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A. AWOL or Absence without leave will only be tolerated for the maximum time frame of 2 months.
Any member who have AWOL exceeding the time frame will be evicted.

1. Member's attendance will be monitored by the House Monitoring Team.
2. A warning will be sent to the particular inactive member(s) 3 weeks before the said eviction.
If did not respond accordingly, he/she/they will be automatically evicted.

3. Exempted from the eviction are the following:
* An absence with a valid excuse (i.e. lost phone, grounded, exam, thesis or disertation defense, etc).
Personal excuses are on a case to case basis.

* If the absentee manage to keep in touch at least twice a month (either through phone or through Yahoo! groups)

B. Recruitment of new members are allowed every 23rd day of the following months:
January, March, April, June, July, September, October, and December.
Recruited newbies should pass an Entrance Test provided by Prof. Salazar Slytherin,
and must belong to the TOP 15 ET passers before they can be sorted.
NOTE: No use of bridges during the exam! Bridges are only allowed during the Sorting Ceremony.
For more information about this policy please visit the FAQ's section of this site.