Devin's Daddy - Chapter 8

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Three Years Later
Christmas In Cameron

Matt smiled as he watched Jeff and Devin playing in the snow. Devin snuck up behind Jeff and pounded him with snowballs as Jeff ducked and retaliated.

Matt lowered the curtain on the kitchen window and began making some hot chocolate for the soon to be frozen pair outside in the cold.

He still remembered how relieved he had felt after speaking with his attorney on the phone three years ago.

"You got him, Matt! You've won!"

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked.

"When Mandy was notified about your suit for sole custody, she said you could have Devin and it needn't go to court. I'm looking at her signature on the dotted line now!"

"So Devin is really mine? She agreed to all the conditions?" Matt asked, amazed at his luck.

"Every last one," his attorney said. "She has agreed to never attempt to contact the boy in any way, shape, or form, and you now have sole custody of Devin. I'll need you to come in tomorrow to sign some paperwork, and it will be finished. Congratulations!"

"Yes, my life has definitely changed in the last three years, but only for the better," Matt mused.

Matt broke out of his reverie as he heard Jeff and Devin bang noisily through the front door.

"Did you have to pack those snowballs so hard?" Jeff complained.

"Dad's right," Devin said disgustedly. "You are a wuss."

Matt moved towards the hall to try and head off the argument he knew was coming.

"I've got some hot chocolate waiting for you two," Matt said.

"All right!" Devin crowed. "Thanks dad!"

Matt looked the two of them over and shook his head. They were both covered from head to toe in snow that was quickly melting onto the carpet.

"Change your clothes first son," Matt said firmly. "I don't want you to catch cold."

"Aw, dad," Devin moaned, as he trudged down the hall to his room.

Jeff smirked until he realized that Matt was staring expectedly at him.

"Um, I guess I should go and change, too," Jeff said, slinking down the hall.

Matt waited until Jeff's back was turned to smile.

Ding Dong

"Now who could that be?" Matt wondered. "Amy's not due over for another hour."

Matt opened the door and couldn't control his gasp of surprise.

"What an unexpected pleasure," Matt said sarcastically. "What do you want, Mandy?"

"I need to speak with you for just a few moments," Mandy said softly.

Matt stepped out onto the porch, shutting the door behind him.

"Mandy, you're breaking the law right now," Matt said angrily. "You signed an agreement that you would never try to contact Devin. You shouldn't be here!"

"Yes, well, it's about that custody agreement that I've come to bother you today," Mandy said bitterly. "I tried to call, but apparently your number's been changed."

"Cut through the bullshit, Mandy. What do you want?" Matt asked impatiently.

"I wanted to give you a little advance warning," Mandy said, not looking directly at Matt. "I got married about a year ago, and my financial situation has stabilized. I've been to see a lawyer, Matt, and I've filed to regain custody of Devin."

"You've done what?" Matt exploded, feeling as if the wind had been knocked out of him.

"I want my son back," Mandy said firmly. "And I'm going to get him, too. At least I'm being kind enough to provide you with visitation rights, something you never gave me."

"You can't just walk back into his life after three years and take him away!" Matt protested. "I love him very much!"

"So do I," Mandy said quietly. She held out a business card to Matt.

"This is how you can reach my lawyer. Please have your attorney get in touch with him as soon as possible so we can expedite this," Mandy said, turning to leave.

"I'll fight you tooth and nail over this," Matt vowed.

"I'll see you in court, Matt," Mandy said as she made her way carefully through the snow to her car.

Matt ran his fingers through his hair and tried to pull himself together. He walked back into the house, slamming the door behind him.

"Hey Matt, what's wrong? Who was at the door?" Jeff asked in concern.

"I don't have time to explain right now," Matt said hurriedly. "I need to make a phone call. I'll explain it to you after that."

Matt strode down the hall into his bedroom and slammed the door.

A Little Later

Matt walked out of his bedroom, distracted and upset. He heard voices in the living room and groaned. He had forgotten that Amy was coming over.

Jeff, Amy, and Devin stopped chatting as Matt slumped on the couch, a dejected look on his face.

"Is everything all right?" Amy asked.

Matt looked at Devin and said, "Son, your room could use a little cleaning up."

"But dad..." Devin started to protest.

"Now son," Matt said sternly.

Devin, mumbling to himself about how unfair his dad was, walked out of the living room.

Matt looked at Jeff and Amy, and sighed. "I've got a problem," Matt said, as he related to them Mandy's visit earlier that day.

"Oh, Matt, how awful!" Amy exclaimed. "Did you call your attorney?"

"Yes, I did, and he called me back after speaking with her attorney," Matt said, looking upset. "He said she's got a very strong case now that she's married and can prove she can financially support Devin, and the judge who will be hearing this case has a tendency to rule in favor of the mother everytime, no matter what the prior circumstances. He told me the courts like to see a child in a stable home environment where there are two parents, not one. My being on the road a lot because of my career doesn't help."

"What are you going to do, Matt? You can't let her get away with this!" Jeff exclaimed angrily.

"I keep thinking about the way she wouldn't look me in the face when she was telling me about how she was doing better now," Matt said thoughtfully.

"She never could look someone in the face when she was trying to avoid telling the whole truth."

"You think she might be hiding something?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, I do, something important. Something that might undermine her case if it got out," Matt said.

"Well, how are you going to find out anything about it?" Jeff asked, exasperated. "It's not like she's going to admit any hidden secrets she might have to you."

"No, she's not," Matt agreed. "I wish I knew someone devious, someone who could put theirself in her place, and maybe help me figure out what she might be trying to hide.

Everyone was quiet for a few minutes, then Matt snapped his fingers and jumped to his feet.

"There is someone like that!" Matt said excitedly.

"Who?" Jeff and Amy asked in unison.

"Vince," Matt grinned.