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I knew I should not have let you go to town
without the Cat being there to keep you in check.
Now look at those finger nails
and once again where are your clothes?
I let you out of site for one second
and off come the clothes and
these finger nails.!!

Page By
Henry and Pet

Life is a progression from birth to death. It can be as short as hours or one hundred years in length. There is a beginning, middle and end. Beginning we can look forward to most of our life span. The middle gives us an equal future as well as a past. From the middle our days are numbered.
So what is the purpose of our life? First is survival and second is happiness. If we accomplish both then life is a trip of security and pleasure. Each of us determines what constitutes security and pleasure in meeting our emotional needs, both physical and mental.
If these two goals are not met then a void is created and the longer it exist the deeper and darker the void. Despair, depression, feelings of helplessness is your constant companion.
Why does one have to spend the remainder of their lives unhappy? Yearning for the closeness of someone to share thoughts, feelings, and love. The ability to be touched physically and mentally to give meaning to each day and night, to bring happiness to otherwise darkness and despair.
How does one gain the courage to break the chains of compliance and hopelessness, to break free and seek a life full of satisfaction and warmth?
Each day of indecision is a day lost to happiness, another day to sit alone and be denied the pleasure of a life of fulfillment and happiness.
One person can change night into day, despair into happiness. This one person is defined by your individual personality. The one person can be yourself or you may have needs that can be met by you alone. Others may have needs that require the interaction of another. They may require the emotional and physical input from another human being. Either way, one person can provide the existence that is positive rather than a negative.
So you must decide what your needs are, what is required to make each day a positive experience. Something that warms the soul, makes each day a pleasurable experience and make changes to a more positive and healthful lifestyle. Make changes and go forward to create an environment that will provide these positive steps and finish life with happiness and contentment. Develop a positive outlook for the remainder of your life.
I say these things but here I sit. Does indecision create a defeatist??

Built 10/13/03

Friends are forever
Good ones you keep, and avoid the others

You are the number person to this page

Please Come Again.

Henry and Pet ~

H+P Designs 2003