Devin's Daddy - Chapter 2

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As Mandy stepped out of the shadows and into the light, Matt caught his breath and remembered how she looked the last time he saw her. Beautiful flowing blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a sexy, sultry southern drawl.

He shoves the memories deep inside and takes a closer look at her. She is just as beautiful as he remembers, but there is tension in her eyes, and she looks small and tired.

"Mandy. It's been a long time. How have you been?" Matt asked, still a little shaken.

"I've been...all right Matt," Mandy said softly.

Matt tried to keep his battered emotions under control, but he couldn't.

"Mandy, why have you come looking for me? Why now? Why did you disappear on me?" Matt asked pleadingly.

"I'm truly sorry about that," Mandy began.

"Sorry?" Matt exploded. "You left me four years ago! You didn't tell anyone where you were going, not even your folks. I looked everywhere for you." Matt paused, and said softly, "I loved you. You leaving the way you did, it broke my heart."

Mandy's eyes filled with tears.

"I really am sorry, Matt. I wish you would believe me."

Matt said stiffly, "So, what can I do for you?"

"I really need to talk to you Matt," Mandy said. "It's very important."

"Damn," Matt said. "I would like to talk with you, I really would, but we're headed for the airport. We have to catch a flight to New York for a show, and it's not something I can cancel."

"I understand," Mandy said.

Matt thought for a moment and said, "After tomorrow, I'll be free the rest of the weekend. I could meet you somewhere."

"That would be terrific," Mandy said, looking relieved. "How about the beach? We always liked to sit on the rocks, watch the ocean and talk."

"Yeah, I remember," Matt said. "Ok, the beach it is. Say Saturday afternoon?"

"Saturday afternoon is fine. I'll see you then," Mandy said. "Here's my phone number, just in case something comes up."

Mandy handed Matt a piece of paper with her phone number on it, and turned to walk away.

"It was good to see you again Matt. Say hello to Jeff for me," Matt heard her say, as she walked back into the shadows and disappeared.

Matt stood beside the car, lost in thought.

Jeff got out of the car and said, "Wow. Mandy. I can't believe it. Are you ok?"

Matt pulled himself together and said, "Yeah, I'm all right. She wanted me to tell you hi."

Jeff shook his head and said, "Matt, she's nothing but trouble. Watch your back, ok?"

"Yeah, Jeff, I hear ya," Matt said. "We better get going."

Jeff plucked the car keys out of Matt's hand and said, "Maybe I better drive after all. I promise not to go crazy on you."

Matt smiled weakly and said, "Thanks. You're probably right. I don't think I could keep my mind on the road right now."

Matt climbed in the back seat as Jeff got behind the wheel. He closed his eyes as Jeff drove to the airport, thinking about times he thought he had finally forgotten.

"I can't believe she's back," Matt thought to himself. "I wonder what she wants?"

He shook his head, feeling baffled, and went to sleep.

Late Friday Evening, In New York

"Matt, Jeff, I'm glad I caught you before you left," Vince said.

"What can we do for you Vince," Jeff asked.

"Edge hurt his knee during your match tonight," Vince said. "I need you two to fill in for them at tomorrow night's show."

"That's cool with me," Jeff said. "How about you Matt?"

Matt thought about it for a moment and said, "Yeah, ok. We'll be happy to fill in, Vince."

"Thanks a lot, boys," Vince said. "I really appreciate this. I'll see you tomorrow night."

Vince left and Matt headed for a phone.

"Hey, Matt, what's wrong?" Jeff asked.

"Nothing, Jeff. Just got to make a quick phone call. You go on, I'll be there in a minute," Matt said.

"Make it quick, Matt. We're suposed to make an appearance at WWF New York tonight," Jeff said.

"I know. This will just take a second, promise," Matt said.

Matt picked up the phone and dialed Mandy's number.


"Hey Mandy, it's Matt."

"Hey Matt, what's up?"

"I can't meet you tomorrow after all," Matt said. "Vince just asked us to fill in for Christian and Edge tomorrow night. Edge hurt his knee and can't wrestle."

"That's too bad Matt," Mandy said. "How about Sunday then?"

"No, Sunday's no good either. We got scheduled to be on Heat Sunday, and then we've got Raw on Monday," Matt said.

Jeff stuck his head in the door.

"Hurry it up, Matt, we've got to go."

"Look Mandy, I've got to go," Matt said. "I'll give you a call Tuesday."

"I really need to talk with you Matt. It's very important," Mandy said pleadingly.

Matt, a little steamed, said, "Whatever it is you need to tell me can't be too damn important. After all, you've waited four years to talk to me. I think it can wait a few more days. Goodbye Mandy."

Matt hung up the phone.

"Matt wait," Mandy said. "I have to tell you about Devin."

Mandy listened for a minute, and hearing a dial tone, she hung up.
