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Vignette: Demon Kain

Fiammetta and Nicole left the room and the door closed leaving Kain in a shuddering shivering wreck in Lucius’ arms. Lucius said nothing, merely held onto his lover in his demon form.

Kain looked up at him, eyes usually sapphire blue, were a deep gold and black. They were still Kain’s eyes though; Lucius couldn’t explain why they seemed so familiar. Lucius raised a hand to Kain’s face and ran his index finger down Kain’s face. Kain closed his eyes and turned his head away from Lucius.

Lucius sighed and leant in and kissed the side of Kain’s face, running a tongue down his face. Kain shuddered then looked at him questioningly.


Lucius leant his cheek against Kain’s and whispered into his ear. “Yes?”

“What…” he swallowed hard, “what are you doing?”

Lucius smiled and took one of Kain’s hands and led him slowly towards the bed and sat on it looking up at Kain. He pulled Kain down onto the bed beside him and kissed him tenderly.

“I, my dear lover, am going to make love to you.”

Kain’s eyes locked onto Lucius’, “When I look like this?”

Lucius nodded and leant forward and kissed Kain, who tried to protest at the situation, through what Lucius could feel was fear and uncertainty. He kissed Kain into submission and Kain lay back on the bed, wings spread out, tail leaning off the side of the bed.

Kain couldn’t believe what was happening, he didn’t disgust Lucius, not in the least. Kain decided to do what he had never done with anyone. Submit completely.

Kain was always the one to dominate the relationship. Any relationship. Sure, he had let Lucius ‘top’ him, but Kain was always the one in control, the one with the power the one with the strength.

Today had shown him however that this could be a destructive force in a relationship. His not telling Lucius about his troubles and pain had caused Lucius to feel unwanted and sought comfort elsewhere, with Narcissa.

How he hated that woman.

Kain lay still as Lucius undressed him, kissing and caressing new flesh as he went, new scars that were usually hidden in his elfin vampiric form. It was a terrifying experience. He was trusting Lucius with all that he was.

Lucius had completely undressed them both and was caressing all of Kain’s body with his hands, lips and tongue. Exploring new skin thrown up by Kain’s change. Kain noticed that his skin was more sensitive than usual, as were his mind powers. They picked up on Lucius’ feelings. Feelings of respect, adoration and most of all, love.

Kain left himself in his lover’s capable hands. Each soft caress taking down a barrier, finding chinks in his oh so carefully crafted walls. Lucius’ hands were gentle and loving. He reached out and took the lube that he knew was there from the bedside table and covered his fingers in the substance. He let his fingers find Kain’s entrance and gently prepared his lover.

“I love you,” Lucius said as he coated his cock in lube. Kain’s arms wrapped round Lucius who leant down and kissed Kain’s throat. He wasn’t used to this, being the one taking the lead. He bit down on Kain’s neck and he groaned throatily.

“Lucius,” whispered Kain closing his eyes, “Take me, God, Lucius take me.”

Lucius moved and kissed Kain’s mouth and Kain could taste his own blood on his lover’s lips, infused with power. Lucius moved his hips and entered Kain gently. Kain ran his hands down his lover’s back, eyes closed, wings fluttering gently, breathing heavily. Lucius bit down on the other side of Kain’s neck and possessively grabbed his arms and growled low and began to move rhythmically.

Kain threw his head back and his back arched into Lucius’ touch. He was about to scream out as he came but Lucius kissed him possessively and muffled Kain’s scream along with his own as they both succumbed to the sensations building in their bodies.

Kain went limp and panted as Lucius watched him come back to reality. Lucius was still buried in Kain and moved to leave his lover’s body when Kain made noises protesting.

“Stay,” he whispered huskily and Lucius lay his head in the crook of Kain’s neck.

“I didn’t know you had that in you,” whispered Kain.

Lucius looked at him, “You never let me show it… I knew you wouldn’t let me… It’s different now though, isn’t it?”

Lucius moved and lay beside Kain who turned on his side to face his lover.

“Yes… it is.” Kain looked at his wrist where the cuts from that morning had been. “They’ve healed…”

Lucius looked at the arm in question and smiled, “So I see…” Kain looked at Lucius and kissed him, changing slowly back into his normal form hiding all, including the wings.

“Is that what I’ll look like?” asked Lucius, curiosity over run.

“Well… I don’t know. The only other vampire that has evolved is Fiammetta and the other vampires that I killed to take over… Fiammetta will know, I shall have to ask him.”

Kain yawned widely and Lucius stroked the side of his face. “Can you keep your wings out?” he asked quietly. Kain sat up and looked down at him. “Why?”

Lucius sat up and kissed his lover’s shoulder. “They suit you.”

Lucius sat against the headboard and Kain nodded and then straddled Lucius’ outstretched legs. He kissed Lucius’ cheek and ran a hand through Lucius’ hair, and let his hands tangle in the long blonde locks. He let his wings stretch out behind him and kept his ministrations on Lucius hair and mouth tender and light.

Lucius moved so that Kain sat on the bed, legs stretched out in a vee and Lucius put his legs over Kain’s thighs and then wrapped his legs round his lover. Groin to groin touch was enough to rekindle some passion in both of them. Kain’s wings wrapped round Lucius, silky smooth feathers tickling Lucius’ back and he moaned gently into the kiss that was ever increasing in passion.

Lucius let a hand move down Kain’s torso and then graze his lover’s steadily hardening cock. Kain moaned encouragingly and Lucius let his hand run up and down Kain’s cock. He reached out to the bedside cabinet and coated his hand in lube and coated Kain’s cock in lube. He had a small amount still in his palm. Kain let one hand fall from Lucius’ now thoroughly messed hair and take the lube onto his fingers. He started to prepare Lucius’ hole gently and still hadn’t let up on his assault of his lover’s mouth.

Lucius felt Kain lift him up and he let go of Kain’s cock and felt Kain nudge his entrance and felt the familiar stretching sensation as he sat down onto Kain’s cock, filling him completely. Lucius rocked his hips and felt Kain nudge the prostate in his passage and he moaned and one of his hands started towards his own cock.

Kain smiled against Lucius’ mouth and he took his hands and held Lucius’ behind his back and he moaned in frustration. Kain pulled away from his mouth and looked at Lucius.

“Don’t worry lover, I won't leave you wanting.”

Lucius leant his head back at these words and Kain revelled in the offered flesh. He bit down on exposed flesh and made sure he didn’t break the skin, merely nipped and teased on the skin.

Kain felt his own release teeter near the edge of completion and he stopped moving and looked at Lucius who was also rather near completion. Lucius was covered in a sheen of sweat, his head thrown back, hair an untidy tangle and throat offered up for him to feast on, so trustingly, so lovingly.

Lucius looked at him. He let his empathic powers take over and bask in Kain’s feelings and he gasped at the sensation. His lover took his breath away, lips red and wet with blood, sapphire blue eyes wide in arousal and trust. Kain was waiting for something and finally Lucius understood.

“Forever I am yours… no one else’s, yours alone.”

Kain closed his eyes and moved inside Lucius who groaned deeply and gasped again as Kain moved within him and finally and shatteringly brought him over the edge of reality in a blaze of colour and heat as Kain drew blood from Lucius’ throat.

Kain came hard and lay his head in the crook of Lucius’ neck. He ran his hands again through Lucius’ hair as Lucius lifted to allow Kain to leave him. Kain was panting and Lucius lay him on his side and stroked his face gently as he drifted off to sleep. Lucius smiled lovingly and got up out of the bed when he realised that Kain was indeed asleep.

He stood, shoved a shirt on, some pants and shoes and went to the door. He glanced at his hairbrush but decided just to go down as is, the odds are no one would be around.

He sat in the dining hall and was about to call Arthas when he heard the door open and Nicole entered.


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