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4 September 1997

        *Nicole slowly wakes to feel sun shining on her face and rolls over, the movement is followed by a groan and muttered words muffled by the pillow.  Sethopher stirs and looks at her.  Nicole pulls a pillow over her head, more unintelligible muttering.*

Sethopher: *Runs a hand down her back* *Quietly* Nicole, are you alright?

Nicole: *Small gap appears under the edge of the pillow muffled voice comes out* I’m not moving from this spot... ever, in fact, I’m just plain not moving at all.

Sethopher: *Moves closer to her and puts an arm round her* What’s wrong?

Nicole: I think I’m going to be ill.

Sethopher: You need to feed again love.

Nicole: *Grumbles* It shouldn't be this bad, I fed twice yesterday... *Further muttering about having done too much last evening.*

Sethopher: *Runs a hand down her back soothingly* You're probably right... *Nuzzles her neck gently* You should feed love.

Nicole: That would require movement.

Sethopher: Not much love... you can feed off me today.

Nicole: *Hesitant* I don't know... are you sure?

Sethopher: Yes love... *Sethopher lies onto his back*

Nicole: *Pulls the pillow off her head, still lying on her stomach* *Groans* It's too bright in here.  We need to start closing the drapes at night.

Sethopher: *Smiles* We'll do that...*Runs a hand gently down her back again*

Nicole: *Blinks her eyes to get them used to the light and realises Sethopher is lying down.* You want to do this here? Lying down?

Sethopher: Whatever is easier for you.

        *Nicole shifts over so that she is lying along his side and closes her eyes for a moment, breathing deeply.  Sethopher positions his head, giving her better access to his neck.*

Nicole: *Mutters* I am never going to get used to this... *Moves so that she is laying partially on him and bites, the hunger quickly taking over.*

        *Sethopher wraps an arm round her as she drinks and closes his eyes.*

Nicole: *After a while she slows with a few soft licks and a final kiss to the bite she finishes, and moves her body down just far enough that she can rest her head on Sethopher's shoulder* *Quietly* You alright?

Sethopher: *Opens his eyes* I’m fine love.

Nicole: Good. *Lays there breathing deeply, allowing her stomach to settle.*

Sethopher: *Runs a hand through her hair* Are you feeling alright now?

Nicole: It's getting better, give me a moment... *After a few moments pass she sighs softly and shifts so that she is laying at his side rather than on him. Head still resting on his shoulder.*

*Sethopher places a kiss on top of Nicole's head.*

Nicole: *Voice soft* Why are you always so good to me even when you have every right not to be?

Sethopher: *Frowns* Why do I have the right not to be good to you love?

Nicole: I treated you horribly yesterday when we returned from the Sunwell, and yet you forgave me, rather quickly, last night... I wouldn't blame you if you were still angry with me about it.

Sethopher: *Looks thoughtful* ...You didn’t really know any better... I know you had seen the account of the wars but I doubt you knew just how deep the hatred went.

Nicole: ...I suppose, but still...

Sethopher: *Sighs* It must seem petty to you.

Nicole: *Looks considering* ...Not petty, no... I guess I just don't understand the hatred for a species as a whole... I mean, if I followed what I was taught and didn't judge on an individual basis, I wouldn't be here, in your arms... I was told most of my life to fear and hate vampires... but I gave Kain a chance because I was asked to, and I realised he was nothing like what I had been lead to believe was true... He told me that some were like what I was told... and as for Remus... well, when I first met him, I didn't know he was a werewolf, so it didn't even factor into how I regarded him, and when I did find out, because of the circumstances of how, it became just another part of who he was, he was Remus Lupin, a person, not just lumped in with the dangerous werewolves I was told to guard against.

Sethopher: ...I can’t promise much Nicole... but I promise I won’t harm him.

Nicole: *Lays a hand on Sethopher's chest, fingers tracing absently across his skin* I appreciate that... for your sake more than Remus' actually.

Sethopher: *Raises an eyebrow* Oh?

Nicole: *Voice soft* You weren't at the Glade last night, so didn't see what I did...

Sethopher: What happened?

Nicole: Kain tried to kill Remus... he stopped at Harry's order... and with good reason.

Sethopher: *Looks shocked* What!? Kain... took an order... from Harry... Kain?

Nicole: *Angles her head up to look Sethopher in the eyes* Harry said that if Da killed Remus, Harry would kill him... and you could tell Harry would be able to make good on the threat... *Voice hushed* You could feel the power coming from him Talma.

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks really shocked* Kain... he stopped... you don’t understand really what Kain is capable of... wow...

Nicole: I understand well enough Talma... and well enough to know that if you tried anything with Remus, you'd be little more than a memory when Harry was done with you, his child's godfather or no.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Yes... well... *Still looks shocked*

Nicole: *Looks at Sethopher concerned* Do you understand why you can't do anything as far as Remus is concerned now? ...I realise I probably don't have a clue just how big of a thing Da backing down was, but I do realise that if he did, than no other vampire has a shot against Harry either.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Yes... definitely, I wouldn’t even attempt it... not knowing that he backed down.

Nicole: *Tilts her head back down and snuggles closer against Sethopher's side* The power Harry is developing is phenomenal... if I didn't know him so well, I’d be scared.

Sethopher: *Sethopher nods* Yes... it is rather unnerving... *Sighs* I’ll need to speak to Kain about this later...

Nicole: ...Unless you see him around the house, I wouldn't go searching Da out until this afternoon.

Sethopher: Why not?

Nicole: ...He and Luce had some things to deal with... I think they'd appreciate being left in peace until they decide to come out of their room.

Sethopher: *Nods* I will... *Seems to be thinking* *Sighs* Life certainly has changed.

Nicole: *Tiredly* Don't I know it. *Sighs*

        *He kisses Nicole softly on the forehead.*

Nicole: *Sighs again* Yesterday had enough emotional ups and downs for a week... can I just not get out of bed for the rest of the week?

Sethopher: Unfortunately that isn’t an option... *Sethopher stretches and Nicole hears his stomach growling* *Sethopher sighs* I need to go hunting.

Nicole: *Rolls over and lies on her back, stretching slightly and yawns* Yeah, I suppose you would.

Sethopher: *He kisses her shoulder then sits up in bed and grabs a pair of leather trousers and a black silk shirt* I’ll try not to be long.

Nicole: *Nods* I’ll be around the house somewhere.

        *Sethopher smiles at her and leaves the room quickly.*

        *Nicole stretches again and gets out of bed, heading into the bathroom for a shower, a few minutes later she comes out and dresses in a pair of buckskin trousers and an emerald green shirt.*

Nicole: *Brushing her hair and tying it back loosely she muses out loud to herself* Well, I suppose I should go get some real food... *Heads out the door of her room towards the kitchen.*

        *Draco and Harry are walking away from the kitchen looking fed and chirpy.*

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Well you two are looking happy.

        *Draco and Harry smile.*

Harry: Had a good sleep last night is all...

Draco: *Grins* Yes... the sleep was excellent.

Nicole: *Laughs slightly* And how about your morning sickness Draco?

        *Draco grumbles,*

Harry: Still there, it's why we're awake so early.

Nicole: *Weak smile* Hang in there Drake, it'll pass eventually.

Draco: Hope so... Well we're off... Harry said he had something to show me.

Harry: *Smiling warmly at Draco* I do... Oh, and Nicole... when you go into the dining room, try not to keel over in shock.

Nicole: *Gives Harry a questioning look* Why would I?

Harry: *Smiles* You'll soon see... *Walks off with Draco* See ya!

        *Nicole heads off towards the dinning hall with a perplexed look on her face.  She opens the door and walks in to the dinning hall.  Kain is sitting at the table with Remus Lupin and they seem to be talking rather in-depth about something.*

Nicole: *A look of pleasant surprise appears on her face as she approaches the table.* I hope my presence isn't interrupting anything.

        *Both look over.*

Kain: No, not at all.

Remus: *Smiles warmly* No... We're just talking.

Nicole: I just came to get a bite to eat. *Addressing Kain* I fed off Sethopher this morning. I wasn't feeling so well again, so he's out hunting now, he should be back in a while. *Sits at the table*

Kain: *Nods and turns back to Remus* How old did you say you were?

Remus: I’m 36.

Kain: But you look...

Remus: ...About 46, yes I know.

Kain: ...Werewolves are usually rather youthful...

Remus: Those who embrace the curse are youthful... I fight it with every fiber of my human heart.

        *Kain frowns in thought, as Arthas walks in.*

Arthas: Hello. What can I get for you all this morning?

Nicole: A glass of juice and some scrambled eggs with toast?

Kain: Toast please Arthas...

Remus: Some orange juice will do me fine...

Arthas: *Nods* Okay, won’t be long. *Arthas walks into the kitchen again*

Nicole: Not to break up the conversation between you two, but since you seem to have reached a lull, I had a question, Da.

Kain: *Kain looks at Nicole* Oh?

Nicole: Well... I fed from you twice yesterday, Sethopher this morning... Who will I feed from this afternoon? As I don't see how Luce would be up to it.

Kain: *Kain winces slightly* No... I daresay he wouldn’t...

Nicole: Which brings me back to my question, because I really don't fancy a repeat of the last few mornings.

Kain: *Kain nods* You can feed from me again.

Nicole: Are you certain? Not that I know of any other solution of course.

Kain: I’m certain yes... *Watches the kitchen door open and Arthas bring in the breakfasts.*

Nicole: I’m sorry for having interrupted your conversation Remus, but I needed my question answered for my own piece of mind. *Starts in on her breakfast*

        *Remus nods and drinks some orange juice and winces as he swallows.*

Kain: *Frowns watching Remus swallow* Are you alright?

Remus: *Nods* Yes, I’ve done worse to myself before, don’t fret.

*Kain starts on his breakfast.*

Nicole: Da, are Ron and Hermione still here? I haven't seen them since yesterday breakfast.

...or was it lunch... well early yesterday either way.

Kain: Yes they're still here. Harry asked one of the aides to take them into Quel'Thalas. He wanted to spend the morning with Draco.

*Nicole nods and continues eating.  The door opens and Remus looks up, looking mildly surprised.  Kain stands and walks towards the door.*

Kain: *Gently* Luce, what are you doing up?

Lucius: Hungry and... felt like company.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Good morning Luce.

        *Lucius smiles gently and is helped by Kain towards the table and into a seat.  Remus seems not to know how to react to Lucius, and Lucius doesn’t know what to say to Remus.*

Kain: ...How well do you two know each other?

        *Both inhale at the question.*

Lucius: *To Remus* I won’t kill you in your sleep if you extend me the same courtesy.

Remus: ...I’d wake you up... I’m a Gryffindor remember, Malfoy.

Nicole: *Rolls her eyes* Would you two behave yourselves, for gods' sakes, this is all getting rather old. Neither of you has reason to kill the other... vampire/werewolf issues aside.

Remus: ...Actually.

Lucius: He... we do kind of.

        *Kain looks at them curiously*

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Above and beyond the "Marauders vs. the Slytherins" rivalry?

Remus: Above and beyond.

Lucius: ...*Stays quiet*

Nicole: Well if you could refrain from any bloodshed while you're inhabiting the same house it would be appreciated... *Grimaces* I’m already seeing more of blood twice a day currently than I care for already.

Kain: ...*Gives into curiosity* Why do you have reason to kill each other?

Remus: Well Malfoy, are you going to tell him or shall I?

Lucius: ...*Stays quiet*

Remus: Thought so, let's just say I know the torture chambers of Malfoy Manor intimately.

Nicole: *hesitantly* During the first war with Voldemort?

Lucius: No... more recently... Before I met you... just before Voldemort was taken down for the 2nd time.

        *Remus takes another sip of his Orange Juice.*

Kain: *Kain looks at Lucius* Why did you-?

Lucius: I was told to... pretty much is the only reason.

Nicole: *Grimaces* Oh yeah, the death eater thing.

        *Lucius nods.*

Kain: I keep forgetting you used to work for that arse.

Nicole: Yes well, no-one is working for him now... Whatever did happen to Voldie-poo when we moved here anyway?

Kain: ...*Looks innocent* I have no idea.

Nicole: Da, what did you do with him?

Kain: Well... I felt bad leaving him all alone... so I took him to a rehoming centre.

Nicole: ...You put him up for adoption as a cat?

Kain: Yes...

Nicole: I pity the poor person who adopts him, even as a cat he's rather grouchy... Does that mean we won't be dealing with him anymore then?

Kain: Yes, thankfully.

Nicole: Well, at least I won't be getting anymore questions from Sethopher about sensing cats bemoaning their lack of minions.

Kain: *Laughs* He said that?

Nicole: *Snickers* Yeah, back when his powers were in overdrive.

Remus: Who is Sethopher?

Nicole: *Looks at Remus* Oh, you haven't met him have you... I’m involved now Remus, Sethopher is my partner, he's a vampire... He's Alex's father actually.

Remus: Oh... see he never told me his father's name. Just said that if I wanted to keep my head I’d keep away from him.

Nicole: *Lips twitch, not quite a grimace or a smile* He won't hurt you; he knows what's good for him.

Kain: You shouldn’t worry about him; I’d take his head off if he tried... unless Harry got there first.

Nicole: Yes, I gave him a shortened version of last night's events this morning; he won’t try anything... even if he is displeased about your involvement with Alex.

Remus: *Frowns* I don’t want to come between Alex and his father...

Kain: You won't... they'll fall out for about a day then be okay... that’s the way they are.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yeah, besides, there are other things Sethopher takes issue with Alex about, he won't stop talking to Alex over you.

Remus: *Smiles* That’s alright then... and can I ask something?

Nicole: Yes?

Remus: What the hell is going on with Harry? You tell me he's powerful with the Moon Elves... *To Kain* and why did you stop trying to kill me when he told you to?

Nicole: ...Harry didn't tell you last night when you came back?

Remus: No, I was rather sore and tired, he just let me sleep.

Nicole: Well to get to the heart of the matter, we all always knew Harry was rather powerful for someone his age... what we never knew till recently was why or just how powerful.

Remus: *Looks interested* Oh?

Nicole: Most simply put, Harry's the heir of the powers of an Elvin demigod that died 10,000 years ago.

Remus: *Looks wide eyed* Surely not Cenarius!?

Nicole: The very one.

Remus: *Looks stunned* Wow...

Nicole: Yeah, that's my reaction... so now you see why he has sway with the elves.

Kain: ...So you see, he’s perfect to get you backing... *Looks a little annoyed* But even with the backing there is a lot of... what you would call Red Tape to get to see who it is you're meant to see. *Kain looks like he's thinking.*

Nicole: *Teasingly and grins* We're either in for something good or quite bad, Da's thinking.  I can see the smoke coming from your ears Da.

Kain: *Mock glares* Ha, ha, very funny.

Nicole: I thought so. *Shrugs and takes a bite of her food*

Kain: *Looks at Remus* Who was it you were to see?

Remus: I don’t know her name, I only know her as "The Priestess of the Moon."

Kain: *Smiles* As I thought...... Tyrande.

Nicole: *Smiles* Think we can cut through the red tape in that case?

Kain: *Finishes his toast and nods* Yes... *Looks at Remus* I can’t tell her I trust you. But I can tell her that you mean a lot to the heir of Cenarius. That's what will make her see you... *Puts his hand out for Lucius who still looks rather pained* I was going to the Moonglades with this one anyway so... we can see her. *Lucius takes Kain's hand and is pulled up and onto his feet.* We'll be back later this afternoon.

        *They walk from the room and Remus rubs his neck and pulls the collar down to prod the bruising and cuts to his neck.*

Nicole: *Finishes her food and glances at Remus' wounds.* Remus, would you like me to take care of those marks for you?

Remus: *Looks at her* Could you? It's hard to swallow anything.

Nicole: *Stands* Give me a moment to get my healing bag, I’ll be right back.

*Remus nods and Nicole walks out of the room and back to her suite, gathers her bag from the wardrobe and returns to the dining hall.*

Remus: Thanks... I really appreciate this Nicole.

Nicole: *Sits down in the chair next to him* It's not a problem... there's a potion I wish I could give you that would help with the swallowing specifically, but I’m all out and I can't brew anymore, so the superficial treatments will have to suffice.

Remus: *Nods* It's okay... bloody vampire has a grip akin to a vice.

Nicole: *Grins, her lip curling back a little.* You might want to watch your vampire comments around this house Remus. *Is pulling a jar of salve from her bag.*

Remus: I know... but really... breathing was a definite issue. Then Harry...just...*Seems to be trying to explain it.*

Harry: *From door* Then Harry just what? *Grinning walks in alone*

Nicole: *Opens the jar of salve and begins applying it to the cuts on Remus' neck* Hey Harry, we were just talking about last night is all. Where's my partner in misery?

Harry: Sethopher? *Grins*

Nicole: Sethopher wouldn't be the other pregnant member of this household, prat.

Remus: You're girlfriend is pregnant Harry!?

Harry: .....................Thanks Nicole.

Nicole: *sheepish* ...Oops...

Remus: What?

Harry: My girlfriend isn’t pregnant, no... My boyfriend is.

Remus: ........................... *Blinks* How can your boyfriend be pregnant?

Nicole: Remember the whole elvin demigod thing I mentioned?

Remus: *Nods* I take it, it's all magic related?

Nicole: Yes.

Harry: Yeah... heh... and here's the other funny thing.... My boyfriend is Draco Malfoy.

Remus: WHAT!? But... you hate him.

Nicole: No, I’m rather sure he doesn't.

Remus: *Looks very confused* Hate is like an understatement with those two.

Harry: Not any more...

Nicole: I’d say sappy is generally the best word to describe them.

Harry: Pfft... hardly... sappy...

        *Remus laughs.*

Nicole: *Gives Harry a look, quite sarcastic* Oh no, not sappy at all.

Harry: We're not!

Remus: *Smiles sadly* Sirius would have loved this.

Harry: *Looks at him* You think so?

Remus: Yes... he had a very quirky sense of humor.

        *Harry smiles.*

Remus: So... you're a demigod?

Harry: *Blushes a little* ...No... Not really.

Remus: *Raises an eyebrow* You're far too modest Harry.

Harry: ...Is your neck alright?

Remus: I don’t know, what’s the prognosis Nicole?

Nicole: *Puts the jar away done with the cuts* You'll be fine, I want to put something else on those bruises, and then that's the best I can do, as I’m out of that other potion.

Remus: *Nods* Good.

Harry: *Harry sits down* And to answer your question Nicole, Draco is with Yarnal. A Night Elf Warden. That’s what Draconias was.

Nicole: *Searches through her bag and pulls out another jar and starts rubbing it in.* Learning about his possible powers then?

Harry: Yes... and I was impressed by the powers... quite cool.

Nicole: Really?

Harry: Yeah... See, Wardens are really, really good at catching things and keeping them caught... apparently they used to fight the vampires... They caught a vampire once and she told me that he was very feisty. Kain broke him out about 2000 years ago. Then the peace talks began with the wardens. Drake will be happy.

Nicole: *Smiles* Yeah, he didn't want to feel like a "kept man" so I’m sure having powers of his own is a plus.

Harry: Yeah... The wardens are really powerful... I went into the prison they now keep... it's huge and dark... some of the wardens asked me if the stars still shone... it's been that long since they've been outside.

Nicole: Wow.

Harry: Yeah... they have a lot of people caught in those cells. The warden in charge down there told me they used to have an elf named Illidin, does that sound familiar to you? I’m sure I’ve heard it before.

Nicole: *Nods* That's Malfurion's brother.

Harry: Oh... Well, they had him in their top security cell for 10,000 years... the warden in charge seemed very irate that he hadn’t been put back there.

Nicole: Hmm, I don't know any of the details about it, I just know he was here helping Malfurion and Fiammetta heal Da when Uhma injured him.

Harry: *Harry shrugs* I don’t know... but I intend to find out anyway.

Nicole: Tyrande would know, and Kain's planning on bringing her here to see Remus, so perhaps you can ask her then.

Harry: Yeah... good idea. *Looks at his watch* I better go back to my room, Mione and Ron will be getting back soon... Oh, incidentally, Draco got beat within 16 moves at chess.

Nicole: *Laughs* Why am I not surprised? *Puts away her jar of salve* There, done, the cuts and bruises should be completely gone by this evening.

Remus: *Remus smiles* Thank you Nicole...

Harry: I’ll see you guys later.

Remus: See you Harry.

Nicole: See you later Harry.

        *Harry leaves the room*

Remus: Draco Malfoy...

Nicole: Draco really isn't a bad kid Remus, underneath that uppity exterior is a decent heart.

Remus: *Shrugs* I’ll take your word for it, but... I don’t see me even looking at Lucius in a kind light... Voldemort chose a good torturer...

Nicole: I won't ask you to, I know he has a dark past... I know things about him you don't, and probably never will... but I will tell you he's quite different than he used to be, and he's no threat to Harry's safety, they get on fairly well.

Remus: I know... but I’ve seen and went through what he is capable of...

Nicole: *Rather bitterly* Yes well, those of us from dark families tend to be capable of regrettable things.

Remus: *Sighs* I’m sorry Nicole... I really shouldn’t be dumping this on you. Lucius is your friend, I respect that.

Nicole: *Sighs* It's alright Remus, I’m just a bit drained at the moment, things have been... hectic lately, to say the least, and I’m not currently in the best of conditions to cope with them.

Remus: I really am happy for you Nicole... you deserve happiness... I daresay we'll see each other more often, Alex plans to stay here for a while.

Nicole: Does he? That will please Sethopher to hear, he worries about Alex with all of his adventures.

Remus: *Smiles* Yes... though that’s how he met me... I was in China looking up a witch who claimed to cure werewolves... We met and he told me about the Moon Elves.

Nicole: *Nods* I had wondered how you heard of them... you didn't seem all that surprised to hear me calling Kain "Da" or about me being pregnant, did that come up in conversation with him earlier, or was that just your usual unflappability?

Remus: *Smiles* You know me... I try not to get excited. Bad things can happen when I let emotions get the best of me.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes, I remember from our past conversations. *Smiles weakly* I could use to take a page out of your book lately, it would probably be less draining... though I suppose I do have the universally accepted excuse for wild moods.

Remus: *Smiles warmly* Yes you do... Harry seems happy... the happiest I’ve seen him... ever really.

Nicole: *Smiles* He's had a lot to cope with lately, but I think the end results have been good for him.

Remus: Yes... Nicole...?

Nicole: Yes Remus?

Remus: Do you have any idea what possibly got Dumbledore so very angry a few days ago... He was saying it was something to do with Harry... he didn’t want to say what it was.

Nicole: *Grimaces* That would probably be the day Harry went against his wishes and was formally adopted by Da... Dumbledore and Da get along even less well than you and Luce.

Remus: Wow... Kain is Harry's guardian then?

Nicole: Yes, Harry never has to see those horrid Dursleys ever again.

Remus: That’s good. *Remus yawns* Oh my...

Nicole: Tired?

Remus: Yes actually... *Rolls his eyes* It's my own fault.

Nicole: Oh?

Remus: *Smiles* Yes...

Nicole: *Grins* And I think I shant ask any further.

Remus: No... No, don’t ask any further.

Nicole: Is Alex still in bed?

Remus: *Nods* Yes, I tried to wake him and he told me to 'feck off' and let him sleep.

Nicole: *Laughs* Like father like son, Sethopher's not much of a morning person either.

Sethopher: *From the door* And who said that was a bad thing?

*Remus looks over cautiously.*

Nicole: *Tenses slightly* I didn't say it was, after all I haven't been much of a morning person the last few days myself... I see you're back from hunting, Talma.

Sethopher: *Nods and walks in* Yes I am... so... You're Remus Lupin.

Remus: I am.

Nicole: Remus, this is Sethopher, Alex's father, as I’m sure you've gathered.

*Remus nods as Sethopher sits down.*

Sethopher: ...What my son sees in you I don’t know...

Remus: Frankly, Sethopher, neither do I.

Sethopher: Do you love him?

Remus: That’s my business.

        *Sethopher keeps staring at him and Remus doesn’t say anything.  Nicole watches them apprehensively.*

Sethopher: You're not leaving till I have an answer.

Remus: Why should I bother answering? If I say yes, you'll tell me I have no right to and if I say no, you'll tell me to piss off away from him and that I am no good for him.

Sethopher: *Glares* Do you love him?

Remus: *Sighs* No.

Sethopher: Then why chance all this to be with him?

Remus: Because... I think I can love him, if given a chance.

        *Sethopher seems to consider the answer and Nicole watches Sethopher for his reaction.  Sethopher seems frustrated at something.*

Nicole: *Gently prodding* Talma?

Sethopher: I... You're a werewolf.

Remus: Yes I am. I am not proud of it, I can’t help it. I am what I am... but, believe me when I say I care for your son, I don’t love him, but I care for him...

Sethopher: *Sethopher sighs* *To Nicole* How has Kain reacted to him?

Nicole: *Smiles softly* They were actually having quite a decent conversation when I came in for breakfast... and he's willing to help Remus and Harry arrange to meet with Tyrande about Remus' condition.

Sethopher: *Sighs deeply* Okay... I’ll give the man in you a chance.

Remus: That’s all I ask for.

*Nicole takes Sethopher's hand and squeeses it lightly and he smiles at Nicole.*

Remus: You two make a nice couple.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* Thank you Remus.

Sethopher: *Looks at Remus* You know it's nothing-

Remus: Nothing personal, yes I know, I had this discussion with your... boss? Is that the term?

Sethopher: No, it's my sire or master. *Mutters* And I should try to remember that sometimes and not push my luck with him.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Yes, yesterday illustrated that well.

        *Sethopher nods.*

Remus: ...*Looks a little nervous* What’s Tyrande like?

Nicole: She's very nice Remus; you have nothing to worry about. I’ve talked with her on a number of occasions.

Remus: *Nods* Good... I’m going to go and see Alex... I’ll see you two later. *Walks quickly from the room*

Sethopher: ...*Sighs*

Nicole: *Kisses Sethopher on the cheek* You are a very good man.

Sethopher: I appreciate that love... How does a nice decent guy like him get turned into a ruddy werewolf? See? The rare ones like him that shouldn’t be what they are... We wanted to kill all werewolves as that would make them extinct and no one else would have to suffer the curse. Especially after the war. Kain thought he had killed them all...

Nicole: Well apparently he didn't because Remus was bitten by one when he was a young child.

Sethopher: I know... there are a lot of werewolves around now... *Sighs* He knows it's not personal...

Nicole: Remus is a very reasonable and understanding man, he understands those things. *Voice tender and sincere* Thank you for giving him a chance.

Sethopher: Kind of have to... I don’t want to die either by Kain or Harry... or Alex.

Nicole: *Laughs lightly* Yes well, you could still be a prat about it all, and you're not.

Sethopher: *Sighs again and lays his head on the table* I saw Kain incidentally.

Nicole: Oh?

Sethopher: Yes.

Nicole: And?

Sethopher: He explained to me why he didn’t kill Remus.

Nicole: Which was?

Sethopher: ...He said it had nothing to do with Harry's threat par-se. It was just Harry himself. At this moment in time Kain could probably still kill Harry without batting an eyelid... but, the effects of that action would be catastrophic.

Nicole: *Raises an eyebrow* Which was what I tried to point out to him during it all, though it seemed to take Harry's threat to drill it home... I love Da dearly, but he has a rather thick skull at times.

Sethopher: ......Yes... the event of the war with the Moon Elves would be disastrous......... especially without Kain at the helm...

Nicole: Yes, I wouldn't think going to war with the Moon Elves would be a desirable thing.

Sethopher: No... We could probably hold out... for a while. Go into hiding then re-build. But I doubt that would happen. Fiammetta doesn’t care for 'world domination of vampires,' he wouldn’t try to... and Kain, if indeed he had killed Harry, would be dead by then anyway.

Nicole: Why would killing Harry mean Kain would be dead... Do you mean the elves would come after him or something?

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* Kain would take his own life.

Nicole: ...Oh.

Sethopher: The blood oath Nicole.

Nicole: Yeah, that.

Sethopher: *Nods* So that was why he didn’t kill Remus... Either way he would have been killed.

Nicole: *Sighs* Gods above, life is too damn complicated sometimes.

Sethopher: I’m just glad Kain realised the danger in time.

Nicole: So am I... so am I. *Sighs* I did try not to tell Kain about Remus to avoid this... but he was grilling me about why you were in a foul mood... and I think he may have read my mind, because I know I never mentioned the Moonglades to him.

Sethopher: *Smiles* You know... I sometimes suspect he can read minds easier than he lets on to me...

Nicole: *Sighs* Yes well, I’m not too pleased he used that on me... he's too damn nosey for his own good sometimes.

Sethopher: No, I know... but... he is the Vampire Lord for a reason... being nosey gets him places...

Nicole: *Wry grin* Yes well... *Sighs* Oh well, things worked out well enough in the end.

        *Kain’s voice can be heard in the hall along with Lucius and Tyrande.  Sethopher looks towards the door.*

Nicole: I guess they're back.

Sethopher: Yes... I guess they are.

Tyrande: *Tyrande opens the dining hall door and smiles at Nicole and Sethopher* How are you?

        *Illidin is following silently behind, in the form of the winged beast.*

Sethopher: I’m fine Tyrande.

Kain: ...*Has his arm round Lucius' waist* I trust that you didn’t kill Remus then Sethopher?

*Sethopher rolls his eyes.*

Nicole: He behaved himself perfectly well Da, so hush.

        *Kain sits at the table with Lucius and Tyrande sits beside Nicole.*

Tyrande: How is your pregnancy going?

Nicole: Fine, though some things I hadn't expected have shown up.

Tyrande: *Smiles* Feeding?

Nicole: *Grimaces* Yes.

Kain: And how in the name of Elune did you know that Tyrande?

Tyrande: *Looks at him* Hush you.

        *Kain rolls his eyes but does indeed stay quiet.*

Nicole: *Gives Tyrande a curious look* How did you know?

Tyrande: I just did.

Kain: When she says that you should know she won’t tell you how she knows.

Illidin: As always Tyrande keeps her secrets.

Tyrande: Illidin, be quiet please.

        *Illidin sighs.*

Nicole: *Shrugs* Whatever, it's not really that important I suppose.

Tyrande: So... where is this werewolf I have been dragged from prayer to see?

Kain: ...You weren’t dragged.

Nicole: He's in the room next to Harry and Draco’s with Alex.

Tyrande: *Ignores Kain* ...Harry vouches for him...?

Nicole: Yes, he is a close friend of Harry's.

Tyrande: ......Do any of you know him well?

Lucius: ......No, not well.

Nicole: I suppose I know him the best out of the four of us....

Tyrande: *Nods* That should suffice.

Kain: ...You're going to do this without seeing him?

Tyrande: Nicole and Harry know him, they both trust him... why should I need further confirmation?

Nicole: ...I'm honored you think so highly of my opinion.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks at her* Of course I do... *Smiles* Later on, you'll have to come with me to the Moonglades with Harry.

Nicole: Oh?

Tyrande: Yes... that’s where the spell must be done.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright.

Tyrande: I’d like to speak to him first before we go... to see exactly what he wants, there are many options.

Nicole: Would you like me to go get him, or would you rather go see him?

Tyrande: Could you get him, I think he'd be rather intimidated if I just went and got him. You can at least warn him.

Nicole: *Nods* That sounds reasonable, I shouldn't be long. *She stands from her seat between Sethopher and Tyrande and walks down to the room beside Harry and Draco’s and knocks.* Remus?

Remus: *Remus calls out* Come in...

        *Nicole opens the door and enters the room.  Remus is sitting on the couch with Alex, both with a book in their lap.*

Remus: Hello Nicole.

Nicole: Hello again Remus, morning Alex.  Remus I was sent to fetch you, there's someone here to see you.

Remus: Oh...?

Nicole: Yes... Tyrande, The Priestess of the Moon.

Remus: *Remus goes a little white* *Swallows hard* That was fast... Kain really must be good at pulling strings.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* She's a close friend of his, she watched him often when he was a child... She just wants to talk to you Remus, she's already agreed to help you.

Remus: ...Harry's name really does carry some weight here... even though he's still so young...

Nicole: *Nods* It does... it also helps that Tyrande was the first one to realise about Harry's powers... She said between my support and Harry's there was no reason not to help you, so she wanted to talk with you.

Remus: *Remus nods and looks at Alex* Alex? You coming?

Alex: No... She wants to see you Rem. Not me, she's still picky about that... and you should see her alone... I’ll be waiting here for you. And I think I need to have a talk with my father while you're gone.

Nicole: *Encouraging smile to Alex* That's probably not a bad idea.

Alex: *Smiles* I heard about this morning's chat with the self styled werewolf haters. I am surprised... looks like you can teach an old dog new tricks huh?

Remus: Do not let your father hear that.

Alex: I’m not that thick.

Nicole: *Laughs* He may be behaving himself and resigned to the current situation, but somehow I don't think he'll be all that humorous about it.

Alex: No... I suppose you’re right. I just try to inject humor into everything... makes it seem less like a dangerous thing.

Remus: *Stands and kisses Alex once on the cheek* See you later.

Nicole: *Opens the door* Well if you're ready Remus... would you like me to tell Sethopher you want to see him Alex?

Alex: *Alex nods* Yeah, I have some *snigger* stories to tell him.

Remus: Don’t make them sound worse than they are. They sound dangerous enough as it is.

Nicole: *Smiles* Just don't wind him up too much Alex, though I can't blame you for wanting to have a little fun with him... if he had his way, you'd never leave the house.

Alex: I know. It's really funny, wait till I tell him about that volcano!

Remus: *Winces* That’s not a good story.

Alex: Yes it is.

Remus: You just keep telling yourself that.

Nicole: *Is amused* I’d love to hear some of your stories sometime Alex, but for the moment we need to be going, I had promised we wouldn't be long.

Alex: *Alex nods* Good luck Rem, not that you need it.

Remus: *Sighs* Let's go then Nicole.

Nicole: *Steps through the door and leads the way towards the dinning hall* Remus relax, just be truthful with Tyrande and you have nothing to worry about, the elves appreciate honesty. This is from experience, you're not the only one that has had to meet with a elf about an important matter.

Remus: *Remus nods* Thank you for trying to calm me... but as a child I was always told about the Moon Elves by my mother... I thought they were a myth made up to give werewolves hope that maybe their curse will be lifted. The priestess of the moon was prominent in the stories...

Nicole: *Smiles reassuringly* Tyrande is quite real, and she is kind, you'll be fine.

*Remus takes a steadying breath.*

Nicole: *They reach the door to the Dining Hall, Nicole stands there with a hand on the handle.* Ready Remus?

Remus: *Nods* Yes. Last time I was this nervous I was standing in the Great Hall of Hogwarts awaiting my name in the Sorting Ceremony.

Nicole: *Smiles* Well here we go then. *Opens the door and leads the way in* Tyrande, may I present Remus Lupin.

        *Remus looks rather intimidated and Tyrande smiles warmly at him and looks him in the eye.*

Tyrande: My... you are different aren’t you?

        *Remus doesn’t seem to know what to say.*

Tyrande: You may call me Tyrande, only those who are worthy may call me Tyrande... You, I see, fall into that category.

Remus: How can you say that? W-What I am...

Tyrande: A wolf is trapped within you... a feral wolf. This curse was bestowed on humans many years ago... *She walks towards him and takes his hand in hers* Come, we have much to discuss.

Nicole: *Smiles encouragingly* Go on Remus.

        *Remus nods and walks off with Tyrande out of the dining hall.*

Illidin: Well... that went rather well.

Nicole: *Heads over towards her seat and sits down* Yes, I’d say it did.... Oh, and Sethopher, Alex wanted to see you.

Sethopher: *Nods* Okay... I kind of want to talk to him too... *Kisses Nicole on the forehead* You play nice with Kain and Illidin.

Nicole: *Cheeky smile* Don't I always?

        *Sethopher smiles and walks from the room.*

Illidin: So Kain, how are you since your flirtation with the afterlife?

Kain: Just peachy.

Lucius: Don’t talk about it like that...

Illidin: ...I apologise.

Lucius: ...Why do you wear that bandana round your eyes?

        *Illidin smiles wryly.*

Kain: Because he is blind.

Lucius: Really?

Nicole: I had wondered about that myself.

Illidin: It's been 20,000 years since I last saw anything.

Nicole: Wow...

Illidin: *Nods* The Watchers like to make sure they keep what they catch.

Kain: The Wardens and their band of Night Elves that are called the Watchers. The Warden named Miave was the one that blinded him.

Illidin: That woman... she's ruthless. She tried to blind your lover as I understand it Nicole.

Nicole: Really? I’m glad she didn't manage it... That does rather explain Sethopher's behavior at the Sunwell yesterday though.

Kain: ...*Is looking sour* That woman had Sethopher trapped for 100 years... he managed to keep the spells she tried to use at bay by using his out of control mind powers.

        *A considering look appears upon Nicole’s face as though she's just remembered something.*

Kain: What is it Nicole?

Nicole: I talked to Harry earlier, he was telling me how he and Draco had spent his morning and inquired about Illidin... Draco’s currently with a Warden named Yarnal.

Illidin: ...Yarnal... that name sounds familiar...

Kain: It does doesn’t it?

Lucius: I never want to meet the Wardens.

        *Kain laughs.*

Illidin: OH! Yarnal... *Smiles* I like that Warden.

Nicole: ...Wait a minute, Harry said something about a vampire they had caught and you got him out, Da... Was that Sethopher?

Kain: *Nods* Yes... it took me 100 years to find him... Illidin and I got him out.

Nicole: Hmm, I also seem to remember him saying that the Wardens were rather irate that they didn't have you in their custody, Illidin... Harry wanted to know why.

Illidin: ...Because... I wasn’t exactly freed.

Kain: Someone broke him out.

Lucius: Was it you Kain?

Kain: *Snorts* No.

Illidin: I was to be imprisoned there for life. I was dangerous.

Kain: Yes. You were, you tried to rip open the roof of the world...

*Nicole raises an eyebrow.*

Illidin: I had something to do... I had an addiction to magic. There is an ancient artifact hidden deep below the arctic ring... it called to me.

Kain: He’s still addicted to magic. But... with his new power he is sated.

Illidin: Demon blood runs through my veins now.

Nicole: Does that explain the winged form?

Illidin: Yes.

Kain: ...I wonder who gave him the demon blood... *Grins*

Illidin: *Turns his head toward Kain* Hmm, I wonder.

Nicole: Gee Da, I can't imagine that you had anything to do with it. *Sarcastic*

        *Kain smiles.*

Illidin: You should ask Tyrande about Miave...

Kain: Perhaps you shouldn't, she'd growl a lot.

Lucius: Why?

Illidin: She broke me out of my cell in the first place...

Nicole: Tyrande was the one that broke you out?

Illidin: Yes she is and had very good reason to.

Nicole: Oh?

Kain: ...The Moon Elves were engaged in an epic war. They were almost destroyed, the moonglades were barren and defiled. That’s when Cenarius fell... they broke Illidin out once Cenarius died and Illidin found the Skull of Guldan and destroyed it using his own magic and absorbed a lot of its energy. The skull was what defiled the forest you see...

Nicole: Ah.

Illidin: The Moon Elves were then able to fight back with their forest spirit healed and they won ultimately but I was banished from the moonglades...

Kain: By Furion.

Illidin: I’ve had an interesting life...

Nicole: ...Malfurion is your brother isn't he?

Illidin: Yes he is...

Nicole: ...I take it you two don't particularly get along then?

Illidin: That’s not why he banished me. I was illegally set free but he knew I wouldn’t go back to my cell, so he banished me instead.

Nicole: Well that's better than being locked up I suppose.

Illidin: Yes, Miave hunted me down though... She was persistent, I’ll give her that.

Nicole: I take it since you're here and weren't part of Harry's tour that you managed to escape her.

Illidin: ...*Smiles* Yes, she used to curse me. Furion said he finds it ironic that the blind man could outrun her.

Nicole: *Small smile* Yes, I suppose it is.

Illidin: I hope young Harry lives up to Cenarius' name. I knew him very well.

Nicole: I don't know much about Cenarius... but I do know that Harry is one of the most pure hearted, caring individuals I’ve ever known, and he has accomplished more in his short 17 years than many do in a lifetime.

Illidin: *Seems sated* Pure of heart... that’s what I like to hear... that was what Cenarius was.

Kain: He was an incredible being... so I’m told.

Illidin: Yes...

Lucius: You never met him Kain?

Kain: No... I was... too young and insignificant for him to give time to. I understood perfectly of course. He had to look after his Moon Elves.

Illidin: ...When I heard of his death in my prison I was angered... and when Tyrande freed me I was elated to be able to help.

Nicole: *Nods* If he was your friend I can see how you would be.

Illidin: Yes... My brother was very angry though that I had been set free of my prison. He was not pleased by his love Tyrande's actions.

Nicole: No, I suppose not.

Illidin: No... He was also a tad jealous... he didn’t want me near her, he knows I love her.

Kain: Even now you use present tense...

Illidin: I do love her, and she knows... but I respect her and my brother's union.

*Nicole nods.*

Illidin: *Stands* I really must be going... I have things to do.

Nicole: It was a pleasure speaking with you Illidin.

Kain: See you later Illidin... *Illidin leaves and Lucius moves closer to Kain and lays his head onto Kain's shoulder*

Nicole: *Softly* Feeling better today Luce?

Lucius: Yes, much better.

        *Kain has a fleeting look of guilt, quickly replaced by his normal mood.  He runs a hand down Lucius' back.*

Nicole: *Nods* Good.

Kain: ...He had... many wounds.

Lucius: *Sighs* I’m fine though.

Nicole: That's the important thing.

Lucius: *Smiles* That’s what I have been telling him...

Kain: ...You're sure you're alright?

        *Lucius rolls his eyes.*

Nicole: I believe that's a 'yes'.

Lucius: *Stands* *Kisses Kain on the mouth* I’m going for a shower... See you soon?

*Kain nods.*

Lucius: *smiles* See ya later Nicole... *Walks from the room*

*Kain leans his head gently on the table.  Nicole gets up from her chair and moves to one next to Kain, resting a hand on his back as she sits there silently.  Kain sighs tiredly.*

Nicole: *Voice soft and quiet* You alright Da?

Kain: Yes... just tired.

Nicole: *Sighs* I can understand that feeling.

Kain: The amount of stuff that’s happened lately... and I thought my life was complicated before...

Nicole: *Light scoff of amusement* Gee, that seems to be something I’ve said quiet often since I’ve met all of you.

Kain: *Smiles* Yes... My power has grown more in the past few days... I’ve only really begun to notice it now.

Nicole: Seems a lot of people have had growing power lately... Harry, Draco, Luce, Sethopher and now you... If Nathair wasn't messing so with my own magic I’d start to feel left out.

Kain: *Smiles* It's been a while since it's shot up this much... I think I know why so I’m not worried. It just makes me feel tired when it increases, my body has to get used to the extra load.

Nicole: *Curious* What do you think is causing the increase?

Kain: Fiammetta... he let me drink from him.

Nicole: Yes, I suppose that would do it.

Kain: *Smiles* I didn’t ask... nor did I need to feed at the time.

Nicole: Wow.

Kain: He offered... it must have been plain to see... that I wanted to feed from him.

*Nicole nods.*

Kain: *Lifts his head* His blood was like drinking raw power.

Nicole: Being your grand-sire I can't imagine how old he must be.

Kain: He... it was so... raw... I was grateful I didn’t have to ask him because I would have...

Nicole: I can't even begin to imagine.

Kain: *Smiles* Yes... well, I should go hunting... *Stands*

Nicole: *Stands* Should I just look for you later to feed?

Kain: I’ll be back soon... don’t worry. I’ll be in my and Lucius' room.... see you later.

Nicole: Bye Da.

        *Kain walks from the room leaving Nicole alone.  Nicole walks from the room headed towards the library.  As she nears the library a door to her right opens and Sethopher storms out and towards the exit with a 'someone is going to die horribly' look on his face.*

Nicole: *Calls out* Sethopher?

        *Sethopher doesn’t answer and goes straight outside.  Nicole considers for a moment and moves to the door Sethopher exited and looks in.  There is a set of stairs obviously leading down to the basement.  Alexander is standing around halfway up looking into the pitch black room.*

Nicole: Alex? What's going on? Why did your father just storm outside? ...and why are you on the stairs to the basement for that matter?

        *Alexander turns to face Nicole, tears in his eyes and he walks up the stairs and ushers Nicole out of the basement.*

Alex: Do you know where Kael is?

Nicole: No, I’m afraid I don't. I haven't seen him since last night.

        *Alex nods and places an archaic locking charm on the door.*

Nicole: What's going on Alex?

Alex: ...Cal got free of his restraints.

Nicole: Val had him in the basement?

        *Alex nods.*

Nicole: ...And I take it Sethopher went looking for him?

Alex: *Tears in Alex's eyes* No, dad went to kill him.

Nicole: *Voice extremely sad* Oh gods Alex... *Stands there as though she's not sure what to do since she's only recently met him.*

Alex: *Alex shakes his head* ...He deserves it Nicole.... that’s... It's Val...

Nicole: *VERY worried* ...Is she alright?

Alex: *Shakes his head* She... she’s dead.

Nicole: *Stumbles back horror struck, voice a whisper* Oh gods... that's why you need Kael... *Leans against a wall for support*

Alex: *Nods* Yes... Dad's gonna tear him apart... Cal... He better hope Kain doesn’t find out before dad’s finished with him.

Nicole: *Is staring at the basement door in horror* I can't believe... *Looks at Alex just registering the comment about Kain* Kain went out hunting, it's hard to say if he'll run into Cal or not.

Alex: *Alex looks completely stunned* Dad just stood there... he... he couldn’t move... then he just growled and stormed out.

Nicole: *Nods weakly* He looked ready to kill, that's why I didn't go after him and found you instead.

Alex: *Nods and slowly slides to the ground* ......We need to find Kael.

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... I don't know where he is... though Harry could get a message to him that we need to see him regardless of where he is... *Looks at the door in horror again* I can't believe she's gone... *Slides to the ground and hugs her knees to her chest.*

        *Alex sits in silence when Tyrande and Remus Lupin come into the seemingly calm house and look at Nicole and Alex on the floor.*

Remus: Alex... Nicole... are you two alright?

        *Nicole’s head rests on her knees as tears start to fall, she shakes her head slightly, unable to speak.  Alex looks up at Remus, pain evident and Remus exclaims.*

Remus: Alex!? What’s happened?!

Tyrande: ...*Whispers* Valentine......... Alex move from the door at once.

        *Alex moves with Remus' help and Tyrande descends into the basement.*

Alex: Val's dead...

Remus: Oh God... *Holds Alex to him*

        *Nicole rests her chin on her knees eyes trained where Tyrande just disappeared, watching as tears run down her face.  Tyrande can be heard whispering in Moonelvin and a huge white owl flies up the staircase and through the walls, obviously headed outside. She comes back up the stairs.*

Tyrande: Kain should have killed that boy...

Alex: I know... even I told Val to kill him... *Buries his face into Remus' neck*

        *Nicole closes her eyes at Tyrande’s words and rests her forehead back on her knees.*

Tyrande: My owl will fetch Kael... I suspect Kain already knows... I pray to Elune that Sethopher finds his son first and gives him a clean death... that is the most he can hope for.

Nicole: *Her face is still buried against her knees, softly mumbled words can be heard but only bits can be understood.* ...Stupid... I never... so wrong...

Tyrande: *Tyrande walks to Nicole and looks at her* Nicole... I know this is a lot to ask... but Sethopher will need you... *Tyrande holds out her hand* No self doubt at this moment... you need to be strong for him.

Nicole: *Looks up at Tyrande, tears streaming down her face, voice barely a whisper* I’m not sure I know how.

Tyrande: *Tyrande smiles sadly* I don’t know what to tell you... but all I know is that he will need you to be strong... at least for now... If you need help, if you need to speak to someone, I am always at your service.

Nicole: *Looks down staring into space* I helped convince Kain to give Cal a chance... I never should have done that...

Tyrande: You didn’t know... how could you have known? It's not your fault Nicole, the only one at fault is Cal.

Nicole: *Nods* I know that... now I just need to convince myself of it, guilt isn't always the most rational of feelings. *Looks up and Tyrande giving her a very weak smile and wipes at her tears.*

Tyrande: I know... guilt plagues everyone... even I have trouble letting go of old guilt I have... but it does lessen with time. *Tyrande sighs and looks Nicole straight in the eye* Try to get up... Kael will be on his way now...

Nicole: *Nods and gets slowly to her feet, breathing slowly to calm herself and rubbing away the remaining tears* You're right, I need to get a hold of myself.

Tyrande: *Tyrande looks towards the outside door and whispers* Brace yourselves...

Kael: *Runs in and looks at Tyrande* Tyrande... tell me it's not true.

Tyrande: *Looks away from Kael* I am so sorry Prince...

Kael: *Looks horror struck and leans against the wall for support* *Whispers* How?

Tyrande: Cal...

Kael: And...?

Tyrande: Sethopher is dealing with his wayward son.

Kael: ...*Whispers* Where is she?

        *Tyrande points him in the direction of the door and he goes down swiftly.  Tyrande closes the door behind him giving the prince privacy.*

Nicole: *Looks at the door sadly and whispers* Poor Kael, and so soon after he finally won her over.

Tyrande: *Nods* Yes... I know... he's very careful about who he shows his emotions to... they used to call him the Ice Prince... now... he will be that way truly I fear.

Nicole: *Her sadness seems to be now tempered with a hint of anger, and whispers more to herself than anyone else.* Damn you Cal, whatever you receive, you deserve...

Tyrande: *Sighs* We should leave this scene... Kael will probably want to spend time with his love as is the tradition of the High Elves...

Nicole: *Nods* ...I should go find Harry and tell him what's happened, he said he was going to be in his room, so I can't imagine he won't know for long... I think he'd rather be told than find out accidentally.

Tyrande: *Nods* A wise move I think... I’ll go speak to Syan and the other Druids... they need to know... *Looks at Alex and Remus* Remus, take him back to your room.

Remus: *Nods* Come on Alex. *Starts walking with Alex down the hall.*

Nicole: *Sighs and looks at Tyrande* I’ll see you soon I’m sure, and hopefully under better conditions than these.

Tyrande: *Nods* I hope so Nicole... speak to you soon... may Elune give you strength... *Walks from the hall outside*

*Nicole heads to Harry and Draco’s room and knocks softly.*

Draco: *Calls out* Come in...

*Nicole pauses to make sure she's presentable and calm and walks in.*

Draco: *Draco looks up from his place at the table with a chess set on the table* Hello Nicole... you alright?

Nicole: ...Not particularly at the moment Draco... is Harry around, or is he out with Ron and Mione somewhere?

Draco: ...No he's out on the balcony... he's been out there for about 10 minutes, I tried to call him in but he kind of ignored me... I think he's in a trance... or he's being an ignorant pig.

Nicole: *Bites her lip* ... Are Mione and Ron around or is it just you two here, what I have to say to you both doesn't really concern them...... though I fear Harry might already know.

Draco: They're not around no, they're having 'alone time' in their suite of rooms.

Nicole: *Nods* Come out with me on the balcony Draco, I’d rather talk to you both at once and get it over with.

Draco: *Draco looks really worried and nods* Sure... *Stands*

        *Nicole leads the way to the balcony.*

Harry: *Is standing at the edge of the balcony looking towards the forest as an unnaturally strong wind blows into him throwing his hair back.  He looks at Nicole.* Hey Nicole...

*Draco is standing behind Nicole.*

Nicole: Hi Harry... *Hesitates then speaks softly* Do you have any idea why I’m here?

Harry: *Sighs* I don’t know exactly... but I know that something dreadful has happened...

Draco: *Whispers* Val..................

Nicole: *Looks towards Draco and her face has saddened* Yes, it's Val... She's dead.

Harry: ......*Looks sorrowful* So... that’s what I can feel then... the anger and pain... it's Sethopher I take it? He's in the forest isn’t he?

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... Cal, Sethopher's younger son, is the one who killed Val... Now Sethopher will kill him.

Harry: *Harry nods looking towards the forest and the wind abates* The spirits in the forest are complaining about the vampire with a big sword... I take it that’s Kain...

Nicole: *Looks grim* Then Da has found out.... Cal had better hope Sethopher finds him first so his death will be swift... *Voice hard* Though I can't say he deserves such kindness.

Harry: ...The want for power can do funny things to people.

Nicole: *The hardness leaves and she simply looks weary* Yes it can.

        *Harry looks at Nicole and walks over to her and gives her a hug. Harry looks down at the forest and sees Kain walk out of the forest covered in blood, wings stretched out to their full span dragging Sethopher with him who seems reluctant to leave the shelter of the forest.*

Nicole: *Gaze follows Harry's* It's done then...... I should go meet them.

Harry: *Nods* Yeah you should... good luck Nicole... my thoughts go with you. *Smiles amused at himself* I even say 'see you later' like Syan now...

*Draco gives Nicole a hug too.*

Nicole: *Smiles at Harry weakly and returns Draco’s hug* Tyrande left to talk with Syan and the Druids... Alex and Remus retired to their rooms... and Kael is with Val... *Face saddens* So you two shouldn't be disturbed for some time...

Harry: *Nods* Okay...

Nicole: Bye. *Sighs and walks back inside and heads towards the entrance.*

Kain: *Is already in the entrance Hall with Sethopher and is holding him against a wall* Sethopher, SETHOPHER! Listen to me, it had to be done! You did the right thing... Sethopher!?

Sethopher: My own son...

Kain: Sethopher don’t make me knock some fucking sense into you, he killed your sister! VALENTINE. Pull yourself together man!

        *Sethopher inhales deeply trying to calm down.  Kain lets him go and he supports himself on his own two feet.*

Nicole: *Steps into the room, eyes trained on Sethopher* Sethopher?

Sethopher: *Sethopher looks at Nicole* Nicole... Val... was... *Seems not to be able to go on and Kain supports him again as he threatens to fall to the ground.*

Nicole: *Nicole moves quickly over to them* Shh love, I know, let's go back to our rooms. *Looks at Kain for help*

Kain: *Kain hauls Sethopher from the wall* Come now Sethopher, you need to lie down.

Nicole: *Gives Kain a grateful look* I’ll get the doors. *Leads the way back to her and Sethopher's bedroom.*

        *Kain all but drags Sethopher from the hall towards Nicole's and his rooms.  Nicole holds open the door to the bedroom and Kain takes him through and lays him on the bed.*

Nicole: *Sighs and moves into the room, speaks softly* Thank you Da, I’ll look after him now.

Kain: *Nods and looks extremely upset himself* He should rest Nicole... he's been under a lot of pressure today.

Nicole: I know... You should go get cleaned up and rest yourself.

Kain: *Shakes his head* I can’t... I have formal arrangements to make... *Sighs deeply*

Nicole: *Nods in understanding* Very well, I won't keep you... Kael is with her, Tyrande told him what happened.

Kain: *Sighs sadly* Just when she had got her life sorted how she wanted... *Looks sadly at Sethopher* I’ll see you later Nicole... *Walks from the room*

Nicole: *Nicole moves over to the bed and lies upon it on her side facing Sethopher* Love?

*Sethopher seems to be in complete shock.  Nicole reaches out a hand and takes his in her own, Sethopher doesn’t say anything.*

Nicole: *Nicole sits up slightly and looks down at Sethopher, she reaches out her free hand and cups the side of his face gently, voice soft.* Love, look at me.

*Sethopher’s eyes shift to hers.*

Nicole: *Voice soft and sincere* I know you're hurting love, but you did the right thing, you need to know that.

Sethopher: *Sethopher swallows hard* *Quietly* I know... but I should have let Kain kill him like he was meant to do... that's... it's the law... but I allowed him to be brought here and he killed ... *A tear rolls down his cheek* Val...

Nicole: *Nicole lies back down along Sethopher's side and holds him tightly, voice soft and firm.* It's not your fault, the only one to blame is Cal. You're no more responsible than Da, or I or Alex is.

Sethopher: *Shakes his head* No... It was my fault... had I told Kain what had been happening at the beginning like I was meant to... this problem... would never have been a problem... *Growls in frustration*

Nicole: Sethopher it's not your fault, it's Cal's. He's the one that went out of control and he's the one that has caused all this.

Sethopher: *Seems lost in a spiral of guilt and closes his eyes.* My daughter, my son and my sister...

Nicole: *Voice soft* Grieve for them love, you have every right too, but you needn't feel guilt, none of them are your fault.

*Sethopher keeps his eyes closed as tears stream down his face.*

Nicole: *Nicole kisses Sethopher's eyelids and strokes his cheek softly* Go ahead and cry love, let it out.

        *Sethopher moves over closer to Nicole and positions himself so his face is down into the pillow and Nicole can feel sobs wrack his frame.  Nicole rubs a hand across his back in soothing motions.  He grabs one of her hands and squeeses tightly as he cries harder... After a few minutes, Sethopher's breathing slows and the tight grip on her hand subsides as do the wracking sobs.*

Nicole: *Nicole squeeses Sethopher's hand, her other still rubbing his back* Love?

        *Sethopher is breathing restfully and peacefully and makes no response to Nicole.*

Nicole: *Nicole softly smiles sadly and whispers* Guess you cried yourself to sleep. *Settles herself more comfortably along his side, still rubbing his back lightly.*

        *Sethopher shifts slightly in sleep, head resting on its side facing Nicole in sleep. His face is still stained with tears.*

~*~ About 15 minutes pass ~*~

*There is a light knock on the door.*

Nicole: *Nicole turns her head and softly calls out* Come in.

Lucius: *Lucius enters the room quietly* Hello Nicole... how is he?

Nicole: *Quietly* He cried himself to sleep.

Lucius: *Lucius frowns sadly* I suppose at least he is asleep... Kain sent for you... he said you should feed.

Nicole: *Sighs* Is it really that late already? *Looks back at Sethopher sadly*

Lucius: *Lucius nods* And he said that there would be no point in you staying with him at the moment anyway as Kain said Sethopher’s sleep is more like a coma... nothing will wake him until tomorrow.

Nicole: *Looks up at Luce wearily* Are you certain? He's been through so much today... I feel like I shouldn't leave him by himself.

Lucius: *Lucius sighs* If you want I’ll stay with him till you return.

Nicole: *Softly caressing Sethopher's sleeping back as she stands, Nicole moves over to Lucius and hugs him, speaking softly.* Thank you, even if it is to ease my mind more than to actually help him, it'll make me feel better.

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I don't mind staying... Kain is in our room.

Nicole: *Nods* Alright. *Leaves the room and heads upstairs to Kain and Luce’s.  Nicole knocks lightly on the door once she reaches the room.*

Kain: *Calls out* Come in.

Nicole: *Nicole enters the room, closing the door behind her* Luce said you wanted me to come feed now.

        *Kain is sitting in front of the desk which has some symbols on it in stone and three blood red candles set upon its surface.*

Kain: *Stands* Yes...

Nicole: *Looks at the candles set out on Kain's desk* ...Does that have to do with Val?

Kain: *Nods* Yes it does...

Nicole: *Softly* I can hardly believe she's gone...

Kain: *Looks pained* Me either... she was a good friend... and a fine woman.

*Nicole nods sadly.*

Kain: *Lights the three candles and mutters some words in Vampiric causing five lights to appear, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and White.* ...I’ll miss her very much... *Walks away from the desk as the five lights circle the candles and stones.*

Nicole: Yes, many of us will... I told Harry and Draco before you got back... I was with them when I saw you and Sethopher returning.

Kain: *Nods* ...Draco knew who it concerned didn't he? Before you told him that is...

Nicole: *Nods* Yes... Harry could tell that something bad had happened and as he said that, Draco realised it was Val... I don't exactly understand how, though I assumed it had to do with his emerging powers.

Kain: Yes... Wardens are as a rule, powerful creatures... especially with their guardian forces... Draco’s is I believe the same as Draconias' was. That of the Vengeance Avator... the most powerful being of all the guardians... it is a spirit and tells him things, though he does not understand it all yet.

Nicole: *Nods* That makes sense.

Kain: Yes... *Looks towards the stone tablets on the desk* I wonder where Val is... I wonder if she is where I went... when I died.

Nicole: *Shakes her head* I don't know Da. *Wry look* I am after all the girl that didn't believe in an afterlife until you told me you'd been there, after all.

Kain: *Smiles*...She may come back... you never know... then again, she may like the job they could give her down there... Then again, she may be somewhere different entirely...

Nicole: *Smiles* Yes, it's hard to say... *Thoughtful look* I think perhaps for Val this may just be the next great adventure for her... even if it wasn't taken when she particularly wanted it.

Kain: Yes... it comforts me to know she is somewhere else... still herself... If I really wanted I could probably find her and bring her back... but that's messing with the natural order and I only came back as I was kicked out.

*Nicole nods.*

Kain: I hope Sethopher is okay... and as a fitting tribute I hope Val is given her nephew to play with.

Nicole: *Snorts* It would be fitting... Sethopher is resting, he cried himself to sleep... I think it's all just too much for him at the moment, first loosing Jasmine, and now both Cal and Val, and in such a way as this.

Kain: *Sighs* If only I had killed that brat.

Nicole: *Looks up at Kain sadly.* You aren't the only one that regrets not having done that in the first place... but it's too late to change it now, what's done is done.

Kain: *Sighs* No... I meant today... if I had caught him and killed him it would have been easier on Sethopher. He would have hated me for a week or two... but he would have got over it.

Nicole: *Looks saddened* ...Perhaps, but in a way I think he needed to do it himself. He blames himself for causing all this, it was his closure... now he just needs to accept it all, without letting it destroy him.

Kain: *Nods* ......It's difficult to get through... *Keeps his gaze away from Nicole* Killing your own child... it's deeper than any wound that you can receive.

Nicole: *Walks up to Kain and hugs him, speaking softly into his shoulder* I love you Da, and I’m sure Tia forgives you for what happened, she was in pain, at least now that pain is over.

Kain: *Nods* I know... but... I still killed her. That guilt won’t ever leave me.

Nicole: I know Da.

Kain: *Sighs* Lucius kind of gets it... he sort of understands... with what he did to Draco... I’ve spoken to him at length... it is lessening... Sethopher will be alright... it'll just take him a few days to... well, to come to terms with what has happened.

Nicole: *Nods* I wouldn't expect him to be immediately alright after something like this.

Kain: *Sighs* He'll pretend to be though... Take my word for it, tomorrow he'll try to pretend it didn't happen.

Nicole: *Wry smiles* Yes, he probably will won't he... always trying to be the strong one... like someone else I know.

Kain: *Smiles gently slightly trying humor* Yes... Lucius can be a prat sometimes...

Nicole: Ha, ha, funny Da. *Smiles genuinely*

Kain: I thought so... and I don't try to be the strong one, I have to be the strong one.... Sort of comes with the territory...

Nicole: Yes, I know... We'll all get through this... eventually.

Kain: *Kain nods and takes Nicole over to the couch and sits down.* You really should feed... I can feel your child starting to object to the lack of blood.

Nicole: *Sighs tiredly* I hadn't even realised how late it was until Luce came to get me. *Sits beside him.*

Kain: *Nods* Yes... I don't need to sort out the arrangements now... Kael said that he wanted to take care of it.

Nicole: Yes I suppose he would... This is so hard on him... Tyrande is afraid he will cut himself off from everyone now, emotionally anyway.

Kain: *Nods* When I saw him... with Val... It broke my heart... he seemed so lost.

Nicole: *Gets a far off look* I can't imagine what he's going through, how he can deal... If I lost Sethopher like that I don't know what I’d do... it would be beyond hard to cope.

Kain: *Kain nods* Loosing a partner is a devastating business... When Uhma betrayed me... *Kain looks down* I gave up... I was caught by the ministry, I didn't even attempt to escape... they didn't feed me and I was very ill... *Sighs* Kael will get through it though... He's strong...

Nicole: *Nods* I just hope that he doesn't give up on love... For a being that lives as long as the elves do, a lifetime is a long time to spend without love.

Kain: *Kain smiles sadly* He will give up on love as did I... but... *Kain looks at the ring Lucius gave him when they bonded* love has a funny way of seeking you out when you least expect it.

Nicole: *Smiles softly* It does, doesn't it?

Kain: *Nods* ...You know... Lucius is the first proper relationship I have had with a man... the rest were with women... and the odd fling with a man... I love him very much.

Nicole: It's interesting how things often turn out the best in the way you least expected

Kain: Yes... Kael will find someone... it'll take time though... as it should.

        *Nicole nods*

Kain: ...Sethopher will be alright...

Nicole: *Smiles bitterly* I know he will... eventually. *Shakes her head* He was so broken... I hate to see him this way, I wish there was a way I could make all the pain go away, but there's not, so I will just stay by his side as long as he needs me.

Kain: *Nods* He'll probably go to the moonglades alone tomorrow to pray... He follows the Moonelvin gods as opposed to the Vampiric ones... I follow many gods.

Nicole: ...I've noticed he refers to the same gods Tyrande does... I guess I just never really thought about it.

Kain: Yes... Elune, the main goddess... then there was the Demigod Cenarius... that was the 2 main gods they follow... *Smiles a little* Probably gives you some idea how powerful Harry will get.

Nicole: Wow, yeah I guess it does.

Kain: I won’t ever worship Harry... but I will always respect him... there will be many elves that will see him as their god but he will understand the role better later...

Nicole: *Shakes her head* That's something he'll have a tough time getting used to... All he's ever wanted was to be normal... fate just didn't have it in store for him I guess.

Kain: No... it really didn't. It'll take a while for the elvin world to get used to having their demigod back... but once they do Harry can pretty much do what he wants.

Nicole: *Sighs, closes her eyes and leans her head against the back of the couch* I suppose he'll enjoy that aspect of it all.

Kain: Yes... freedom will be nice for him... Well... you should feed Nicole... we can talk more after but you really should feed now...

Nicole: *Opens her eyes tiredly* Yes I suppose I should. *Shifts so that she is facing Kain*

*Kain moves so his neck is exposed to her completely.  Nicole leans in and bites... after a slightly shorter amount of time than usual so far she finishes and leans back against the couch again tiredly.*

Kain: *Looks at her* You sure you fed enough pet? *Looks at her worriedly*

Nicole: *Nods without opening her eyes* The hunger is sated Da, I’m fine... just so tired.

Kain: *Nods* Me too... *Frowns*

Nicole: *Opens her eyes and looks at Kain* Something wrong?

Kain: No... not really. I just need to talk to Lucius...

Nicole: Well then I suppose I should head back down to my room, Luce was watching over Sethopher for me until I got back.

Kain: *Smiles* Yes... well... *Hugs Nicole gently* I’ll see you tomorrow.

Nicole: *Hugs Kain back and stands* See you tomorrow Da, goodnight. *Leaves the room and walks back to her bed room.  Nicole opens the door to her room quietly, looking for Lucius as she enters.*

        *Lucius is standing at the glass patio doors looking out over the gardens.*

Nicole: *Walks over to stand beside Lucius, and speaks softly* Da wanted to talk with you about something.

Lucius: *Looks at Nicole* Oh? How is he? He was rather stand-offish with me.

Nicole: He's fine I guess... in a bit of shock, though he won't admit it... It's brought back some of the memories and guilt over Tia I think.

Lucius: *Nods* Of all the things that’s happened to him, I think that’s still the worst in his heart... *Sighs* Sethopher hasn’t moved, he’s definitely in the coma state.

Nicole: *Gives a tired smile* That's alright, I feel like I’m about to hit one myself... I didn't drink as much as usual, too tired.

Lucius: *Looks at her* If you need anything Nicole you know where to find me... *Hugs Nicole* I better let you get to sleep.

Nicole: *Hugs Lucius back* Thanks Luce, I’ll see you tomorrow... If I’m not up and around by noon, could you come wake me?

Lucius: *Lucius nods* I will. *Lucius leaves and closes the door*

        *Nicole changes from her day clothes into a loose pyjama shirt and trousers, picking up a throw blanket from a chair as she moves over to the bed and lies on top of the covers beside Sethopher.  She pulls the throw over them, snuggling against Sethopher with an arm over his back as she closes her eyes and falls quickly asleep.*


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