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button_task1.gif (164 bytes)

Version 1.0

For Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Online Help

Updated 6/28/02

The Concept

Taskbar is a security program designed for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/W2K/XP

Its core functions are:

  • Removes the entire taskbar from the current logged in user
  • Stops users from accessing changing Taskbar properties
  • Stops users from accessing the Start Menu
  • Stops users from interfacing with icons in the system tray
  • Hidden from the task manager list
  • Easy Setup/Implementation
  • Starts up from the Hkey_Current_User Run key or Hkey_local_Machine Run key
  • Runs hidden in the background

The Minimum Requirements

  • Windows 95/98/ME/NT/W2K/XP
  • Processor speed = 133 mhz
  • Physical Memory = 32 MB
  • Internet Explorer 5.0

The Target User

  • Home Users
  • Families
  • Students
  • Small/medium businesses
  • Internet Cafes
  • Schools
  • Libraries
  • Other public environments

The Installation

  1. Login to the Windows User Profile that should be affected by Taskbar
  2. Extract the file into a folder of your choice. (example: You extract the taskbar.exe file to the c:\windows folder)
  3. Go to Start/Run
  4. Type in regedit and click OK
  5. Drill down to:
  6. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  7. Right click on the Run subkey and select New/String Value
  8. Name the String Value taskbar
  9. Double Click on the taskbar value and type in the full path to the Taskbar executable file taskbar.exe
  10. Example
  11. c:\windows\taskbar.exe
  12. The end result should look like this:

taskbarpic1.gif (7438 bytes)

13. Close regedit

14. Logoff/on or restart the computer

* Taskbar will be automatically disabled when the user logs in.


Can Taskbar be used in a Domain environment?

Yes it can. The System Administrator can copy down the taskbar.exe file on to the users' workstations and then add entry into the users' login script which will then execute the program when the current user logs in. Alternatively, Taskbar can be housed on the server and the Admin can change the path to the executable taskbar.exe file via a reg entry in the users login script..



Can Taskbar affect all users logging into the machine?

Yes it can. You can login to each user's Windows User Profile and complete the installation. You can also complete the installation on the Windows Default User Profile (accessed by clicking cancel at the Windows Login screen). This will ensure that all new User Profiles created on the machine will inherit the tweak.

* Tip

If you execute the taskbar.exe without adding the registry entry the taskbar will still disappear. Logoff/on or restart the computer to recover the taskbar.

The Uninstall

  1. Login to the Windows User Profile that is affected by Taskbar
  2. Press the F3 key on the keyboard
  3. Search for regedit.exe in the c:\ drive
  4. Execute regedit.exe
  5. Drill down to:
  6. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  7. Right click on the taskbar string value and select delete from the menu that appears
  8. Close regedit
  9. Delete the taskbar.exe file from the c:\windows directory
  10. Press control/alt/delete and select shutdown
  11. Boot the computer

The End

Please send any feedback/suggestions to my email address at:

Thank You

Hkeylocal Executables