Devin's Daddy - Chapter 6

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"What do you want, Mandy?" Matt asked.

"I just wanted to call and make sure Devin is all right," Mandy said.

"Could you hang on for a second while I change phones?" Matt asked her.

"Sure, no problem," Mandy said.

Matt laid the phone down on the counter.

"Jeff, I'm going to take this in another room," Matt said, looking at Devin. "Could you hang this up for me?"

"Sure thing," Jeff said.

Matt went into his bedroom, closed the door, and picked up the phone.

"I got it Jeff," Matt said.

After he heard Jeff hang up, Matt said, "Mandy, you are the most coldhearted calculating bitch I have ever met, and believe me, I've met quite a few."

Mandy gasped in surprise.

"I can't believe you would have the nerve to call here after the stunt you pulled yesterday," Matt said angrily.

"I just wanted to check on Devin," Mandy said, her voice cracking.

"Devin is doing very well, all things considered. You needn't concern yourself with him or his wellbeing ever again," Matt said viciously.

"But Matt..."

"No Mandy," Matt interrupted. "Never again. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Mandy said quietly.

"Good," Matt said. "Now, the only thing I want from you before I hang up is some information. First of all, is Devin allergic to anything?"

"No," Mandy said.

"Has he had his vaccinations?" Matt asked.

"He's up to date on all his vaccinations right now, but he will need another booster shot before starting school next year. I mailed all those records to you today," Mandy said.

"Is there anything else important I should know about his health or just in general?" Matt asked.


"All right, then, you listen to me for a minute," Matt said. "You've upset that child and turned his whole world upside down, leaving it to me to clean up your mess. You were right about one thing, Mandy. He is a very loving, trusting little boy, and his heart is broken over your leaving him. Enough is enough. I'll be damned if I'll have you calling here or trying to see him in the future, you understand me?"

"He's my son too, Matt," Mandy protested.

"A son you didn't want!" Matt yelled as he slammed the phone down.

Matt lay back on his bed, closed his eyes, and took some deep breaths until he began to feel a little calmer. He knew exactly what he needed to do to protect Devin. Matt picked up the phone and started dialing.

In The Kitchen

"You finished eating Devin?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, I'm full," Devin said, smiling.

Jeff started to clear the table as Matt stomped into the kitchen.

"Everything ok Matt?" Jeff asked.

"It will be here shortly," Matt said. "Will you do a favor for me, Jeff?"

"What do you need?" Jeff asked.

"Could you keep on eye on Devin for me? I need to go run a quick errand," Matt said.

"Yeah, I think I can manage that," Jeff said.

"Thanks," Matt said, picking up his keys.

"Oh, and if you get a minute, could you maybe start setting up his room? I'll give you a hand just as soon as I get back," Matt promised.

"You want to tell me what's going on?" Jeff asked curiously.

"Later," Matt said. "I need to do something that's pretty important, and I don't want to waste any more time than I have to. I shouldn't be gone too long. Dad's expecting us later this afternoon."

"You called dad?" Jeff exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I didn't have time to fill him in on anything that's happened," Matt said, looking worried.

"Look, I gotta run," Matt said to Jeff.

Matt walked over to Devin, picked him up and hugged him.

"Be good and mind your uncle. I'll be back in a bit, ok?"

"Ok," Devin said. He gave Matt a hug and then wriggled out of his arms.

"Can I play outside dad?" Devin asked.

"Well, just for awhile. We've got a lot to do when I get back," Matt said.

Devin and Jeff followed Matt to the front door.

Matt looked at Jeff and said, "No roughhousing."

Jeff held up his hands in mock innocence as Matt got in his car and left. "Want to play on the trampoline Devin?" Jeff asked.

"What's that?" Devin asked, looking puzzled.

"Come on, I'll show you," Jeff said excitedly.

"Can't start your training too early," Jeff muttered to himself.

At The Courthouse

"Sign and date here, and initial here, Mr. Hardy," the clerk said.

Matt signed the paperwork and pushed it back to the clerk.

"That all I need to do?" Matt asked.

"For now," the clerk said, examining the papers. "You'll get a letter in the mail assigning you a court date. Bring the child and any witnesses to court. You happen to know where the mother is now?"

"No, I don't, but here's a phone number she gave me," Matt said, writing down Mandy's phone number on a piece of paper.

"Thanks," the clerk said. "Don't worry, sheriff's department will find her. It's a hell of a thing when a mother abandons her son like that."

The clerk handed Matt some papers. "Here's your copy for your records. Good luck."

"Thanks a lot," Matt said, as he headed out of the building towards his car.

Matt looked smugly at the papers he held. "I'm not the one who needs the luck," Matt said to himself.

Back At The House

"Whee!" Devin whooped.

"Having fun?" Jeff shouted.

"This is great!" Devin yelled.

Jeff smiled as he watched Devin jump and bounce enthusiastically on the trampoline in the backyard.

"It's gonna be kinda neat having a kid around," Jeff thought to himself.

"Hey, watch out!" Jeff yelled, as Devin slipped off and fell to the ground.

"Are you ok?" Jeff asked, running his hands over the tiny little boy.

"My arm hurts uncle Jeff," Devin said, trying not to cry.

"Oh, shit, I'm dead. Matt's gonna kill me," Jeff thought as he picked Devin up and carried him inside.