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           Here is a veritable treasure trove of diagrams for you to get started - hope you have your paper ready (and save the expensive pretty paper for when you actually have perfected the origami model you are working on - you might not want to spend a fortune on something that's probably going to be crushed up in your first few attempts!) Let me know if you have any symptoms of carpal tunnel - not that I'd know what to do (though I suppose I could just "experiment" on you with my very sketchy knowledge - LOL!), but I'd love to gloat! Hehehe!




                                        Basic Techniques & Diagrams


                                     Some things to fold, also some basic techniques. Includes stawberries, jumping frogs, "shining Alice"s

                                    (whatever that may be, it looks like a spice), tulips, cups, blow-up bunnies, butterflies, pandas and cranes.




                                              From The Archives........


                                                         Some interesting stuff here - hexagons, octahedrons, tetrahedrons,

                                        (damn, i feel like i'm back in Mrs. Yee's chemistry class!!), star of david and two scarves.





                                                                       Diagram-free zone


                                                                              Try folding minus the diagrams!








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