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Brought to you by your Friendly Neighborhood Majutsukai­™


Browse: Megaman Next | Final Fantasy US | More to come?

The content on this page is unfinished and no longer being updated.

An old comic project begun in the summer of 2005, revived one year later. When something disastrous happens in the Realm of the Authors, the four intrepid Co-Authors, Majutsukai, NileGal, Hinoryu, and Nytyngayl, have to save their comic from a cliche-ridden death, and find a creative way to save the Megaman Universe from Wily without invoking the wrath of Capcom's CEO.
The guy in the chair is the CEO, by the way. And no, I don't know what the REAL CEO looks like. Just play along, OK?

Four heroes hear the call of an RPG plot and begin an adventure. Their journey is hindered by monsters, mountains, oceans, and incompetence on all sides. Will they be victorious? Will they ever actually figure out what they're questing for? Find out!

(Maybe more coming soon. Maybe.)

All represented properties (c) their original owners.