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Hi Everyone!

Here is a picture of me! Hey.. stop laughing,
I don't always look like that. :o)
!The Better Pic Of Me Is On The Main Page!

Nice To Meet You

My name is Ian Gouthro. I live in a little town called Glace Bay on Cape Breton Island. Those who don't know where I'm talking about, it's in the Canadian province Nova Scotia.

This webpage is a project done by me, on something related to the school. Since I'm doing it on "Grads of 2000", and I am a Grad of 2000, I will give you some insight as to how much fun school actually is.

Yeah, I hate the work just as much as the rest of you students out there, but High School is a whole other deal. I love to come to school.. sometimes to do the work, but most of the time to see all of my friends and what will happen that day.

My classes rock, I know almost everyone in them. I seem to enjoy them,WEIRD EH!. Well, my teachers are what make it the most fun. ANd, believe me, I have some crazy teachers this year. But hey they're probably on another part of the home page, so I won't go on about them.. plus, it get's boring!

Well, besides going to class, i also end up hanging around with my friends in the hall before my class starts, while I watch everyone go by.

I'm also on the internet at home, so if you read this part of the home page, let me know what you think. Sign the guestbook on the main page, just adress it to me. If you have a computer at home and would like to look me up, my email is I also have ICQ, my number is 54329041. Look me up and I'll chat with ya. No matter who you are.

Well, thanks for taking the time to check out my page, hope you enjoyed it, hope to hear from ya soon!

Email me here!