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Welcome to Graphix by Gardenofthefearies!!!


August 13th:
While I'm here I may as well update, although it's probable that about two people will read this 0.o
I'm making a new site, but I can't show it to you *meep* (sorry) because it's for my school... In a complicated way 0.o My main site is now *****, but be expecting a new graphics site along the way. Yes, that means that I will probably not update this page a lot anymore, and no new graphics. Again, I'm sorry. But be looking out for my new graphics site, coming some time... Er, not sure when, but I'll update to let you know!

July 11th:
Hurrah! Just letting you know, I'm starting on a new site called *****. It's not done yet, but you can take a look!

July 8th:
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm not using my neo account gardenofthefearies as much... Now I'm using lembasbread too. But oh well. I joined a cool new web compitition site, Battle of Dragons. It's pretty cool, so if you have any web design experience, you should check it out :)

March 20th:
Well, I got a lot of work done around the site! Sorry, the blogs page is still really messy... I made some new guild layouts, and updated some of the older ones that I liked... They got messed up when neopets changed the guilds, and I had to mess with the codes. I just added two today... And another one just this week. So have fun!
Today I'm going to try to make an animation page. I have a new pretty gallion animation that I'm going to add, and I made one to put in your user lookup... But I lost it. It's somewhere on my other computer, I'll have to dig it up for you...

I've updated a lot, I just haven't added links in yet. They should be up before the end of the day. If you would like, you can see the next layout for the site (version 4) by clicking here. Hmm... What should I call it? 'Apple' Yes, that sounds good... lol 0.o Maybe Barbosa's Apple? I dunno... I'll think of something, don't worry.

March 1st:
Er, hullo. I guess that I should really be updating more, huh? I haven't sent in any new stuff for samandallys for a while either. Good news is that I made a layout for an official site and I might get paied!!! Yay... 'Course that's not too helpful to you...
Er, also I am going to update now? I still have tons of makeup homework, so it'll just be really quick. I'm going to add three new layouts (maybe even four) that I have made, so, erm... I hope that you enjoy them!!! Oh right, I need to make a guild lays page... right...

February 11th:
Home sick today, so I decided to actually update something (I haven't scince about... what, October???)
I'm moving the WHOLE site and doing a WHOLE new thing. Sorry about the popups, *still*. A lot of the old backgrounds and such aren't going to be availble anymore, but I'm keeping some of the cute ones. Don't be afraid, though, if you ever used a code: the codes will still work. It's just that everything... sorta was really really really really REALLY bad, if ya get my meaning? But I am adding new stuff, maybe even some music this time. And maybe I'll be able to update more, too.
Secondly, I have taken a job at a new neopets help site, If you see any graphics here that appear there, or there that appear here, now you know why. If it really gets to be a problem, then I'll ask vulpy37 to put this notice up there, too, but right now I don't think that it's worth the trouble, seeing as I have practically NO visitors right now. But that'll all change when I turn 21 and pay for a domain with no popups and... MY OWN ADRESS THAT PEOPLE CAN REMEMBER...
Oh, by the way, I am now officially a teen. Turned 13 on February first. Well, I'm off to make the rest of the site. See ya!


Okay, I put up the blogs (but you can't get to them yet because there isn't any navigation), but I only have one of the six up, because guess what??? I FORGET HOW TO MAKE BLOGS. Isn't that pathetic??? So until then, I guess I'll do some user lookups, backgrounds, and work on the navigation. Oh, and I put a footer down at the bottom of the page with all of the neopets copyrite and stuff. =^_^= I'm so proud!!!

.:Even Later:.
Still couldn't get blogs to work :( But I did get a navigation drop-down thing up. It'll be on the top of every page. I couldn't get a bar that would stay on the side or move with the screen, though, because I'm not that good. But I am good. Uh-huh! Okay... So I'll make the user lookup page next??? This will probably be the last update for today, so good-night!!!

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are trademarks of Neopets, Inc.,© 1999-2004. All rights reserved.
All graphics seen here (other than those by Neopets) were created by gardenofthefearies at Neopets.
Anyone found claiming these graphics will be punished accordingly.