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This "letter" was given to me at the end of the Spring semester in 2006. Here's some brief background:

  • Guy one (Craig) opens gaming store with guy two that used to have other gaming store.
  • Second guy sells share in company, leaving guy one (Craig) (the one who gave this to me) sole owner.
  • Guy one is not very experienced with gaming, has artists' attitude, and is full of himself.
  • Club I belonged to at university wants to run Rogue Trader event.
  • I suggest doing it as a club due to events that transpired the previous year.
  • Club is divided, and due to the famous "if we back out now, we'll be banned from the store" speech, the majority of the club, mostly people who never attend meetings or do anything productive, vote to let guy one (Craig) run it.
  • I wash my hands of it, as do most other 40k players, and speak truthfully about why I do not think it is in the club's best interests to allow guy one (Craig) to run this event.
  • Event occurs in April. (I was in a different city from the event)
  • 70 people planned for, around 24 begrudgingly attend. Club time and money wasted.
  • Looking for scapegoat, guy one brings this letter to my dorm room (mind you, he is not supposed to be in the dorms) assisted by the President and VP of the club, who are accompanied by some rather scummy hangers-on.

    Here is the "letter" I was given and supposedly "served" with. I use quotes because outside of elementary school, this is, at best, a rough draft. I suppose proofreading is too hard for "artists."
    (Yes, I know I have typos on my site, but I also have alot of HTML to read and edit.)

  • Spelling errors are Green.
  • Grammar errors are Yellow.
  • I was nice and blacked out specific names.

    CDA Letter

    After these events, I contacted school officials and filed grievances and informed personal contacts of the situation. I then waited for him to make his move, which never came, except for him bitching to my friends, who don't like him anyhow. I checked Florida State statutes, and had this coward taken me to court, it would have been thrown out immediately. I reported this to Games Workshop, and also tipped them off to other things I should have informed them of a long time ago.

    In April/May, this business moved to larger quarters and, within a month, was out of business. I have heard several different explanations, but I think I know what happened. If you want to know my opinion and why, just email me. Apparently, since then, he has treated all the people who backed him over me with utter disrespect, and have received one apology from them thus far.

  • DISCLAIMER: All images belong to the webmaster unless otherwise stated. Warhammer 40k, Forge World, and Dungeons and Dragons belong to their respective owners. Costumes and Props are mine, not to be sold. Especially my Space Marine Armor Costume, so don't ask.