Devin's Daddy - Chapter 3

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Matt walked down the beach towards the rocks, thinking about the conversation he had had with Mandy earlier that day.

"Hey Mandy," Matt said quietly.

"Hey Matt, I'm glad you called," Mandy said. "How is Edge doing?"

"He's doing fine," Matt said impatiently. "Look, I don't mean to be rude here, but do you think we could skip the usual pleasantries and get to the point?"

"If that's what you want, Matt," Mandy said softly. "I was hoping we could at least be civil to each other."

"The time for being civil passed when you walked out on me four years ago," Matt said angrily. "Now, what did you need to talk with me about that is so important?"

"What I need to discuss with you is better off being discussed in person," Mandy said.

"What in the hell is this all about?" Matt sputtered. "You've got my attention, so start talking!"

"No Matt. Face to face, or not at all," Mandy said firmly.

"Well then Mandy, if it's convenient for you," Matt said sarcastically, "I'm free all day today. We can meet wherever you want, and whenever you would like to discuss whatever it is you feel is so damn important you just have to speak with me in person."

"Meet me at the rocks on the beach in an hour," Mandy said.

"You owe me an explanation for why you ran away four years ago," Matt warned her.

"I promise you that all your questions about the past will be answered in an hour," Mandy said. "Goodbye Matt."

Matt shook his head in frustration, looked around, and discovered that he had become so lost in thought he had stopped walking. He looked over at the rocks, and saw a small figure sitting on them.

"Mandy," Matt thought grimly to himself.

"She by God better have a damn good explanation for all this."

As he got closer to the rocks, he saw to his surprise that it wasn't Mandy sitting on the rocks, but a small boy. The boy looked up at hi curiously as Matt drew closer, looking for some sign of Mandy.

She was nowhere in sight.

Matt looked at the boy, feeling puzzled. He looked familiar for some reason. "Hi," the small child said shyly.

"Hi yourself," Matt said, smiling. "What's your name?"

"Devin. What's your name?"

Matt held out his hand and said, "My name's Matt. Nice to meet you, Devin."

Devin shook Matt's hand, and then reached in his pocket. He took out a piece of paper, and held it out to Matt.

"This is for you," Devin said.

"For me?" Matt asked, taking the piece of paper. "Thank you Devin."

"You're welcome," Devin said, as he slipped off the rocks and started playing in the sand.

Matt looked around him, shaking his head in confusion, and looked down at the piece of paper he was holding.

Matt sucked in his breath, feeling as if he had been punched in the stomach.

It was Mandy's handwriting.

"What the hell is going on?" Matt thought, as he opened the note with his name on it.

"Matt, I apologize for not being able to tell you this in person. I'm afraid when I got here, I lost my nerve and couldn't bring myself to face you. You wanted to know why I left you all those years ago. I left because I was pregnant."

"What the..." Matt exploded.

Devin looked up at Matt, frowning, and said, "Are you ok?"

Matt took a deep breath, smiled, and said, "Yeah Devin, I'm ok."

Devin nodded and went back to building his sandcastle.

Matt took another deep breath, and continued reading Mandy's note.

"My father was furious. He told me to get out. He said I had gotten myself into this mess, and I could just get myself out. My mother pleaded with him, but he wouldn't change his mind, so I left. It's been four years, Matt, and my father still won't speak to me, and he won't allow my mother to speak with me either. Needless to say, Devin has never met his grandparents, but if you're reading this, then at least he will have met his father. Matt, you are Devin's daddy."

"I don't believe this," Matt thought, staring blindly at Mandy's note. "I have a son?"

He pulled himself together and finished reading her note.

"I'm sorry to just spring Devin on you like this, Matt. I would never have burdened you with this, but I can no longer take care of Devin properly. I've been working two jobs ever since Devin was born, just to make ends meet, and I'm never home because of that to spend any time with him. He's a very sweet, loving child. He deserves more than I could ever hope to give him. He needs his father, Matt. I hope you won't hold my cowardly actions against him."


Matt looked out to the ocean, blinking back tears. Devin looked up at him and smiled, and Devin's smile pierced Matt's heart.

Matt stood up, smiled back, and held out his hand.

"Come on Devin," Matt said. "Looks like you're coming home with me."