worse things to think about.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I could go find Kael now... we could perhaps go to the Sunwell tomorrow.

Nicole: *Smiles* That sounds fine, it's not too late yet, and while you're getting Kael I’ll go take a quick trip to the kitchen, I’m feeling a bit peckish.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and kisses her and stands* That’s good... I don’t know how long I’ll be... could be an hour, could be two. I’ll be as fast as I can.

Nicole: *Stands* That's fine love, I’ll be somewhere around the house when you return.

Sethopher: *Kisses her again once and smiles* See you later. *Leaves the room*

        *Nicole walks from the room and leaves the suit, heading to the kitchen.  She pauses to knock on the door to Harry and Draco’s room.*

Harry: *Harry's head pops round the door* *Quietly* Hey Nicole... Draco’s asleep...

Nicole: Oh I’m sorry, I didn't wake him did I?

Harry: *Shakes his head* No, he’s out like a light. I got back and found him on the chair in our room asleep, a Hermione sized book in his lap.

Nicole: *Laughs quietly* Yes, he found the library earlier, it's quite impressive... Sethopher went to go find Kael and Luce 'n Da are out hunting, care to grab a bite to eat with me? I was on my way to the kitchen.

Harry: *Harry nods* Sounds swell. *Steps out into the hall and closes the door gently behind him.*

Nicole: *Starts walking towards the kitchen, glances towards Harry* How are you doing with everything Harry? You've had a lot of surprises lately.

Harry: *Harry looks thoughtful whilst walking* Well... I’m okay I suppose... just a little overwhelmed. *Smiles brightly* But... I’m gonna be a dad. That’s something I thought would never happen... especially in my choice in partner.

Nicole: *Reaches over and ruffles his hair* You and Draco are going to make lovely parents, Harry, you both have so much love in you.

Harry: *Harry smiles* Yeah... He was really scared, I could see it in his eyes this morning... It's a big shock and I do think it's rather... well I’m rather young... but we'll get through it... not like we don’t have family surrounding us. *Smiles*

Nicole: *Looks into Harry's eyes sincerely as she pauses outside the door to the kitchen* You may both only count 16 or 17 years, but neither of you have been young for some time Harry. *Smiles softly* You'll do fine, and we'll be with you.

Harry: *Harry smiles* Yeah... I’m just really overwhelmed that it was merely my magic that meant Draco could become pregnant... although Syan also said this added to the theory that Draco is Draconias...

Nicole: I suppose there's still a lot to figure out with your powers and his possible ones. *Pushes open the door and steps through*

Arthas: *Arthas is standing speaking to someone in the staff in Elvin and he turns and spots Nicole and Harry* Oh, hello again, what can I get you?

Nicole: I was just looking for a light supper, nothing in particular. *Looks over to Harry* What about you?

Harry: Same... what’s there?

Arthas: *Smiles* Anything really... we have ways and means to get what you want.

Harry: *Harry sighs and thinks* Any objections to fish Nicole? I’m in a fish mood.

Nicole: Fine, as long as mine's not fried, I’m not that fond of grease, baked perhaps?

Arthas: *The elf nods* No problem, side dish, what would you like? Salad?

Harry: Chips actually if it isn’t too much trouble... What about you Nicole?

Nicole: Chips sound good, and some malt vinegar to go with them?

Arthas: *Arthas nods* No problem, just wait in the Dining hall, we'll bring it through.

Nicole: *Walks over to the door to the Dinning hall* Harry?

*Harry smiles and follows Nicole.*

Nicole: *Sits down at one end of the table* Did you and Draco talk any more about what you're going to name your child since this afternoon?

Harry: No, he was asleep when I got back like I said... I was only back about 15 minutes when you came.

Nicole: You were gone all afternoon then? Time well spent I hope.

Harry: *Harry grins* Yes.

Nicole: *Smiles* From the look on your face I’d say you enjoyed yourself.

Harry: It's... amazing... watch this... *Holds his hand palm facing skywards and a small green orb appears, it's only about an inch in diameter, it's circling clockwise in a circle around 3 inches*

Nicole: *Looks slightly surprised but mostly curious* What is it?

Harry: *Smiles* It's an earth spirit... apparently Cenarius was completely in tune with all four elements but started on earth... this is only a little one, an infant... it can do certain things for me if I ask it... I’m still getting used to calling them.

Nicole: Do things? Like what?

Harry: Well, I’m not exactly sure... I know the little ones can grow things.

Nicole: So are there different little spirits like that one for each of the elements?

Harry: Yeah... Whisps they call them.

Nicole: And Syan is helping you learn to work with these elemental powers... it must be very exciting for you.

Harry: It is exciting yes... but it's also scary... how would you feel being told you had the power of a God inside you?

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I honestly can't imagine, Harry.

Harry: It's bloody scary... but in a way comforting... *Fingers the nexus stone hanging around his neck*

Nicole: Comforting? *Watches the necklace*

Harry: *Still fingering the necklace* Yeah... it's nice to know I am able, or will be able to protect Draco and our child.

Nicole: Yes, that must be nice... It's almost funny to imagine you without that necklace now, Harry, you've even grown the habit of playing with it.

Harry: *Harry stops fiddling and smiles* I think Kain knew something was connecting me to this thing...

Nicole: Connecting you? I know it has many protective powers, but not much else about it.

Harry: *Harry smiles gently* Have a guess who made it.

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* It was Cenarius, wasn't it?

Harry: Yep... So... it also means Dumbledore also knew something was connecting me to this... He wouldn’t just give me something like this by sheer coincidence.

Nicole: *Frowns* I was hoping he only gave it to you because of the protection it can provide against vampires... *Serious look on her face* I wish we knew what he was up to.

Harry: *Harry shrugs* I don’t know and frankly I don’t care.

        *Arthas brings their meal through and sets it down, bows slightly and leaves quickly.*

Nicole: *While cutting up her fish* Harry, please, I know you're powerful, and growing ever more so, but don't let your guard down around Albus.

Harry: *Harry smiles* I know... I honestly don’t think he wants to cause me harm... but, he obviously is after something... *Starts to cut his fish and takes a bite* Nice.

Nicole: *Takes a few bites* It is. *Sips a glass of water* I’m not saying he wants to harm you Harry, I just don't want him to get the chance to take advantage of you.

Harry: *Harry looks a little bitter* I learnt my lesson the first time...

Nicole: *Voice soft* Harry, you're the closest thing I have to a little brother, I just worry about you is all.

Harry: *Harry takes another bite and nods* I know... *Looks like something just occurred to him*

Nicole: Something wrong?

Harry: ...I suppose I should send Ron and Hermione a line to let them know I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth huh?

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Yeah, especially now that we've moved... Harry, does Ron know about you and Draco yet? I know when Hermione visited some time ago she didn't.

        *Harry pales a little and goes back to his fish trying to ignore the question.*

Nicole: *Motherly tone* Harry, you're going to have to tell him, especially now that Draco’s pregnant.

Harry: *Harry makes a pained noise* He'll kill me!

Nicole: *Smiles, amused* Harry, if he's really your best friend he'll be happy for you... it might take him a while to get used to, especially since you've been hiding it from him for so long, but you can't keep hiding it. It's not fair to you, or to Draco.

Harry: *Sighs* You sound like Mione.

Nicole: Hermione is a sensible young woman, you should listen to her.

Harry: *Harry takes another bite and nods* You'd think I would have learnt that by now... I tended up telling her first because she tried to set me up on a blind date... *Shakes head* I didn’t plan on telling her either though...

Nicole: We don't plan on a lot of things in life, but they can, and will happen without our consent... I think Ron finding out about you and Draco is one you want to put some thought into, rather than waiting till he finds out, he'll be hurt if he doesn't hear it from you.

Harry: Yeah... *Takes another bite* and I better tell him in person... *sighs* but I’d really rather not come away from here... from Draco and from Syan...

Nicole: ...You could ask Da about having Ron and Hermione come visit here for a while, there's certainly plenty of space for them to stay.

Harry: *Harry looks thoughtful* I suppose it's something to think about... he's gonna kill me.

Nicole: *Laughs* Somehow Harry, I doubt that he could even if he tried... which he won't.

Harry: How do you know? He'll eviscerate me.....oh no wait, he wont, he'll try to kill Draco.

Nicole: *Takes a bite and smiles patronisingly* Harry, he's your friend and regardless, I doubt Ron could overpower you... especially now that you have 3 vampires and myself looking after you.

Harry: *Harry smiles* I suppose... I’ll speak to Kain... God I’ve got to tell them about him being my guardian now.... this is going to be an interesting visit.

Nicole: *Laughs* Yes, well life with Da around seems to be anything but mundane.

Harry: ...Then Ron'll need to get round the 'Lucius Malfoy is now a good close personal friend of mine'... did I say interesting? I meant dangerous... *Takes another bite of fish*

Nicole: You'll manage, you always do. *Smiles and sets down her fork* That really was quite good. *Nibbles on one of her last few chips*

        *Harry finishes his meal and the door to the dining hall opens and Val steps in, unusual looking with a cloak covering all of her body.*

Val: Hey... didn’t think anyone would be in here.

Nicole: We were just finishing a late supper... haven't seen you in a few days Val.

Val: *Nods* I was... busy... just came down for a Hot chocolate. Arthas makes the best hot chocolate.

Nicole: *Smiles* Really, I’ll keep that in mind.

Val: *She sits at the table, making sure her cloak completely covers her* So what you guys been up to?

Nicole: Did you hear Harry's going to be a dad? *Looks questioningly at the cloak but refrains from mentioning it.*

Val: *She grins* Really!? *Harry nods* Congratulations... I’d shake your hand but I really should have gone for a shower first... again, I didn’t think anyone would have been here.

Nicole: ...Out hunting Val?

Val: *She smiles* Well... I was 2 days ago... just finished.

Nicole: *Cringes* You'll excuse me if I don't inquire any further about it.

Val: *She nods* I guess Kain and Sethopher warned you not to ask...

Harry: Ask about what?

Val: And I take it they didn’t warn him... Kinda have a want to tell him just to freak him out but I shall refrain.

Nicole: Val I only just got over my morning sickness today, please don't bring it back.

Val: *She laughs lightly* I won't... I promise, Kael doesn’t even know... I should maybe tell him... Well, I’m going for a shower... *Stands and walks towards the door and Harry blanches. Val stands still and sniggers* That’s what you get for reading a vampire's mind.

*Harry grabs a glass of water and downs it looking ill.*

Nicole: *Glances at Harry* Serves you right. *Looks back at Val* Kael should be visiting  sometime this evening, Sethopher went to find him, we have some things to discus.

Val: *Val smiles* Oh good! Not seen him in a couple of days... he'll be worried... See you guys later. *Walks from the room*

Harry: *Harry looks at Nicole* Now that’s one vivid way to learn my bloody lesson.

Nicole: I’ll thank you to spare me the details, I have a vivid enough imagination as it is.

Harry: *Harry nods* I really don’t wanna think about it, don’t worry about it.

        *The door opens again and Sethopher pops his head round the door.*

Sethopher: In here Kael...

*The door opens and Kael and Sethopher walk in and towards the table.*

Sethopher: Have a good dinner love?

Nicole: *Stands and walks over to meet them* Yes, quite pleasant... oh and Val is back by the way, she just went up to take a shower.

Sethopher: *Kael and Sethopher nod* We saw her in the hall.

Kael: Where did all the-

Sethopher: Don’t say anything in front of the pregnant woman Kael...

Kael: Sorry... *Shakes head* So, what did you two want to see me about? *Looks between Sethopher and Nicole.*

Nicole: Do you want to go somewhere to sit down and talk? *Looks back at Harry* I’m sorry Harry, you don't mind do you?

Harry: *Harry smiles and stands* No I don’t mind, I wanna get back to Draco anyway. See you guys later. *Harry leaves*

Sethopher: Our study/lounge Nicole?

Nicole: Sounds fine to me, it really is rather nice in there.

        *Sethopher takes Nicole's hand and walks with Kael towards the study.*

Nicole: *Pushes open the door to the study and heads towards the sofa and fireplace* Take a seat, won't you Kael? *Gesturing to one of the wing-backed chairs*

*Kael sits down in the chair. Sethopher sits on the couch.*

Nicole: Sethopher didn't mention to you what it was we wanted to walk about, did he?

Kael: *Shakes his head* No, but I have a feeling I know what it is... The Sunwell?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, we thought now might be a good time to talk with you about it, seeing as we're currently in elvin lands already.

Kael: *Kael smiles* Whenever you are ready I’ll have a word with the guardians.

Nicole: *Looks hesitant* What all is involved? Is there a ceremony or something, or what do I do?

Kael: *Kael shakes his head* It really is as simple as drinking from the well. There is then a blessing placed upon you by the well and that is that.

Nicole: *Nods* That's something of a relief.

Kael: All you should do is wear black or white. That’s the only thing I can suggest.

Nicole: I can manage that easily enough... I was worried, there's been so much happening lately and I never really had a chance to talk to you about it after that first conversation.

Kael: *Smiles* There is no ceremony simply because there is no need, the power is simply enough...

        *Sethopher holds Nicole's hand and yawns.*

Kael: *Smiles* I think your lover is tired.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* I suppose that's not so surprising. *Kisses Sethopher's cheek* Thank you Kael, would tomorrow be a good time to go to the well?

        *Kael nods and looks like he's thinking, all of a sudden a small blue light appears similar to the light that Harry had conjured and Kael chuckles.  The light circles him a few times and makes a strange sound*

Nicole: *Eyes open slightly* Is that an earth spirit?

Kael: No, this is a water spirit... I didn’t conjure it, *Smiles* Harry is getting good... *Shakes his head* It was sent apparently to find me and ask me to follow it when I was done chatting to you.

*The light starts to bounce up and down impatiently.*

Nicole: *Laughs* It's cute.

Kael: *Kael sniggers* *Looks at Nicole and Sethopher* I shall see you tomorrow then?

Nicole: Tomorrow.

        *The light flies forward and circles Nicole.*

Kael: *Kael smiles* It appreciated the cute comment.

        *Flies towards the door again and makes the same noise as before, but louder.*

Kael: *Kael stands and follows it* See you tomorrow then. *Follows the light out of the room*

        *Sethopher's mouth is hanging open.*

Nicole: *Pushes his mouth closed with one finger* If you leave it like that birds will nest there. *Laughs lightly*

        *Sethopher smiles still looking a little shocked at the light.*

Nicole: Harry showed me that he could do that at dinner, apparently Syan had him busy practicing today.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Kain can’t even get close to that... conjuring spirits... all elves can do it... he is still an elf technically and can call them but... the ones he can conjure are almost so small you can’t see them... And he's had a long time to practice that.

Nicole: *Shakes her head in amazement* Harry is one special young man.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yes he is... I wonder what he wanted Kael for...

Nicole: I don't know... he wants Ron and Hermione to come visit... there's a lot he needs to tell them... but I would think he'd be talking to Da about that, not Kael.

Sethopher: *Nods* Yeah... hmm... interesting. *Yawns again* *Sethopher closes his eyes and starts to float a few centimeters off the couch all of a sudden, he doesn’t notice*

Nicole: ...Talma.... you're levitating.

Sethopher: *Opens his eyes and falls back onto the couch and grabs the side's of it* Bloody hell... add another power to the list...

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Am I going to need to worry about you stealing the covers to sleep near the ceiling now?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Hope not... I was trying to see if I could feel Kain, he's in Harry's room with Kael and Draco... I obviously activated that at the same time.

Nicole: *Takes his hand and stands* Come on, you're tired we should go to bed, when you're rested will be a better time to explore new powers.

Sethopher: *Smiles and yawns again* Good point. *Stands with her and moves towards the door*

Nicole: *Sighs softly as they walk into the bedroom* Another eventful day over... *Laughs lightly* My life has definitely veered from the quiet monotony of potion brewing I expected of it.

Sethopher: *Walks towards the bed* I hope it's a welcome change though... well, in most cases.

Nicole: *Slips her arms around Sethopher's shoulders and kisses him softly* Most welcome.

*Sethopher smiles lovingly at her.*

Nicole: I can't think of a better way to end the day than falling asleep in your arms. *Smiles softly*

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses Nicole gently* I feel the same... I love you so much...

Nicole: And I love you. *Kisses him lovingly, unbuttoning his shirt*

        *Sethopher runs his hands over the dress Nicole is wearing.*

Nicole: *Slips the shirt off Sethopher's shoulders* ~Do you just want to go to sleep or...~

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses Nicole's neck and finds the bite mark he made last night and nibbles on it gently* ~What do you think... personally I think you need to mark me again.~ *Pulls his own hair back and the mark on his neck has almost completely healed*

Nicole: *Fingers run over the healed skin lightly* ~Obviously I didn't do my job well enough this afternoon, I suppose I should rectify that.~

Sethopher: *Light chuckle from Sethopher* ~It was very stimulating.~

Nicole: *Runs her nails teasingly down Sethopher's bare chest* ~Stimulating hmm?~ *Draws his face from her neck to kiss him*

Sethopher: *Kisses back* ~Very... very stimulating.~

Nicole: *Hand moves to the front of Sethopher's trousers and rubs teasingly* ~Stimulating is good.~ *Loosens the sash of her dress with her free hand, so that it falls open down the front.*

        *Sethopher wraps an arm round her pushing into her hand, he kisses her forcefully and licks down her throat and neck.  He rubs his hand along exposed skin and growls gently.  Nicole kisses and nips at Sethopher's neck teasingly, never quite breaking the skin, fingers move to undo his trousers, brushing across his arousal teasingly.*

Sethopher: *Growls low in his throat* ~You're driving me mad here Nicole.~

Nicole: ~*Cheekily pleased* Perhaps that's what I’m trying for...~ *Shrugs free of her dress letting it pool at her feet, hands slide down Sethopher's sides, down over his hips pushing his trousers downward.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher groans and kisses Nicole forcefully* ~*Pleading* Please...~

Nicole: *Breaks from the kiss, trailing kisses down his chest, as she moves downward pushing off his trousers* ~*Amused* If you insist.~ *Kisses down his stomach, flicks her tongue over the head of his arousal.  She takes him in her mouth, fingers wandering over his hips and thighs*

Sethopher: *Sethopher groans loudly and starts to pant* ~God!~

Nicole: *Hums softly, swallowing* ~God has nothing to do with it.~ *Nails scratch down the back of his legs*

Sethopher: *Sethopher cries out as her nails run down his legs and his breathing becomes elevated further.  He runs a hand softly through her hair* ~Oh-My...~

Nicole: *Pulls back and kisses her way back up to his mouth, slinking her body against his skin as she stands, her hips pressed tightly to him rubbing in slow circles* ~Wouldn't want things to end too quickly now.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher is still breathing heavily and he kisses her back feverishly* ~Tease.~ *Hands circle her and grab at her ass* ~Shall we move this to the bed, love?~

Nicole: *Arms wrap around his shoulders, walks backwards to the bed until her knees are pressed against the edge* ~Splendid idea.~ *Kissing him passionately*

        *Sethopher leans her onto the bed and kisses her neck and shoulders.  He moves down and relieves her of the rest of her clothes and discards them to the side.  He moves back up and grabs her in a fierce kiss and a hand rubs at the inside of her thighs, purposefully staying away from her groin.*

Nicole: *Groans in frustration* ~Prat.~ *Shifts her hips twisting upwards*

Sethopher: *Grins still managing to stay tantalizingly close to her groin and kissing and licking almost playfully* ~You think?~

Nicole: ~*Grumbling* Damn turnabout.~ *Hooks a leg around his waist pulling him forcefully to her, grinding her hips up against his*

Sethopher: *Sethopher hisses and kisses Nicole forcefully finally letting his hand travel upwards to her clit and gently stimulate the sensitive organ* ~Happy?~

        *Nicole releases a purring moan.  She kisses along Sethopher's jaw then neck, and bites down on the fading mark.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher growls and stimulates her further, quickening his pace on her, breath accelerating.* ~Do you want more love?~

Nicole: ~*Moaned* Yes...~ *One hand tangled in the hair at Sethopher's nape, other trailing down to rest on his hip*

        *Sethopher seems only too willing to comply and enters her slowly, obviously on purpose the rate he is going.  He has a wicked grin.  Nicole growls ferally, biting almost viciously.  Fingers claw at his nape and hip.  Sethopher groans deeply but doesn’t vary the pace, slow, torturingly slow movements.  Nicole releases his neck nipping sharply up it, biting his earlobe, low growl, thrusts her hips up.*

Sethopher: *Holds Nicole's hips still and whispers in her ear* Patience is a virtue Nicole... *Slow thrusting movements continue in time with the stimulation of her clit*

*Nicole moans in pleasure and frustration, kissing him fiercely.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher kisses slowly and bites down on the mark he left before causing a slow building sensation to wind up in her* ~I love you.~

Nicole: *Moans deeply, neck arching into bite* ~Love you.~

        *Sethopher gradually begins to pick up the pace.  Nicole's hips strain under his fingers trying to match his movements, breath fast and ragged.  Sethopher finally lets go of Nicole's hips and bites down hard on her neck growling low in his throat.  Nicole's thrusts moving in sync with Sethopher's, as she bites down on the fresh mark on his neck.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher speeds up further* ~I’m close Nicole...~ *Growls*

        *Nicole angles her hips drawing him deeper, biting more deeply as her release begins to course over her.  Sethopher thrusts once more and screams as his release violently courses through his veins.  Nicole's arms wrap around his back, clutching him tightly to her as she slowly relaxes from the shuddering release, releases the bite kissing the mark softly.*

Sethopher: *A shiver runs through Sethopher when she kisses the mark* ~That was... wow.~

Nicole: *Rests her head back against the pillows looking up into his eyes a soft smile on her face* ~I believe that's the second time today you've been left with only that word.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* ~I love you so much.~ *Yawns*

Nicole: *Leans upward and kisses him softly* ~Love you... and now it's time to sleep.~

*Sethopher nods and gently drifts off to sleep.*

Nicole: *Shifts so that he's lying along her side and curls against him, kisses his forehead.* *Whispered* Goodnight Talma. *Closes her eyes and drifts to sleep.*


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