Thirst for Blood

WWF Magazine November 1999
by Laura

Gangrel has a hunger, a thirst, an appetite for control over and complete domination of others. Within him is an innate drive to lead a tribe of men he can manipulate --- bend to his will. Gangrel is the type of person who preys upon the weaknesses of others to achieve his own ends. And this particular breed, while vultures are often cowards. The only way they gain any semblance of control and power is by manipulating others. When faced with those who are not so easily manipulated, they flee, in search of those who are.

Gangrel attempted such orchestration with the brothers. Edge and Christian --- but their own will was far too strong to succumb to Gangrel's needs. Gangrel, in an effort to save face, declared he was ridding the Brood of any weakness, but perhaps it was he who was the weak one. It takes a strong leader to lead strong men. Edge and Christian were far strong --- a threat to Gangrel's need for authority. In time, the two broke away from Gangrel, leaving him a lone wolf once again.

Some may see the split as an act of betrayal on the part of Edge and Christian, while others could surmise they simply outgrew Gangrel. The prevailing question was, would Gangrel attempt to re-create the Brood, or would he spawn a new entity altogether --- one that will be darker and more mysterious than it's predecessor?

Alone Gangrel was forced to seek out to join him. He was on the lookout for those who are vulnerable and malleable --- a cortege of puppets. The Hardy Boyz seemed to be the perfect prey.

Losing their mother at young ages, the Hardy Boyz were not able to experience the carefree and wondrous days of youth most children do. Rather, they were forced to face the harsh realities of life early on, forced to taste the bitter seeds of loss and disillusionment. Anger and resentment may very well have set-in emotions that with the appropriate guidance could either be constructive or destructive.

It has been suggested that Michael Hayes proved the Hardy Boyz are malleable --- that he brought out the dark side of the two brothers. But were they led like puppets on a string or are they the manipulators?

Who are the Hardy Boyz really? When they first came to the Federation, they were enthusiastic and eager, having evolved from back yard wrestling to the fans of the World Wrestling Federation, thus fulfilling their dream. Their idols were the Rockers and they mimicked the sensational, glamorous façade of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty --- a far cry from the obscure, dark and enigmatic presence of Gangrel. Do Matt and Jeff Hardy have what it takes to enter the Goth life? Gangrel himself stated he despised Goth posers. That raises a vital point: Is the Hardyz "dark side" genuine? Or are they merely posers, trying to fit in? Appearances can be deceiving. Shedding their paisley and plaid printed pants for a more Goth look is not enough, nor is merely assuming a "dark" attitude. It takes embracing a lifestyle, a way of thinking --- a whole philosophy and set of beliefs. If the Hardy Boyz want to make it in Gangrel's world, they need to completely acculturate to his perspective. Are they ready to undergo Gangrel's initiation rites? Will they be able to endure it? And, finally, the central question persists: Are they truly the naïve, malleable souls Gangrel is looking to capitalize on?

If the Hardy Boyz prove to be genuine --- if they do indeed embrace the Goth lifestyle and possess a dark side, one that thrives on the fear they can evoke in others, then perhaps a new era of the Brood will be spawned. Just like the psychological warfare the Brood once employed --- the blood baths after matches, the spewing of substances analogous to blood prior to matches --- what is required of Gangrel's new recruits are minds that are up to playing sick games and to embellish them. So far, the Hardy Boyz have shown that they do indeed foster such potential. The question is, do they walk the Goth walk?

There really is no limit to what Gangrel can accomplish is the World Wrestling Federation. With young blood --- the Hardy Boyz --- now coursing though his veins, the havoc once wreaked on the federation by the brood may seem like child's play, for Gangrel's thirst is insatiable.
