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Anatomy Of a Turtle:

Outside Turtle Photo:

Internal Turtle Anatomy

This model is of a gender neutral turtle. We see all the major organs and body parts labeled around it. Here you can see the basics of turtle anatomy.
A turtle is in the chelonian family, which means their bodies are protected by shells. Above you see an under view of the turtle, with an outline of its shell around it. These shells are made up of plastron (this protects the underbelly and the carapace, which covers the back). The internal anatomy of a creature that is chelonian is similar to other vertabrates. Between a pair of lungs lies a three-chambered heart, and the gut and bladder lead to a section of the animal called a cloaca. This means; "sewer".

Turtle Bone Anatomy

These to models represent the bone structure of all or most turtles. It labels major bones and their locations. The first is a side view, displaying the open space for their organs and their rib cage. Below is an under view.
Turtle carapace is made up of near 50 bony plates formed in the skin. This is labeled on the top model. The vertebrae, ribs and two limb girdles are fused to the carapace. Within the horny outside layer, the carapace is made of several layers of bone. The neck vertebrae of eight are quite flexible. To take the weight of the turtle's body, the upper limb bones are short with enlarged ends.