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"Winner Takes All" Results


It was announced before the show that the UHI's valet, Miss Jennifer and Swink the Shocker's valet, Miss Chata were not aloud at the show because of the non-stop fighting and hatred between the two. They will most likely work at the next show.

The show begins with Video Gamer X taking on Latino sensation El Chupocavre. The winner of the bout will go on later in the show to wrestle SuperSoldier for the Blockbuster Title. Chupocavre entered first looking surprisingly serious about his match. Gamer entered next confused and irritated but was ready to wrestle. A fan threw a foriegn object at Video Gamer X only to be quickly subdued and escorted out of FPW Arena #2 by high level security. Chupocavre took control first with some lucha libre style wrestling. Gamer ended his momentum with a vicious low blow that sent Chupocavre to the ground. Gamer began to work over the legs of Chupocavre and then used weapons to take Chupo out. Gamer hit a brainbuster only to get a two count. Chupo took over again with some mexican death blows to the face of Gamer. Then hit some mexican death-double axehandles. Gamer reversed and began to use his signature nintendo game system followed by a crab submission that was oddly counted as a pin by rookie referee Charles Gorman, who was later relieved of FPW referee duties. Gamer went for a high-flying move but missed and Chupocavre used this to his advantage. After a couple of stomps, Chupocavre hit his finisher, The MDS (Mexican Death Submission), and Gamer quickly tapped out. El Chupocavre will go on next to take on SuperSoldier for the Blockbuster Championship.

The next match is the Blockbuster Title match between Champion SuperSoldier and challenger El Chupocavre, who just came off an impressive victory. Chupo took an early advantage with some of his patented mexican death punches and kicks that staggered the champ. He then rammed Soldier's face into a mailbox but could only get a two count. Chupocavre then hit some of his oh so painful mexican death-double axehandles right into the back of Soldier. Chupo went for a clothesline but Soldier ducked and hit a belly-to-back suplex to take control. Soldier applied submissions and kept Chupo down. Then out of no where, the tag team known as the Red Screamers, jumped the fence and entered FPW Arena #2 only then to join the many fans in attendance and watch the show. El Chupocavre took control again using various moves to keep the BB Champ down. Chupocavre set up the ladder and climbed to the top to splash onto Soldier, but Chupo lost his balance on the top of the ladder and fell to the ground disturbingly hard. Soldier capitalized and began to take over but the heavily determined El Chupocavre slapped on the MDS out of no where and Soldier tapped out. Before the title could even be rewarded to the new champion, The Red Screamers ran in and attacked both men with kendo sticks. When the damage was done, they jumped the fence again and were not seen for the rest of the show. When El Chupocavre came to, he was awarded the Blockbuster Championship.

Our next match(for the most part)is a return bout from the last show. C-Dog will defend his coveted hardcore championship against Kurt Zamora. Zamora entered first followed by the grand entrance of the C-Dog and the rest of the UHI. Zamora had a great start by catching C-Dog's kick and turning it into a Stunner but he could only get a one count. It all went south from there for Zamora. C-Dog began to destroy Kurt using every weapon in the book from kendo sticks w/ clothes hamper to cafeteria trays. Zamora was getting destroyed and seemed to have no chance especially after C-Dog hit the Van Daminator. After three or four chair shots, out of no where, Zamora got a burst of energy and gave C-Dog a spinebuster through a table and quickly pinned him to get the 1-2-3!! After C-Dog held the Hardcore Title for over two years, he was finally defeated by rookie sensation Kurt Zamora. Before Zamora could celebrate, the other two members of the UHI, furious over C-Dog's loss, attacked Zamora until Swink the Shocker made the save. Kurt Zamora is your new FPW Hardcore Champion.

Next up we have One Man Chain Gang vs Trailer Trash in a table match. Just in case you didn't know, the first one to be put through a table loses the match. Things looked pretty scary at first for Trailer Trash when OMCG hit a powerful chokeslam to start things off. He continued his beating hitting a JackHammer and rolling DDT. OMCG tried a vertical suplex but it was reversed by Double T into a DDT. Trash put OMCG on his shoulders and threw him into stood up pieces of a broken table, but referee Blake Watson ruled that, it was not a table and the match would continue. Trash began to use his trash can as a weapon onto OMCG. Trash then grabbed a kendo stick and shattered it across the mid-section of OMCG. Trash then hit some shoulder blocks and out of no where hit a chokeslam on OMCG sending him through a table and the match was quickly over. Trash attacked OMCG for a few more seconds and left the backyard. OMCG got back to his feet furious about his loss, and left.

Now it's time for our main event of the day. This fued between Swink the Shocker and Scott Structure has stemmed all the way back from 1999. Now they will meet one on one for the richest prize in the backyard game, the FPW Championship. The fan favorite challenger entered first confident and ready to wrestle. The reigning Champ entered only to be mocked by his opponent. The action went back and forth at first but Structure began to take control using the ladder. Swink reversed using some of the broken pieces of table and climbed the fence for a high flying move. Before he could get into position, Structure ran into the fence knocking Swink off landing on pure concrete. Structure brought Swink back into the backyard throwing him into the house multiple times. Structure made a non-sealant cover but Swink quickly kicked out. He then threw Swink into the chairs in the fan section and the fans went-a-runnin'. Structure attempted many different pins but he couldn't keep Swink the Shocker down. Swink blocked a punch and knocked down Structure with one of his own. He then catapulted off the fence and splashed onto Structure only to get a two count. Structure countered some chair attacks with a low blow and then proceeded to throw Shocker into the dog igloo. They made their way to the front yard and Shocker took control. Shocker hit powerful uppercut sending Structure rolling down a small slope. Shocker tried to throw Structure into a truck but Structure reversed and threw Shocker into the truck. Structure then climbed into the bed of the truck and leapfrogged on top of Shocker only to get a two count. Structure then tried a Ric Flair knee drop but misses and Swink the Shocker tool control hitting some stiff punches and a high impact fisherman's suplex. Shocker then put Structure in a headlock and rubbed his face in a large thorn bush and then rammed his face into the locking mechanism of the front gate multiple times causing Structure to scream out in pain. Shocker hit a karate style hip toss but Structure made his way back on his feet and raked Shocker's eyes. He then rammed Shocker's head into a glass table almost shattering it. Structure then threw Shocker onto the Trailer's Trash's trash can and then put his head inside it. Structure then proceeded to beat the trash can with a chair attempting to give Shocker a concussion. He continued to work the cranium of Shocker with a big head butt and a shot directly to the temple of Shocker with another piece of the broken table. After multiple knee shots to the head of Shocker and a two count, Structure got desperate and attempted to hit Shocker with his Title belt but missed and hit Zamora instead. A tired Swink the Shocker went for a clothesline but Structure ducked and then hit his finisher, The Break Down. Referee Zamora was out so a pin could not be made. Structure yelled for a ref and referee Blake Watson ran out to make the count, but Swink kicked out at two and Structure was furious. Structure accused Watson of making a slow count, then knocked Watson out and threw him out of the arena. When Structure turned around, Shocker gave him a quick kick to the stomach and set Structure up in front of the table. As Zamora was coming to, Swink picked Structure up and gave him an Outsider's Edge though the table. Structure was done for. Shocker covered his opponent and Zamora made the three count and the title match was over! Swink the Shocker has defeated long reigning champion, Scott Structure to become the new FPW Champion. Shocker celebrated his victory and mocked Structure as he tried to get up but couldn't. It looks like the UHI's reign of dominance has ended here at FPW Arena #2 on this hot february day!

Has the UHI's reign of terror ended? How long can the new champions keep their titles? Does anyone know anything about this new tag team that has abruptly entered FPW? Keep your eyes on the Newsboard for more info!!

Results by Jimmy Rollins