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The Long Awaited Return...

-$-Superior Wrestling Federation, known for it's array of very talented Superstars, and legends. Many stars in this business have made thier name in the SWF. The newest arrival to SWF is not that different from all the rest... Except for the fact is he has already made a name for himself. But it did start in the SWF. He is a former SWF Tv Champion, he defeated Jimmy Luciano for the belt, then was later defeated for the title. But that is in the past, and now it is the present and Justin Jackson is back in SWF again... Since he was last in SWF alot has happend to Jackson. He went to GWA and held the GWA World Title, then he went to BTWF and was BTWF Tv Champion for a month. Then he decided to hand up the boots. But now he takes the boots down, and laces them up as he makes his wrestling return to SWF.... What's ahead for him now?-$-