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Section Eight, with his manager the Pine Barron, won the vacant United Wrestling Coalition North American Title in a five-man mini royal rumble rules match which included Joe Rules (with Luxurious Lynne & Patricia M. Steinman), Cannon, Draven, and Big Dog. The Pine Barron paid off Draven and Big Dog as they were eliminated, then paid off Lynne and Patricia who had Joe Rules eliminate himself to accept the money. Cannon refused to take The Barron's payoff. Section Eight would have to defend the title later against King Kong Bundy!

In the main event, King Kong Bundy defeated UWC North American Champion Section Eight (with the Pine Barron) by DQ. Big Dog interfered in the match only to be squashed by Bundy. Joe Rules thought better of keeping his word after being paid off by the Pine Barron and never made it to the ring to attack Bundy. Cannon ran in and helped Bundy clear the ring.


Section Eight, with the Pine Barron, successfully defended the UWC North American Title against Joe Rules, with Luxurious Lynne and Patricia M. Steinman, by disqualification when Steinman busted her clipboard over Section Eight's head. When the Pine Barron entered the ring to complain, Rules snuck up from behind and delivered a punch to the groin.

A furious Pine Barron challenged Joe Rules to face Section Eight next month again...but this time, in a bootcamp match!


The Pine Barron and Section Eight, along with other UWC wrestlers Tundra, Cannon, Warhead, and Joe Rules, appeared at the Ashely Furniture Store in Mt. Holly, New Jersey for an autograph signing, along with 92.5 fm WXTU radio personality Cadillac Jack. Many fans stopped by to get autographs and chat with the wrestlers.


It wasn't a good night for the Pine Barron in Tabernacle, New Jersey at the UWC's Second Anniversary Show. Joe Rules (with Patricia M. Steinman & Luxurious Lynne) battled the Barron's protege Section Eight in a Bootcamp Match for Section Eight's North American Title. The end came when Pine Barron slid a chair into the ring for Section Eight to use. As the champion bent over to pick up the chair, Rules nailed him with a DDT right onto it, and pinned him for the belt. An angry Section Eight then turned on his manager.


The Pine Barron was on hand to kick off the UWC's "Bowling with the Wrestlers" League at Holly Bowl in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. Other wrestlers in attendance included Joe Rules and the Orphan.


UWC's "Bowling with the Wrestlers" League once again featured the Pine Barron, along with Warhead, Joe Rules, Dr. Hurtz, and Tundra.


"Bowling with the Wrestlers" featured the Pine Barron, Orphan, Joe Rules, Patricia M. Steinman, and Warhead.


"Bowling with the Wrestlers" featured the Pine Barron, Tommy Force, Joe Rules, Patricia M. Steinman, and Warhead.


The Pine Barron defeated Shaka and the 433-pound Brickwall Bradley and Vicious Vinny Delicious in a four-way match at the Richland Volunteer Fire Company Hall in Richland, New Jersey (next to Vineland, New Jersey) for Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Lots of action in this one. There was a double pin and somehow Pine Barron got the win when a fan ran into the ring to help Brickwall Bradley (the guy kinda looked like DJ DANZER-will he NOW be in ACW?)

Note to "The Man" - PineBaron does have the hardest chop in the business - he was pulling it the other night because he felt sorry for the wimps in the ring with him.

The Richland Firehall was STUNNED by the ACTION at this ACW card.


The Pine Barron, The Orphan, Tommy Force, Cannon, Warhead, and Joe Rules were on hand to sign autographs at the Browns Mills Fire House as part of "Jason Gellis Day."

Later, Pine Barron, Tommy Force, Joe Rules, Warhead, and Orphan particiapted in the last of this year's "Bowling With the Wrestlers" league. It was followed by a pizza party for the wrestlers and fans in attendance.

5/6/00 and 5/7/00

May 6, UWC, Mt. Holly, NJ: After a long, hard bout against Warhead and Section Eight in a triangle match, the Pine Barron was defeated when the other two pinned him with a double suplex. It took both of them to get him up!

May 7, UWC, Pemberton, NJ: Pine Barron competed in a battle royal for a shot at Joe Rules' North American Title but was eliminated when the other participants ganged up on him to send him over the top rope. Toolbox went on to win the battle royal but not the North American Title.


The Pine Barron appeared at a special fundraiser for Jason Gellis. The event featured live music with Jerry Blavatt, Duvells and Orlons. There was food and rides for the kids, plus a dunk tank. Pine Barron and a few other UWC wrestlers came out to sign autographs and got in the dunk tank!


UWC Wrestlers took on the Tabernacle Coaches in a game of softball under the lights at Patty Bowker Field in Tabernacle. Team UWC consisted of Billy Lassiter, the Ripper, Section Eight, Toxic Todd, the Force Brothers, Cannon, Warhead, and of course the Pine Barron. Unfortunately, UWC lost. The score was 15-1. :-(


The Wraith defeated Section Eight in a Mask vs. Mask Match. The Wraith ripped his mask off early on revealing himself to be Warhead. Warhead went on to defeat Section Eight and unmask him. Warhead said there were 2 reasons Eight wore a mask, because he was ugly, and because he was wanted. Three cops then rushed the ring and arrested Section Eight and drove him away in a police car. As he was being taken away, Rick Silver and Don Montoya came out and attacked Warhead until Pine Barron came to his rescue. As Silver was saying how he just got rid of another UWC Champion (Warhead), Pine Barron tried to console Warhead but Warhead did not seem to want his friendship. Silver challenged anyone in the back to take him on. Warhead tried to return to the ring but was stopped by Pine Barron ensuing in an argument between those two!


The Pine Barron had a long, hard battle with Mussolini in Richland, New Jersey for the ACW. Pine Barron delivered a "stinky-face" to the unfortunate Mussolini, who retaliated with not one, but two sidewalk slams. Finally, the Barron set up for his big finisher, The Bogg Splash, but the maneuver took out both Mussolini and the referee! The Pine Barron went for the cover and the fans counted to three, but the ref was still knocked out. Pine Barron attempted to go to his aid, but when he turned around, Mussolini nailed him with a foreign object and hit another sidewalk slam. Mussolini got the three count and ran off with the Superheavyweight Championship Belt.


The Pine Barron squared off with Warhead at the UWC's big MDA benefit show at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey. One of the highlights saw Warhead hit The Pine Barron with a Flying Bulldog and go for the pin. But the Barron was too strong and threw him off like a feather. Warhead tried to make a come back, but Pine Barron put a stop to that with a DDT. He might have gotten the pinfall right there, but he pulled him up before the ref could count to three in order to deliver more punishment. The Pine Barron executed a Samoan Drop, but Warhead was able to roll him up for the quick pin. After the match, Warhead offered his hand to the Pine Barron . . . The Pine Barron shook it.


At the Pinelands Regional High School in Tuckerton, New Jersey, The Pine Barron was set to face Major Glory and Tommy Force in a triangle match.

After all three entered the squared circle, someone (probably a fan of Major Glory or Tommy Force) pulled the fire alarm! Wrestlers and fans alike were evacuated from the building.

Outside, Major Glory stood on top of a trailer and called to The Pine Barron. The fans wanted a "Trailer Match!"

The Barron jumped up on the trailer and yelled for Tommy Force to join them, but the action was haulted by the Commission who threatened impose a $5000 fine on anyone who threw a punch.

When it was all clear to reenter the building, the three wrestlers climbed into the ring. Pine Barron turned to Force and said, "I have no beef with you."

That's when Major Glory hit the Barron from behind, and Tommy Force joined Major Glory in a double team effort. They set The Pine Barron up for a flying chop off the top rope. Barron fought back and set Tommy Force up for the Bog Splash from the top rope.

But Major Glory came out from no where and whacked The Pine Barron with a nightstick, knocking him out cold! Major Glory just picked up Tommy Force, and slammed him on top of The Pine Barron for the pinfall.


And the new champ is THE PINE BARRON! The Barron defeated ACW Superheavyweight Champion Mussolini and Bruiser Blackwell in a triangle match for the gold.

Mussolini and Blackwell tried to beat down the Pine Barron with double clotheslines, elbows, and avalanches. They used a double splash in the middle of the ring, and then Mussolini even gave a low blow!

Bruiser Blackwell held Pine Barron for Mussolini to clobber, but the Barron ducked and Mussolini kayoed Blackwell! The Pine Barron had the presence of mind to knock out Italy's Greatest Athlete with a blow to the head. Pine Barron covered Bruiser Blackwell. The referee (who, as it turns out, is a friend of Blackwell's) started to count the pinfall, but stopped at two. But Pine Barron made him finish the count and was declared the new Superheavyweight Champion!


The Pine Barron found out that the winner of the battle royal the United Wrestling Coalition was hosting at Burlington County College would receive a shot at the UWC Heavyweight Title later that night, because No. 1 Contender Dr. Hurtz failed to show up.

Pine Barron tried to hang in there, but there were 24 other wrestlers in the ring looking for a title shot, and Pine Barron was eliminated. The battle royal was won by Twiggy Ramirez.


Accompanied by Redneck Russ, at a total combined weight of 865 lbs., The Moonshine Runners--Pine Barron & Bruiser Blackwell--went up against The Black Diamonds with Dapper Dan. Blackwell & The Barron man-handled The Diamonds for the majority of the contest. The Black Diamonds countered with some double team efforts. Finally, Bruiser tagged The Pine Barron, who threw one of the Diamonds out of the ring while the other was set up for the Bog Splash. As Bruiser Blackwell went for the pin, Pine Barron noticed Redneck Russ was being pounded by one of the Diamonds and Dapper Dan. As Pine Barron went after the Diamond, Dapper Dan snuck back into the ring and broke his cane over Blackwell's back! The refereee immediately called for the bell and awarded the match to the Moonshine Runners on a disqualification.

A rematch will take place April 21 at WWC Arena in Vineland, New Jersey. And there's a very special stipulation: Dapper Dan will be handcuffed to Redneck Russ at ringside! This match is for THE WWC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP.

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