Devin's Daddy - Chapter 11

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Matt was running as fast as he could through an inky darkness his sight couldn't penetrate, gasping for breath and constantly searching for...something.

"What did I lose?" Matt thought frantically.

In the distance, Matt saw a faint light. He ran towards the light as fast as his tired feet would carry him.

"Why can't I remember what I'm looking for?"

The light was faint and distant, and for the longest time Matt ran, thinking he would never reach it, when suddenly he was surrounded by the golden glow. He put an arm over his eyes. He was almost blinded by the glorious glow after being so long in the dark.

After a few minutes, he slowly lowered his arm, and blinked tears out of his burning eyes. As his eyes cleared, he could see a boy looking at him accusingly. The boy turned and started to walk away.

His son, Devin.

"Nooooo!!!" Matt screamed, and was suddenly awake. He buried his face in his pillow and started to weep.

It was his beautiful son Devin he had been looking for in his dream. The son that that bitch had taken from him.

Matt felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Son? Are you ok?" his dad asked.

"It was just a bad dream, dad," Matt said, trying to tough it out.

"Devin?" his dad asked softly.

"Yeah," Matt choked, and then hugging his dad tight, he started to cry, frustrated and afraid. His dad hugged him back, choking back his own tears of sorrow.

"Oh, Mattie, son, I'm so sorry. I know how much you love him. The police are looking everywhere. You've gotta have faith that they'll find him," his dad said soothingly.

"They haven't found him yet," Matt said angrily.

"I know son, but they're working as hard as they can. I believe they will find Devin. Just hang in there a little longer," his dad said.

Jeff came bursting into the room, turning on the light and blinding Matt.

"This better be good Jeff," Matt growled.

"Matt, ya gotta come quick. That scumbag Mandy married is on the phone, and he wants to talk to you. He says if you ever want to see Devin again, you'll get to the phone in a hurry. The police want you to try and keep him on the phone as long as possible so they can try to trace the call," Jeff said as quickly as possible.

Matt jumped out of bed, apologizing to his dad for pushing him, and quickly got dressed. He rushed out to the living room where the police had their equipment set up. The Chief held out the phone to him.

"Try to keep him on the line," the Chief said very quietly.

Matt nodded and took the phone from the Chief.

Matt took a deep breath and said, "Matt Hardy. What can I do for you?"

"Well, that was mighty quick, son. Ya didn't trip on your way to the phone, now didja?" Randy drawled.

"Where is my son?" Matt demanded hotly.

"He's safe...for now," Randy said menacingly. "But he won't stay that way lessen ya do what I tell ya, ya hear?"

"Yeah, I hear you," Matt said, trying to put a damper on his temper. The Chief nodded at him encouragingly, holding up two fingers to indicate two more minutes.

"I figger your son is pretty important to ya," Randy said smugly. "Important enough that you'll pay a pretty penny to get him back. Am I right?"

"Yes, you're right," Matt said impatiently. "What's the bottom line, Randy? How much do you want?"

"Now you're seeing sense, son," Randy said, sounding satisfied. "Half a million. In unmarked bills, and I know ya got the police involved. You would be stupid not to have called them. Tell them to back off, or your son gets hurt, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand, but I don't happen to have half a million dollars hanging around the house," Matt said, trying to stall for time. "I'm gonna need a little time to get the money together."

"Ya got 48 hours, no less, no more," Randy said cheerfully. "Then I'll call ya back to set up a meeting. No funny business, or you'll never see your son again."

Randy hung up the phone and Matt looked hopefully at the Chief. He shook his head sadly.

"We were only able to narrow it down to the state. They're in Virginia. If we had had just one more minute..." the Chief trailed off.

"Dammit!" Matt growled, slamming down the phone.

"Well now, it's not all bad son," the Chief said. "At least we know what state they're holing up in. I'll notify the Virginia State Police, and I'm going to have to call the FBI since they took him over the state line. We'll find Devin."

"You heard what he said," Matt said angrily. "If you call in more police and the FBI, he'll hurt Devin. I can't risk that!"

"Think for just a minute," the Chief said. "If he hurts Devin, he won't have much to trade with, will he? And how is he going to know that they're looking for him? They'll be discrete."

"I think the Chief here is right," his dad said.

"Ok, make your calls, but if my son gets hurt because of this..." Matt shook his head and stormed out of the room.

The Chief shook his head sadly at Matt's distress, and picked up the phone.

Somewhere In Virginia

Randy hung up the phone, feeling very satisfied. Until he saw Mandy staring at him, looking madder than a wet hen.

"I thought we had a deal!" Mandy shouted. "You help me get back Devin, and I become your little playtoy! You never said anything about calling Matt and asking him for money! Or about giving Devin back! Who in the hell do you think you are? I ought to take Devin..."


Randy coldcocked Mandy and stood over her threateningly.

"Ya do what I say, ya hear?" Randy kicked her in the ribs and laughed meanly.

"I don't really need ya anymore after all. I got the kid, and pretty soon I'll have a bunch of money. Ya wanta still be around to help me spend it, you'll keep your mouth shut," Randy kicked her again viciously as she lay on the floor and moaned.

Randy started to kick Mandy again, and then stopped, looking around supiciously.

"Where's your brat Mandy?" Randy asked menacingly.

"He's still in the bedroom where you locked him up," Mandy sobbed.

"How come he's so damn quiet all of a sudden?" Randy growled, grabbing Mandy and forcing her to walk to the bedroom with him. He unlocked the door and opened it. The window was open and Devin was gone.

"That little shit!" Randy exploded. He headed for the front door.

"Where are you going?" Mandy cried out, hanging on to the doorframe for support.

"To find your brat! And when I do, he'll be sorry he ever screwed around with me," Randy vowed as he slammed the door.