Devin's Daddy - Chapter 12 (The End)

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Devin ran down the winding mountain road, panting a little. He knew it wouldn't be long before he was missed and Randy came looking for him.

"I've got to get to the police!" Devin thought frantically. He heard a car coming, and dashed into the bushes to hide, peeking out to see who it was.

"It's a police car!" Devin thought happily. He ran out towards the road, waving his arms and shouting at the top of his lungs. The police car slowed and stopped beside him.

The police officer rolled down his window and said, "You ok son? Can I help you?"

"Please sir, my mom and her creepy new husband took me from my dad, but I got away, and I want to go home before he comes looking for me!" Devin said in a panic.

"What's your name son?" the police officer asked.

"My name is Devin Hardy, my dad is Matt Hardy, he wrestles on tv, and please take me home now! That guy hit me!" Devin exclaimed.

The police officer quickly got out of the car and ushered Devin into the front seat.

"We just got the word to be on the lookout for you," he said kindly. "Do you know where your mom and this guy are now?"

"Back up that road in the house at the top. I've been running for awhile, but I bet it isn't too far from here," Devin said, feeling relieved.

"It's ok Devin. I'm going to call for some backup and we'll make sure he doesn't hurt you again," the police officer said, reaching for his radio.

Devin huddled back in the seat and cried in relief as the police officer radioed for assistance.

About 15 Minutes Later

"They have to be held up in the mountain house on the top. We picked up Larry last week, but he swore he gave the key to a friend, and we still hadn't got the warrant to look over the property," a police officer said.

"We've got all the reason we need now. Hell, I hear a car coming. That might be him out looking for the boy. Somebody make sure that kid is safe!" another police officer called out.

They crouched behind their cars, guns loaded and ready.

Randy barrelled around the curve and slammed on his brakes when he saw the police cars blocking the road. He quickly put the car in reverse, when he saw about fifteen police officers headed his way, guns pointing straight at his head.

"Damn that brat!" Randy muttered as he opened the door and slowly got out, hands up in the air.

The police quickly cuffed Randy and started asking him about Mandy.

"The bitch is back at the house. It was all her idea," Randy snarled.

A couple of officers left to retrieve Mandy. As Randy was being put into the back of a cop car, he saw Devin staring at him.

Before anyone could blink an eye, Devin ran up and punched Randy dead in the face.

"That's for hitting me, you creep!" Devin yelled, tears streaming down his face. The police gently pulled Devin away, and bundled him up in a car to take him to town and return him to his father.

Back In Cameron

"Matt quit pacing. I'm sure we'll hear something soon. Doesn't the Christmas tree look great?" his dad asked him.

"Yeah, it looks great," Matt agreed sarcastically. "But what kind of Christmas will it be without my son?"

"Well now, it won't be Christmas til after midnight. Maybe Santa will bring you a surprise," his dad said soothingly.

Everyone jumped as the phone rang. Matt grabbed it and said, "Hello?"

"Matt, it's the Chief. The Virginia police have your son. He's safe and well. They also caught Randy and Mandy," the Chief said.

Matt held his hand over the phone. "It's the Chief. They've found them! And Devin's ok!" Matt cried out joyously.

"When will my son be home?" Matt asked anxiously.

"It's not a long drive, so a couple of officers volunteered to drive him to your house. They should be there by midnight," the Chief said.

"Midnight. Just in time for Christmas," Matt said happily.

"Hope you got some presents under the tree for him," the Chief said jokingly. "From what I hear, he deserves them."

"What do you mean Chief?" Matt asked.

"Well, it appears your son took it upon himself to escape out a window, and go running down the road, hiding in bushes til he saw a police car. They said he was very brave. Then after they caught Randy, he walked right up to him and slugged him in the face!" the Chief roared with laughter.

"My son did that?" Matt asked, bemused.

"Sure did. You can be right proud of him. He's a fine young boy," the Chief said.

"Oh, I'm very proud of him," Matt agreed.

"Well, got to go. Merry Christmas!" the Chief said.

"Merry Christmas!" Matt replied as he hung up the phone. He slumped on the couch and cried tears of joy as his dad, Jeff, and Amy gathered around him.


"Looks like this is the place," the officer driving said to the other as they pulled up in front of Matt's house.

They got out of the car and opened the back door. They grinned at each other as they saw the sleeping hero.

"Time to wake up Devin. You're home," one officer said.

Devin wiped the sleep out of his eyes and ran to the front door. Just as he reached the porch, Matt opened the door and Devin ran into his arms.

"I'm so happy you're all right," Matt said, hugging Devin very close to him.

"Thank you so much for bringing my boy home," he called to the officers still standing by the police car.

"It was our pleasure Mr. Hardy," they called out as they got in their car and drove away.

Matt brought Devin inside and asked, "Are you ok son?"

"Yeah, dad, I'm all right, but you should see that creep! I gave him a black eye!" Devin crowed.

Everyone laughed as Devin imitated his dad and raised his arms in victory.

"I guess you must be pretty tired son, so you probably aren't interested at all in what Santa brought you," Matt said teasingly.

"Santa? Santa came? Where are the presents?" Devin demanded as he raced into the living room. Amy and Gil followed him, chuckling softly. Jeff started to go after them when Matt stopped him.

"Hey Jeff, I'm really sorry about overreacting about you letting Devin outside. I was the one who told her I was catching a flight back home, so she knew I wouldn't be here. Forgive me?" Matt asked.

"Of course!" Jeff exclaimed, hugging his brother. "We're brothers, right? We're gonna fight sometimes."

"Yeah," Matt replied wryly. He headed for the living room and said teasingly," Don't you want to see what Santa brought you for Christmas Jeff?"

"Presents? Where?" Jeff pushed past Matt and ran into the living room.

Matt grinned and said softly, "Merry Christmas everyone."

The End