Devin's Daddy - Chapter 1

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"You about ready to go Matt?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, just let me put this shirt in my bag, and I'll be finished packing," Matt replied.

"Well, hurry it up bro," Jeff said, standing in the doorway. "We're gonna miss our flight."

"Not with the way you drive," Matt muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing important," Matt said with a grin. "You want to give me a hand here?"

Jeff stared at Matt supiciously for a minute, shrugged, and picked up a bag.

Matt followed him out to his car.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" Matt asked, feeling a little nervous.

"Nope, you're too slow," Jeff replied. "We'd be late and miss our flight. Now if I drive, we're get there with time to spare."

Jeff looked at Matt smugly, holding his hand out for the keys.

"Or in pieces," Matt muttered, shaking his head.

"Hey, don't you trust me?" Jeff asked, looking wounded.

"No more than you would trust me with your motorcycle," Matt retorted.

"Ouch," Jeff said. "Look, I promise I'll treat your baby with care, ok? Can we please go now?"

"I just know this is a bad idea," Matt muttered.

He handed Jeff the keys, got in the car, and fastened his seat belt.

Jeff glanced at him, grinned devilishly, and squeeled out of the driveway.


Jeff just laughed as he poured on more speed.

Matt closed his eyes and started to mutter, "Dear Lord, if my idiot brother gets us killed, let it be quick and painless. And if he doesn't get us killed, please hold him still long enough for me to pound him. Amen."

Jeff laughed some more, turned on the radio, and tuned his brother out.

At The Airport

"Hey, you're looking a little green there Matt," Jeff said.

"No thanks to you," Matt said, his voice oozing with venom.

Matt advanced towards Jeff, hands balled into fists.

Jeff backed up, holding his hands out in front of him.

"Calm down, Matt," Jeff said. "Just trying to spice up your life a bit."

"I'll show you some spice," Matt promised.

"Flight 369 to Boston is now boarding at Gate 4."

"Dammit!!" Matt yelled. "Lucky break for you! Come on, or we'll miss our flight!"

Matt and Jeff grabbed their bags and rushed to the gate, barely making it.

Jeff settled in his seat to get some sleep. He felt Matt's hand on his shoulder, and cracked an eye to see him glaring at him.

"That is the LAST time you drive my car," Matt said. "Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it," Jeff said. "Mind if I get a little sleep now?"

Matt growled, turned away from Jeff, and closed his eyes.

Jeff grinned at him and drifted off to sleep.

Later That Evening At The Arena

"Hey guys," Amy said. "Ready for the match tonight?"

She looked a little closer at Matt, and said, "You don't look so hot Matt. You feeling ok?"

Jeff tried to stifle a laugh as Matt glared at him before speaking.

"Ask Mr. Daredevil here about the stunt he pulled earlier today on the way to the airport," Matt said.

Amy looked at Jeff, but he was laughing so hard he couldn't speak, and the tears were rolling down his face.

"Oh, just forget about it Amy," Matt said, looking disgusted. "Let's go. We're up next."

After an intense Table Match with the Dudley Boyz, Matt, Jeff, and Amy headed back to their locker room to change.

"That was awesome!" Amy crowed. "We kicked their butts big time!"

"That we did," Matt agreed. "Meet ya back at the rental car?"

"You got it," Amy said, blowing him a kiss as she left.

"Hey bro, when are you going to do something about that?" Jeff asked Matt as they finished cleaning up.

"About what?" Matt asked, looking puzzled.

"About Amy. I mean, it's obvious you two like each other," Jeff said.

Matt blushed a bit and said, "Well, the time just never seems to be right."

"Better get up your nerve and do something before someone else does," Jeff warned him.

"Yeah, you may be right for a change," Matt said thoughtfully.

"Come on, slowpoke! Let's get going. Amy's probably waiting on us," Jeff said. "You wouldn't want to keep a lady waiting, now would you?"

Matt laughed and grabbed his bag. "I'm ready if you are," he said.

They said goodbye to everyone and headed out to the parking garage.

Jeff opened the driver's door and started to get in, when Matt plucked the keys out of his hand.

"I think I'll drive this time, if you don't mind," Matt said.

"Ok, no problem." Jeff grinned as he crawled in the back.

"Matt? Matt, is that you?"

Matt stiffened and slowly turned around. "Mandy?"

"Oh, shit," Jeff said, hanging his head out of the window. "She's back."