Double Roof Death Match for the FPW Title 4-14-00

This match was for the FPW Title. The Belt was on top of a two story roof. You had to climb to the first story and grab the belt on the 2nd Story to win the match and either retain or win the FPW Title. The match was defending FPW Champion Scott Structure taking on Slash Wild. The match started out in the front yard of the abandon duplex. It suprisinly started out as a technical match but that didn't last long. The match eventually spilled inside the duplex. They went at it in the stairwell, in three different rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It made it's way into the garage where both men ended up in a boat. Paddles, fishing poles, and even worms were used. Then both men tried to get up the ladder but did not succeed. The match went into the alley where Slash scoopslammed onto a trashcan. Then Slash went for another move onto the trashcan but it was reversed into a backdrop onto the trashcan. Structure threw Slash into the fence and tried to climb the ladder but Wild grabbed a kendo stick and beat him with it. Then Wild climbed the ladder but Structure threw powder in the eyes of Wild and he fell off. Structure then hit a gruesome Breakdown off the ladder while Slash was on some saw horses. After the match went into the house again. Slash Wild ended up outside while Structure was inside. Slash climbed up the ladder to get to the top while Structure climbed through a window. They reached the roof at the same time and went at it. Structure hit a double arm, then went for the belt but Wild stopped him. They went at it some more. With punches and kicks and submissions. Finally, Structure was going for the swinging breakdown(TKO)when Slash reversed into a reverse DDT! Then Structure ran right into Slash's finisher, the Wild-liner! Then Slash Wild got up and right before Structure could get to him, WILD GRABBED THE FPW TITLE AND WON THE BELT! SLASH WILD HAS UPSETTED SCOTT STRUCTURE AND HE IS THE NEW FPW CHAMPION!!!!