It has been a year since I left the WWF. Jeff and I are happily married and little A.J. is almost nine months old. We decided that I wouldn’t be going back because it would be too hard to leave A.J. with Laurette while we are on the road.
The phone rang one night when Jeff and Matt were home on one of there few nights off. Matt, Laurette, Jeff, the baby and I all share a house in Raleigh, so Laurette can help me with AJ when Matt and Jeff are on the road. Matt answered the phone.
“Hello? . . .Matt . . .No, not yet. . . .Yeah . . .Okay hold on.” Matt said holding a conversation on the phone.
“who’s on the phone, Matt?” Jeff yelled down the stairs.
“Mr. McMahon for Em.” Matt yelled back.
“For me?” i said walking over to him.
“Yes,” he said handing me the phone.” You work for him too.”
“Hello?” I said into the phone.
“Hello, Emma-Leigh, It’s Mr.McMahon. How are you?”
“Fine, sir. How are you?”
“Emma-Leigh how many times have I told you about that sir thing?” Mr.McMahon said with a laugh.
“I’m sorry. what can I do for you, Mr.McMahon? Are you sure you don’t want to talk to Jeff?” I asked
“Yes Emma-Leigh. I called to ask you if you are ready to come back to us.” He answered.
“Well I am ready to work again but I am not sure I am ready to leave AJ”
“I have your problem solved i think. Since Matt’s wife in not employed with us, we would hire her to be a babysitter for your son. That way she can some on the road with Matt and you can Jeff can have someone you trust to watch the baby.”
“Wow, Mr. McMahon that is a great idea. Have you asked Matt and Laurette about this yet?” I asked excitedly.
“Not Laurette yet but Matt and I discussed this briefly.” he said.” So do you think it would be okay?”
“Yeah, That’s great.” I said “Would you like to ask Laurette?”
“If I could, please.” He said.
“Sure, hold on.” I said then I put my hand over the receiver.
“Laur, come get the phone.”
“Aren’t you talking to Mr.McMahon? What does he want to talk to me?” She asked taking the phone.
“You’ll see.” I said as I winked.
I stood there as she talked.
“Hello? . . . This Laurette. . . Yes . . .Doing what? . . .And I get to go on the road with Matt? . . .Just to watch AJ? . . .That would be wonderful! I’d love to. Thank you Mr.McMahon. . . . Sure. . . Bye and thanks again.”
“Hello?” I said into the phone again.
“I don’t know if you heard but Laurette agreed.”
“I heard. This is great. So when do you want me back?” I asked.
“Well, We’ll give you a few weeks of review and then after a month or so we’ll reintroduce you onto TV”
“Will I still be Baby Emma?”
“Well, We’ll see what happens and I will get back to you, Emma-Leigh.”
“Thanks, Mr.McMahon.”
“Your welcome, Emma-Leigh. We can’t wait to have you back.”
After I hung up the phone I ran upstairs to tell Jeff the news.
When I first started with my reviewing it was announced to the other wrestlers that “Baby Emma” would be returning soon. Mr.McMahon hired a new girl, Johanna. She was one of Stephanie’s high school friends. She became part of Jeff’s story line.
Since I’ve been gone Jeff has been “depressed” in the ring. He has lost almost every one of his matches. Johanna has been making his life hell. The story was that she liked Jeff but he loved me, of course. So every time she would make advances to him he’d back off. This made her angry, so she began tormenting him. Every time he’d wrestle she would turn the lights pink like I did. She would play music box music to distract him then laugh. It was all part of Mr.McMahon’s plan to reintroduce me.
The day I came back she was doing just that. Jeff and Matt were in a match against Head Cheese when Johanna came out. Matt was in the ring. the lights went pink when she walked out.
“Uh-oh JR. There’s Johanna again pretending to be Baby Emma again. why doesn’t she just leave the Hardys alone.”
“You’re right King. Jeff already feels guilty that Baby has been in a coma since that night she was hit by the car. He feels it was his fault.”
The pink lights turned off and she cued the music box music. She stood there laughing.
“Are you ready for me to be your Baby,Jeff? she said.
Just then all the lights went pink again and my music and titantron started.
Johanna yelled “WHAT?!?!?”
As she turned around, I ran out and clothes lined he. I picked up her mic.
“The only Baby that Jeff needs is me, Bitch!!!” I screamed as I began kicking her.
Backstage everyone came up to me saying how great it was to have me back and asking me how I am and How AJ is.
I want to head to the nursery to check on Laurette and AJ when I bumped into Johanna.
“Listen Emma-Leigh,” she said sort of snotty.” You may think this is just an angle but I really want Jeff and I always get what I want!”
“What? Jeff is MY husband! We’ve been married for almost two years. He is not going to leave me for a skank whore like you, who can’t even get her own character. You gotta be trying to steal mine!”
“The whole ‘Baby’ character thing may not have been my idea but stealing Jeff away from you is! You just wait Baby,” She said in a mocking tone.” Jeff will be mine.”
She turned around to walk away. I went to chase her but someone grabbed my waist and lifted me up.
“Let me at her!! Let me go!!” I screamed.
“Emma, Calm down.” Adam said as he put me down. “She’s not worth it.”
Adam, she said she really wants Jeff.” I said as i felt my eyes well up with tears.
“Don’t worry Emma, Jeff loves you and AJ too much to ever leave you especially for a stuck up little girl like Johanna. I am afraid that Jay is falling for her though.”
“He’s what?” I questioned Adam.
“I see how he acts when she comes around. He questions Jeff about her all the time. I know he sent her flowers because I found the receipts. He’s been my best friend for about 15 years I know how he is when he likes a girl. It is starting to worry me.”
“It is good if Jay likes her though. Maybe she will stay away from my man if she has one of her own.” I said as the wheels in my head began to spin.
“What are you thinking, Emma?” Adam asked half in curiosity half in worry.
“You’ll see” I said with an evil giggle “You’ll see.”
That night back at the hotel Jeff and I were in our room with AJ.
“After I put him down to sleep I gotta talk to you about Johanna.” I said to Jeff who was sitting on the bed watching TV
“I am sick of her! I don’t want to talk about her!”Jeff snapped.
“But I think I’ve got a way to make her leave you alone, Hon.” I said quietly as I laid AJ in the crib.
“Really? How are we going to do that?”
“Well, Adam told me, after my run in with her this afternoon , that Jay likes her.”
“That is why he’s always asking me about her?”
“Yeah, Well, I though if we hook them up then she’ll leave you alone.”
Just then the phone rang. Jeff answered it. I want to check AJ hoping he didn’t wake up.
“Hello? . . .Oh hello.” Jeff sighed. I could tell it was Johanna by the tone of his voice. “Of course she’s here. She’s my wife.” He snapped. “No, I don’t want to get rid of her so you can come over.” He rolled his eyes. “Because I love her that’s why. . . You are taking this story line a little to far Johanna. . . No, I gotta go. You woke my son up calling so late. Good Bye, Johanna.” He said then he slammed down the phone. “We Really gotta hook her and Jay up and get her off my back.” He said taking the crying baby from my arms and rocking him.
“Yeah, Hon, I know!”
The next morning Jeff, AJ and I went to breakfast with Laurette, Matt, Adam and Jason. We were eating when Johanna walked in.
“Great I just lost my appetite.”Jeff said pushing his plate away.
“GREAT! Can I eat it?” Matt said spearing Jeff’s pancakes with his fork.
“Behave, Matthew!” Laurette said smacking Matt’s hand.
We were all laughing when Johanna walked up to our table.
“Hi, Jeff.” She said sweetly.
Jeff growled under his breath and said “Hello”
“Jeff, Dear,” I said “Will you go and change OUR son. He’s got baby food all over his shirt.”
“Gladly, Darling.” He said standing and picking up the baby.” I’ll be right back.”
“Okay Sweety” I said looking up at him.
He bent down gave me a kiss and he and AJ walked away.
I looked up at Johanna who was standing across the table from me.
“Leave him alone, Johanna. He is my husband. Why don’t you find a man of your own?”
When I asked that Jason looked up from his plate.
“I don’t want a man of my own I want your man.”
“He is not going to leave Em and the baby for you, Johanna.” Laurette snapped.
“You’ll see. I’ll get him.”she said was she walked away.
I growled. Matt held me in my seat.
“Calm down , Em. She is just trying to push your buttons.” Matt said softly.
“AUGHHHH!” I screamed as I sunk back into my chair.
Jeff walked back in with our nice clean baby. Both Jeff and AJ were wearing their ADIDAS hats.
“How cute. They match.” Laurette said gushing
“Where did you get a baby sized hat just like Jeff’s?” Adam asked.
“My mom sent it.”
Jeff placed the baby back in his high chair and sat down at the table.
“What did I miss.”
“Johanna starting with your wife again.” Adam said as if it was a daily occurrence.
“Jay, man, Why don’t you just ask her out already?” Jeff asked.
“What?” Jay questioned as if he had no idea what Jeff was talking about.
“We all know you like her, dude. Just ask her out so she’ll leave me alone.”
“I don’t like her.”
“Yeah you do.” Matt said
“No, I don’t ! Drop it!” Jay snapped.
“Fine, fine.I’ll drop it.”
“I whispered in Laurette’s ear. “Yeah he does. I can tell.”
“I said drop it, Emma-Leigh!”Jason yelled at me.
“Fine!” I yelled back which AJ start crying.
PJason huffed, got up, and walked away. Jeff picked up the baby and rocked him.
“He is a bit defensive about that, isn’t he?” Laurette asked.
“Yeah, well, she already shot him down once.” Adam said nonchalantly.
“Oh man, now my plan will never work.” I said disappointed. “How am I going to get her to leave us alone?”
"You’ll find a way.” Adam said “Don’t worry. You’re slick like that.”
“Okay, Hon, Write what I tell you.” I said to Jeff as he sat down.
“Okay, If you think this will work.”
“It will work. She knows your handwriting, If you write it she’ll think it’s you. Jay doesn’t know Johanna’s handwriting or Laurette’s so he’ll never know.”
“Okay so what am I writing?”
“ ’Dear Johanna, I think I should give you a chance. Meet me at the restaurant at 8:30. We’ll have dinner.’ Okay? Now sign it with your name. Now all you have to do is slip it under her door. Steph is staying with Kurt this time so Johanna has a room of her own.”
“Okay I’ll be right back, Em.”Jeff said walking to the door. He stopped right before the door and walked back to me.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just didn’t want to leave with out giving you this.” He said as he grabbed me. He dipped me and gave me a long sweet kiss. As he stood me back upright he said “I hope this works.”
“It will”
“Okay, Em. I’ll be back. I Love You Emma-Leigh.”
“I Love you, too, Jeffrey.” I said as he walked out the door.
I picked up AJ and walked though the doors that connected our room to Laurette and Matt’s. I handed the baby to Matt and said “Here play with your nephew.”
“Gladly, Come here big guy.”
“And Matt. No Moonsaults for my child please. I’ve seen you and Jeff trying to make him do them. you have to remember he is only eleven months old not eleven years old.”
“Fine, No wrestling with AJ until he is at least a year and a half old.” Matt laughed.
I just shook my head.
“So what am I writing?” Laurette asked as I walked over to her.
“Ready?” I asked. She nodded.
“’Dear Jason, I think I should give you a chance. Meet me in the restaurant at 8:30. We’ll have dinner.’ Sign it Johanna.”
“Okay done.”
“Okay. Now you watch him and keep an eye on AJ too.” I giggled. Matt shot me a nasty look. “No really keep an eye on AJ ‘till Jeff comes back.I’m going to slip this under Jay’s door.”
“Okay later.”
“See ya”
That night at exactly 8:30 Johanna showed up at the restaurant. I of, course was disguised in one of the Kat’s black wigs from when she would come out with Chyna. I sat at the bar as I watched her some in with the hostess and sit down. Then I saw Adam walk in.
“Oh no! He’s going to blow it!” I thought to myself.
He walked up to the bar and say next me.
“ Hi” I said with my head down.
“What brings you here tonight?”
I just shrugged
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Um, No thanks. I am waiting for oh, uh, um, a friend.”
“Damn it! Em is that you?”
“ How could you tell?” I asked turning up to look up at him.
“I know your voice and you are the only one I know that goes ‘oh, uh, um’ like that. Who’s hair?” he said as he ran his fingers through the bottom of the wig.
“Stacy’s. I am spying on Johanna and Jason. Now be quiet or you will blow my cover.”
“How’d you know he was meeting her here?”
“Well, oh, uh, um we kinda sent them those notes. She thinks Jeff is meeting her.”
“See I knew you were slick like that.”
I smiled then I saw Jay walk in. The hostess sat him at the table with Johanna.
“What? Where is Jeff?” she asked.
“Huh? I don’t know.”
“He sent me a note you meet him here at 8:30.”
“no you sent me a note to meet you here at 8:30.”
"I sent no such thing.”
“Look.” he said showing her the note.
“I didn’t write that.”
Just then the hostess walked up and handed them a note. It said
Johanna and Jason-
You might as well stay and eat. We already paid for your dinners. Get to know each other you might find you like him, Johanna.
-Luv- Jeff and Emma-Leigh Hardy
“Little bitch set us up!!! Aughhhh!!! I hate her!” she screeched.
“Emma-Leigh is nice until you cross her.”
“Well I am not staying here. I am leaving.” She said standing up.
“Please stay.” he said placing his hand on her hand that was sitting on the table. “They already paid and what better way to get back at them then to order the most expensive thing on the menu and a $500 bottle of champagne.”
Johanna sat back down and said “I like they way you think, Jason.”
“So why do you want Jeff so bad, if I may ask?” Jason asked Johanna as they sat at the table eating.
“It’s not that I want him as much as I have never had anyone say no to me before.” She said putting her fork down.
“So you don’t even like Hardy?”
“I did when I first started. Then Stephanie told me he as married with a baby. I told her I was always up foe a challenge. She said Emma-Leigh was her friend. Steph then said that she was coming back that is why her dad hired me. So when I was told I could be chasing Jeff as part of the storyline I thought it was a perfect opportunity to get him.”
“Ya know, Johanna, I’ve liked you ever since you showed up that first day.”
“I know.” Johanna said putting her head down shyly.
“Well then Why do you continue to chase him if you know you could have me?”
“I . . .I . . I. . .I guess I just like chase.”
“After we finish will you take a walk with me?”
“I guess.”
After Jason and Johanna finished their dinners they went out to the courtyard behind the hotel. Johanna stood at the railing that overlooked the pond. Jason stood behind her about ten steps back. He looked at her as the moonlight glittered through her long hair.
“Jay?” Johanna said leaning forward slightly over the rail.
“Yeah Johanna.” Jay answered stepping behind her.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What’s that?”
“Why do you like me? I mean , you could have any girl in any city we go to. Why me? Me, who is chasing after one of your married best friends? Why Me?”
“ ‘Cause you are beautiful.” He said wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder. “I know you are not as bad as Em says you are. She’s just mad at you.”
She twisted around within his grip so she was face to face with him. She looked up into his blue eyes as they sparkled in the moonlight. He smiled.
“Know what?” she said staring deep into his eyes.
“What?” he said staring back.
“I think Emma-Leigh’s little plan worked.” She said as she brought her lips to his. She kissed him softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck . he tightened his grip on her, bringing her body closer to his.
She broke the kiss just long enough to say “Steph is not staying with me tonight. I have my own room. Stay with me tonight.”
Jason Nodded. Johanna grabbed his hand and led him back into the hotel.
The next morning Adam called me.
“Em, I think your plan worked.”
“How do you know?” I asked him
“Well, Jay never came back to our room last night. and on my way to the gym this morning I saw him sneaking out of Johanna’s room.”
“YES!!!!! Great now she will leave Jeff alone.”
“I just thought I’d let you know”
“Thanks Adam.”
After I hung up the phone I ran down to the the lobby to look for Jeff to tell him. On my way I ran into Johanna. I just smiled at her and walked past her. She stopped in the hall and called to me.
“Uh, Emma-Leigh.”
“Yeah” I said turning around.
“I just wanted to say . . .I. . . uh . . am. . .”
“I’m sorry. Okay” She snapped. “I should not have tried to steal your husband. After I spent last night with Jason I realize that.”
“Good. Well I hope you and Jay are very happy together. and I hope you stay together for a long long time.” I smiled and said to her. All the time in my head thinking “Stay with Jay. Stay away from my Jeff.”
“I also wanted to thank you.”
“For what?”
“You’ll see. Just wait.” She said walking away.
“Okay. ..” I said walking up to the front desk.
“Mrs. Hardy, We have your bill from last night’s dinner.”
“Okay how much?” I said taking out my wallet.
“Well after tax it comes to $656.32. Would you like to pay for that now or add it to your room bill?”
“How much?” I said in shock.
Behind me I heard Jay and Johanna laughing. I turned around. He had his arm around Johanna’s waist. She had her arm around his waist too.
“Thanks Em.” He yelled. “I hope it was worth it”
I looked at them standing there in each others arms. I smiled and shook my head.
“Believe me Jay it was, It was!”