Updates for: 11/4/00:
Hey, what's up? This is The Medieval Devil and this is my homepage. I'm working on it right now, so it looks half decent. I will post a message here whenever I update a part of the site. Thanks.

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11/4/00-Let me explain the join with this site. See, what you do is, once you join, you will be added to the Member list. As a member you will be able to post things on the discussion board, and we will just talk about wrestling and e-feds and stuff like that. Also, by joining it is a good way to advertise your federation. Because when we post a bio of you, you can put a link to your web site if you have one. You will be able to make friends and have a really good time. If you want to start up a federation, there is a good chance you will be able to find people that will want to help you here. So, click the join this site for a lot of fun. Thanks.

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