Devin's Daddy - Chapter 9

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"Thanks a lot for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me, Vince," Matt said gratefully.

"No problem, Matt," Vince said. He tapped his fingers lightly on a folder which lay on his desk.

"This is the report from my investigator. It makes for fascinating reading. Would you like to read it for yourself, or should I just give you the highlights?" Vince asked, smiling slightly.

"Just the highlights," Matt said, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "I can read it in-depth on the plane later."

"Well, it appears that Amanda Garrett Williams does indeed have something to hide," Vince said softly.

"What is she up to?" Matt asked anxiously.

"How to begin?" Vince mused.

Vince opened up the folder and began to read aloud from the investigator's summary.

"Amanda Williams, also known as Amanda Garrett. Subject moved to Las Vegas, Nevada about three months ago where she found employment in a casino as a cigarette girl. Shortly thereafter, subject met one Randolph Williams, a blackjack dealer at the same casino, and they began dating. See attached memo for more information regarding Randolph Williams."

"What does the memo say about this man?" Matt interrupted.

"According to my investigator, this man is a modern day Lothario, a real charmer, but a black heart beats underneath all that charm. He's been up for charges of assault and battery, but was never convicted. He is also suspected of dealing drugs, but he's been too slick to let himself get caught. Not a very nice person," Vince summed up the information.

"This is the guy Mandy chose to be my son's stepfather?" Matt asked, feeling dazed. "What the hell happened to her common sense?"

"Randolph Williams," Vince replied. "From what my investigator could piece together, she told him about you and your son. She told him about how she wanted her son back, but she knew the courts would never rule in her favor as long as she was unmarried and financially unstable. Randolph proposed a deal to her; sell herself to him, body and soul, and he would help her get her child back. Apparently, it was an offer she couldn't refuse."

"This all seems like a dream, or a bad movie," Matt said, shaking his head.

Vince smiled grimly and lightly tapped the folder.

"And what about her saying she's been married over a year?" Matt asked thoughtfully. "How could she have been, when she just met this guy three months ago?"

"I was beginning to wonder when you would catch that," Vince said. "They were married less than a month ago. Randolph bribed the clerk who records the marriage certificates to change the date and lose the original certificate, but the clerk kept the original, presumably for blackmail purposes. Both the original and the altered certificates are in this folder."

"This is incredible!" Matt exploded, jumping to his feet and pacing like a caged tiger. "How could they ever believe they could get away with it?"

"Money talks, Matt," Vince drawled. "This cretin has bribed just about everyone involved in this case to lie for him and Mandy. Even their lawyer is a scumbag; he's known as an ambulance chaser. The only person Randolph hasn't tried bribing is the judge, presumably because he is well known for his reputation of favoring mothers in custody battles. He really stacked the deck in his favor."

"And I never would have found out about any of this without your help. I don't know how I can ever repay you," Matt said gratefully.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something you can help me with in the future," Vince smiled, holding out the folder with the incriminating evidence to Matt.

"Go on with you now, and stop those two scoundrels, but be careful Matt. Desperate people who will lie and bribe might stoop to anything to get what they want," Vince said in warning.

"Thanks for everything, Vince," Matt said as he took the precious folder. "I'll be sure to take your advice."

Matt shook Vince's hand, and feeling as if he were already running out of time, dashed to the nearest phone.


"Hello Mandy," Matt said dangerously.

"What do you want Matt?" Mandy asked quietly.

"For you to call your attorney and tell him you're dropping your suit for custody of Devin," Matt growled.

"What makes you think I would do that?" Mandy exclaimed.

"I'm holding a marriage certificate in my hands, Mandy. One that proves you were married a few weeks ago, not over a year ago as you have claimed, as well as some other rather incriminating evidence against you and your husband. I'm positive the judge would love to take a look at all this," Matt taunted her.

"So you found out the truth," Mandy said bitterly.

"Oh, yes, you've been a very naughty girl, haven't you?" Matt said in a tone that brooked no arguments. "I've got you now, Mandy, and you know it. You've got 24 hours to have your attorney call mine, informing him that the entire case has been dropped, or I will present this evidence to my attorney to be given to the judge. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, we have a deal," Mandy sobbed. "I'll call him and give you a call back."

"Just have him call my attorney," Matt said triumphantly. "I'll be on my way to catch a plane back to North Carolina momentarily. I won't be home to take your call."

"I see," Mandy said softly. "I'll make sure your attorney hears from mine then. Satisfied?"

"Perfectly. Goodbye Mandy."

Matt hung up the phone and left for the airport.

Back In Cameron

"I wonder what's keeping Matt?" Amy said, pacing around the living room.

"He should be here any minute now. Sit down and relax, Amy. All that energy is wearing me out," Jeff said.

"How are you feeling? Is your cold getting any better?" Amy asked.

"My head aches constantly," Jeff complained.

"Jeff, where's Devin?" Amy asked suddenly.

"He was making such a racket, I told him to go outside and play," Jeff said.

"You let him go outside?" Amy exclaimed. "Even though Matt told you not to take your eyes off of him?"

"Matt's being overprotective," Jeff replied. "He's got the evidence to prove that Mandy and her sleazy husband would make rotten parents. He's won, and she knows it. She won't bother us ever again."

"Jeff, what time was it when Devin went out to play?" Amy asked quietly.

"Well, Matt called about two, and it was about three when I told Devin he could go out," Jeff said.

"What time is it now?" Amy asked, looking at Jeff intently.

"Amy, you can see for yourself it's almost seven o'clock..." Jeff trailed off, frowning.

"And you never worried about Devin playing out in the cold for four hours and not coming in to get warm or get something to eat?" Amy asked, exasperated with Jeff.

"Shit!" Jeff exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "I better go look for him," Jeff said, looking worried.

"I'll come with you," Amy said.

Amy and Jeff raced outside. Jeff strode out into the yard, calling out for Devin.

"Jeff! Jeff, come here!" Amy screamed.

Jeff ran back to the porch. Amy, white as a ghost, held out a note for him to read.

"Matt, I'm sorry to have to take Devin like this, but you really left me no choice. I love him very much, and I would never be happy without him. I told you I would get my son back, whatever the cost."


"That bitch!" Jeff exclaimed. "She kidnapped Devin!"

"What are we going to do now?" Amy asked.

"Call the police," Jeff said grimly, the promise of hell lying in his eyes for Mandy.