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Welcome to Maraudering Gawth Version 1: Myrtle Mayhem!

Note: :( For the Victims of Hurricane Katrina. Feel free to adopt but save to your own server please.

Welcome to the re-opening of my site which will now incorporate both my pixelations and regular artwork. Running more than one site was way too much for me to handle and I feel this will be a more realistic way of pulling it all off.

It's taken a long time and I regret that to get it all back up but I'm sure noone missed me that much and there is a big plus. I have gotten better if I do say so myself. Looking back at my old work I am quite embarassed, especially in the pixel region. I greatly credit any improvements to the lovely dollers at Eden Enchanted the dolling forum and any of my favorite doller's sites. By watching, studying, and creating I've learned so much. Trial and error is great! So is example. Thank you to anyone who has helped me in any way shape or form. I needed it. XP

It is hard to believe that I started dolling back in 2000. I started out extremely slow with prep bases and after 2 years branched out and I'm glad I did. MS Paint is my best friend lol. I've been doing all other types of artwork all my life except cartooning and pastels. I started working with pastels in 2003 during my Senior year in High School and I am so glad. It is by far my favorite form of raw, real media art. Cartooning I started in 2004 and don't plan on giving up til I make something spectacular. XP

I am also proud to feature a page of my cousins work. She moved up near me in 2004 and I've had the pleasure of watching her work with pixels and so greatly improve. Also I have a link to mutual friend Samantha who is moving on up on the dolling scale. Kudos to them!! XD ::huggles::

And I cannot forget writing. As a child, very young I made a book about a horse and I remember that. It was a picture book so it incorporated both of my future loves. It's hard to believe it but I am so happy writing and I had to link my works on here. I'm especially a fan of writing poetry but I do all types. I hope you check it out and give me feedback. I greatly would appreciate it.

Anyhow, before I lose your attention, thanks and I hope you enjoy my site. If you need to contact me do so at . TY and TTYL!

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