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Vignette: The First Meeting

Kain was never particularly fond of Knockturn Alley. It smelled bad, had too many rats and was the source of the lowest of the low of the human species of this realm. He often wondered why he came here… then he’d remember, lowest of the low were generally speaking, easy to kill and eat and rarely missed by anyone.

Tonight, however, he was not looking for a mere snack. He had some urges needing to be filled and having already fed, and being a vampire, that could only mean one thing. He wanted to get laid.

He stood on the roof of one of the taller buildings in the dingy alleyway ticking off people on his fingers that were in this part of the alley looking for male prostitutes.

“Fat… fat… stupid… fat… oh dear god what is that supposed to be?” He thought looking at a man with the worst haircut he’d ever seen. He continued crossing off reasons on his fingers then his eyes caught on some different clientele…

Blonde shoulder length hair tied at the nape of his neck, aristocratic stance, and clothes that were definitely tailor-made. A cane in hand with the head of a snake… Tall, muscular from what he could tell by his clothes. He wondered briefly what such a man would be looking for a male prostitute for… he thought ‘of course, a pureblood, forced marriage and so could quite possibly be gay and in an arranged marriage with a woman’

It hadn’t been the first pureblood of this type he’d come across. But there was something about this particular man, he was so very… charismatic and seemed to just ooze something that made everyone notice him.

It was certainly worth making contact with him. Kain jumped down from the roof scattering the few that noticed him jump down. He followed the man into the pub that was well known for male prostitutes.


Lucius Malfoy sat in the pub of Deadman’s Dyke. He hated the pub, he hated the bartender, he hated the waitresses… but he tended to like the other clientele that worked here when he was in such a mood.

The male prostitutes here were… talented.

“Hello,” said a voice to his side. Lucius looked at the man… correction… “You’re a vampire,” he said and was about to pull his wand.

“Trust me, I only eat things less well dressed than I am… I find aristocratic blood to be a little rich… and besides, I already ate today.”

Lucius observed the vampire who didn’t seem to be in a blood lust mood. He nodded and put his cane to the side. “That’s good, I really don’t feel like killing a vampire tonight.”

Kain smiled slightly at the human’s confidence. He could also sense darkness from him, now that he was closer. It felt like something he had felt before… then it hit him. Voldemort…

“You used to follow Voldemort…” he said.

Lucius turned his head to look at him quickly, “I did not.”

“You did. I can sense his mark on you. I don’t care, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Why should you mind either way?” said Lucius staring at him.

“Because, young human, you and I have come into Knockturn alley for the same reason.” Kain gave him a sly smile.

“And what reason was that?” Lucius asked watching him curiously.

“To get laid. You came looking for a prostitute, I came looking for a human to fuck… and I never bite my lovers – well, not unless they ask me to,” said Kain.

Lucius frowned, “Well, I don’t know…”

“Let me put it this way. I am six thousand years old. I have sex at least five times a week… that’s a lot of sex; you think these guys are experienced? These are naive little children next to me.”

Lucius raised his eyebrows at this declaration and then smiled, he had been looking for someone to fuck, not be fucked, but what was he if not adaptable? He nodded, “Alright vampire… where?”

Kain smiled, “I have a room booked here. I don’t much like it but a bed is a bed.” As if on cue the barman came over and gave Kain the key silently. “Oh, by the way, my name is Kain.”

Lucius smiled a little, “I’m Lucius.”

Kain stood and walked towards the stairs going up the back of the room to the second floor, “Well Lucius, let us go.”

Kain led Lucius upstairs and into the bedroom he had hired, he took a look round the room and smiled a little. “Nice enough room for the establishment,” he said, as he looked at the king sized bed and not much else in the room.

“Gee, I wonder what this inn is used for most of the time,” said Kain smiling slightly. He looked at Lucius, “Lock the door… oh, and before we start, am I biting or am I keeping my teeth sheathed?”

Lucius locked the door using magic, “Won’t biting kill me?”

“Oh no, vampires bite their lovers a lot… human, Elvin, anything really…” Kain walked over to him and ran a claw gently down Lucius’ exposed throat, noting that he was ever so slightly taller than the blond before him. “It feels rather good…”

Lucius closed his eyes as Kain breathed gently on his throat. He nodded, “Alright… I hope you’re not going to feed from me now that I have said that…”

“I already told you Lucius, I don’t eat aristocrats.” Kain growled low and kissed him on the lips. Lucius moaned at the assault on his mouth and began to pull Kain’s shirt out from his trousers. Kain slipped his hand inside Lucius’ cloak and down his trousers. Lucius groaned deeply as his arousal grew.

“Just so we’re clear on the matter Lucius, it is I who will be fucking you.”

Lucius nodded and kissed him deeply. “I figured that.” He said as Kain all but dragged him to the bed. Kain grinned and pushed him down onto the bed and started to unbutton his robes quickly and threw them to the side. He was pleased that his assumption of Lucius being muscular, but not too muscular, was correct.

He leant down and kissed his chest and then kissed a trail up to Lucius’ neck sucking gently at the pulse point. Lucius pulled Kain’s shirt off and marvelled at the vampire’s chalk white skin. This was going to be new…

Kain pulled up and smiled, “I can tell you like what you see…” he said as he ground his hips down into Lucius’ growing erection. Lucius closed his eyes and moaned. Kain pulled the black satin ribbon out of Lucius’ hair and ran his hands through the silky smooth blonde locks.

Lucius tugged at Kain’s trousers and the vampire grinned, “Alright Lucius… impatient bugger aren’t you?”

Lucius growled slightly, “Of course I’m impatient.” He groaned deeply as Kain latched onto one of his nipples and nipped it slightly. “Fuck- oh – fuck the gods.”

Kain hid a grin at his new lover’s language and began to unfasten Lucius’ trousers. Lucius kicked his shoes off as Kain pulled his trousers down and off, tossing them to the side. He then toed off his own shoes and pulled off his own trousers.

Lucius looked at him and saw Kain smiling at Lucius’ obvious arousal. Lucius settled himself at the head of the bed as Kain walked towards him. He jumped onto the bed, in a catlike leap and straight onto Lucius. Lucius’ eyes widened in surprise.

Kain smiled and kissed him forcefully on the lips leaving Lucius in no doubt just who was in charge here. Kain extended a hand haphazardly towards his robes and a vial of lubricant flew to his hand. He quickly opened it and coated his fingers in the substance. With his other hand he grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed and propped Lucius’ hips up with it.

Kain began to tease his entrance and Lucius moaned gently. Kain slid the finger in and he felt Lucius tense, a telltale sign of a man who hadn’t been taken like this much before.

“When was the last time you were fucked Lucius?”

Lucius inhaled raggedly and answered, “A while ago.”

Kain nodded and smiled slightly, “I’ll be a little more gentle with you, not a whole lot, but enough…” He slid in a second finger as Lucius’ entrance relaxed then tensed again at the second intruder. He growled low and forced himself to relax, it really had been a while since he’d been taken like this.

A third finger was added… it pressed against that familiar spot deep inside him and he arched into Kain’s touch. Kain grinned widely, “Bingo,” he said and pressed the spot again, Lucius’ erection became harder if it was possible.

Kain coated his own cock in lube and he removed his fingers, he then entered Lucius quite roughly and Lucius cried out and grabbed Kain’s shoulders as he surged forward to the hilt.

Kain bent down and sucked on Lucius’ neck. He then took each of Lucius’ hands in his own and dragged them above his head; holding them there, he began to move in and out of the man beneath him.

Lucius began to groan. Kain moved faster.

Lucius whimpered as Kain found just the right angle to move at. He tried to let his arms get free but gave up when he realised Kain was not going to let him get his arms free. Being a vampire Kain was a lot stronger than he was.

This thought rattled Lucius slightly… until Kain let go of his wrists and bit his neck. As he did this he let a hand slide between himself and Lucius and stroke his cock and rub his balls.

Lucius screamed out, and came.

Kain came when he felt Lucius’ passage grip his cock. He pumped into the blonde beneath him a few last times then watched Lucius, the aristocratic air gone, come and then come back down to earth. Hair dishevelled, looking very sexy having just come. Kain kissed him and Lucius could taste his own blood on the vampire’s lips.

Kain got off Lucius and settled at his side. Lucius didn’t feel like moving at all, he hadn’t come as hard as that in many years, thought he’d been past that level of enjoyment in his sex life.

He grabbed the covers and pulled them over himself and the now sleeping vampire and he himself fell into a deep sleep with a smile on his face.


Lucius woke early to the sunlight streaming in the window. He looked to his side where there was a weight resting there. He smiled as he saw the vampire Kain and the memories of the night before returned to him.

He was quite surprised that the vampire hadn’t killed him in his sleep.

Pleased, but surprised.

Kain yawned and looked at the window. He grumbled and closed his eyes again. “Too early,” he muttered.

“Kain, as much as I hate to annoy a vampire, we really should get up.”

Kain cracked open an eye to look at Lucius. He frowned a little… he was right. He had to get back to see Sethopher and find out what news had come from the Elvin Realm.

Although… he was also quite horny again this morning…

“I’ll get up on one condition…” he said and Lucius stopped moving.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“I’m horny,” he said simply and Lucius snorted. “My arse hurts too much to let you fuck me again any time soon.”

Kain smiled, “I don’t want to fuck you or be fucked idiot, I’m looking for quick release.”


Kain grabbed Lucius from behind and pulled his hands above his head. He kissed him deeply and conjured two scarves. He tied Lucius’ hands to the head of the bed. Lucius was very surprised.

“Forgive the state I’m doing this in… people always touch my head, I don’t much care for it…” he said.

He then kissed his way down Lucius’ body and took his soft, but hardening cock, in his mouth.

Lucius groaned deeply as Kain gave him head, arching into the white haired vampire’s touch. “Fucking hell.”

Kain stroked his balls as he sucked and worked the head. Lucius came very quickly and lay panting for a few moments. Kain took the scarves off Lucius’ wrists and looked at the blonde expectantly.

Lucius smiled, “Give me a moment.”

Kain grinned and lay down at the head of the bed with the scarves. Lucius put the scarves to the side, “I don’t mind if you touch my head,” he said and he began stroking Kain gently. Kain moaned quietly as he sped his actions up slowly but surely. He then moved down the vampire’s body and licked him from base to tip.

Kain lay back, hand gently running through Lucius’ hair as his head bobbed up and down, tongue flicking out every so often.

Kain came quickly, having woken with a hard cock. He panted as he came thrusting upwards. Lucius rolled off the vampire and smiled; that was some good sex he had had the night before, and now this morning.

“I thoroughly enjoyed this,” said Lucius watching as the vampire got up and began to get dressed.

Kain nodded, “Me too…” He smiled slightly, “How about, a mutual agreement to see each other?”


“It’ll save you on prostitute money and it’ll save me looking for a cheap fuck every night…” said Kain.

Lucius raised his eyebrows, “Every night?”

Kain grinned, “I understand if you cant keep up with me… I’ll find someone else.”

Lucius looked mildly offended. “I can keep up with you… I’m just going to need some healing salve…”

“Good, where and when shall I meet you tonight?”

Lucius smiled slightly, “Do you know Malfoy Manor?”

Kain nodded, “Yes…”

“Meet me there, I live there. I’m Lucius Malfoy.”

Kain nodded, fully dressed. “Alright. I’ll see you in a day or so then.” And he was gone from the room.

Lucius lay back on the bed, basking in the wonderful feelings of after sex the vampire had left him in. He moved his hand up to the bite mark on his neck and winced slightly.


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