About Us - The Staff For Wrestling Battleground

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Small group, isn't it?? This page used to have at least a dozen more names on it. Names of people who promised a few moments of their time each week to help with this site, then abandoned their job, with little or no notice.

If you're "SERIOUSLY" interested in working on this site, please email the owner at Battleground_99@yahoo.com . If you're not going to stick with it for at least a decent amount of time, don't bother writing. Otherwise, pretty much any and all positions are open.

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Storm, Battleground_99, is the webmaster and one of the original founders of this website. She has been watching wrestling since the age of 11. She started out primarily a fan of WCW and Sting, but has now expanded interests heavily into WWF, especially the Hardy Boyz.

Ryan, RPTakedown, is co-founder of this website and was involved in getting it started. He has been a fan of wrestling since he was 5 years old. His all-time favorite wrestler is Rowdy Roddy Piper, but his current favorites are HHH and Chris Benoit.

Kathie, DuskyRoses, is one of our fan fiction writers. Kathie has been watching wrestling on & off for 15 years. Her favorite solo wrestler is The Rock, her favorite tag team is The Hardy Boyz, & her favorite female wrestlers are Lita & Chyna.

She has been writing poetry & short stories since she was 15, & started publishing poetry in 1998. She is a member of the International Society of Poets, & my poetry can be checked out at www.poetry.com under Katharine Jones. She was recently married, no kids yet-unless you count two cats!

UPDATE (2002): She now has a one year old son named Zach.

Juliet3:16, SweetValley99, is a co-moderator to several of this site's yahoogroups mailing lists. She's also an occasional contributor to the fan ficion stories section. She's a HUGE Redskins fan (Just don't get her started on Daniel Synder though).

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