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Visitors from the North

A/n: This chapter is a bridge between this fic and my other fic Heir to a Kingdom. In the next chapter I will be taking the chapters I wrote for HTK and modifying them for use in this fic.

Galadrien stood on a flet that looked out over the northern border of Lorien. For the past few years orcs had been roaming in bands across the lands. Twelve years earlier, Helm the King of Rohan was forced to seek refuge with his people in a fortress deep in a ravine. The winters had also been very hard, longer and colder than usual. Because of this Mithrandir had left to bring aid to a people who lived in a place called The Shire. The river that ran along one of their borders had frozen and wargs from the mountains had crossed it causing panic and mayhem.

Ever since leaving Rivendell her time was now spent with the Guard who protected the borders of her land. She now dressed like them and to her grandmothers dismay wore her hair in the fashion that they did. The something caught her eye; a rider on a brown horse was coming towards them. Looking down she called out; "Rumil, a rider approaches from the north." Picking up her bow she slid down a rope to the ground to meet this rider.

The rider approached the edge of the forest, dismounted and introduced himself; "I am Brinion, a messenger from King Thranduil of Mirkwood." Then he pulled a cylinder from his waist pouch and handed it to Rumil. He then said, "You are to give this to Celeborn the lord of these lands with all haste." Having said this he mounted his horse and rode off.

Galadrien took the cylinder from Rumil saying, "I will take this to my grandfather. The rest of you keep a sharp lookout, something foul comes near."

A couple hours later she rode into Caras Galadhon. She strode into her grandfather's private study where he was conversing with her grandmother. They stopped and she handed the cylinder to her grandfather saying, "A messenger from Thranduil in the north just dropped this off at the northern border."

Celeborn broke the seal of the cylinder and pulled out a scroll of paper. He read it several times then said; "My distant kinsman Thranduil sends word that dragons have returned to the North. Smaug has plundered Erebor and the dwarves have fled. He fears for the safety of Middle Earth. It also says that he is sending an ambassador here to discuss this." He then set down the scroll and turned to his wife.

"Absolutely not, was Galadriel's reply."Need I remind you that we are feuding with Thranduil? You cannot allow this to happen."

Celeborn held up a hand; "How did this feud begin in the first place?" Galadriel remained silent. Laughing Celeborn said, "Your memory may be long my dear but it is very selective. It was a very trivial matter in the first place and it would do us good to end it. Thranduil is one of my kin and there are very few of us Teleri left in Middle Earth. I do not want to be alienated from him for the rest of my long life. We will welcome the ambassador and his party with open arms."

Placing the scroll back in the cylinder he turned to Galadrien, "Granddaughter would you by chance call on your friends the Eagles to bear a messenger of ours to Thranduil to let him know of my decision?" Galadrien nodded and he said, "Good, we will send Haldir because he is well known to them and they trust him. Now lets start getting ready they should be here in less than a month."

Three weeks later Galadrien and a host of the Guard in their finest dress were waiting at the northern border watching the party ride up. It was of a considerable size including the ambassador whose name Galadrien did not catch, his aides, members of Mirkwoods Guard and the king's two sons, Legolas and Adrolas.

After making a lengthy speech to welcome the guests they were led through the forest to Caras Galadhon. Galadrien rode next to Prince Legolas but they did not speak. Adrolas however could not seem to keep his mouth shut. The entire two hour ride he did not say one kind word, he even made a disparaging comment about Celeborn. Though it angered her Galadrien kept her mouth shut but silently vowed to return the favor sometime later.

Finally they rode into the courtyard where her grandparents were waiting to greet their guests. Celeborn seemed genuinely pleased to welcome the ambassador. Galadriel however seemed less than keen on having them here but it was not apparent on her face. Soon the formalities were concluded and Galadrien left to prepare for the dinner that would be held in honor of the ambassador and the princes.

Not far from the courtyard Legolas stopped her; "We meet again my lady. It has been many years since we last saw each other and I can tell that you have grown wiser. You have also grown fairer in my eyes."

Blushing Galadrien replied, "Nay, Grandmother is still the fairest of those who walk on Middle Earth, I pale in comparison to her. Welcome to Lorien Prince Legolas. It warms my heart to see after what is happening in the north that you are all right. Though I am curious, your father sent an ambassador for the negotiation why did he also send your brother and yourself?"

Legolas laughed, "I told my father that I wished to learn more diplomatic skills to get him to send me along. Adrolas however simply wished to make trouble. I guess you could tell from the ride in. He is always looking for ways to discredit me in our father's eyes, though they have so far been to no avail." He looked around then said; "I should let you get going. You must have many things to do before tonight's dinner. However before you go would you do me the honor of sitting next to me at dinner tonight my lady?"

Smiling she replied; "The honor would be all mine Your Highness." Then she gave a small curtsy and turned to walk away.

On the way to her chambers her grandfather met her. Falling into step with her he said; "Walk with me my dear. There are many questions that I have for you." Nodding her consent he continued, "First of all, this is not your first meeting with the prince is it?"

Bowing her head she said, "No grandfather, the prince and I have met before." He raised an eyebrow, which was her cue to continue. "When Mithrandir and you sent me on my test I wandered into Mirkwood. A storm was raging and my horse got spooked and ran off leaving me stranded. It was the prince who found me."

Celeborn sensed that she was not telling everything, "Go on child, I wish to hear the entire story."

Sighing she continued; "Against what Mithrandir said he and I went into Dol Gulder to scout it. It is a horrible place and has given me nightmares ever since. While there we had a run in with the Necromancer. I went up against him though I did not have the power or the strength and was injured." Looking up at her grandfather she continued, "He took me back to his father's halls where their healers healed my wounds. The king was on a hunting party at the time so I did not meet him and I suspect he was never told of my visit. When I was released the prince gave me a horse and provisions and we said our farewells. From there I went to Rivendell and you know what happened then."

Celeborn stopped and looked at her; "I am disappointed that you did not follow the advice you gave us and more disappointed that you did not tell us the whole story. However you learned some valuable lessons that you should not have had to learn and you returned to us safely and for that I am glad. Now run along and get ready for tonight, I want you to look your best for our guests. I am sure that Prince Legolas would appreciate it."

Bowing to her grandfather she ran to her chambers where one of her maidens was laying out dresses for her. Going through them she found one she adored. It was a soft; muted moss green color made from the lightest of materials. It hung loosely on her body yet moved in an alluring way. After years of keeping her hair pulled back on guard duty she decided to let her hair hang free for the evening though her maiden pinned flowers throughout. She wore no jewelry save fore the carved elanor flower that she had been given on her trip to Mirkwood.

By the time she had finished it was time for her to go down to the great hall for the feast that had been prepared. Then there was a soft knock at her door. Her maiden opened it to reveal Legolas standing there in formal dress.

Stepping inside he said, "My lady your grandfather gave me permission to escort you to dinner tonight." He gave a formal bow then said; "I have also brought a present for you my lady." Then he held out a necklace. It was made of a silver hoop that went around the neck and it had a large smooth oval stone that hung down that was the color of dark amber. "I see that it will compliment your gown nicely." He stepped towards her and placed the necklace around her neck to where the stone would hang in the hollow of her throat. After doing so he held out his arm for her to take.

Galadrien was very touched by the gift and smiling took his arm. They walked down to the Great Hall where a herald announced their coming to the guests. "The Lord and Lady of Lorien are pleased to present to you Prince Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil the King of Mirkwood and Lady Galadrien Tindomiel of the Galadhrim." As they entered Galadrien pointed out some of the guests to the prince. Included on the guest list were her cousins Elladan and Elrohir, also present were Gildor, Erestor, and Glorfindel.

After what seemed like ages they were seated at the banquet table and the feast began. She did not know from where but her grandfather had procured many fine foods and wines for the guests. It was a good feast filled with laughter, music and merriment. Galadrien could not remember the last time that she had this much fun or had eaten this much. Soon the desserts were brought out, individual winterberry tarts that astonished many of the guests since the berries were supposed to be out of season. Adrolas, ever to be malcontent brought this up; "Well it figures that guests such as us would not be worth using fresh fruit on. Dried berry tarts, even my father would not stoop so low."

Angry words began to form in the back of Galadrien's throat but a look from Celeborn silenced them. Standing he said; "You are mistaken Your Highness, we serve only the best to our guests. The berries though out of season are fresh." Indicating to Galadrien he said; "We have my granddaughter to thank. She knows of ways to coax the bushes to bear fruit out of season." Sitting back Adrolas seemed to be at a loss for words.

After that people began to filter out of the hall, the banquet was winding down. Galadrien took the opportunity to slip out into the open to get fresh air. She began to walk back to her chambers to get dome rest when someone fell into step beside her.

"Mind if I escort you back to your chambers my lady?" asked Prince Legolas offering his arm to her.

Smiling she took his arm saying; "I would have thought that you would have stayed to chat with the rest of the nobles. You are going to become very popular around here so you better watch yourself."

Patting her arm he replied; "Well it must be better than the attention I get at home. I am considered to be quite the eligible bachelor so therefore I am hounded by these twins that always seem to be about in the halls. I admit they are pretty but not the brightest on Middle Earth and I have no interest in them but they can't see to get that."

Laughing she replied; "I know the type you are talking about we have a few around here. They are harmless, simply social butterflies who like to be where the people are. Truly if you ignore them enough they fade away."

They had now reached the tree where her chambers where. Legolas took her hand and softly kissed the back of it. "Quel kaima (sleep well) my lady."

Curtsying to the prince she replied; "Quel esta (rest well) Your Highness." Then she went up the steps carved into the tree and into her chambers where she closed the door. Peeking out her window she watched him walk across the courtyard to where his guest quarters had been prepared. Smiling to herself she lay back on a lounger and drifted off into the elven world of sleep.

Chapter Eight
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Dreaming of You