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25 September 1997


        *Morwen opens the door to the pub and walks towards her normal seat at the far end of the bar.  A large dog follows closely by her side.  The barman, Otho, walks over.*

Otho: Hello Morwen.

Morwen: *Morwen smiles slightly and sits on the stool somewhat tiredly.  The large dog curls up at her feet*  Hello Otho, glass of the usual?

Otho: *nods and pours her out a glass of honey coloured liquid* Here you go. *puts it on the bar* You look tired.

Morwen: I am a bit.  Just got back from Lloura a short while ago, haven't even been home yet. *takes a sip of her drink*

Otho: *frowns* Well, at least you don’t look as depressed as that guy over there. *points over to the other end of the pub where Illidin sits alone with a glass of what looks like bloodwine* He's been in here moping all day.

Morwen: *Morwen looks where Otho has pointed and a startled look appears on her face* *quiet and slightly disbelieving* Illidin?!

Illidin: *Illidin raises his head, brow furrowed* Morwen?

Morwen: *Morwen gets up and walks over to sit beside Illidin.  The dog trails her and sniffs Illidin, growling quietly.  Morwen hushes the dog and turns her attention back to Illidin* Illidin, it's been quite some time since I last saw you.

Illidin: *nods* Yes it has... its nice to hear a friendly voice.

Morwen: *concernedly* You don't look well, is something wrong?

Illidin: *sighs* I've had a stressful week my friend... So how are you getting on?

Morwen: *shrugs slightly* Well enough.  I took a job teaching human history part time in Lloura, so I don't have to depend entirely on my savings and Severus.

Illidin: *smiles* Yes... you never much liked having to depend on him... you know he's moved to Quel Thalas permanently now?

Morwen: Oh really?  In his last letter he said he was considering it.  Said Prince Kael made him a tempting offer.  I'll have to chastise that brother of mine for not letting me know about such a big change in his life right away.

Illidin: *smiles* Yes you will. Do you like teaching?

Morwen: Well enough I suppose.  Children, even elvin children, get a bit tedious at times, but it's better than some things I could be doing.

Illidin: *nods* Yes... I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. I may stay here for a while.

Morwen: Do you have a place to stay? *looks at him considering*

Illidin: *nods* Yes, I have one of the small cottages at the top of the hill.

Morwen: Renting it then?

Illidin: Yes... means I can move easily if I want to... I’m not sure, the owner said I can buy it eventually if I wish.

Morwen: Hmm.  Last I heard you were back in the human realm again, what brought you back to the elvin realm?

Illidin: You remember I told you about Lord Kain, the vampire that saved my life?

Morwen: *nods and takes a sip of her drink* Yeah, I remember you telling me about him.  Tall, pale, intimidating guy with a big sword.

Illidin: *Grins* That’s him... well I had to help save his life a few weeks ago. He's back here in Edrel with his daughter and his lover... I decided to stay when I came here... I became friends with his daughter...*his tone implies more*

Morwen: *questioningly* I thought his daughter was dead.

Illidin: *nods* His biological daughter, Tia, died. He has a... well an adoptive daughter named Nicole...

Morwen: *guardedly* Did something happen with this Nicole girl?

Illidin: *sighs sadly* *Quietly* Yes... I began to fall for her... although it ended up being Tyrande all over again and she stayed with her lover Sethopher... *Sounds bitter*

Morwen: *rests a hand over his* I'm sorry to hear that... though I hate to say it, but it probably wasn't a good idea to get involved with someone who was already involved to start with.

Illidin: *Nods* I couldn’t help it... she and her lover were having issues and I was injured. Miave caught up with me...

Morwen: I heard she was back... and that some new vampire wiped her out in spectacular fashion.  I didn't realise you were involved in that as well.

Illidin: *grins* Lucius cut her head off and stuck it on a pike. Lucius is Kain's lover.

Morwen: *quirks an eyebrow* Well that explains how he managed to kill Maive, I wouldn't think Kain would attach himself to someone who wasn't rather powerful in their own right

Illidin: Yes... Kain made him as powerful as he is... Lucius has evolved already... He's a good man... Kain and he are very happy together.

Morwen: Well I suppose at least someone is happy in all this.

Illidin: *nods and sighs again* So what about you? You have anyone special?

Morwen: *laughs somewhat bitterly* Other than Kamali here. *gestures to the dog* No, just as single as ever

Illidin: *nods* You'll find someone. I'm not sure I ever will or even want to now. *takes a sip of his bloodwine*

Morwen: *shakes her head slightly* Somehow I doubt it Illidin.  I haven't even gone on a date since I moved to Edrel just over two years ago.  I'm a 30 year old mortal human, how many people around here do you know that actually would be interested in me?  Besides, I'm not looking for anyone, my life now is comfortable, why complicate it?

Illidin: *smiles slightly* Love tends to find people I’ve found... only time really tells but for now I’m putting it on hold. Kain gave me rather a dressing down for getting in the middle of Sethopher and Nicole.

Morwen: Seeing as it's his daughter, if he was happy with who she was already with, I'm not all that surprised.

Illidin: *nods* Sethopher is Kain's best friend...

Morwen: *groans slightly* You were playing with fire Illidin, it's no wonder you got burned.

Illidin: *nods* You know me though, I like a challenge.

Morwen: *laughs slightly* Yes, I suppose so... So do you have any idea of what you're going to do now?

Illidin: Mope for a few weeks here... I’m not likely to bump into Kain or Nicole or especially Sethopher who gave me a sound beating last he saw me...

Morwen: That's probably a safe bet, few important people pass through a small village like Mina'Joutot

Illidin: *nods* How very true, and it's far enough away from the Moonglades to be away from Malfurion... He and I don’t exactly get along as you well know.

Morwen: Trying to see how many people you can add to your avoidance list Illidin?

Illidin: *smiles slightly* I don’t exactly make a lot of friends... Tyrande is also on the list. I think the only person that isn’t on the list that I have left recently is Harry Potter...

Morwen: *raises an eyebrow* The Harry Potter?  The bane of my brother's teaching career?

Illidin: *laughs* Yes, The Harry Potter... Heir of Cenarius and all...

Morwen: *low whistle* That boy just doesn't do normal, does he?

Illidin: No... oh, and he's a father now.

Morwen: *surprised* Isn't he a bit young to be a father?  What poor girl did he knock-up?

Illidin: *Laughs again* Oh... my, Severus has really kept you out of the loop... Has Severus ever mentioned Draco Malfoy?

Morwen: Yes, his godson.  A rather stuck up little prat, or so I've been told, I haven't seen him since he was in nappies. What does he have to do with all this?

Illidin: *shakes his head* Oh no... He's an intelligent loving and amusing young man... He and Harry have been together for a while now... and it was he who got pregnant as he happens to be the heir of Draconias' power.

Morwen: *blinks for a moment* Harry knocked up the Malfoy heir?  Wait a minute, you said Kain's lover was named Lucius, you can't possibly mean...

Illidin: I do... Lucius Malfoy and Kain are together, he asked Kain to turn him...

Morwen: That's it, Sev is really going to hear it this time.  I don't get a letter from the man in nearly a month, and look at all I miss.

Illidin: *laughs gently* Yes... It's been a busy month... Draco was very ill when he was pregnant, he was very close to dying... but he and Harry have a daughter now, Sarah Louise.

Morwen: Well I'm glad to hear he made it alright.  Sev always was rather fond of the boy.  They're both rather young to be parents though.

Illidin: You'd be surprised... they look young but talk to Harry five minutes and you believe him to be much older.

Morwen: Hmm, well I wish them luck, they'll probably need it.

Illidin: They have people around them to help... Kain and Lucius are there, so are Sethopher and Nicole, they also have numerous nannies and servants to help.

Morwen: Well they're lucky to be in the situation they are then, most young parents aren't so fortunate.

Illidin: *nods* Yes, they are lucky. They're also very much in love, they're very funny sometimes.

Morwen: *shakes her head slightly* Who'd ever have thought, a Malfoy and a Potter in a relationship.

Illidin: I wouldn’t really know much about that... but they seem happy enough and Lucius seems happy with them too. The only person that seemed against it was Draco's Mother.

Morwen: *growls slightly* That woman is a menace.

Illidin: I have never spoken to her but Lucius seems to hate her now. Kain would kill her I think if he went near her.

Morwen: She and Sev had an affair.  I'm not saying Sev is blameless, far from it, but from what I know she did more than her fair share of encouraging it.

Illidin: Yes... Kain and Lucius had been together for a while and I believe Lucius slept with her... Hence the reason why Kain would like to kill her but won't for Draco's sake... She's still his mother.

Morwen: I don't blame Kain, that woman's lucky I live so far from her now, or she's be facing down the wrong end of my wand, should we ever meet.

Illidin: She seems unpleasant... *finishes his bloodwine*

Morwen: Are you sticking around here for a while yet, or heading back to your cottage?  Otho said you've been here all day.

Illidin: I think I’ll stay for another drink... bloodwine just doesn’t intoxicate as it used to.

Morwen: Building up a tolerance?  You always did drink too much when you were upset.

Illidin: Well... it's better than some methods of coping, at least all I get this way is a sore head in the morning... but at least the light doesn’t hurt my eyes.

Morwen: *makes a slightly disapproving noise* I suppose *finishes off the rest of her drink* I was planning to go home and get some dinner, I haven't had anything since lunch, and it's a fair ride from Lloura to here

Illidin: You go home... We can meet up at the weekend maybe?

Morwen: *nods* I would like that.  Out somewhere or just meet up at one of our places?

Illidin: Whichever you prefer. My cottage is a bit of a mess at the moment, I’m still sorting it out.

Morwen: We can meet up at my place if you don't mind putting up with Kamali.  He tends to be a bit overprotective at home till he gets to know someone. *she writes out her address on a piece of parchment and spells it into Braille.* Here's my address, I've moved since you helped me get to the elvin realm.  It's a small place on the outskirts of the village.

Illidin: *Takes the piece of parchment* I like how you still know that spell offhand.

Morwen: *laughs softly* Yes well, I've taken to using it on items I don't much care for the students, or others, to be catching sight of. Few people can read it at a glance.

Illidin: *nods* Very true... When would you like me to visit?

Morwen: Any time in the afternoon is fine.  I'm still rather a late riser.

Illidin: *smiles* I’m used to people rising late, I lived in a house full of mostly vampires for a few weeks. I'll see you Saturday sometime then.

Morwen: *smiles softly and stands* Until Saturday then.  It was good seeing you again Illidin, though I wish it could have been better circumstances on your part.

Illidin: *nods* Me too Morwen, me too. See you Saturday, have a safe journey home.

Morwen: You as well Illidin. *Morwen leaves the pub followed closely by Kamali*


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