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Lessons Learned

It felt like she was swimming, everything moved so slowly around her. At first there had been great pain throughout her body; but it had diminished. Stars floated overhead and it felt like she had passed from the world as she knew it. Time stood still here and it seemed nothing had any meaning. Yet she could not linger, she had a purpose in Middle Earth and she had not fulfilled it. Now she had to return to that time and place, yet she did not know what her purpose was.

Slowly Galadrien opened her eyes and took in the sights around her. She was in a room filled with the soft light of many candles and the scent of burning incense. All around her people were bustling and not a one paid any heed to her. Then an elf in the dress of a healer noticed that she had woken up and walked over to her. "I am glad to see that you have returned to us my lady. The prince will be anxious to hear that you have woken up. I shall send someone to get him." The elf then poured a cup of water for Galadrien to drink and then walked off to tend to other patients.

Soon Legolas came through the door and sat down at her bedside. He brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and said, "You have been asleep for 6 days, we thought that you would not wake up. You gave me such a fright, I thought that you were dead."

Galadrien drank down part of the water the healer had given her and said, "What did happen to me? How did I get out of that place? All I remember is lightning hitting the ground then I blacked out."

The prince nodded saying, "The lightning did not strike you but came close. I was able to find a horse and took you away from that place. The shadow that followed us was going to harm you but since the staff did not fall out of your hand you were protected by its power."

She nodded, "Yes that makes a bit of sense." Then she shuddered and said; "I do not know what that enemy was for all I saw was an eye rimmed in flame and nothing more. It was dreadful and I never want to see it again."

Legolas nodded, "I must get going and you need your rest. The healers are going to keep you here for a few more days to watch over you. When they release you I suggest that you leave Mirkwood. I do not know why but there is a feud between our lands and if my father returns from his hunting party to find you here he will not be pleased." Legolas then turned and walked out the door.

The healers kept Galadrien for two more days and after that she made preparations to leave the realm of Mirkwood. Legolas gave her a horse to replace the one she lost in the woods and a new cloak because he had to leave hers in the fortress. He also gave her provisions and the staff that had been brought back. As she readied to leave on the morning of the third day after her awakening he asked her, "Where will you go from here?"

She shook her head and replied, "I do not know, my test is not finished so I cannot return to Lorien. Perhaps I will go to Rivendell to dwell with my kin there."

Legolas hesitated then said; "I have a gift for you my lady." He then extended a small cloth bag. Inside was a small elanor flower carved out of wood. "Usually ornaments are meant to enhance the beauty of the person wearing them, but in this case the wearer will enhance the beauty of the ornament. I hope that I shall see you again Lady Galadrien Tindomiel of the Galadhrim. Namaarie my fair lady."

The simple gift and the tender words in which it was given touched Galadrien. Holding back tears she said, "Tenna' ento lye omenta Legolas" (Until we next meet Legolas). Then giving the horse a light kick she rode out of the courtyard. Looking back she could see Legolas standing there until she was out of sight.

She took the old forest road to the west and after 2 days of riding came to the end of the forest. Then she followed the road to the old ford on the Anduin and then to the Misty Mountains. It took some difficulty crossing the High Pass but she made it over the mountains and down into the protected ravine where the elven realm of Rivendell lay. As she had expected she was welcomed with open arms by her Aunt Celebrian and her cousins.

She dwelled for many years in Rivendell, studying under her Uncle Elrond who was holder of the elven ring Vilya. He was able to pass the knowledge that he had learned onto her and he found that she was a very apt pupil. The lessons she had learned in the forest dwelled heavily on her and she knew that while they still haunted her she could not return to Lorien.

Then one day her aunt came to her with the news that she would be traveling to Lorien and asked if she had any messages for her grandparents. Galadrien at that time did not and Celebrian nodded in understanding. They said their good-byes and Celebrian departed.

Several months passed and it came to the time when Celebrian was to return home. Galadrien was anxious for her return; she had much news for her aunt and could hardly wait to tell her about the letter Prince Legolas had sent her. Then one night she woke with a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was not right, she could feel it. Then she felt a pain in her heart that spread. She ran up and down the halls of Rivendell screaming for someone to help her.

The Lord Glorfindel and her cousins Elrohir and Elladan were the first to come to her aid. Sitting her down Glorfindel asked, "What is wrong my lady? Why are you screaming?"

Holding back tears she said, "Its Aunt Celebrian, she is hurting. She is in grave danger. Her party was ambushed in the mountains and she was taken by orcs. We must help her."

With those words the twins sprang into action. In hours they had gathered a party that was to go out and rescue their mother. It seemed like they were gone for days but they soon returned with a grievously wounded Celebrian. An orc weapon that had been poisoned had wounded her. Lord Elrond with help from other elves was able to heal her but it was to no avail, she had lost all love for Middle Earth.

Celebrian lingered in Middle Earth but was swiftly diminishing and finally a year after the attack she made preparations to sail into the west. Most of the good-byes were said in Rivendell because she did not want her children to accompany her to the Havens where she would take ship. Galadrien however refused this and insisted on going with her. They traveled in silence because there was no song in their hearts.

They came to the Havens and were greeted by Cirdan. He came out from one of the workshops and said, "Could this be the tiny baby that I found on a ship all those years ago? My you have turned into one of the fairest of them all." He then turned to Celebrian and said, "Your ship is ready my lady. There are others aboard who are also sailing, they leave at your leisure."

He left so that they may say a private farewell. Galadrien could not hold back her tears, "I wish that you were not leaving, Rivendell will not be the same."

"But it is my time to go child, I have lingered too long here. I belong in the west with my kin who have already sailed. It is my hope to see my brother again and to tell him how beautiful and strong his daughter is," she said. Then she hugged Galadrien and turned towards the ship.

Galadrien stopped her and gave her the staff she had taken from Dol Guldur, "Take this with you and give it to the Valar. They must know of what happened to one of their servants here. Tell them that evil is growing and that it cannot be stopped." She paused then said, "I know what I must do now. I shall be returning to Lorien, my place is there. It has been too long since I walked under the golden leaves. You have been like a mother to me and you will be greatly missed. It is my hope that one day we shall meet again." With that she kissed Celebrian on the forehead then turned and walked back up the dock to where her horse was waiting.

Celebrian boarded the ship and it soon raised it sails. Galadrien stood on the shore and watched as the ship sailed into the west. When it had disappeared over the horizon Galadrien mounted her horse and rode back to Rivendell.

When she crossed the ford Elrond greeted her; "Welcome back Galadrien, the events of late rest heavily on you. Is there anything I can do to ease them?"

Galadrien gazed at her uncle for a moment then said, 'Yes there is. You can help me prepare for my return trip to Lorien. It is high time I returned for I know now that my test is complete. I have much still to learn but the only place I can do that is in the home that I have known since I was a child."

He nodded and said, "If that is your decision then we shall honor it. But you shall not be riding home. After what happened to my wife in the pass I do not want the same happening to you. You are too important to the elven kind. I shall call the Lord of the Eagles to bear you back to the land of your childhood; it will be safer that way."

Within two days of Galadrien returning from the Havens she was climbing up to the top of the ravine overlooking Rivendell where the Lord of the Eagles was perched. With help from her cousins she climbed onto his back and perched herself between his wings. With a great push of his legs they were airborne. Galadrien turned back and watched as the ravine disappeared from site. Before she knew it he was setting down in the fields just across the ford from Lorien. She jumped lightly from his back and he took off again to parts unknown.

Just across the ford she saw that there was a party there to welcome her back. They escorted her to Caras Galadhon where she saw that her grandfather and Mithrandir were waiting for her. Walking up to Mithrandir she said, "I know now why you sent me out on my own. I learned that I still have much to learn. Whenever you are ready I am ready to learn."

Smiling her grandfather said, "That is what we hoped you would learn. Welcome home my dear."

Chapter Seven
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Dreaming of You