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Sunday, 27 July 2003
RACISIM FUCKIN BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what's with all the racists out there in the world I mean we're all the same the only difference is our colour....maybe our language.......maybe our beliefs......but really we're all the the same day to day lives......we all go to work to make a living.....we all go home to loving families......we all eat food....we all drink the same water....FUCK ALL YOU RACISTS

Posted by wizard2/narabc at 1:46 PM
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Lesbians and Gays aren't what ppl think......
you know alot of ppl are prejudice against gays/lesbians.......for no special reason......but they don't look at the person or ppl for who they are on the inside, they just hate us because we're different...........well phuck all you all that are prejudice........why can't ppl look inside for the truth, for the friendship.....cause you could meet someone with a different sexuality than you and you'll turn them down, then you'll never know if they could have helped you with a problem......jeez for all you know you could be dying and needing blood or somethin then you got it and asked to see and thank the person that had your blood type and when you do fianlly meet that person they could be gay/ what you goin to do???? Thank them or turn the other cheek......what happens if that same person who saved you is diagnosed with luekemia and they need your blood???? will you help them or turn the other cheek???..................

Posted by wizard2/narabc at 1:05 PM
Updated: Sunday, 27 July 2003 1:28 PM
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