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3 September 1997

        *Nicole wakes up to the sun shining in on her face, leisurely rolls over stretching, suddenly she is wide awake and sprints from the bed to the bathroom leaving Sethopher partially uncovered.  Sounds of retching can be heard from the bathroom.  Sethopher wakes slightly. He sits up looking round blearily for Nicole then hears the noises from the bathroom.  The retching sounds stop and running water is heard, Nicole comes out of the bathroom looking rather pale.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* You alright love?

Nicole: *Walks slowly towards the bed, hand pressed to her forehead and moans softly* Morning sickness is back.

Sethopher: Do you think you need blood again?

Nicole: *Flops backwards onto the bed not bothering to pull the covers over her, simply laying there, eyes closed* If the way Luce figures it is right, then probably.

Sethopher: Then what are you waiting for love? *Runs a hand gently through her hair*

Nicole: *Opens her eyes to look at him* You've been ill, I can't do that to you.

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* I would argue but Fiammetta did tell me to take it easy... *Thinks back to the day before and chuckles* Not that I took his advice.

Nicole: *Smiles half heartedly* Oh I don't know, you certainly slept well thanks to our... activities.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I suppose I did.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes* I suppose I’ll have to go find Luce... of course that would require moving.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I don’t think you should feed from Luce again so soon, Kain would be a better choice I think.

Nicole: *Opens eyes* Do you think he's in any better condition than you to be fed from?

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles gently* You need to remember how fast he heals once he's been patched up a little. He'll be fine now and I doubt he'll let you feed from Lucius again... today at least.

Nicole: Hmm, probably.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles gently* I can go get him if you want.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and sighs* This is so weird, discussing which family member I’m going to bite to get rid of my morning sickness, not something I ever expected to come up if I got pregnant.

Sethopher: *Sethopher laughs* Yes well... you have rather a strange choice in men... *Grins*

Nicole: *Small smile* You said it, not me.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* I did... so do you want me to go find Kain...?

Nicole: *Nods and sits up slowly* I should pull some clothes on.

Sethopher: *Sethopher also nods and gets out of bed, grabbing a pair of trousers and a deep green shirt out of one of the trunks* We should also probably unpack later... or rather I should unpack later... *Takes the small leather bound book that he brought and puts it in the bottom drawer of a dresser*

Nicole: *Gets up and makes her way slowly to the trunk pulling out a pair of black trousers and matching shirt* Yes, since we'll be staying here a while it would be silly to keep living out of these trunks. *Looks up from dressing to notice the book* Talma, what is that book?

Sethopher: *Sethopher shoves the clothes on* Nothing much... just some photos. I’ll be back soon with Kain. *Kisses her on the forehead and walks from the room*

        *Nicole walks over to the bed and straightens the covers and lies down on top of them closing her eyes.  She dozes off slightly as she lies there.*


~*~Around 10 minutes pass~*~

        *Kain and Sethopher walk into the room*

Kain: Nicole?

        *Nicole is asleep on the bed.  Kain smiles gently and Sethopher shakes his head.*

Sethopher: She must have just dozed off... I’m going for a shower Kain...

Kain: *Nods* Okay Sethopher, I’ll wake her, don’t worry. *Goes over to sit on the bed by Nicole as Sethopher goes for a shower*

        *Nicole rolls over towards Kain, mumbling softly in her sleep.*

Kain: *Kain smiles softly* Nicole? Nicole hon, wake up.

Nicole: *Eyes flutter open and she covers a yawn* Da?

Kain: That’s me... Sethopher tells me you need to feed.

Nicole: *Sleepily* Mmhmm, the brat has taken control of my stomach again.

Kain: *Kain laughs gently* Well... you better sit up, it's rather messy if lying down.

Nicole: *Mumbles* Ugh, I’m so not awake yet. *Rubs at her eyes and sits up*

Kain: *Frowns* You look anemic again... Hate to say it Nicole but I think it'd be healthier if you fed twice a day.

Nicole: *Grimaces* I was fine when I went to sleep... but then again it was nearly noon when I fed off Luce yesterday.

Kain: Yes... *Puts a hand to her head* You look like a vampire that hasn’t fed in over a month. So... looks like you'll be feeding twice a day...

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and leans slightly against his hand* If you think that's best Da.

Kain: I do... Come on, up with you, I need to be away from here in 20 minutes.

Nicole: *Shakes her head slightly waking herself up some more* Sorry Da. *Moves to sit facing him*

Kain: *Smiles* It's alright... *Pulls his long hair away from his neck and fastens it there with a small band*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain's neck and frowns* Same place I bit Luce?

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes.

        *Nicole rests her hand on his shoulder and leans in biting his neck, after a brief moment she begins drinking hungrily.  Kain closes his eyes but makes no move or sound.  A few moments pass and Nicole's drinking slows, with a few last licks at the bite mark she sits back and sighs, some of the colour slowly returning to her skin.*

Kain: *Kain opens his eyes and looks at her* You look much better. You can feed from me again later... Sethopher should be alright by tomorrow and so should Lucius.

Nicole: Twice in one day? You sure Da?

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes, I’ll be fine. There's no one else you can feed off of anyway and I’ve been fed from three times in one day before without having to increase my hunting.

Nicole: *Nods* If you're sure.

Kain: *Kain stands* I am sure... I’ll see you later. I have some... house guests to pick up.

Nicole: Harry's friends?

Kain: *Nods and frowns* I’ve met Hermione once... what's Ron like?

Nicole: I’ve only met him a few times, and he was very young at the time.  I knew his older brother Bill better... He's always seemed like a good little kid, heart in the right place, if a bit hot headed.

Kain: *Kain nods* Okay... I’m taking Kael with me... He's going to officially invite Hermione and Ron to the Elvin lands. That way Dumbledore cannot interfere... it's a great honour to be invited, especially by a prince of the realm.

Nicole: Will Kael be returning back here with you then? Sethopher and I were supposed to go to the Sunwell with him at some point today.

Kain: *Kain nods* We won’t be gone long, also visits to the Sunwell are usually at sunset.

Nicole: I didn't know that. *Shakes her head* I have so much to learn about elvin and vampire custom and lore. *Smiles* But I’ll have more than enough time to learn now.

Kain: Yes, you will... oh... and Harry and Draco have made a rather... startling decision... I think this is also why they want Hermione and Ron to come here at this moment.

Nicole: What about?

Kain: I can’t tell you, but they told me to ask you to go up sometime today... they want to tell you first. Before Hermione and Ron.

Nicole: *Frowns* Alright, do they want to see Sethopher as well?

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* No, just you... Sethopher really should be resting... I was not happy to see him out of bed so early.

Nicole: Fine... Where is he by the way? *seems to notice the water running in the shower for the first time* In the shower?

Kain: *Kain nods* Yes... I gave him an earful so he'll probably lie down for a while.

Nicole: *Smiles* You and Luce really should think about having a child someday, your parenting instinct is relentless.

Kain: *Kain smiles gently* We have discussed it... I’ll see you later... and tell poor Draco that Kael is still looking for a cure to his morning sickness.

Nicole: I will. See you later Da.

        *Kain leaves the room.  The water from the shower stops and Sethopher walks in with only a towel round his waist.*

Nicole: *Smiles* Good morning again love.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* You look better.

Nicole: *Sighs* I’m getting there... Da thinks I need to feed twice a day rather than just once.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* That’s a pain... So, who are you feeding from then later?

Nicole: Da, he seemed sure about it being the best that way.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Yes... I’m not allowed to do anything for a few hours, he threatened to tie me up if I did.

Nicole: *Laughs* He did say he gave you an earful.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sits on the bed* So what are you gonna do while I 'rest'? *Rolls eyes*

Nicole: *Kisses him lightly* Apparently Harry and Draco want to see me before Ron and Hermione get here, I figured I'd do that while you were laying down.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* The really annoying thing is I know he's right... *Sighs and lays on the bed*

Nicole: *Smiles softly and brushes a damp strand of hair from his face* You want me to plait your hair before I go?

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Please...

Nicole: *Moves so she's kneeling* Come sit here.

        *Sethopher sits up and moves to Nicole, he sits still and sighs.*

Nicole: *Runs her fingers through his hair a few times and begins working it into a plait* I love your hair, it's so soft.

Sethopher: *Smiles* Yes well... I take good care of it.

Nicole: *Picks up the leather strip from the side table that had been set there last night and fastens the end of the plait* There, all done. *Leans over his shoulder to kiss his cheek*

Sethopher: *Smiles and turns to face her and kisses her once* *Smiles* You better go before this innocent kiss turns into something else and Kain really does tie me up.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* For once I think I can honestly say I’m still too tired to cause trouble. *Stands* I’ll be back a little later.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and lies down on the bed* See you then... *Yawns*

Nicole: Later lover. *Leaves the room and walks to Harry & Draco’s knocking softly on the door*

Harry: *Harry calls out* Come in.

Nicole: *Opens the door and steps inside* Kain said you two wanted to talk to me?

        *Harry and Draco are sitting on top of the bed, Draco with his head against Harry's shoulder looking rather pale.*

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah we did.

Nicole: *Walks over and sits on the bed near them* Oh Drake, the morning sickness is still bothering you? Kain said Kael was still looking for something to help you with it.

Draco: *Draco nods* Yeah... my stomach hurts now.

Harry: *Runs a hand through Draco’s hair* He'll find something, I’m sure love.

Nicole: Kael knows more about medicine than anyone else I know Drake, I’m sure he'll find something.

Harry: *Draco nods and Harry looks at Nicole* Yeah... we have something to talk to you about anyway.

Nicole: What was it? Kain said something about a decision.

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah... well, I’m only 17 and Draco's still 16 yet... and we haven’t finished our education.

Draco: But I really, really despise the idea of going back to Hogwarts... especially now. *Rests a hand on his stomach*

Harry: We asked Kael last night about... about the elvin system of tutoring and he says there is a test that can be taken when they turn 18 and that makes them fully qualified... we just get taught in a direction we wish... for example, spirit calling...

Nicole: That makes sense all things considered.

Harry: *Harry and Draco nod* Yeah... just to let you know we're not going back to Hogwarts... that’s the other reason why Kael is going... to tell Albus me and Draco are staying here.

Nicole: *Smiles* It'll be nice having you two here with Sethopher and I... You can never be certain how long Da will stay in one place, though now that Fiammetta is helping him I’m hoping he will be around for some time before he has to go somewhere.

        *Draco and Harry grin.*

Harry: Yes, well... Kael thought it was a great idea... he said Tyrande would be ecstatic.

Nicole: Oh?

Harry: Yeah... She was worried I wouldn’t have enough time to train my new powers somewhat before going back to Hogwarts. No such worry now.

Nicole: *Smiles* No, there isn't, and all things considered Harry I think you'll get better training here than you could at Hogwarts... more appropriate considering your powers.

Harry: Yes... that’s what we thought.

        *Draco looks a little ill again and closes his eyes.*

Draco: *Draco growls* I refuse to be sick again, I won’t be sick again...

Nicole: *Looks at Draco worriedly* Is there nothing that helps it?

Draco: *Shakes his head* No, nothing... Harry is usually sleeping, it lasts for about an hour then goes away.

Harry: *Harry kisses Draco’s forehead* I better go down to the kitchen and ask Arthas to get breakfast going... for Ron and Hermione coming.

Draco: Yeah... that’s gonna be fun....

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Things will work out, you'll see.

        *Harry smiles and Draco still looks ill and gets up and all but runs to the bathroom and closes the door.  There are retching sounds and Harry sighs.*

Harry: I hope Kael finds something to help him.

Nicole: *Sighs* I hope so as well, I know what he's going through. *Grimaces* I didn't have the most pleasant of wake-up calls.

Harry: No? *Harry stands* I’m very relieved I don’t need to go through it... I feel sorry for you and Drake...

        *Sound of running water and Draco comes back in and lies on the bed.*

Harry: *Harry looks at Draco* Do you mind if I go down and get breakfast started?

Draco: No, no not at all...

Nicole: Would you like me to stay with you Draco, or would you rather be left alone to rest?

Draco: *Draco sighs* I’d like just to rest... and I’ll not be much company running to and from the bathroom... you go with Harry... greet Weasley and Hermione...

Nicole: Alright, feel better babe. *Kisses Draco’s forehead and stands to follow Harry*

Harry: *Harry leaves with Nicole quietly and closes the door* Poor Drake... *Walks quickly towards the dining hall.*

Nicole: *Nods keeping pace with him* Yeah, I feel bad, at least I know how to make mine go away.

        *Harry walks into the dining room to see Arthas and another elf waiting for him.  Nicole follows Harry into the room*

Arthas: Breakfast will be served as soon as you want it Harry... Kain told us we will have more guests today.

Harry: *Harry nods* Yeah, Ron will want a cooked breakfast, Hermione will have toast and orange juice... I’ll also have a cooked breakfast...

Arthas: Fine, Nicole, what about yourself?

Nicole: Some mixed fruit and chamomile tea please and some honey on the side if you don't mind.

Arthas: *Arthas nods and bows* That will be fine, come Uther. *The younger elf and Arthas go through to the kitchen.*

        *Harry sits down at the table and sighs.*

Nicole: *Sits down beside Harry* Everything will work out Harry... would you like me to stay with you while you talk with Ron and Hermione?

Harry: Yes please... Kain said they'd be quick as they could.

Nicole: *Nods* That's what he said when he talked with me this morning.

Harry: I’m not worried about Hermione... Ron is going to kill me dead...

Nicole: Harry you really need to stop saying that, of all possible outcomes, I can grantee that is not one of them... though I can't say he won't try. *Gives him a halfhearted smile*

Harry: *Harry nods* I know... but... I don’t want to lose him as a friend.

Nicole: *Reaches a hand over and rests it on his, squeeses gently* Harry, it'll take him some time to get used to, but if he's really your friend, in the end he'll accept it.

Harry: *Nods* Hermione will be shocked at Draco becoming pregnant... she'll go find a good book though and be fine.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m sure Draco could point her to a few good ones, he ransacked the library for them... I even brought a few to my study.

Harry: *Harry smiles and looks towards the door* I think they're back... *Sighs*

Nicole: *Smiles encouragingly* You can do this Harry.

        *The door opens and Hermione, Ron, Kain and Kael walk in.  Ron and Hermione grin at Harry who gets up, walks over and hugs them both.  Kain and Kael smile.*

Kain: We'll be going then... *Both leave the room*

Ron: How the hell did you make friends with the vampire lord and the prince of the elves?

        *Nicole smiles in amusement and Hermione swats him on the back of the head as Harry laughs.*

Harry: Sheer charm! *Motions to Nicole* Ron, this is Nicole, she's a friend of mine.

Nicole: *Stands from the table and offers her hand, smiling widely, her teeth showing* Pleased to meet you, I used to be... friends with Bill in and for a while after Hogwarts. *Grins* Last time I saw you, you were just barely out of diapers.

Ron: *Raises an eyebrow and takes her hand* He never mentioned knowing a vampire... I didn’t think Hogwarts accepted them.

Harry: She isn’t a vampire.

        *Ron looks confused*

Nicole: *Laughs* I’m not a vampire, I am however pregnant with the child of one, and with it comes certain... temporary additions.

Harry: Yeah... Sit, breakfast will be here soon...

Ron: Who's house... castle, mansion is this? *Motions generally to the room*

        *Ron, Harry and Hermione sit down.*

Nicole: *Moves back to her seat* Specifically, Da's... Kain, the vampire that brought you here. Though there are a number of us that live here.

Ron: *Ron looks very confused* You call the Vampire Lord 'Da'?

Hermione: I told you it was a strange relationship dynamic. *Looks amused*

Nicole: *Laughs* I’m sorry, Kain isn't really my father, he is however the closest thing I have to one.  We've sort of adopted each other as family.

        *Arthas walks from the kitchen and places the meals in front of the correct people and walks out again.*

Ron: Oh right... grub looks good.

Hermione: You only ever think about your stomach.

Ron: I’m a growing boy, I need to eat.

Harry: You're gonna get fat the amount you eat.

Ron: I resent that.

        *Nicole looks on, amused, and begins eating her food, dipping the pieces of fruit in the honey*

Hermione: *Hermione looks at Harry then looks round the table* Harry, where is...? *Harry gets the idea and nods towards Ron and Hermione nods in understanding*

Nicole: The others living here are currently resting.

Ron: What? What did I miss?

Harry: I asked you here to tell you some things... well... both of you really... but more to you Ron.

Ron: *Looks interested* Oh?

        *Nicole stiffens in her seat slightly but continues eating, watching Ron from the corner of her eye.*

Harry: *Swallows hard* Well... basic info first I think... I’m gay.

        *Ron splutters on his drink.*

Ron: You waited till that exact second to say that!? You trying to kill me?

Harry: Sorry!

Ron: *Frowns* You're gay?

Harry: Yes.

Ron: *Looks at Hermione* And you knew this and didn’t tell me?

Hermione: It was Harry's place to tell you.

Ron: *Looks thoughtful* Why didn’t you tell me before?

Harry: ...Didn’t really know myself till I met... well... till I got with my partner.

Ron: Oh... I’m not bothered really... just surprised. *Laughs* just so long as it isn’t Malfoy.

        *Harry stays silent and Nicole stops eating, her lips pressed in a thin line.*

Harry: Well... the funny thing is...

Ron: ...*Looks at him as though he's grown a sixth head* Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy... you know... Lucius Malfoy's son? You do remember Lucius Malfoy don’t you?

Harry: Little difficult not to... Lucius lives here too...

        *Ron blinks.*

Nicole: *Voice soft yet firm* Luce and Kain are involved.

Ron: *Ron looks at Nicole* *Mouth a little gaping* Kain is involved with Lucius... *Looks at Harry* and you're involved with Draco... Am I in an alternate Universe or something where Draco is a really nice person really... just 'misunderstood'?

Hermione: Yes... if it's easier for you.

Ron: Ha ha, very funny.

Harry: You don’t seem angry...

Ron: No... No I’m too shocked to be angry... I’ve really been out of the loop haven’t I?

        *Harry and Hermione nod.*

Ron: I need to see this to believe it... where is Malfoy anyway?

Harry: *Groans* And this brings us to the second bombshell...

Ron: There can’t be more than "I'm seeing Draco Malfoy".

Nicole: *Smiles amused* Yes there can.

Harry: Draco... well............ Draco is kinda pregnant. *This time Hermione almost chokes on her juice.*

Nicole: *Looks at Hermione amused* If you would like to look up information on it I have a number of books in my study that would be useful.

Hermione: *Dabs herself with her napkin* Yes I think that would be helpful...

Ron: What the fuck!? But... to get a guy pregnant... you need really innate magic for it...

Nicole: Elvin magic typically.

Ron: Elvin magic? Was it planned then!?

Harry: Hell no.

Nicole: In this case it was powerful innate elvin magic... and I think the pregnancy started a while before we knew about the magic so planning is quite outside the matter.

Ron: *Ron nods* Aren’t you scared?

Harry: Fucking terrified, but happy...

Ron: *Quietly* That’s all that matters really isn’t it?

        *Nicole smiles softly, pleased, and begins eating again.  Harry looks relieved*.

Ron: What’s that look for?

Harry: I thought you would try to kill me or something.

Ron: Nah... Mum would kill me.

        *Hermione giggles.*

Nicole: *Laughs softly* How many times did I tell you that you were over reacting Harry?

Harry: *Harry rolls his eyes* Yes well you don’t know now do ya?

Ron: I must admit I’m surprised I’m not angry... but you say Malfoy is okay... like I said, when I see I will believe. Why is he still in bed the lazy sod? It's almost 10am.

Hermione: Look who's talking.

Nicole: I’ll ask you to be kind to Draco please, he's suffering from some rather cruel morning sickness and unlike me has no cure for it yet.

Ron: *Ron raises an eyebrow* And what does Lucius think of you and Draco?

Harry: Lucius is fine about it.

Nicole: He's happy, though surprised, at the thought of having a grandchild.

Ron: *Ron nods* I’ll bet he is.

        *The door opens and Draco walks in, some of his old Malfoy arrogance back in place on account of Ron being there.*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Hey Drake, up to some toast and tea?

Draco: *Draco nods* Yeah please... Hermione... Weasley... *Sits beside Harry*

Ron: Malfoy...

Nicole: *Stands up and walks into the kitchen, coming back out a moment later* Arthas will be out in a few minutes with some mint tea and toast for you Drake. *Returns to her seat.*

Draco: *Draco smiles* Thanks Nicole. *Takes Harry's free hand and Ron raises an eyebrow at them but says nothing.*

Nicole: You're welcome, it's the least I could do for you.

Ron: So Malfoy... what spell did you use on Harry?

Hermione: Ron!

Ron: Just asking, just in case!

        *Hermione tsks.*

Draco: Not amusing.

Nicole: *scolding* Ronald Weasley, you should behave yourself.  You are a guest in this house after all.

Ron: *Raises his eyebrow at Nicole* No offence Nicole but I don’t know you, if anyone should be yelling at me it should be Harry.

Draco: Good point. *Looks at Harry*

Harry: I ain't getting caught in a brawl between my best friend and my lover.

Nicole: And for all intents and purposes Harry is my little brother, so you'll excuse me if I’m rather overprotective.

Ron: He was my brother first.

        *Harry rolls eyes.*

Hermione: *To Nicole* Leave them be, boys will be boys.

All three boys: Hey!

Hermione: *Hermione sniggers* Prove me wrong boys, prove me wrong.

Nicole: *Quirks an amused eyebrow* Perhaps that's why I chose someone 4000 years old for my partner, at least he's had a few millennia to grow out of some of his immaturity.

        *Hermione smiles.*

Ron: What are you guys gonna do then? You can’t have a kid at Hogwarts.

Nicole: *Mutters* Bombshell number 3 coming up.

Harry: Yeah... that’s what me and Drake thought... we're not going back to Hogwarts.

Hermione and Ron: WHAT!?

Nicole: *Snickers* Now this is amusing.

Hermione: But... your education!

Ron: The Gryffindor Quidditch Team!

Draco: Such different outlooks on why this is a bad thing.

Harry: Gee, here I was thinking it'd be more along the lines of "No, you can’t, we'd miss you".

        *Ron and Hermione smile.*

Ron: I’ll miss you obviously... prat. Course I’ll miss you.

Hermione: Thought it went without saying.

        *Nicole watches the exchange, quietly finishing her meal.  Harry smiles and Draco looks pleased when Arthas brings Draco’s meal in.*

Ron: So... can we get a tour of this place?

Harry: Yeah, I’ll show Hermione the library... then tell you all about the elvin magic and stuff... But later... let Draco eat first.

Draco: It's alright Harry you go with them... you haven’t seen them for a while.

Harry: You sure?

        *Draco nods.*

Nicole: I’ll stay here with Draco... *Looks at Draco* Unless of course you'd like me to leave?

Draco: I’d like you to stay... *Smiles*

Harry: *Gives Draco a quick kiss, stands with Ron and Hermione* See ya later... *Walks out with them*

        *Draco sighs.*

Nicole: *Concerned* Are you feeling any better?

Draco: A little, enough to eat happily.

Nicole: That's an improvement then.

Draco: Yes... Harry seemed happy.

Nicole: *Smiles* Things went better than he expected, he should be.

Draco: That’s good... *Starts to eat his toast*

Nicole: Are you sure you're ok Draco?

Draco: Yeah... I just...*Reddens a little* It's nothing really.

Nicole: What?

Draco: *Coughs* Nothing... really.

Nicole: *Studying him* There's obviously something, but if you don't want to tell me...

Draco: *Draco goes a little red* I’d like to talk about it it's just a... well it's something I don’t usually talk about...

Nicole: Whatever it is, I won't make fun of you Draco, you know that right? I’m hear to listen, honestly.

Draco: *Draco nods* Well... Harry and I... we're usually very physical... but... last night... it was like he was scared to touch me... *Draco reddens steadily*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* He probably just doesn't want to hurt you Draco, he really doesn't have any experience with pregnant lovers.

Draco: *Draco looks very shy and bashful for once* I... *Goes red* I wish he would just act normal with me... I missed him last night.

Nicole: *Kindly* Did you tell him that?

Draco: Yeah... but... he sort of... just got round it... I was quite upset, felt as though he didn’t want me.

Nicole: I don't know what to tell you other than to talk to him about it.

Draco: Yeah... I feel rather... wound up today because of it.

Nicole: *Snickers slightly* I can understand that feeling.

Draco: *Smiles shyly* Can’t believe I’m talking about this.

Nicole: *Smiles amused* There's nothing to be ashamed of Draco, besides we're both pregnant, we're supposed to commiserate with each other over these things.

Draco: I think I’ll jump on him when he's alone... Oh, he's still to take a shower... *Smiles*

Nicole: *Grins* Sounds like a plan to me.

Draco: I never talk about my sex life... with anyone... You should feel honoured.

Nicole: *Kind smile* I do, I’m very pleased to know you trust me enough to talk about such things.

Draco: Yeah... who else would I speak to? I don’t talk to my father about sex and Kain is with him and would maybe tell him...

Nicole: *Wrinkles her nose* They're parental figures anyway, and I’d personally rather not talk to them about my sex life.

Draco: Yeah... there's no one else really...

Nicole: Well whatever your reasons, I’m still honoured you would talk with me about it.

Draco: *Sighs* He'd never hurt me normally... why is he worried? Not like I'm... more sensitive or anything. *Sighs*

Nicole: *Smiles* You're pregnant Drake, he worries about you with everything else more, it's not surprising he'd worry about sex as well. Plenty of first time father's behave like that until they're told otherwise, either by their partner or the partner's doctor.

Draco: *Looks interested* Really?

Nicole: Sure. I had a client who had a daughter a couple years ago. She nearly killed her husband she was getting so frustrated, he would hardly touch her. She ended up dragging him with her to see the mediwitch so that she could have the woman tell her husband it was alright.

Draco: *Draco laughs* I don’t think I’d kill him... but... I’ll need to try talking to him again...

Nicole: It's worth a try.

Draco: Yeah... Just need to get him on his own away from Ron and Hermione.

Nicole: Well I’m certain they won't be staying in your rooms with you, so I’m sure you'll manage to find time at some point.

Draco: *Draco smiles* Yeah...

Nicole: Feeling better now that you've talked about it?

Draco: Yes... much. It's just... I love him so much and last night he wouldn’t come near me... it hurt.

Nicole: I can imagine it would.

Draco: *Draco looks thoughtful* Have... have you had trouble with Sethopher?

Nicole: *Light tint to her cheeks* No... but then again he was already married once and has three children, I’m not the first pregnant woman he's dealt with.

Draco: *Draco nods* Sorry if I’m prying... Where is he anyway?

Nicole: It's fine, really. And he's resting, Da gave him an earful about not having rested enough yesterday so he was going to spend the morning laying down, least Da decide to tie him to the bed.

        *Draco sniggers.*

Nicole: *Smiles* Da can be rather... persuasive when he desires.

Draco: Yes... you know dad won’t talk about what Val did or threatened to do to him that time... he still won’t tell me.

Nicole: Yes, well Val's mind works in ways most of us can't comprehend, and would be rather happy not to, she can be rather... creative in her threats.

Draco: *Draco laughs* I’ll bet...

        *The door opens and Harry pops his head round.*

Harry: Hey... Hermione is in the library... *Grins* and Ron's talking to Kain. *Walks in* They both seem happy enough.

Nicole: *Looks over towards Draco* Looks like here's a chance Draco.

        *Draco nods and grins.*

Harry: Chance for what?

Draco: You, me and the four poster bed.

        *Harry looks dubious.  Draco stands and gives him a very passionate kiss.*

Harry: *Harry frowns* But... you're... *Places a hand on Draco’s stomach* pregnant.

Nicole: Harry, don't be a prat.

Draco: *Draco rolls his eyes* I’m gonna kill you, really I am.

Harry: But...

Nicole: Take my word for it, as long as Drake wants it, it's fine.

        *Draco kisses Harry again and Harry seems to be giving in.*

Harry: You're sure it won’t hurt you or the baby?

Draco: You know, I think Hogwarts should employ a sex-ed class...

Nicole: *Laughs* Those are always useless anyway, just take his and my word for it Harry, it's fine.

        *Harry looks at him and Draco seems pleading.*

Draco: *Whispers* Make love to me.

Harry: *Harry smiles gently* If that’s what you want love... *Smiles*

Draco: We'll see ya later Nicole. *Grins*

Nicole: Not too soon I hope. *Winks at Draco*

        *Draco laughs and they leave the room.  Nicole gets up and heads back towards her rooms.  Sethopher is sleeping on the bed when she arrives.  Nicole smiles at him fondly and moves over to their trunks, opening them and beginning to put away clothes and other items, carefully organizing her potions.  After about an hour she starts softly humming the same tune she had when Sethopher wasn't feeling well.*

Sethopher: *Wakes and smiles at her* There's that tune again.

Nicole: *Looks over from the wardrobe where she is hanging clothes* I’m sorry, did I wake you?

Sethopher: It' alright... I should get up anyway... or at least be awake.

Nicole: *Goes back to hanging up clothes* Harry's friends have arrived.

Sethopher: Oh? Have they spoken about Draco yet?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, Ron took it better than Harry expected... but considering what Harry expected that wasn't hard.

Sethopher: *Laughs gently* Yes... well... *yawns*

Nicole: Ron's off with Kain at the moment and Hermione is in the library... in heaven I’m sure.

Sethopher: I hope Kain doesn’t intimidate the boy... he usually would... *Smiles amused at some memory or other.*

Nicole: *Glances at Sethopher over her shoulder* Amused at something? *Hangs up another piece of clothing*

Sethopher: Oh no... just... Kain can be an evil bastard when he wants to be... I’m sure he'll behave... especially Ron being Harry's friend and all...

Nicole: *Snickers* Yes well, I don't know about behave, but I’m sure it'll be nothing too damaging.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I should be doing that... *Motions to Nicole unpacking*

Nicole: You were sleeping and I needed something to do... there's plenty to unpack if you want to help, there's no convenient spell to put things away like there is to pack.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I suppose I better get dressed then if I am to help... *Grins*

Nicole: *Laughs* Yes, I suppose, though the towel look suits you.

        *Sethopher smiles and stands with the towel round his waist.*

Sethopher: Do you have anything you'd like to see me in love?

Nicole: Hmm... I feel rather monochromatic dressed all in black as I am, so something with a little colour. *Sifts through the clothes she's already hung up* Here, how about these? *Pulls out a black pair of trousers and a forest green shirt*

Sethopher: *Smiles* Good taste love. *Takes them and dresses quickly*

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes well, the shirt looks good with your complexion and hair... though I must say the red one you had on yesterday had a certain appeal as well.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and kisses Nicole gently* Glad you like my wardrobe.

Nicole: *Nicole wraps an arm around Sethopher's shoulders and kisses him softly* Yes well, there is something to be said for a man with decent taste in clothing. *Smiles*

Sethopher: *Snorts* Hardly a man am I?

Nicole: *Laughs, hitting him lightly on the arm and goes back to hanging up clothes* You really are a prat sometimes, you know that?

Sethopher: Only sometimes? *Tsks* I try so hard too...

Nicole: *Laughs and rolls her eyes* Now are you going to help or just stand there?

        *Sethopher smiles and starts to help Nicole put away clothes.  Nicole begins humming softly again as she puts clothes away, occasionally brushing against Sethopher.*

Sethopher: You really like that tune don’t you?

Nicole: *Pauses thoughtfully* I suppose it's the one thing I've always had, you can take everything else away from a child, but you can't take away the memory of the tune that was used to sing them to sleep at night.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Yes well... I don’t really have any childhood memories like that, so I wouldn’t know.

Nicole: *Frowns* Most of my childhood memories are of learning dark curses and hexes... I suppose I just latched onto that one.

Sethopher: My memories of childhood consist of looking after Val... That’s all I can really remember.

Nicole: *Bittersweet smile* I guess neither of us really had what most people would consider normal childhoods.

Sethopher: No... No we didn’t... *Laughs gently* Kain did... his childhood was... very normal, or as he says 'boring.'

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I would have traded just about anything for a "boring" childhood when I was younger...

Sethopher: Yes... I feel the same way... however I then remember that it made me the person I am today.

Nicole: *Looks at him seriously* Exactly, and to where I am, and I wouldn't trade what we have now for anything.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles lovingly* Neither would I...

Nicole: *Sighs softly* I suppose it just goes to show you things are meant to happen the way they do for a reason.

Sethopher: Yes... precisely... *Finishes putting away the pile of clothes he had in his arms* I’m rather hungry.

Nicole: Food hungry, or time to go hunting hungry?

Sethopher: *Smiles* Food hungry.

Nicole: *Looks at the light coming in the window* It's nearly noon, so that's not surprising. *Hangs up the last of the clothes from the trunk* We're finished here, let's go to the dinning hall.

Sethopher: Yeah, let's go then... *Links arms with Nicole*

Nicole: *Walks with Sethopher from the room* Val said Arthas makes the best hot chocolate she's ever had, maybe I’ll have a cup and see for myself.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* And Val should know, she's addicted to hot chocolate. *Opens the door to the dining hall and Harry and Draco are sitting with Kain, Kael, Hermione and Ron eating. Draco seems rather happy as does Harry.*

Nicole: Hello all.

        *All smile and say their hellos.*

Kain: We haven’t actually placed lunch orders yet... so you're just in time... *Lucius walks in behind Sethopher and Nicole*

        *Sethopher walks in with Nicole and sits across from Kain and now Lucius, to Nicole's left is Harry and Draco.*

Nicole: *Grins slyly at Harry and Draco as she sits* Have a good morning boys?

        *Both grin widely.*

Ron: I’m not even gonna ask...

Hermione: I see you're learning...

        *Arthas walks from the kitchen and seems surprised that the table is so full.*

Nicole: So does everyone know what they want?

        *Arthas produces a small note pad.*

Nicole: *Looks up at Arthas* Well I was told you make excellent hot chocolate, so how about a mug of that, and a small portion of pasta?

Arthas: *Arthas smiles* Sure, no problem. *Writes it down and then goes round everyone taking their orders* Won’t be long.

Kain: It's been a long time since this hall has seen this amount of people... shame really.

Nicole: *Smiles* This is nice.

Harry: *Smiles at Ron and Hermione* Yeah... *Looks sideways at Draco and smiles again* it is.

Nicole: *Glances around the table* So how is everyone planning to spend the afternoon?

Harry: I’m introducing Hermione to Syan...

Draco: And I’m gonna show Ron how to play chess.

        *Harry looks amused knowing Draco’s gonna get a whooping.*

Ron: Yeah... *Looks fake worried* he's good apparently.

Kain: *Picks up on the vibe from them* I’ll play the winner.

        *Lucius starts to snigger.*

Sethopher: Now that’s just cruel.

Nicole: *Smiles amused* Da, you shouldn't torment the children.

Kain: *Kain smiles* Why not? It's so much fun.

Nicole: *Snickers* Fine Da, they probably deserve it anyway, just no permanent damage.

Kain: As if I would. *Cheeky grin*

Ron: Why do I get the feeling that isn’t sincere...

Harry: Because it's probably not.

Ron: Thought so...

Draco: Who said you're gonna win?

Hermione: Oh... logic...

Nicole: Hermione has a point Draco, from what I hear Ron is undefeated.

Draco: *Snorts* He's obviously never played me then.

        *Harry muffles laughter.*

Nicole: *Amused* Harry, it's not nice to laugh at the deluded pregnant boy.

Draco: I am not deluded.

Nicole: We'll see.

Harry: Yes we will... You know I’m kinda sad I won’t see it....

Hermione: You don’t really wanna see it... it won’t be pretty...

        *Arthas and a few elves come out carrying everyone's food and set it down in the correct places.*

Nicole: *Takes a sip of her hot chocolate* Mmm... *Looks blissful*

Kain: Hot chocolate is good isn’t it?

Nicole: Superb.

        *Everyone starts to tuck into their meals and Sethopher looks very happy with the steak sandwich he has.*

Nicole: Good sandwich love? *Takes a bite of her pasta*

Sethopher: Yes, very good.

        *Nicole nods and tucks in to her meal, blissful look on her face every time she sips her cocoa.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher grins at her as she drinks her cocoa* Nice?

Nicole: *Gives him a sly grin* You could say that.

        *Kain and Lucius seem rather 'get a roomie with touchy feely' and sly looks to each other.  Sethopher points this out to Nicole and sniggers slightly.  Nicole stifles a laugh and surreptitiously moves her free hand below the table resting it on Sethopher's leg.  Sethopher unconsciously moves a little closer to Nicole.  Still appearing to be innocently eating, she runs her hand up the inside of Sethopher's thigh.  Sethopher stops chewing and looks sideways at Nicole and smiles appreciatively.*

Nicole: *Grins back raising an eyebrow* ~Interested in a little desert after we finish here?~

Sethopher: *Sethopher swallows hard* ~Yes... This is very handy in this type of situation.~

Nicole: *Smiles and turns back to her food* ~Yes it is.~

        *Sethopher is just about finished when an elf comes in and hands him a letter.*

Sethopher: *He looks interested and finishes his meal* ~I’ll get you back at our room Nicole.~

Nicole: ~Has something come up?~

Sethopher: ~I’ll need to read this and see won’t I? I think I recognise the handwriting... see you soon.~ *Kisses her gently on the side of the mouth*

Nicole: ~See you later then.~

        *Sethopher walks from the room and Lucius watches him leave frowning.*

Nicole: Something wrong Luce?

Lucius: *Lucius shakes his head* No... nothing... *Goes back to his meal*

Nicole: You sure? *Finishes her pasta and goes back to sipping what's left of her hot chocolate*

Lucius: *Lucius shakes his head* No... I’m not sure... *Frowns as though thinking hard* Something's wrong with your lover...

Nicole: *Glances towards the door Sethopher left through* The letter he just got perhaps?

        *Lucius nods and Kain looks intrigued.*

Nicole: *Frowns* I’ll try to talk to him when I go back to our rooms, we were going to meet back there when he was finished reading his letter.

Lucius: And why didn’t we hear you discuss this at the table?

        *Kain smiles knowingly*

Nicole: *Eyes widen slightly and then a light blush tints her cheeks* *quietly* Oh, that would be because we didn't speak out loud...

Lucius: Oh... *Finishes his meal as does Kain*

Kain: *Smiles at Nicole* We have... matters to attend to.

Harry: *Quietly and amused* I bet you do.

Kain: Look who's talking.

        *Harry reddens slightly.*

Nicole: Da, I meant to ask, when did you want me to feed later?

Kain: Whenever you feel like it Nicole... just come to my room, you know where it is... but do knock first.

Lucius: *Sniggers* Yes...

Nicole: *Snickers* I’ll keep that in mind. Kael, will we be going to the Sunwell this evening? If we are I should probably make sure I feed shortly before we go.

Kael: *Kael nods* Yes, we are if that’s okay with you.

Nicole: That's fine... I’ll be by early this evening then Da.

Kain: *Kain smiles* Well... me and Lucius better go... so we can wrap up our 'business.'

Lucius: *Walks with Kain towards the door* You know that metaphor is so transparent.

Kain: *As they walk out* I know, that’s why I find it so amusing.

Ron: That’s not Lucius Malfoy.

Harry: Yeah... it is.

Nicole: *Nods, amused* It really is. *Finishes her hot chocolate* Well, if you will excuse me, I think I’m going to go check on Sethopher. *Stands*

        *All say their goodbyes.*

Nicole: I will see you later this evening Kael. *Leaves the room and heads back to hers, opens the door to the bedroom quietly.*

        *Sethopher isn’t in the bedroom but the patio door to the garden is open.  Nicole walks through the room and pauses in the open patio door, Sethopher is at the bottom of the garden sitting on the grass.  She walks through the garden and lowers herself to the ground beside him silently, looking out at the view of the forest before them.  Sethopher has the leather bound book sitting now closed on the grass before him and the letter he received scrunched in his hand.*

Nicole: *Voice soft, still looking off into the distance* I take it the letter wasn't pleasant.

        *Sethopher shakes his head, seemingly unable to speak.*

Nicole: *Moves to kneel behind Sethopher and wraps her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder, voice concerned* Do you want to talk about it love?

Sethopher: *Sethopher swallows hard* The handwriting was who I thought... Dane... my daughter Jasmine's husband.

Nicole: *Tightens her arms around him slightly* What was he writing about?

Sethopher: Jasmine's dead. *Voice seems emotionless, detached*

Nicole: *Voice deeply sad* Oh gods love, I’m so sorry.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* It's alright...

Nicole: *Seems hesitant to ask* What happened?

Sethopher: ...She was killed by a Vampire Hunter, one of the best... I’ve come across him before, he’s very talented. *Frowns* Last words we spoke were harsh... *Sighs* how I regret them now.

Nicole: Oh love. *Holds Sethopher close*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs again* My sons won’t be happy with me...

Nicole: I know you said things were strained.

Sethopher: Yes... the eldest, Alexander, won’t be so bad... he'll understand but... Cal will not be happy...

Nicole: *Voice hushed* You said he was the one that took Jasmine's side in the dispute about your wife's death, correct?

Sethopher: Yes... he is very similar to Jasmine.

Nicole: Oh?

Sethopher: Yes... I’ve been expecting this letter for a while now... doesn’t make it any easier to hear.

Nicole: You've been expecting to hear that she'd passed away? *Somewhat confused*

Sethopher: No, that she'd been killed... The hunter has been after her for some time now. She knew it of course, I knew it... Cal will blame me for not stopping the hunter, but Alexander will understand.

Nicole: He shouldn't blame you, if she knew she was at risk and didn't come to you herself, there's nothing that you could do to help her.

        *Sethopher stays quiet.*

Nicole: Talma...?

Sethopher: *Looks pained* She did come to me for help... and I refused it.

Nicole: Oh love.

Sethopher: She... she was a wonderful person Nicole... until Dumbledore killed her mother. She changed almost overnight... Cal is going down that same road. She used to be a normal vampire... feeding, living, hunting... normal... but she changed when her mother died. She started killing for fun. She hated humans... with a passion I had rarely seen.

Nicole: *Realisation* She was out of control...

Sethopher: Yes... she was. Cal will blame me for not killing the hunter when I could... but you see he only hunts those vampires that become out of control... so I knew she was at risk and I told her in an attempt to calm her down... she laughed, but... a few months later she came to me for help and I refused her... she was too far gone... and it broke my heart to see her in such a way.

Nicole: Oh love. *Hand begins rubbing in a soothing motion where it rests against his stomach* You did try to help her, and it's not your fault she let her mother's death warp her so, that's not anyone's fault, it just is.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* I’m her father... I should have protected her no matter what...

Nicole: *Softly* You couldn't protect her from herself, no-one could of, and that's where the real threat lay.

Sethopher: The hunter will go after Cal now.

Nicole: I don't suppose Cal will be any more willing than Jasmine was to listen to you and mend his ways.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No... *Looks surprised and then a little scared* Oh... dear.

Nicole: What?

Kain: *From the doorway*: Oh... dear indeed.

        *Sethopher winces.*

Kain: Why have I not been informed of any of this?

        *Sethopher doesn’t turn to face him.  Nicole looks up towards Kain worriedly but her arms don't leave Sethopher.*

Kain: *Kain walks towards them* Well? Sethopher, I asked you a damn question and I expect an answer.

Sethopher: I didn’t think you'd need to know.

Kain: What!? You... you Idiot! Do you realise what rouge vampires can do to the reputation I have built up of our kind!?

        *Sethopher doesn’t answer.*

Kain: Sethopher, do not make me ask you again.

Sethopher: I’m sorry sir.

Kain: ...You say Cal is on the same path?

Nicole: *Voice hushed and worried* Da, please don't be thinking what I think you are...

Kain: I am.

Sethopher: Sir... please...

Kain: Sethopher, you know what has to be done.

Sethopher: ...Please

Nicole: Isn't there something you can do, like you did for- *Cuts herself off*

Sethopher: For who?

Kain: No... there isn’t. She was a willing participant, Cal I’m guessing won’t be.

        *Nicole closes her eyes resigned.*

Sethopher: Kain... Please.

Nicole: *Opens her eyes entreatingly* Can't you at least give Cal the option? Maybe if he knows the hunter is after him it'll help change his mind.

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* I wish you would stay out of this Nicole.

Nicole: I’m sorry Da. *Looks resigned and becomes silent.*

Sethopher: *Looks pained and then stands and faces Kain* I can’t let you.

Kain: *Growls low* Don’t be a prat.

        *Nicole scrambles backwards away from them watching them worriedly.*

Sethopher: I’m not being a prat, I can’t let you kill my son!

Kain: You don’t have a choice.

Sethopher: I’ll fight you Kain.

Kain: I could kill you in seconds, you know that.

        *Sethopher lunges at Kain, who dodges rather easily, grabs him and holds him down.*

Nicole: *Yells from her place on the ground, panicked* Stop it! Both of you! I refuse to loose you both, and I will, if either of you manages to kill the other.

        *Sethopher growls angrily at Kain and Kain seems very, very angry indeed.*

Kain: You listen to me Sethopher and you listen well. You are my friend but you need to remember you are also in my service. My land is not a democracy. Vampires don’t do well with democracies. You are only alive now because you are my friend and because my daughter sitting over there is carrying your child. Am I making myself clear?

        *Sethopher mumbles a yes.  Nicole watches, biting her lip, tears running down her face.*

Kain: *Kain lets Sethopher go and stands* Get up.

        *Sethopher stands.*

Kain: I’ll send Val. If she can’t change his mind, nothing will.

        *Nicole is still sitting there, hugging her knees to her chest, watching them silently.*

Sethopher: I’m sorry Kain.

Kain: It's alright Sethopher... I remember how it is to loose a child, I do understand. Just remember new beginnings... *Looks towards Nicole*

        *Nicole has buried her face against her knees in relief, trying to steady her breathing.  Kain leaves and Sethopher winces in pain.*

Sethopher: There you go, first hand view to Vampire Lord Kain and not normal nice Kain...

Nicole: *Face still buried against her knees, voice hoarse with tears* Oh gods, you both had me so scared.

Sethopher: *Walks over and sits beside her* I’m sorry love... *Takes her into a hug*

Nicole: *Wraps her arms around him tightly, face buried against his chest* I thought he was going to kill you, oh gods, you foolish, stubborn... *Trails off, tears returning*

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* What would you have me do? Stand by while he kills my son?

Nicole: Yes, no, I don't know! *Holds him more tightly and mutters* Stupid men always have to use violence to solve things.

Sethopher: That’s the only way I could make him see though... it's not just a male thing, more of a vampire thing.

Nicole: *Looks up at Sethopher* Promise me you won't try that again, please. If Val can't get through to him then there really is no hope, so I’m begging you for me and our son, don't do that again.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* *Quietly and as though it's causing him a lot of pain* I promise... *Hugs Nicole tightly*

Nicole: *Raises a hand to his face* I know it's a lot to ask of you, I do understand that, but I need you here, your son needs you here, and you can't help anyone if you get yourself killed. Val will do her best, if anyone can get through to Cal it will be her.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* I know love... It's just painful... I remember Cal and Jasmine used to be so happy... Me and Alexander were close, I wasn’t very close to Cal and Jasmine... but still...

Nicole: *Hugs Sethopher tightly* I know love, I know.

Sethopher: *Sighs gently* Kain scares me when he’s like that... all... business.

Nicole: He's responsible for an entire people, it's bound to bring out a different side of him sometimes. *Rests her head on Sethopher's shoulder*

Sethopher: Yeah...

Nicole: I’m just grateful he let his heart influence him instead of sticking solely to that coldness.

Sethopher: He usually does... but he has to have that persona.

Nicole: I know.

Sethopher: So that I definitely wouldn’t argue until he was sure I wasn’t going to be rash again. Then he could tell me... I think that’s why he needed you to stay out of it... you pull his heart strings too much.

        *Nicole gives him a wry look.*

Sethopher: What? You do.

Nicole: *Sighs* If you say so. *Closes her eyes tiredly*

Sethopher: I’m sorry love... He shouldn’t have been listening in anyway.

Nicole: Whatever reason he was here for, he heard, and he sees rouge vampires as a threat to his people.  You can't blame him for being angry you hadn't told him.... even if it was understandable why you didn't.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Yes I suppose...

Nicole: *Sighs* You both had valid reasons for feeling and acting as you did, that's what makes the whole thing so frustrating.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs and looks at Nicole* Love I’m really sorry... Would you like to lie down for a while? *Runs a hand lovingly through her hair*

Nicole: *Nods* Stay with me?

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* If that’s what the lady wants.

Nicole: *Smiles slightly* It's what the lady wants.

        *Sethopher grins and manages to lift her into his arms and walk towards the house.  Nicole wraps her arms around his neck, burying her face against his shoulder.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* I love you, you know.

Nicole: *Softly* I know, I love you too.

        *Sethopher walks with Nicole towards the bed and lays her on it gently and lies beside her, facing her.  He runs a hand gently down her cheek, Nicole closes her eyes, leaning into the touch.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher leans gently into her and kisses her softly* Love you.

Nicole: *Opens her eyes and brings a hand up to the side of his face* I love you. *Kisses him tenderly*

        *Sethopher shifts himself so he's leaning over her kissing her, loving her. He kisses down the side of her neck gently and runs a hand through her hair.  Nicole moans softly, her hand moves from his face to his hair, releasing it from its leather tie.*

Sethopher: ~You really have a thing about my hair don’t you love?~

Nicole: *smiles softly* ~No more than you seem to with mine... and besides, I love how it feels, so soft and silky...~ *runs her fingers through his hair working it free of the plait it was in.  The fingers of one hand tangled in his now loose hair, she leans upward and kisses him.*

        *Sethopher kisses back and runs a hand gently down her front and she arches into his touch, her free hand coming to rest on the small of his back.  Sethopher starts to work on relieving her of her top and Nicole's hand slides from his back, up his side and chest, undoing the buttons of his shirt starting at his throat.  Sethopher throws Nicole’s top to the side and kisses the side of her face then latches onto her neck again, kissing and gently nipping the skin.  Nicole frees her other hand from his hair, and runs both hands up his bare chest and over his shoulders, she pushes off his shirt, arches her neck exposing more skin for his attention.  Sethopher's mouth moves over Nicole's neck to her collarbone and he kisses feverishly, running a hand through her hair again.*

Nicole: ~*Amused* Oh yes, I’m the only one with a hair fixation.~ *Hands running over his back*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles gently and kisses her on the mouth* ~I suppose you have a point love.~

Nicole: *Kisses him back, she trails kisses along his jaw and returns to kiss his lips once more, fingers running over the skin of his back and shoulders, kneading and caressing.* ~Love you... so much.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher groans deeply kissing back passionately* ~Love you too.~ *He kisses down her neck and lets a hand trail down to her trousers.*

        *Nicole arches her hips into his touch encouragingly, one hand moves to rest on Sethopher's hip, kissing him passionately.  Sethopher unfastens her trousers and kisses down her stomach while sliding them down and finally off her.  He throws them to the side and moves back up to her mouth and nibbles on her bottom lip.  Nicole moans softly, a hand comes to rest at the nape of Sethopher's neck, the other strokes down his stomach, resting at his waist, slipping down to unfasten his trousers.*

        *Sethopher's mouth starts on a trail from Nicole's mouth back to her collarbone.  Hands run down her stomach and rub up the inside of her thighs, gently caressing.  Another quiet moan escapes Nicole's lips, her hands run over his chest and sides, fingers splayed run down his sides over his hips and arse pushing off his trousers.  Sethopher moans softly at her touch and lets a hand run up her thigh and to her groin, gently touching, teasing caresses.  She groans in pleasure.  Nicole finishes working his trousers off and tosses them aside, hands caress up the backs of his thighs, arse, back to rest at his shoulders, kneading softly at the exposed flesh.  Sethopher nuzzles the side of her neck affectionately, letting his hand press slightly harder on her groin. His breath ghosts over her neck.  Nicole's eyes flutter closed, hips shift pressing her groin into his touch, fingers curl and flex against his skin.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher bites gently down on Nicole's neck and lets his growing arousal rest against her thigh. He moans gently and grinds his hips down speeding up his motions with his hand.* ~I love you.~

Nicole: *Breathing quickens, she thrusts her hips lightly upward* ~Love you... need you.~

        *Sethopher nods and kisses Nicole's mouth and then latches back onto her neck. He moves forward slowly, gently, lovingly and speeds his motions on her clit.  Her hips move to meet him in slow, languid motions, one hand running through his hair, the other resting on his hip.  Sethopher moves rhythmically a hand running down her side and moving slightly faster, letting his hand at her clit stimulate more... and more.*

Nicole: *She moans lowly, breathing and motions quickening, fingers tighten their grip on Sethopher's hip as she gradually nears completion* ~So... close...~

        *Sethopher brings his mouth to hers and kisses her fervently as the hand that was at her side moves to the wound on her neck and presses it, sending more waves of pleasure through her body.  Nicole breaks the kiss arching her neck and crying out as she climaxes, trembling as her muscles flex and tighten, fingers gripping fiercely at his hip, arm tightening around his shoulders.  Sethopher leans his head into the crook of her neck as he also explodes into orgasm and whispers her name.  Nicole sighs softly in contentment, eyes closed, hands caressing Sethopher's back.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher turns so he is beside Nicole and has one leg leaning over her legs and an arm over her chest.* I love you... so much.

Nicole: *Nicole rests her arm on Sethopher's, settling her hand on his shoulder, fingers running absently over his skin. Her eyes open to gaze into his, shining with love* Love you, always.

        *Sethopher relaxes and attempts to get his erratic breathing under control.  Nicole rolls onto her side tangling her legs with Sethopher's and curls against his chest, nuzzling his neck.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher closes his eyes content and runs his hands through Nicole's hair* ~You're right, I do have a thing about hair.~

        *Nicole laughs lightly and settles her head on the pillow leaning it against his shoulder.*

Sethopher: *Sighs* ~I’m sorry about earlier love...~

Nicole: *Snuggles closer, holding him tighter* ~...I know... it's alright.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles gently* ~What time does Kael want us at the Sunwell did he say?~

Nicole: ~He didn't say specifically, sometime this evening... after I’ve fed.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* ~Yes... When do you need to feed my love?

Nicole: *Glances at the shadows in the room* ~It's still only afternoon... could we just stay here for another hour? Then I’ll shower and find Da. That should still give us plenty of time to find Kael.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods and settles his head just in front of Nicole’s.* ~Sounds good to me love.~

Nicole: *Kisses him softly, hand caresses his face* ~I love you so much.~

Sethopher: ~I love you too.~ *Places a hand gently on her stomach* ~Now... what are we going to name our son?~

Nicole: *Smiles softly* ~You've asked me what names I like, but you've never said if there were any you liked.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher frowns* ~My wife named our children... it's sort of a vampire custom, the female usually gets 'dibs' on the name... Although, I chose Alexander for our first son... she just happened to agree... I’ve never really given it much thought before now.~

Nicole: ~Did you like Nathair?~

Sethopher: ~I did yes, it's a very nice name.~

Nicole: *Settles a hand over his on her stomach* ~Well how about that name then? Nathair?~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* ~I'd like that yes.~

Nicole: *Glances down, running her hand over her stomach* ~Nathair... our Nathair.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher gently kisses Nicole and rubs her stomach gently too.* ~Nathair... our son... You know, I probably should have told Alexander about all this.~

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow amused* ~Yes, your son might be interested to know his father has found someone new and that he has a new brother on the way.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* ~I daresay I’ll hear from him soon, he's always off gallivanting on some silly quest or other..."

Nicole: ~I'd like to meet him.~ *Smiles amused* ~He sounds a lot like his father.~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* ~I haven’t seen him for a long time... Kain knows where he is. Kain always knows where he is but I am sometimes too afraid to ask.~

Nicole: ~You worry about him?~

Sethopher: ~He is like me yes... but he also has a streak of what I call 'Kain-ness' which means if he hears about an artifact he wants, he'll go get it... I.e., Soul Reaver on Kain’s part.~

Nicole: ~Hmm, yes that could be worrying for a parent.~

Sethopher: ~Yes... he forgets his name happens to be Alexander and not 'Kain the second'. Kain say's 'he can handle himself'.~ *Sethopher rolls his eyes*

Nicole: *Rubs a hand up Sethopher's arm soothingly and smiles* ~And what would you rather him do?~

Sethopher: ~Oh you know... stay indoors all day... don’t fight Dragons... and most certainly never open new gates to dimensions...~ *Shakes head*

Nicole: *Laughs lightly, amused* ~And I’m sure he'd be thrilled to live the nice, boring life you'd wish for him.~

Sethopher: ~Pfft, I’m sure he'd adjust.~

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow smiling* ~I'm sure he'll take that advice about the same time you do.~

Sethopher: ~And what’s that supposed to mean Nicole? I don’t have an exciting life like that...~ *Seems to be battling with something* ~Well, not exciting in a 'oh I wonder if I’ll die today' sort of way...~

Nicole: ~Oh yes, because you never go off and do things that get you injured or anything like that, I never need to wonder if you're going to be coming back with a hole through your stomach or a gash across your neck. You may not be as bad as Da, but you face more than plenty of danger.~

Sethopher: ~Comes with the species kinda love...~

Nicole: ~I believe that was basically my point, and so you expect Alexander to avoid this nature while you don't? Double standard, hon.~

Sethopher: ~...I’m tame though... my 'interesting tales' look like children’s stories when you hear Kain giving a blow by blow account of when he got Soul Reaver... He shouldn’t be so... He's careless sometimes... which is why I don’t ask anymore from Kain.~

Nicole: *Sighs softly, smiling fondly* ~That's probably for the best.~

Sethopher: ~Yes...~ *Smiles gently*

Nicole: *Sighs* ~I suppose we should get up soon...~

        *Sethopher nods* ~Or rather you should go see Kain... to feed...~

Nicole: ~Yeah... I think I’m going to take a quick shower first, I never took one this morning Are you going to stay here and rest?~

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* ~I'd offer to join you but we both know that it won’t result in a 'quick shower.' So yes, I think I’ll just rest.~

Nicole: *Smiles and kisses him lightly* ~Yes, that's probably best.~ *Gets up, grabs her clothes and heads into the bathroom.  Water runs for a few minutes then shuts off, after a short time Nicole comes out fully dressed, brushing her hair.*

        *Sethopher is half asleep on the bed.*

Nicole: *Ties back her hair and sets the brush down and walks over to the bed and kisses Sethopher's forehead.* I’ll come back here when I’m done love.

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* See you soon love.

        *Nicole walks out of the room and heads toward Kain and Luce’s room.  She knocks on the door to their room.*

Kain: *Kain calls out softly* Come in Nicole.

        *Nicole opens the door and steps through closing it softly behind her.  Kain is sitting at a desk in a comfortable chair whilst Lucius is sleeping in bed.*

Nicole: *Walks over to the desk* Hello Da.

Kain: *Kain looks very somber* Hello Nicole... *Kain is speaking at normal level and Lucius doesn’t even stir.*

Nicole: *Leans against the edge of his desk, voice soft* I’m sorry about what happened earlier.

Kain: *Kain sighs* You had nothing to do with it Nicole... *Kain who had his hands clasped in front of him opens them and places a small black and orange stone on the table before him* It was just vampire business... *Looks at Lucius sleeping in the bed* I’ll need to do some serious apologising later...

Nicole: Oh? *Glances at Luce* Did you and Luce have an argument or something?

Kain: *Kain rubs his eyes with his left hand* ...Not exactly.

Nicole: *Sees the stone sitting on the table* Did it have something to do with that?

Kain: *Kain smiles sadly at the stone* No, it had absolutely nothing to do with that...

Nicole: Da, you're confusing me... Not that that's an unusual thing.

Kain: *Kain smiles* When I got back I was still... let's just say charged and Lucius is going to wake up sore... hence the deep sleep I’ve placed him in.

Nicole: So what's the stone for?

Kain: ...Nothing... sentimental value. It was Tia's... has no magical properties what so ever... Well, none that are completely powerful and innate. It's Red Tigers Eye. Good for calming spells... I just wanted something of her... *Sigh* I was just thinking about how much I had changed.

Nicole: *Moves closer to Kain and hugs him, voice soft* What do you mean Da?

Kain: ...*Kain sighs* I haven’t always been as you see me... *Frowns* It's difficult to explain... There was a time when I would have killed Sethopher for that demonstration today... for not telling me.

Nicole: *Hugs him tighter* I hope you'll forgive me for saying, but I’m glad you didn't.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I didn’t say it was a bad thing... Although... I’ll have to keep an eye on it. I almost let Sethopher have his way and keep his son alive... that would have been a weakness I couldn’t have afforded...

Nicole: *Moves so she's sitting on his lap, still hugging him* I understand that... If Cal has become a danger then he has to be stopped... I’m just glad you sent Val to give him a chance to reform... I know nothing will make it easy for Sethopher if Cal dies, but I hope that at least giving Cal this last chance will help him avoid some of the guilt he carries about Jasmine.

Kain: *Kain looks saddened* Cal won’t change his ways... Val told me this, told me it was a waste of time.

Nicole: *Voice sad* I know, I had a feeling he wouldn't... and I know Sethopher knows what you do is for the best, but Cal is his son, he can't help the responsibility he feels to protect him... Unfortunately he can't protect Cal from himself.

        *Kain nods and fingers the stone again*

Nicole: *Voice resigned* Sethopher won't try again to stop you in dealing with Cal, I made him promise me... though I know it hurt him to do so. He's focusing more on Alexander and our son now... I think Nathair's birth will help him.

Kain: Oh... so you've chosen a name?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Yes, just a little while ago, we've decided to call him Nathair... it's a name I’ve always liked, and Sethopher agreed.

Kain: *Kain nods and looks at Lucius* You know... he asked me a question last night that I didn’t expect.

Nicole: What was it?

Kain: He asked me... 'How many children do you have Kain?'... *Kain looks a little like longing* In all my time... in all my years... in all my life... I have had one child and she was an accident...

Nicole: *Smiles softly* I’m not so surprised he asked you that.

Kain: Why not?

Nicole: Ever since you mentioned that he could get pregnant, Luce has been thinking about it, he's mentioned it to me once or twice.

Kain: *Kain smiles* I thought it strange he just assumed I had children... did you assume I had? It wasn’t 'Do you have any more kids?' it was 'How many more?'

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't think I ever really considered it, seeing as you never mentioned any aside from Tia... Considering how long you've been alive I wouldn't have been surprised if you had more, but I didn't really assume you did.

Kain: *Nods* I think I’d like a child with Lucius... one day. *Smiles content* It shows now that I love and trust him more than anyone... I never ever considered children with any other partners. As I said... Tia was a mistake.

Nicole: *Smiles* I think Luce would be pleased to have a child with you someday... I’m glad you found someone you could love and trust Da.

Kain: *He smiles* Me too... It's only taken me my entire life... and coming from me that comment has some weight.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, it does.

        *Kain picks up the stone set before him and holds it out to Nicole to pick up from the palm of his hand.*

Nicole: *Picks up the stone looking at it* It's quite pretty. *Holds it out for him to take back*

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* I want you to keep it.

Nicole: *Frowns slightly* Are you sure?

Kain: *Nods* Yes... I’m sure. *Sighs* Well... I suppose you are here to feed then?

Nicole: *Clutches the stone for a moment then puts it in her pocket* Yes, we're supposed to meet Kael to go to the Sunwell this evening, so I came now.

Kain: *Kain nods* Where do you want to do this?

Nicole: *Stands up* I don't know, wherever, I don't know if you want to stay in here or go somewhere else.

Kain: We can stay here... *Motions to the couch in the corner*

Nicole: That's fine. *Walks over to the couch*

Kain: *Follows* I want to stay in here so I can grovel slightly when Luce wakes...

        *Nicole laughs slightly and sits on the couch.*

Kain: *Kain smiles slightly* *Looks at him worriedly* I do hope he's okay. *Fits*

Nicole: *Glances over towards the bed* I’m sure he'll be fine, he does have the advantage of no longer being human.

Kain: *Kain distinctly looks like that’s not what he meant but doesn’t comment* Well... come on then. The quicker you feed the quicker you get back to Sethopher.

Nicole: *Gives Kain a scrutinising look* You're not just referring to Luce being sore, are you?

Kain: *Frowns* Not really... kind of... I really don’t wish to discuss it.

Nicole: *Sighs* Fine Da... I hope everything works out ok.

Kain: *Nods* Me too.

Nicole: *Moves closer* Same place as before?

Kain: *Nods* Yes.

        *Nicole pauses a moment as though she is steeling herself for something unpleasant then leans in and bites, quickly being taken over by the urge to feed.  Kain reacts much the same as he had before not moving nor even wincing. Merely closing his eyes.*

Nicole: *After a few moments pass she slows and with a few final licks at the bite pulls back.  She puts a hand on her stomach and looks at it.* Nathair, I’m glad to have you, but I will be grateful when I no longer have to do this.

        *Kain laughs gently.*

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain and smiles sheepishly* Thank you Da.

Kain: No problem Nicole...*There's a knock at the door* Come in.

        *Val opens the door and looks a little disgruntled.  Nicole suddenly looks solemn and waits for Val to speak.*

Kain: I take it you were right then Val?

Val: Almost... I was about to... well, kill him, when...

        *A blonde vampire walks in with a grin.*

Alex: When I came in and kicked his arse into shape. He won’t be bothering you again now Kain.

Kain: *Looks wonderfully surprised* Alexander!

Nicole: *Smiles pleasantly surprised and murmurs.* So this is Alexander.

Alex: Oh so, my name has spread at least past vampires. I like that, I’m getting popular!

Kain: *Snorts* Hardly, pig-headed brat.

Alex: Like you would have wanted me any other way sir.

Kain: *Grins* Well...

Alex: So, who are you?

Nicole: *Small smile* I think your father would be the one to best make our introduction.

Alexander: *Alexander smiles* Where is my father anyway?

Kain: Nicole can take you to him... *Looks over to Lucius who is stirring* I have other matters to attend to.

Nicole: *Stands* I needed to be heading to see Sethopher now anyway. *Leans over and kisses Kain on the cheek* Good luck Da... *Starts towards the door* Are you coming as well Val?

Val: *Val looks a little too gleeful* No, I have to see Cal...

Alex: She has to make good on my threats.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’ll see you later then Val... and I’m glad you didn't have to kill Cal, I’m sure Sethopher will be relieved to hear it.

Val: *Val smiles* I was relieved too... but I won’t pretend I’m not happy about the next phase. *Walks out of the room whistling a jaunty tune.*

Alex: She scares me sometimes...

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, well, that's Val for you. *Leads the way towards the blue suite*

        *Alexander follows looking round the halls smiling.*

Nicole: *Leads the way into the suit and stops at the bedroom door and knocks* Sethopher, are you awake and decent? I have someone here with me who would like to see you.

Sethopher: *Sethopher calls out* Yes.

Nicole: *Smiling opens the door and walks in* I come with both a welcome guest and good news.

        *Sethopher is standing looking out of the window and before he can turn round Alex runs forward and tackles him to the ground.*

Sethopher: Aaaah!

Alex: Ha, never catch you off guard indeed!

Sethopher: *Mumbling against the floor* Alex!?!?!?!?

Nicole: *Nicole is leaning against the doorframe and amused smile on her face* I told you it was a welcome guest.

        *Alex stands up and helps his father to his feet and they grin and embrace, truly father and son.*

Nicole: You'll also be glad to hear that Alexander beat some sense into his brother and Val is currently off to deal with Cal in a manner that won't result in his death... *Snickers* Though he may wish he were when she gets done with him.

        *Sethopher grins at the news and pulls back from Alex, he seems to be checking his son over.*

Alex: What the hell are you doing?

Sethopher: Checking for missing limbs...

Alex: Honestly...

        *Nicole smiles as she watches father and son together.*

Sethopher: *Smiles* All intact... unless you've been into dark magics... and is THAT a werewolf scent I detect upon your person!?

Alex: ...And you wonder why I don’t see you more often.

Sethopher: *Sethopher rolls his eyes* You're a werewolf?

Alex: *Snorts* Even you should know how daft that sounds.

Sethopher: Well... the other option would be that you were with a werewolf... but you wouldn’t do that, would you?

Alex: I am... He’s not part of their little fight with us though, he's an outsider from them.

Sethopher: ...If you say so... just don’t let Kain know.

Alex: I won't, I’m not THAT thick... So, anyway, who's this young lady here?

Nicole: I told him you were the one that should properly introduce us Sethopher.

Sethopher: *Seems shocked that he hasn’t mentioned Nicole yet* Oh! Elune, sorry! Alex, this is Nicole, my partner.

        *Nicole walks over from the doorway to stand beside Sethopher.*

Alex: Aaaah, that would explain the scent.

Sethopher: *Wraps an arm round Nicole* We're having a child, Alex.

Alex: *Looks surprised and smiles* Really!? Wow, great... *Looks at Nicole a little confused* Are you really Kain's daughter, I heard you call him Da.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* No, not by blood... I suppose you could say I’m an adopted daughter of sorts.

Alex: Aaahh... well then... You're human and dad's a vampire... and the child... won’t it be, you know, like Tia?

Nicole: *Shakes her head still smiling softly and rests a hand over her stomach* No, Nathair will be perfectly healthy... Kain has certain... connections he called upon, to ensure that he won't have the same problems as Tia.

Alex: Oh... that’s great... I’m happy for you dad... for both of you... I... Nathair is a nice name... *Smiles*

Nicole: I hate to break up this little reunion, especially as I would like to get to know you better Alexander, but we're supposed to meet Kael soon, Talma.

Sethopher: *Smiles* I know...

Alex: You're going to the Sunwell right? Val told me.

Nicole: Yes, we are.

Alex: I can come with you then, that’s the direction I’m headed.

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* I didn’t think you came all this way just to see me, son.

Alex: No... I’m on my way to the Moonglades with aforementioned werewolf.

Nicole: *Looks at Alex curiously* What's the name of this werewolf by the way?

Alex: His name is Remus.

Sethopher: *Scowls at the name slightly* Just don’t let him near me.

Alex: I know... he'll already be at the Moonglades anyway... I’ve to meet him there.

Nicole: Alex... his last name wouldn't happen to be Lupin would it?

Alex: *Alex nods* Yeah it is actually... you know him?

Nicole: Mainly by association, there is someone else living here who knows him quite well however.

Alex: Oh... cool... Umm... *Looks at Sethopher’s scowl* You can tell whoever it is that knows him we'll be down in the Moon Village if they want to catch up with him...

Nicole: *Pokes Sethopher in the ribs* Talma, stop it, Remus is a very kind man as far as I've seen, and nearly Harry's godfather, he's not the typical werewolf by any means.

Sethopher: ...He's still a werewolf.

Nicole: It's not like he wants to be one.

Alex: There is no reasoning with him... don’t even try, I have tried for the past 300 years and got no where.

        *Sethopher rolls his eyes and Nicole pokes Sethopher again, harder.*

Sethopher: Lover, stop that.

Nicole: You're being a prat

Sethopher: I am not. *Looks at Alex seriously* At least I only scowl, don’t mention it to Kain.

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes* I’m not getting into this now, we need to get going.

Alex: For the last bloody time I won't.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods and looks at Nicole* Yes, we better be going...

Nicole: Did he happen to mention where he wanted to meet to us?

Alex: Oh! That blonde elfy guy? He was waiting outside when I came in, said Val should tell you when she got here... but she had other things on her mind.

Sethopher: ...'Elfy guy'!?

Alex: Well la de da and all that, I haven’t lived with you for a long time. I’m not a stuck up git.

Sethopher: And neither am I! *Muttering* Elfy guy...

Nicole: *Smiles amused* If you two are quite done bickering over what you're going to call Kael, can we get going?

        *Both nod and start to walk out of the room towards the exit, Nicole walks beside Sethopher.  They reach the doors and exit to find Kael standing waiting on them.*

Kael: *In the same quiet voice he always uses* You're just in time.

Nicole: I’m sorry we took so long Kael, we had an unexpected visitor. *Gestures to Alex* You said to wear either black or white, is this alright? *motions to her black shirt and trousers.*

Kael: *Nods* Yes, perfect, perfect... Alexander... last time I saw you, you were just a baby.

Alex: *Smiles* Really? Long time ago then.

Kael: Not really.

Sethopher: Shall we get going?

Kael: *Nods* Yes... let's go then... *Starts towards the forest*

        *Sethopher, Nicole and Alex follow, Nicole still walking beside Sethopher.  They get to the forest and start to walk through it, for the density of the forest there seems to be no resistance to them walking through, as though there was a path that they couldn’t actually see.*


~*~10 minutes go past~*~

        *They come to the edge of the forest and they can see out over the city of Quel'Thalas. Let's just say Quel'Thalas is London and London is a small hamlet in Yemen, I.e. - if London is a hamlet (Smaller than a village) compared to Quel'Thalas, how big is Quel'Thalas?  Quel'Thalas is situated in the centre of a gorge and up its sides, eroded through an immeasurable amount of time, there is a back wall to the gorge where a mighty waterfall cascades down and into a lake where the city begins.*

Nicole: *Draws in a sharp breath* And I thought the view of the city from our private dinning room was impressive, it's nothing to this.

Kael: *Kael smiles* Well... that would be the other half of the city, a little further down the river...

Sethopher: *Points to the water fall* You see the golden light atop the waterfall Nicole?

Nicole: *Looks where Sethopher is pointing* Yes.

Sethopher: That’s the Sunwell.

Nicole: Oh... We're not walking all the way there are we?

Kael: No, indeed we are not. *Whistles melodically* And here my magic comes into its own...

        *Three massive beautiful phoenix like creatures, around the size of horses, rise up from the caverns below them in the side of the gorge.*

Nicole: *Gasps and takes a small step back* They're huge!

Kael: *Smiles* They will not harm you Nicole... *They land to the side of Kael and let out some quivering notes that sound like a phoenix too.*

Nicole: They're not Phoenixes, are they? They're far bigger than any I have ever seen.

Kael: No, they are Phoenix Hawks... *Smiles sadly* Extinct in your world... yet highly useful like their cousins at carrying heavy loads. *Sits atop one of the creatures.* Sethopher, I know you don’t particularly like the creatures.

Sethopher: I’ll be fine... Nicole... let's go. *Sits atop another and smiles at Nicole and reaches out a hand to help her on as Alex gets on the other.*

Nicole: You want us to fly to the Sunwell? *Voice sounds somewhat strangled and her skin has gone pale.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher raises an eyebrow* You do not like flying?

Nicole: *Looks mildly chagrined* I’m terrified of heights... I haven't been on a broom since I was 11, Madame Hooch gave me up as a lost case, as I would go no higher than 3 feet off the ground.

Sethopher: *Smiles gently* Do you trust me?

Nicole: Yes...

Sethopher: Then trust, that I won’t let you fall.

        *Nicole bites her lip as though considering, still looking pale she takes Sethopher's hand and climbs on.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles warmly* You're perfectly safe love.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes tightly and presses back against Sethopher, muttering* Explain that to the irrational part of my brain.

Sethopher: Are you ready love?

Nicole: As I’ll ever be.

        *Kael, Sethopher and Alex all call out at once*: ORO!

        *The three phoenix hawks rise into the air and fly gracefully towards the shining light.  Nicole's hands grip on Sethopher's knees tightly enough that her knuckles are white, eyes are still tightly closed and her breathing is accelerated.  The three phoenix hawks land gently and the one that Nicole and Sethopher are riding lets out a soothing note as though trying to sooth Nicole.*

Nicole: *Whispers* Are we there?

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles* Yes love, we are.

        *Nicole opens her eyes and scrambles quickly off the phoenix hawk, shaking slightly as she stands there trying to control her breathing.  The phoenix hawk nuzzles her gently and again lets out another note, Sethopher gets off it and strokes its plumage.*

Nicole: *Strokes the phoenix hawk's head hesitantly, voice as shaky as the rest of her* Thank you birdie, you're very nice... but that still doesn't mean I have to like flying.

        *They stand before a huge fountain with three elves standing round it. A female night elf in green robes and masked with a peculiar hoopped blade. To her right there is a male High Elf with two swords crossed. To his right at the far end is an elf with obvious Dark and Wood elf origins and holding a bow.*

Kael: *Bows rather humbly before the three elves* Ish Nu Alah...

        *The three nod their heads* Ish Nu Alah.

        *Sethopher seems a little intimidated by the night elf in green.  Nicole stands beside Sethopher, now collected from her flight induced jitters, but nervous and unsure of what to do.*

Kael: *Kael smiles to Nicole* Come here Nicole. Sethopher, Alex you stay where you are.

        *Nicole walks slowly to Kael.*

Kael: *Kael takes her hand and looks at her and smiles* Don’t be scared... they are the guardians of the Well.

        *The night elf in green speaks*: Welcome Nicole... *Looks to Kael* Quente!

Kael: *Speaks to her in rapid Elvin and she nods, letting him and Nicole walk past her.  They approach the Sunwell.* Nicole, don’t move for now okay? There are barriers on the Well that must be broken first.

Nicole: Alright. *Stands still*

Kael: *Kael stands with her and smiles* Okay... Indo Poika Suule Ana *As he says each word, a small red rune appears at his feet, he inhales deeply and calls out loudly.* Tara terhat und, Kael kanno in!!! *A bright flash and they can now hear the golden water cascading down the mighty fountain.  Kael smiles.* That’s that.

Nicole: *Looks at Kael slightly confused and nervous* Now what?

Kael: Now, you have a drink... *Smiles and takes her to stand at the small wall of the fountain.  He picks up a golden cup from the side that’s inscribed all over in Elvin and hands it to her.* Take the water from the fountain then hold it in front of you before me.

        *Nicole dips the cup in the fountain and holds it in front of her.*

Kael: *Kael places his hand under the cup* Tell me again Nicole why you wanted to drink from this fountain?

Nicole: *Voice quiet* I love Sethopher more than I've ever loved someone before in my life, and don't ever wish to leave him.

        *A warm feeling encompasses Nicole starting from her fingertips in the hand that’s holding the cup.  Kael smiles warmly and places his hand over hers on the cup.*

Kael: Then... I give to you this gift. The secret and the light of the High Elvin People... few receive it, few know about it. Drink this... become our sister. Have your wish granted.

        *Nicole raises the cup to her lips and drinks deeply from it.  The warm feeling turns to a calming sensation flowing through every fiber of her being.*

Kael: May the Elvin Light of the Sunwell always keep you on your path and let you find it should you falter.

        *Nicole holds the empty cup out to Kael.*

Kael: *Receives it and places it back where he got it, smiling broadly.* Welcome to the family.

Nicole: *Smiles serenely* Thank you, more than words can say, thank you.

Kael: It's a pleasure... really it is... If you plan on staying with us a while longer... I mean after your child is born... I’ve been hearing good things about you... wondered if you would be interested in... well, some work.

Nicole: *Glances over towards Sethopher* I’ll have to talk to Sethopher, but I think we'll be staying here for quite some time... What kind of work?

Kael: Potions... it's difficult to find people good at potions to a significant degree... Sethopher told me about the potion you made to save young Draco... That's no simple task, the human in my employment at the moment wouldn’t believe me when I told him.

Nicole: *Blushes* The antidote really isn't that difficult, it's the ingredients and timing that are the hardest part.

Kael: *Kael smiles* Even so... timing is the most important thing.

Nicole: Yes well... they've always fascinated me... it's rather frustrating at the moment not to have a lab, but in my current condition there are few potions I should be making anyway.

Kael: *Kael nods* Yes... I bet it is... Even if you aren’t staying indefinitely, you are welcome back anytime to help me... I employ on irregular times. *Smiles* We better be heading back...

Nicole: Yes...and I will keep your offer in mind Kael, thank you. *Smiles*

        *Kael starts to walk the way they came and the wards go back up automatically as they leave, Nicole following Kael.  The three guardians are chatting to Alexander.  Sethopher seems very standoffish still with the Night Elf.*

Kael: Hello... *Snorts at Sethopher*

Sethopher: *Glares at Kael.  He stops glaring and smiles at Nicole* How'd it go love?

Nicole: *Smiles at him lovingly* Fine.

Sethopher: Good... We can go back then... *Still eyeing the Night Elf warily* Right?

Kael: Sethopher, she is not Miave. In fact, she really dislikes Miave.

Sethopher: ...Once bitten and all that.

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher curiously* Is something wrong Talma?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No, no... Everything’s fine... *Mutters* First a werewolf, now a warden, what next chimera taming?

        *The Night Elf shakes her head despairingly at Sethopher.*

Nicole: Are you complaining about the company Alex keeps again?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No, no, no... *Takes a shuddering annoyed breath* not at all.

Alex: *Alex rolls his eyes and gets back on the phoenix hawk.* Kael, do you mind if I use the phoenix to get to the moonglades?

Kael: Don’t ask me, ask him. He's wild after all.

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes at Sethopher and looks over toward Alex* It was a pleasure meeting you Alex, don't stay away too long, you'll have a new brother to greet in the not too distant future after all.

Alex: *To the phoenix* Do you mind carrying me at all? *The phoenix lets out a quivering note in acceptance to carry him* *Alex smiles* Okay... See you all later then... Nice meeting you too Nicole... *Smiles affectionately at something or other... or someone.* And I won’t be that long in seeing you again... ORO! *The phoenix rises and flies away.*

        *Sethopher, still looking irate, sits on the phoenix hawk and lets his hand out for Nicole.  Looking none too pleased, Nicole takes Sethopher's hand and gets on the phoenix hawk, hands quickly go back to their spot on Sethopher's knees.*

Sethopher: *Sethopher smiles and calls out* ORO! *The phoenix flies and they hear Kael say the same behind them and they fly towards the opposite side of the gorge.*

        *Nicole eyes shut tightly, very tense.  They land gently and the phoenix hawk lets out the same quivering note to let Nicole know they had landed.  Nicole opens her eyes and scrambles off quickly with a quick pat to the phoenix hawk.  Kael looks at the two Phoenix hawks and bows to them and they fly off.*

Nicole: *Is trembling slightly* Beautiful birds, but you'll forgive me if I’m none too eager to ride them again any time soon.

        *Kael laughs and Sethopher smiles.  Nicole glares at both of them half-heartedly.*

Kael: Sorry... I’ve never met a witch with such a fear of heights...

Sethopher: Oh... *Grins* I have... it still amuses me.

Nicole: It's called a phobia because it's irrational, it doesn't matter if I can apparate from mid air, or know plenty of charms to make falling not deadly, I still don't like them.

Sethopher: Yes... *Sniggers* You better never visit the vampire capital then...

Nicole: *Glares at Sethopher* Oh?

Sethopher: Yes... I mean yeah it's underground... but it's a huge, huge cavern, the city is about the same height wise as Quel'Thalas is length wise.

Nicole: *Blanches slightly* I’ll keep that in mind.

Sethopher: Yes... you should... Anyway, back home then?

Nicole: *Notes the growing dusk and darkening sky* Yes, it's getting late.

Kael: *Smiles* I hope Alex gets to the Moonglades soon... looks like it's going to rain.

Nicole: *Smiles* I’m sure Alex will be fine, he seems like the kind of person who can take care of himself.

Sethopher: *Sethopher snorts* Uh-huh... just dandy... *Muttering again about werewolves*

Nicole: Talma, I won't get into that conversation with you as it's obviously a lost cause, so you can stop muttering about it now, because you won't find a sympathetic ear from me on it... and even less so from Harry I might add.

Sethopher: Oh?

Nicole: The particular werewolf in question was a close friend of his father's and Harry is rather close to him as well.

        *Sethopher sighs and starts to walk towards the forest and Kael sighs.*

Nicole: *Follows quickly and catches up, tone placating.* Talma, I know that as a vampire you don't care for werewolves, and as a general rule I would agree with you. Remus is my one exception to that rule, while I don't know him very well myself, but I know a number of people who do, and I have no reason to dislike or mistrust him.

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes his head* He's a werewolf... that’s enough.

        *Kael is following behind.  They come out of the forest faster than before.*

Nicole: *Sighs* He takes the wolfsbane potion... I know, I’ve been asked to make it for him on rare occasion when Professor Snape cannot, he doesn't embrace what he is Talma, if he could change it, he would, for that reason I shall never see him the same as I do other werewolves.

Sethopher: *Sethopher shakes his head* *Sighs* Nicole... I can’t help it... just... drop it. *Walks away from her and into the house*

Nicole: *Sighs* This has been a long day.

Kael: *Kael stands behind her* Nicole... there's no point in trying to reason with him... If you really care for your friend... do not mention he is a werewolf in front of Kain.

Nicole: *Turns to look at Kael and nods* I’ve gathered that fact... and I won't bring it up with Sethopher again either... I just need to make sure to tell Harry not to ever bring it up, he's the one that knows Remus, not me, and if he knew Remus was so nearby I’m sure he'd want to see him.... *Brow furrows in concern* For that reason I’m not sure I should tell Harry he's so nearby.

Kael: Why not? ...Alex will tell Remus someone is here... he may even chance coming here.

Nicole: *Frowns* ...Perhaps Harry could go with Syan... my only worry is that if Harry wants to go on his own, Da might wish to accompany him, he's rather protective of Harry... and I’m certain that Kain would forbid Harry to meet with him if he found out what Remus is.

Kael: *Kael shakes his head* No... He wouldn’t forbid him to see him.  Kain would hunt him down if he found out what he is.

Nicole: *Frowns* Even worse.

Kael: *Nods* He... Kain loathes werewolves... Sethopher doesn’t like them but tolerates them to an extent.

Nicole: *Grim look* Yes well, as a species they always have been at odds with the vampires. I did learn that much in my History of Magic class.

Kael: Yes... they have... *Kael looks up towards the house and sees Kain walk purposefully down the stairs towards them.*

Nicole: *Sees Kain* And I think that's the end of this discussion for the time being.

        *Kael nods.*

Kain: Nicole... Do you have any idea what’s wrong with Sethopher, he's bounding around like a bloody Hippogriff.

Nicole: I was being a stubborn prat and wouldn't let drop a topic best not discussed.

Kain: What was the topic?

Nicole: Nothing you need worry about Da, just a difference of personal opinion.

Kain: ...Hmm... *Looks intrigued as if he knows there's more to it* Okay... how did things go at the Sunwell?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* They went fine... *Grimaces* Though the mode of transportation could have been better.

Kain: Why? What was it?

Kael: Phoenix Hawks.

Kain: What’s wrong with that?

Nicole: *Has a look of distaste and pales slightly* It's flying, that's what.

        *Kain laughs.*

Nicole: *Glares at Kain* It's not funny.

Kain: Oh but it is... *Grins* Didn’t I see Alexander go with you? Where is he?

Nicole: He went off to meet a friend.

Kain: *Raises eyebrow* Really... where is he meeting this friend?

        *Nicole looks over towards Kael for help.  Kael seems lost for words.*

Kain: ...Well? *Suspicion is laced in his tone*

Nicole: *Starts walking towards the house* What does it matter?

Kain: *Walks with her* It matters because you are reluctant to tell me, so it obviously matters somehow.

Nicole: I am reluctant to bring it up because I have no desire to have the same conversation with you I had with Sethopher, I have had it once already this evening, and I will not have it again.

Kain: ...Nicole... tell me.

Nicole: Alex is keeping company Sethopher disapproves of, which is no big surprise, seeing as he seems to approve of very little Alex does.  I have no issue with the company Alex is keeping, end of story.

Kain: ...*Kain knows there's something not quite right about this and he looks at her* You're not telling me the whole truth, there's something to this... I know there is... *Brain seems to be working overload as to who Alex could be seeing.*

Nicole: *Looks at Kain pleadingly* Da, will you please just drop it? For once you are prying into something that is really none of your concern.

Kain: ...*Kain nods* Alright... *Tone so implies that he isn’t gonna let it go* Well... I’ll see you later... I’m off to hunt. *Walks into the forest and Kael looks worried*

Nicole: *Pauses in her walk towards the house* Kael... I don't know what to do.

Kael: *Shakes his head* Pray... that’s about all you can do. He'll find out.

Nicole: *Nods and swallows* I need to find Harry... maybe there's some way he can warn or protect Remus...

Kael: *Sighs heavily* I hope so...

Nicole: *Sighs* I just wish there was a way to cure him, then this would all be a moot point... I worked for a brief time with some other potions researchers trying to find a cure... but it's just too complex an issue for a potion to cure, there's too much effected for a single potion to fix it all.

        *Kael looks thoughtful*

Nicole: Kael?

Kael: *Comes out of his thought* Yes?

Nicole: Do you have an idea?

Kael: ...*Laughs* No... I don’t have an idea... but... he's in the Moonglades... the Moon Elves sacred grove... maybe he had an idea...

Nicole: *Smiles* Do you think he's sought them out for help?

Kael: That’s the only reason I can think of... *Looks a little like it wouldn’t happen* I doubt anything will come of it.

Nicole: ...Do you think he's at least safe while he's there for now?

Kael: ...*Kael looks at Nicole* No, I don’t. Remember, Kain escaped Hell. I’m sure he can get into paradise.

Nicole: *Sighs* I really need to go find Harry *Starts back towards the house again* Kael... if Harry wishes to go see Remus, how should we get there?

Kael: Portal.

Nicole: Can you take us to this Portal?

Kael: No, I can’t. Syan can.

Nicole: *Nods* Harry should be able to get a hold of Syan I should think.

Kael: Yes, he will.

Nicole: *They reach the doors of the house* *Sighs* I just hope Harry's in his room now and not off somewhere with Hermione or Ron.

Kael: *Kael nods* Yes... there are spells that could find him if he were though. *Follows Nicole*

Nicole: *Leads the way towards Harry and Draco’s room, and knocks on the door* Harry, are you in there?

Harry: *Harry calls out* Yeah come in Nicole.

        *Nicole opens the door, a rather serious look on her face.  Harry looks over from a rather irritated Draco and looks intrigued by Nicole's face.*

Nicole: Am I interrupting something?

Draco: ...*Dripping with sarcasm* Oh no, this is a perfect time.

Harry: Draco behave.

Nicole: I’m sorry Draco, but there's something important I need to talk with Harry about, and it really can't wait.

Harry: What is it?

Nicole: Kael, can you close the door?

        *Kael closes the door.*

Nicole: *Brow furrows* Sethopher's son, Alex, was here for a while today, he came with us to the Sunwell before going to meet... a friend.

Harry: Oh? What does this have to do with me?

Nicole: You know the person Alex was going to meet Harry, Remus Lupin.

Harry: *Harry seems very pleased indeed with the name* Remus!? What for... Why do you still look so serious?

Nicole: Harry, have you covered the Werewolf-Vampire Wars in History of Magic at all?

Harry: ...No... mostly goblin wars and the pillaging of the Pyramids in Egypt by more goblins.

Nicole: Harry, as a species, Werewolves and Vampires despise each other, Alex is a rare anomaly in that he keeps company with a werewolf, and the reverse goes for Remus... Though we both know Remus is not your typical werewolf.

Harry: ...I don’t like where this conversation is headed.

Nicole: *Takes a deep breath* Sethopher has agreed not to say anything about Remus... but if Kain finds out about him, he will be in danger... Da's already suspicious, he was trying to get it out of me earlier.

Harry: ...Danger?

Nicole: *Looks saddened* He'll kill him Harry, no questions asked... it doesn't matter that Remus doesn't want to be a werewolf.

Harry: But... Remus wouldn’t hurt a fly... unless the fly was an animagus of Bellatrix Lestrange of course.

Nicole: I know that Harry, but it changes nothing to them.

Harry: Or Wormtail perhaps...

Nicole: Sethopher and I had an argument about it, as I said, he is willing to keep silent, however much he disapproves... mostly for Alex's sake I think, but Da will not be so reasonable.

Harry: What... what can I do?

Nicole: ...We need to warn him... I don't know what else we can do... The only way I can see that Remus would be safe is to cure him.... but that's a long time in coming, I’ve worked with researchers on it... lycanthropy is similar to a muggle retrovirus, it attaches itself to the person's cells, to cure them you'd have to find a way to remove it from the body... So far no potion has been found that can accomplish that task... without killing the werewolf.

Harry: *Harry looks mightily worried* Syan... *Stands* He's always in the forest...

Nicole: *Nods* Kael says that Syan can take us to a Portal that will bring us to Remus, he's in the Moonglades. It's getting dark out Harry, if we're going to do this, we need to hurry.

        *Harry looks at Draco apologetically and he sighs.*

Draco: Go on... Go off and save another guy's life and leave the wife at fucking home.

Harry: Draco...

Draco: *Quiet* Go.

        *Harry kisses the top of Draco’s head and runs to the door motioning for Kael and Nicole to follow.  Nicole quickly follows Harry, throwing Draco an apologetic look as she goes.*

Harry: *They reach outside and Harry calls four larger earth spirits to him* Find Syan, bring him here. *They fly off into the forest in different directions*

Nicole: Do you think they'll take long? *Worriedly*

Harry: No... They know the forest.

Syan: *A few minutes pass and Syan gallops out on all four legs, four earth spirits surrounding his antlers* What can I do for you Harry?

Harry: Moonglades portal Syan, make it fast...

Syan: *Raises an eyebrow* I rarely get asked for the portal... but twice in one day is rather spectacular.

Nicole: ...Syan who else asked you? *Very worried*

Syan: Why, Kain... Said he had a suspicion to uncover.

Nicole: Damn it! We need to get there fast... it may already be too late.

        *Harry shakes his head and follows Syan into the forest quickly.  Nicole and Kael follow Harry and Syan.  Syan shows them the portal and Kael and Harry step through, Nicole steping through after them.  A moss floored forest with beautiful blue flowers surrounding the portal is revealed. Kain has Soul Reaver in hand and Remus has his wand pointing at him, Alex is unconscious on the ground.*

Kain: Come now werewolf, die quickly.

Remus: I hardly think so.

Nicole: *Shouts out* Da, Stop!

        *Kain jumps at Remus with his sword in spite of Nicole's protest, Remus manages to dodge and place a well aimed kick in Kain's side.*

Nicole: Harry, can you petrify him or something?

        *Kain uses magic to trip Remus up and jumps at him.*

Harry: Kain, you hurt him, I swear I’ll kill you!

        *Kain brings the sword down to the side of Remus' head missing him by centimeters, Remus has his eyes closed. For the first time in his life, Kain has obeyed a command from someone other than himself.*

Nicole: *Breaths a sigh of relief* Thank the gods.

Kain: *Snarling* He is a werewolf.

        *Remus looks terrified.*

Nicole: He's Harry's friend, Da.

Kain: *Clenching teeth* ...Lower than the low.

Remus: Please... I’ve done nothing wrong...

Nicole: He doesn't want to be a werewolf Da, he's not like the others, are you Remus?

Remus: *Remus shakes his head* That’s not entirely true... there are more werewolves like me than you would think, it’s the ones that can’t keep themselves in check that are in the minority.

        *Kain takes Soul Reaver away from the side of Remus' head and grabs him by the throat. Kain picks him up and onto his feet and slams him against a tree and holds him there.*

Nicole: *Pleading* Da, please, killing Remus will do more harm than good.

        *Remus clutches at Kain's hand breathing heavily.*

Nicole: *Grasping for something to halt Kain, voice becoming frustrated, and a bit frantic.* You're sworn to protect Harry, to care for him. How can killing one of his friends help that?!

Kain: *To Remus* I should kill you here and now...

Remus: *Still holding onto Kain's arm* I realise it's nothing personal.

Kain: ...No, it isn’t.

Harry: But it will be very personal if you do. *Voice cold*

        *Kain relaxes his grip slightly.*

Nicole: *Her voice pleading* Let him go Da, please, he's not a threat. He takes the wolfsbane potion, Professor Snape makes it for him, and Dumbledore has had me do so in the past as well when Professor Snape couldn't, as loath as he was to rely on me, and I would do so again in the future if need be.

Kain: *Looks at him seriously* Why are you here in the moonglades?

Remus: I heard they could help me.

Kain: *Kain seems to ponder this for a moment* And what do you think of your 'gift'?

Remus: *Snorts* It's not a gift, it's a curse.

        *Kain lets him go instantly and Nicole breaths a sigh of relief.  Remus slides down the tree breathing hard and Harry runs over to him.*

Nicole: *Moves over to Alex's unconscious body* Da, what did you do to Alex?

Kain: *Looks at Nicole* Hit him very hard over the head. He'll be fine.

Nicole: *Shakes her head and mumbles something unintelligible, though the disproval in her tone is clear, takes out her wand and points it at Alex* Enervate.

Alex: *Alex's eyes snap open* Remus!?

Nicole: *Is crouched down beside him* Alex, it's ok, clam down, Remus is alright.

        *Alex calms, puts a hand to his head and glares up at Kain who lucky for him is still looking down at Remus.*

Nicole: Alex, look at me, are you going to be alright?

Alex: *Shakes his head* I’m fine... just need a minute to get my bearings... *Looks over to Remus and Harry who are hugging.* I take it he's the friend then?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, and he's also a large part of the reason Remus is still alive.

Alex: Remind me to thank him...

        *Nicole smiles softly.*

Kain: *Looking still at Remus* So... Have you seen anyone yet about your curse?

Remus: Yes... I was just on my way to see Harry.

Kain: And what did they do? Are you cured?

Remus: ...No, they wouldn’t even speak to me, I have no backing you see.

Kain: No... Didn’t think they would see you.

Nicole: *Walks over* Hello Remus Lupin, it's been some time since I’ve seen you, I regret that it wasn't under better circumstances.

Remus: *Remus smiles* Hello Nicole, and yes, I wish it were under better circumstances... *Puts a hand to his throat and winces.*

Nicole: *Has a thoughtful look* You said the elves wouldn't see you because you lacked a sponsor of some sort?

Remus: Yes, meant to have someone with power and who is respected putting my name forward... Werewolves as you know can be rather untrustworthy.

Nicole: *Nods and turns to Kael* Kael, would Harry work as a sponsor for Remus?

Kael: He'd be the best sponsor I can think of actually.

Nicole: *Smiles* I thought so.

Remus: Wha-?

Harry: We have some things to discuss Moony.

Remus: Uh-huh...

Nicole: *Smiles fondly* That you do Harry... but I think for the moment we have a few other things to take care of, I don't know about any of you, but I personally have had a long day and am not eager to stand around here, so, are we going to go see the Moon Elves tonight, or retire back to the house for the evening and return to the Glade another time?

        *Kain looks at Remus as if 'I may not be going to kill him but I am not having him in my house.'*

Harry: He's coming with us Kain.

Kain: ...*Obviously biting his tongue* Fine. *Points to the portal* Take me to Sethopher's blood wine, I have a need to get pissed.

Nicole: *Walks back over to Alex and holds out a hand to help him up* I guess you're coming to visit again sooner than we thought.

Alex: *Takes her hand and hauls himself up* So it would appear.

        *Harry helps Remus to his feet and Kain walks through the portal in front of everyone.*

Nicole: ...I think it'll be best to avoid Da for a while.

Harry: *To Remus* He's a nice guy... when he's not being 'big scary vampire' guy.

Nicole: ...Which he's had to do once already before this today... it hasn't left him in the best of moods.

Remus: ...I’ll take your word for it...

        *Harry and Remus start towards the portal followed closely by Alex.*

Nicole: *Looks towards Kael as she follows them* Thank you for all you've done Kael.

Kael: Don’t mention it...

        *They walk through the portal and through the forest to the house grounds. They all head towards the house and walk through to the main entrance hall.  Remus looks around, impressed.  Harry is frowning as he looks into the large lounge door room and sees Lucius sitting alone with a book in his lap with a heavy cloak on in the unusual heat of the night.*

Nicole: Luce, are you alright?

Lucius: *Lucius looks up* Yes... *Said very quietly*

Harry: *Frowning* Come on Remus, there is a room beside my bedroom that we can talk in... *Remus looks surprised to see Lucius and follows Harry with Alex.

Nicole: Kael, if you'll excuse me for the evening, I think I’d like to speak with Lucius before I go to bed myself.

        *Kael nods and goes off to his own guest suite.*

Nicole: *Walks into the lounge, voice gentle* Now why don't I believe you when you say you're alright, Luce?

Lucius: *Frowns* Because you're naturally suspicious, a Slytherin trait. *Traces of the old Malfoy arrogance that only comes out for self defence*

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* One that usually serves me well.

        *Lucius wraps his arms around himself. Obviously trying to keep all skin covered.*

Nicole: *Walks closer, voice still gentle* Luce, I can tell something is wrong.

Lucius: *Lucius shakes his head gently* No... Everything is fine... *Fake yawn* I’m tired I should go... *Thinks* I think I’ll sleep here.

Nicole: *Gains a stern, motherly tone* I don't think so, not this time Luce. Something's wrong, and you're going to talk to me about it, I have my own suspicions, but I want to hear it from you.

Lucius: ...*Tries to stand to go somewhere other than here but hisses then yelps as he falls back down onto his butt.*

Nicole: You're injured. *It's not a question*

        *Lucius nods gently, obviously trying not to move his head too much.*

Nicole: *The gentle tone returns* Kain did this to you didn't he, earlier?

        *Again Lucius nods, not trusting his voice.*

Nicole: Oh Luce... *Voice sad, moves over beside the chair* I was worried when I came to see him in your room earlier and you were asleep, he was worried about something he had done but wouldn't talk about it.

Lucius: *Lucius closes his eyes* He... he apologised endlessly when I woke up...

Nicole: *Seems hesitant to ask and certain she won't like the answer* What happened Luce?

Lucius: *Shakes his head* I don’t know exactly... he was angry when he got back... it was coming off him in waves, it scared me.

Nicole: He and Sethopher had an argument... one which I’m not innocent of involvement in either... It was an unfortunate situation.

Lucius: Yes, he told me when I woke up...

Nicole: ...Did his anger affect your empathic powers somehow?

Lucius: *Frowns* How do you mean?

Nicole: Well you were talking about his anger coming off him in waves, feelings effect you more than any of the rest of us.

Lucius: Well... yes... it scared the shit out of me. Then... well... *Winces at the memory*

Nicole: Just being scared doesn't explain why you're sitting here in a cloak in the heat of the evening Luce, what else happened?

Lucius: He... *Closes eyes again* the only way I can describe it without going into unwanted detail is that he fucked me. Hard... rough... *Winces* painfully...

Nicole: *Grimaces* I figured it was something to that effect the way Kain was hinting around without actually saying anything.

Lucius: *Nods* *Unshed tears in his eyes* It didn’t invoke happy memories.

Nicole: *Sits on the arm of the chair and cradles Luce’s face in her hands, brushing away the tears, voice tender* No, I’m sure it didn't.

Lucius: ...He was like an animal... *Winces and pulls the cloak away from his neck showing a wound that’s worse than the wound Kain gave him when he was human.*

Nicole: Oh gods Luce, do you have any other wounds like that?

        *Lucius nods.*

Nicole: Would you like me to heal them? I may not have my lab, or be able to brew new potions at the moment, but I do still have my healing bag, and some other potions, and it's fully stocked at the moment.

Lucius: *Lucius shakes his head* No... I don’t want you to heal them... He hasn’t seen the wounds properly... I want him to see what he's done... *Tears in his eyes* Do you know where he is?

Nicole: *Grimaces and runs a thumb gently across his cheek* If he stuck to his plans last I saw him, he's off somewhere getting drunk off Sethopher's blood wine, in a worse mood than he was this afternoon.

Lucius: *Tears running down his cheek* Could you please find him... or try? I won’t be able to sleep tonight... without him in the same bed... I can’t sleep...

Nicole: *Kisses his forehead* I’ll try, either way I’ll be back.

Lucius: Thank you...

Nicole: *Stands and rubs her hand soothingly across his cheek again, brushing away tears.* It's not a problem Luce, I’ll be back as soon as I can. *Walks from the room, pauses in thought for a moment then heads towards Luce and Kain's bedroom.*

        *From inside the room it sounds like someone is having a good cry.*

Nicole: *Opens the door and steps in* Da?

Kain: *Kain is sitting on the bed, back to the door and abruptly the crying stops* *Croakily* Nicole?

Nicole: Yeah Da, it's me.

Kain: I thought you would have gone to bed...

Nicole: I was going to... but I had a friend to look after first.

Kain: *Nods* How is he... *Voice sounds pained*

Nicole: He wants to see you.

Kain: I’m surprised... after what I ... *Seems to be fighting tears again, still not looking at her*

Nicole: *Takes a few steps towards the bed* He's hurting, but he still loves you Da.

Kain: I’m no good for him... I don’t know why he stays with me now... he's seen what I am capable of. *Still pointedly not looking at Nicole*

Nicole: Da, look at me.

Kain: No... Please Nicole, no.

Nicole: *Walks closer to the bed* Da, look at me.

        *Kain covers his face with his hands and shakes his head no longer trusting his voice.*

Nicole: *Walks the rest of the way to the bed and sits in front of him, rests a hand on his shoulder, voice soft* Look at me.

Kain: I can’t...

Nicole: Why not?

Kain: ...No one has ever seen me like this... You've seen me upset... you've seen my tears... you've never heard the anguish in my heart and you've never actually seen it through my eyes either... no one has... no one should... You've caught me at my... my weakest point... please don’t make me bring down that last wall.

        *Nicole silently moves forward, enveloping him in a warm embrace.  Kain's breathing becomes hitched in his throat.  Hands still cover his face and he eventually lets them drop to hold onto Nicole.*

Nicole: *Coaxes his head to her shoulder, holding him close, murmuring soothingly* Shhh, it's ok Da, let it out, let it out...

Kain: *Pained* It... it's too much... Nicole... god...*Closes his eyes against the tears that betray his pain and chokes back a sob.*

Nicole: *Running her hands over his back, she presses a kiss against the top of his head* Go ahead and cry, like you told me not so long ago Da, there's no shame in crying.

        *Kain clings onto Nicole like the drowning man at sea to a life line.  He keeps his head firmly in the crook of her neck and lets the tears flow and starts to sob painfully into them.*

Nicole: *Holding him close, voice quiet and gentle* That's it Da, let it out....

        *Kain’s shoulders shake as he cries for the first time ever into someone's arms.*

Nicole: *Holds him tighter crooning softly, kisses his head again* I love you Da, no matter what, I love you...

        *Kain's sobs start to slow and the tears flow gently from his eyes.  His breathing slows down until he isn’t sobbing anymore just clinging to her.  Nicole runs a hand soothingly over his hair, humming softly.*

Kain: *Whispers* I’m sorry about this...

Nicole: It's alright, it's not like I haven't broken down in your arms before.

Kain: *Still holding onto her not willing to pull back and let her see his face* ...Sort of different for me.

Nicole: *Voice still soft, with a hint of affectionate amusement* Yes I know, you're always the strong one, the one that suffers alone in silence... No-one can exist that way forever Da, even if you have managed it for millennias.

Kain: ...*Quietly* In... 21 thousand years I have never let anyone hear that... see... this... *Smiles at himself* and now you know my age... I may as well give you the keys to the Vampire kingdom.

Nicole: *Smiles softly, lightly teasing* Does that make me the princess of the kingdom?

Kain: *Quietly* You already are the princess of the kingdom. *Still keeping his head in the crook of her neck*

Nicole: *Tenderly* I love you Da.

Kain: I love you too Nicole. *Doesn’t move*

Nicole: *Softly* And there's someone else who loves you, waiting to see you downstairs.

Kain: *Swallows hard* *Quietly* What did I do to him...

Nicole: You don't remember?

Kain: *Nods* I remember... some of it... *Sighs* In 21 thousand years you'd think I’d learn to control my damn temper.

Nicole: *Gentle, slightly amused* Yes well... perhaps you need to take up a hobby, something you can use to get that pent up aggression out.

Kain: *Nods and pulls away finally, keeping his eyes closed and head bowed* Yes...

Nicole: *Takes one of Kain's hands in hers* But for the moment you need to go see Luce.

        *Tears run down his cheeks again and he nods.*

Nicole: *Reaches out her free hand to wipe away his tears* He does love you, Da.

Kain: *Nods* I know he does... *Eyes still closed purposefully and he sighs* I love him to...

Nicole: He knows that's... he just wants you to see what your anger caused.

Kain: How bad is it Nicole?

Nicole: *Voice grave* You're damn lucky he's not human anymore.

Kain: ...Oh god... *Finally opens his eyes... the whites of his eyes are blood red and blood shot due to the amount of crying he did in Nicole's arms and before she got there.*

        *Nicole sighs sadly.*

Kain: *Closes them again realising he just opened them.  He covers his face again.* I’m very glad he wasn’t in here when I got in then.

Nicole: I have to admit I was rather expecting to find you still rather irate, the way you stormed off earlier.

Kain: I was... then... *Kain moves to pull back the sheets Lucius was lying in, they're marked all over with blood* I saw this... and it started me off... I remembered part of what I had done to him.

Nicole: Are you ready to go see him yet?

Kain: *Opens his eyes pained* I wish he didn’t have to see this... or you for that matter... I wish it would clear up before I ... but I think he needs to see it... how sorry I am. *Rubs his eyes*

Nicole: We're all worn out and tired, both physically and emotionally... The sooner we go downstairs the better.

Kain: *Nods* Yes...

Nicole: *Stands from the bed and holds out a hand* Come on Da.

        *Kain takes Nicole's hand and walks with her.*

Nicole: *She squeeses his hand reassuringly right before they enter the lounge* Luce?

        *Lucius looks up at Nicole and Kain as Kain walks in and frowns at the cloak Lucius is wearing.  Lucius sighs and shows the wound on his neck to his lover and Kain gasps, horrified.*

Nicole: *Voice soft* And that's not the only one.

Kain: *Kain's memory seems to go into overdrive and he looks at Lucius horrified* I- oh... oh Lucius... lover... I... I’m so, so sorry. *Walks over to Lucius' chair and lays his head in his lap, Lucius seems very surprised at this and strokes his hand through Kain's loose hair.*

Lucius: It's alright...

Kain: No it bloody well isn’t... you should leave me... you have every right, I’d understand.

Lucius: Kain, don’t be a prat.

Kain: I’m... you need someone better than me.

        *Nicole stands by the doorway watching the exchange silently.*

Lucius: No... Kain I need you...

Kain: I only hurt you.

Lucius: You also love me.

Kain: You can forgive me just like that?

Lucius: No, it's going to take time. *Mumbles something that sounds distinctly like 'and possibly uniforms.'*

Kain: How can you-?

Lucius: It's called love... You'd forgive me.

Kain: ...That’s true...

Lucius: *Smiles warmly at Kain's head in his lap* You know... I think I get it now.

Kain: What?

Lucius: How Draco forgave me... 'just like that'... he didn’t, it took more time.

Kain: *Kain looks at Lucius* You don’t hate me...?

Lucius: ...*Runs a hand down his cheek* *Quietly* How can I when you're eyes tell me what you have been doing since you got back...

        *Kain blushes slightly.*

Lucius: It's nothing to be ashamed of... You cried bitter tears for me... like I did... I... I love you Kain and nothing can change it.

Kain: *Kain scoots and looks at the wound on Luce’s neck* God... *Registers the small pile of cushions Lucius is sitting on* I’m... really sorry...

Nicole: *Voice soft from the doorway* I can get Luce a potion to take and some salve for you to rub into his wounds.

Kain: *Kain shakes his head* I can heal these... without potions... in a different way.

Nicole: *Nods* Fine.

        *Lucius quirks an eyebrow and Kain smiles lovingly at him.*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* If you two are going to be alright, I’ll be heading to my rooms... I have my own lover to make amends with.

        *Both smile and nod.*

Nicole: Goodnight. *Walks from the room and heads to her suit, entering the bedroom, looking for Sethopher.*

        *Sethopher is in bed on his side, back facing the door.*

Nicole: *Voice soft* Sethopher, are you awake?

        *No response but he doesn’t sound like he's sleeping.*

Nicole: *Voice tired and apologetic* I’m sorry for arguing with you earlier, I realise that because I’m not a vampire there are some things I simply won't understand and I shouldn't try to force my views on you.

        *Sethopher makes a 'hrrmph' sound.*

Nicole: *Hesitant as though she doesn't know if this will help or harm* Alex and Remus are both staying in the house tonight.

Sethopher: *Silence* ...The werewolf... in this house... with... my... son............ *Growls low and pulls the covers over his head*

Nicole: *Sighs* Harry needed to talk with him... Harry is going to stand for him with the Moon Elves, there is a possibility Remus may not be a werewolf much longer... that is why Kain has allowed this... allowed Remus to live.

        *Sethopher doesn’t answer her.*

Nicole: I’m not asking you to like it love, any of it, I’m just letting you know how things are.

Sethopher: Fine.

Nicole: *Closes her eyes and sighs* Will you please talk to me? I’d rather have you yelling at me than this silence and short answers.

Sethopher: I have nothing to say to you Nicole. I’m too tired to fight.

Nicole: *Frustrated* Gods above Talma, I don't want to fight with you!  I know we won't always agree on everything, that's life... *Leans against the wall behind her and slides down it to settle on the floor, head resting on her knees* *quietly* That's the nature of interacting with other people, what I can't handle is this stony wall from you.

Sethopher: *Sethopher pulls the covers down and gets out of bed, crosses the room and sits on his haunches before her stark naked* I’m sorry... I... I just don’t like being attacked for something that comes natural to me.

Nicole: *Sighs, looks up to meet his eyes, her voice apologetic* I know that, and I know that I should never have pressed the issue earlier, I should have let it drop right away, but as they say, hind sight is 20/20.

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* You look shattered love... *His resolve to be angry quickly melts.*

Nicole: *Sighs* This evening has been... unpleasant... I’m exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Sethopher: *Nods* I can... I can smell Kain on you... but... I won’t ask... *Looks at her, head tilted to the side* Why don’t you get undressed... come to bed... I’d like to hold you if you don’t mind.

Nicole: *Smiles weakly* I’d like that.

        *Sethopher smiles and stands, the bones in his legs clicking, and he walks over to bed and gets in the side he just vacated, yawning.  Nicole stands and sheds her clothes as she approaches the bed and climbs in naked, yawning softly as well.  Sethopher slides closer to her and spoons against her, holding her from behind.  She sighs softly leaning back into him.  He caresses Nicole's neck in a soothing fashion to send her off to sleep peacefully.*

Nicole: *Her eyes close and her breathing slows, with a murmured* G'night Talma. *She drifts off to sleep*

        *Sethopher smiles warmly, sleepily and soon falls asleep.*


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