EmeraldandScarlet presents


A love triangle starring

Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black

haunted (9.39MB)
Right-click on the link above and choose to "Save Target As"
to download this video and view it in your Windows Media Player!
Please note that this is the best option for the dial-up connection.

Author's comment: there are very few Snape/Lupin videos out there,
mainly due to the shortage of footage, there simply isn't much interaction
between these two characters in the movie.
This video was inspired by my favorite SS/RL (NC-17) story,
"The Whore" by Spydre.

Fan Art

warning - this gallery contains nc-17/r - rated material


Severus Snape/Remus Lupin - Hush...

All images above rightfully belong to their creator  - Lizard

[lupin + snape]

Owl Post This Way
All comments greatly appreciated.
If you enjoyed this video and would like to submit artwork/fanfiction of your own,
I would be more than happy to publish it here and/or display your links on this site.


It must have been love, Severus/Harry video
Hello, another Snape video (non-slash)
Beautiful Disaster, Draco/Harry slash video