Name: Lucius Malfoy
First Name Meaning: Used among Roman nobility, also a possible reference to Lucifer.
Last Name Meaning: French (?) for "Bad Faith".
Birthdate: 1954
Eye Color:Grey and cold
Hair Color: White/Blond
Ancestry: Pureblood
Home: Malfoy Manor; Wiltshire in South-west England.
Wife: Narcissa "Black" Malfoy
Children: Draco Malfoy
Pet: Eagle Owl
House-Elf: Dobby (until he was released in COS)
First Hogwarts Year: 1965
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Job: No known method of paid employment.
Affiliations: Death Eater, Donator to St. Mungo's Hospital, Governing Board over Hogwarts til 1993, and a strong influence in the Ministry of Magic.
First Appeared In: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Portrayed in Film By: JASON ISAACS
Lucius was once a very powerful Death Eater and loyal supporter of Lord Voldemort. However, when Voldemort disappeared, Lucius returned to the normality of the wizarding world and clamined that he had no control over his actions during that dark time.
However, while his involvement with Voldemort was clear; from not only his possession of many artifacts of the Dark Arts, his attitude toward Muggles and Muggle-borns, and his alligence with the mysterious Death Eaters; the Ministry of Magic gave him a full pardon and Lucius once more became a very prominent and influential member of society.
Lucius considers Dumbledore a poor excuse for a headmaster of Hogwarts, and had once even suggested that his son, Draco Malfoy, attend Durmstrang Academy instead. Lucius even went so far as to get Dumbledore suspended from his duties at Hogwarts during the events of The Chamber of Secrets.
He openly hates Harry Potter, and managed to, very nearly, get the boy killed during Harry's second year at Hogwarts. Due to a well placed Dark Arts artifact, that had once belonged to Voldemort himself, in Ginny Weasley's calduron, Lucius was responsible for the reopening of the Chamber of Secrets, though not directly, and very nearly got caught for it. It is clear that Dumbledore, thanks to some information from Harry, suspects Lucius to have been the cause of the problems.
During the Quidditch World Cup, Lucius was one of the Death Eaters who, very nearly killed a Muggle family, as well as set the entire wizarding camp ablaze. However, at the sight of the conjured Dark Mark, the symbol of Lord Voldemort which is tattooed onto every Death Eater's forearm, Lucius and his comrades fled in fear. Later, he was called to Voldemort's side when the Dark Lord had risen and, while reprimanded for not doing everything in his power to return Voldemort to power, he did not garner the supreme disfavor of the Dark Lord (most likely for his attempts with the Chamber of Secrets).
Lucius was present at the confrontation between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort, and even tried to come to the aid of the Dark Lord when it became unclear who would triumph in the end. When Harry escaped and told his story however, the Ministry of Magic called him a "liar" and said that he was violent and disturbed. Thus Lucius Malfoy was able to return to his life in high society without any repercussions.
Most recently, Lucius has been incarcerated in Azkaban prison for his attempt to steal the Prophecy for Lord Voldemort from the Ministry of Magic.
As a side note, not much is known about Lucius outside of his dark dealings. It is evident that he is overly wealthy and that his son not only respects and idolozies him, but fears him as well.
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