Family Feud?

Family Feud? by: Minerva-Severus-Dumbledor

Lucius Malfoy Fuh-Q-Fest Challenge #63:

The Potter's and Malfoy's are rival families. One day, Harry meets Lucius, not knowing that he is a Malfoy.

AU: No Voldie here man.. hehehe So no Chamber of Secrets. James and Lily are still alive in this one since there is and never was a Voldie, gotta love AU.. hehehe

Enjoy !!!! Oh yeah, I don't own it, wish I did though, I'd be rich. Harry Potter and company is the Property of J.K Rowling. Thanks to my beta reader for the idea and for being my beta...THANKS sandtr!!!

Rated NC-17 I think.. hehehe.

It was December 23rd and Harry had graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry just last spring. Now he was attending the Christmas Yule Ball, which was also a costume party this year. Harry was dressed and ready to go. His parents were standing by him as well. Harry was wearing solid black with silver trim and silver feathers coming out of the mask. James was wearing a multitude of colors in a paisley type pattern. Lily was wearing solid white, and with her dark red hair she looked like an angel.

The Potter family apparated to Diagon Alley and entered the ministry building which had been altered to hold the ball in the lobby. 

Across London, a father and son were getting ready to apparate to the party as well. The father was dressed in the very same manner that Harry Potter was dressed in and the son wore midnight blue with yellow trim. Masks were solid black, father's was trimmed in silver feathers, and the sons had no trim at all. They finally apparated and entered the building.

Inside the ministry building was beautifully decorated with trees and mistletoe. The ceiling had been enchanted to reflect snowfall and was snowing but the snow never reached the ground, it evaporated about a foot over everyone's heads. It the back corner there was a string quartet playing some classical music that echoed through the room. The room was full of people wearing colorful robes and masks, there was even one person wearing a mask of a bird.

Lucius looked around and caught view of a stunning figure in all black with silver trim. *Note to self: talk to this person before the night is over* he thought to himself.

Lucius made his round and finally came up to the mystery figure he had found attractive. Upon getting a closer look at this stunning creature the green eyes this person had you could loose yourself in. They were a cross between emeralds and jade, simply stunning. After making some small talk with the lovely creature Lucius asked this person if they wanted to dance, there was a Waltz just kicking up and Lucius felt it a great way to get to know the sex of this person as well as continue their conversation. Whoever this person was, Lucius could tell was well educated and was really enjoying the vastness of
the topics they were covering. Lucius and the mystery person had a wonderful dance and it was over too soon for both of them.

Harry had gotten used to and rather enjoyed the other mans company. He was going to have to find out more about this man that was for certain. Harry was looking into those silvery eyes and just knew he had found someone special. They actually shared a few things in common. The way this man carried himself Harry knew he was rich, but he wasn't about to get into a relationship for money, he had good enough on his own that was for certain. He had just been hired in as a law enforcement official in the ministry, performing background checks on employees in the ministry. The only reason he still lived at home was because his mother wasn't ready to let him go yet. Not that he minded he enjoyed living with his parents. They were loving and very supportive of just about everything he did.

The night was closing and it was almost time to unmask everyone. That was to happen at midnight. Harry stayed around this person; he really wanted to know who this person was. Lucius was feeling the same apprehension to the situation, wanting to know yet not wanting too. Yes, they both wanted to know, but what if they found out they knew each other and didn't like each other normally, but then again, they had been having a wonderful time with the unknown at the moment. Well in 10 minutes that would all be forgotten and they would know whom the other was.

The ten-minute flew by so quickly they barely heard it when the announcer said to unmask himself or herself. They both slowly took off their masks looking at each other deeply as they did. They were both shocked that they did in fact not know each other at all. Harry stuck out his hand to introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Harry, and just who might you be?"

"My name is Lucius, and it my pleasure to make your acquaintance Harry." Replied Lucius with a slight bow to his head. Harry blushed slightly. "Would you like to go for a walk through the garden out back with me?" Harry nodded his head and they both made their way out the back of the building.

"Lucius, do you work here at the ministry? Or do you just have friends that work here?" Harry inquired as they left the building.

"I do work here, and what of you?"

"I just got hired on about two months ago in the law enforcement department doing background checks, what do you do here?" Harry asked.

"I am one of the advisors for the minister himself" Lucius replied almost smugly. He liked to show off his power, but he didn't want to ruin what he had going with Harry so far.

Harry and Lucius continued to talk to each other until the wee hours of the morning, then it was time to go home for them both. They made a date for lunch just after the New Year. They departed ways until then.


The day had finally arrived and both Lucius and Harry were looking forward to their lunch date. They both wore their best working robes and both primped for the occasion. Before they could meet at the designated place, a restaurant out in muggle London, they happened to meet up in the lobby of the ministry building. Together they walked and talked their way to the restaurant.

Once inside they settled in a nice private corner. "So, how were your holidays this year? Do anything interesting?" Lucius asked Harry after they sat down.

"Not really, same old stuff really, spent the day with my family, had a good time. My sister came home from Hogwarts, she is in her 6th year, she is doing very well, aspires to be like her brother." Harry said with a laugh in his voice at the end. He loved his sister they were close, she had missed the ball by one day, she got home on the 24th. Lucius smiled, he could tell that Harry loved his sister very much. "So, did you do anything interesting over the holidays?"

"No I didn't, I just spent time with my son, by the look of things I would say he is about your age, that doesn't bother you does it?" Lucius silently praying to himself that it didn't matter.

"No, it doesn't bother me at all, you seem kind and young at heart anyway, not childish mind you but young at heart still the same, and just so you know, I'll be turning 19 this year."

"Good, I'm glad you don't mind, and I do like to think that I am rather young for my age. So how do you enjoy working for the ministry? You had said you hadn't been there long, I assume that you just got out of Hogwarts last spring" Lucius stated.

"Oh, I love my job, I couldn't imagine doing anything else, I had a couple of offers to play professional Quidditch but I didn't feel right now doing anything really productive to earn my money." Harry said.

"Really, professional Quidditch? What position do you play? My son is a seeker and I actually dabbled as a chaser during my days at Hogwarts."

"Really, your son is a seeker? That's what I play is seeker. I was the youngest member on my team when I first started, I was in first year, and I have a talent for it. I still love to play, don't get me wrong, but I just needed something to show at the end of the day other then a snitch."

"Youngest seeker you say, I think I have found out what your last name is, it's Potter, your Harry Potter aren't you?"

"Yes I am, now that my secret is out, can I ask your last name?" Harry said with a smile, a smile that melted Lucius' heart despite the "family feud" that has been going on for generations. There was something about Harry that Lucius couldn't deny, even if he was a Potter, he had to make it work, it had to work out, this was the most beautiful, and smart person he had ever met.

"Very well, but I fear that after you know you may not want to associate with me anymore, but I shall tell you just the same.  Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, at your service master Harry."

"A Malfoy eh? Well, so far you have shown me kindness, attention and haven't been at all the egotistical bastard type that my father says all Malfoy's are. I'll make a deal with you; we'll take this as far as it goes without considering our family names ok?"

"You, Harry, have a deal on that. But how far do you want to take this "relationship" we have?" Asked Lucius in earnest.

"That, Lucius, I don't know yet. Like I said, I am willing to ride this out as far as it will go, be it friendship or possibly more."

"That sounds like an excellent plan Harry. So now, that we have finished our lunch when should we plan to meet again since obviously both of us want too, at least that is what I am gathering by this line of conversation?"

"How about we meet for lunch all this week and see where it goes from there, we can meet each other in the lobby of the ministry and have a nice walk and have lunch and then walk back together?" Harry sounded hopeful, Lucius smiled at him and nodded his head in agreement. They then got up and left walking slowly together back to the ministry building.

The week passed rather quickly for the two gentlemen. They were getting accustomed to each other and the relationship was
flourishing. Harry didn't tell his family about Lucius, not yet anyway, it was too soon. Lucius told his son Draco however about Harry, but nothing of his last name that was for certain, that would come later. He knew his son would be disappointed if he knew it was "Harry Potter" that his father had been seeing, for several reasons, the main two being Harry's age and the Harry's last name.  It was breed into them that they were to "hate" Potter's plain and simple. But Lucius could not find it within himself to hate anything about Harry. Harry to be in all honesty was the best person Lucius had ever met. Harry was, kind, selfless, sensitive, and very funny at times; he was also extremely mature and almost obscenely polite.  Little did he know Harry felt the same way about Lucius.

Friday came and they made plans during lunch to go out that night and have fun. As the hour approached when they would meet at the leaky cauldron, Harry was frantic as to what to wear. He finally decided on black leather pants that laced up the leg showing some skin all the way up to the waistline. A black sheer shirt that also laced up the sides, he could tuck it in and not have to worry about the shirt line on his exposed skin. He was also wearing dragon hide boots. He, of course left his hair messy, it fitted the look rather well, and then put in his contact lenses, and he was ready to go.

Lucius was in a similar situation, although he had his son helping him out on the choosing of his outfit for the evening. They decided solid black was the way to go. Lucius slid on his leather plants then his socks and dragon hide boots. He then put on his black silk shirt on left the top two buttons undone. He looked at his son for approval and got a huge grin.

"He's gonna love you dad, whoever this mystery guy is, and if he doesn't he's missing out."

"Thank you Draco, I really appreciate your help in this. I'm sorry I can't tell you more about him, other then he makes me happy. We'll see where everything lies in a couple of weeks, I may be able to tell you then, but I can tell you now your going to be shocked. When you find out who he is and your not going to like it one little bit, but I don't care, I really care for him."

"All right father, you just remember, as long as he keeps you happy I am fine with whomever you're going out with. I am not so shallow as to think you'd not be going out with someone you didn't care about.  Besides, as long as he isn't a Potter I think we shall be fine." Draco smiled and bid his father goodnight and left the room. Lucius slumped into a chair in his room and ran his hand through his hair.

"This is going to be hard on him when he finds out. Not only is it a Potter but one his age as well, I hope he can handle it" said Lucius aloud to no one but himself.

Lucius got up and looked in the mirror before taking the floo to the Leaky Cauldron to wait for Harry.

Harry floo'd to the Leaky Cauldron thinking he was going to be early, he had his travel cloak on not wanting to mess up his outfit, and made it in one piece, he really hated floo, it was not a pleasant way to travel. He landed on his feet, which was rare for him, but he was determined not to fall over. He got out of the fireplace and looked around, Lucius wasn't there yet. There was not one single blonde in the place at the moment, so he went to Tom, the barkeep, and got a Butter beer while he waited for Lucius to show up. He didn't have to wait long, about 5 minutes after Harry got there, Lucius appeared in
the fireplace. Harry decided not to approach and see if Lucius could recognize him like he was.

Lucius stepped out of the fireplace and looked around the room after dusting himself off and casting a quick-clean spell over himself. As he looked his eyes fell on Harry, Harry was watching him, he was probably waiting to see if Lucius recognized him, he could play that game, he most certainly could. Lucius walked over to Harry and then looked at Tom and ordered a fire whiskey. He sat down next to Harry, looked at him intently for a moment and said "so, do you come here
often? Harry." Then smiled sweetly at Harry. Harry smiled back at him. He knew it wouldn't take Lucius much time to find him. "And I must tell you Harry; you look, simply beyond any words gorgeous." Harry blushed at the compliment and thanked Lucius for it.

Harry finished his butter beer and Lucius had finished his fire whiskey. They headed out the door to muggle London, they had decided on a club out in the muggle sector. They arrived at the club on foot, as it was only a block away from the Leaky Cauldron. They entered and the lights and music were loud. Just about everyone in the club stopped what they were doing when the couple walked in. They were both drop-dead gorgeous and no one was going to deny that. They looked like two sex-gods and it was clear they were with each other, this in and of itself broke many hearts. But many felt privileged to see such a site. Soon everyone was dancing and drinking again. Harry and Lucius made their way over to table in the back corner. Lucius excused himself and went and bought drinks for them both.

Hours later found Lucius and Harry leaving, they were both buzzing but not quite drunk, they knew what they were doing and could remember but were giddy and happy. They made their way to the alley where they wouldn't be seen and they went back to Malfoy Manor, to see where things took them. Lucius opened the door to the manor for Harry, and motioned for Harry to enter before him. Harry did so and the sight the met his eyes made him sober up immediately. Walking across the hall was Draco Malfoy. At the sound of the door Draco had turned to see who was entering, and saw one Harry Potter standing in the entryway frozen to the spot.

"What the hell are you doing in my house Potter? Get the hell out of here before I have you arrested by the ministry for trespassing." Draco said with such Venom in his voice it was dripping from his eyes. Then eyes widened in shock as Draco's father stepped up behind Harry and placed a hand on his shoulder. Harry smirked at Draco.

"Draco, meet the man I love, and you shall treat him as such and if I am not mistaken this is MY house, not yours, and I shall have anyone I see fit enter when I please." Lucius said icily. Draco stood there dumbfounded looking between his father and Harry.

"But.. But father, he is a Potter, surely you can't be serious, he's a bloody fucking Potter, what about the family feud?" Draco was hoping to knock some sense into his father.

"Draco I am well aware of Harry's sir name, and I must tell you, I have been mistaken when it comes to this beautiful human being. He is nothing like what my father described Potter's to be like, he is caring, and charming, and strong, he's perfect." Lucius said while looking over at Harry the entire time he spoke of Harry.

"But father, your insane, how can you have feelings for someone that is MY age, surely you can't be that stupid? He'll find someone else and leave you, I'm telling you he is going to hurt you and I won't stand that happening. I love you and he will hurt you, I can see it now he will break your heart." Draco said while looking in disgust at Harry.

"You know Draco, a wise man once said that it is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. I live by that now, and right now my heart is with Harry, be damned if he is a Potter, I don't care. He is a wonderful person, you really should get to know him, and I have a feeling he will be here quite a bit" He said looking at Harry and smiling. "Now if you'll excuse us Draco, we wanted to sit and continue our talk that we started at the bar." Grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him into one of the studies on the first floor. Draco was left standing in the hall shaking his head truly believing that Harry would intentionally hurt his father.

Harry sat on a sofa in the study and Lucius sat next to him. "I hope I haven't caused any problems between you and Draco, I don't want to come between a father and son."

"Don't worry about Draco, he is resilient and will get over it. As long as you don't purposely hurt me, I think he will be fine."

Harry looked deep into Lucius' eyes "I don't think I could hurt you, I don't think I could stand it." Harry said with such an admiration and adoration for Lucius that Lucius leaned over slightly and captured Harry's lips in a gentle but very loving kiss. The kiss itself spoke of unsaid devotion from both and a promise to see this through however long it was going to be. The kiss soon heated up even more and before they knew it they were in the process of disrobing each other. Lucius broke from the kisses they were sharing and gruffly said "Let's move this to someplace more comfortable shall we?"

"Oh, yes, lets do that, this couch is comfortable but I would like a little more room to move around" Harry stated with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

Lucius reached out and grabbed Harry's hand again, and led him upstairs to a grand bedroom. Harry didn't care what it looked like he had other things on his mind. As they came closer to the bed, Lucius pulled Harry close to him and kissed him so passionately Harry's knees gave out, if it wasn't for Lucius' arms around his waist he would have fallen to the ground. When Lucius pulled back from the kiss, Harry could see love in his eyes, and smiled a soft smile. "I love you as well Lucius" Harry said and re-captured Lucius in another searing kiss.

Again the kisses grew more passionate and again they began disrobing themselves, this time they didn't stop, they didn't need too. Once both of them were out of their clothes they stepped back from one another and looked at the others body. Both had weeping cocks that wanted and needed attention. They then both sat on the edge of the bed and kissed again.

"Lucius, you are so beautiful it almost hurts to look at you. I love you; I truly do" Harry said breathlessly.

"Harry, I have to admit, you are truly one of the most beautiful things on the face of this planet and I love you with all that I am. I know we haven't known each other long, but this is something I feel." Lucius recaptured Harry's mouth in a kiss that spoke of undying love.

Lucius gently pushed Harry so they were now lying on the bed with Lucius hovering over Harry. Harry wrapped his arms around Lucius neck and entwined his fingers in his hair. Lucius had one arm under Harry's waist and the other supporting himself over Harry. Lucius then moved his supporting hand down and stroked Harry's fully hard erection and was blessed with a moan from Harry's sweet mouth.

They both broke from the kiss and started sucking on each other's necks, moans escaping both of them. There was no turning back now, none at all. They nibbled on each other's ears and necks.

Harry started working his way down to Lucius' collarbone, Lucius moaned with pleasure on this action, Harry sucked on it hard and that drove Lucius wild, Harry could feel the body heat rise when he did that, he filed that away in his memory for later uses. Harry licked his was from the collarbone down to the nipples, he took turns nibbling and sucking on them. Lucius was so close to the edge by this point. Harry drove him wild by simply touching him. Harry then licked and kissed his was down Lucius' stomach to his belly button where he methodically circled ever so lightly letting air escape from his mouth to his the moist areas where his tongue had already been. Harry looked at the mans rock hard member and looked up at Lucius and
gave an evil grin, then licked his member like it was a lollypop. Blowing on the head after it was good and wet. Harry then picked up Lucius' penis and slid it slowly into his mouth the whole time watching Lucius. Lucius was watching him too, and this about did it for him again. How could he deny anything as sexy as Harry Potter? Harry's touch was like magic on his bare skin. Skin that hadn't been touched for year. Skin that needed to be touched. Even when it had been touch in previous years it never felt this good.

"Oh, Merlin, Harry, yes." Lucius was able to get out before Arching his back and letting his load go flying into Harry's waiting mouth. Harry sucked at the cream viciously. He couldn't get enough of it. The fire in Harry's eyes was so strong now that Lucius was hard again almost immediately. No one had ever had that effect on him before. Harry took Lucius into his mouth again, but Lucius bit his lip and pulled up gently on Harry's ear easing him up and simply said "my turn" Harry understood immediately.

Harry lay back down next to Lucius and they were giving kisses so full of lust and passion they almost hurt. Trying to get as much of the other essence as humanly possible. Lucius started at Harry's ears and sucked and nipped at Harry's neck, Harry started thrashing about with pleasure. Lucius filed that away. He then went down to the collar bone just as Harry did on him only it wasn't as effective on Harry as it was on Lucius. Lucius moved down to those marvelous pinkish red nipples and went back and forth on them for a minute or two. By now Harry was growling. Lucius moved down to the belly button and Harry was on the verge of screaming. This excited Lucius to no end. The thought of a scream of sheer pleasure almost drove
him to come yet again. Lucius then took Harry into his mouth and sucked ever so lightly and making the suction stronger with each stroke, tickling the tip with his tongue. Harry was screaming now. Harry collected himself enough to look at Lucius and growl "fuck me" at him. Harry snapped and there was a jar of lubricant next to him on the bed now, Lucius dipped his fingers in there, stroking Harry's deliciously hard cock with one hand and circling his puckered hole with the other. Slowly Lucius eased in the first finger, it wasn't too hard since Harry was so damned excited to start with, the second and third fingers were a little more difficult, but Harry wasn't complaining.

After a few strokes of the prostate with three fingers Lucius pulled then out and placed a good deal of lubrication on his hard dick. He then mounted Harry and Harry wrapped his legs around Lucius' waist. Lucius used one hand to aim and one to hold himself up, when his tip was at the entrance, Harry squealed with lust and excitement. He looked at Lucius who was looking at him for consent and Harry nodded his consent to Lucius, Lucius slowly pushed into the wonderfully tight place in Harry's body. Both Harry and Lucius were screaming now, both with pleasure. Lucius had gotten all the way in and was now pulling out again, and pushing his way back into the warmth of the cavity he had entered. Harry was thrashing about wildly now, and Lucius had to literally hold him down.. This excited them both more then they expected. Lucius kept up with his steady pace and then removed one of his hands and started moving it down towards Harry's member. Harry watched with such lust in his eyes he didn't even look like Harry anymore. He looked like some sex-crazed monster. Lucius kept up his rhythm and soon he could feel Harry on the brink of an orgasm. Lucius made sure his hand and his cock were moving at the same time. Two strokes later Harry came and Lucius followed. When all throbbing and twitching was done, Lucius pulled out and rolled
over next to Harry pulled him into a hug and then relaxed to a cuddle.

"Harry, that was, I have to say the best I have ever had. Who taught you all that stuff? You were absolutely perfect." Lucius was amazed at how his body felt when he had been making love to Harry.

"Lucius, no one taught me anything. I was a virgin until a few minutes ago." Harry giggled and pulled himself into Lucius' chest. Harry was very sleepy after all that and was just about to fall asleep when he felt the need to say something. "Lucius?" The very tired voice said so quietly that it almost wasn't heard.

"Hmm?" Lucius answered quite dreamily as well, he was tired from that little bit of exercise. He was now combing his fingers through Harry's hair again, and Harry was now tracing patterns on his chest

"I love you" Harry said in almost a mutter, he was so close to being asleep.

"I love you too Harry" Lucius said with the same grogginess and they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Reviews appreciated