Results-Purgatory Week 2
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        The program starts with the SWF logo coming up, then.....
        We get a shot of a deserted street. The camera walks along and suddenly falls into a hole in the floor. The camera flies down, being passed by fire of all colours. Demons of all descriptions are everywhere. The cameraman finally lands by a sign saying, "Welcome to Stygian-Hell's Prison". Loud, Heavy music comes on and the title "Monday Night Purgatory" comes up in firery writing. Images of many different wrestlers are seen beating each other with chairs, chains and baseball bats or executing their finishers flash on screen. The final shot is a man with long white hair. He stretches out his hand to the camera and says in a calm voice, "Welcome to Stygian". He throws his head back and laughs evilly while the cameraman runs away.
        As the title video fades out, the cameras pan accross the arena. We then see the two comentators: D.Boss and Ozzy J.
D.Boss is wearing a black suit with a black tie, his black hair is tied back. Again he's wearing eye-liner(looks good I think...). Ozzy J meanwhile is wearing black combat pants and a long-sleeve Type O Negative t-shirt. His black hair is hung loose around his face and he's wearing black eye-liner and eye-shadow.

DB: Hi, we're back once again on Purgatory. With me D. Boss.
OJ: Don't you ever get tired saying that?
DB: And him- Ozzy J. We're ready, and it's time to kick some ass!

Anouncer: This contest is scheduled for one fall.

Introducing first...
(Mortal Kombat theme starts)
Fighting out of The Dark Side...
Weighing in at 302 pounds...

Representing Portal Darkly Walking...
A Devision of the Unconquered....

His opponent...
Hailing from DeBolt, Alberta, Canada...
Weighing in at 339 pounds...

"The Wanderer" Sharve Oman

"Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica blares onto the PA and the crowd all stand. Sharve walks out in a black gi with red symbols sewn into it. He stands at the top of the ramp with his arms folded staring at Arch. He walks calmly to ringside and climbs over the top rope.

DB: This guy is huge!
OJ: And popular.

*Bell Rings*

Arch whips Sharve Oman into the ropes.
Arch goes for a spinebuster slam, but Sharve Oman counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is cheering on Sharve Oman.
Sharve Oman executes a heart punch on Arch.

DB: Sharve with the early advantage here.

The crowd is cheering on Sharve Oman.
Sharve Oman whips Arch into the ropes, but Arch reverses it.
Arch misses with an elbow.
Arch hits Sharve Oman with a kick.
Arch puts Sharve Oman in an armlock hammerlock submission.

OJ: Arch is starting to put up some offence.

Sharve Oman tries to escape the hold.
Sharve Oman reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds.
Arch whips Sharve Oman into the ropes.
Sharve Oman misses with a clothesline.

OJ: D'Oh!!

Arch hits Sharve Oman with a clothesline.
Sharve Oman falls out of the ring.

OJ: That Oman guy is pretty stupid.
DB: Why do you keep insulting EVERYONE!!??!!
OJ: Because it's in my contract.
DB: It is? Well....don't you know someday one of these guys might try killing you??
OJ: So? I beat up Angel after he challenged me last week.
DB: No you didn't!
OJ: I did before the show.
DB: But he's injured! He's not here today!
OJ: Cos I beat his ass.
DB: Forget it!

Earl Hebner counts: five, Sharve Oman reenters the ring.
Sharve Oman sits up.
The crowd is cheering on Sharve Oman.
Arch uses a series of punches on Sharve Oman.
Arch runs into the ropes.
Sharve Oman hits Arch with a clothesline.
Sharve Oman nails Arch with a savate kick.

DB: Looks like Oman IS coming back now.
OJ: What's with this Higher Power Search thing then?
DB: Well, we know that Pitt has sent Sharve to search for the Higher Power, and nobody else wants him to do that.
OJ: Ahh....why not?
DB: Because that would make Masters of Reality supremely powerful!
OJ: That's a bad thing?

Sharve Oman executes a spinebuster slam on Arch.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

DB: Oooh, that was close.
OJ: What are you doing?
DB: Wha..? I'm comentating!
OJ: Why?
DB: Cos that's our job!!
OJ: It is?
DB: Just forget it.

Sharve Oman takes Arch down with a thrust kick to the head.
A small "Sharve Oman" chant is being started.
Sharve Oman is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Sharve Oman executes a tiger driver on Arch.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Sharve Oman nails Arch with a spinning backbreaker.
Sharve Oman hits Arch with a savate kick.

OJ: Sharve is definitely dominating him now.
DB: What the hell was THAT!?!
OJ: I was comentating.
DB: But...? Wha....? You.....

Sharve Oman runs into the ropes.
Arch misses with a shoulderblock.
Sharve Oman misses with a clothesline.
Arch hits a spinebuster bomb on Sharve Oman.
You can hear a few scattered fans booing Arch.
Sharve Oman sits up.
The crowd is starting to get behind Sharve Oman.
Arch whips Sharve Oman into the turnbuckle, but Sharve Oman reverses it.
Sharve Oman runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Arch lifts his knee.

DB: This could be Arch's chance!

Arch uses a Tombstone on Sharve Oman.

DB: BOY did he take advantage of THAT!!

Sharve Oman sits up.
The crowd is starting to get behind Sharve Oman.

OJ: But he won't stay down.

Arch whips Sharve Oman into the turnbuckle, but Sharve Oman reverses it.
Sharve Oman charges into the corner.
Sharve Oman goes for the Long Winding Road, but Arch blocks it.
(Sharve's Trademark- A high Samoan Drop onto the ribs)
Arch whips Sharve Oman into the ropes.
Arch goes for a Gorilla Press, but Sharve Oman blocks it.
Sharve Oman goes for a choke lift, but Arch counters it with a facerake.
Arch hits Sharve Oman with a Gorilla Press.

DB: How did Arch get him up there?!
OJ: Cos he's big and strong. Must have had a high fibre diet in the Dark Side.

A few fans are booing Arch.
Arch catches Sharve Oman in a double armbar submission.
Sharve Oman is struggling to reach the ropes.
Sharve Oman reaches the ropes after being trapped for 13 seconds.
Sharve Oman sits up.
A small "Sharve Oman" chant is being started.
Arch gives him a Samoan Drop, but Sharve Oman only stares at him.

DB: Uh-oh! He's in for it now!

Arch goes for a Samoan Drop, but Sharve Oman counters it with an elbowsmash.
Sharve Oman executes a DDT on Arch.
A small "Sharve Oman" chant is being started.
Sharve Oman goes for the torture rack, but Arch counters it with a facerake.
Arch goes for a Gorilla Press, but Sharve Oman slides down his back.
Sharve Oman catches Arch in the torture rack.

OJ: He was determined to get that torture rack!

Arch is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Arch is writhing in pain.
Earl Hebner checks Arch's arm.

DB: This could be it!

He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Earl Hebner stops the match after 36 seconds.
The crowd is really behind Sharve Oman.

*Bell Rings*

The winner is Sharve Oman. Time of match: 0:05:37

DB: Not really a surprising result there.
OJ: 'spose not.

Anouncer: This contest is scheduled for one fall.
It is for the Light Heavyweight Title.

Introducing first...
Weighing in at 170 pounds...

Representing Hatred for All.....
"The Howler" Banshee

"We Hate Everyone" by Type O Negative comes on to the PA. Banshee walks out, his thin but muscular frame silhouetted against a red light. He adjusts his mask and strokes his dreadlocks. As he poses, the crowd boo him. He walks down to ringside and sits in the ring.

OJ: THIS guy again!
DB: Don't you like this guy?
OJ: He beat up Nephilim last week!

His opponent...
Weighing in at 180 pounds...


"Bright Red Scream" by My Ruin comes on as Glade walks out. The crowd don't quite know how to react to her, but she is quite popular with the men. She wears a dark green wrap-around cloak and a large spiked metal gauntlet on her right hand. She jumps into the ring and takes off the cloak to show her tight-fitting black jumpsuit with red unknown writing all over it. She takes off the gauntlet and stands ready.

*Bell Rings*

They lock up.
Glade takes Banshee down with an uppercut.
Banshee whips Glade into the ropes, but Glade reverses it.
Glade hits Banshee with a shoulderblock.

DB: Glade starting aggresively here.
OJ: No Banshee's just stupid.
DB: Don't like Hatred for All then?
OJ: Nope, they're all assholes.
DB: You cheered on Spectre last week.
OJ: Okay I like him.
DB: And you liked Avenger in the Example Episode.
OJ: I prefered him to Hate Machine.

Glade executes an enzuigiri on Banshee.
Glade is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Glade is going for the pin.

DB: Glade going for an early victory there.
OJ: Banshee's crappy enough to let it finish there.

Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Glade places Banshee on the turnbuckle.

DB: Uh-oh, this could be all...
OJ: Yeah, Hatred for All..

Glade executes a Tornado DDT on Banshee.
The crowd is starting to get behind Glade.
Banshee uses an Aztecan suplex on Glade.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

OJ: So now it's Banshee who's on top. Hey, you could take that-
DB: Just shut up and comentate.

Banshee leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Banshee takes the chair.
Banshee goes for a ropeflip moonsault, but Glade gets her knees up.

DB: WHOAH!!!! That had to hurt BOTH of them! Banshee was doing a moonsault with the chair, but Glade's knees hit the chair!
OJ: Ouch!

Glade takes Banshee down with an uppercut.
Tim White removes the chair from the ring.
Glade goes for a superkick, but Banshee ducks out of the way.
Glade takes Banshee down with a forearm smash.
Glade hits Banshee with an enzuigiri.
Glade is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

DB: Banshee hasn't put up much of an offence has he?
OJ: He's stupid, what do you expect.

Glade hits a superkick on Banshee.

DB: She was detirmined to hit that superkick!

The crowd is cheering on Glade.
Glade hits Banshee with an uppercut.
Glade places Banshee on the turnbuckle.

DB: She's got him there again! What's she gonna hit him with now?

Glade hits Banshee with a top-rope inverted DDT.
The crowd is cheering on Glade.

OJ: Holy s***!! That could be it!

Glade goes for a forearm smash, but Banshee blocks it.
Glade takes Banshee down with a superkick.
Glade places Banshee on the turnbuckle.

DB: She's doing it again!

Glade hits Banshee with a top-rope inverted DDT.
Glade is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Banshee hits Air Sabu on Glade.
A portion of the crowd is booing Banshee.
Banshee nails Glade with a flying cross body press.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Banshee uses a moonsault bodyblock on Glade.

DB: Banshee IS still in this match you have to say.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Banshee screams.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Banshee.
Glade locks Banshee in an anklelock.
Banshee reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Banshee gets a double chickenwing submission on Glade.

DB: Woah, this could be the end of Glade.

Glade is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Glade is inching her way towards the ropes.
Glade reaches the ropes after being trapped for 32 seconds.

DB: You have to think that that took it's toll on Glade.

Glade throws Stardust into Banshee's eyes.
Glade is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

DB: The ref didn't see it!

She goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Glade.

DB: She caught him off guard there!

*Bell Rings*

The winner is Glade. Time of match: 0:04:40
(Glade won the Light Heavyweight Title.)

OJ: So Glade is the first SWF Light Heavyweight Champion.
DB: Yup.
OJ: Fine by me!

Anouncer: This contest is scheduled for one fall.

Introducing first...
Led to the ring by Katarina Breath...
Fighting out of Parts Unknown...
Weighing in at 250 pounds...

"Visage" Dave Hornsby

His opponent...
Led to the ring by Lilian...
Weighing in at 235 pounds...


*Bell Rings*

They lock up.
Dave Hornsby runs into the ropes.
Dave Hornsby goes for a bulldog, but Fyre counters it with a low blow.
Fyre nails Dave Hornsby with a low blow.

OJ: Fyre starting nastily.
DB: Is THAT even a word?
OJ: Just shut up Bossenelli.
OJ: Don't say my name like that....

Fyre kicks Dave Hornsby.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Fyre.
Dave Hornsby kicks Fyre.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Dave Hornsby.
Fyre punches Dave Hornsby.
You can hear a few scattered fans booing Fyre and a few others cheering him.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby.
Dave Hornsby kicks Fyre.
Dave Hornsby chops Fyre.
Fyre chops Dave Hornsby.
A few fans are booing Fyre, while a few others are cheering him.
Dave Hornsby punches Fyre.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Dave Hornsby.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby.

DB: These two in a slug fest right now.
OJ: Oh right, so you can say slug fest, but I can't say nastily!?
DB: Yeah. So there.
OJ: [childishly] Ha, you've got a girlfriend.
DB: [childishly back] Least I CAN get a girlfriend.

Fyre runs into the ropes.
Fyre takes Dave Hornsby down with an Asai leg lariat.
Fyre nails Dave Hornsby with an enzuigiri.
Fyre uses a bridging back suplex on Dave Hornsby.
Kazador counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby with a dropkick from the second rope.
A few fans are booing Fyre, while a few others are cheering him.
Dave Hornsby executes an armbar takedown on Fyre.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Dave Hornsby.
Dave Hornsby hits a Japanese armdrag takedown on Fyre.
Dave Hornsby runs into the ropes.
Dave Hornsby hits Fyre with a kick.
Dave Hornsby hits a powerslam on Fyre.
Kazador counts: One, two, kickout.

DB: Fyre getting thrown around the ring now.
OJ: At least he can get a- oh wait a minute, dammit...sorry.
DB: What!?
OJ: I have faith in Fyre.

D. Boss shakes his head.
Dave Hornsby hits a flying clothesline on Fyre.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Dave Hornsby.
Dave Hornsby uses a side suplex on Fyre.
Dave Hornsby throws Fyre out of the ring.
Dave Hornsby goes through the ropes.
Dave Hornsby knocks Fyre into the ringpost.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Dave Hornsby.
Kazador counts: 1.
Fyre uses a backdrop on Dave Hornsby.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby with the Combustion on the concrete floor.
(Trademark: Vertical suplex into a Rikishi Driver)
Kazador counts: 2.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dave Hornsby executes a bulldog on Fyre.
Kazador counts: 3.
Dave Hornsby reenters the ring.
Fyre follows him back in.
Dave Hornsby takes Fyre down with an armbar takedown.
Fyre goes for a DDT, but Dave Hornsby counters it with a low blow.

OJ: Oooooh! Dirty! Normally I'd like that kinda thing, but I prefer Fyre to Visage.

Dave Hornsby hits Fyre with a side suplex.
Dave Hornsby hits a fallaway slam on Fyre.
Dave Hornsby hits Fyre with a snap mare.

DB: No matter how much you like him, he's gettin his annoying little ass kicked.
OJ: Annoying!?
DB: Yeah, I mean this guy is trying to show everyone he's the best wrestler ever!!
OJ: So? Maybe he is.
DB: So how come he's losing?
OJ: It aint over till I hit the fat lady with a chair.

Dave Hornsby goes for a side suplex, but Fyre counters it with spinning headscissors.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Fyre.
Fyre is going for the pin.
Kazador counts: One, two, kickout.
Dave Hornsby takes Fyre down with a flying clothesline.
Dave Hornsby runs into the ropes.
Fyre locks Dave Hornsby in an armbar submission.
Dave Hornsby reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Fyre whips Dave Hornsby into the ropes, but Dave Hornsby reverses it.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby with an Asai leg lariat.
Fyre nails Dave Hornsby with a superkick.
The crowd start cheering for Fyre.
Fyre nods in approval.
Fyre nails Dave Hornsby with a dropkick from the second rope.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby with a low blow.
Fyre gets an armbar submission on Dave Hornsby.

DB: Fyre working on the arm now. Good tactics.
OJ: And you said it was over. Sheesh.

Dave Hornsby is struggling to reach the ropes.
Dave Hornsby reaches the ropes after being trapped for 16 seconds.
Fyre goes for a spear, but Dave Hornsby side-steps and Fyre only hits air.
Fyre hits the spear on Kazador.


Lilian enters the ring and hits Dave Hornsby with a chair.
Dave Hornsby is out cold.
Fyre takes Dave Hornsby down with a bridging back suplex.
Kazador wakes up and sees the pin.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Kazador counts: One, two, Fyre lifts a shoulder, shoulder up.
Fyre goes for an enzuigiri, but Dave Hornsby ducks out of the way.
Dave Hornsby chops Fyre.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Dave Hornsby.
Dave Hornsby kicks Fyre.
Fyre chops Dave Hornsby.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Fyre.

OJ: I thought Fyre had him there!

Dave Hornsby punches Fyre.
Dave Hornsby kicks Fyre.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby.
Dave Hornsby chops Fyre.
Lilian enters the ring and hits Dave Hornsby with a chair.
Before Lilian connects, Dave Hornsby moves out of the way.
Lilian hits Fyre.
Dave Hornsby throws Lilian over the top rope.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Dave Hornsby.

OJ: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!
DB: HA! That's what you get for trying to cheat!

Fyre is out cold.
Dave Hornsby uses a flying elbowdrop on Fyre.
Kazador counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

OJ: HE GOT UP!! I mean, I knew he'd get up.

Dave Hornsby whips Fyre into the ropes.
Fyre hits Dave Hornsby with an elbow.
Fyre takes Dave Hornsby down with an inverted atomic drop.
Fyre takes Dave Hornsby down with a backdrop driver.
Kazador counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

DB: And Fyre is going to the top rope...
OJ: Hornsby look dazed!

Fyre executes the Burn on Dave Hornsby.
(Shooting Star Press)
Kazador counts: One, two, three.
A portion of the crowd is booing Fyre.

The winner is Fyre. Time of match: 0:09:39

DB: And there we have it. Fyre and Visage's debut here in the SWF.
OJ: Fyre the victorious. Could this be a good start for the upcoming star...

Anouncer: This contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall.

Introducing first...
At a total combined weight of 630 pounds...

Representing and Leading Hatred For All......
Spectre and The Dark Journey

The lights go out, and a large green and red explosion erupts on the stage. Two huge almost identical figures walk out. Both have long hair tied back and goatees. The only diference is, one has green skin and hair, one has red skin and hair. One is Spectre, the other is The Dark Journey. Both have "FEAR" and "HATE" written down their pants legs. They walk menacingly down to ringside.

Their opponents...
(Mortal Kombat theme comes on)
At a total combined weight of 542 pounds...
A Devision of the Unconquered....
Portal Darkly Walking consisting of Gate and Path

DB: PDW giving away quite a lot of weight to Spectre and the Dark Journey.
OJ: We've already seen one PDW member get his ass kicked tonight. Are we gonna see another two?

*Bell Rings*

They lock up.
Spectre whips Gate into the turnbuckle.
Gate comes back, but is met with a clothesline.

DB: So Gate and Spectre starting out here, and Spectre appears to have the upper hand.

Gate hits Spectre with a powerslam.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

DB: Or then again, it might be a lot more even than it once appeared.

Gate whips Spectre into the ropes, but Spectre reverses it.
The Dark Journey pulls down the top rope.
Earl Hebner threatens Spectre with disqualification.

OJ: That was a close one, the match almost ended there!

Spectre goes through the ropes.
Spectre hits Gate with a running lariat.
Earl Hebner counts: 1.
Spectre knocks Gate into the ringsteps.
Spectre whips Gate into the guardrail.
Spectre nails Gate with a spinning thrust kick.
Spectre shouts "F*** YOU!!!" to his opponent.
The crowd is starting to get behind Spectre.

DB: There he goes again!

Spectre whips Gate into the guardrail.
Earl Hebner counts: 5.
Spectre whips Gate into the guardrail.
Gate throws Spectre back into the ring.
Gate tags out to Path.

DB: It could start getting very even right about now.

Gate hits Spectre with a lariat.
Path nails Spectre with a splash from the second rope.
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.

OJ: That didn't keep him down for long!
DB: He is a stable leader.
OJ: True.
DB: And a top contender for the Heavyweight Title.

Path complains about a slow count.
Gate leaves the ring.
Spectre takes Path down with an inside cradle.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Spectre tags out to The Dark Journey.

DB: The pendulum may have swung again.
OJ: What the fu-
OJ: Ahh.

The Dark Journey uses a pumphandle slam on Path.
The crowd is starting to get behind The Dark Journey.
The Dark Journey stares at the crowd.
A small "The Dark Journey" chant is being started.
The Dark Journey hits Path with a heart punch.
The Dark Journey is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
The Dark Journey is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Dark Journey goes for a Yakuza kick, but Path ducks out of the way.

DB: Uh-oh.
OJ: Don't underestimate the size of my- I mean The Dark Journey!!

Path runs into the ropes.
Path hits The Dark Journey with a clothesline.
The Dark Journey falls out of the ring.
Path goes through the ropes.
Path nails The Dark Journey with a fisherman suplex.
Path extends a clawed hand into the air.
Quite a few boos are audible.

OJ: YOU SUCK!!!!!!
DB: Well at least it took you 3 matches 'till you started.

Path uses a fisherman suplex on The Dark Journey.
Earl Hebner counts: 2.
Path extends a clawed hand into the air.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Path reenters the ring.
The Dark Journey follows her back in.
Path extends a clawed hand into the air.
The Dark Journey hits an Asai leg lariat on Path.
The Dark Journey is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
The Dark Journey nails Path with a power bomb.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

DB: Path shouldn't have turned her back on him.
OJ: That may cost her.

The Dark Journey whips Path into the turnbuckle, but Path reverses it.
Path uses a spinebuster slam on The Dark Journey.
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.
Path nails The Dark Journey with a single arm DDT.
Path uses the Doctor Bomb on The Dark Journey.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Path runs into the ropes.
The Dark Journey hits Path with a clothesline.
The Dark Journey catches Path in an armlock hammerlock lift.

DB: Wow, he's lifting her by her arm!!
OJ: This should hurt.

Path is struggling to reach the ropes.
Path is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Path reaches the ropes after being trapped for 18 seconds.
The Dark Journey tags out to Spectre.
Spectre and The Dark Journey whip Path into the ropes.
They hit Path with a double clothesline.
Gate enters the ring, but gets cut off.

OJ: HA!!

Spectre and The Dark Journey whip Path into the ropes.
They hit Path with a double kick to the midsection.
They follow up with a double Powerbomb
Spectre uses a backdrop on Path.
Spectre executes the Ethereal Rage on Path.
(Death Valley Driver)
Spectre goes for the pin.

DB: Spectre won the Heavyweight Title off Pitt with that very move last week. Path won't be getting up from that.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is really behind Spectre.

*Bell Rings*

DB: And there we have it!

The winners are Hatred For All. Time of match: 0:05:52

OJ: And now a word from our sponsors-

Cuts to an office.
Office Boy: Hi. We are the-
Some voice: Damned!
Office Boy: Wha- Who the- NOOOO!!!!!*********************************
*********************** ************************

Screen goes fuzzy.

The screen comes back on to an image of Pitt and the Masters of Reality.
Pitt: We are now in control. As we always have been. Farside, you are about to learn first-hand, the POWER of the Masters.
Screen goes fuzzy again and cuts to D. Boss and Ozzy J

DB: Ummm......
DB: Get the next match on the way..?
OJ: Uh...yeah...okay.

Anouncer: This contest is a no-DQ-no-countout-six man tag team match scheduled for one fall.
It is for the Trinity Tag Titles.

Introducing first...
(Dead Souls by Nine Inch Nails comes on)
At a total combined weight of 940 pounds...

Abyss, DeathTrapp and Darkfly..
Who are...Farside

Abyss walks out first followed by Darkfly and DeathTrapp. The 7 foot Brazilian: Darkfly cracks his knuckles as he walks out. DeathTrapp rubs his jet black skin and grunts loudly. The crowd pop a little.

Their opponents...
Led to the ring by Fluffy and Chastity...
At a total combined weight of 1029 pounds...

Masters of Reality consisting of: Devastator, Malkavian and "The Prince of Nightmares" Pitt

The lights go out. Pitt's laugh echoes thru the arena. Pyrotechnics go off on the ramp and "Look To Your Orb For the Warning" by Monster Magnet comes onto the PA. Pitt stands in his skull shoulder pads and cloak with the 400+ pounder Devastator and Malkavian beside him. Malkavian has a cheeky grin, and is carrying a little white kitten called Fluffy. The crowd erupts. They walk down to ringside and Malkavian puts Fluffy on the anounce table in front of D. Boss. He grins and walks over to Masters' corner.

OJ: Why does Malkavian always carry around that little white kitten?
DB: That's his manager.
OJ: But it doesn't DO anything, it just sits there!
DB: Maybe it just motivates him...

*Bell Rings*

They lock up.
Devastator executes a power bomb on Darkfly.

DB: Masters start with their biggest member: Devastator, against the 7 foot Brazilian monster: Darkfly.
OJ: He's a monster?
DB: Figure of speech.

Tim White counts: One, shoulder up.
Darkfly sits up.
A small "Darkfly" chant is being started.
Darkfly takes Devastator down with an avalanche.
A small "Darkfly" chant is being started.
Darkfly nails Devastator with an avalanche.
The crowd is starting to get behind Darkfly.
Darkfly executes a clothesline on Devastator.
Darkfly is going for the pin.

DB: Darkfly coming back aggressivly here.
OJ: And popularly.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Darkfly goes for a clothesline, but Devastator counters it with a Gorilla Press.
Devastator is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

OJ: Both men trying to end it quick.

Devastator hits a bulldog on Darkfly.
Devastator is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Devastator tags out to Pitt.

DB: This should be trouble.
OJ: Ya think?

Pitt and Devastator hit Darkfly with a double power bomb.
Pitt and Devastator whip Darkfly into the ropes.
They hit Darkfly with a double clothesline.
Pitt and Devastator whip Darkfly into the ropes.
They hit Darkfly with a double backdrop.

DB: What else can they hit him with?
OJ: Shouldn't Devatator have left the ring by now?
DB: You wanna ask him?
OJ: It is a no DQ match too, 'spose he can't disqualify him for it.

Pitt and Devastator whip Darkfly into the ropes.
They hit Darkfly with a double fist to the midsection.
Pitt and Devastator hit Darkfly with a double choke slam.

OJ: BIG move! BIG move!!
DB: NOW Devastator's finished!

Devastator leaves the ring.
Pitt leaves the ring.

OJ: Where's he going?

He returns with a chair.
Pitt sets up the chair.

DB: Whatever he's gonna do will hurt....

Pitt executes a faceslam onto the chair on Darkfly.


Pitt laughs evilly.
Pitt nails Darkfly with a power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Tim White removes the chair from the ring.
Pitt goes for the STF, but Darkfly blocks it.
Darkfly kicks Pitt.
You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Darkfly.

DB: Darkfly isn't out of this match yet!

Darkfly takes Pitt down with a piledriver.
Darkfly tags out to DeathTrapp.

OJ: Things may even again.

DeathTrapp nails Pitt with the Doctor Bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Pitt sits up.
The crowd goes wild.
Devastator enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Darkfly enters the ring and lays out Devastator.
Darkfly leaves the ring.

DB: Looks like there's gonna be no double-teaming today!

DeathTrapp whips Pitt into the turnbuckle.
DeathTrapp hits a brain buster on Pitt.
DeathTrapp hits a choke slam on Pitt.
You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for DeathTrapp.
DeathTrapp is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

DB: THAT was close!

Pitt sits up.
The crowd is starting to get behind Pitt.
DeathTrapp whips Pitt into the turnbuckle.
Pitt comes back with a spinning heel kick.
Pitt leaves the ring.

DB: This could be Pitt's chance.

He returns with a chair.
Pitt runs into the ropes and springs off the chair.
Pitt goes for a splash, but DeathTrapp rolls out of the way.
Pitt throws DeathTrapp out of the ring.

OJ: How did Pitt do that!!??
DB: He's Pitt remember.

Pitt jumps onto him with a flying sommersault plancha.
Devastator comes over with a flying elbowdrop.
Malkavian lands a legdrop before Tim White sends him back to his corner.

DB: Tim White's having a hard time keeping this in control!

Darkfly comes over, but gets cut off.

OJ: He could keep Darkfly in check.
DB: But that means that Masters are beating on DeathTrapp!
OJ: I think they know that!

Pitt whips DeathTrapp into the guardrail.
Pitt and Devastator hit DeathTrapp with a double facerake.
Pitt sets up a table.
Pitt sets up DeathTrapp on the table.

DB: This is always bad..

Pitt tries to drive DeathTrapp through the table with a legdrop, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.

OJ: Oooooooh...Now that had to hurt! Ha ha.
DB: You aren't making friends quick here ya know that.

DeathTrapp hits Pitt with a forearm smash.
Chastity comes from behind, but DeathTrapp nails Chastity.
Devastator comes over to make it two-on-one.
Darkfly comes over, but gets cut off.

DB: DeathTrapp is still stuck on his own!

Pitt and Devastator hit DeathTrapp with a double power bomb.
Pitt hits DeathTrapp with a power bomb.
Pitt laughs evilly.
The crowd is starting to get behind Pitt.
Pitt sets up a table.

OJ: Looks like Pitt doesn't want to miss again.

Pitt takes DeathTrapp down with a snap mare.
Pitt goes for a splash, but DeathTrapp gets his knees up.
DeathTrapp reenters the ring.
Pitt follows him back in.
DeathTrapp executes a backdrop driver on Pitt.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

OJ: Pitt aint doing well now.
DB: Malkavian still hasn't seen any action.
OJ: Or Abyss.

DeathTrapp locks Pitt in the torture rack.
Pitt breaks the hold after 6 seconds.
Tim White removes the chair from the ring.
DeathTrapp runs into the ropes.
DeathTrapp misses with a clothesline.
DeathTrapp places Pitt on the turnbuckle.

DB: Uh-oh...

DeathTrapp executes the Death Trap on Pitt.
(The Death Trap is a top-rope Choke slam)
DeathTrapp goes for the pin.

OJ: That's it, he's dead.

Tim White counts: One, two, Chastity distracts Tim White.
DeathTrapp uses the Doctor Bomb on Pitt.
Tim White counts: One, two, Chastity puts Pitt's foot on the rope.
DeathTrapp goes for a jack-knife power bomb, but Pitt counters it with a backdrop.
Pitt gives him a DDT, but DeathTrapp doesn't even care.
Pitt nails DeathTrapp with a snap mare.
Pitt is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

DB: Looks like he's still got something left.

Pitt takes DeathTrapp down with a snap mare.
Pitt runs into the ropes.
DeathTrapp hits Pitt with an elbow.
DeathTrapp whips Pitt into the ropes, but Pitt reverses it.
Chastity pulls down the top rope.

OJ: Doesn't mind cheating, does he?
DB: The crowd don't seem to mind.

Pitt jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
Pitt knocks DeathTrapp into the ringpost.
Malkavian comes over to make it two-on-one.
Malkavian executes a clothesline on DeathTrapp.

DB: Has Malkavian had any official ring time?
OJ: Nope.

Pitt hits DeathTrapp with a back suplex.
Pitt whips DeathTrapp into the guardrail.
Pitt sets up DeathTrapp on the table.

DB: Looks like he's gonna try again!

Pitt executes a legdrop through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Pitt hits a DDT on DeathTrapp.
Pitt uses a powerslam on DeathTrapp.

OJ: Pitt doesn't seem that strong...

Malkavian comes over to make it two-on-one.
Pitt and Malkavian hit DeathTrapp with a double DDT.
The crowd is really behind Pitt.

DB: I don't think DeathTrapp will be the same after tonight!

Pitt takes DeathTrapp down with a savate kick.
Chastity comes from behind and distracts DeathTrapp.
Pitt picks up a chair and hits hits DeathTrapp in the back of the head.

OJ: That's fair.
DB: Since when did you care about fair?
OJ: I don't.

Darkfly comes over to make it two-on-one.
Malkavian comes over and lays out Darkfly.
Pitt sets up the chair.
Pitt takes DeathTrapp down with a power bomb onto the chair.

DB: We've seen THAT before!

Malkavian comes over to make it two-on-one.
Pitt and Malkavian hit DeathTrapp with a double clothesline.
Pitt uses a facerake on DeathTrapp.
Darkfly comes over and lays out Malkavian.

OJ: Farside have finally had enough.

DeathTrapp hits Pitt with a choke slam.
DeathTrapp reenters the ring.
Pitt follows him back in.
Pitt brings the table into the ring.
Pitt sets up DeathTrapp on the table.

DB: This can only be bad.

Pitt executes a DDT through the table.
The table is broken in half.
There are lots of chants for Pitt.
Pitt executes the Pittfall on DeathTrapp.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.

DB: That's it right there!

The crowd is behind Pitt all the way.

*Bell Rings*

The winners are Masters of Reality. Time of match: 0:13:12
(Masters of Reality (Devastator, Malkavian and Pitt) won the Trinity Tag Titles.)

OJ: Just like they said, they showed everybody they are champions.
DB: Well from one championship match to another now, we've got an Interdimensional Title match up next between "the most popular man in sports entertainment", The C.O.C. up against Goth.
OJ: Aren't those odds a little against Goth?
DB: How so?
OJ: C.O.C. is a stable leader, Goth isn't.
DB: But Goth has proven his skill and his popularity.
OJ: Why doesn't C.O.C. go for the Heavyweight Title?
DB: He's not the No. 1 contender. He's in the Tag League at the moment. Only his status got him this shot. So stand by everyone as we show you the road to this match...

We see C.O.C. standing in the ring. He takes a microphone and starts:

COC: Everybody here knows, that the Ministry of Fun can kick any ass in this fed, wherever and whenever. Me and Sundance will be the Tag Champions, and Hell, why not the Tag DeathMatch champs too! But the MOF are gonna be the Trinity Champs too and aint nobody, especially that bunch of gothed-up kids the Legion of the Damned can stop us. And while I'm on the subject, think you can be the most popular man in this industry? Well I got news for ya, you've got NO chance. And the C.O.C. means!-

C.O.C. is jumped from behind by Goth.
Before MOF come down to ringside, Goth hits the Sanguine Torment on C.O.C. and jumps into the crowd.
(A running side headlock into a moonsault inverted DDT.)
C.O.C. gets up with blood coming from his nose.

COC: That's it bitch!! [crowd cheer] Come monday night, I'm gonna make YOU bleed, and I'm gonna get that title too.

DB: There we have it. A lot of bad blood between these two. No pun intended.
OJ: Lets get this baby rolling.
DB: That was my-

Anouncer: This contest is a First Blood match scheduled for one fall.
It is for the Interdimensional Title.

Introducing first...
Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota...
Weighing in at 280 pounds...

"The Most Popular Man in Sports Entertainment" The C.O.C.

Green light flashes thru the arena and the C.O.C. walks out on stage. The crowd pop. He's wearing a black t-shirt with a green C.O.C. logo and black pants with Ministry of Fun written across them. He walks into the ring and pumps his hand into the air. The crowd cheers.

His opponent...
(Purity by Slipknot comes on)

The crowd goes wild again

Weighing in at 265 pounds...


Goth walks out slowly with his head hung loose. His hands clutch his head and he lets out a deafening scream. The crowd don't stop cheering. He moves slowly to ringside and takes a microphone.

Goth: [in a slow, depressing voice] Hey man, I don't wanna give you a grudge here. I mean, we're all profesionals man. [crowd let out a disappointed boo] But you picked this fight, and if you think you've got what it takes to put me down and make me bleed....please....take your best shot. [crowd cheer].

*Bell Rings*

They lock up.
Goth goes for a spear, but The C.O.C. counters it with a kneelift.
The C.O.C. whips Goth into the turnbuckle.
The C.O.C. charges in with a clothesline.
The C.O.C. places Goth on the turnbuckle.
The C.O.C. uses a top-rope power bomb on Goth.
A small "The C.O.C." chant is being started.

DB: C.O.C. is trying to put Goth down fast!

The C.O.C. takes Goth down with a flying clothesline.
The C.O.C. uses a double-axhandle chop on Goth.
The C.O.C. crotch chops then pumps his hand into the air.

OJ: Looks like popularity boy is trying to get the crowd on his side.

The C.O.C. runs into the ropes.
Goth takes The C.O.C. down with an armdrag takedown.
Goth takes The C.O.C. down with a facerake.
The C.O.C. hits Goth with a double underhook backbreaker.
The crowd is really behind The C.O.C.

DB: This is going back and forth now!
OJ: I think I could take C.O.C.
DB: Here you go again.

The C.O.C. throws Goth out of the ring.
The C.O.C. jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
The crowd is really behind The C.O.C.

OJ: This where the blood can start flowing.

The C.O.C. executes a pumphandle slam on Goth.
The C.O.C. whips Goth into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Goth uses a shoulder lift into a flapjack on The C.O.C.
The C.O.C.'s face hits the anouncer's table on his way down.
The C.O.C. is busted wide open.

DB: There we have it. If Goth gets him into the ring, it's all over and we've got a champion.

Goth whips The C.O.C. into the guardrail.
Goth executes the Sanguine Torment on The C.O.C. on the concrete floor.
A small "Goth" chant is being started.
Goth whips The C.O.C. into the guardrail.
Goth goes for a punch, but C.O.C. blocks it with a chair.

OJ: Ooooh......Now that had to hurt! Ha ha.
DB: You like that line don't you?
OJ: Yup. Right along with: "Unfortunatly T-Bird can't be with this us evening on account of a slight case of death." Ha, cracks me up everytime.
DB: Meanwhile C.O.C. is winding up with that chair.

C.O.C. hits Goth heavily in the face.
Goth is busted wide open.

OJ: Wha- What happens now?
DB: I'm not sure.

The C.O.C. is handed brass knuckles.
The C.O.C. hits him with the knuckles.
The C.O.C. whips Goth into the guardrail.
The C.O.C. hits an over-the-shoulder stomachbreaker on Goth.
The C.O.C. whips Goth into the guardrail.
Goth throws The C.O.C. back into the ring.
Danny Davis sees the blood and stops the match.

*Bell Rings*

The crowd don't know what just happened.

This match is a no-contest. Time of match: 0:03:28
(Goth won the Interdimensional Title.)

OJ: What the hell?!!??!!
DB: Umm....I think because both of them were bleeding, the ref chose Goth as the winner because he saw the blood on C.O.C. first.
OJ: Fan boy will NOT be pleased! Ha!

Goth takes the belt and walks away.
Sundance comes down to ringside with a look of disbelief.

DB: Well after that contraversial victory for Goth, we've come to the end of our broadcast. Watch again next week on Purgatory.