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CS4900/6900 - Human Computer Interaction
Department of Computer Science
The University of Georgia, Athens
Programming Project #2
Under the guidance of Professor Dr.Eileen Kramer
Survey Builder
Minutes of the 2nd Client Meeting
Date : 31st March 2003 from 9:30AM to 10:00AM

         The main issues discussed in the meeting were the look and feel of the user-interface of the survey builder. A walk through of the survey-builder was given to the client with a help of a ppt presentation. The presentation gave the basic flow of the survey builder along with sample screen shots. The various functionalities of the survey builder, which were discussed during the course of the meeting are

  • Adding/moving sections/questions in the survey
  • The Numbering scheme of employed in the survey preferred by the client
  • The various types of answer option such as 'open ended questions', 'radio buttons’,'dropdown list', etc. which should be present in the survey
  • The instructions format for the survey and each section/question
  • Features such as 'delete', 'edit', 'generation of the html' of the application and their functionality was also explained to the client.

  •          Regarding implementation, the client was asked details about the Database soft wares available at their end. Dr. Eby informed us later in the day that Microsoft access was the database available in her office. Microsoft access was agreed to be the Database that the survey builder would use at it's back-end.

             Dr. Eby approved the pseudo-interface design presented to her for the application. The next meeting was to be scheduled once the complete actual interface design is ready.
