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27 September 1997


        *Illidin walks through the village coming to the edge where there are fields.  He walks, searching for Morwen's house.  Illidin walks up to her door, bottle of wine in hand and knocks gently.  There's no answer but there is a note pinned to the door written in Braille.  Illidin notices the note and picks it up and begins to read it.*

If I don't answer I'm likely in the backyard, feel free to walk around back through the gate on the left side of the cottage.

        *Illidin smiles and walks round to the left side and through the gate.  As Illidin walks around back the sounds of someone going through a weapons drill with a staff can be heard.*

Illidin: Morwen?

Morwen: *Morwen stops doing her drill and turns to face Illidin smiling.* Oh, hello Illidin, sorry I didn't answer the door, I was working in the garden this morning and when I finished I felt like practicing some.

Illidin: *nods* Quite alright, I come bearing gifts. *Shows her the bottle of Nectar Wine, a brand they used to drink together.*

Morwen: *Morwen leans her staff against the back of the cottage and walks over.* Thank you, you needn't have brought anything

Illidin: *nods* I know. Think of it as a belated housewarming gift?

Morwen: *laughs softly* That's kind of you. *takes the bottle* Would you like to go inside or stay out here a while yet?  Kamali was out in the fields with Epona last I saw him so he's not around to make trouble at the moment.

Illidin: *smiles* I'd rather stay outside for a little while if you don't mind. I spent an awful lot of time inside when I was at Kain's house and also now that I am fixing up the cottage.

Morwen: Fine with me, I'm glad to enjoy the nice weather we're having while it's still here.  Why don't we go up on the porch, I have a couple of chairs up their and a table, I can grab a couple of glasses and we can try out the bottle of wine you brought.

Illidin: *smiles and nods* Sounds good.

Morwen: *grabs her staff and leads the way up onto the porch and sets the bottle of wine on a small table that's between two reclining deck chairs.* Have a seat. I'll be right back with the glasses. *motions towards the chairs*

Illidin: *Illidin sits down and stretches out* Alright.

Morwen: *Morwen goes inside with her staff and returns quickly with a pair of glasses* These should do well enough. *sits in the empty chair and sets the glasses on the table* Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?

Illidin: You pour, I'm still trying to get back into the habit of using my magic to see specific things. I had to go without it for a while, I'm finding it difficult.

Morwen: *Morwen opens the bottle and fills the glasses* What happened?  You never had any problems with loosing your magic last I'd seen you.

Illidin: No, I would have been fine. But, remember I told you the other night that Draco Malfoy was pregnant but ill?

Morwen: Yes, I remember.

Illidin: Well, I had to bind the boy's magic as it was too powerful and it was hurting him... thing is, Draconias' magic is very extensive and all of my magic was used up trying to bind it.

Morwen: *somewhat shocked* How long did that last?  I know how important you magic is for you, how did you manage without any?

Illidin: It was for quite a while... I managed because the heir of Cenarius created a store of magic, just enough so I could see but it wasn’t exactly reliable. I got through it because Nicole helped me.

Morwen: There's that Nicole girl again, I take it during all this was when things happened between you two?

Illidin: *nods* Yes... she was very kind to me.

Morwen: I'm sorry things turned out so poorly for you with her. *hands Illidin a glass*

Illidin: *Takes the glass and smiles sadly* So am I. But, I hope she is happy with her lover... I hope things turn out well for her.

Morwen: You said she and her lover were having problems, seeing as she went back to him I suppose they must have felt there was still something to salvage between them.

Illidin: *nods* She was also pregnant... they were very much in love... I shouldn’t have tried to get between them I know but... I just couldn’t help myself.

Morwen: *stares at him for a moment* Pregnant? *sympathetically* Illidin, you really need to try and stop falling for unattainable women.

Illidin: *nods* I know... I know...

Morwen: *sighs sadly* Of course it's all well and good to say that, when of course we both know your mind has nothing to do with who you fall in love with.

Illidin: That’s true... I didn’t mean to fall for her... It just happened.

Morwen: *nods and takes a sip of her wine* Well now that it's over all you can do is try and move on... easier said then done, I know.

Illidin: *nods and takes a sip of wine* Yes, I thought I had it bad trying to get over Tyrande...

Morwen: *gently but curious* You were closer with this girl than with Tyrande?

Illidin: *sighs* I love Tyrande more still than I think I loved anyone but I have accepted that she and I can never be... I courted Tyrande but nothing ever came of it... but with Nicole... We were... moments from consummating a bond when Kain 'caught us in the act'...

Morwen: *Morwen whistles lowly* Wow, I didn't realise things were that serious.  If it's any consolation Illidin, if she realised what the consequences of what you two were doing were, then she must have cared about you on some level.

Illidin: *nods* She knew... I had told her... I made that clear... But that hurts too... it doesn’t matter that she cared for me, she loved Sethopher more... and I shouldn’t have jeopardized her relationship... But... I am thinking that I am cursed to ever be alone in this world.

Morwen: *sighs sadly* There's someone out there everyone Illidin... at least that's what my aunt always told me, though I doubt it myself sometimes.

Illidin: *smiles slightly* Tyrande was the one for me, but she chose my brother... even though she doesn’t love him.

Morwen: *shakes her head sadly* Marriage isn't always for love, my parents were a prime example of that.

Illidin: Ah yes... I remember you telling me of your father, Julius was it?

Morwen: *snorts derisively* Yes that was his name, though he was never much of a father.

Illidin: *nods sadly* You and Severus were always closer to your mother you said... Last I spoke to you, you said your mother was ill.

Morwen: *sighs sadly* Mother passed away last spring, Sev did everything he could for her, but I think the way father treated her all those years was just too much for her body to handle. I went home shortly before she died and came back here after the funeral.

Illidin: *looks saddened* Oh Morwen... I’m sorry to hear that.

Morwen: *closes her eyes* I've made my peace with it, it's not like it was unexpected, she'd been ill for a few years... it was almost a blessing for her, I think she was ready to go *smiles wryly* and at least she got the last laugh, after all she did manage to outlive the bastard she was married to.

Illidin: *Smiles slightly* Yes well... Still, I’m sorry all the same.

Morwen: I appreciate that, thank you. *sips her wine* I'm just thankful I still have Sev, he may be lousy with correspondence, but he is family, and we do love each other.

Illidin: *smiles* Yes... your brother helped me when Miave attacked me... She poisoned me, he made the antidote for me as Nicole couldn’t brew it, being pregnant... *Thinks* You know, Nicole isn’t that much younger than you... She was at Hogwarts as well and was a Slytherin.

Morwen: Oh?  I didn't particularly know any Nicoles, but then again it's a fairly common name, what's her surname?

Illidin: Avery.

Morwen: *Morwen pauses in thought* That name does seem familiar, and not just in the generic way... *realisation* Oh I remember her, rather quiet girl in the year below me, Sev rather took a fancy to her while he was student teaching and afterwards. *laughs softly* When he couldn't get his sister to like potions he found someone else as obsessed with them as he was.  I believe around Sev was the only times I really ever saw her talk, they'd go on about potions for hours together.

Illidin: *smiles* She's still the same. Has her potions bag wherever she goes.

Morwen: *shakes her head* She spent too much time with my brother, I swear inhaling all those potions fumes can't possibly be good for a person.

Illidin: *Laughs gently* Yes, that’s why she's not brewing because she's pregnant. She doesn’t want to harm the baby.

Morwen: *nods* Yes well, I still think it's silly to actually want to work with those blasted things, but then again you know me, I never really had the patience for the subject.

Illidin: *nods* You were always more into defence and your glaive work...

Morwen: Yes, physical things I could really get into.  Oh and transfiguration of course. *smirks slightly*

Illidin: *smiles* If I could see I am sure I’d be seeing a smirk right now.

Morwen: *laughs* Perhaps. *slyly*

Illidin: You have something to tell me Morwen?

Morwen: I've had a lot of time on my hands since I moved here, it's possible I may have finally achieved something I've been working on for a while now.

Illidin: Oh? What’s that?

        *Morwen stands and walks to the far end of the porch, a moment later and she's gone, a hawk flies, landing on the porch railing in front of Illidin and lets out a quiet hawk call.*

Illidin: *Grins widely* A Hawk animagus... very impressive.

Morwen: *A moment later the hawk is replaced by Morwen once more as she leans against the railing* It's definitely a handy form if I want to go track Kamali and Epona down.

Illidin: *grins* Very impressive as I say... Transfiguration was the one thing I was never any good at.

Morwen: I enjoyed it... probably because of the instant gratification, and the solidness of the results.

Illidin: *nods amused* Unlike potions.

Morwen: Exactly, hours or more spent on some smelly potion, that may not even be used for months, and no way to know if you're getting the exact results you want, other than fitting set parameters for colour and such, until you try it on some poor soul.

        *Illidin laughs.*

Morwen: *shrugs and moves back to her chair* What, it's true.  I never did understand what Sev liked so much about potions.

Illidin: I never much cared for potion making either... Malfurion was more into the potions... and the lore and legend, I wasn’t really... I liked to cast spells and kill things. Namely demons. He told me it was an acquired art... of course I never believed him until I started to actually get into it...

Morwen: I never bothered to get into potions, when you have a potions master for a brother that you can pester into making what you need why waste the effort?

Illidin: *nods* Very good point Morwen. *Takes a sip of wine*

Morwen: *grins* Not that Sev would share that sentiment of course. *laughs* You should have seen the response I got to the letter I sent him Thursday after we talked.  He actually traveled all the way here yesterday, you'd've thought he was a kicked puppy or a kid who'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, which is something considering my brother.

Illidin: *laughs* Why what did you say to him?

Morwen: *grins* Oh nothing much, just gave him a proper chastisement for neglecting his 'little sister', perhaps implied that since he only writes me every couple of months, despite how near he is, that I could lay dead on my living room floor for weeks before he'd notice. *mock innocently*

Illidin: *gapes* That’s cruel!

Morwen: *raises an eyebrow* But true.

Illidin: *laughs gently* I suppose partially... if a bit over dramatic.

Morwen: *grins* Yes well, I always was one for embellishment, I did spend quite a few years in journalism after all.

Illidin: *smiles* You're terrible.

Morwen: Why thank you, I do try *sips her wine still smiling*

Illidin: *shaking his head* Sometimes I wonder about you...

Morwen: *mock offended* Now what is that supposed to mean? *grins*

Illidin: Oh, nothing... *Also grins and sips his wine* So... what was with your dog the other night? He seemed... well, not to like me very much.

Morwen: Kamali?  He's just overprotective, doesn't like anyone really, at least until he gets to know them.

Illidin: *nods* Good to know it's not just me.

Morwen: *laughs* He bit a guy who was attempting to flirt with me at the pub last week... the guy was rather drunk so I didn't mind.

Illidin: *Laughs* Well... I suppose that’s quite handy. A bodyguard so to speak.

Morwen: *nods* When you have a dog as tall as your waist most people don't bother you, especially one as protective as Kamali. His name means Protector in Arabic, I thought it was rather appropriate

Illidin: Yes it is rather... I'm guessing he goes everywhere with you then?

Morwen: Pretty much, he tears up the house in protest if I leave him behind locked in it, and if he's outside he follows me, whether I want him to or not.  Other than that he's quite well behaved.

Illidin: *nods* I was thinking about my situation yesterday, about what I am going to do with myself.

Morwen: Oh? Have you decided anything?

Illidin: *nods* Yes... I always liked this village. I think I’m going to stay here for a while. See about getting a job, buying that cottage... I’m just so sick and tired of moving all the time. I think it's time I started to put down some roots so to speak.

Morwen: *smiles* It would be nice having you around again.  I'm not very close with most of the people around here.  They're generally all elves, and I think most of them don't really see the point in involving themselves in the life of a mortal.

Illidin: *frowns* That’s a shame... I've had many fulfilling friendships with mortals... It is difficult when a friend dies but I wouldn’t trade the friendships for the world.

Morwen: *shrugs* I don't mind mostly, I like to keep to myself for the most part, and the students at the school provide more than enough interaction some days... but occasionally I miss having a real friend around, at least one not of the 4 legged variety that is.

Illidin: *nods* Yes... Well, I’ll be staying anyway. My cottage is almost sorted, you should come by and see it sometime.

Morwen: *smiles* I'd like that. It's nearly dinner time would you like something to eat?

Illidin: *nods* Sounds good.

Morwen: Chicken Caesar salad fine with you?  I picked most of what was left in my garden this morning.

Illidin: *nods* Sounds perfect.

Morwen: Do you want to wait out here, or come inside with me, shouldn't take me too long to mix it up. *stands*

Illidin: I'll come in with you if you want.

Morwen: *smiles* That would be nice, besides, it's probably best if Kamali doesn't happen upon you while I'm not around just yet.

Illidin: *smiles* My thoughts exactly.

Morwen: *laughs and opens the door* Come on inside, there's a table and chairs in the kitchen.

Illidin: *Walks into the room smiling* It's nice and warm in here.

Morwen: *smiles* It's small, but it's nice and cozy, and it's mine

Illidin: *nods* Is it different living here than it was in the Wizarding world?

Morwen: It's a lot more peaceful *she starts pulling out food and dishes* but then again that's partially because there I was involved in journalism and here I'm just the eccentric witch that teaches human history part time.

Illidin: *smiles* Do you like it better here?

Morwen: I'm content with how things are here, which is more than I can say for when I was living in London, so yeah, I suppose I do.

Illidin: *Nods* That’s good... I’m glad things are working out for you here.

Morwen: *smiles* I don't know if I ever thanked you for helping me move here, it was very kind of you.

Illidin: *shrugs* You wanted away from the wizarding world... understandable considering Voldemort had returned...

Morwen: *she gets rather quiet and introspective* Yes...

Illidin: *Frowns slightly* Sorry... I didn’t mean to dredge up any bad memories.

Morwen: *sighs and shakes her head, starts cutting up some tomatoes* No, it's alright, it's not your fault.

Illidin: Still... I know Voldemort tends to be a touchy subject with many from the Wizarding World.

Morwen: *laughs bitterly* He was a washed-out has-been from the beginning, I didn't have any doubt he'd be defeated.

Illidin: Harry Potter told me a lot of people had the same opinion... But he also told me he noticed no one lining up to try to kill him...

Morwen: *softly* Voldemort wasn't what I was running away from, he was just an excuse.

Illidin: *Illidin faces her, looking curious* Oh?

Morwen: *she starts mixing everything into the bowl, staring intently at it* Do you remember what else I said had happened before I left?

Illidin: You broke up with your boyfriend?

Morwen: *derisive sound* That was an understatement.

Illidin: *Walks towards her and places a hand on her shoulder gently* *softly* What happened?

Morwen: *she sets down what she's doing* *hushed* Sev was the only one I ever told about it... and that was just the bare essentials he needed to know...

Illidin: *Frowns* You don’t have to tell me Morwen... But I am here to listen... it's the only thing I seem to be good at.

Morwen: I... I don't really think I can talk about it, but... *pauses*

Illidin: *Gently* But what Morwen?

Morwen: *softly* There's a spell... it would let you see a memory I wanted to show you... I... I understand if you wouldn't want to.

Illidin: ...Is there any danger involved?

Morwen: *shakes her head slightly* No, I learned it when I was working in the crimes division of the paper.  The MLEs used it to help witnesses remember important details.

Illidin: *nods* Then I want to... I just didn’t want it messing with my magic... I’ve had that enough in the past few weeks.

Morwen: *nods* Understandable... *hesitantly* do you want to do it now?

Illidin: ...*nods* Yes.

Morwen: *softly* We should sit down somewhere, either on the kitchen chairs or on the couch in the sitting room.

Illidin: Wherever you think is best Morwen.

Morwen: *picks up her wand and casts a cooling charm on the bowl of salad* That'll keep for now... the couch would be more comfortable...

Illidin: *nods* Lead the way.

        *Morwen leads the way through a door to the front of the small cottage, into the sitting room, and over to a couch by a window, she sits down at one end.*

Illidin: *Illidin sits beside her* Whenever you are ready.

Morwen: *takes a deep breath* You have to touch one of my temples, the connection works through physical contact.

Illidin: *Illidin extends his hand to her* Guide me, my sight is not that specific...

Morwen: *she reaches a hand out to his and rests it against her cheek, his fingers resting against her temple* *quietly* Ready?

Illidin: *nods* As I'll ever be...

Morwen: You'll see things from my perspective *picks up her wand*

Illidin: *nods*... Sight... something I thought I had lost for good... this will be strange.

        *She murmurs a charm and everything goes dark and then Illidin is pulled into the memory*:

Morwen slowly woke from her sleep, she was sure it was still early yet, where was Geoffrey?  She could tell he was no longer in their bed beside her.  She opened her eyes only to be met with the site of a wand pointed at her face.  Her eyes followed the length of the wand to the man holding it, Geoffrey stood before her, fully clothed with a scowl on his face.

”Jeff… What’s the meaning of this, what’s going on?”

The man sneered, his voice deathly cold, “I always did hate that nickname.” Morwen paled at his tone. A cruel smile twisted his features, “Morwen, for one who’s so oft praised for her powers of observation as a journalist, you’re rather blind about those you’re close to.”

Morwen’s face darkened, her mind quickly working through possibilities to remove herself from the current situation, “You’ve been lying to me all along… what could possibly be so important to you that you’d fake a relationship with me for two years?”

His expression took on a feral glint, “You were a Slytherin, Morwen, can’t you figure it out for yourself?”

Derisively she replied, “Power, the opiate of the pureblood masses.  I’m sorry if I thought being from Beauxbatons had allowed you to have a slightly more balanced view of things.”  She hoped their argument would keep Geoffrey sufficiently occupied so he wouldn’t notice as she concentrated on attempting to summon the ceremonial staff that hung above the fireplace, she’d never been very good at wandless magic but it was likely to be her only hope.  “What possible power could being with me have given you access to?  Especially that would lead to this stand-off?”

He growled slightly at her insults and his voice grew more hateful.  “You were planning to go see your <b>beloved</b> brother again today, and once more planning to leave me behind.  You only ever let me near him when he’s safely in the confines of Hogwarts, well not this time <b>sweet</b>,” the word was said scathingly.  “You’ll do as I say today and I will finally get my chance,” he grinned once more, “and then I shall dispose of you.”

An expression of honest shock appeared on Morwen’s face as she tried to suppress her fear and worry, “You’re after Severus?  What possibly for?”

The sneering grin returned to his face, “Why to get rid of that traitor once and for all, and gain the Great Lord’s favour so that I may take my rightful place amongst his most trusted.”

Morwen’s anger redoubled and the staff began to tremble in it’s spot on the wall, unnoticed by Geoffrey.  “I never saw a mark on your arm, and why would you wish to follow that washed up has been?”

The growl resumed in his voice, “The Great Lord is rising again Morwen, and with the Potter brat’s blood now running through his veins, nothing will stop him.  The trouble he had at the ministry a few weeks ago was just a minor setback.  And though he may not think I’m worthy yet, when I bring him the head of the spy that he has been trying to catch, I will no doubt receive my due.”

Morwen’s face momentarily paled at the mention of Severus’ spying duties, before she closed her expression off.  But Geoffrey caught a glimpse of her worry before she shuttered it away and grinned maliciously, “Oh yes, I’ve listened in on many of the conversations you’ve had with dear old Severus, and read many of his letters.  In fact it was my discovery that led to my brilliant plan, I found one of them shortly after we began sleeping together.  I’d only intended you to be a brief diversion, after all no self-respecting pureblood would remain with such an improper woman as yourself unless there was something for them to gain.”

Morwen’s anger flared once more and the staff ripped from the wall flying through the air.  It struck the side of Geoffrey’s head, knocking him away from the bed as it reached Morwen’s grasp.  She quickly stood from the bed, staff grasped tightly in both hands readying herself as Geoffrey recovered from his fall.  “You’ve made a mistake Jeff, I suggest you leave while you still have the chance.”

He eyed the naked woman standing before him and laughed, “What are you going to do sweet, hurt me with the big stick you keep over the mantle?  I think not,” and he extended his wand, the beginnings of a curse on his lips.

Before he’d a chance to finish his spell Morwen reacted, the staff sweeping harshly upward through the air.  A sickening crack sounded as Geoffrey’s wand arm was swiftly dislocated and his wand flew across the room.  Another quick motion of the staff and his legs were swept out from under him.  He slowly opened his eyes, moaning in pain, and felt the butt of the staff press against his windpipe, slowly cutting off his flow of air.

Morwen glared down at him, watching the panic creep into his eyes, her eyebrow raised in a fair imitation of one of her brother’s scathing glares, “You were saying Jeff?”

The man attempted to scramble away and Morwen put more pressure on the staff, nearly crushing his windpipe.  “You’ve got two choices here Jeff, either you can leave, go back to the continent and never bother Severus or I again.  Or, I can kill you where you lay.  Which do you prefer?”

Geoffrey made conciliatory motions with his uninjured arm.  Morwen backed up keeping an eye on him until she could reach his wand and snapped it.  A bereft expression appeared on Geoffrey’s face as he slowly got to his feet, and watched her snap his wand.

”Now get out.  I’ll be sure to tell Severus of your betrayal, and you can be certain if either of us ever sees you again we will kill you,” she now had her wand in hand as well as the staff in her other and Geoffrey fled the room.

Morwen sunk to her knees… now was not the time for a breakdown she told herself.  She needed to contact Severus and then form a plan.  If Voldemort was coming back as Geoffrey claimed, she wanted to be as far from the wizarding world as possible, she refused to get tangled up in another stupid war, and wished to get away from that bastard if he ever managed to get in with Voldemort.

She stood and walked towards the fire, she would floo Severus and tell him what had happened… then she would write a letter.

Quietly she spoke to herself, “Illidin’s an elf, and Edrel is about as far away from here as I can get.  Hopefully he can help me.”

        *They pulled out of the memory and once more it is present time, Illidin and Morwen sitting on the couch.*

Illidin: *Illidin takes his hand from Morwen's face looking shocked* *Sadly* Oh Morwen... *Takes her hand* Firstly... no one deserves to be treated like that... secondly, you're really good with that staff... and thirdly... I'm here if you need me.

Morwen: *smiles weakly* Thank you.

Illidin: I’m glad you came to me...

Morwen: After all this time... I guess I figured I needed someone else to know what happened...

Illidin: *nods* Well... *Trying to distracter out of her morose mood* We should probably get to that salad, hmm?

Morwen: *nods* Yeah *barking starts up at the back door* Sounds like Kamali is back.

Illidin: *Illidin smiles slightly* I wonder how he'll react to me...

Morwen: He'll behave if I tell him to. *stands*

Illidin: *Smiles and stands* That’s comforting...

Morwen: *smiles slightly* Didn't say he'd be friendly though. *leads the way back into the kitchen*

Illidin: *laughs* No... you didn’t. *walks behind her*

Morwen: He's probably here because he wants some dinner, hopefully food will distract him some. *gets the rest of the chicken she didn't put in the salad and shreds it up in a bowl which she sets on the floor near the door* Probably best if you're sitting at the table before he comes in.

Illidin: *nods and sits down at the table as far away from the door as he can* How’s this?

Morwen: *laughs softly* That's fine.

        *Morwen opens the door and Kamali comes bounding in, heading straight for the bowl, he starts eating but pauses and looks up, noticing Illidin, he takes a defensive position, standing between Illidin and Morwen.*

Morwen: *sharply* Kamali, stop that, get over here.

        *The dog approaches, tail low and wagging slowly at her chastising tone.*

Morwen: Kamali, Illidin is a friend, be nice *Morwen walks over and stands beside Illidin*

        *Kamali makes a "humph" sound and goes back to eating his food, obviously not pleased, but willing to behave.*

Illidin: *Illidin raises an eyebrow* Unnerving...

Morwen: *laughs softly and walks over to get the bowl of salad and the other dishes, setting them on the table.* You'd almost think he was human wouldn't you?

Illidin: *nods* Yes...

Morwen: I got him as a pup from a wizard that was traveling through with Kamali's mum, personally I think he was practicing intelligence enhancing charms on his pets, they're illegal in the wizarding world.

Illidin: *nods* He's definitely intelligent...

Morwen: *serves out two portions of salad* Yes, but it also makes him a wonderful companion since I spend so much time alone.

Illidin: Yes... I can see that... well... you know what I mean. *Begins his salad* Mm, this is good.

Morwen: *sits and pours some more wine for them* Thank you, I started growing a garden after I moved here, I like having fresh vegetables right out in the backyard.

Illidin: Yeah, the soil here is really good too... Most is in the Moonelvin lands... it's only when you go further south into Kalimdor it gets iffy... You know, into the desert.

Morwen: *nods* Yes.  I borrowed some of the text books from the school library to learn about the history of the realm.

Illidin: *smiles* Moonelvin history is diverse and interesting... I hope you didn’t find anything bad about me.

Morwen: *laughs* No, well nothing you hadn't already told me anyway.

Illidin: That’s good. There is a lot I like people not to know.

Morwen: *nods* Understandable, especially with your history.  I know you've really only told me the basics of some of it, but *shrugs* it's your past, and your right to do so.

Illidin: *nods* I see no reason to bring up the past that no longer bears any weight to the person that I am now. It is in the past and I feel that it should stay there.

Morwen: I understand that, now that Voldemort is gone Sev wishes he could do the same. I think it's part of why he chose to move here permanently.

Illidin: *nods* Yes, it is a shame such a good man got sucked into Voldemort’s power.

Morwen: *shakes her head* He was deluded, I told him not to... I'd rather not get into that though, it's sort of a point of contention between us, I'm just glad he realised his mistake in time to make amends.

Illidin: Yes... I suppose so is he... I know the Darklore family are a little on the darker side of High Elvin magic but I know they would never allow a daughter to marry a Death Eater if he was still under Voldemort’s instruction.

Morwen: He wasn't in very long before he realised the power he was promised wasn't worth the cost and he went to Dumbledore for help.  He spent the rest of that war, and the next, as a spy.

Illidin: *nods* Yes... Harry told me as much. So did Nicole. *Finishes his meal* That was lovely Morwen.

Morwen: *smiles* I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad you came to visit, we should do this again sometime soon, perhaps then Kamali will stop pouting. *A disgruntled sound comes from the corner where Kamali is curled up watching them.  Morwen smiles amused.* Or perhaps not...

Illidin: *Illidin smiles* It has been nice... I should get back... I’m expecting a letter sometime this evening.

Morwen: *nods and stands, collecting the dishes* Then I won't keep you.

Illidin: Why don’t you come by my cottage sometime in the week? It's the very top of the hill, you can't miss it.

Morwen: *nods* I will, I'm not teaching till Tuesday, so I could probably stop by on Monday

Illidin: *smiles and stands* I'll see you Monday then.

Morwen: *smiles* See you then.

        *Illidin smiles and walks from the cottage.*


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